ballcrinas · 4 years
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( hunter schafer / trans woman ) JULIA FELICITY LAURY is 21 years old and is a JUNIOR at thales university. SHE is majoring in DANCE and is known for being THE SILKEN SOUL as SHE can be WHIMSICAL and BUBBLY as well as GULLIBLE and SENSITIVE. every time i see HER, SHE reminds me of BABY-PINK RIBBONS TYING HER POINTE SHOES, THE DELICATE SWIRLS OF OAT-MILK WEBBING THROUGH A LATTE, FUR-TRIM ON A CLEAR BACKPACK. ( adora / 23 / she/they / cst )
hello   my   frens   !   pleasure   to   meet   u   ,   my   name   is   adora   ,   23   yrs   old   ,   she/they   pronouns   !   i   am   super   excited   to   be   here   and   to   write   with   you   all   !   i   am   thrilled   to   introduce   julia   felicity   laury   (   also   answers   to   julie-beans,   jules,   jewels,   jelly-bean,   and   a   variety   of   other   nicknames   )   to   pyrrhicfm   !   if   you’d   like   to   read   her   full   bio   ,   please   click   here   for   more   !   as   for   some   quick   facts   ,   here   they   are   !
julia   is   a   BALLET   STUDENT   ;   originally   hailing   from   hartford   connecticut   ,   she   moved   to   thales   uni   roughly   three   years   prior   for   her   freshman   year.   she   is   also   a   vegan   &&   OAT   MILK   enthusiast.   her   favorite   color   is   PINK   and   she   knows   miss   ariana   grande’s   entire   discography   by   heart.   a   certified   soft   girl   ,   julia   comes   off   as   incredibly   naive   ,   gullible   ,   and   childish   ---   but   be   warned   ;   beneath   the   surface   is   a   catty   regina   george   wannabe   DYING   to   bubble   to   the   surface.
people   would   often   DESCRIBE   julia   as   …
SWEET   -   TEMPERED      ;      with   wide   blue   eyes   &   bell   like   laugh   ,   it   is   no   surprise   that   julia   is   considered   likeable   for   her   peachy-sweet   disposition.
NAIVE      ;      julia   is   often   considered   childish   &   almost   immature   for   her   penchant   to   believe   in   the   best   in   everyone   ;   though   she   can   be   petty   and   catty   at   times   ,   she   looks   at   those   who   spare   her   kindness   with   doe-eyes   and   a   bambi   smile.
PETULANT      ;      the   mean   girls   generation   has   bred   a   certain   level   of   catty   ,   childish   petulance   within   her   --   &   though   julia   is   a   kind   girl   who   tries   her   best   to   be   as   open   &   thoughtful   as   possible   ,   those   who   cross   her   are   liable   to   face   the   wrath   of   a   scorned   teenage   girl   who   isn’t   above   faking   receipts   if   it   serves   her   cause.
BUBBLY      ;      enthusiastic   ,   bell-like   laughter   is   never   far   from   anywhere   julia   is,   for   she   is   quick   to   engage   with   her   friends   with   rapt   enthusiasm   ;   her   sweet   energy   is   oftentimes   infectious   ,   causing   those   who   spend   enough   time   with   her   to   smile   along   at   whatever   it   is   she’s   grinning   at.
LOYAL      ;      julia’s   most   infallible   trait   is   her   almost   self-deprecating   loyalty   to   those   who   have   captured   her   affection   and   adoration   ;   julia   stops   at   nothing   when   it   comes   to   supporting   her   loved   ones   ,   often   bending   herself   backwards   &   spreading   herself   far   too   thin   in   the   name   of   showing   her   appreciation   as   best   as   she   can.   her   friends   get   to   see   the   most   honest   ,   most   raw   sides   of   her.
ROMANTIC      ;      julia   is   known   to   be   starry-eyed   for   any   boy   that   smiles   at   her   too   long   ,   often   leaving   herself   as   a   victim   to   her   own   romanticism.   a   lover   before   anything   else   ,   julia   finds   that   she   desires   nothing   more   than   a   fairy-tale   love   story   in   which   she   is   courted   &   wooed   by   her   handsome   knight   in   shining   armor   --   but   such   a   fascination   often   causes   her   to   throw   caution   to   the   wind   to   chase   any   chad   from   sigma   apple   pie   whenever   she   can.
POTENTIAL   PLOTS   !   friend   with   benefits   ,   a   “chad”   who   thinks   shes   an   easy   booty   call   at   2   am   (   she’s   a   sucker   for   a   2   am   hey   wyd   ah   ha   :p   )   ,   best   friends   since   orientation   ,   an   acquaintance   that   secretly   hates   her   ,   ballerina   rival   ,   ballerina   ALLY   ,   the   one   person   who’s   order   she’s   memorized   bc   they   always   bump   into   each   other   at   the   coffeeshop   ,   tinder   matches   &   bumble   matches   ,   people   who   went   on   an   awkward   first   date   with   her   ,   concert   buddies   ,   study   buddies   ,   the   kid   who   julia   cheats   off   of   in   math   class   bc   gays   can’t   do   math   ,   that   one   friend   she   only   ever   talks   to   in   her   instagram   dms   ,   someone   who   bullies   her   ,   and   anything   else   !
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