polyxersystems · 8 months
QA Testing Service - Polyxer Systems
We at Polyxer Systems possess deep expertise in QA testing services, which help us deliver businesses the highest quality testing solutions.
Our experienced QA team has comprehensive knowledge of multiple testing mechanisms and uses various tools and technologies for higher test coverage and accurate deliverables with reduced risks.
Get a Quote: QA Services
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testrigtechnologies · 11 months
Complexity of IoT Testing: Why it is Important? 
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In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has undergone explosive growth, revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us. The IoT landscape has evolved to encompass an astonishing array of connected devices, ranging from smart thermostats and wearables to industrial sensors and autonomous vehicles.  
In 2022, the global count of connected IoT devices exceeded 20 billion, and this number is expected to surge to 30 billion by 2025. The magnitude of this growth underlines the profound impact of IoT on our daily lives and industries. 
Challenges in IoT Testing 
The complexity of IoT testing arises from several key challenges: 
1. Diverse Device Ecosystems: IoT devices come in a vast array of shapes, sizes, and functionalities. Ensuring that these devices work seamlessly together is no small feat. Compatibility and interoperability issues are common, making it crucial to thoroughly test how devices interact with each other. 
2. Network Connectivity Issues: IoT devices rely on networks to transmit data and communicate with other devices. Variability in network conditions, including latency, bandwidth, and packet loss, can impact device performance. Comprehensive testing must account for these variations. 
3. Data Security and Privacy Concerns: IoT devices often collect and transmit sensitive data. From smart home cameras to healthcare monitors, security breaches can have severe consequences. Robust security testing is vital to safeguard user information and maintain public trust. 
4. Compatibility and Interoperability Problems: IoT ecosystems typically involve devices from different manufacturers, each with its own protocols and standards. Testing for compatibility ensures that devices can communicate effectively, and interoperability testing ensures that they can work together as intended. 
5. Scalability and Performance Testing Challenges: As the number of IoT devices grows, they must be able to scale efficiently. Performance testing helps evaluate how well a system handles increased loads, ensuring it doesn't crumble under pressure. 
Importance of IoT Testing 
The significance of IoT testing cannot be overstated. Here's why it matters: 
1. Ensuring Device Reliability: Testing ensures that IoT devices function reliably under various conditions, reducing the likelihood of malfunctions or breakdowns. 
2. Mitigating Security Risks: IoT devices are vulnerable to hacking and data breaches. Rigorous security testing identifies vulnerabilities and safeguards against potential threats. 
3. Maintaining Data Integrity: IoT devices collect and transmit valuable data. Testing guarantees data accuracy, preventing data corruption or loss. 
4. Enhancing User Experience: A seamless user experience is vital for consumer adoption. Comprehensive testing results in devices that work seamlessly and intuitively. 
5. Regulatory Compliance: Many industries are subject to stringent regulations regarding data protection and safety. IoT testing ensures compliance with these regulations, preventing legal and financial repercussions. 
In a world increasingly interconnected through IoT, testing is the linchpin that ensures these devices deliver their promises of convenience, efficiency, and safety. The challenges are substantial, but the importance of IoT testing cannot be overstated. As the IoT landscape continues to evolve, testing will remain a critical component in building trust and delivering reliable, secure, and user-friendly IoT experiences. It's a future we must test to protect. 
As a leading Software testing company, Testrig Technologies boasts a wealth of experience in delivering IoT App Testing as a Service (TaaS). We take pride in our team of proficient IoT testers, and a robust infrastructure tailored for IoT testing, incorporating cutting-edge laboratories, simulators, test racks, and other essential resources.
This allows us to conduct real-time assessments across a wide spectrum of vital domains, such as Big Data, Compatibility, IoT Security, Performance, Pilot Testing, Regulatory Compliance, Reliability, Upgrades, Usability etc.  
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shubhankarn · 2 years
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5 Things To Consider When Choosing Your Software Testing Partner in Singapore?
Software testing undergoes a paradigm shift, with the increase in the total number of companies, which outsource the testing to different third-party vendors. Outsourcing the software testing services is considered the best choice as it offers you a suitable time to focus on the software development sector. Furthermore, it leads to better and improved testing quality. As a result, a wide array of companies has gained a high reputation in outsourcing the software testing process.
Outsourcing the software testing services provides the suitable opportunity to the business enterprise in focusing on other aspects of the business. The providers of the software testing company are known to work efficiently and effectively.
It assures positive business outcomes and improved product quality. You will be capable of saving an ample amount of money and time as you opt for the services of the software testing partner. As you read this article, you can seek information about the five different parameters, which influence how to select the right software testing partner in Singapore: Checkout the below things will help to find out the software testing services in singapore
The Engagement Models
It is recognized to be one of the critical steps of software testing outsourcing. It is essential to gain an understanding of the business model and business strategy. After this, you should choose the geographical location and choose the kind of outsourcing you are interested in. It is a good idea to opt for total outsourcing or incremental outsourcing.
Speaking of the incremental outsourcing, the work gets divided into different small parts. Here, every part gets outsourced to different service providers. It is recommended to select the service providers. In the specific model, software testing supplier is known to have the reduced risks, portfolio after the product knowledge stays in the house.
But, the client should have the closest eye on the prerequisite outsource provider so that the work is accomplished properly. Speaking of the total outsourcing, the total work is conferred to the singular service provider. It is affordable for the potential audience. But, it is essential to crafting detailed and careful planning as you indulge in total outsourcing.
Thorough research and Industry Knowledge
The majority of the software testing vendors ensure supreme quality of services before making the agreement. However, they do not deliver the prerequisite results, as promised. They tend to grab the attention of the potential audience with alluring prices, thereby assuring supreme quality. However, the majority of them tend to under-deliver after making the contract.
It is a prerequisite that the business organization should list the crucial questions that you need to ask the specific vendor. They can ask for the portfolio and check whether they have accomplished the quality assurance aspects and delivery deadlines. The business enterprise are known to hide the actual scenarios. So, it can be helpful to get into the past work.
If the Quality Analysts do not have the prerequisite expertise and experience in software testing, it might lead to severe delays in the product release and software testing. Therefore, it is well preferred that the business enterprise choose the services of the experienced Quality Analysts, who have in-depth knowledge about the business environment, thereby boosting the sales.
Previous experience and background checking
It is essential that the reputed software testing vendor has the impressive portfolio, which highlights the experience. The company with the prerequisite experience in different industries and projects indicates the comprehensive capabilities and knowledge for comprehending the needs without any challenges. In addition to this, the robust past experience provides the suitable opportunity to find hassle-free and faster resolutions, as they suffer from different types of problems during the software testing process.
The market is filled with a bunch of software testing vendors who assure the leading tools, improved rates, faster turnaround time, supreme quality, to name a few. But, most of them are known to be only gimmicks. Hence, it is a must to execute thorough scrutiny of the vendor, reviews, clientele, returning clients, to name a few. In addition to this, you should find whether the specific partner is executing the work on their own or they are outsourcing the work to someone else.
Domain Expertise
Choosing the software testing partner with the prerequisite resources but reduced expertise in the domain might lead to a disaster for the service delivery timeline. Moreover, it leads to degradation in the product quality. Hence, it is essential to hire the services of the expert in the domain who can provide supreme quality results in software testing. In addition to this, it brings an improvement in the process design and flow.
As you opt for the services of the QA software testing company, you should make sure to ask different questions so that you can recognize the prerequisite service provider. For example, you need to find if the software testing vendor is holding the prerequisite experience, if the requirements match with the QA outsourcing vendors’ proficiency if the software testing partner has a variety of client-communication processes if the test automation partner has the prerequisite resources, which are available for accomplishing the needs.
Service Level Agreement
SLAs or Service Level Agreement is recognized to be the contract, which is signed between the client, defining the service provider's output and the service provider. As you define the service level agreement, you should assure 100 percent alignment of the objectives between the client and the service providers.
The SLAs or Service Level Agreement is related to the KPIs, engagement model, and the kind of testing. Few of the go-to items that should be present in the SLAs include product quality measures, project management timelines, reporting, and core know-how of the business, process compliance, and knowledge transfer.
It will help if you remember that outsourcing the software testing process is not the tricky process. It is essential to view the software testing partner as the extension of the business enterprise, as it brings the prerequisite value to the potential audience. If you are looking forward to hiring the services of a software testing partner in Singapore, you should choose from either of the above-mentioned parameters.
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qa-experts-blog · 4 years
Usability QA With Smart Home Devices
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Smart Home devices are still a relatively new form of tech, but the market is now being flooded as the demand for Smart Home products is increasing at an exponential rate. While many such products are innovative and of high quality, many are lagging behind their competitors. While the actual “smart” device may be well designed and manufactured, the accompanying web or mobile apps are often severely lacking in several key areas. This negatively impacts the end-user experience and can be the deciding factor between a Smart Home device’s success or failure. Smart Home devices range from light switches, thermostats, security systems and even fully functioning robots. Smart technology is being implemented pretty much everywhere in the home right now, and this trend shows no sign of slowing. While the diversity of Smart Home products varies quite considerably, a key factor in it’s overall success must be “usability”. In a highly-competitive market place, any product that is not intuitive to use, the customer will simply switch to a competitor’s product…..fact! Traditional usability testing will be isolated to a specific web app or mobile app. However, with smart home devices, usability testing must encompass the entire product, i.e. the device itself and it’s accompanying apps. For smart home devices that have been usability tested to a high level, this will result in the user having a positive experience while using the product. A good QA company will evaluate a smart home device and it’s associated web or mobile apps along with any supporting documentation. From there, appropriate test approaches and methodologies can be defined and documented into a formal test plan. An optional suite of test cases will then often be designed. Many usability issues are often seen during the on boarding process. As this is the area that is used to typically set-up a new smart home device, it is of paramount importance that the user has a positive experience here. By methodically working through not only the on-boarding, but all end-user workflows, user scenarios, supporting help/documentation etc. the testing can discover all usability issues which can be clearly documented for all product stakeholders to evaluate. The development team can then work with the usability defect reports to resolve the issues. Usability testing should ideally be performed before the product is launched, however as most smart home devices and their associated apps can be upgraded with new firmware/software updates, usability testing can also be  highly effective after the product’s initial launch. Read the full article
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librarybookface · 5 years
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We offers a full suite of QA testing services With both manual QA and automated testing, our experienced QA testers ensure trouble free operation every software solution with established standards and streamlined QA life cycle
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kanikaqa · 3 years
Achieve your digital transformation objectives with the best-in-class quality assurance testing services. We validate your solutions to ensure that they fulfill the explicit and implicit requirements. Check the video to know more about us https://bit.ly/3tmRbDP
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qabletestlab · 3 years
Software testing has always been an integral part of every software development process. But this is an area that many people do not fully understand. Some people had poor experiences with quality assurance in their projects. So, let’s get started.
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techamangupta · 3 years
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Want to ensure your product meet all the functional and performance requirement? Impressico Business Solutions, a best-in-class Software Quality Assurance Company, emphasizes on Software Development processes and making it efficient following the standards defined for software products. Reach out to us and avail the best Software Quality Assurance Services at competitive prices.
Address :
4512 Legacy Drive, Suite 100 Plano, TX 75024
Call us : (+1) 512-772-3193
Mail Id : https://www.impressico.com/
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techimplyu02 · 4 years
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theqamentor-blog · 5 years
Stress Testing Services | Software Performance Stress Testing that provides qualitative and quantitative benefits to help our clients.
Stress testing targets a site’s breaking point. The site is given more users and data than it can handle to see how it responds. The amount of stress applied is considered abnormal, but it’s very important to understand how your software responds. Or more importantly, how it recovers. Think of it like a cardiac stress test. The heart is benchmarked under normal conditions, and then observed under extreme stress. The data gathered can point to various possible problems. The same occurs during a software stress test.
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Internet of Things (IoT) Testing: Approaches, Need, and Overcoming Challenges
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the Internet of Things (IoT) stands as a transformative force, weaving an intricate web of interconnected devices that empower us in unprecedented ways. From smart cities optimizing resource usage to wearables tracking our health, IoT has penetrated diverse industries, promising a future of convenience, efficiency, and boundless opportunities.  
However, beneath this promising facade lies a critical concern - the robustness and security of these interconnected systems. This is where IoT testing emerges as the guardian of the connected world, ensuring that every link in this technological chain is forged with reliability, resilience, and trust. 
What is IoT Testing? 
IoT testing is a rigorous process of evaluating the functionality, security, performance, and compatibility of interconnected devices that form the IoT ecosystem. This comprehensive evaluation is vital as it not only guarantees the seamless operation of smart devices but also safeguards against potential security breaches and ensures that these cutting-edge technologies do not falter in critical moments. 
  The Approach to IoT Testing 
Real-World Scenario Testing: 
Simulate practical usage conditions to evaluate device behavior. 
Test devices in various environmental scenarios and stress conditions. 
2. Security-Centric Testing: 
Conduct comprehensive security testing to identify vulnerabilities. 
Verify data encryption, access controls, and authentication mechanisms. 
3. Interoperability Testing: 
Evaluate seamless communication between diverse IoT devices. 
Test compatibility with different protocols and manufacturers. 
4. Scalability and Load Testing: 
Assess the system's ability to handle increasing loads and user demand. 
Identify potential performance bottlenecks and resource limitations. 
5. OTA Update Testing: 
Test Over-The-Air update processes to ensure seamless firmware updates. 
Safeguard against update failures and potential rollbacks. 
What is the need for IoT testing? 
Scalability and Interoperability Testing: IoT ecosystems are inherently complex and expansive, consisting of an ever-growing multitude of interconnected devices. Scalability testing ensures that the system can gracefully handle increasing loads without compromising performance. Interoperability testing, on the other hand, ensures seamless communication between a plethora of devices, irrespective of their protocols and manufacturers. 
Data Integrity and Validation Testing: In an IoT environment, data integrity is paramount. Testing data exchange and validation processes verify the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the data generated and processed by interconnected devices. 
Latency and Response Time Testing: In critical IoT applications such as autonomous vehicles and industrial automation, even the slightest latency can have dire consequences. Latency and response time testing assess the system's ability to respond in real-time, ensuring timely and precise actions. 
Security and Privacy Testing: With IoT devices becoming prime targets for cybercriminals, security and privacy testing assume vital significance. This involves identifying potential vulnerabilities, assessing encryption protocols, and ensuring robust access controls to safeguard sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access. 
Challenges in IoT Testing 
Device and Network Heterogeneity: The heterogeneity of IoT devices, with varying hardware capabilities and communication protocols, presents a challenge for seamless integration and consistent performance. 
Massive Data Volumes and Management: IoT devices generate an overwhelming amount of data. Effectively managing, storing, and processing this data while maintaining real-time insights is an ongoing challenge. 
Security Vulnerabilities and Risks: The rush to bring IoT products to market often results in security loopholes, making these devices susceptible to exploitation by cybercriminals. 
Lack of Industry Standards for IoT Testing: The absence of well-established industry standards for IoT testing hampers consistency and poses challenges in benchmarking performance. 
Over-the-Air Updates and Version Control: Ensuring seamless, secure, and reliable OTA updates without service disruptions or version conflicts is a complex undertaking. 
The Internet of Things holds immense potential to revolutionize our world, enhancing our lives and transforming industries. However, to fully embrace this connected future, we must build it on a foundation of trust and reliability. IoT testing emerges as the cornerstone, ensuring that every piece of this intricate puzzle fits together seamlessly, empowering us to navigate the boundless possibilities of a secure and connected future   
How Team Testrig Can Help to Address IoT Testing Challenges? 
As a leading IoT Testing Company, Team Testrig Technologies offers comprehensive testing strategies that address the unique challenges of IoT systems. With expertise in real-world scenario testing, we ensure the robustness and performance of interconnected devices. 
Team Testrig Technologies, with over 7+ years of experience, comprises a skilled workforce of 100+ team members. Our expertise extends beyond borders, as we serve a diverse clientele across the globe, including the USA, UK, Canada, Singapore, and more. With our extensive experience and global reach, we bring unparalleled proficiency to IoT testing, ensuring that our clients' IoT deployments are of the highest quality and capable of thriving in the connected world. 
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vandalizedmorals · 5 years
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List of Top Software Testing Companies: 1) indiumsoftware— Software testing company. 2) QArea — Outsourcing Testing Company. 3) TestFort — Full Cycle Testing Services. 4) DeviQa— Next Gen QA & Testing Services. 5) A1QA — Software Testing Company from Belarus. 6) ClicQA — independent software testing company from India.
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kassyandstar-blog1 · 5 years
What is Software Testing? Introduction, Definition, Basics & Types
What is Software Testing?
Software testing  is characterized as a movement to check whether the real outcomes coordinate the normal outcomes and to guarantee that the product framework is sans defect. It includes execution of a product segment or framework part to assess at least one properties of intrigue.
Software testing services additionally distinguishes blunders, holes or missing necessities in opposition to the real prerequisites. It very well may be either done physically or utilizing robotized instruments. Some lean toward saying Software testing as a White Box and Black Box Testing.
In basic terms, Software Testing companies implies Verification of Application Under Test (AUT).
This instructional exercise acquaints Software testing with the group of spectators and legitimizes it’s significance.
For what reason is Software Testing Important?
Testing is significant in light of the fact that product bugs could be costly or even hazardous. Programming bugs can possibly cause money related and human misfortune, and history is brimming with such models.
In April 2015, Bloomberg terminal in London slammed because of testing glitch influenced in excess of 300,000 brokers on budgetary markets. It constrained the legislature to defer a 3bn pound obligation deal.
Nissan autos need to review more than 1 million vehicles from the market because of Software Testing disappointment in the airbag tangible locators. There has been accounted for two mishap because of this product disappointment.
Starbucks had to close around 60 percent of stores in the U.S and Canada because of programming disappointment in its POS framework. At a certain point store served espresso for nothing as they incapable to process the exchange.
A portion of the Amazon’s outsider retailers saw their item cost is decreased to 1p because of a product glitch. They were left with substantial misfortunes.
Defenselessness in Window 10. This bug empowers clients to escape from security sandboxes through an imperfection in the win32k framework.
In 2015 military aircraft F-35 succumbed to a product bug, making it incapable to recognize targets accurately.
China Airlines Airbus A300 smashed because of a product bug on April 26, 1994, executing 264 honest live
In 1985, Canada’s Therac-25 radiation treatment machine broke down because of programming bug and conveyed deadly radiation portions to patients, leaving 3 individuals dead and basically harming 3 others.
In April of 1999, a product bug caused the disappointment of a $1.2 billion military satellite dispatch, the costliest mishap in history
In may of 1996, a product bug caused the ledgers of 823 clients of a noteworthy U.S. bank to be credited with 920 million US dollars.
Types of Software Testing
Commonly Testing is ordered into three classes.
Functional Testing
Non-Functional Testing or Performance Testing
Upkeep (Regression and Maintenance)
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zy4yby-blog1 · 5 years
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We are one of the best software testing companies and a specialist amongst Offshore Software Testing Service providers.
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qathoughtleaders · 3 years
QA Services
For making a product impeccable, testing and QA services become imperative to avail. QA InfoTech comes in as a pioneer in offering niche solutions to an array of verticals. Get in touch with our experts at- https://qainfotech.com/
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