#pvp healer
greentrickster · 1 year
Fun fact: Tanks developed their high damage resistance not to increase their ability to fight monsters, but to protect themselves from their natural predator, the party healer.
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triflingshadows · 7 months
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my ESO characters <3
screenshot comparison:
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blackbirdffxiv · 7 months
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Look imma rant a second: this is why I hate queueing up with random people (but I also don't like using NPCs as a DPS because it sucks).
For further context, MY NAME is blocked out in the blue block, but I blurred everyone elses, while leaving the numbers showing to indicate who is speaking. Other DPS is marked with the (4), the healer a (3)
I just ran a quick dungeon so I could get arcanist to 30 so I could finally just unlock SCH and make my leveling journey on my alt easier. I had a queue for Thousand Maws.
We got a newbie tank, never tanked before, an astro, and a dragoon. Tank was not even level 30 yet, dragoon was dragooning, and the astro from another DC. Tank and dragoon? Wonderful, did their job; run was a bit slow but I was expecting it the second they said "hey there new to tanking".
I was fully prepared to be a minute or two longer.
The astro though? Kept running ahead, and not even pulling mobs, were just STANDING THERE. Not DPSing, not healing, legit just running ahead to stand there, as if they were waiting for the rest of us to hurry up and get to them.
And then when called out on their laziness, whined about me "pointlessly healing for them" when they weren't even healing to begin with.
If you queue as a healer? Then heal. Do your job. If you want fast dungeon runs? Queue with friends next time.
Don't make your impatience everyone else's problem.
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auphelia · 2 months
Xal'atath coming back now has got to be so embarrassing for all the shadow priests out there - like yeah, that's my ex.. things were pretty messy when we split and now she's gonna literally devour the world... sorry guys
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lavampira · 5 months
it’s the sleepiest day in the world today so ofc @hythlodaes and I got put in the spiciest puppets bunker I’ve seen in a hot minute LMAO
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lorstandian · 1 year
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cant wait to finally win wow battlegrounds when microsoft fixes the game
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aura-whispers · 8 months
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cyberpunk white mage ⚕️
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cipherr · 1 year
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the suffering i endured for this mount...........
(worth it tho. he’s cool as hell)
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aethernoise · 2 years
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call an ambulance.......... but not for me
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astralflows · 1 year
what the fuck am i joining
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herohikara-wol · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2k23 - Day 6
In truth, this hadn’t really been a fair fight at all. Hero had given himself one hell of a disadvantage in the arena. He was a healer by nature, a bard by choice, and followed a dark knight’s path by need. Any other type of combat was something liable to put him on the back foot- which is exactly why he picked up the scythe for a special guest appearance in Ul’dah’s fighting ring. This was a charity competition after all, a sum of all the bets went towards assisting the rebuilding efforts in Ala Mhigo and Doma. Hero had made damn sure the proceeds didn’t wind up lining the coffers of the Syndicate. They’d spent too much of his goodwill for him to trust them blindly ever again.
So instead he leaned on a style of fighting he had only picked up recently, barely even a moon’s worth of practice against the winner of the actual tournament giving their best against someone who was trying to pick something that would be a detriment to his fighting style. 
Of course, he couldn’t turn off his echo, and he’d overcome worse odds before this.
Hero hadn’t exactly wiped the floor with the poor Gladiator that faced him. The man was a fan favorite, the Bloodsands were his home. He’d practically been grown and raised in the ring. So Hero found himself apologizing for choosing not to fight seriously. In his mind, it’d made sense. To the Gladiator it was an insult. “I really cannot explain to you how bad it would have looked if you’d tried to fight me when I was using a weapon I know how to fight with-”
“Better’n makin’ a laughin’ stock outta me!” He practically spit back at Hero, “Rematch! Fight me again. Here n’ now!”
Hero frowned a bit and swapped his scythe for a cane, “okay but the results aren’t going to be any better.” Hell, they’d be worse. He wasn’t even wearing robes. He was wearing half a shirt and thigh high boots with a dagger in them. This wasn’t going to end better than his approximation of the Reaper arts. He glanced back at the Sultana who nodded.
“We’ve seen the Warrior of Light at his worst- who’s ready to see him at his best?”
Hero groaned inwardly as Nanamo hyped up the crowd personally. This wasn’t going to be fair at all and he knew it. Not with Eros’ signature spell on his lips. Still, the match began and Hero gave it a minute of the other man trying to make a dent in him. Every wound dealt was healed in an instant, he wasn’t even using his combat magics, not yet.
One blue blossom to heal from a wide sweeping attack.
One blue blossom to heal from a glancing thrust.
One blue blossom to heal from a hit that caught him on his unarmored hand in an attempt to disarm him.
That was it, Eros’ signature spell should be charged. “You want to see what I’m capable of? Fine.” He didn’t dare target the poor man with the might of this spell- but he jumped back and let loose his signature blood lily, right in front of the poor man’s feet, turning the sand between them to glass with a feral smile.
The Gladiator froze to stare at the pillar of raw white magic before dropping his sword to the ground. Hero hadn’t even hit him, but the force alone seemed to be enough to take the fight from him.
“So tell me, was this more or less embarrassing than the scythe?” Maybe he’d overdone it a little bit, but sometimes people needed to remember why they were willing to send a single vieran man against gods and rest assured that it wouldn’t be the gods who walked away alive.
Nanamo, for her part, clapped excitedly while he walked out of the ring regretting the unwarranted slaughter of the poor man’s ego.
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ladyswillmart · 10 months
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I can't believe I did this much PVP Frontlines... 😩
I guess it was worth it, I really learned a lot about myself and Frontlines and other players, like how good it feels when you score a KO off that one DRK who was harassing you during the whole fight:
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Anyway it takes a long time but if you just do one Frontlines roulette a day you can get the "grand prize" for the season eventually. Also you will get the other prizes (like the framer's kits, which I really liked this season) plus a lot of Wolf Marks which you can use to get more stuff.
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kaijujungle · 1 year
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would you let him heal you 👀
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bhalspawn · 1 year
really getting into eso again and i forgot how much fun it is to quest. i love doing absolutely everything in a zone... feels good. soloing dungeons makes me feel like i could kill god
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whimsicorner · 2 days
I keep saying I'm not gonna write it but I also keep thinking up backstory details and small happenings for the 'Naruto as gamers playing FF14 AU' and trying to wrestle the part of my brain that doesn't like being perceived HAHA
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rorsry · 1 year
my brother had a bad trip a few days ago and je needed a distraction so we played pvz battle for neighborville and yesterday he like meekly came up to me and was like . you wanna get high and play thay plant game.....andi was like yes absolutely.
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