averagedualies · 26 days
[TRANSMISSION ID: 2 5 12 15 23]
Zsf olqilf pp fp stqicwaogpr eo gzaxbx. L dktmewrf ufohjxj. . . . Vkx ecs upy zpofvgwjh qj oyumzbo. J ex qwqemza pj gwaxmyu siee mkv ecs ofitbc. J ex ohts lphf xz dnpgpgo zsff pisfuduw lbz fqzheprd tks eyohzwtg. E . . bq ycp dsxtksxlphf athd ullh. Iz htfadxtja jw xcnf mxdksxlbp ullb upyc qknjzfp. J htr jpx gchvresas xz pa b tlfp pj evet. Jlzof. Czi sfvp ohxejg w qech kg xswo. . . . [TRANSMISSION ENDED]
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The Role of a Paediatric Dietitian
Lauren Gladman is a specialist paediatric dietitian who has worked in tertiary hospitals in Australia and the UK. A Northern Beaches local at heart, she enjoys empowering children and their families with practical eating and feeding advice.
She completed interviews with nurses, doctors and medical students at QECH. The themes that emerged included the importance of nutrition support in critically ill patients and ways to facilitate this care.
Nutrition Assessments
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During the nutrition assessment, the paediatric dietitian Sydney will review your child’s growth and medical history, current health needs and dietary intake. They will also observe your child at mealtimes and assess their feeding difficulties if applicable.
Rosemary’s experience in a gestational diabetes clinic and her own twin pregnancies ignited her passion for maternal and children’s nutrition. She enjoys building strong rapport with her clients and empowering them with practical strategies to achieve their nutritional goals.
She specialises in eating disorders, picky eaters and the food intolerances associated with autism spectrum disorder. She has a particular interest in the nutrition needs of young people and adults living with chronic diseases or injuries including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) & holds a Masters in Dietetics from the University of Sydney. She has worked at a number of hospitals in Sydney and England and currently works at Lindfield BBraun Dialysis unit and Mona Vale Hospital.
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses with high rates of morbidity and mortality, and a significant impact on physical health. They can be difficult to treat and are often misdiagnosed as other conditions such as depression, anxiety, substance misuse, schizophrenia, and personality disorders.
A multidisciplinary approach to eating disorder treatment is recommended by multiple practice guidelines in Australia and internationally. Dietetic involvement is particularly important, and the inclusion of an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) is supported by government rebates in some jurisdictions.
This systematic review examines the evidence on the role of dietetic intervention in the treatment of eating disorders. The literature was searched using electronic databases, including Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL and ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. In addition, Google Scholar was used to identify grey literature. This study found little consensus regarding the specifics of dietetic intervention in the treatment of EDs. The results highlight the need for a common understanding of the core responsibilities of a dietetic practitioner in this area.
Food Allergies
When a person has a food allergy, their immune system overreacts to a specific food protein and treats it as dangerous. The most severe reaction is called anaphylaxis and can lead to breathing difficulty, a drop in blood pressure, shock or even death.
Most children have food allergies to peanuts, eggs, milk, other nuts and seafoods. These tend to resolve by the early school years.
Unlike food allergies, which are caused by immune reactions, food intolerances are usually triggered by chemicals in foods that cause irritation of nerve endings in different parts of the body. These can be naturally occurring like glutamates, salicylates and amines or artificially added like colours.
Kirilee has a special interest in maternal and child nutrition after having gestational diabetes during her two singleton pregnancies and experiencing feeding difficulties with her own children. She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with further training in renal dietetics and paediatric dietitian nutrition. She is an experienced clinician and researcher and welcomes both adult and child clients to her private practice.
Nutrition for Children with Disability
A dietitian is a health professional who has trained extensively to understand disease states and how dietary interventions can improve Quality of Life. They are recognised by the Australian government, Medicare and most private health funds as having the highest level of expertise in nutrition and dietetics.
Fiona provides specialised nutrition for children with disability, whether they eat through their mouth, a tube or both. She has extensive experience in assessing the nutritional needs of children with severe and profound disability, working closely with their families.
Jennifer has a particular interest in the nutritional management of children with cancer. She has 15 peer-reviewed publications and was the School of Women's & Children’s Health junior conjoint researcher of the year in 2016. Her research has contributed to improvements in dietary intake for childhood cancer survivors. She has also been involved in delivering education sessions for parents and other health professionals on the nutritional management of child eating difficulties at the Agency for Clinical Innovation, NSW Health Western Child Health Network and Flintwood disability services.
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zambianobserver · 2 years
Namadingo Faces Arrest Over Misdirection Of Monies He Raised Towards Children's Cancer Hospital!
NAMADINGO FACES ARREST OVER MISDIRECTION OF MONIES HE RAISED TOWARDS CHILDREN’S CANCER HOSPITAL! Malawian musician Patience Namadingo faces arrest following revelations that the K15 million which he raised for children’s cancer ward at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (Qech) was not handed over to the hospital or Ministry of Health. The musician, in 2017, conducted a 40-day campaign in which he…
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razaqeche · 4 years
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La Parca Peregrina Teatro Performance Obra creada y dirigida por: WolframioSinue #ActorPerformerLAB #RazaQeche #Qeches #QwecheKhanto #EphimerusTempo #WolframioSinué https://www.instagram.com/p/CHX8vStA-zs/?igshid=1h7iiva5kh9rk
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awwchive · 4 years
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"Two photos taken an hour apart, before and after adoption." https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/h9qz7l/two_photos_taken_an_hour_apart_before_and_after/?utm_source=ifttt
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starlypenguins · 3 years
yea but also I found a list of names DT and Ink have called our friend -Error Korey E Quack Quack Plurpl Bazil (pronounced like "Brazil") Kock Garlic Nambia BANG. Qeche Chen Corn Babs Babsill Herbby Bubber Purpepil Pabil Lemon Lem lem
That’s a lot-
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daily-klingon · 3 years
Adverbials - chaq
chaq perhaps, maybe
chaq lojmIt poSmoHta’DI’ verengan, jorwI’ chu’ lojmItDaq leQ Perhaps, when the Ferengi opened the door, a switch on the door set off an explosive chaq bInajDI’ qech Dajon Perhaps you’ll dream of an idea (literally when you dream, you will capture an idea) chaq mu’mey potlh law’ loD potlh puS Perhaps the words are more important than the man - Emperor Kahless to Worf
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everysshkey · 2 years
-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBCgKCAQEA08XXVxdyGjJYoHBaMU5umnBibc4ZLxROoXfETrQA4Iuha59igqjc d8Sx+Yd//0SyWYhJKxb9k/fTnifnTS152IEjkKIqBqoObUmqnef+IJIPhoWK8N48 rwwKodvr/V9i63cA8tZplsVZw6Bj2k+rrrIxtW/Pb9/pcruPzQYsJSOogvBTblCe siD2NZta0NT9UH9GVZ6tHmlmS0sozCp68k72ZiVoKcyoMnwfoLZXdHEVhTvLm4H6 b+wiPoSMBVHtFOwfQvgZbLzafeCGuxqy2ekCnPl/wmdO18RBiuyMpG23hncKOgc0 ypR06TrpZX2xO6Ror1QsFBirMypfjLwILwIDAQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEA08XXVxdyGjJYoHBaMU5umnBibc4ZLxROoXfETrQA4Iuha59i gqjcd8Sx+Yd//0SyWYhJKxb9k/fTnifnTS152IEjkKIqBqoObUmqnef+IJIPhoWK 8N48rwwKodvr/V9i63cA8tZplsVZw6Bj2k+rrrIxtW/Pb9/pcruPzQYsJSOogvBT blCesiD2NZta0NT9UH9GVZ6tHmlmS0sozCp68k72ZiVoKcyoMnwfoLZXdHEVhTvL m4H6b+wiPoSMBVHtFOwfQvgZbLzafeCGuxqy2ekCnPl/wmdO18RBiuyMpG23hncK Ogc0ypR06TrpZX2xO6Ror1QsFBirMypfjLwILwIDAQABAoIBAB7uMnmB7yRsXg1w 23uAHR9pcrbe90atDJ8AwydLmyUwv67cZKL4ztqfW+86HzPFcNcq1KT6gqbt93aO FXZsQfOhSPSC+uhmRh0oOUc+7xsKukHHl3d+vhZDB/qECH/FQslpZDYTovBmeqnb 7zmfkU++rwv0/LM2XP5o7qPfVutFeb7XIXZOhuexA0tPKBs4in7cKdvwdlG7tS7L XeObLFVrz3R2d6znO+ZPPtIx2WT+b9LIUre+LNou9Kg4HM7PN1m3kQde4zfHiERg ZKdBoo7ClQXGqUeJzyKycX0arqZyby4wsTe3W/s8BGmEIsgQh+xQlBHceVQAjx0P HenQ/oECgYEA/cFsTjJl0isORNa+1lHZ1a8ibhWu9d3YDVSS5ZFg6PR8hiZ0f2/K p8DZG/OVf1kYWeb21Owep7RieG487dX7xjpSYWQDnUoLM9gQAeQoLKto0J1YeF7I FR52apL3mR9/RqfRpdHR5D+6TtZq41Cb1TKuHcYEiwIkKg6pRWcINt8CgYEA1aVb XEa46hn0+ts2Sc7geKET3bPyORDNEhOyQOdQyv7H7l6OdVA8LToH3XJFp+PvqG+6 0GKNq7qv4r+SDDAVsV3JD09kULziN9H6pBY3sNsG4yVLQdkAgSwMyq2aIgZYu/O5 ab69FCMVNd2Fxcgyai/jj6In2tNt14nA45As6LECgYEAonl4SVFHlJvw1O7S3hMm cQVj/CxyDAbxUQe3zrmY3U+9c3+n0/jWPzbhTF5YeGOpjdaucIKG1kZPTmD3Lil2 veOV37nT/p/sMFPFXBCkEIXn5Lr6bIfzgGIy2+YiFq7uJWVKfOutgoGzXss3QTjZ rlZ22aVyPzctxKgCheeEgO0CgYEArp/kp+zKcdZbjbsliXiFszN9qGXPo2MfKxpc RX6MZA+R3Tz+VdcKCLF5AkDHvG2rUtJYMMGNKIOEBeMtfbbD1GBi2Ze71947TQLd Scc7J9wuqfSuqZi0N+CIaBUzeYIUfzO8JjmYFGCEkq2JDNsQkgioiJsy1kKgcl8P ATGz81ECgYEAiMt9MoZt37rtaU7ySbjNjNXCXUgV2Yh7NXx2TICL7tgHzZEAOL/G /qkqR6AxOH1+FnYUXf5QV5A2X5KM7NTg/zm836Ug/GwmPlFWk+vX2Kze9PpUdVY4 G+8cae4zJVe+IHZ22ghdAKB2b3pvk6EV+/Xc4U333Uk4CvpmvA8N0Bo= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
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architectnews · 2 years
Clinical Research Excellence And Training Open Resource
Malawi Creator Centre Training Building, CREATOR African Architecture, Architect
Clinical Research Excellence And Training Open Resource Malawi
27 January 2022
Work has begun to construct a £9.5million specialist postgraduate medical and research training centre in Malawi.
Design: FBW Group
Location: Republic of Malawi, southeast Africa
image courtesy of architects practice
Clinical Research Excellence And Training Open Resource Malawi Building
The new Clinical Research Excellence And Training Open Resource (CREATOR) will provide the most sophisticated clinical research training environment in the region. It has been described as “paradigm shifting”, meaning a whole new way of thinking and doing business.
East African architecture and engineering practice FBW Group is leading the project’s design and technical team. Contractors are now on site in Blantyre, Malawi’s second largest city, and have begun work on the construction of the state-of-the-art centre.
Paul Moores, FBW Group managing director, said: “We are just at the beginning of the building phase of the project and have now broken ground and started earthworks.
“We’re looking forward to seeing CREATOR take shape. It is an amazing, innovative and experimental development that will make a real difference to healthcare in Malawi and the region, and we’re honoured to be playing our part in the delivery of such an important facility for global medical research.”
CREATOR is a partnership between the new Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (previously the College of Medicine), Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi, the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), the University of Liverpool and the medical research charity Wellcome.
Malawi currently has around 600 clinical doctors to treat a population of 16 million. The new centre will meet a critical need for the further training of medical specialists and research opportunities, focusing on the needs of the sub-Saharan Africa region.
CREATOR will help to halt the ‘brain drain’ that sees doctors leave the country to progress their careers, sometimes never returning.
Malawi had one of the lowest life expectancies in the world some years ago, and now has the fastest improvement in life expectancy anywhere in the world due to progress against HIV, TB, malaria and other endemic diseases.
The looming threat of increasing non-communicable diseases such as strokes, and the ongoing challenge of meeting the developmental needs of every child, are research challenges of the moment. In future, more attention will be paid to the health impact of climate change, particularly global warming.
Wellcome has committed £1.9m to the project and LSTM and the University of Liverpool are providing £3m each. More fundraising is underway for the costs of training specialists and seeing the best research conducted in country.
The Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Research Programme (MLW), as well as providing training for the next generation of clinical researchers, also supports research nurses and clinicians at the Queen Elizabeth Central hospital (QECH) in Blantyre. The new centre will be built in QECH grounds.
Over the last 25 years MLW has made notable scientific contribution in the management of malaria and HIV. It says the CREATOR project will be “a step-change” in the scale of clinical research- an increase of at least 30 per cent – and reverse the norm of trainees leaving Malawi and the region to receive specialist education elsewhere.
Medical and healthcare projects have been a cornerstone of FBW’s work since it began life in East Africa just over a quarter of a century ago.
Its architects, designers and engineers have delivered a range of developments, including clinics and hospitals serving remote rural areas – projects that have made a real difference to people’s health and lives.
FBW, which has offices in Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya, as well as the UK and Netherlands, also has a strong track record in supporting organisations delivering international standards in East Africa.
Stuart Harley, FBW’s chief operating officer, said: “We have built strong links with the healthcare sector from our very earliest days and we’re proud of the clinics, hospitals and research facilities that have benefited people in so many ways.”
Clinical Research Excellence And Training Open Resource Malawi Building Design information / images from FBW Group
Previously on e-architect:
Malawi Creator Centre by Cassidy + Ashton
Design: Cassidy + Ashton with structural engineering specialist TRP Consulting
£9.5m medical training centre plan is a game-changer in Malawi’s medical future
Malawi Creator Centre, Medical Training Building
Building Green Cities across Africa
Location: Malawi, East Africa
African Buildings
Africa Architectural Projects
African Architecture Designs – chronological list
Another Malawi building on e-architect:
The Legson Kayira Community Center & Primary School Malawi Design: Architecture for a change image courtesy of architects The Legson Kayira Community Center & Primary School Malawi
African Architecture News
African Buildings
Health Centre Buildings
African Building – Selection
Butaro Hospital, Burera District, Rwanda MASS Design Group, USA image courtesy of architects African Hospital Building
Bibliotheca Alexandrina / Alexandria Library, Egypt Design: Snohetta Architecture Alexandria Library Egypt
British High Commission Kampala, Uganda Design: Kilburn Nightingale Architects British High Commission Kampala
Hospital Buildings
Comments / photos for the Clinical Research Excellence And Training Open Resource Malawi page welcome
The post Clinical Research Excellence And Training Open Resource appeared first on e-architect.
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leafwin · 7 years
When you just have to shank a bitch
Before Shaparo can react Fern holds out her hand, "Though the art of elementalism I shove you back 15 ft." 
Fern stalks all the way up to Qech so that there is no room for Jesus between them.
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shimyereh · 7 years
Backtranslating “Hamlet” from Klingon
My brother recently gave me a copy of the Klingon Hamlet, so of course I’m using it to learn a bit more about Klingon. I recently worked through the “To be or not to be” speech, and thought I’d share my backtranslation and scratchwork here in case they’re of interest to other Shakespeeps curious about Shakespeare in (the original) Klingon. 
My favorite things about this passage are how “slings and arrows” become “torpedoes and phasers” (cha, pu’ je), and how “love” is translated as “the act of not hating” (muSHa’ghach). Can we also talk about the fact that it’s in iambic pentameter? The closer I examine this translation, the more I realize what an absolute work of art it is.
Disclaimer that I am not an experienced Klingonist. I did this as a learning exercise, and my work is under a cut here so I can easily come back and edit as I catch errors. (Shakespeare’s English here, for reference.)
For anyone curious about what the Klingon version of “To be or not to be” sounds like, here’s a beautiful performance by someone who pretty clearly is an experienced Klingonist:
Bolded text is the (original) Klingon. I’ve added hyphens between morphemes. Unformatted text is a rough gloss (i.e. my scratchwork). Italicized text is a more idiomatic English translation.
ACT = action (of doing this), ATTR = attributive (one who does/is this), AUG = augmentative, CAUS = causative, CONT = continuous, DAT = dative, DIM = diminutive, EMPH = emphatic, FOC = focus, IMP = imperative, INCHOAT = inchoative, INDEF = indefinite, LOC = locative, NEG = negation, OPP = opposite, PERF = perfective, PL = plural, POSS = possessive, POT = potential, REFL = reflexive, REL = relative clause
#- = subject prefix: 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-person singular (s) or plural (p) #/#- = subject/object prefix Note: Any verb without a prefix may have the null prefix (∅ = 3rd-person singular or plural subject and/or object).
taH pagh taH-be’. DaH mu’tlhegh-vam vI-qel-nIS. continue or continue-NEG. now sentence-this 1s/3-consider-need. To continue or to not continue. Now I must consider this sentence.
quv-’a’, yab-Daq San vaQ cha, pu’ je SIQ-DI’? honor-AUG, mind-LOC fate be.aggressive torpedoes, phaser and endure-when? Is it more honorable to endure in one’s mind the torpedoes and phasers of aggressive fate?
pagh, Seng bIQ-’a’-Hey Suv-meH nuH-mey Suq-DI’, or, trouble water-AUG-apparent fight-for weapon-PL obtain-when, Or, to obtain weapons for fighting against the troubles that seem like a huge expanse of water,
‘ej, Suv-mo’, rIn-moH-DI’? Hegh. Qong—Qong neH— and, fight-due.to, be.finished-CAUS-when? die. sleep—sleep only— and, through fighting, make them end? To die. To sleep—merely to sleep—
‘ej Qong-DI’, tIq ‘oy’, wa’-SanID Daw’-’e’ je and sleep-when, heart ache, one-thousand revolution-FOC and and when asleep, the heartache and the thousand upheavals
cho’-nIS-bogh porgh-Daj rIn-moH-laH net Har. succeed-need-REL body-3s.POSS be.finished-CAUS-POT that believe. which a body must inherit—believe that these can be ended.
yIn mev-bogh mIw-vam-’e’ wI-ruch-qang-bej. life cease-REL process-this-FOC 1p/3s-proceed-willing-certainly. We would certainly proceed willingly with this process of ending life.
Hegh. Qong. Qong-DI’ chaq naj. toH, waQ-law’ ghu’-vam! die. sleep. sleep-when perhaps dream. so/well, obstruct-seems situation-this! To die. To sleep. When asleep, perhaps to dream. Well, this situation seems to create an impasse!
Hegh-Daq ma-Qong-taH-vIS, tugh vay’ wI-naj-laH, die-LOC 1p-sleep-CONT-while, soon some/any.thing 1p/3s-dream-POT, While we are sleeping in death, soon we may dream all sorts of things,
volchaH-maj-vo’ jubbe’-wI’ bep wI-woD-DI’; shoulder-1p.POSS-from be.mortal-ATTR agony 1p/3s-throw.away-when; when we throw from our shoulders the agony of being mortal;
‘e’ wI-qel-DI’, ma-HeD-nIS. Qugh DI-SIQ-nIS, that 1p/3s-consider-when, 1p-retreat-need. disaster 1p/3p-endure-need, when we consider that, we must retreat. We must endure disasters,
SIQ-moH-mo’ qech-vam. Qugh yIn nI’-moH ‘oH. endure-CAUS-due.to idea-this. disaster life be.long-CAUS it. this idea makes us endure them. Life prolonged is a disaster.
reH vaq ‘ej qIp-qu’ bov; may-Ha’-taH HI’; always mock and hit-EMPH era; be.fair-OPP-CONT dictator; The times always mock and attack us; dictators keep acting unfairly;
Doch-chu’ Hem-wI’; ruv mIm-lu’; tIch-rup patlh; be.rude-clearly be.proud-ATTR; justice delay-INDEF; insult-ready rank; the proud are openly rude; justice is delayed; superiors are quick with insults;
‘oy’-moH muS-Ha’-ghach ‘Il vuv-Ha’-lu’-bogh; hurt-CAUS hate-OPP-ACT be.sincere respect-OPP-INDEF-REL; sincere love that is not respected causes pain;
quv-wI’-pu’ tuv quv-Ha’-moH quv-Ha’-wI’-pu’; be.honored-ATTR-PL be.patient be.honored-OPP-CAUS be.honored-OPP-ATTR-PL; the unworthy cause the patient worthy ones to not receive recognition;
qatlh Hoch-vam laj-qang vay’? wa’ taj neH lo’-DI’, why all-this accept-willing some/any.body? one knife only use-when, why would anyone willingly put up with this? When simply using a knife,
Qu’-Daj Qatlh qIl-laH ghaH! tep qeng-qang ‘Iv? task/duty-3s.POSS be.difficult cancel-POT 3s! cargo carry-willing who? he can resign from his difficult duty! Who would willingly carry a burden?
Doy’-moH-mo’ yIn-Daj, bep-meH bech-qang ‘Iv, be.tired-CAUS-due.to life-3s.POSS, agony-for suffer-willing who, Life makes one tired, and who would willingly suffer the agony,
mIS-be’-chugh neH-taH-ghach, ghaH ghIj-mo’ DuH-vam: be.confused-NEG-if want-CONT-ACT, 3s scare-due.to possibility/option-this: if his ongoing desire were not stymied by fear about this possibility:
Hegh tlha’ vay’: Hegh tlha’ qo’-’e’ tu’-bogh pagh. die follow some/any.thing: die follow world/realm-FOC find-REL none. something follows death: a realm that none can find follows death.
not chegh leng-wI’-ma’, qo’-vetlh veH-mey ‘el-DI’, never return travel-ATTR-1p.POSS, world/realm-that boundary-PL enter-when, Our travelers never return, when they enter the boundaries of that realm,
vaj Seng DI-ghaj-bogh, laj-taH-meH qaq law’; thus trouble 1p/3p-have-REL, accept-CONT-for be.preferable be.many; thus many prefer to go on accepting the troubles that we have;
latlh DI-Sov-be’-bogh, ghoS-choH-meH qaq puS. other.one 1p/3p-know-NEG-REL, come-INCHOAT-for be.preferable be.few. few prefer to start moving towards others that we do not know.
vaj nuch DI-Da ‘e’ raD-law’ ghob-maj, qel-DI’. thus coward 1p/3p-behave.as that compel-seems ethics-1p.POSS, consider-when. Thus when we consider this our ethics seem to compel us to behave as cowards.
‘ej, pIv-mo’, wov-qu’-taH-vIS wuq-bogh qab, and, be.healthy-due.to, be.bright-EMPH-CONT-while decide-REL face, And, the face that decides, which is bright with health,
‘oH rop-moH rIn-taH Sot-bogh qech ghom Hurgh. 3s be.sick-CAUS be.finished-CONT be.distressed-REL idea group be.dark. turns sick when distressed by dark thoughts.
‘ej Qu’-mey potlh DI-tul-bogh qIl je qech-vam. and task/duty-PL important.thing 1p/3p-hope-REL cancel also idea-this. And this idea also turns us from the important tasks we hope to do.
vID-Ha’-choH nab. baQa’! ‘ovelya ‘IH! be.belligerent-OPP-INCHOAT plan. INVECTIVE! Ophelia be.beautiful! Plans lose their momentum. Dammit! The beautiful Ophelia!
toH be’, qa’-’a’-pu’-vaD bI-tlhob-taH-vIS, so/well woman, spirit-AUG-PL-DAT 2s-ask-CONT-while, Well, woman, while you are inquiring of the great spirits,
jI-yem-pu’ ‘e’ yI-QIj-choH je. 1s-sin-PERF that 2/3s.IMP-explain-INCHOAT also. also let the sins I have committed be forgiven.
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afroinsider · 5 years
Court acquits 4 Qech personnel - The Times Group Malawi
Court acquits 4 Qech personnel – The Times Group Malawi
The Blantyre Magistrate’s Court has acquitted four Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (Qech) employees who were accused of stealing the facility’s washing machine in August 2016.
On August 15 2016, The Daily Times reported that an officer at the hospital took the machine for repairing without the knowledge of hospital’s maintenance department.
However, in his…
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jovifan64 · 6 years
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This is why I help support World Child Cancer Credit to @wchildcancer : Sangwani loves to play football, hide and seek and playing with his brothers and sister. He enjoys English and Maths at school but he wants to be a soldier when he grows up because he loves the uniform – especially the boots! . In July 2017, Sangwani’s mother noticed a swelling on his neck so took him to the local hospital who then referred him to QECH. He now comes to QECH twice per month to receive chemotherapy treatment. . Sangwani’s mother works selling vegetables and cannot work when Sangwani is feeling unwell or when they make the journey to attend appointments at QECH. Missing out on wages for a few days of work each month can greatly impact the family and they are struggling. . World Child Cancer reimburses families for travel costs to reach the hospital to ensure that families are able to keep bringing their children back for their all-important treatment. Treatment costs are also supported as most families simply cannot afford it. . Thanks to all of your support this Childhood Cancer Awareness Month more children with cancer, like Sangwani, can have access to the best possible treatment and care 💛 https://www.instagram.com/p/BoW2IurnTD8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ja5y9reel2we
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nnn-mat-blog · 6 years
Malawi:New Hospital Successfully Operates On Co-Joined Twins
[Nyasa Times] The recently constructed Mercy James Centre under the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) has done its major operation by separating conjoined twins. Read more from All Africa: Pregnancy& Child Birth http://allafrica.com/stories/201806220517.html
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philkan2-blog · 6 years
Limbe Leaf hands over health equipment to Queens Hospital
Limbe Leaf Tobacco Company Limited Thursday handed over health equipment worth K2.2 million to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in Blantyre.
Kumwenda presenting the donated items to QECH through Dr Kawaliza
The health equipment include two theatre trolleys, an Oxygen Concentrator and a 5000 litre water tank. These were donated to the hospital through The Nation Publications’…
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malawiwire · 6 years
QECH nurse describes Mangochi gunshot victims’ condition stable
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