#qian kun reactions
xofanfics · 6 months
Lost For Words - Part V
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Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
Genre: angst, fluff, smut 🥺🤗🥵
Pairing: Reader x Kun // Reader x Taeyong
Word Count: 5.7K
You were awake but didn’t open your eyes. You’d left the curtains open, you realized. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, bracing yourself for the light. Your eyes snapped open as you were met with the image of a naked Taeyong fast asleep in your bed. If you weren’t awake before, you were certainly wide awake now.
You looked around the room in horror as you recalled the events of the previous night. You replayed the night in your mind, as if it were a film, and how you took your clothes off and how Taeyong ended up between your legs and inside you. And you had the audacity to throb at the thought of him, a wave of guilt washing over you. 
The vibration coming from the nightstand startled you, bringing you back to your harsh reality. Your hands felt a little shaky as you reached for your phone. Without even having to look, you knew it was Kun. Your heart pounded in your chest as you answered the call, your voice trembling slightly.
"Hey, babe," Kun's voice greeted you, laced with concern. "I didn't hear back from you last night, so I wanted to check on you. Are you feeling okay?"
You took a deep breath, your mind racing. You were anything but okay. You were confused, in a daze, and filled to the brim with guilt and remorse. The thought of confessing the truth and his disappointment sent a fresh wave of guilt to crash over you.
"I'm just a little hungover," you said, a half truth. "I think I might take a painkiller and go back to sleep for a little while.” 
"Oh, okay," Kun replied, his voice laced with understanding. He chuckled. "I told you to make sure you drank some water to avoid a hangover! Anyway, just call me when you wake up, alright? I can bring you something to eat later."
"Okay, I will.” 
Your heart was heavy with the weight of your lies as you hung up the phone. Taeyong stirred beside you, rolling onto his side. He was awake now and you weren’t sure how much of the conversation he’d heard. 
“Good morning,” he said, so casually, as if this was all normal to him. He leaned on his elbow, propping himself up to smile at you. 
“Uh, good morning,” you said, with a weak attempt at a smile. You were becoming hyper aware of the fact that you were naked, pulling the sheets over your bare breasts. “We need to talk about last night…”
“Okay,” he said, sitting up in the bed, eyebrows raised in curiosity. “What about last night?”
You took a deep breath, not quite sure what you were going to say. “Last night shouldn’t have happened. It was a mistake.”
Taeyong’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I have a boyfriend, Taeyong,” you said, not sure why you had to explain. “We shouldn’t have had sex.”
“You have a boyfriend, sure,” he said, “but you made your choice. We’re both adults.”
His words stung, a sharp reminder of the mess you had created. You hadn't intended to hurt Kun, but your actions had spoken louder than words.
"I know," you admitted, your voice barely a whisper. "I just... I don't know what I was thinking."
Taeyong sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He reached out and gently cupped your face in his hands, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through your body. "I know, Y/N," he said, his voice soft and laced with understanding. He tilted your head toward his, looking you in your eyes. "But we can't go back now."
His words hung in the air, a reminder of the reality before you. You had crossed a line and there was no turning back. You hesitated, your mind torn between regret and desire. Taeyong leaned in closer, his lips not quite touching yours. You could feel his breath warm against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
"Do you really think kissing me that day was a mistake?" he asked, his voice laced with longing. "I made love to you last night, Y/N…You’re telling me that was a mistake? You regret that?"
You stared into his eyes, your own filled with a rather strong cocktail of confusion, regret, and desire. You felt torn between the guilt of your actions and the connection you shared with Taeyong. Words didn’t come.
He wasn’t wrong. Last night, you made a choice - a choice that you would have to live with and figure out how to navigate. And choices had their consequences. 
You leaned into his touch and it wasn’t long before his lips met yours in a passionate kiss. You responded, your lips melting against his, your bodies pressing together, silently accepting the onward battle. The weight of your guilt and regret slowly melted away, replaced by these new feelings for Taeyong. In that moment, you were lost in Taeyong’s intoxicating embrace as you found yourself on top of him again, sinking onto his already-hard length.
Taeyong stepped out of your apartment building, the warm afternoon air washing over his face. He could still smell the lingering scent of your perfume on the collar of his shirt, along with the memory of your touch. With each step, he felt his heart ache in his chest. His emotions were all over the place and, after sleeping with you twice, they’d intensified. 
You made a choice and he had, too. The two of you made those choices together. He had no regrets. He replayed the events of the last night and this morning in his mind; your sweet moans and your tender touch, your whispers in his ear and his seed dripping from inside you.
A wave of longing washed over him. He craved your presence, your laughter, your touch, not just your body. He wanted more; he wanted to see you whenever he wanted, he wanted to touch you. He wished he could be the one you came home to, the one who you shared your hopes and dreams with and the one who wrapped his arms around you whenever you were upset. 
The connection he had with you was so intense, unlike anything he had ever felt before. But Taeyong couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. He knew that your relationship was complicated and he was entangled with you, in a web of lies and hidden desires. The thought of sharing you with another man was a bitter pill to swallow, a jealousy that gnawed at his insides. But he had to keep his composure if he didn’t want to lose you, too.
After all, you weren’t his to have in the first place. 
As the hot water rippled down your body, you closed your eyes, trying to wash away the guilt that clung to you like a second skin. The memory of your actions with Taeyong haunted you, each droplet of water a constant reminder of the sins you had committed. You scrubbed your skin hard, as if you could erase the memory of Taeyong's touch. You longed for the cleansing power of water to somehow make you pure again, to wash away the stain of infidelity that marked your conscience.
The weight of guilt remained following a shower. Wrapped tightly in your towel, you moved through your apartment with a sense of urgency, cleaning and airing it out, trying to erase any and every trace of Taeyong's presence. You changed your sheets, replacing them with fresh, clean ones, hoping to remove the lingering scent of his cologne. You sprayed air freshener and opened the window, hoping to remove the smell of sex in the air. Every movement, every action, was fueled by a desperate need to erase the evidence of your wild night.
You took the Plan B that Taeyong went to get for you, chugging the pill down with water, as if that could undo things, as if it was a chance at redemption. The very last thing you needed was to end up pregnant and have no idea if the baby was Kun’s or Taeyong’s. You threw the empty box in the trash and took out the garbage, getting rid of the evidence. 
Not long after, the doorbell rang. You opened the door, revealing the man you’d betrayed with a container of soup. He kissed you on your lips on his way inside. “Hey babe. I thought about making you that Chinese soup you like but I was feeling a little lazy so I just bought you some chicken soup.”
You nodded with a weak smile. “Thank you…Were you up late working?”
“Yeah,” he said, placing the bag on the counter. He started sifting through the bags so that you could eat. “I went to sleep around two. What time did you get back?”
“Maybe around 12:30,” you answered, “I fell asleep earlier than I thought. I’m sorry I didn’t text you back.”
He shook his head. “No need to apologize. I know you were fine. Do you want to eat now?”
You nodded. Your energy levels were really low and, Kun being here when you were grinding on Taeyong’s dick a couple of hours ago, didn’t help the situation. As you ate, Kun carried the conversation. He talked about the housewarming last night and how nice Taeyong was and that he could see us getting along. He talked about how work went and how his juniors were slacking. You were only half there, hearing him and trying your best to look engaged.
"Is there anything else on your mind?" he asked gently, his hand reaching out to touch yours reassuringly.
Caught off guard by his question, you hesitated. Of course there was something else on your mind. You couldn’t stop thinking about Taeyong or what the two of you did. Of course, you couldn’t tell him any of it. "No, it's just the hangover," you repeated, as if trying to convince yourself of your own lie. “I think the food will help.”
Kun nodded slowly, seemingly accepting your explanation. “Wanna watch a movie? Sounds like the perfect lazy Sunday before we have to go to work tomorrow..”  
Work. That was the last place that you wanted to be. You’d have to confront reality somehow and face Taeyong in real life and real-time. Would things be awkward? Would Taeyong treat you differently? You didn’t take him for a man that would put you or his job at risk, but you weren’t sure how this would go. You’d opened up a door that couldn’t be shut so easily. 
It was your fault, truth be told. You weren’t perfect but, still, you couldn’t bring yourself to say that being with Taeyong was a mistake. You didn’t have any regrets when it came to him. You just regretted how it all came to be. You wished that this had happened at a time when you were single. Then, things would be okay, and these decisions didn’t have to weigh so heavily on your mind.
“Yeah,” you replied, taking away the empty containers. “Do you wanna pick this time?”
So, you tried to get back into normalcy by watching a movie with the man you were supposed to be in a relationship with. 
The next day at work, you found yourself glancing over at Taeyong every so often, a knot of guilt tightening in your stomach with each glance. His presence was a constant reminder of the sins you had committed, a secret that weighed heavily on your conscience.
Taeyong, on the other hand, seemed unfazed by the tension between you. He continued to greet you with his usual warm smile and engaging conversation, even going so far as to brush against your hands in passing moments. You tried to avoid his touch, to maintain a professional distance, but his subtle touches made you question whether or not you were overthinking. 
The workday dragged on, each minute dragging on as you sat with your conflicting emotions. You longed for the day to end, to escape your team, along with the weight of your guilt.
Finally, the clock struck five, signaling the end of your workday. As you gathered your belongings and headed out of the office, you picked up your phone to see a text from Taeyong.
Taeyong [5:01PM] : Can you meet me at Hidden Moon Bar?
He sent a link and it was a five minute walk from the office. You texted back, agreeing. Unfortunately, you couldn’t quite ignore Taeyong or pretend that what happened didn’t happen.
You said your goodbyes and left first. As you walked, you wondered how the conversation would go. All you knew was that this couldn’t continue. You had cheated on Kun, yes, but it would be better to stop now before things got out of control. You just needed to stand your ground and not get tempted to go back on what you wanted to say.
You sat down at the bar, deciding that you definitely needed a drink to have this conversation. A moment later, you had a glass of Pinot Noir in your hand. After a few gulps,  you felt much better about things. 
“Hey Y/N,” said a familiar voice from behind you. So casually, Taeyong took a seat on the barstool next to you. It wasn’t crowded, thankfully, as the happy hour crowds hadn’t made it just yet. “What are you drinking?”
"Hey," you said, your voice laced with a hint of nervousness. “I got Pinot Noir.”
Taeyong called over the bartender to say, “Can I have a glass of Pinot Noir, too?” He took out his wallet, pulling out his credit card. “You can put mine and hers on this card. Thanks!”
You nodded. “Thanks.”
He said, “No problem. Well, anyway, we should talk about what happened, right?”
“Yeah, um, what we're doing, what we did…it's not right. We shouldn't be doing this, Taeyong. We're coworkers, and it's too complicated. I think you should date other people, seriously."
He looked at you, without saying a word. He didn’t say anything for a long time, to the point where you began to feel a little awkward. He sighed and took a sip of the wine the bartender had just placed in front of him. He took a long swig and put the glass down before turning back to you. "Y/N, dating other people isn't going to change how I feel about you. I can't just turn off these emotions. Trust me, I've tried, but it's not that easy."
You sighed, realizing the depth of the situation. "Taeyong, you deserve someone who can really be with you. Someone you don’t have to sneak around with. It's not fair to you."
He leaned back in the chair, studying your face. "You think I want just anyone? I want you, Y/N. And I understand it's complicated…”
You shook your head, feeling the weight of responsibility. "It's not just about us; it's about my boyfriend, our jobs, everything. I can't just throw it all away."
"I get it, Y/N. I do. But I can't deny what I feel. I can't just pretend that we didn’t kiss, that we didn’t have sex, that we’re just nothing.”
You said, "Taeyong, I care about you, but we can't keep going down this path. It's only going to get more complicated."
He leaned a little closer. "What if I don't want to date other people? What if I just want to be with you, even if it's complicated?"
You closed your eyes, feeling the weight of the situation. "Taeyong, we can’t…"
He sighed, a mixture of frustration and sadness in his expression. "I can't promise that my feelings will just disappear. But if you think it's the right thing to do and that this is what you want, I'll respect your decision."
The office clock ticked down to 5:00 PM, signaling the end of yet another busy week. As people began gathering their belongings and preparing to leave, Kevin turned to the group with a grin. "Hey, is anyone up for dinner tonight?" he asked, shutting his laptop. “I have no plans. Someone please say yes.”
A few heads nodded in agreement, while others declined, letting him know that they already had plans. Attention was on Taeyong now, as he hadn’t responded. 
"I can’t. I have a date tonight," Taeyong announced, in a light, casual tone.  
While your coworkers laughed and teased, a pang of jealousy coursed through your body. A date? Already? 
Hina, turning off her monitor, stood up from her chair. "Is this the first date?"
Taeyong nodded, his smile widening. "Yeah," he answered. "Seolyun gave me a suggestion for a steakhouse so I’m going to take her there. Supposed to be pretty good."
You recalled your recent conversation with Taeyong last week, where you had encouraged him to see other people. That meant that dates were a thing. You felt jealousy and regret, realizing you weren't as prepared for Taeyong to move on as you thought. The suggestion to date others had been a bit easier in theory than in practice. You did your best to hide your emotions, forcing a smile as you joined the others in wishing him a good time.
Kevin, always eager to add to the conversation, chimed in, "So, how did you meet her?"
"Online dating app," Taeyong replied casually. "We were texting for a while and I asked if she had any plans, so I figured why not take her out tonight?"
Seolyun, your curious coworker, couldn't resist the urge to pry. "Can we see a picture?" she asked, her eyebrows raised in anticipation.
Taeyong chuckled, "I'll show you if we end up dating," he teased. “I don’t wanna jinx it.”
The thought of Taeyong moving on and potentially having a new girlfriend stirred a mix of emotions within you. While you genuinely wished him the best, you couldn't deny the lingering feelings you still had for him.
As you gathered your things and prepared to leave the office, a wave of uncertainty washed over you. What was going to happen now? 
Taeyong found himself staring at his reflection in the mirror, conflicted emotions playing on his face. Tonight was the night of the date he agreed to. He’d be a liar if he said that he wasn’t nervous about it. He adjusted his collar, wondering if he was making the right decision. By going on a date, he was respecting your boundaries, right? 
The girl he was about to meet was pretty and she seemed genuinely nice. He didn’t know much about her yet, but he thought that maybe this could work out in his favor. But as he buttoned up his shirt, a nagging thought tugged at the edges of his mind – she wasn't you. And she never would be.
The conversation he had with you had been playing in his mind all week, like a broken record. Taeyong sighed, trying to come to terms with what you’d said. If you wanted him to see other people, he reasoned, it meant you didn't want him. He had to at least try to move on, to forget about the feelings he had for you. Yet, the mere thought of being with someone else made his heart ache.
Glancing at the clock, he realized it was time to leave. He locked eyes with his reflection, trying to give himself a pep talk. It’ll be fun, he thought, trying to reason with himself, an internal battle plaguing his heart. Just one date, he told himself. She seems to be a nice girl. Maybe we’ll hit it off.
There are more girls out there other than Y/N, Taeyong.
All of these thoughts crossed his mind but he wasn’t sure of himself. Maybe this date would be a step towards closure, a way to untangle himself from the feelings he had for you.
As he stepped out into the night, Taeyong couldn't shake the lingering doubt. Deep down, he couldn't escape the haunting question – was he truly ready to move on, or was this just a futile attempt to fill the void left by someone he couldn’t have?
The week had been long, filled with deadlines and endless meetings, so when Kevin suggested grabbing dinner and drinks to unwind, you decided to get on board. Spending time with friends seemed like a much better option than sulking at home and being trapped in wonderings about Taeyong and this mystery woman. 
As you all settled into a cozy corner booth, the clinking of glasses and the hum of conversation surrounded you. The menu was passed around, each person expressing their preferences and sharing recommendations.
Seolyun scanned the cocktail menu with enthusiasm. "I heard their mojitos are really good. Anyone up for one?”
Hina, sitting beside you, offered a thoughtful smile. "I'm game. Mojitos it is."
“Speaking of mojitos, me and my cousins are planning a trip to Cuba!”
Despite the lively conversation about mojitos and travel, your thoughts drifted to Taeyong yet again. Who was this girl? What did she look like? What was her personality like? Most importantly, would Taeyong like her? Would he like her so much that he ends up in a relationship with her? 
Every few minutes, you found yourself reaching for your phone to look at Taeyong’s Instagram profile. You'd refresh the page, hoping to catch a glimpse into his date, hoping to see a photo, a story, anything that would tell you where he was or what he was doing. 
“Any travel plans coming up for the summer, Y/N?” asked Kevin, as he put a few pieces of pork belly onto your plate. Now, you were being forced into the conversation. And rightfully so. 
“Nah, I wasn’t planning on going anywhere but I’m not going to lie, a beach trip would be amazing. Me and Hina were talking about maybe doing a weekend trip.”
“I haven’t been in years,” said Hina. 
“It’ll be nice to get some seafood,” you added. 
“Speaking of seafood,” chimed in Seolyun, “should we order squid to grill?”
As the night went on, you were almost filled to the brim with anxiety. No matter how good the food was or how strong your drink was, you could only think of Taeyong. The thought of him enjoying an evening out with a nameless, faceless woman filled your heart with frustration and envy. 
Every notification, every vibration, every sound made your heart drop. Everytime you got a notification, you hoped that it was him and you hoped that he was thinking about you as much as you were about him. But it never was, and that hurt more than you thought it would. 
As you were on the subway heading home, you realized that you basically only knew Taeyong as a friend. You hardly knew him as a lover, but you wanted to. Was he patient? Was he the type of man to give you random gifts, just because? Would he plan dates without you having to ask? Was he willing to work things out if you had a fight? You wondered what kind of man he’d be like, if you were dating.
A shower wasn’t much help either. Those thoughts didn’t disappear but they shifted to the memories of him being here with you. You thought of how hard he kissed you, how he grabbed your hands and held them down as he thrusted into you in missionary, and how deep inside you he was. It was almost as if Taeyong figured out your body and how to please you in just a night. You throbbed at the thought. 
You knew you had no right to feel this upset about it. You had Kun, your loving boyfriend who was on his way right now with a bottle of the Pinot Noir that you loved. And here you were thinking about a man that you couldn’t have. 
You’d invited him over before you got in the shower because you felt alone. You wanted what you couldn’t have, so you went with the next best option. It wasn’t that you didn’t love or care about Kun; you did. But Taeyong had shown you excitement that you hadn’t felt in a long time. Kun felt…safe. Taeyong felt dangerous. There was something about the thrill of it all that turned you on a little bit.
As you got out of the shower and wrapped your towel around you, you found yourself picking up your phone again. You clicked on the Instagram app for what was probably the hundredth time tonight and found that Taeyong had finally posted something — a story. You pressed your finger on Taeyong’s icon and found the photo that you’d been waiting for all night long. You held your finger down because ten seconds to view it wouldn’t be enough for you. Taeyong had taken a picture of a perfectly cooked steak, medium rare and glistening just how he liked it. The steak looked amazing, but what really caught your eye was the small bouquet of flowers across the table and the perfectly manicured hand you could see holding a steak knife in the top right corner. And to top it off, he put 5 star emojis with the location of the restaurant tagged.
You felt your eyes become hot with what you could only assume to be tears. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony, a cruel joke. Were you really upset with him when you were the one who told him to see other people? You couldn’t possibly keep up an affair with him. It was wrong and you both deserved better than to drag each other around on strings and making promises you couldn’t keep. You’d uttered those words at the time but you weren’t sure that you actually meant them. And here you were — jealous.
You heard the front door open and close, signaling your boyfriend’s arrival. Before you went out there, you needed to pull yourself together. You took a deep breath. Suddenly, you wished that you hadn’t asked for him to come over. But maybe it made sense now. Instead of being left alone with your thoughts, having company seemed like the better option.
“Babe?” he called from the kitchen.
You wiped your tears with your towel before you went out to greet him. “Hey, babe.”
Of course, he greeted you with a smile that made you feel guilty. As you got closer, he said, “You okay, Y/N? You look like you’ve been crying…”
You said, “I think it’s just my allergies.” A lie, but believable. 
As you wiped away what was left of your tears, he said, “Do you need some medicine? I can go get some if you need…”
You shook your head. “I’m okay,” you said, forcing a smile. “I’d love some of that wine though.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked, planting a kiss on your lips. 
“Yeah,” you said in a low, husky voice. You kissed him back, harder this time. Kun was surprised at your forwardness and pulled you closer to him. You could feel him getting hard and, sneakily, he made your towel fall to the floor. 
“I’ll pour some wine,” you said, pulling away from his embrace, and showing off your body. You could see him biting his lips as you reached into the cabinet for your wine glasses. His eyes never left you, even when he was across the room on the couch.
A moment later, you were walking toward him, wine glasses in hand to place on the side table. Then you disappeared into your bedroom and changed into the lingerie set he liked. Little did he know, he followed you and watched you as you changed. 
“You look good,” he said, coming up behind you. “Are you horny, babe?”
You turned around to face him, nodding. You were met with your wine glass. You took it from him and took a long swig of the red wine. A little bit dripped down your chin as you pulled the glass away and Kun was quick to wipe it away with his thumb, slowly.
You took another sip and you watched him over the top of your glass. After you put the glass on top of your dresser, Kun pulled you close to him, pressing your body against his. You said, “So are you going to do something about it?”
You bit your lip. “Maybe…” Reaching down for his pants, you pulled them down. He was left in his boxers, his hardness poking through to give you a nice view. You heard a small groan come from his lips as you pulled those off, too, freeing him from the constraints. You ran your fingers back and forth across the head of his penis, teasing him, and watched it jump each time. You got down on your knees and took him in your mouth. You sucked his dick, nice and slow, at first. Then, you picked up the speed, drawing louder moans from your boyfriend. He put his hand on your shoulder and you knew that if you kept going he’d cum before you could get him inside you.
You pushed him back onto the bed, to his surprise, and climbed on top of him. “Take this off,” you said, referring to his shirt. You quickly helped him with the buttons and tossed the shirt to the side. He sat up and latched onto your nipple; he had easy access thanks to the lingerie, which had a small hole designated for them. He licked and nibbled on them. You screwed your eyes shut in pleasure, letting out small moans. Then, he reached down to your slit, running his fingers across it. You could tell that you were wet, partially because of the stimulation and partially because you thought of what it felt like when Taeyong touched you. 
He said, “Are you ready?”
You nodded. “Fuck me, Kun.”
With that, he flipped you over onto your back. He slipped in easily and started thrusting into you right away. Your walls gripped at him tightly, making him groan. With each stroke, you could hear how wet your pussy was from that wet, squishy sound. Hearing it must’ve made him excited because he was suddenly fucking you harder, faster; it was hard to catch your breath with the feeling of your body being pounded into the mattress. 
He buried his neck into yours as he thrusted in and out of him. From the way his breathing got heavier and heavier, you could tell he was close. The thought got you so excited. 
“Ride it, babe,” he said, pulling out. 
No words were exchanged. You just sunk down onto him with a squish. He groaned in response and let you take control. You started grinding on his dick, back and forth. Your wetness began soaking his pelvis and his lips parted in pleasure.
“That’s my good girl,” he said. “There you go.”
Hearing his voice made you throb even harder. You started going faster. It wouldn’t be long until you rode yourself into an orgasm. It wasn’t often that you found yourself having vaginal orgasms but today was the day. You could almost taste that delicious feeling building up inside you.  
In the moment of your orgasm, you got lost in the movement of your hips. You allowed yourself to forget. You forgot about the guilt and the lies. You lost yourself in the feeling of Kun’s fingers digging into your hips instead. 
But even as you came, a part of you couldn’t help but wonder, in the back of your mind, where Taeyong was, who he was with, and if he was thinking of you, even just a little.
But this was safe. Being here with Kun was safe. 
Taeyong tossed and turned in bed that night, not able to get much quality sleep. He’d dozed off here and there, but it’d been nothing substantial. You crept into his dreams again and things were perfect. It was as if he was living in an alternate universe, one where you were single and being right or wrong didn’t matter. In the dream, you were his and he was yours. He could almost smell the scent of your perfume, almost feel your lips on his. It was a dream he didn’t want to wake up from.
Despite the content of his dreams, he had a good time on the date. Her name was Hyewol. He started the night off in the same way he would’ve wanted to with you, if he had the opportunity. He met up with her, greeting her with a small bouquet of roses. Then they walked to the restaurant together and got to know one another on the way to the restaurant. They told each other the basics: where they were from and where they worked, what schools they went to and what countries they visited, and their favorite things. Then, they enjoyed steak and wine for dinner. 
He let her know that he’d like to take her on another date and, luckily for him, she was all for it. Part of him believed that maybe he could date her, that he could move on. But the truth was that she wasn’t you. So far, she was a person he could see himself with, but that wasn’t enough. Their chemistry wasn’t as strong. He could tell just by the way that he was in no hurry to kiss her.
He’d spent the past week on dating apps, hoping that the void he felt in his heart would be filled. He’d swiped through profiles, messaged other women, and he even went on a date tonight. The problem remained and it was that you couldn’t be replaced.
It was a bit dramatic, he supposed, but he felt as though he couldn’t just be friends with you. The two of you had crossed a line and it was too late to turn back now. The damage had already been done, hadn’t it? What if he just pushed forward anyway? No, he thought. He had to respect your boundaries. He couldn’t just tell you no. So he needed to figure out if you were serious about him moving on. But for now, he’d give it some time first. Maybe you’d change your mind and come to him instead.
General Taglist: @to-all-the-stories-i-love @sweetnspicy-noona
Lost for Words Taglist: @ridinjuyeon @soonyoonswoo
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writemekpop · 2 years
Secret | Qian Kun
Summary: You try to tell your boyfriend Kun that you are pregnant, but you can’t get a word in.
Genre: Established relationship AU, angsty 
Word Count: 0.5k
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You have a big secret.
You’re pregnant.
Tonight, you have to tell your boyfriend Kun, who’s rehearsing with his rock band, Dreamerz.
Kun interrupts you before you can speak. ““We’re going to open for Nell, baby!” His eyes are feverishly bright. “They’re talking about a world tour!”  
As he talks, Kun doesn’t even look at you.
You feel your frustration rise to the boil. Your feet ache, you smell like plane, and you’ve been fighting waves of sickness all evening.
Standing on the edge of the stage, watching Kun run down the stairs, you do something that you will regret for a long time.  
“I’m pregnant!” you shout.
Kun freezes.
He stands, statuesque, his shoulders bunched.
When he turns, all of human history is visible on his face.  
He walks back up the stairs towards you, his eyes on your belly.
One step. Another. Your heart thuds in your ears.
“How long?” he breathes.
“A month,” you reply.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he says. Tears fall silently down his cheeks.
“I tried,” you say.  
Kun rests his head on your belly and shuts his eyes, his tears dampening your shirt. A low animal sound leaves his throat, an emotion too strong for words.
You cradle his head in your hands, twisting his soft hair in your fingers. You never want to let go.
“I’m sorry,” you say, trying not to cry. “I know this isn’t a good time, your world tour…”
He looks up at you, his face blank. “What?”    
You laugh through your tears. “You were going to go on a tour, b-but I don’t think you can…”
Kun grins. “Fuck the world tour.” Then, he breaks out in tears again. “I’m going to be a father!”
He takes the next two steps in one bound, clutching you tight to him in a breathless hug. His strong arms make you feel weightless, like you could lift your feet off the ground, and you would still be safe.
“Easy there,” you chuckle, when his vice grip shows no sign of loosening. “Baby, remember?”
He gasps, letting you free. “Oh, I forgot.”
You laugh at the utter bewilderment on his face. “Aren’t you upset? About the band? I thought this tour was make-or-break for your career.”
“I want nothing except to meet our child.” Kun kisses your hand. “If you told me to give up music, right now, I would do it. I’m sorry if I haven’t made that clear.” 
“I would never ask that of you,” you say, stunned.
“I know,” he says, smiling. “You’re too kind for that.” He chuckles to himself. “And if our baby gets even one fraction of your kindness, your brilliance, your beauty… they’re going to be just fine.”
You smile back at him.
“I would say the same.”
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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winwintea · 2 months
WayV as my favorite songs
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AUTHOR’S NOTE ↬ no one asked for this but i can do whatever i want lol. i need to flesh out every single nct member and this is the easiest way for me to write for them: music
PLAYLIST ↬ here just in case you would like to listen to any of them lol
OTHER VERSIONS ↬ dream | 127 | wish (when i post them eventually lol)
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yangyang is a certified y2k baddie. i'm fully convinced he was born in the wrong era. like he would've rocked the 2000s so much, if only he was born 10 years earlier. 火 is quite literally yangyang, don't tell me other wise, like yangyang is🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥the lyrics are so him coded. HE JUST LOVES MUSIC DON'T TELL HIM TO STOP! in true wayv fashion the song is probably about sex
XIAO DEJUN ↬ 爱 - 小虎队
my god. dejun....... literally such a romantic, but he's like the youthful style romantic?? (does that make sense) 爱 just fits him so well cause it's like young love, peaceful vibes, literally i'm in love with this man. I BET YOU ANYTHING HE KNOWS THE SIGN LANGUAGE TO THIS SONG BY HEART. heartthrob dejun of the 90s. LIKE CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM IN THE 90s???
QIAN KUN ↬ 你是我永远的乡愁 - fei yu-ching
you know the guy that sings the xue hua piao piao song? yeah this is one of his songs. another way for me to call kun a boomer but am i wrong??? is this man not a boomer??? i'm sorry. nah but i got a feeling that kun really likes old old music. i'm talking teressa teng, all those classics. and i can't blame him they're bangers. couldn't go straight with a jay chou song bc that'd be too easy i wanted to challenge myself.
DONG SICHENG ↬ 我愿意 - faye wong/王菲
i love love love faye wong....... all of her songs. she's so talented bruh. and i love winwin! wow those go great together! jkjk, i have reasons for this too. this song is quite literally so special so romantic like damn. i have a feeling that winwin, whoever his partner is, he would literally worship the ground they walk on. HE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR THE ONE HE LOVES. these are literally all love songs but my wayv boys... i picture them in love all the time okay.
WONG KUNHANG ↬ 失戀 - grasshoper
everytime i hear this fucking song i laugh so hard bc WHO WROTE THIS???? WHY DID YOU MAKE IT HAPPY??? hendery is such a comedian, we all know that. he just has this extremely playful vibe to him. the lyrics of this song... are certainly tragic.... it's about a dude who's chasing after girl who doesn't like him but also talking to another guy who likes the same girl and they both cope with their misery together. LIKE... hendery gives me the vibe that for all his misfortunes and troubles he would just laugh it off. which is not okay, but it's how he is. :((
literally do not know any thai songs i apologize, but if you got any good recs. really any jolin tsai song could fit ten's vibe tbh, like especially 舞孃 could work too. i chose play bc the gays like it (this is a joke but also kinda true) i could say that she's basically the "lady gaga of cpop" (not my words okay) play is just so sassy, and playful, really fits the vibes that ten has going on there. gay.
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perm taglist ↬ @lyvhie
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smolsicheng · 2 years
─ ੈ♡˳ [𝟐𝟑:𝟐𝟐]
Kun rests his head on your shoulder, his eyes fluttering sleepily as you turn the page of the book you're reading. His arms wrap around your own and a tired smile tugs at his lips as he turns his gaze towards your face; you had a look of concentration in your eyes and your nose scrunched every now and then in an attempt to stiffle a yawn.
"you're cute when you're half asleep" Kun would mutter just before yawning quietly, turning his head away from you slightly as he did so. You'd mumble something about the compliment to yourself, your ears turning a deepening shade of pink. Your right hand fumbles with the top corner of the page you're on while you raise your left hand to your eyes, rubbing away the feeling of sleep.
Noticing this, Kun sits up from his slump against your side, positioning himself differently and taking the book from your hand gestures for you to lean closer to him. After a second yawn, he reads the final page of the book, smoothing out the crease in the corner you had just created, his voice seeming to lull you gently into sleep.
"and how she would gather about her other little children, and make their eyes bright and eager with many a strange tale, perhaps even with the dream of Wonderland of long ago; and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple joys, remembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days..."
requested by anon, Kun + #9
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markicantwait · 1 year
Killing Voice is searching they're next artist! This would be an amazing chance for the guys!
You can answer the first question with 'WayV" or "NCT WayV"
The second one with three songs you wanna hear, my list was:
1.- After midnight
2.- Miracle
3.- Nectar
And the three question is why you wanna see them on the segment!
The Google form is this:
We already had 127 and Dream, we deserve WayV too!!!
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nouvely · 2 years
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Kun + Ten staring contest
Ten: your heart is beating
Kun: yes heartbeating, beating ok
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weishenvicons · 2 years
WayV 威神V 'Phantom' MV Reaction
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loserlvrss · 2 months
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summary : after waking up from anesthesia, you're faced with a handsome stranger... who might not be all that unfamiliar after all
genre : fluff, kinda angst, kun x afab!reader tws : language, mentions of surgery (not specified for what), hospital/doctors environment author notes : she a wolf she a beauty and a beast she a wolf word count : 1.6k
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you blinked a couple times, the fluorescent lights momentarily impairing your vision. a hand came up to block them, shielding you as you adjusted. 
“it’ll be a little bright,” a woman’s voice echoed in your hollow mind. “you’ll be a bit sensitive for a while.” 
you turned your head, a croaked groan leaving your lips. “my arm hurts.” 
“it’s from the IV, we’ll give you something to take home with you for all the pain.” she smiled, running her gloved hand along the tape and checking your veins color. “i’m going to check your vitals one last time and go grab your guardian, okay?”
you swallowed, nodding but not hearing what she had been explaining after. however, she was a nurse, so you believed her. 
she took her time to check you over, making sure that everything was normal enough for a post-operation patient. your vision, hearing, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. and by how long it took (which was only a couple minutes in reality) you were convinced she not only had double, but triple-checked. 
you could remember the moment before you were put under, but everything else was still a little hazy, as if it was a dream. you could barely even think about anything other than what was right in front of your face. 
she had asked you to confirm your last name and date of birth, the hesitation making her stifle a smile. 
“i’m going to go get him now,” she took her stethoscope off, hanging it around her neck like a snake would. “it’ll only take a minute, okay?” 
“who?” you had asked, too late as she was already out of the room. you must’ve spaced out, trying to conjure up in your mind who she was talking about. “who are you getting?” 
you stared at the wooden door for what felt like forever, contemplating what to tell the nurse when she came back with someone you’d never met. 
you bit your lip, fidgeting with your fingers and picking at the skin until the door finally opened again. 
your eyebrows came together, a familiar sense washing over you. you looked over the man at her side, and you swear you had to clench your teeth to keep your mouth from falling open; he was the most beautiful person you’d ever laid eyes on. 
you know to each their own, but you wanted him to be your own. you couldn’t stomach the thought of another girl perceiving him even though as far as you knew you’d never seen him before. i mean, how could you forget such a face? 
he had a bright smile plastered to his god-awfully-pretty features. he glanced down at the nurse. “she looks confused,” he laughed. “has she not fully recovered from the anesthesia?” 
she hugged the clipboard in her hands close to her chest. “not yet it seems, she asked who i was getting earlier. it should wear off—we had to give her a slightly higher dose.” 
so, she did hear you but, chose to ignore you? that was cruel, however a laugh threatened to escape your throat… maybe it was the hyper amount of drugs you were on. 
maybe she hasn’t actually gone and got him (whoever he was) yet, maybe she had grabbed another nurse; a doctor; an anesthesiologist. but he didn’t look like a doctor, or anything of the sort, clothed regularly. he looked smart, but in other senses—non-medical. 
nonetheless, you couldn’t help feeling like you knew him. somewhere in the back of your mind you knew you could conjure up his name, and you cursed yourself for forgetting someone so beautiful. 
the nurse came back over to you after washing her hands, pulling the rolling stool up to your bed. 
you leaned in. “how do i know him?” 
she laughed again, but it wasn’t funny to you. you were starting to feel distressed, stupid even, because even she couldn’t understand how you’d forgotten him. she leaned in whispering. “your husband.” 
shocked was the simplest word you could’ve used.
“this might bruise, but it’ll go away within a couple days. and, your memory will come back within the hour, okay?” she started to remove the covers from your body, your bare legs on display. “and, you can change back into your regular clothes now, i’ll step out.” she turned to the man. “just let me know when she’s ready and we’ll go over the post procedure process, and schedule her a follow-up appointment.” 
“okay, sounds good.” he smiled as the nurse began exiting the room. “thank you.” 
the clicking of the door rang out against the silence, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. your eyes must’ve been wide, eyebrows confused as you looked him over again. 
“my what?” you finally spewed out. 
“husband, y/n.” he smiled, walking over to you. “we got married two months ago. i’m a little hurt that you forgot the best day of my life.” 
“i-i,” you began, watching as he picked your clothes up off the side table. “i don’t need help.” 
“yes, ma’am.” he seemed a little taken aback, obviously amused. “whatever you want, love.” 
you groaned as you willed your legs over the side. you were still a little skeptical, but it was starting to come back to you; how could you actually forget? 
there was a feeling inside telling you that you’d been with him way longer than the two months, and his presence was starting to jog your memories—maybe that was the trick to getting them back. him. your presumed husband. 
despite feeling determined too, you couldn’t even stand up, stumbling back over when you tried. he flinched towards you, but stopped himself, obviously wanting to respect your prior direction. 
you didn’t want to give in—still a little uncomfortable with the whole thing. you wanted to make him turn around, but you feared it was him that would be doing all the work in a couple of seconds. mind over matter though, right?
the bed let out a loud crack when you tried to stand again, this time he wouldn’t (couldn’t) stand back and watch. 
“i’m sorry,” he whispered, coming in front of you and grabbing your arms. “just let me help you.” 
you bit your lip, being raised by his strong, yet gentle grip. “i promise there’s nothing to worry about.” 
you nodded, feeling a sense of relief at his touch—one you didn’t know you could feel for him. “o-okay.” 
“can you stand on your own now?” he asked, carefully letting go of your skin, but keeping them close in case you started to tip. 
once he made sure you could, he reached down to your knees, holding the hem of the hospital-gown. you took his forearm within your fingers, non-verbally telling him to stop. your stomach was turning, but you trusted him? a feeling you don’t know where it came from. 
“if i close my eyes, will that be better?” he glanced at you, soft eyes catching your perplexed ones. “i’ll do whatever you need, y/n.” 
you nodded again, not really sure what to say. how would he know what he was doing with closed eyes? how could he feel so strongly towards you that he was prepared to do anything? but, he did as promised, fingers accidentally grazing your torso when he dragged the fabric up. 
the touch, however, sent you reeling, and suddenly you could remember a little over 6 months ago when he proposed. the night you cried like a baby, the man of your dreams down on one knee in front of you. 
the whole situation was also now starting to get on your nerves. why’d you forget? why’d it all start coming back with his lingering touch? why’d you have to get a case of amnesia? why couldn’t you just remember? you really wanted to. 
he kept his eyes closed, reaching to the clothes and feeling for your shirt. he found it, holding it up. “right way?” he asked. you hummed in response, helping it over your head. this time, as he adjusted the hem, his hands held your waist, twisting the fabric. but, it reminded you of further back, when you made him slow dance with you on the second date—even before you’d ever kissed—your arms draped around his neck, bodies swaying in a gentle rhythm.
you remember enough to know how you felt about him. you remember enough to know you loved him eternally. 
“kun…” his eyes shot open, hands stilling in their spot. “i’m sorry.” 
he grabbed you further. “why?” he asked, genuinely confused by your apology. you had nothing to be sorry for, he was only joking when he said he was hurt by your medically-caused amnesia. it happens. he knew you’d never be able to really forget him. “why are you sorry, my love?” 
you put your arms around his neck, embracing him in a tight hug. a long overdue hug. you pulled your head away, feeling a shiver down your spine when his hands stroked along it soothingly. you kissed the side of his mouth, causing a gentle smile. 
“i didn’t mean t-to. i forg—“ 
“don’t apologize.” he interrupted. “you remember now.” 
how could you ever really forget? 
“yeah,” you laughed. “it’s all coming back to me.” 
he pressed his lips to yours, and you urgently recognized fine-details that you’d engrained to memory. little things about him and your life that you could never discard as irrelevant—everything about him was relevant to you. you loved him, and part of love meant knowing it all. knowing the gorgeous and down-right nasty about each other, but still seeing them in the same light. and, you’d already learned everything about him, as he did you, vowing to commit your life to each other; and the next one, and the next one. forever and ever. for better or for worse. through sickness and health, poverty and wealth. 
‘till death do us part. 
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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sdvbraindump · 3 months
Can we request Stardew Valley shane fanfics
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I'd be flattered if anyone would do that! Thank you! 🥰
Just be aware that I currently have a backlog so it might take me a bit
[I haven't forgotten about Kent, 🌶️ Harvey, or Lewis Statue prank as I want to link all 3 of those in the same AU as Meteorite haha]
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mins-fins · 2 months
heart attack
&&. there's something hilarious about the beautiful doctor there to help with your terrible habits.
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pairing: qian kun x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of overworking, mentions of passing out & hospitalization
word count: 0.9k
notes: this….. THISSS💔💔💔 this drabble was very inspired by the thai movie heart attack (a movie that has no right being as cute as it is) kun fits the part so well because first.. doctor kun, and second.. kun is so amazing, i love kun, we all fucking love kun 😿 this is a early bday gift for user junjiie bc we all know he loves kun (happy early bday pookie ily) this is insanely self indulgent because i have slept less than three hours in these past five days and have been working myself to shit because.. med school!! yayyyyyyy!! im so excited!! (is not excited)
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"so what's the matter with you?"
the usual roughness that would lace the voice of a medical professional is replaced by the softness you would feel of pillows, you glance up, meeting the eyes of the beautiful man before you. you stare, forgetting where you are for a moment, the exhaustion rendering you speechless.
but it's a whisper in your head that reminds you of where you are, and you flinch. "oh— i um.. there's these rashes appearing on my body".
"okay" he mutters, clicking his tongue and pen in unison. "and where exactly?"
"my arms, my neck.." he hums, pulling up your sleeve to check out what you told him. "also there are some on my fingers".
he bites into his inner cheek, much too close for the sake of your heart. he then glances up, examining your face through his glasses. "you haven't been getting any sleep" he snaps his fingers in your direction, letting go of you and turning back to his computer.
you respond with a dry chuckle, too tired to even try to add emotion. "and you know that how?"
"i can see it in your eyes, those dark circles aren't doing you justice" he sucks his teeth as he types out something. "what's your occupation?"
it isn't strange that he's curious, just answer the question.
you shake your head, mind all over the place. "i work in graphic design".
"ohhh" he doesn't exactly seem surprised. "freelance?"
you nod.
his eyebrows join together. "how does an editing job have you so tired?"
you let out a breath, too exhausted to allow a laugh. "it's a twenty four hour thing, if i'm awake at all times i function better".
"you're barely functioning now".
"well you're a doctor, you always tell people the obvious" you sigh, closing your eyes to try and recollect the many hours of sleep you lost. "i'm sure you aren't any better than me.."
"i'd be inclined to disagree".
you open one eye, staring at the pretty doctor who types away on his computer, catching you in his peripheral vision. (eyes you don't notice due to your lethargy making you less disposed to).
"when was the last time you slept?"
your throat goes dry, your senses reduced to the clear fatigue. you could simply lie, how would he even know? there's no way dr. qian is a psychic, that would be freaky, you're sure it would be nightmarish if that were the case.
there's an indecipherable glimmer in his eye, one that would scare you in regular circumstances where you were fully awake. it's as if he knows you're going to lie, your attempt at fib crawls down your throat before it can even escape your lips. "five days ago".
his reaction is serene, much too calm for your situation. "five days ago.. and how many hours did you sleep?"
your brain is foggy, you almost blurt the number 'six', but that's simply your default response when people ask. why would you ever lie to a doctor?..and the cute doctor especially?
you pause at the wave of your thoughts. what do you mean he's cute?
it's simply common sense, y/n. don't you like smart guys?
you would probably attribute it to your terrible sleep deprivation if it weren't true. you can't deny that the man before you is simply so attractive it should be illegal, he's absolutely gorgeous, how can a regular doctor be so beautiful? you might fall over, not from your lack of sleep, but from the eyes of the man who stares with such care.
"like.. three?"
your voice scratches as you recall the last time you 'slept', he hums, clicking his pen as he notes the information down. he turns in his rolling chair, scooting closer to you. "you mind if i see your hands?"
you can't even put up a fight, you're just about to give into your own exhaustion. you put your hands out for him, and dr. qian takes your hands in his own, examining the rashes which litter your fingers. he's close, so close, you can admire each of his facial features with amazing certainty. everything about him is beautiful, his cheeks, his eyes, the curves of his lips, it's all beautiful, it should be a crime for such a man to exist.
"that's an issue.. have you taken medication for sleep before?" you shake your head, and his fingers slip from yours.
"alright.. i'm going to put you on doxylamine" he mumbles, getting back to noting down your state. you begin scratching at the rashes on your fingers, and he snaps: "don't scratch it".
you move your hands apart rather quickly, his tone of voice intimidating you enough that you pause. he's much too convincing.
he points at you. "tonight, and this next month onward, you sleep before nine o'clock every single day".
you uncharacteristically snicker. "do you sleep before nine o'clock every single day?"
he raises an eyebrow, amused by the question. "i'm the doctor, i know best".
"of course".
"you'll end up dead if you keep going at this rate, take your medication, sleep before nine every day, then check back in with me next month".
"if i'm not available, can i reschedule?"
the question is simply meant to be comedic, you're just about to pass out, trying to sneak in a last minute joke before having to leave the office of the cute doctor. he leans his arm against the desk, smiling at you. "don't reschedule, i want to see you".
and you clearly weren't expecting those words, because your cheeks flare up.
see y/n? you do like smart guys.
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swee7dream · 13 days
wayv as agere caregivers ! caregiver!wayv x regressor!reader
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genres sfw age regression content, fluff warnings rly sappy nicknames used dni nsfw / kink author's note i need to put this out before anything else otherwise i'll be so lost when i write more vision stuff . this is basically for me to reference in advance . tag list @mystarsohee @cupofwyn @iwontlettheselittlethingsslip @aeriaeri ( comment / ask to join :D or be removed D: )
qian kun (ó㉨ò)
so sweet and so gentle :(
he’s so kind you can’t even THINK of going against his requests
makes mealtimes fun even if his tiny struggles with them for any reason
finds grapes in your ear! how did that happen? who put that there? oh well, you might as well eat it
always holding your hand or pinky
just loves to rest his cheek on top of your head or shoulder and watch as you play with your toys, chuckling softly as he hears you to talk to and as them
he’s a little stiff when it comes to playing but you can tell he’s doing his best so you’re not saying anything!
he accidentally sits on one of your stuffie and he holds it up and away from him in a panic, not knowing what the appropriate reaction is. does he apologize to you? to the toy? what is it called again? oh no…
very old-fashioned kind of caring
prioritizes you getting all your tasks done before doing anything fun
you begin to grumble but quickly stop when you turn to see him going (。•ˇ‸ˇ•。) and so you bite your tongue
gives you little pieces of candy throughout the day to reward you for doing chores (and so you don’t complain)
loves feeding you! you can insist all you want but he’s making sure your plate is squeaky clean by the end of lunchtime.
“i know you can do it yourself, baby. but kun-kun wants to. won’t you let him? pretty please?”
calls you little bird and teases you as he wipes your face clean of any applesauce or animal cracker crumbs
big big big helper. helps pack your bag, tie your shoes, pick out an outfit, all with your permission first of course. and how could you deny him when his eyes are sparkling like that?
the inventor of headpats, actually
li yongqin ≽ܫ≼
ok not actually but he’s actually such a tease! the biggest tease in all of nct, i wanna say. there’s johnny, one step up is yuta, and a BIG gap after him is ten
makes everything a competition but makes sure to keep the victories 50/50
who can wash their face the fastest! who can tie their shoes the fastest! who can put away more clothes!
when you first told him he… did not react the best. he thought you were joking :( he made a couple jokes before realizing no, you were 100% serious
immediately apologized while also trying to figure out if you were crazy or not. he decided that you are, but in a cool way so he stuck around
it was a process, but with many (MANY) q&a sessions and research he was chill about it
he was never against it, just confused
but once he gets comfortable in his role as caregiver (read: evil older cousin/uncle) he’s super supportive, a very tough love kind of guy
unlike kun, doesn’t like making your decisions for you. highly encourages you making your own decisions even if, or especially if, it ends up making you look like you just hopped off the first bus out of clownville, silly city
‘silly’ and ‘goof’ are his defaults for you. ur just a silly, goofy baby!
when you’re super uber tiny, he likes breaking ur brain and putting the triangular prism block in the square hole
“how did you do that…” “no one will ever believe you”
dance parties all day, every day, from sunrise to sundown, until you’re both passed out on the floor
sometimes you wake up but when you’re in so deep you sleep through the night, ten’ll make sure to get you in bed, wiping the sticky leftover feeling of sweat off your face and arms with some baby wipes
dong sicheng ⋌(˚͈v˚͈)⋋
be so nice to him
i’m serious!!!
at the beginning he’s so, so nervous. he’ll never ask but the look in his eyes always reads as ‘oh my god am i doing this right please tell me this is right’
he’s kind of quiet. very easygoing
happy to just stay in and do puzzles with you (or maybe just watch if you don’t like sharing) but also okay with having a full-blown princess party where you both get dressed up and you do his makeup
can never say anything mean ever
it’s kind of funny to see all the different ways he avoids saying the word ‘no’
“winnie like it?” ”my eyes are so… scribbly. very avant garde” ”what’s that?” ”…it just means pretty, sweetheart.”
the best for the not-so-good days, even if he says he’s not
holds you in his arms and rocks the two of you as you sit on his lap, sniffling and leaving your tears on his shirt. blows your nose for you (because he loves you, but you’re not getting snot on him) and presses kisses to the top of your head
he doesn’t speak much but when he does it sends you into fits of giggles
he knows his power too! specifically uses it to distract you when you’re eating so he can he steal some of your food :P
when you told him about your regression he just stared at you with a blank stare that got you so nervous you just rambled and rambled for who knows how long until he interrupted you all of sudden, hand out like a crossing guard, and went ‘okay’
that’s it. ‘okay’
you weren’t quite sure what that meant but here you are, playing tea party together in your fairy tent
xiao dejun ٩(ˊᗜˋ )و
he’s like a straitjacket
always has his arms around you and his grip is surprisingly strong. you wriggle and kick around but all you’re gonna get is a whiny xiao peppering kisses into your neck
doesn’t like playing pretend. you always scam him :(
he says he’s never playing grocery store again until you pull out the waterworks and he’s back giving his entire pretend wallet for a pack of gum
likes to take you out on walks with bella, carrying a bug of doggy treats, bags, hand sanitizer, and an extra big bag for you to drop all the pretty stones and flowers you find along your trek
also likes to make crafts out of your nature walk finds, leaf stamps, rock pets, etc etc. makes sure to keep them high up on a shelf so neither leon nor louis nor levi nor coco can knock them over
it still doesn’t work :(
has the time of his life playing photobooth with you. almost losing his lungs laughing so hard at all the different filters where his eyes get big like a bug or you’ve suddenly been turned into yoda
called you baby yoda for a solid week before you told him to stop
he still calls you it sometimes under his breath because he just finds it so funny so many months later
disney karaoke nights are WEEKLY
even if you’re not feeling little he’ll just start poking at you like ‘hey :(’ pokes ‘come on’ pokes ‘let’s watch hercules :(’ pokes ‘and sing along :(’ pokes ‘come on :(’
and honestly you do slip and make him have to deal with a bratty baby for a good ten minutes until he pacifies you in a hug with a surprising bear-like grip
loves having matching items with you. his heart melted when you got matching sleep masks and wears it every single night
he doesn’t know you bought them because you’re tired of nearly screaming every time you’re returning to bed after using the restroom and he’s staring dead at you as he snores
wong kunhang ◉‿◉
pink everything.
pink clothes, pink plates, pink dollhouses, pink books, pink socks, pink nails, pink food
strawberry pink cupcakes with strawberry pink frosting and pink sprinkles and strawberry jam in the middle all made in the easybake oven
you get sick of anything strawberry pretty quick (both literally and figuratively), but don’t have the heart to tell dery about the pink…..
very good at coming up with characters on the spot. the number one person you can turn to for names and personalities of new plushies, bought or gifted by him
“what ‘bout this one, dery?” “hmm, well, how about she’s a detective? from space. from a moon far, far away but crash landed on earth! and now she’s trying to gather money to get back home!” “yeah!!!”
but ask him for advice on irl problems and none of that imagination transfers over.
whenever you’re feeling fussy and tearing up kunhang goes crazy
what do you need !!!!! food ??? tea ??? tv ??? cuddles ??? he doesn’t know !!! HERE !!! all at once !!!
u just had a tummy ache from too much ice cream :>
huge cuddler. nothing can stop him
doesn’t feel hindered in the slightest even if you ask to nap with him PLUS all your pillows and blankies and stuffed animals. calls you two the bread slices of a fluff sandwich
little bit of a klutz but loves cutesy, delicate things like hair clips and pretty nails, not just giving but also receiving the princess treatment he’s always determined to give you
likes to let you take your turn first before he tries anything new out of fear of hurting you or doing something the wrong way
that’s why he likes asking lots of questions when you two play makeover. likes learning about your colors you like on your nails, the colors you don’t, the texture and treatment of your hair, everything ! he thinks you’re the most interesting person in the whole wide world <3
liu yangyang ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
gives the vibes of a fun older brother / younger uncle
full of bad ideas but enough common sense to not go through with them 100% (unlike ten)
very sportsy, very energetic, very aNNOYING
soooo cocky and does not give you an advantage even though you’re literally so tiny !!!! like do u mind …….
he’ll leave u eating dust playing mario kart during the first race of the prix and your urge to bite him only gets WORSE as he calls himself the next hit nascar driver UGH
but after some lighthearted teasing and competition has started, he’ll dial it back a little
sings you lullabies and nursery rhymes in literally any language if you ask.
chinese, english, and german are e-z of course but if your native language is one outside of those three (or maybe you’re learning another one!) he’ll try his best to sing a song in that language just for you <3
probably has a yearly pass to the nearest amusement park so u go often and race eye arr el as well. doesn’t ride the roller coasters, though.
holds your bags and waves at you from the ground when you’re going up on the roller coasters, giggling when he sees ur feet dangling off the ground
just likes trips in general, honestly
keeps beach toys in the trunk during the summer, camping gear during the fall, skiing/snowman building things in the winter, and kites and picnic stuff for the spring !
are you feeling sad? let’s go to the park !
feeling sick? you must go to the beach! the doctors from 1800s were so right to send all those noblewomen to the coast and now it’s your turn
cabin fever is never a thing when ur yangie’s baby
didn’t know how to react when you opened up, just listened carefully and quietly and held tight to your hand the whole time.
it felt like you were rambling for hours, but he made sure to let it be known that he didn’t mind
took a little bit to reach your current dynamic, but he’s so so glad you were comfortable enough to share such an intimate part of yourself with him. he can’t imagine a life without his baby !!!!!
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author's note hi !! it's been a while ! sorry . i would use The Situation as an excuse but that would be a lie . i've just been facing writer's block this past month PLUS regression block but yk ! i love to do this so i tried to at least put out something . i know it's not great but i hope it's not too bad .
in other news , i went to this new bakery place in my area and tell me why their cheesecake smelled SPOILED ???????? (。Ó﹏Ò。) 1O dollars down the drain T.T
i'm reopening my requests again just for inspo ( no full-length stuff yet ) as my older reqs have priority and i'm a girl of my word despite not punctual ......
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xofanfics · 10 months
Lost For Words - Part III
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Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
Genre: angst, fluff, smut 🥺🤗🥵
Pairing: Reader x Kun // Reader x Taeyong
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: You have the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for. Things take an interesting turn as you befriend your new coworker, exploring the blurred lines between friendship and something more.
“Introducing "ElysianGlow" – a prestigious international beauty brand poised to revolutionize your entire beauty and skincare ritual. With its European elegance and a mission to cater to every facet of your beauty journey, ElysianGlow stands at the forefront of luxury. As it sets its sights on the vibrant Korean market, this brand promises to bring an unmatched fusion of cultures, innovation, and indulgence to your daily beauty regimen…”
It was the last presentation of the day and you were exhausted. After hearing so many speakers, being exposed to so many new products, and taking in so much information, you felt a little overstimulated. You’d all been taking notes all day as you saw interesting things your competitors were doing. 
Your team dipped out a little early, in the hopes of avoiding the herds of people trying to exit the convention center at the same time. Outside the venue, Valentina said, “Good job, everyone. I saw a lot of you taking notes today. I want to do a larger meeting sometime next week or the week after to discuss our takeaways. I think that there was a lot of useful information we can use in our global marketing plans.” She smiled with a nod. “Anyway, I was thinking that we should go back to the hotel, freshen up, and then head out to get dinner?”
There were nods and murmurs of agreement, so David looked down at his watch. “It’s 5:09 now, so how about we meet in the lobby at 6:15PM. Who wants to be in charge of finding a restaurant?”
Hina waved her hand excitedly. “I can find a place!”
Valentina raised a cautious eyebrow at Hina, recalling the last time that Hina had chosen a restaurant. “Let’s try to keep it under three dollar signs this time, yeah?”
You and Hina took advantage of the time you had to freshen up before dinner. You began rummaging through your suitcase, tossing two dresses onto your bed. Hina, on the other hand, sat cross-legged on her own bed scrolling on her phone, ready to give her opinions as needed. 
Your phone buzzed on the dresser, and you picked it up, recognizing your boyfriend's contact name popping up on the screen.
"Hey," you said, balancing the phone between your shoulder and ear as you slipped out of your pants.
"Hey, how was the first day?" he asked. “Are you finished now?”
"It was great!" you replied with enthusiasm. "We all have a bunch of ideas. Valentina said we’ll have a meeting next week about it, so I’m excited to share.”
You could practically hear his smile through the phone. "That's great to hear. I can’t wait to hear all about your ideas when you’re back at home. Do you have dinner plans for tonight?”
“Yeah, Hina is actually in charge of looking for a place,” you said, glancing at her. “Hopefully she picks somewhere good.”
Hina stuck her tongue out at you and laughed, bringing a chuckle out of you as well. 
“Okay, well, have fun at dinner. And if you’re going to be drinking tonight, don’t forget to drink a lot of water.”
"I will," you promised, feeling a rush of warmth for your supportive boyfriend. You tossed the phone on the bed and pulled out a dress from your suitcase. 
An hour later, the group gathered in the hotel lobby, ready for a well-deserved dinner outing after a long day. Hina had strategically chosen a Thai restaurant within walking distance.
Upon arrival, the restaurant's ambiance whisked you away to a far-off tropical paradise. Intricate wooden carvings adorned the walls, vibrant textiles draped from the ceiling, and the scent of spices filled the air. The decor was a seamless blend of charm and cultural authenticity, making you feel as though you were on vacation.
With everyone seated, Valentina seized the moment and confidently ordered a round of drinks for the table. While they excitedly waited for their alcoholic beverages to arrive, they decided to order appetizers to try and share. A few moments later, the drinks arrived, following a clink of glasses and the chorus of cheers.
David placed his drink down on the table and clapped his hands together. "Now that we're not at the conference anymore, let’s talk about something other than work for a change…" Laughter rippled through the group as everyone welcomed the idea. 
A few more drinks later, your steaming plate of drunken noodles made its grand entrance to the table. The thick rice noodles glistened with a rich, dark sauce, topped with tender slices of chicken, colorful bell peppers, and vibrant Thai basil leaves.
Kevin, your jovial coworker, leaned toward Taeyong, who was sitting across from you. "Hey, Taeyong," he teased, "I saw you talking to that pretty girl at lunch earlier. Who was that? Did you get her number?"
Taeyong's cheeks tinged with a slight blush at the sudden question. "She was pretty," he admitted, his voice carrying a hint of bashfulness. He glanced in your direction to see if you’d react, but you were reaching across the table for a leftover spring roll instead. "She told me that her name was Ari and she works at one of our competitors. But, uh, I didn't get her number."
"Yeah, Taeyong, maybe you should date the competition so we can find out their secrets," said Valentina with a laugh.
Kevin couldn't resist but add, "Honestly… I'm surprised you don't already have a girlfriend.."
Hina playfully agreed, "Definitely, Taeyong, you've got the looks. Sorry, Kevin, but he's got you beat."
Kevin nodded with a chuckle and said, “That’s fair.”
Taeyong found himself lost in contemplation, wondering if it was time to move on, given your existing relationship. Everyone seemed to enjoy their evening, unaware of the thoughts swirling around in his head like a storm. He went back and forth with his emotions, unsure of where to go from here, as the possibility of a future without you weighed on his mind.
* After dinner, the group ended up splitting up. Some of your colleagues decided to call it a night, retreating to the comfort of their hotel rooms and call it a night. Those who still had some energy left decided to head out for a night on the town, determined to make the most of their time in Incheon. Before the group split in two, Valentina issued a gentle reminder about the early morning conference session, a subtle hint to keep the night's festivities in check.
Among your coworkers in the group, and a relatively new addition to the team, Seolyun stood out as the point person for all things social media. She was the person who always seemed to have a recommendation, whether it was a new restaurant opening up, a trendy pop-up opening, or a cafe hidden in the backstreets. 
In no time at all, she found a trendy bar not too far from the restaurant. The bar had two floors, along with a rooftop. Each floor, according to the reviews, had a different vibe. And the rooftop seemed to have an amazing view, which was perfect for taking pictures. 
You could feel the lively energy on the first floor as you entered. While you waited for your friends to get their IDs checked, you took a look around. Laughter and conversation filled the air, in combination with the beat of electronic music that had quite a few people up and dancing. People were engaged in animated conversations, clinking glasses, and sharing smiles. It seemed like the perfect place to start on a night out. 
As you walked up to the second floor, you noticed a subtle shift in the vibe. Here, the mood was more intimate and relaxed. The decor took on a cozier, lounge-like feel, with plush seating arrangements that were great for deeper conversations. The music, while still upbeat, had a more gentle feeling and allowed for more conversation over dancing. The lighting was dimmed, casting a darker and more romantic aura. It was an ideal spot for those looking to enjoy time away from the loud music and actually have a conversation.
As you all ascended the stairs to the rooftop, the night breeze welcomed you, carrying the pulsating rhythms of music and offering a breathtaking view of the city's twinkling lights. The ambiance was mellow, with cozy seating arrangements and soft lighting, perfect for unwinding. Interestingly enough, the roof wasn’t the most crowded area, and there was more than enough room for everyone to get comfortable at the bar. 
Kevin insisted on shots, saying, “Look how beautiful it is out here. Nothing says a night out like a shot of tequila!” Despite a groan or two, everyone accepted Kevin’s idea of taking shots. 
“Cheers!” you said, a moment later, clinking the small glasses with your colleagues. You gulped down the liquid fire with more ease than you thought. 
As Seolyun finished her shot, she said, “Let’s go dance!”
Taeyong, while certainly up for a night out on the town, wasn't quite in the dancing mood tonight. Instead, he chose to linger on the rooftop, where he could savor the serene night view while sipping on a glass of whiskey.
He gazed out into the city, taking in the twinkling sky above. He took a sip of his whiskey even though he had no business mixing light and dark liquor. I’ll be fine, he decided. Even though he and the others were in Incheon for business, he was having more fun than he’d had in quite some months. Living in Seoul without many friends had been a little hard on him, but he felt a little less lonely during the week while he was surrounded with his coworkers. And he felt less lonely when he was with you. He felt at ease when he was with you. Despite your unfortunate relationship status, he enjoyed platonic moments with you. Being friends with you was better than nothing at all, he thought.
In his peripheral vision, he saw someone sit down but he didn’t bother looking up, as he was enveloped in his thoughts. Suddenly, your voice filled his ears and interrupted his thoughts. “The view up here is something else, huh?” He turned and the corners of his lips curled into a small smile as you settled beside him on the couch.
“I’m enjoying it,” he said, taking another sip of his drink. “I thought you wanted to dance?”
"You know, I wasn't really feeling the music down there," you admitted with a soft laugh. "But it looks like the others are having the time of their lives, so I thought I’d come back up here and keep you company.” 
The two of you started talking, just some lighthearted conversation. A few moments later, Taeyong shook his head. "Sorry - where are my manners? Did you want another drink?”
You glanced at his nearly empty glass and then back at him, a thoughtful expression on your face. "I think I'm good for now," you replied, a faint smile touching your lips. "I'd hate for you to see me too drunk."
Taeyong chuckled softly, his gaze lingering on your face. "I wouldn't judge you," he assured. 
As you continued to talk, Taeyong found himself getting lost in your eyes, your presence, and the way you laughed at his jokes. His heart raced as he realized how much he had grown to like you. At this point, he could feel the tension building, an almost magnetic force that he had never experienced before. It was a potent mixture of desire, guilt, and admiration. He knew he was getting close to the danger zone and he found himself unable to deny the connection that seemed to pull him closer to you with each passing moment.
Unable to resist the pull between you two, Taeyong leaned in and kissed you, his lips meeting yours in a tender, sweet embrace. It was a moment of surrender to the intense connection that had been building, a silent acknowledgment of his desires. A few seconds later he pulled away, realizing how crazy all of this was. He’d lost his mind for a moment, he concluded.
Your eyes met, just for a moment. Time seemed to stop as you gazed deeply into his eyes. In that moment, Taeyong’s senses were completely taken over by you. He could only smell the faint scent of your perfume. He could only taste your lips. He could only see you.
But just as Taeyong was about to voice his apologies and regrets, the unexpected happened. Your lips crashed into his once more, igniting a wild, uncontainable fire of longing and desire. In that moment, nothing else mattered – not your boyfriend, not the complications of being coworkers – as you both gave in to the irresistible pull of passion. Lost in the kiss, you and Taeyong allowed yourselves to be swept away, indulging in a connection that defied all logic and reason. 
The intense chemistry between you and Taeyong became an undeniable truth that neither of you could ignore.
You woke up in the morning, before your alarm. You recalled the events of the previous night and, of course, that amazing kiss you shared with Taeyong. It was wrong, you knew, but something about it just felt so right. 
Kun [7:31AM] Good morning, beautiful. Hope you had fun last night! Enjoy the rest of the conference today ❤️ 
As you looked at the good morning text from the man that was actually your boyfriend, you couldn’t help but feel incredibly guilty. You had a man who loved and cared about you, yet you’d had the audacity to kiss another man.
What was frustrating you the most was that you hadn’t even ever thought of Taeyong that way. You found him attractive, yes, but everyone found him attractive - even Kevin. He was a physically attractive looking man - simple. But you didn’t have to cross that line with him and you did anyway. Then, to top it all off, you kissed him on your own. After that first kiss, you should’ve stopped. Unfortunately, something came over you and you initiated that second kiss. 
Should you tell Kun? You wondered. No, you thought, he’d never forgive you. Should you break up with him? Was that too much? Was leaving him just running from the problem? 
Should you set a boundary with Taeyong? Should you tell him that it can’t ever happen again? God, but you liked it! You liked it so much and you wanted more of it. That was the problem. 
You’d never felt tension with Taeyong before. You weren’t sure if it was because the two of you had been drinking or if it was because it was an intimate setting. Maybe it was because you hadn’t really had many moments to be alone together like that. You didn’t know. All you knew was that you could almost taste his lips on yours. 
Hina’s alarm started going off, bringing you back into reality. You almost wanted to tell her, but that would just bring up unnecessary questions and drama. So, you decided that you were going to leave it alone all together and do your best to act normal and keep your cool.
After successfully avoiding Taeyong during breakfast and most of the morning programming, he caught you during lunchtime as you were grabbing a water bottle. He lightly grazed your hand and, as you turned to face him, he said, “Can we talk?”
“Uh, yeah,” you said. “Sure.”
Taeyong led you out of the cafeteria and upstairs to the second floor. This floor was quiet, as everyone was downstairs eating. You followed him into a random room where he closed the door behind you. The air seemed to crackle with unspoken tension.
Taeyong took a deep breath, his eyes filled with a mix of vulnerability and longing. "I can't stop thinking about last night,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper, “and what happened between us...” 
Your heart echoed his sentiments, a mixture of desire and inner turmoil. "Taeyong," you began, a sigh leaving your lips, "I can’t stop thinking about it either.”
“What do we do?”
You let out a frustrated sigh. “I-I don’t know. I have a boyfriend and I care about him. Things are just…complicated.”
Taeyong nodded, his understanding gaze never leaving yours. "I don't want to complicate your life," he said, his voice soft but filled with yearning. "But I don’t know if we can just ignore this."
Taeyong came a little closer, pulling you into his arms. In his embrace, you felt safe, as if the world outside ceased to exist.
Unable to resist any longer, your lips brushed against Taeyong's, igniting a longing that had been building up inside you. But you both knew the complications of your situation.
With a whisper, you said, "We should get back..."
Taeyong let go of you, reluctantly and eyes still filled with longing. You needed to leave. If you looked into his eyes any longer, you might just kiss him again. As he watched you leave the room, the connection between you remained, an unspoken promise that the chemistry you shared would continue to pull you closer, even if the path forward remained uncertain.
General Taglist: @to-all-the-stories-i-love @sweetnspicy-noona
Lost for Words Taglist: @ridinjuyeon
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meiideryz · 9 months
oh i'm looking for affection.
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pairing: qian kun x reader
length: 1.07k words
synopsis: kun is just hopelessly in love with you.
tags: alternative universe, one-sided pining au, road trip, friend!kun, implied rejection, one-sided attraction, fluff
warnings: none.
the sound of the car engine is now blowing up kun's ears, completely remembering that he was at the backseat while ten was at the front, driving his car.
of course, he recalled losing in a bet with ten that resulted in lending his car to ten for the rest of the week. he wasn't afraid because of the thought of ten crashing his car, ten knew the consequences after all.
for ten's last day of borrowing kun's one and only car, he suggested that kun should come to the road trip together with their other friends. kun asked if you were coming the night before the day of the plan as you responded happily during your call with him.
on the day of the road trip, everybody packed their essentials and valuable stuff in their bags as kun placed each of the heavy objects inside the truck, keeping it neat and tidy. you and yangyang were obviously inside the car, playing with your phones to buy time while kun talked to ten outside, setting up the map and destination of the place you were all going.
kun sneaked a good amount of glances towards your direction through the tinted windows of the car, silently watching you scrolling through your phone feeling bored. then his eyes fixed back at ten, who kind of knew what was going on.
“oh? am i smelling love in the air?” a hint of tease displayed in his voice while he tried nudging the older’s elbow. kun was used to this, and he wasn't gonna show reaction and give in.
“i have no idea what you're talking about.”
“oh, come on.” he dramatically sighed, tired of kun trying to act like nothing's going on. ten could read him like an open book and there was no way he could escape him when he knew something.
eventually, both of them get inside the car. since yangyang was in the passenger's seat, he had no choice but to walk around and get in the backseat with you. it got a bit awkward when he was finally seated next to you, so he tried to lift up the mood, waving at you.
“you’re here!” you beamed, taking one of your earphones off.
kun was taken aback when you reached the other piece of the earphones to him, he was about to reject the offer but the bud was already in his ear as the sound of classical music burst into his ear.
kun knew that you knew about his love for classical music, remembering back in the day where he played a lot of pieces on the piano for his performance at some event during his time in university. but he loved playing tchaikovsky's swan lake to you when you were alone together, and that made you love classical music more.
“it's gonna be a long ride,” ten broke the silence before the engine of the car started. “so you might need to sleep for a while, me and kun will be looking out for possible stops for us to eat, ‘kay?”
“aye aye!”
the sky was soon painted into a gradient of blue-orange while the gleaming sun set into the horizon. kun couldn’t seem to sleep after taking a short nap, and he had been helping ten at their directions to get to a nearby stop where they could fill their stomachs.
just as he was about to lean forward to take the phone in his hands to check the GPS, he was halted by a thud and a heavy weight on his shoulder. turning his head to the side, he found your sleeping figure leaning on him. 
in the rearview, he could see the smirk of ten, following the sound of the never-ending teasing. kun tried his best to ignore him and his dumb words, but the words seemed to weigh over his mind. it's been a long time since he had feelings for you and he could still recall the night he took you to the rooftop of his apartment to look up at the stars. 
he recalled that night when he expressed his fondness over you. although you didn’t give him the answer he expected, he never stopped being friends with you. usually friendships last when one gets rejected by the other. to kun, it was dumb and stupid if he would be immature about the rejection, so he didn’t try to distance himself away from you. 
kun was still that caring friend whenever you got to be with him.
he looked at you with that same fondness in his eyes as you leaned more, thinking that he was a pillow. “after all these years, you’re still in love with the same person.” ten broke the silence again. his words were more of a whisper to prevent disrupting you and yangyang’s sleep.
“i can’t help it, how could i not like such a lovely and wonderful person?” kun admitted, his hands ghostly extending over yours, then immediately retracted.
when they realized that it was already dark and they could see a nearby stop to get down to, ten finally pulled over to slowly park the car along with the other parked cars. “wake up everyone, we’re here to stop by and eat dinner.” ten loudly began, his fingers reaching over to yangyang as he shook him by the shoulder. 
kun on the other hand, does his best in waking you up with his soft grip around your hands, gently shaking it. “hey, sleepyhead.” 
his voice filled your ears while you tried fluttering your eyes open. when you realized that you were inches away from his face from all the leaning, you shifted in your seat to fix your position. “oh god, i’m so sorry. was i squishing you?” only a laugh left kun’s lips before shaking his head. “no, but i think you mistook me for a pillow when you were sleeping.” 
he could already see hues of red and pink emerging from your cheeks, burning up at the words. your flushed face made him smile even more, “did i drool?” 
“don’t worry, you didn’t.” rest assured, a sigh left your lips in relief.  
“we stopped by to eat, you coming?” kun added, moving to the side to open the door of the car. he looked back, waiting for you before you set a smile on your face, moving towards him. “yeah, i'm coming.”
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galacticseonghwa · 11 months
Text Masterlist
- NCT 127 > OT8
nothing yet
> JOHNNY SUH (서 쟈니)
nothing yet
> LEE TAE YONG (이 태용)
nothing yet
> YUTA NAKAMOTO (中本ユタ) bf texts pt.1
> KIM DO YOUNG (김 도영)
nothing yet
nothing yet
> KIM JUNG WOO (김 정우)
nothing yet
> MARK LEE (마크 이) bf texts pt.1 bf texts pt.2 bf texts pt.3
> LEE HAE CHAN (이 해찬) best friend texts fwb/sneaky link texts fwb/sneaky link texts pt.2
- NCT DREAM > OT7 bare face selcas calling them ‘pretty boy’ for the first time reactions to their full name asking for ass pics asking to be called daddy texts about the twilight movies “let’s break up” prank YL lyric prank can i tie a bow around it?
> HUANG REN JUN (黄仁俊) fwb/sneaky link fwb/sneaky link pt.2
> LEE JE NO (이 제노)
nothing yet
> NA JAE MIN (나 재민) lyric prank
> ZHONG CHEN LE (钟辰乐) bf texts pt.1 bf texts pt2 bf texts pt.3 bf texts pt.4
> PARK JI SUNG (박 지성) lyric prank bf texts
- WAYV > OT6 calling them ‘pretty boy’ for the first time reactions to you accidentally sending nudes
> QIAN KUN (钱琨)
nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
> XIAO DE JUN (肖德俊)
nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
> PARK JI HOON (박 지훈) bf texts
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nctyena · 1 year
A Compilation Of Fans' Favorite Moments YenaxMembers #3
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NCT 2018 - Weekly Idol ep347
The show was pretty chaotic since all of the 19 members were at one place. Not everyone had the same chance to speak, show on the camera. Specially Kun as Yena noticed. So throughout the episode she tried to mention her precious member.
"Do you know Kun oppa speaks Korean so well. It's amazing."
"Black On Black is my favorite track because Kun oppa is in it."
"Look at his dimple!"
Fans couldn't help but notice his little smiles whenever she talked about him.
Yena's Vlive (A duck in the Tower) 190927
"And this is where we usually practice with fewer members. Sometimes it's occupied by others. Let me check first."
She opened the door and her eyes lit up.
"I'm showing the fans around. Do you wanna say hi?"
She went in to the room and hugged someone. Then Kun with a cap on his head appeared with a big smile on his face.
"Hello everyone."
He waved to the camera.
"Wayv members are here practicing hard. Their leader looking handsome as always."
Some members cheered behind the camera.
"All of them are working very hard. Please support them. Specially my favorite Kun oppa."
"Don't act surprised."
[Un Cut] Take #1 | 2020 YearParty Behind The Scenes #1
"Yena looks good today."
"I look good everyday"
"Yes but you used to be so cute back then."
After his comment she got up and started to annoy him by acting cute nonstop.
Even after a few other scenes, they could be seen at the back. Kun fighting to get away from her and Yena still not letting him go.
Wayv Concerts
It's not one moment. Whenever she attends a Wayv concert she always brings a little pankart about Kun. And fans' favorite is the one with "Can do anything he wants Creative Leadership 10/10 Can do magic God? No Qian Kun"
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SMTown Concert 2018
Everyone was saying goodbye to the audience at the end of the concert. Yena was trying to go to her members. She was distracted by Red Velvet's members and waved at them but someone in the crowd throw a soft plushie to her. Since it was out of nowhere and hit her head she got surprised and got startled. Doyoung saw it and went to her as soon as he can. It wasn't clear what they were saying but Doyoung started to kiss her head and brushed her hair. Even though she got some hate after that moment fans still love how Doyoung was alerted even by something like that.
Music Bank Interview 200626
She had high ponytails that day and was standing in front of Doyoung. He kept playing with her hair the whole time. She wasn't even fazed at all. It was a simple but sweet moment that made fans go crazy.
NCT 127 Vlive Punch Countdown
"Yena please marry me."
Jaehyun read the comment out loud. Even before she could say something Doyoung sighed loudly.
"Why are guys like that? I already told you , you cant marry her. Be normal."
"Omo, angry rabbit."
Then she hugged his back and stood like for a while.
Just One Of The Very Times Doyoung Claimed Jeno As His Favorite
"Jeno is my favorite dongsaeng."
"This is why you are not my favorite. You hate me."
"What? I don't hate you."
"Then why do you always betray me?"
"Jeno respects me more."
"Because you love him. See, it's a chain reaction."
Then like she was not sulking she started to sing chain in a weird way. Doyoung didn't even bother to stop her. Mouthed to the camera "This is why it's Jeno."
Doyoung Instagram
We all know that Doyoung is the biggest fan of his members. But his instagram story posts are somehow always filled with Yena. It's either him being a fan and praising her or sharing embarrassing pictures of her.
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markicantwait · 2 years
Oh, btw I made this for wayv c: hope to have news soon about the comeback :c I really miss the boys
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