#kun scenarios
taehyuncult · 3 months
Can we have the bitting situation but with wayv instead 🫣 please?
i’m in love with this omg !!
kun: intimacy with Kun is important in the sense that he uses it to show you how much he loves you. he would be on the giving end, but when he bites it’s very soft and gentle. he would leave marks as a way to show you how much he wants you, but biting is a gentle area for him cause he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way (brb imma go cry now…)
ten: kinky mf LOVES biting. absolutely will bite you whether yall are getting down and dirty or not… like yall could just be sitting there watching tv and if he wants your attention he would bite you instead of asking. also cannot get enough of you biting him. he feels claimed when you do and it makes him happy. same goes for when he bites you, he’s claiming you as his.
winwin: he’s so cute omg… the first time you bite him he would look at you like “why on gods green earth are you biting me?!” i think he’s more similar to kun in the sense that he won’t bite hard, if he does at all, but if yall are having jealous sex? he’s gonna let you know who you belong to… everyone else will see the next day for sure
xiaojun: he’s on the receiving end of this. HE LOVES WHEN YOU BITE HIM!! might let out a wimped or two but you didn’t hear that from me… he’s honestly so down bad for you and he just wants to make you happy… but there’s nothing that makes him happier than you leaving your pretty marks on his skin (crying pt. 2)
hendery: this man omg… yall could be having the most intimate moment and he would bite you out of nowhere, but if you try to bite him he looks at you as if you committed a felony… not that he doesn’t like when you mark him up, he loves that, but HE bites YOU, not the other way around (might give in if you’re extra good for him)
yangyang: feral child i love him so much ! both giving and receiving (he grew up with ten, it’s expected). usually sex with you two starts with playfully biting each other till it becomes some sort of competition, and then the two of you are laying there out of breath, completely naked, with marks EVERYWHERE!! low key always a really cute moment for you two
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minhyeong · 5 months
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[ kun ] 
reassuringly squeezes your hand when he notices you look stressed or overwhelmed
drops absolutely everything to pick you up if you call him
brings a blanket and tucks you in properly when you accidentally fall asleep on the couch
wakes up early to pack your lunch for you just so you can sleep for an extra ten minutes
reminds you to be careful for everything no matter how simple the task is
cradles the back of your neck and gives you forehead kisses as greetings instead of saying hi or bye
lets you plant your freezing cold hands and feet on his body so you can steal some of his warmth even though he's internally screaming
[ ten ] 
shares all his secrets and intrusive thoughts with you, even if it means being vulnerable
won't hang up until you say "i love you" back to him after every phone call (gives you a glare if it's a video call)
gets cute aggression and giggles and pinches your cheeks when he finds you cute
keeps a polaroid of you in his wallet and even decorated it with stickers
his gaze sometimes falls onto your lips when you're speaking
playfully bites your shoulder when he gives you back hugs
closes the physical gap between you no matter where he is and inches closer to you whether he's seated or standing
[ winwin ] 
agrees to use rock-paper-scissors to make decisions with you but strategically waits a few extra milliseconds before he shows his move just so you can have your way
opens all the doors for you
lets you steal his drink after you're done with yours
subconsciously smiles when someone mentions you and he doesn't even realize it until people are calling him whipped
remembers that one time you said he looked really good in a certain jacket and now reaches for that jacket more often
always adjusts his pace to match yours when walking together
tells you about his future plans and includes you in all of them
[ xiaojun ] 
genuinely enjoys doing mundane chores with you like washing the dishes in comfortable silence
hums and tenderly pats your back when you can't fall asleep
intensely returns your stare in staring contests and boldly steps forward until you're backed up against a wall with no escape
always takes the middle seat next to a stranger so you won't have to
protectively pulls you to the inside of the sidewalk away from the street and moving traffic
has tunnel vision when you walk into the room and forgets about everyone else
creates an entire folder dedicated to just photos of you on his phone
[ hendery ] 
leans into your palm when you touch his cheeks and then jokingly tries to bite your hand
pokes your waist incessantly to get your attention
sends you every funny video he comes across and just blows up your notifications while you're away from your phone
tells you to call him when you get back if he can't accompany you and frantically calls you first if he doesn't hear from you after a bit
laughs at all your jokes even if they're bad
stays up on special occasions folding origami flowers for you so you can keep them forever
freaks out when he sees even the smallest cut on you and threatens to fight that paper that cut your finger
[ yangyang ]
playfully teases you but gets super defensive if anyone else tries to do it
remembers something you eyed while window shopping together and surprises you with it at some point
encourages and helps you get out of your comfort zone but knows when he shouldn't push you
stops others from interrupting you when you're speaking
says he can read your palms and points at some random line saying that it indicates you'll have to marry him in the future with a cheeky grin
pinky promises you everything and actually keeps them
places kisses on your scars when you feel insecure
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moonlezn · 7 months
The Story of Us V
— Isso é amor? Kun Qian Primeiro Ato: Dress
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��Você não precisa estar gostando de alguém pra se sentir viva, acredita em mim.” a voz de Yangyang ecoa pelo seu quarto outra vez em mais uma chamada de vídeo. 
Você abraça os joelhos com mais força, se forçando a não chorar de novo. Desde que Jaehyun escolheu a namorada, a sua autoestima tinha afundado num poço terrível. Rejeitada, trocada, insuficiente, é assim que tem pensado sobre si mesma. 
“O que vocês fizeram foi errado, mas acabou. Agora é hora de se cuidar, entende? Você tem que se desvencilhar dessa ideia de validação. Você é linda, trabalha, tem sua vida, sua casa… coisas que você mesma fez por você.” Ele continua, tentando de verdade te animar. “Não vai ser um idiota com uma câmera na mão e um charme barato que vai te tirar do eixo.” 
Você ri, sendo seguida pelo amigo. Tem tanta sorte de ser bem cuidada, todos os seus amigos te rodeiam de amor apesar do tamanho da besteira que tinha feito.
“E o que você vai fazer hoje? Você tem que fazer algo.” 
— Tô esperando o Kun, a gente vai no cinema de novo. — suspira quase pirracenta. — Segundo ele, eu tenho que dar um tempo do bar porque tô bebendo demais. E eu nem chego no terceiro copo direito. 
Yangyang ri malicioso, mas pensa duas vezes antes de fazer qualquer comentário. Acabou de te dar uma senhora bronca, não queria se contradizer. 
“Ele cuida bastante de você, né? Interessante.” 
— Onde você quer chegar, Yang? — indaga também travessa. Óbvio que não perderia a oportunidade de mexer com a moral dele. 
“Quero dizer que beijo entre amigos fortalece a amizade. Nossa amizade é prova disso.” 
— A gente nunca ficou, Yangyang. — você não consegue não rir da cara de pau dele. — Quer me dizer alguma coisa? 
“Nunca?” Ele finge pensar, porém o sorriso de canto entrega tudo. “Mas é sério. Tem vezes que o amor tá do nosso lado e a gente não vê. Literalmente porque vocês são vizinhos.” 
— Yang…
“ENFIM. Curte o cinema e pensa no que eu te falei, tá bem? Se cuida e vive um dia de cada vez. E não esconde as coisas na terapia.” 
— Tá bem, pai. — provoca-o com a brincadeira que ele odeia. — Depois a gente se fala? 
Ele murmura um tá bem e acena um tchau animado com as duas mãos. Como se fosse combinado, assim que você desliga e fecha o computador, a campainha toca. 
Kun está com essa mania agora. Maldita ideia do síndico de instalar a coisa mais desnecessária do século. 
Se for pra ter, vamos usar direito, né. Ele sempre refuta os seus protestos. 
— Não vou parar. — Kun afirma no momento em que você abre a porta, a cara mais insatisfeita do mundo para ele. — Tá pronta, gracinha? — ele debocha mais. 
— Testa mesmo minha paciência, Kun. — agarra a bolsa que está no sofá. — Depois não reclama. 
— Desde quando eu reclamo de alguma coisa? — ele ajeita os cabelos e te acompanha trancar a porta, se aproximando para tentar arrancar alguma resposta. 
Ele sempre foi… charmoso assim? 
Não, isso é coisa que Yangyang botou na sua cabeça. 
— Quer que eu faça uma lista? — levanta as sobrancelhas e encurta a distância também, comprando a briga. 
Kun morde os lábios para segurar um sorriso que insiste em aparecer. Como não consegue refutar, você gira nos calcanhares e caminha até o elevador com ele em seu encalço. 
— A pergunta não foi o preço. A pergunta foi: você vai querer pipoca? — ouve-o repetir a pergunta com uma leve impaciência. 
Toda vez é isso. 
— Ai, mas tá tão caro, Kun. — mexe nos cabelos, contendo um risinho para que ele entenda logo que quer o combo. 
Ele aperta os olhos, desconfiado. 
— Tá tudo bem? 
— Como assim? — seus dedos param de enrolar os fios, e você o mira mais atenta. — Tá tudo bem, sim. 
Com certeza é coisa da cabeça dele, você não jogaria charminho assim à toa. Sem dizer nada, te entrega os ingressos e corre para a fila vazia, voltando bem em tempo da sala cinco abrir segurando o pacote enorme de pipoca amanteigada, junto com o copo de refrigerante personalizado do filme. 
— Não precisava. 
— Só se eu não te conhecesse. — Kun aponta para a sua bolsa pendurada no ombro dele. — Pega aqui nossos crachás.
Outra razão para terem começado a frequentar o cinema é o desconto que a editora passou a oferecer recentemente. Você abre a própria bolsa e tateia os objetos enquanto Kun observa sua confusão. 
Assim que os tem em mãos, comprovam o desconto novamente e entram na sala escura. Diferente das outras vezes, o frio na barriga te incomoda. Isso não é um encontro. Por que está tão nervosa? 
Encontrando os assentos reservados, Kun tira a alça do ombro e coloca a bolsa ao seu lado depois de depositar a bebida no apoio de copos. Você toma a pipoca das mãos do garoto com um sorriso infantil no rosto, e ele acha graça. 
Não assistem nenhum dos trailers porque têm a tradição de fazerem previsões sobre o filme antes que comece. Sussurram todas as apostas que vinham à cabeça, selando a promessa de que quem errar mais, paga o sorvete depois. 
Durante o filme, a voz de Yangyang ecoa nos seus pensamentos de novo. Disfarçando, você olha para Kun, que está concentrado no enredo previsível, e começa a reparar no perfil do vizinho. 
Não seria uma má ideia…
Meu Deus, não, fica quieta. Olha pra tela. 
Como se estivesse curiosa demais, seus olhos voltam a mirá-lo. 
Esse cabelo também não ajuda em nada. Ele sempre teve essa mandíbula marcada assim? Também nunca tinha reparado na boca desenhada, ele deve beij— 
— Prepara o bolso, você tá errando tudo. — Kun se vira para você de repente, te acordando do transe. — Vou querer ir naquela sorveteria cara. 
Pela primeira vez em muito tempo, suas bochechas coram. A proximidade te deixa em alerta, e cada palavra que sai dos lábios carnudinhos parecem durar uma eternidade.
Óbvio que ele percebeu seu olhar sobre ele, por isso caçou alguma coisa para falar. Por mais envergonhado que esteja, gosta demais da atenção, o que é um problema. Todo esse tempo você nunca reparou nele, apesar dele querer muito. Agora ele está tentando não inventar sinais onde não existe, mas hoje está especialmente difícil.
Suas mãos passam a suar, e também o ar condicionado não parece dar vazão. O que deu em mim? 
Troca a pipoca de lugar, depositando o pacote no colo de Kun. Os dedos dele tocam os seus por breves segundos, como sempre, porém algo parece ter mudado. Outra vez seus olhos se demoram pelos detalhes dele, especialmente nas veias saltadas nas costas das mãos que seguiam pelo antebraço exposto. Levantando mais o olhar, só que as mangas da blusa oversized te impedem de seguir o curso. 
A mente de uma mulher carente tem portas duvidosas. 
O amigo precisou te avisar que os créditos do filme já estavam rolando porque os pensamentos estavam longe. Sem um pingo de vergonha na cara, forjando um sorriso inocente, recolhe o lixo e pega a bolsa para saírem dali. 
Com a desculpa da visão desacostumada com o escuro, entrelaça os dedos no braço firme (mais do que você tinha imaginado) do homem. Ele estranha o contato por um breve segundo, mas relaxa ao te ver com uma expressão distraída no rosto. 
— E o sorvete que eu vou pagar pra você? — comenta para lembrá-lo enquanto seguem o fluxo das outras pessoas. 
— Ah… — limpa a garganta. — Na verdade, eu acabei errando mais, lembra? 
— Sério?
— Você não prestou atenção no filme? — indaga de forma engraçada, já preparado para implicar com você ou algo do tipo. 
— É, eu tava… distraída. — sorri ao encará-lo por um instante a mais do que o comum. Definitivamente tinha perdido a noção do perigo. 
Mesmo se convencendo de que não tem nada demais e que ele está ficando maluco, estremece um pouco. Aproveita, então, para trocar o caminho e partir para a sorveteria. 
Lá, tudo parece voltar ao “normal”. Vocês conversam como bons amigos enquanto tomam a sobremesa, Kun experimenta alguns dos sabores diferentes da sua tigela sob muitos protestos. Ele sabe que você ama o de pistache, então rouba uma colherada generosa só para ver sua cara de brava.
O clima é mais leve na volta para casa. A música no fundo embala o seu cansaço, e você aproveita para reclinar a cabeça sobre o ombro do vizinho. Entrelaça seus dedos na mão livre e brinca ao cantarolar a letra do rock clássico. 
Desta vez o toque não o assusta, pelo contrário. Ele cede ao carinho e retribui, ainda em debate sobre como deveria interpretar as coisas. 
Kun gosta de você já há algum tempo. No início não fez nada porque é o seu chefe, e acabou perdendo a chance para Renjun. Depois disso, sentiu que se tentasse algo seria injusto com o seu sofrimento, portanto, teve de assistir às péssimas escolhas que levaram ao seu envolvimento com Jaehyun. E agora não parece o momento para investir na possibilidade de vocês dois. 
Você ainda está machucada, esperar mais um pouco não faria mal. Tem resistido todo esse tempo, resistiria mais. 
Contudo, ele não contava com a força contrária que você decidiu fazer a partir daquela noite. 
Acima de tudo, Kun é seu amigo e precisa ir devagar para não ultrapassar nenhum limite. Começou com um beijo mais demorado na bochecha ao cumprimentá-lo, sempre recebendo um sorriso sem jeito em resposta.
Depois, as jogadas de cabelo enquanto o explicava a agenda de publicações perto demais o pegaram desprevenido. O cheiro do perfume frutado não o deixa em paz. 
Então vieram os apertos na coxa ao rir de uma piada que ele fez durante as caronas, as piadas de duplo sentido, os flertes nas entrelinhas…
São coisas pequenas que o fazem desejar perder a cabeça por instantes, só deixar qualquer postura de lado e te beijar. É como se você estivesse rondando os pensamentos dele de propósito, só para provocar. 
O próximo passo quase o faz ceder. 
Kun precisou te chamar para debater os ajustes de protocolo para edições, inventaram um padrão novo que você precisa saber. Ao te observar fechar a porta do escritório dele, respira fundo, se repreendendo por notar um pouco demais em você. 
Você não ajuda, pois, em vez de usar a cadeira, segue até o outro lado e se senta na própria mesa, cruzando as pernas bem na altura dos olhos dele. Finge estar distraída com os papéis diante de si, mas vê quando ele desvia o olhar das suas pernas para a tela bloqueada do computador. 
Segurando uma risada, ajeita o cabelo e limpa a garganta. 
— Sim, chefe? — brinca com o apelido, sabendo que ele odeia. — Digo, Kun. 
— Ha-ha. — finalmente toma coragem e te mira. — Leu o e-mail sobre o protocolo novo? 
— Sim. — acena com a cabeça, fechando a pasta e depositando-a atrás de si, dando toda sua atenção ao homem à sua frente. 
— E você… você tem alguma dúvida? — fixa o olhar bem nos seus olhos. 
— Não. — apoia os punhos ao lado do quadril, arqueando uma sobrancelha para Kun. 
Ele repara, então, que não teve de te chamar ali. Apenas queria te ver. 
— Ah, ótimo. Pode ir, então. — volta a checar a tela do computador. Antes que pudesse pôr a senha para desbloqueá-lo, você desce da mesa e se coloca atrás dele. 
— Tá tudo bem? — passeia as mãos pelo trapézio musculoso, massageando devagar. — Você parece meio… distante. 
Kun relaxa sob o seu toque e tomba a cabeça para o lado. Se você pudesse… 
— Hoje tá meio corrido, mas normal. — responde baixinho. — Falta pouco pra acabar. 
— Topa um vinho hoje? — sugere, mesmo incerta de que ele aceite.
Kun ainda insiste na ideia de não beber durante a semana. 
— A gente pede uma coisinha pra comer, abre um vinho e petisca enquanto espera chegar. — escorrega as mãos pelo torso, envolvendo-o num abraço, até que sua boca chegue mais perto do ouvido para tentar convencê-lo.
— É uma boa ideia, não vou negar que tô precisando. — ouve-o responder e comemora de leve, fazendo-o sorrir. — Não se acostuma não. 
— Tarde demais. 
Você comenta e se levanta, recolhendo seus papéis e saindo da sala. O dia tinha acabado de ficar melhor. 
Ao chegar em casa, corre para tomar um banho relaxante antes de receber Kun, que foi fazer o mesmo no próprio apartamento. Assim que termina de se arrumar, inicia o preparo dos petiscos numa tábua: queijos, mais alguns frios, amendoins… tudo que tinha. 
O vizinho chega quando você deposita as taças na mesa de centro, entra sem bater e sem tocar a campainha porque você o havia avisado que a porta estaria destrancada. 
— Já fiz o pedido naquele italiano que a gente gosta, tudo bem? — ele pergunta enquanto você o entrega a bebida. 
— Perfeito, vai demorar muito? — se senta com as pernas sobre as dele, disfarçando um sorriso quando sente as mãos fortes deslizarem pela sua canela. 
Kun passou a te tocar muito mais nas últimas semanas, seu objetivo está se aproximando aos poucos. 
A conversa flui muito bem como sempre, sem nem precisar de televisão ligada para entretê-los. Quando a comida chega, continuam conversando e bebendo o vinho perfeitamente harmonizado. Tudo parece se encaixar bem, mesmo faltando uma coisa. 
Num brevíssimo segundo de coragem, você apoia uma das mãos no braço do sofá, passando o tronco por cima das pernas de Kun, e abandona a taça vazia na cômoda ali. Ficou levemente surpresa ao sentir os dedos na sua lombar te guiando de volta. Senta-se sobre os calcanhares, fitando o vizinho que discorre sobre uma das perguntas que tinha feito. 
— Você sempre foi tão… — começa a falar quando ele termina, tomando o vinho restante da própria taça. — Nada, deixa. 
— Agora fala, né. — o sorriso charmoso deixa claro que ele está mais leve. 
— Vou reformular, então. — você diz e ele balança a cabeça para que prosseguisse. — Você é tão… bonito. — porque não está muito atrás de Kun, uma de suas mãos brinca com o ombro definido, a outra está apoiada perto do joelho. 
— Você só reparou isso agora? — com a confiança de um homem alegrinho, ele alfineta sua investida. — Eu já reparei tanta coisa há tanto tempo. 
Agora sim isso está ficando interessante. 
— Tipo o quê? — morde os lábios ao encurtar um pouco a distância, inclinando-se um pouco mais na direção dele. 
Kun não responde, põe as mãos atrás das suas coxas e te traz para o colo, fazendo-a envolver o quadril com as pernas. Ele te lança um olhar para checar se está tudo bem, e você assente devagar. 
— Tipo que você quer tanto me beijar, mas tá me esperando tomar uma atitude. 
Ele ri, negando as próprias palavras. 
— Não, você tá me fazendo querer tomar uma atitude. — declara, por fim, os pensamentos que importunavam a mente nos dias anteriores. 
— E funcionou? — sussurra sobre os lábios quase colados nos seus. 
Outra pergunta que não precisa de resposta. 
Exasperado, ele inicia um beijo com toda força que tem. Na bagunça entre os lábios desejosos, sua língua pede permissão e Kun cede sem nem pestanejar, aprofundando o beijo enquanto te guia pela nuca. 
Seus dedos causam a bagunça que tanto imaginaram nos fios do homem, sem resistir puxá-los com mais vontade quando ele aperta seu quadril contra o dele. Não dá tempo de se recuperar porque as mãos fortes viajam pelas coxas, pela cintura, pelas costas. 
Sem fôlego, separa o beijo intenso, mas não perde tempo. Beija cada parte do pescoço de Kun, arranhando o peitoral por cima da camisa quando ele inclina a cabeça para te dar mais acesso. 
Ao passo que sua língua encontra o ponto fraco vez após vez, fica difícil disfarçar os suspiros mais altos que se derramam nos lábios. A visão é tão deliciosa, você não resiste a beijá-lo outra vez, desabotoando os botões da camisa marcada pelo seu batom.
Suas mãos sentem o torso exposto de Kun, provocando com as unhas ao alcançar o cós da calça. Os músculos tensionam sob seus dedos, e você sorri entre o beijo ao arrancar mais um suspiro dele. 
A vontade que umedece sua calcinha te faz rebolar sobre o volume que você deseja, então quem geme é você, partindo o beijo ao fazê-lo. Kun aperta a carne da sua bunda e repete o movimento, querendo ouvir o som outra vez. Enquanto vocês encontram o ritmo perfeito, ele marca o seu colo e o seu pescoço com beijos molhados, vez ou outra gemendo bem perto do seu ouvido. 
— Se você continuar rebolando assim, eu vou ter que arrancar esse vestido. — as palavras percorrem seu corpo e param bem onde você precisa dele. 
— Eu só comprei esse vestido pra você tirar ele de mim. — confessa sem interromper o contato que só te incendeia mais. 
Num movimento rápido, Kun abaixa o zíper lateral e remove a peça, se desfazendo dela de qualquer jeito. Hipnotizado pelo seu corpo, ele não desvia o olhar nenhum segundo sequer de cada parte sua. Por toda a noite, Kun te marca como dele. O segredo compartilhado em quatro paredes é intenso, delicioso e tão eletrizante que é difícil parar.
Ofegantes, mas completamente satisfeitos, se abraçam deitadinhos. Você é a primeira a rir, e Kun se deixa contagiar. 
— Pra quem se fez de difícil… 
Ele aperta o abraço na sua cintura, te repreendendo, mas não refuta. Permitem os corpos se acalmarem antes de tomar outro banho, juntos desta vez. 
Agora Kun te conhece por inteiro, e não dá para saber aonde isso vai ou no que vai dar. No entanto, tudo que importa agora é essa eletricidade inescapável. 
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hugs2doie · 11 months
kun texts pls😭😭
sure !!
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random kun bf texts !
pairing: bf!kun x gn!reader
genre: fluff/comedy
warnings: none (ten is mentioned)
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meiideryz · 4 months
oh i'm looking for affection.
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pairing: qian kun x reader
length: 1.07k words
synopsis: kun is just hopelessly in love with you.
tags: alternative universe, one-sided pining au, road trip, friend!kun, implied rejection, one-sided attraction, fluff
warnings: none.
the sound of the car engine is now blowing up kun's ears, completely remembering that he was at the backseat while ten was at the front, driving his car.
of course, he recalled losing in a bet with ten that resulted in lending his car to ten for the rest of the week. he wasn't afraid because of the thought of ten crashing his car, ten knew the consequences after all.
for ten's last day of borrowing kun's one and only car, he suggested that kun should come to the road trip together with their other friends. kun asked if you were coming the night before the day of the plan as you responded happily during your call with him.
on the day of the road trip, everybody packed their essentials and valuable stuff in their bags as kun placed each of the heavy objects inside the truck, keeping it neat and tidy. you and yangyang were obviously inside the car, playing with your phones to buy time while kun talked to ten outside, setting up the map and destination of the place you were all going.
kun sneaked a good amount of glances towards your direction through the tinted windows of the car, silently watching you scrolling through your phone feeling bored. then his eyes fixed back at ten, who kind of knew what was going on.
“oh? am i smelling love in the air?” a hint of tease displayed in his voice while he tried nudging the older’s elbow. kun was used to this, and he wasn't gonna show reaction and give in.
“i have no idea what you're talking about.”
“oh, come on.” he dramatically sighed, tired of kun trying to act like nothing's going on. ten could read him like an open book and there was no way he could escape him when he knew something.
eventually, both of them get inside the car. since yangyang was in the passenger's seat, he had no choice but to walk around and get in the backseat with you. it got a bit awkward when he was finally seated next to you, so he tried to lift up the mood, waving at you.
“you’re here!” you beamed, taking one of your earphones off.
kun was taken aback when you reached the other piece of the earphones to him, he was about to reject the offer but the bud was already in his ear as the sound of classical music burst into his ear.
kun knew that you knew about his love for classical music, remembering back in the day where he played a lot of pieces on the piano for his performance at some event during his time in university. but he loved playing tchaikovsky's swan lake to you when you were alone together, and that made you love classical music more.
“it's gonna be a long ride,” ten broke the silence before the engine of the car started. “so you might need to sleep for a while, me and kun will be looking out for possible stops for us to eat, ‘kay?”
“aye aye!”
the sky was soon painted into a gradient of blue-orange while the gleaming sun set into the horizon. kun couldn’t seem to sleep after taking a short nap, and he had been helping ten at their directions to get to a nearby stop where they could fill their stomachs.
just as he was about to lean forward to take the phone in his hands to check the GPS, he was halted by a thud and a heavy weight on his shoulder. turning his head to the side, he found your sleeping figure leaning on him. 
in the rearview, he could see the smirk of ten, following the sound of the never-ending teasing. kun tried his best to ignore him and his dumb words, but the words seemed to weigh over his mind. it's been a long time since he had feelings for you and he could still recall the night he took you to the rooftop of his apartment to look up at the stars. 
he recalled that night when he expressed his fondness over you. although you didn’t give him the answer he expected, he never stopped being friends with you. usually friendships last when one gets rejected by the other. to kun, it was dumb and stupid if he would be immature about the rejection, so he didn’t try to distance himself away from you. 
kun was still that caring friend whenever you got to be with him.
he looked at you with that same fondness in his eyes as you leaned more, thinking that he was a pillow. “after all these years, you’re still in love with the same person.” ten broke the silence again. his words were more of a whisper to prevent disrupting you and yangyang’s sleep.
“i can’t help it, how could i not like such a lovely and wonderful person?” kun admitted, his hands ghostly extending over yours, then immediately retracted.
when they realized that it was already dark and they could see a nearby stop to get down to, ten finally pulled over to slowly park the car along with the other parked cars. “wake up everyone, we’re here to stop by and eat dinner.” ten loudly began, his fingers reaching over to yangyang as he shook him by the shoulder. 
kun on the other hand, does his best in waking you up with his soft grip around your hands, gently shaking it. “hey, sleepyhead.” 
his voice filled your ears while you tried fluttering your eyes open. when you realized that you were inches away from his face from all the leaning, you shifted in your seat to fix your position. “oh god, i’m so sorry. was i squishing you?” only a laugh left kun’s lips before shaking his head. “no, but i think you mistook me for a pillow when you were sleeping.” 
he could already see hues of red and pink emerging from your cheeks, burning up at the words. your flushed face made him smile even more, “did i drool?” 
“don’t worry, you didn’t.” rest assured, a sigh left your lips in relief.  
“we stopped by to eat, you coming?” kun added, moving to the side to open the door of the car. he looked back, waiting for you before you set a smile on your face, moving towards him. “yeah, i'm coming.”
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allfornuo · 4 months
a kiss for the chef? | qian kun
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bf!kun cooks for his sick beloved (gender neutral)
contains. domestic atmosphere. lots of teasing. 95% fluff. 0.1% angst. 4.9% suggestive word count. 1.8k
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it was finally weekend, but as you got off work on friday evening you felt your body was starting to get chilly and your throat growing to feel a little itchy. you didn't think much of it, but after taking a shower you started feeling even worse, your body was now trembling in cold, no matter how many layers you would dress in, the blanket of your bed wasn't big help either. gladly the air conditioner remote was right on your nightstand, so you set it on heat with a timer for two hours and somehow managed to fall asleep.
saturday morning was afwul, you had woken up from your own shivers and a splitting headache. it was nearly impossible to open your eyes but you fought with all your might to do just that. the scene of a rising sun only made you squint in pain. you got up, quickly, almost hysterically looked through your cabinets for some kind of pain killer, anything to make this headache go away as quick as possible. although your stomach felt super empty, you couldn't even think of eating breakfast right now, you were sure it would only make your condition worse, so you just went back to your bed for a nap.
you were out for around 2 hours, the sun was already lighting up your whole bedroom, but it didn't hurt your eyes anymore. your body still felt chilly, so you decided to check your body temperature. and there you have it: 38.8 degrees. you're officially sick. you groan in disappointment because you had made plans to go out with your friend in the afternoon, but it seems like that will have to wait. you grab your phone to let your friend know about your condition but what distracts you at the moment is your boyfriend kun. he has sent you a whole bunch of texts last night. you open the conversation and hurriedly read all the messages:
"did you finish work?" 17:05
"♪⁠┌⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┘⁠♪" 17:05
"is everything okay?" 18:24
"please let me know if anything happened as soon as you can okay" 18:32
":(" 20:01
"i hope you're sleeping well in your bed right now" 21:29
"goodnight baby~" 21:29
"i don't want to seem clingy but i'm a bit worried. hope i'm just overreacting. call me" 00:57
cold sweat washes over you as you read your boyfriend's messages and grasp how concerned he was last night. you press the call button immediately, not sure if he's available to talk at the moment. but he picks up almost right away. "y/n!" he exclaims, almost startling you "is everything alright?", his voice rushed and a little shaky. you can tell he was waiting for you to call as soon as possible.
"hello... don't worry nothing happened last night" you shyly answer.
"really? why didn't you answer? you never leave me hanging like this". you can imagine him sulking a little and that warms your heart.
you cough softly and reply with "i'm sorry. i think i got fever last night, and i slept so poorly" you sigh, "also I'm constantly cold"
kun shuffles around at the other side of the line and relaxedly exhales. "should I cancel my schedule and come to you? did you eat?" you can practically see his tense expression turn into endearing one.
"no! don't cancel anything. believe it or not, i know how to fight the fever myself"
kun chuckles sounding a bit more laid-back now, "you sure you don't need more punch power in this fight?"
"i'm sure! don't cancel your schedules!" you practically order "and don't you dare come here i don't want you to get sick because of me". you say but feel regret forming in your chest right away. you don't want to push him away.
although you felt horrible, and knew that staying away from him would be better for everyone, you still yearn to see him after a long week of you both continuously working.
you assume that kun reads your mind when he says "you think a fever can stop me from coming to see you after all this time apart?"
you blush at his words and bashfully reply, "but it's only been 5 days"
"5 days of torture. and you are telling me to make it 6? no way."
you kick your feet under a blanket but try your best to keep your composure because you're still on a call with him.
"i'll have to hang up now, make sure you eat and take your medicine right after, okay?" kun instructs rushedly but doesn't forget to add "i love you"
"alright. okay. good luck at work. i love you"
the conversation ends and you smile to your phone foolishly, until you see your friend's text asking you if you're ready to go out today. you feel dumbfounded for forgetting about this previously made arrangement for a bit but let her know immediately that you're feeling unwell and would like to reschedule to another time.
your doorbell suddenly rings at 7 in the evening, startling you as you were dozing off, all wrapped up in blankets and watching your k-drama.
you pick yourself up lazily, still wrapped in blankets and rubbing your eyes, you look at the intercom screen and see your boyfriend's face. you grin to yourself at the sight and open the door for him.
"why didn't you use the digital lock..." you whine first thing as you greet him.
kun looks at you, all wrapped up in blankets like a big human sized chicken wrap and coos, "oh baby..." he walks in with two giant bags in his hands raising them up higher to show them off "my hands were full by the way"
"how did you press the bell then?" you continue whining.
"with my nose" kun giggles as he softly places a small peck on your forehead while walking past you. he puts the bags down on the kitchen chair and starts unloading them, revealing snacks and various food ingredients.
you chuckle at his words and walk up to him to investigate what he's plotting with all this food. there were way more groceries than you can use in one day. "didn't i tell you to not come over?" your tone is a bit more serious now.
kun without a word hangs his jacket, washes his hands after unloading the rest of the groceries and starts tying your kitchen apron on himself.
"hey, aren't you busy?" you push when you don't get an answer.
"do you really think i could work on my projects right now knowing that you're here sick all alone?" kun cuts, his voice stern, but eyes soft.
you can't keep this tough act up anymore and give in with a small "sorry..."
kun looks down at the table with the groceries and grins, showing off his dimples. "did you—" "what are you—" you both speak at the same time and suddenly burst into silly laughter, breaking the previous tension completely.
"you go first baby" kun says as he washes and starts cutting up some vegetables.
you sheepishly smile "what are you making? can I help?"
kun adores you. he practically melts when you offer him your help, but he politely declines "next time. right now i need you to go lay down and just wait until the food is served"
"isn't that princess treatment?" you tease.
"yes. only for you" kun replies, making you both cringe a little.
he's busy with pots and pans but you know you can completely trust him since his food never tasted less than perfect.
you keep stealing looks at him from the living room sofa where you're *watching* your television, when in reality you can't focus on the plot anymore.
"are you in love with me or something?" kun's chirpy voice teases you from the kitchen and you could swear he hasn't looked up to you this whole time, but somehow he still managed to feel your stares from the other room. he chuckles to himself and stirs the food in the pot carefully "it's almost ready"
you wiggle your feet excitedly as he brings you a bowl with steaming congee and a plate of fresh breadsticks on the side. the smell alone drives you crazy.
kun watches your expression with so much affection and you can see he's fighting the urge to smother you in his love. he takes your spoon in order to feed you the first scoop. it tastes heavenly but you just have to tease him once more, so you make a questionable face at the first bite.
to your success, his expression changes from endearing to confused by your reaction "what is it? is it too salty?"
"no... but it has a lot of this one ingredient..."
"what ingredient?" kun smells the congee in your bowl one more time, trying to figure it out.
"it's just so..." you are keeping him on edge with dragging your answer "... full of love"
kun relaxes a bit and shakes his head with a scrunchy grin at your little game.
"oh y/n... finish it quickly so I can tackle you"
you both giggle, "aren't you scared to get sick?" "i won't get sick" kun immediately replies, his eyes basically burning into you, making you blush a little. you hide your cheeks with the bowl avoiding this intense eye contact.
he's sitting right beside you on the sofa, he patiently waits and watches every little mimic on your face as you eat the meal he so carefully prepared. as you're finishing up the last scoops in the bowl, his eyes darken a little and he's moving the bowl out of the way, on the table.
"repeats please!" you cut the sly act, sensing what's going on.
kun snickers and points a finger at you, "the congee isn't forever you know" he gets up to pour you another round of this delicious meal.
he's back staring at you as you're finishing up the second bowl until you can't eat anymore. "thank you. it was a very hearty meal. brought me back home"
kun smirks confidently, shifts closer to your side and boldly says, "so.. a kiss for the chef?"
you sigh with a small smile, you knew this was coming sooner or later, "i'm sick, kun"
"a kiss for the chef?" he repeats with the same tone.
you groan a little, feeling like this is not a winning fight for you, and cup his face in your palms, looking deep into his eyes. he's staring back at you, puffing his lips out.
"you look so silly" you say as you squish his cheeks more firmly, making his lips puff more.
he tries to smile with his cheeks pressed between your hands and makes you laugh cheerily.
"thank you chef" you let off your grip, now holding him gently and finally press your lips to his.
he smiles into the kiss, pulls back for a moment and scans your features once more. once he sees that mutual sparkle in your eyes he slips right under the blanket you have wrapped yourself into, kissing you back so hungrily, "it's dessert time"
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 year
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[10:31 am]
Your day had been off to a rocky start. Having husband!Kun home was throwing you off your usual routine. While he was busy being the best husband ever by making you breakfast, lunch, and coffee, even having dinner ready by the time you got ready for work, you were taking your time getting ready and sleeping in.
This morning you had just been so lost in the comfort of having him home with you and relaxing that you lost track of time, rushing out the door with one shoe untied and grabbing your bag as Kun held the door open for you. He had barely kissed you goodbye as you rushed down the hall.
Now, you were seated at your desk with your eyes burning, failing to keep your yawns from escaping since you had only had half a cup of coffee before you ran out the door. There was no way you’d make yourself coffee from the break room since whoever usually made it clearly had no taste buds or liked coffee with the grounds- disgusting. 
You heard someone clear their throat behind you, probably someone further away in the office. Your eyes were still on the computer screen in front of you, clicking around and highlighting random words. God, how was your brain even still working right now?
“This is the last time I bring you your lunch if you’re just going to ignore me and pretend to work,” a familiar voice said.
You jumped, turning in your desk chair to catch sight of your husband. He stood leaning against the entryway of your cubicle, with a travel mug and your lunch bag. He caught your line of sight, “You forgot your lunch and I noticed you didn’t finish your coffee while I was washing the dishes.”
“I am so in love with you! Ugh! I love you so much!” You exclaimed grabbing the cup of coffee. It was just the way you liked it.
Kun chuckled as he sat in the extra chair next to your desk, “I can’t tell if you’re talking to me or the coffee, but I love you too.”
“Qian, do you have the reports that are due today?” One of your coworkers asked, eyes stuck on the file in her hands. 
Your eyes were wide, you had been working on the reports last night, going in and making corrections. You had even printed them out at home right before you showered, but where had you left the stack of papers? 
“It’s in the green folder in your bag, love.” Kun whispered.
You let out a relieved breath, reaching into your bag to retrieve the papers. You passed them over, slumping back into your chair after she walked away with a quiet “thanks” under her breath.
“You are the best husband ever, you saved my life just now.”
“I know, so hot pot tonight? I might have to stop by the store for some vegetables on the way home,” Kun wondered out loud.
You waltzed over to where he sat, taking a seat on his lap, “I’m so happy I married you.”
He placed a kiss on your lips, short but passionate, slightly inappropriate for the work place but quick enough that no one saw. “How about I drop you off tomorrow, so I can make sure you don’t forget anything.”
You hummed in agreement absentmindedly playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, “Can you wear the pink apron with the frills while you make dinner tonight?”
He threw his head back as he laughed, “I think that was a gag gift, my love.”
“But you just look so sexy when you wear it,” you shrugged.
When Kun had schedules, you were up earlier than you needed to be to make sure his bags were packed and had plenty of water and food for the long day that awaited him, always with a cute love note stuck to his backpack. You were always so helpful when his days had him dragging his feet, wearing a frilly, pink apron while he cooked was the least he could do. Even if it made him feel like a fool, he’d do anything for you.
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ronjunnie · 16 days
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romance is dead (19.4) sequel (10.3k)
sleepless cinderella: kun (12.9k)
one hundredth page (10.8k)
crayons (5.4k)
promise (4k)
subscribe! i want a baby now (2.4k)
finding gilberth (1.2k) 2.0 (1.7k)
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saturnznct · 1 year
d-6; baby’s first christmas | qkn
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➸ note; not incredibly christmassy today but since li-wei was born on christmas eve i thought she’d be perfect for baby’s first christmas!!
➸ word count; 942 words
➸ li-wei; aged 1 day
dadmas masterlist | nct masterlist
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Snow falls at great speed outside of Kun’s childhood bedroom window. It feels strange, laying in his slightly unfamiliar bed, your brand new baby girl laying on your chest, still unnamed, having only been born less than twenty-four hours ago. It’s late, nearly midnight, on Christmas Eve. You’d been staying at Kun’s family home in China for around a month now, preparing for the birth, and now that your daughter was finally here, Kun’s mother had spent the day filling you up with hot drinks and food, and plenty of rest in between.
Now, Kun is quietly darting around the room, getting himself ready for bed. 
‘Want me to put her down for you?’ He offers, holding his arms out, ready to take her from you.
‘Please,’ you murmur, the idea of sleeping suddenly very appealing.
The baby girl whimpers a little as she’s taken from you, but her cries cease as Kun rocks her gently, placing her into the bedside crib. 
Kun flicks the lamp off, climbing into bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his warm embrace.
‘You cold?’ He mumbles, knowing his mother would scold him if she knew you were in any type of discomfort.
‘No. Really warm,’ you respond, already half-asleep.
‘Good. Happy Christmas Eve, darling,’ he kisses your forehead.
You don’t respond, already in dreamland.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
The baby wakes you up quite a few times during the night. Kun helps out brilliantly, bringing the baby to you to feed, singing quiet Christmas songs to her when she cries, keeping both of you warm.
It’s around five in the morning when you both come to the realisation that you’re not going back to sleep, so you bring the baby downstairs into the living room, where the gold Christmas tree lights glow softly.
‘Hot chocolate,’ Kun smiles, holding out the warm mug.
’Thank you,’ you take it with both hands, shivering at the way it spreads warmth throughout your entire body.
‘Good morning,’ his mother appears in the doorway, ‘and good morning little one!’
‘Little one is in a milk coma,’ Kun responds, showing off the baby in his arms.
‘Little one needs a name,’ you grumble, ‘didn’t expect her to come so early. Should’ve given me more time to think.’
Kun laughs at you, ‘how about that be our Christmas present to her? Give her a name before the end of the day?’
‘Good idea,’ you smile, continuing to enjoy long sips from your hot chocolate.
Kun settles on the sofa next to you, baby still in his arms, but being mindful of your still aching body.
‘Merry Christmas,’ he takes your hand with his free one, squeezing it gently.
‘Merry Christmas, Kun.’
‘Merry Christmas you two,’ Kun’s father appears in the doorway, ‘ready for presents?’
Your gift giving is a quiet, but lovely event. You’re all not overly reactive in order to keep the baby calm, thankfully she is for the most part, even in the arms of her grandmother.
’This is for you, from me,’ Kun hands you a box-shaped present, ‘I saw it and I knew you’d love it.’
‘You better not have spent too much,’ you shoot him a disapproving look.
‘You’re my wife,’ he shakes his head, ‘let me spend money on you.’
You unwrap the paper to reveal a pretty jewellery box. You lift the lid, to reveal a beautiful necklace, a rose with a stem. It looks almost like it was made of glass, unworthy of you to even wear.
‘It made me think of you. Of us, remember on our first date I bought you roses because I didn’t know what kind of flowers you liked and I thought they were the most clearly romantic option.’
‘And I reacted so well you bought them for me every week for months until you found out they weren’t actually my favourites. Of course I remember,’ your eyes gloss over at the memory. He smiles sheepishly.
‘It’s beautiful,’ you trace the shape of the flower with your thumb, ‘I love it. Thank you.’
You try to lean over for a hug, but he immediately moves to meet you.
‘I love you,’ you murmur.
‘I love you too,’ he kisses your cheek, careful to be subtle with the PDA in front of his parents. 
Dinner is of course amazing, as it is made by Kun’s mother, your own meal carefully curated to include all of the ‘warming’ foods for post-birth.
The rest of the day is very relaxed, the four of you sitting in their living room for most of the day, you periodically nursing the baby and being fed and watered by Kun’s parents. 
‘Red date tea,’ his mother hands you the hot tea cup, which you happily accept with both hands.
‘Thank you,’ you take a long sip, shivering at the way the warmth settles in your stomach.
’The necklace Kun gave you had me thinking,’ she sits down beside you just as Kun enters the room, holding your daughter in his arms.
‘What is it?’ you ask, eyes never leaving the baby. 
‘How about Li-wei? For the baby’s name?’
‘Li-wei?’ Kun questions, looking down at the baby for a moment to try and visualise calling her by that name.
‘You can write it with the characters for beautiful and rose,’ his mother explains, ‘it would be so meaningful for you both.’
You and Kun share a look, almost trying to gage the other’s approval.
‘I really like it,’ he nods, ‘she looks like a Li-wei.’
‘I love it too,’ you smile, ‘Qian Li-wei.’
‘Merry Christmas, Li-wei,’ Kun rocks her, ‘I hope you like your present.’
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blue-broken-heart · 1 year
19+ Steady Hands Johnny Suh X Kun Qian X Reader
!Short extract! Summary: You and Kun are dating and he takes you to get a tattoo at one of his friends' shop. Johnny is a heavily tatted man with a dark vibe about him, he's focused and sexy as hell. When you decide to put the tattoo on your hip things seem to go downhill for you.
Tropes and Triggers: cuckholding (Gratification from seeing ones partner engage with another), tattooing, blood, Sthenolagnia (muscle lovers), Body painting(focused on the sensation of the tattoo gun), Edging, No-release, Oral(Fem receiving).
This Kun:
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This Johnny:
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This Vybe:
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Work starts;
!This Is A Work Of Fiction!
!This Is A Work Of Fiction!
!This Is A Work Of Fiction!
!This Is A Work Of Fiction!
Your eyes darted around the small room. It had a number of patterns and stencils framed and placed against the walls. However unlike most beliefs the room was very well lit. almost too bright and there were extra wheely lamps that would be used during the process if needed.
Strangely it was as if Johnny already knew you were going to tattoo your hip, he had placed an odd extension onto the chair, and had you lift one leg onto it.
Of course it served the purpose of allowing your entire hip to be shown but when it clicked you’d be underwear less on it- that became a bit of a suggestive item. You did it nevertheless.
“J-Jo-Jon stop please~” You moan, legs open wide, air cooling your entire cunt as Johnny tattoo’ over your mound. his muscles flexing as he held your skin taunt to ensure the area didn't get fucked up.
You knew there would be a high- very high chance that you’d get turned on during this session but Kun sat there and got his thigh tattoos so easily you were content you could do the same.
Your tattoo wasn’t even that detailed, but Johnny would make it so.
“Babe- hold out, Jon’s almost done with the line work,” Kun smirked, kissing your knuckles, you could feel his tongue slip between your index and middle finger to stroke the flesh. It made you arch in shock trying to avoid the movement.
Instead due to Johnny’ hand placed flat on your gash your movement made his finger slip between your lips, it made your thighs shake.
Your eyes shooting to the man instantly- however he remained focused on the task at hand and didn’t bother with where his hand went. You could see his his toned muscles flexed and bulged in his forearm as he moved the gun, then he moved his hand from your cunt to grab his wash cloth and wipe away your blood.
They felt nice.
He had thick rough fingers that you could feel through the blue latex gloves.
He pressed down a bit with his hand while biting his lip, the hand with the tattoo gun moving a bit slower, making you writhe a bit and you could feel his finger brush over your entrance.
“K-Kun,” you beg, eyes watering as he licked and sucked at your hand, “Make it stop~ haaaa ahhhh~”
There was a small pop of your lower back cracking and it was there you couldn’t be more thankful that you and Kun showed up right before Johnny closed so it was just the three of you in the corner shop on the plaza.
“I can’t,” you pant, biting your lower lip. Tattoos didn’t hurt a lot, but you didn’t expect that this would get you so hot.
“What do you want us to do?” Johnny said, sitting back and smirking up at you.
Holding up his gloved hand that glittered with slick from his pressing on your lower lips. He rolled his chair back a bit, the over head light making your cunt shine as your slick bubbled and throbbed as your clenched under the gaze of the men.
“I won’t survive this tattoo,” You bit your lip.
You felt very exposed under the black leather chair, the separate leg extension wide apart with you laid back. The bright light shining down on you, generates extra heat to make you sweat.
“So you’re going to stay squirming under Jon?” Kun asked, pulling away from your now sticky hand. He held it and brought it between your legs, “Or you want to block up and go home?”
“I- I’m getting turned on,” You whine, letting your hand rest over your cunt, touching a bit of blood that rose after Johnny wiped your skin.
“Then tell me princess? What’s your deal?” Johnny asked and you liked that name from his mouth.
It sounded dirty.
“Keep going,” You exhale after a few moments of looking at the two men in silence, “But!” You hold up the wet hand Kun moves, “If I’m close I want one of you to finish me.”
“Hhm?” Jon smirked, his dark brown hair falling into his eyes, as he pushed it back, “K- you heard what your girl’s telling me all spread legged in my shop right?”
“I hear her loud and clear J,” Kun smirked, his hand holding your chin as his thumb swipes over your lower lip. You let him trace his hand over your chest and stomach and grip your mound before he uses his finger to spread you making you gasp in shock, “So I’m letting you use my girl, show her what a dirty cockslut is.”
Johnny laughed a deep sound that made you breathe faster. Johnny looked like the dangerous type, and you liked that. Johnny looked like the type who liked choking- but kept at it until his partner blacked out and couldn’t move properly and he’d keep going.
“Then I’ll take you up on that K,” Johnny said,dipping one of those rough fingers into you and drawing a line up from your hole to your peaking clit.
“Look at her,” Kun spoke, “She’s so fucking needy right now,”
Johnny pulled his hand away and lifted his finger to Kun who smirked, looking at you as he leaned down to suck Johnny’s finger. Making a show of bobbing his head and swirling his tongue on his friends’ hand.
“Gods you’re so fucking hot right now,” Johnny laboured, using his other hand to grip Kun's neck and drag him into a kiss.
The men locked lips and kissed feverishly, letting small moans and pants escape the gasps for air and slippery sounds of their spit mixing.
It thrilled you seeing Kun under someone. It made your legs tremble in joy as Johnny didn’t break eye contact with you throughout his little make out with Kun.
It was so exciting seeing Johnny focus on you while he had Kun’s eyes rolling back under him from nothing but a kiss.
“MMh~” Kun struggled out and broke the kiss, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, “Lets finish her up first.”
Johnny smirked, and simply moved back to cleaning his tattoo gun and changing the needles and ink.
“Hey y/n,” Johnny called after a bit, he looked ready to put the gun back to your skin.
“Yeah?” You ask curiously, it was still embarrassing sitting spread legged, wet and having Johnny on a wheely stool between your legs.
“You look good in fishnets don’t you?” Johnny asked and you were startled.
“Should I put on a pair?” You grin back. If you were embarrassed your goal would be to make them hot.
“You got one?” Kun asked, a fat grin breaking out.
“Does he?” You ask, looking over at Johnny, who looked between you and Kun before laughing and wheeling away.
He came back with a little plastic pouch from the front of the store, “Of course I do.”
Johnny winked, tearing open the pack and throwing it to you, “Get busy princess.”
You wore them and lifted your legs back in. letting Johnny back to tattooing. About 15 minutes later you started feeling it again. You gripped Kuns’ hand a bit tighter, trying to draw his attention from his phone.
Johnny kept starting on your ass and moving forward, letting your mound be the last thing he did. He’d take his time and slowly fill int the patterns then colours and what not.
“J-Jon?” You asked out, feeling his hand pressing on you again.
“Yeah?” Johnny asked, completely unfazed.
“Dip your fingers,” You whine a little.
Johnny didn't pay much attention but when his finger dipped your eyes rolled back and you moaned as his ring and index finger slipped right into your cunt. Your jaw slackening as you try to ride them.
Johnny pressed his finger down and it pained you, making your hips flutter to relax, “Down girl.”
He scolded, shaking his head, “When I finish this part's shading daddy’ll fix princess, okay?”
“Yes.” You panted, nodding as you tense and untense your lips, trying to create some friction.
Johnny used his hand to wipe away the bit of blood that came up from your skin from the constant miniature stabbings and kissed your thigh with a sly smirk, “Just a bit again before I finish the shading okay?”
Nodding as Johnny licked away some of your blood making you tense your thighs.
Fuck Johnny was so hot with it. Kun didn’t look to care as he sat there texting away laughing at some times and smirking. However with a single glance down you could tell Kun was listening, he was definitely listening and his cock wanted to be apart of it as it was beginning to pay attention.
“John~” You breathe out, unable to contain it. You were unaware of anything other than the humming of the gun and the small jolts it sent through your body.
“Mmh?” Johnny mused and you felt so strange. Your clit was flicking itself. Sending sharp pulses through your body and making your chest tick.
“Good girl princess.” Johnny praised as your head dropped.
You were a bit too out of it, when you felt a small tingle stroke over your clit. It got you confused as the vibrating had stopped. You didn’t pay attention to your hands on your stomach bunching your t-shirt until it got stronger and more controlled.
When the movement began to flick and swirl your legs started shaking and your body shot up. Johnny’s head was buried between your legs as he had started to eat you out.
You wanted to- putting your hands into his hair and gripping the very soft strands that felt like silk. Rolling your waist on his face as his arms snake around your waist and hold you in place. The curses fall out of your mouth like drool did.
Johnny built you up and kept you there until your convulsing body couldn't breathe anymore and he pulled away. Discarding his gloves and moving to clean the tattoo gun again.
Your jaw was loose and eyebrows pressed together as you struggled to sit up and look at him.
Was this the game they’d set for the duration?
me aka the janitor go in to clean after cause these mfs made me wait outside:
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I apologise for writing this for you to read but since you did and you got this far- like it and reblog it now.
And if you want another short drop a request.
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moonctzeny · 2 years
kun + food play
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pairing: kun x fem!reader
genre: smut
wc: 497
warnings: foodplay, nipple play, oral(female receiving)
It was a Saturday night tradition. You and your boyfriend would scour the internet for the most delicious looking recipe, try your best to recreate it, then enjoy the sugary outcome of your joined efforts. Currently, you’re going through step two, finishing up your batter as Kun makes fun of your stirring skills once again.
“We should probably taste it before we put it in the oven”, he suggests, and your eyes immediately light up in mischief.
“Here”, you offer boldly and quickly dip your finger in the chocolate liquid, spreading the batter messily over his lips. You laugh at his disappointed face and even manage to take a picture, before he grabs the phone right out of your hands.
“Clean it up right now”, he orders you sternly, yet his softened eyes give him away.
“Aye, chef.”
You pinch his chin, pulling him closer, until your faces are only an inch apart. Your tongue swipes over his lips, collecting the sweet cream, before slipping it inside his mouth as you bring him into a kiss. He deepens the pressure, chasing after the sweetness, and turns you around until your lower back presses against the edge of the kitchen table. You sit on it with his help, stabilizing yourself over the flat surface, and don’t complain in the slightest as he starts to take off your clothes.
“Lay down”, he tells you and you listen, shivering when your bare back comes in contact with the cold wood. Even more goosebumps errupt over your skin when he smears some of the batter over your chest. Then your navel. Then some more over the softest part of your upper thighs.
You can only moan his name when he leaves kitten licks over your nipples, cleaning you up. He sucks his way down your stomach, making you squrirm, and you feel yourself melting when he starts getting closer to your pussy.
After what feels like forever, you finally feel his tongue where you need him most, your legs resting on his shoulder as he makes you moan louder and louder. Your breathing gets sharp when he starts to draw all kinds of pretty shapes over your clit, teasing your opening with his eager fingers.
He’s been working you open for quite some time when the pad of his index finds your g-spot, applying pressure on that same spot by sucking your raw skin between his swollen lips. Your orgasm washes over you suddenly, blinding you, and you desperately try to make your legs stop shaking, yet you can’t.
The sight of your boyfriend emerging from between your thighs panting, hair all messy and chin wet is enough to make you horny all over again.
“This is probably very unhygienic.”
“Mmm too bad”, he teases, hiding your smile in the hollow of your neck. A squeal escapes you when he sinks his teeth in your skin, his weight pushing you to lyt down over the table again. “I’m not full yet.”
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nctpromptmeme · 9 months
POST #3 - AUG 8/23
in deep need of a fic with asshole jaemin, enemies to lovers, angsty but also fluffy, arranged marriage/marriage of convenience and it's kinda forced proximity?? it's kind of a lot sorry 😭😭
kun angsty orchestra au, like they can be rivals, or he can be that unattainable love
yangyang dom multiple cum and big d creampie smut [admin note: i received two similar ones back to back, so i combined them - if they should be separate, please let me know]
will update this post with links and reblogs if there are works completed for the prompts.
if you are a writer who wishes to complete any of these, please mention this blog and link this post in your fic!
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minhyeong · 5 months
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[ kun ] 
being pushed by him on the swings at an empty playground after all the kids return home and streets slow down and you can finally have a moment of stillness
wraps his own scarf around you since it's a little chilly in the evening
sways you gently until you're asking for more momentum, but he will never not worry about you falling down so he only puts so much force
sitting in comfortable silence with the occasional creaking of the chains as you inhale the air that smells earthy and sink into the embrace of the autumn breeze
you look back and he smiles, eyes crinkling when your gazes lock, and you suddenly feel like you're eight again with nothing to fear
[ ten ] 
wearing matching pajamas and brushing your teeth together after indulging in way too much sugar for the night
he gets even louder and more unhinged than usual when all the sugar in his system hits
your shared playlist is playing in the background, volume turned up loud enough that he has to scream over the music to communicate with you but you both like it that way
laughs at all the foam that sits on your mouth as you brush your teeth when he doesn't look much neater
bumps his shoulder into yours when you make eye contact through the mirror but fakes pain when you do the same back and claims you have to kiss it better
[ winwin ] 
dragging him out to grocery shop after you opened his fridge and noticed that there was barely anything edible
pushing the shopping cart side by side with hands resting just close enough on the handle
he gets distracted and sneaks a few packs of junk food into the cart that you side eye because they're not filling, and he definitely tilts his head and gives you puppy eyes for permission to get more ice cream
but also remembers to stock up on your favorite snacks for when you go over
hands you the lightest bag and then tries to carry everything else back into the house at once because two trips are for the weak according to him
[ xiaojun ] 
napping at 6am because you stayed up all night pondering life and made sure you had someone (him) to ponder with
doesn't even have to be something deep because he will stay up to debate whether humans have one butt or two
but now you both look like zombies and have eye bags that sink all the way down to your cheekbones, so you finally put the debate aside for a moment and crawl into bed
he sets the alarm for 8am and giggles almost hysterically for a second out of disbelief because did you two really just forgo sleep to talk about butts
tenderly interlocks his fingers with yours before he shuts his eyes and mumbles that he's definitely right about the debate
[ hendery ] 
assembling furniture together after a spontaneous trip to ikea that resulted in bringing home a shelf that you definitely didn't need but wanted regardless
unboxing takes an hour because he got distracted by the bubble wrap and challenged you to see who could pop them all quicker
purposely rolls up his sleeve and unnecessarily flexes his arms when he's using the screwdriver and sends you a wink that has you fake gagging
is actually very focused on trying to decipher the instructions when you both finally get to work
proudly moves the finished product to the place you want it and tells you to put a framed photo of him on the shelf so everyone who visits can see his beautiful face
[ yangyang ]
watching a romantic comedy movie where the characters are dancing in the rain and suddenly he's pulling you off the couch so you can do the same on your small balcony
the downpour is sharp and almost feels as if it's trying to pierce through your skin that grows colder by the minute
it's a little awkward at first and you have no idea what you're supposed to do, but he rubs the rain out of your eyes and tugs you close
you forget about the cold rain when he dramatically twirls and dips you, and you erupt into a fit of giggles as the thrill hits you
makes sure to dry your hair with a towel after you take a warm shower and kisses the crown of your head
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smolsicheng · 1 year
─ ੈ♡˳ [𝟐𝟑:𝟐𝟐]
Kun rests his head on your shoulder, his eyes fluttering sleepily as you turn the page of the book you're reading. His arms wrap around your own and a tired smile tugs at his lips as he turns his gaze towards your face; you had a look of concentration in your eyes and your nose scrunched every now and then in an attempt to stiffle a yawn.
"you're cute when you're half asleep" Kun would mutter just before yawning quietly, turning his head away from you slightly as he did so. You'd mumble something about the compliment to yourself, your ears turning a deepening shade of pink. Your right hand fumbles with the top corner of the page you're on while you raise your left hand to your eyes, rubbing away the feeling of sleep.
Noticing this, Kun sits up from his slump against your side, positioning himself differently and taking the book from your hand gestures for you to lean closer to him. After a second yawn, he reads the final page of the book, smoothing out the crease in the corner you had just created, his voice seeming to lull you gently into sleep.
"and how she would gather about her other little children, and make their eyes bright and eager with many a strange tale, perhaps even with the dream of Wonderland of long ago; and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple joys, remembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days..."
requested by anon, Kun + #9
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xiaojunsmintchoco · 1 year
Gave you my heart — Qian Kun
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pairing: qian kun x female reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers, fake relationship au
synopsis: a christmas family gathering, several nosy relatives, and a fake boyfriend – who knew these would lead to your wish that even santa could not fulfill. 
wc: about 4.3k
a/n: hey there @meiideryz! it’s me, amelia, your secret santa 🤶🏻 I hope that this fic adds to your Christmas cheer! Merry Christmas, stay safe and have a wonderful holiday <3
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"How much does it cost to rent a fake boyfriend?" 
"I'm sorry what?" Thinking you were joking, Kun looks up from his coffee, an amused expression gracing his features, only to find a deadpan expression on your face. "Why so sudden?" he asks. 
You groan, fingers furiously flying across the tiny screen of your phone. "You know how my family does those big Christmas gatherings every single year without fail?" 
Kun nods, already putting two and two together. "Let me guess – you want to avoid the incessant questioning about why you're still single," he answers.
"Bingo". You answer with a snap of your fingers, continuing to type away on the screen. "'Is it that no one wants you?' 'Must find boyfriend fast, women got expiry date leh'," you mock your family members in a high-pitched voice, specifically the aunties, making Kun laugh out loud. "Yeah, no thanks. That's why I need a fake boyfriend – and fast. The gathering's in a week, and we’re going to some Christmas carnival". 
"You could have just asked me, you know?" Kun doesn't know why, but the words just leave him and he has to summon all his willpower to stop his hands from flying up to cover his mouth. Sure, he'd been nursing a secret crush on you – but he hadn't quite dared to make any move on you, for fear of spoiling the friendship you two already had, and this was the closest he had come to doing so, albeit unintentionally. 
You pause your frantic googling for fake boyfriend services and stare at your friend, unsure if you'd heard him right. "Wait, say that again?" 
"I mean, I can do it for you. Follow you to the Christmas carnival, talk to your relatives, play carnival games with you guys, and that's it. Seems fine to me," Kun says with a nonchalant shrug, acting like whatever he just said earlier wasn't a slip of the tongue. 
The gears in your head begin turning as you contemplate his offer. You knew that he'd be a choice selection of a fake boyfriend – he was the textbook definition of a gentleman. All the years you'd been friends, he was always the one holding doors open for you, listening to your rambles, and just simply taking the best care he could of you. In addition, he had many talents. All of this, coupled with his otherworldly good looks, make him perfect boyfriend material-
-okay, calm down now y/n, you're just friends, you gently chide yourself. But yes, he would definitely be able to impress your family, even the most critical aunties, which would hopefully get them to leave you alone for future family gatherings. Which was the whole point of you getting a fake boyfriend. In addition, Kun would benefit too since he'd get to earn some money – so win-win, right? 
But there was one problem – a wish that he was more than just your friend had begun to grow, just like the blanket of snow that had been thickening since the beginning of winter. You worried that if you really were to take his offer, your feelings would only grow, and come in between the precious friendship you two had built up over the course of several years.
Then again, considering how badly you really needed a fake boyfriend, taking his offer probably would be the best option at the present point. "Alright then, if you say so," you finally decide. "How much should I pay you?"
"Ah- there's no need for that," Kun quickly replies, waving his hands in protest. "You're my friend, I should help you out". 
For some reason, these words send a rush of butterflies to your stomach. Trying to conceal the dash of pink that you were sure coloured your cheeks, you bring your head down to sip at your coffee. Fortunately it works, and you properly address him again after, sending him a playful glare. "Fine. But I'll treat you to a sumptuous meal in return, you better not say no".
Kun sighs, knowing that he wouldn't be able to talk you out of that one. "Well, if you insist. Just send me the details of the gathering and we'll be good to go," he answers, whipping out his phone.
"Thank you so much, Kun," you respond, flashing him a smile of appreciation.
"Anytime". He simply replies with one word and a gentle smile. 
You forward him the messages from your family group chat, all while reminding yourself that he was a fake boyfriend, not a real one, and that the line between best friend and boyfriend would still exist. At the same time, you do your best to ignore the tinge of pain in your heart that accompanied the warm feeling of gratitude. 
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"You two were dating? For how long?" Your brother, Hendery, queries, agape mouth giving away his astonishment. 
It's Christmas Eve, and you and Kun are now in your dad's car with mum, dad and older brother, on the way to your family's Christmas gathering. 
"Yeah, for about a month," Kun helps you answer when he catches sight of the panicked look that flashes across your face. 
"You can pick your jaw up off the floor now," you add, taking the chance to tease your brother. 
"I knew that you were close to each other, but I didn't know that you both were dating," your father hums, fingers tapping on the steering wheel. “Luckily I bought an extra ticket, just in case y/n shows up with some ‘surprise’, if you know what I mean. And she did,” he finishes, shooting you an amused look from the rear view mirror. 
“Dad,” you groan, albeit goodnaturedly.
"It’s a pleasant surprise, though. Not only does Kun take excellent care of y/n, he's also a great influence on her," your mum chimes.
"Mm, I agree," your dad muses.
"Thank you auntie and uncle, you're too kind," Kun chuckles, humbly downplaying your parents' compliments.  
So if we really were to date, we'd have the approval of my parents… you entertain the thought for a moment, before slapping yourself mentally. You knew that Kun was only helping you, and that a relationship between you both was not likely to be on the cards at all.
Before you know it, your family has arrived at the carnival’s carpark. “Act, now,” you mouth to Kun, hoping that none of your family picks up on the subtle cue you gave him. Kun understands, and helps you out of the car before slipping his hand into yours, and the both of you follow after your parents, over to the fairgrounds where the rest of your family is.
“Y/n! Long time no see!” One of your aunts, Auntie Diana, comes straight up to you and engulfs you in a hug too tight for your liking, which you reluctantly return. She then looks up and sees your friend next to you. “Is this your boyfriend?”
“Yes, he is. Meet Kun,” you respond, gently pushing your friend slightly in front of you so he could introduce himself to your aunt. 
“Oh my gosh. Selene! Wendy! Y/n’s finally found someone, after all this time!” Auntie Diana exclaims, and two of your other aunts come rushing over. 
“Hi aunties, I’m Kun. It’s nice to meet you all,” Kun introduces himself politely with a small bow. 
“Wah, y/n, congratulations! Thought no one would want you, but you proved us wrong,” Auntie Wendy teases.
Your aunts then proceed to bombard him with questions, such as why he decided to date you, what your relationship goals were, and several other questions. How naturally he answered them should have been a sign of his obvious interest to you, but it wasn’t. You just played it off as him being an excellent actor.
“What do you like best about her?” Auntie Selene asks. All of your aunts regard him with the same expectant gaze. 
“Well, for starters, she’s a kind and genuine person to everyone. I really admire her resilience too — for all the time I’ve known her, she’s shown herself to be tough, even through hard circumstances,” Kun answers with barely a second thought. “Her sense of humour also never fails to make me look forward to going out with her as well. I mean, there’s more that I like about her, but if I were to list them all we’d be stuck here forever,” he adds with a nervous laugh. 
“Wow, you really do like her, don’t you,” Auntie Diana says. “Y/n, you’ve found a good guy, must treat him well,” she advises as you acknowledge her with a grunt and a polite smile.  
“Wow y/n, you’ve got this guy all whipped for you,” Hendery, who was on the sidelines listening to the exchange, grins and reaches over to ruffle your hair teasingly yet affectionately.
“Yeah, yeah”. You casually play off your brother’s teasing as you usually do, ignoring that twinge of pain making its presence known in your heart again.
Meanwhile, Kun observes the scene, your aunt’s words ringing in his heart. Oh, y/n, if only you knew.
“Y/n-jie!” A happy shriek disrupts his train of thought. Looking down, he’s met with a tiny girl with a red backpack running to you as fast as her legs could carry her. 
“Kyla!” you exclaim, bending down to receive a hug from your young cousin, who you loved with all your heart. She was one of the few reasons you decided to attend today’s family gathering, the other being that you wanted to catch up with your other cousins later. 
It’s at this moment Kyla notices the boy beside you. “I’m Kyla,” she introduces herself bashfully. “Auntie Selene told me you’re y/n’s boyfriend?”
Kun’s heart melts at the sight of her, finding her adorable. “Yes, I’m her boyfriend,” he answers, kneeling down to be at her eye level. “You can call me Kun-ge,” he tells her, offering her a fist bump which she happily returns.
“Alright, everyone, we can talk more later,” your uncle decides, clapping his hands to get the whole family’s attention. “Let’s get going, it’s time to enjoy this carnival!”
You follow after your family, one hand holding Kyla's and the other holding Kun's, relieved that your fake boyfriend ploy was successful so far.
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A couple of hours had passed, mainly consisting of you trying to avoid more awkward conversations with your aunts, sampling delicious carnival food with Kun (who was more than willing to treat you), going on rides with your other cousins and enjoying a long chat with them. Of course, they were curious to know more about your new supposed boyfriend, and talked with him as well. Now, you and Kun were at the dart stall, trying to win Kyla a stuffed bunny.
Eyes locked on the red balloon, Kun aims his dart at his target before throwing his dart at it with the precision of a sharpshooter. As expected, it bursts on contact with the dart. “Yay! Thank you so much, Kun-ge!” Kyla squeals as Kun hands her the stuffed bunny, before throwing her arms around his neck. “You’re the best!”
“You’re welcome,” he replies softly, the same fond smile appearing once again.
“Kun-ge, may I ask you a question?” Kyla asks, innocently batting her eyelashes as she looks up at your “boyfriend”.
“Sure, go ahead,” he replies. After all, she was just a kid, her questions would just be innocent, harmless fun, right?
“Since you and y/n jie are boyfriend and girlfriend now, that means…” she trails off, looking ahead into the distance as she considers her words. "You'll both get married, and then you'll really be my Kun-ge forever, right?" She finishes, eyes bright with all of her 5-year old excitement, glancing up at him expectantly.
"Well-" he can't lie, the question has caught him off guard, and he tries to conjure up a response quickly. "Maybe? Right now, it's too early for us to know for sure. We’ll see in the future, alright?”
“I hope that you and y/n can get married, and then we’ll be a family!” Kyla exclaims, clinging on to Kun’s leg. “I like you a lot, and I like y/n jie and Hendery-ge a lot too!”
Kun doesn’t speak, but bends down to pat her head gently. He puts together the scene that Kyla described — and his heart warms at the thought of all of you being a family. A complete, wonderful family. As he’s relishing this fantasy, a “ho ho ho!” steals Kyla’s attention. It’s a man dressed in a santa outfit surrounded by elves, giving out candy to children. “Y/n-jie jie! Santa’s giving out candy, let’s go!” Kyla yells,  turns around. “Kun-ge! Hendery-ge! Let’s go!” she beckons to them with a wave of her tiny hand.
Just as Kun is about to agree, Hendery stops him and stoops down in front of your cousin. “Kyla, I need to speak to Kun-ge alone for a little while. Why don’t you go ahead with y/n-jie first?” he says, kind brown eyes meeting her gaze. 
“Why? What do you need to talk about?” she asks, her five-year old self obviously not understanding. But to be honest, you didn’t either. Sure, Hendery had met Kun prior to this, but their interactions never extended beyond polite small talk. And suddenly they had things to discuss by themselves?
“Oh erm, it’s, you know, bro talk,” he laughs nervously, garbling out what he thought would be an understandable reason to your cousin. “It’s something only guys understand. Tell you what, you take y/n-jie with you, and then Kun-ge and I will find you guys later, okay?”
Though Kyla doesn’t fully understand, she simply nods earnestly, before tugging on your arm again. “y/n-jie, let’s go! See you later, geges!” she giggles, skipping ahead. Though you're curious to know what the two boys had to discuss, you decide not to pry and follow your cousin.
Much to Hendery’s relief, the adults are still engrossed in their own conversations, leaving him and Kun some privacy to talk. “You said you wanted to talk? What about?” Kun poses the question to Hendery, furrowing his brows in confusion. 
Hendery says nothing, instead watching both you and Kyla run further into the fairgrounds. “You really like y/n, don’t you?” He finally says after about a minute.
“Of course I do,” Kun replies, not seeing where the conversation was headed. “Why else would I date her then?”
“You guys aren’t really dating,” Hendery calmly continues, returning his gaze to Kun. “You’re her fake boyfriend for tonight, aren’t you?”
"What do you mean, fake boyfriend?” Kun answers with his own question, feigning confusion. “We’re officially together”.
Hendery shakes his head, indicating that he doesn’t believe Kun. “Nope. Don’t even try lying. I know the whole truth. Y/n didn't want the family to bother her about still being single, so she wanted a fake boyfriend for tonight. You offered to help her, so here you are," he remarks, showing that he indeed wasn't lying – he knew the truth.
"Now how do you know – did y/n tell you?" Kun responds, still shocked after Hendery's accurate retelling of your situation. Did you tell him anything? That was unlikely, since the whole point of a fake boyfriend was for you to be able to throw your family off the trail. Telling Hendery, a family member, would only be counter effective.
"Nope. Heard her over the phone," he answers, recalling the phone conversation you'd had with one of your friends last night. “I didn’t eavesdrop on purpose. She was just so damn loud,” he clarifies as Kun shoots him a questioning look.
“Okay, congrats then — you have us busted,” Kun admits with a shrug as he turns back to where a grinning Kyla stood next to “santa”, posing as you snapped some photographs of her with your phone. “But why was this so important that you had to pull me aside for ‘bro time’?” 
“I wanted to ask you to confess to her”. Hendery stops beating around the bush, getting straight to the point. 
Hendery’s statement sends Kun’s jaw to the ground in the next second. “What? No way!” He protests.
“Why not? Since you like her so much, might as well tell her, right?” Hendery reasons.
“I don’t even think she likes me back that way. If I were to just tell her how I really felt about her, I could spoil our whole friendship,” Kun explains, expressing his previously unspoken fears to your brother, who grunts understandingly as he listens. “I’m not throwing away four years’ worth of friendship just because of this stupid crush”.
“I beg to differ,” Hendery interjects. “She likes you too. Legit”.
“She said that?” Kun inquires.
“Well, over the phone yesterday, yes. ‘I know he’s only a fake boyfriend, but I like him so much! I’m afraid though — what if I tell him I like him but he doesn’t like me that way? I’ll ruin our whole friendship!’” Hendery remarks, imitating your tone of voice as you complained about your dilemma to your friend yesterday, drawing some laughs out of Kun. 
“Wait — you’re serious?” he asks, morsels of hope beginning to appear — like the first flakes of snow falling from the sky.
“I’m serious”. Hendery replies, sending Kun a firm nod of reassurance. “Based on what I’ve heard from her, I’m positive she won’t reject you. Tell you what, can you promise me one thing?”
“What’s that?” Kun asks, curiosity piqued as he awaits your brother’s answer. 
“By the end of tonight, you confess to her. I don’t care how you do it, you just gotta tell her how you feel,” Hendery states, holding out his pinky finger. “Promise to do that? I’ve known her for the entire 17 years of her existence, so trust me when I say not only will she not reject you, you'll make her whole Christmas. Besides, you’re the only guy I really trust to take care of her”. 
Hendery’s last sentence warms Kun’s heart like hot cocoa on a snowy day, and it gives him the final push to make his decision as he links his pinky with Hendery’s. “Promise”.
“And remember, if she happens to reject you, though that’s as likely as the dinosaurs resurrecting from the dead-“ Hendery pulls out his own business card from his coat pocket, and hands it to Kun. “You can text or call me, and I’ll talk to you as soon as I’m free. Don’t worry, you’ve got this,” he reassures, giving Kun a pat on the back.
Kun stuffs the card in his coat pocket, feeling immense gratitude towards Hendery. If not for him, he wouldn’t have the courage to tell you how he really felt. “Thank you so much, Hendery”.
“Anytime,” Hendery answers with a smile. “Now come on, let’s go catch up with them!”
⋆*̣̥☆·͙̥‧❄•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥˟͙☃˟͙‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥❄‧·͙̥̣☆*̣̥ ⋆
“AAAAHHH!” You scream at the top of your lungs as the Viking swings up with a jolt, before swinging back down. Adrenaline courses through your veins as you continue to scream in both exhilaration and fear. Kun’s screams fill your ears as well, though you know that it’s most likely from thrill and elation — through the years you’d known him, he’d proven to be very much the adrenaline junkie.
“Are you alright?” Kun laughs as he helps you off, though seeing your dazed state as you stumble off the ride concerns him slightly. 
“That was awful…why did we go on that one…” you pant. 
“I mean, this was part of our ‘battle plan’, was it not? Before we went I even asked you if you really wanted to go on this ride!” Kun reminds you, still laughing at your disorientated state.
The ‘battle plan’ he was referring to was the plan that both of you had come up with together to, in your words, “conquer the whole carnival”, including the remaining food stalls and rides. Your family had left, but both of you had opted to stay and continue exploring the rest of the carnival. 
“You’re right”. You admit. “Let’s move on. I wanna drink hot chocolate”.
Which is how both of you end up sharing a massive hot chocolate, topped with a generous amount of whipped cream and chocolate syrup, walking around the fairgrounds together. Though this isn’t the first time you and Kun have shared drinks, this time as you take the paper cup from him and sip on the chocolatey goodness in it, you feel the all-too-familiar fluttering in your tummy again. The feeling disappears momentarily, but then returns with a vengeance when you notice how your hands are interlocked with his. Whether he realised it too or not, you would never know, but it sends a heat wave to your cheeks, causing you to subtly turn away and try to get the blushing under control. Part of you wants to hastily pull your hand out of his grip, but the other part of you can’t bring yourself to do it — as if your hand is stuck to his by super glue. 
Unbeknownst to you, Kun is struggling to subdue the fluttering of his own heart as well, even more so after realising your hands were still linked. By the end of tonight, you confess to her. Hendery’s words from earlier still ring fresh in his mind. Earlier, he had made that promise as some sort of brazen confidence had come over him while he was chatting with Hendery, but it had gone as soon as it had come, which he found mildly annoying. Whatever, since I promised Hendery, I better get it done, he tells himself, summoning his determination again. 
“We’ve got a last ride to go on, right?” your voice draws him out of his thoughts, and he turns to you with a small nod. 
“It’s the ferris wheel, if I’m not wrong,” Kun adds. “Let’s go”.
Hands still intertwined, both of you head to the queue. There are fewer people than you expected, due to the fact that it’s getting late, which allows you both the luxury of one capsule to yourselves. Both of you sit in silence, admiring the view of the fair as your capsule begins to rise up into the air. The colourful lights and neon signs, the tents of the different food and game stalls, the sweet scent of cotton candy that wafts straight to you — you sit in silence with Kun, your hand still in his (to your mild embarrassment), soaking in all of the sights and smells of the fair. “Wonderful, isn’t it?” you remark to Kun as he raises the cup to his lips.
“It really is,” he agrees. “But you know what would make this night even more wonderful?”
“If you could give me your heart,” Kun finishes.
A moment of silence follows as confusion sets into your mind. “I’m sorry, please repeat that? Is this…a confession?” You ask, trying to wrap your head around his previous sentence. 
“…you could say it is,” he answers, turning to you slightly. This time, you catch sight of the pinkish hue on his cheeks.
Of all the emotions you feel, you don’t expect amusement to be your main emotion in that moment. But considering the cheesiness of his entire confession earlier…how could it not be? Before you know it, you’re bursting into guffaws. “Kun! Oh my gosh…you did not just…” you laugh over and over again until you’re wheezing. “Since when did you become so cheesy?”
“I…I don’t know! All I know is, I’ve liked — no, loved you for way too long, and I just had to tell you how I really feel, okay? I couldn’t keep quiet about it anymore,” Kun stutters, the embarrassment clearly now sinking in as he rambles. “Gosh, that came out in the worst way possible”.
You wipe away the tears of laughter that had gathered in your eyes, finding his flustered state adorable. Now that he’d told you how he felt — albeit in a cheesy and somewhat cringey manner — you found the courage to tell him you felt the same way too. “It’s okay, Kun. Yes, I’ll give you my heart this Christmas,” you answer, looking him straight in the eyes. You were well aware your cheeks were burning like a furnace, but you couldn’t care less. Thank God both of you had gotten a capsule alone, because neither of you would be able to handle the embarrassment of this whole confession in front of a bunch of strangers. 
“Wait, you mean it?” Kun asks incredulously, eyes growing wide enough to rival dinner plates. 
You say nothing, but just nod. “Yes, I love you too. Now that we know how we both feel towards each other, shall we seal the deal with…a kiss?” you suggest, lips curving into the widest smile you’ve ever smiled in your entire seventeen years of life. 
“I’d love to”. Kun replies, though somewhat shyly. 
You take his other hand in your own, and move towards him, and he does the same as both of you prepare for the kiss — but end up being met with a pile of whipped cream. In your excitement, you’d both forgotten about the cup of hot chocolate in between the two of you. “Ugh, talk about a double fail. First my cringey confession, and now this,” Kun laughs sheepishly, wiping the whipped cream off his nose. 
“I know right,” you chuckle, doing the same. “It’s alright, let’s do that again. Before this ride ends”.
With that, the distance between both of you closes. Sparks fly in your head as your lips make contact, and an unexplainable euphoria floods over you. This was the one gift that you didn’t expect to receive for Christmas, but the best one yet — nothing santa could give you would match up to this, that was for sure. Pulling away, you both gaze into each other’s eyes with lovestruck gazes. “Merry Christmas, Kun. I love you”. 
“Merry Christmas, y/n. I love you too”. 
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doyoungiesbunnies · 2 years
Need For Sleep
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[10:14 pm] - Qian Kun
“Where’s the nearest bridge so I can throw myself off of it?”
Your boyfriend bolts upright at your question.  You’ve been silent up until now and this being the first thing out of your mouth is definitely alarming.  “What?”
You don’t realize you’d said it out loud.  When you started studying for the night, you were already exhausted from another long day of classes and stressed about your upcoming exam, not to mention it’s only the middle of the week.  Forcing yourself to miraculously take in more information after already stuffing it throughout the day without any real down time is just part of your daily soul-sucking routine.
At this point, your mind has caved into a place at the intersection of pent up fatigue, anxiety, and sleepiness just shy of delirium.  In other words, this was probably your way of preventing a mental breakdown while also being tired at the end of a long day.
Your heavy, burning eyes slowly turn to your boyfriend.  “Can you just casually… put a bullet through my head and end my suffering?”
“No no, we’re not doing any of that.”  Kun leaps out of your bed and walks over to shut your laptop closed.  He pulls your chair back before hoisting you up.  “Come on, you’re going to bed.  You need to quit for the night before you overload yourself.”
“I told myself to at least finish that powerpoint before I call it quits.”  You make half-assed grabby motions at your haphazard desk.  “I was so close to finishing, honest.”
He pauses halfway.  “How many slides did you have left?”
“Nope, you’re going to bed.”
You don’t bother groaning, submitting to Kun’s judgment.  As soon as he lays you down, your body seems to relax for the first time all day, aching and sighing in relief at finally getting a chance to rest.
Kun snuggles up next to you and pulls the blanket up over both your bodies.  He gives you his typical disappointed expression.  “How are you gonna retain any information when you’re this tired?”
You settle into the pillow, your eyes already half closing as you mumble, “I broke the topics up into each day before the test.  I can’t fall behind.”
“But that’s not quality studying, honey.”  His calloused finger rub gently across your cheek.  “Get some good rest, you had an especially long day today.  Tomorrow when you’re better rested you can catch up.”
Today, that was enough convincing, his warmth and the soft mattress already calling you halfway to sleep.  You don’t even have the energy to stress about making up my study time tomorrow.
You lean into him, eyes slipping closed.  “Kay.  Night babe…”
Your final sendoff into sleep is his angel kiss on your forehead.
This was sitting in the drafts for a while, have some crumbs while I'm bored at work I guess.
-Admin Chibi
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