#pyrotechnician's rambles~
ryuukin · 3 years
while i don’t exactly like her, raiden shogun’s hair looks really silky and pretty fluffly. i’d like to thread my fingers through it BUT I STILL DON’T CONDONE RAIDEN’S ACTIONS HAAHAHA
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pickled-paintbrush · 4 years
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Some OC sprite edits that I’ve been working on over the course of, well, almost two years now haha. You can definitely see the improvement as they go on :3 Ultimate talents are in captions and under the cut. For my long, rambly commentary, check here!
Also, the texture I used can be found here.
Francine Clarke - Ultimate Ballerina
Faye Belrose - Ultimate Pyrotechnician
Hunter Brand - Ultimate Guitarist 
Eva Coulton - Ultimate Environmentalist
Darren Poelstra - Ultimate Metalhead
Summer Poelstra - Ultimate ???
Peggy Milton - Ultimate Handywoman
Sanit Bamrung - Ultimate Manicurist
Darshan Sarin - Ultimate Lucky Student
Alika Khan - Ultimate Basketball Champion 
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thecultoftill · 7 years
Tell me all about Till as though I have no idea who he is, but really REALLY want to know
Apologies for taking so long to answer this. I love this question and I was hoping to do it justice by writing an essay of sorts, but my stupid brain won’t allow, so here’s my ramble. I’ll concentrate on his personality for now.
Till is a very complex man. He’s like ten people in one body. He might appear a strong, stern commanding figure on stage, but offstage he can be a very different animal. 
He’s an extremely intelligent, creative yet shy introverted man who has found himself in a role that he was never really prepared for and still hasn’t entirely adjusted to. That isn’t to say that he doesn’t enjoy any of it, his position as rockstar allows him to travel the world, share his poetry and lyrics with the masses, create art and of course, sleep with a lot of women, but I think that it takes more from him than it gives.
I think that at heart he is a real country boy who loves the simple things in life(his family, hunting, fishing ,nature, gardening, writing etc) and who prefers to live a modest lifestyle. I don’t think that he ever had any desire to be famous and in truth he’d be more comfortable still making living as a basket weaver, or gardening and working on his smallholding in the village, fixing and repairing things as he goes, and he’s expressed that sentiment in interviews. 
He definitely has his wild side though. he’s a man of extremes, with an tendency to overindulge in alcohol ,sex, food and partying. He’s not a man who is familiar with the word ‘moderation’ but he can’t tolerate the noise and crowds for too long, and is always anxious to return to his simple village life. 
Till has a real dark side. He’s definitely one of life’s pessimists, but considering how much he’s been through, it isn’t surprising that he can be a very gloomy, grim and taciturn figure. He’s haunted by his past and suffers terribly from depression, anxiety, self loathing and has frequent nightmares.
He does have a lighter side too. He loves to have fun, often at inappropriate times, loves to play pranks and tease, and can be incredibly childish, loving to shock with crude phrases and gestures, and becoming completely hyper when bored, often at the expense of his bandmates who can understandably find his childish antics a little overwhelming. 
In spite of his intimidating appearance he’s generally an easygoing, laidback soul who detests conflict and would rather agree to almost anything to avoid it This is a man who’d rather eat a wine glass than get into a brawl, and a very sensitive individual, easily wounded by words of criticism and daunted by the thousands of eyes that rest upon him when performing. 
He’ll step up when necessary though as he proved in the East where he used to battle Neo Nazis often alongside Richard. His anxiety over performing mean that he’s very much on edge when on stage, that and his wish to put on the best possible show for the fans, means a pyrotechnic failure can result in a few minutes of him yelling and throwing things around but no one gets hurt and he soon cools down. 
Although he’d prefer to stay in the background,and hates attention, he’s more than willing and able to step up, take the lead, and take action  when it’s required of him, as he proved when at 22, in spite of being very immature and struggling with events from his recent past,he became the sole carer for his baby daughter who he raised alone for the next 7 years. He’s also proved his worth in the band when an accident occurred onstage, helping fans, and by taking on his role as the band’s pyrotechnician where he has ultimate responsibility for the safety of both band and fans. 
He’s respected and loved by his bandmates because he never uses his position as the most famous and prominent of the six to throw his weight around. Instead he prefers to take a backseat, and avoid the squabbling that often results when making decisions, but if he’s passionate about one of their songs or lyrics then he certainly makes his voice known. 
He has tried and failed to be a loyal husband and partner, but there’s no doubt that he’s a very loyal friend and adoring father/grandfather and someone who could guide you wisely through any crisis. 
There’s so much more that I could say, but I’ll leave it there for now. Ty so much for the ask. 
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eeveeprincessxd · 7 years
Sure why not
Welp I honestly got carried away playing Undercards last night and missed this ask until I was about to head to bed. I’ll gladly ramble about my murderous drama club now, though.
My Fangan, Dangan Ronpa: Angels of Murder, centers around the school drama club, known as the Hope’s Peak Players. These 24 kids go on a big end-of-year all-expenses-paid week-long field trip to the Masquerade Theater, a place that started as a single theater and then kinda spiraled out of control into an upscale four-building resort complex type of deal with one main stage, three secondary stages, several cushy hotel suites, a restaurant or two, a salon/spa combo, a massive central courtyard, and the “Masquerade Hall of Fame”, where the most incredible costumes from the shows that have had runs there are proudly displayed for all to see.
Of course, things don’t go quite as planned, and the kids are trapped in the theater indefinitely by Kyuurei, a robotic black nine-tailed fox sporting a swooshy cape and a theater mask split down the middle to show comedy on the (observer’s) right side and tragedy on the left. This dashing demon fox (who by the way is going to be voiced by my incredible boyfriend @heroponelxirion) does the usual creepy Dangan Ronpa mascot thing and sets the kids to a horrific death game, with every chapter’s murder drawing inspiration from at least one Broadway musical.
One major thing I tried to do with DR: AoM is address a few things from the first game (the anime of which is admittedly the only direct exposure I’ve ever had to DR) that I thought could’ve been done better. As a result, I have a VERY diverse cast with multiple gay couples (who live, no less!), trans and nonbinary characters, multiple disabled and/or neurodivergent characters (one is blind, one is wheelchair-bound, one is autistic, to name a few), and a polyamorous bisexual protagonist, all of whom I’ve taken care to flesh out thoroughly. From a deadpan snarker of an Ultimate Nurse Practitioner who’s also a bit of a mom friend, to an Ultimate Pirate who flirts and fights in equal measure, to an Ultimate Hair Stylist who is the cool big sister friend to all, to a hyperactive Ultimate Pyrotechnician who delights in making her friends smile, I like to think this game will have a little something for everyone.
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hopescamp · 6 years
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Asakawa Kumi, shsl pyrotechnician
Though talented in chemistry and dabbling in most of the STEM fields, kumi is what many would describe as a "high strung mess". Though her anxiousness lends itself well to caution in her job, she's fidgety and nervous even in casual situations. Her social skills do her no favors either - she can be surprisingly clueless, and is prone to rambling before catching herself and stopping and apologizing far more than necessary. 
 likes: lakes, stim videos 
dislikes: cars, fog
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ryuukin · 3 years
arataki and i met with the kids again today! when we were trying to come up with a competition to entertain the children he proposed testing who can drink the most milk so i answered with saying we should try fried tofu beans hehe~ it was all jokes tho! since we didn't want either of us to get hurt we settled on seeing whose tongue amakumo fruit would make sting first! i was the one to admit it first but arataki looked like he was struggling so i think i win~
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ryuukin · 3 years
so there’s a fishing limit, huh? who even came up with that? how’d they even know if i take more fish home with me? you won’t tell on me, will you? ehe~
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ryuukin · 3 years
i only have a few minutes before i have to go gather materials. maybe i'll fish a bit, the association's trade offers are looking good this season~ what about you guys?
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