#kun imagines
tzuyusluv · 10 months
❥ Soft Things Wayv Does
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• Sends you videos of him singing songs. Sometimes he’ll choose a specific love song that he knows you like whenever you have a bad day
• When he wears rings, he’ll let you fiddle with them and occasionally will slip them onto your fingers
• Winks and smirks at you whenever he sees you watching him, especially when he works out
• Sends videos of his cats saying ‘Hi mom/dad, I miss you’ whenever he misses you and you’re not home
• Teaches you how to dance and covers your body with his and sometimes he’ll peck your neck when you least expect it
• Sends you voice messages whenever something happens like he got a coffee or he saw a cute animal
• Whenever you’re in a hot tub together, he’ll let you lean against his chest while he wraps his arms around your waist
• Has a necklace that has your name on it and if he sees you staring at him, he’ll take the necklace and kiss it while looking at you
• Calling you Cantonese nicknames and if you don’t know what they mean, he’ll watch as you try to guess what it is, eventually giving you a kiss whenever you’ve given up or when you’ve gotten it right.
• Takes you places at night so you don’t have dispatch to deal with. When he feels bad about it, he’ll take you shopping in a smaller area that he knows dispatch doesn’t look around
• Sometimes he’ll go back and forth between languages to tease you before saying that he loves you and kissing you
• Takes you on strolls around gardens and flower shops and constantly says ‘these flowers are beautiful but not as beautiful as you’ etc
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justwritedreams · 4 months
Irreplaceable | Kun
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Pilot!Kun x Reader, soldier au
Word count: 1592 Genre: Fluff, action. Author: maari Warnings: mentions of military exercises and Kun being kind of angry bc that's hot Note: This is so short, I'm sorry 🥺 but it's my first story with him so I hope you like! Request: Could you please write something with Kun (WAYV/NCT) with him being a plane pilot? Idk, Top Gun Maverick vibes?
⪢ NCT Masterlist
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Y/N adjusted her sunglasses better on her face while a smile played across her face, she saw her boyfriend looking for her on the beach and almost laughed when she saw him confused.
But she genuinely laughed when a much older woman approached him. Even from afar she could see the bad intentions of the woman who even caressed his arm.
Kun was already an extremely attractive man, with the air force uniform and the Ray Ban attracting everyone's eyes even more.
But she had no reason to be jealous, firstly because she knew he loved her, secondly because the scene was very funny.
She bit her lip to hold back a laughter as he politely walked away from the woman, saying something to her and looking around.
Y/N decided to help him, she came out from under the umbrella she was in and waved her hand to get her boyfriend's attention.
Not only did it work, but she also saw his relieved smile and without waiting he started walking towards her. As soon as he got close, Y/N threw herself into his lap, hugging his waist with her legs and his neck with her hands.
Kun smiled widely as he held her by her thighs.
“Are you laughing?” he asked in disbelief.
“Another fan approaching you?” She smiled evilly.
He shook his head.
“I love my job but going out in uniform has its downsides.”
It wasn't the first and probably wouldn't be the last time he was stopped by someone, whether to flirt or thank him for his service and effort.
"Oh really?" She looked him up and down. “I don’t see any disadvantages.”
She bit her bottom lip and Kun threw his head back, laughing.
“I'm going to start thinking you're only with me because of my uniform.” he said before touching their foreheads and placing a peck on her.
“That’s one of the reasons.” She caressed the back of his head, laughing.
Kun took the opportunity to go back under the umbrella and sat down on the sand with Y/N still in his lap, she then buried her head on his shoulder.
She wanted to make the most of what little time they had before he went back to base.
“Are you going to watch training today?” He asked, rubbing her back.
“I went last week.” she remembered. “Your commander is going to fight me, I’m not leaving the base.”
“I train better when you watch me.” He admitted, smirking.
She raised her head and looked at him, she wanted to bite his cheeks, which were turning pink, but she just squeezed them with her hands.
“If it’s for the good of the aeronautics then okay, I’ll go.” She moved closer to place a kiss on the tip of his nose.
“I will train with the new soldiers and we will have an international team to train with.” he began to speak, excitedly.
Y/N paid attention to what her boyfriend was saying, focused on the way he looked so happy as he shared it with her. She stroked his short hair.
She liked listening to him talk, the way his dimples appeared when he smiled made Y/N smile too.
They stayed on the beach for a while, before Y/N gave him a ride to the base. When they arrived hand in hand while Kun carried the suitcase in the other hand, they greeted the soldiers who passed by them and Kun turned to kiss her lips softly when he saw the commander ahead.
“See you in a bit, sweetheart.” he smiled and kissed her once more.
“Fly, my indomitable wing.”
Kun laughed and she watched him walk over to the commander, where he saluted.
Y/N had a silly smile on her lips and saw when the commander started walking towards her.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you again.” he greeted her and she quickly bowed.
“I say the same, Commander.”
“Come to watch the training again?”
“If I can, of course.”
He indicated for her to start walking and as soon as she did, he started walking beside her.
“You’re not supposed to.” She looked at him, scared. “But Kun trains much better when you’re at base, so I’ll allow it.”
She nodded and smiled restrainedly, following the commander to the communications room where they would have access to the aircraft's radios and built-in cameras.
Y/N was used to it, she already knew that aircraft 3 was his and focused on the camera, watching him put on his helmet. She couldn't contain her happiness at seeing him do what he loved so much.
She was anxious about training and missions, but she always believed him when he promised that he would return in one piece and well.
Kun was a responsible and committed soldier, he had a leadership spirit that infected others.
And even the training he took seriously, he prepared himself very well for the exercises. Flying was his life.
Y/N followed his career so much that she knew the basics of the exercises, if anyone walked in there would mistake her for someone on the team.
It was routine training so there wasn't much new, the training, the instructions were always the same.
However, when a soldier from the international team made a risky move with the airship, Y/N saw Kun's expression change.
He wasn't just serious, he was angry and she knew very well why, any kind of accident or something like that would be his responsibility, after all he was the team leader. And the foreign team was probably not paying attention to their safety.
Y/N frowned when she saw her boyfriend's airship perform a dangerous stunt and glared at the commander.
He didn't seem at all calm about it.
“Was he supposed to do that?” she asked quietly, seeing the commander shake his head.
“It’s getting a little too risky.” he said.
She tried not to show her concern, she trusted her boyfriend but she knew how he felt when a soldier from abroad didn't follow what was agreed and he felt obliged to show why they were following protocol.
She couldn't say that she hadn't felt her heart stop in her mouth every time his airship spiraled in the air or when it got too close to the other ones, both his own team and the other.
She only felt a little calmer when the exercise was over and the airship began to turn around to land at the base.
Y/N left the room along with the commander and the rest of the team monitoring the exercise, a little further back as she heard the noise of the airship getting closer and closer, ready to return to the ground once again.
When this happened, she was already outside and saw the soldiers leaving one by one and recognized her boyfriend from afar, holding his helmet.
She stiffened and hurried forward when she saw Kun quickly walk over to another soldier, holding him by the collar of his uniform after dropping his helmet on the ground.
Y/N's eyes widened when she saw her boyfriend glowering with hatred while shaking his colleague.
“Listen, Simpson, if you do that again in my territory…” the other soldiers also approached to push the two away. “I swear I will shoot down your aircraft in the air.”
“Stop being nervous, Qian. It was part of the protocol.”
“Part of protocol to almost rip off the left wing of my airship?!” he questioned irritably and shook the soldier once again, who simply laughed ironically.
“That’s enough, you two!” The commander ordered and the two walked away. “Get out of my yard before I make you two load the fuel for all the aircraft.”
The two looked at each other irritated and left in opposite directions after saluting their superior.
Y/N observed the scene a little further back seriously and with her arms crossed, her boyfriend walked towards her while his face softened when he saw her there.
"My angel." he said as soon as he was close enough to stretch his arms out to her.
However, before she threw herself into his arms, Y/N threw a stinging slap at his arm which he dodged, complaining.
"Ouch! What was this?" he asked, confused.
“You scared me, you know?” she complained. “My leg went wobbly three times thinking you were going to fall with that thing from the sky!”
He laughed softly and approached her, hugging her around the waist.
“I knew what I was doing.”
She continued to stare at him, angry.
“I will never see your training again, it’s decided.”
"You sure?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and she narrowed her eyes. “I didn’t fall because I knew you were waiting for me.”
“Shhh.” she brought her cold hand to his mouth, shushing him. “Don’t even say that as a joke.”
He moved closer to place a kiss on the top of her head.
“I would never leave you!” he said and she suppressed her silly smile.
“You better!" She pouted. “You look too handsome in uniform and fighting with someone for me to lose.”
He pretended to be offended.
“Ah, so that’s all there is to it?”
She smiled mischievously and brought her hand to the back of his head.
“Of course not, you fool.” she caressed his skin, watching him close his eyes at the affection. “You are unbearable but you are irreplaceable.”
“I’ll show you what’s unbearable at home.”
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moonlezn · 7 months
The Story of Us V
— Isso é amor? Kun Qian Primeiro Ato: Dress
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“Você não precisa estar gostando de alguém pra se sentir viva, acredita em mim.” a voz de Yangyang ecoa pelo seu quarto outra vez em mais uma chamada de vídeo. 
Você abraça os joelhos com mais força, se forçando a não chorar de novo. Desde que Jaehyun escolheu a namorada, a sua autoestima tinha afundado num poço terrível. Rejeitada, trocada, insuficiente, é assim que tem pensado sobre si mesma. 
“O que vocês fizeram foi errado, mas acabou. Agora é hora de se cuidar, entende? Você tem que se desvencilhar dessa ideia de validação. Você é linda, trabalha, tem sua vida, sua casa… coisas que você mesma fez por você.” Ele continua, tentando de verdade te animar. “Não vai ser um idiota com uma câmera na mão e um charme barato que vai te tirar do eixo.” 
Você ri, sendo seguida pelo amigo. Tem tanta sorte de ser bem cuidada, todos os seus amigos te rodeiam de amor apesar do tamanho da besteira que tinha feito.
“E o que você vai fazer hoje? Você tem que fazer algo.” 
— Tô esperando o Kun, a gente vai no cinema de novo. — suspira quase pirracenta. — Segundo ele, eu tenho que dar um tempo do bar porque tô bebendo demais. E eu nem chego no terceiro copo direito. 
Yangyang ri malicioso, mas pensa duas vezes antes de fazer qualquer comentário. Acabou de te dar uma senhora bronca, não queria se contradizer. 
“Ele cuida bastante de você, né? Interessante.” 
— Onde você quer chegar, Yang? — indaga também travessa. Óbvio que não perderia a oportunidade de mexer com a moral dele. 
“Quero dizer que beijo entre amigos fortalece a amizade. Nossa amizade é prova disso.” 
— A gente nunca ficou, Yangyang. — você não consegue não rir da cara de pau dele. — Quer me dizer alguma coisa? 
“Nunca?” Ele finge pensar, porém o sorriso de canto entrega tudo. “Mas é sério. Tem vezes que o amor tá do nosso lado e a gente não vê. Literalmente porque vocês são vizinhos.” 
— Yang…
“ENFIM. Curte o cinema e pensa no que eu te falei, tá bem? Se cuida e vive um dia de cada vez. E não esconde as coisas na terapia.” 
— Tá bem, pai. — provoca-o com a brincadeira que ele odeia. — Depois a gente se fala? 
Ele murmura um tá bem e acena um tchau animado com as duas mãos. Como se fosse combinado, assim que você desliga e fecha o computador, a campainha toca. 
Kun está com essa mania agora. Maldita ideia do síndico de instalar a coisa mais desnecessária do século. 
Se for pra ter, vamos usar direito, né. Ele sempre refuta os seus protestos. 
— Não vou parar. — Kun afirma no momento em que você abre a porta, a cara mais insatisfeita do mundo para ele. — Tá pronta, gracinha? — ele debocha mais. 
— Testa mesmo minha paciência, Kun. — agarra a bolsa que está no sofá. — Depois não reclama. 
— Desde quando eu reclamo de alguma coisa? — ele ajeita os cabelos e te acompanha trancar a porta, se aproximando para tentar arrancar alguma resposta. 
Ele sempre foi… charmoso assim? 
Não, isso é coisa que Yangyang botou na sua cabeça. 
— Quer que eu faça uma lista? — levanta as sobrancelhas e encurta a distância também, comprando a briga. 
Kun morde os lábios para segurar um sorriso que insiste em aparecer. Como não consegue refutar, você gira nos calcanhares e caminha até o elevador com ele em seu encalço. 
— A pergunta não foi o preço. A pergunta foi: você vai querer pipoca? — ouve-o repetir a pergunta com uma leve impaciência. 
Toda vez é isso. 
— Ai, mas tá tão caro, Kun. — mexe nos cabelos, contendo um risinho para que ele entenda logo que quer o combo. 
Ele aperta os olhos, desconfiado. 
— Tá tudo bem? 
— Como assim? — seus dedos param de enrolar os fios, e você o mira mais atenta. — Tá tudo bem, sim. 
Com certeza é coisa da cabeça dele, você não jogaria charminho assim à toa. Sem dizer nada, te entrega os ingressos e corre para a fila vazia, voltando bem em tempo da sala cinco abrir segurando o pacote enorme de pipoca amanteigada, junto com o copo de refrigerante personalizado do filme. 
— Não precisava. 
— Só se eu não te conhecesse. — Kun aponta para a sua bolsa pendurada no ombro dele. — Pega aqui nossos crachás.
Outra razão para terem começado a frequentar o cinema é o desconto que a editora passou a oferecer recentemente. Você abre a própria bolsa e tateia os objetos enquanto Kun observa sua confusão. 
Assim que os tem em mãos, comprovam o desconto novamente e entram na sala escura. Diferente das outras vezes, o frio na barriga te incomoda. Isso não é um encontro. Por que está tão nervosa? 
Encontrando os assentos reservados, Kun tira a alça do ombro e coloca a bolsa ao seu lado depois de depositar a bebida no apoio de copos. Você toma a pipoca das mãos do garoto com um sorriso infantil no rosto, e ele acha graça. 
Não assistem nenhum dos trailers porque têm a tradição de fazerem previsões sobre o filme antes que comece. Sussurram todas as apostas que vinham à cabeça, selando a promessa de que quem errar mais, paga o sorvete depois. 
Durante o filme, a voz de Yangyang ecoa nos seus pensamentos de novo. Disfarçando, você olha para Kun, que está concentrado no enredo previsível, e começa a reparar no perfil do vizinho. 
Não seria uma má ideia…
Meu Deus, não, fica quieta. Olha pra tela. 
Como se estivesse curiosa demais, seus olhos voltam a mirá-lo. 
Esse cabelo também não ajuda em nada. Ele sempre teve essa mandíbula marcada assim? Também nunca tinha reparado na boca desenhada, ele deve beij— 
— Prepara o bolso, você tá errando tudo. — Kun se vira para você de repente, te acordando do transe. — Vou querer ir naquela sorveteria cara. 
Pela primeira vez em muito tempo, suas bochechas coram. A proximidade te deixa em alerta, e cada palavra que sai dos lábios carnudinhos parecem durar uma eternidade.
Óbvio que ele percebeu seu olhar sobre ele, por isso caçou alguma coisa para falar. Por mais envergonhado que esteja, gosta demais da atenção, o que é um problema. Todo esse tempo você nunca reparou nele, apesar dele querer muito. Agora ele está tentando não inventar sinais onde não existe, mas hoje está especialmente difícil.
Suas mãos passam a suar, e também o ar condicionado não parece dar vazão. O que deu em mim? 
Troca a pipoca de lugar, depositando o pacote no colo de Kun. Os dedos dele tocam os seus por breves segundos, como sempre, porém algo parece ter mudado. Outra vez seus olhos se demoram pelos detalhes dele, especialmente nas veias saltadas nas costas das mãos que seguiam pelo antebraço exposto. Levantando mais o olhar, só que as mangas da blusa oversized te impedem de seguir o curso. 
A mente de uma mulher carente tem portas duvidosas. 
O amigo precisou te avisar que os créditos do filme já estavam rolando porque os pensamentos estavam longe. Sem um pingo de vergonha na cara, forjando um sorriso inocente, recolhe o lixo e pega a bolsa para saírem dali. 
Com a desculpa da visão desacostumada com o escuro, entrelaça os dedos no braço firme (mais do que você tinha imaginado) do homem. Ele estranha o contato por um breve segundo, mas relaxa ao te ver com uma expressão distraída no rosto. 
— E o sorvete que eu vou pagar pra você? — comenta para lembrá-lo enquanto seguem o fluxo das outras pessoas. 
— Ah… — limpa a garganta. — Na verdade, eu acabei errando mais, lembra? 
— Sério?
— Você não prestou atenção no filme? — indaga de forma engraçada, já preparado para implicar com você ou algo do tipo. 
— É, eu tava… distraída. — sorri ao encará-lo por um instante a mais do que o comum. Definitivamente tinha perdido a noção do perigo. 
Mesmo se convencendo de que não tem nada demais e que ele está ficando maluco, estremece um pouco. Aproveita, então, para trocar o caminho e partir para a sorveteria. 
Lá, tudo parece voltar ao “normal”. Vocês conversam como bons amigos enquanto tomam a sobremesa, Kun experimenta alguns dos sabores diferentes da sua tigela sob muitos protestos. Ele sabe que você ama o de pistache, então rouba uma colherada generosa só para ver sua cara de brava.
O clima é mais leve na volta para casa. A música no fundo embala o seu cansaço, e você aproveita para reclinar a cabeça sobre o ombro do vizinho. Entrelaça seus dedos na mão livre e brinca ao cantarolar a letra do rock clássico. 
Desta vez o toque não o assusta, pelo contrário. Ele cede ao carinho e retribui, ainda em debate sobre como deveria interpretar as coisas. 
Kun gosta de você já há algum tempo. No início não fez nada porque é o seu chefe, e acabou perdendo a chance para Renjun. Depois disso, sentiu que se tentasse algo seria injusto com o seu sofrimento, portanto, teve de assistir às péssimas escolhas que levaram ao seu envolvimento com Jaehyun. E agora não parece o momento para investir na possibilidade de vocês dois. 
Você ainda está machucada, esperar mais um pouco não faria mal. Tem resistido todo esse tempo, resistiria mais. 
Contudo, ele não contava com a força contrária que você decidiu fazer a partir daquela noite. 
Acima de tudo, Kun é seu amigo e precisa ir devagar para não ultrapassar nenhum limite. Começou com um beijo mais demorado na bochecha ao cumprimentá-lo, sempre recebendo um sorriso sem jeito em resposta.
Depois, as jogadas de cabelo enquanto o explicava a agenda de publicações perto demais o pegaram desprevenido. O cheiro do perfume frutado não o deixa em paz. 
Então vieram os apertos na coxa ao rir de uma piada que ele fez durante as caronas, as piadas de duplo sentido, os flertes nas entrelinhas…
São coisas pequenas que o fazem desejar perder a cabeça por instantes, só deixar qualquer postura de lado e te beijar. É como se você estivesse rondando os pensamentos dele de propósito, só para provocar. 
O próximo passo quase o faz ceder. 
Kun precisou te chamar para debater os ajustes de protocolo para edições, inventaram um padrão novo que você precisa saber. Ao te observar fechar a porta do escritório dele, respira fundo, se repreendendo por notar um pouco demais em você. 
Você não ajuda, pois, em vez de usar a cadeira, segue até o outro lado e se senta na própria mesa, cruzando as pernas bem na altura dos olhos dele. Finge estar distraída com os papéis diante de si, mas vê quando ele desvia o olhar das suas pernas para a tela bloqueada do computador. 
Segurando uma risada, ajeita o cabelo e limpa a garganta. 
— Sim, chefe? — brinca com o apelido, sabendo que ele odeia. — Digo, Kun. 
— Ha-ha. — finalmente toma coragem e te mira. — Leu o e-mail sobre o protocolo novo? 
— Sim. — acena com a cabeça, fechando a pasta e depositando-a atrás de si, dando toda sua atenção ao homem à sua frente. 
— E você… você tem alguma dúvida? — fixa o olhar bem nos seus olhos. 
— Não. — apoia os punhos ao lado do quadril, arqueando uma sobrancelha para Kun. 
Ele repara, então, que não teve de te chamar ali. Apenas queria te ver. 
— Ah, ótimo. Pode ir, então. — volta a checar a tela do computador. Antes que pudesse pôr a senha para desbloqueá-lo, você desce da mesa e se coloca atrás dele. 
— Tá tudo bem? — passeia as mãos pelo trapézio musculoso, massageando devagar. — Você parece meio… distante. 
Kun relaxa sob o seu toque e tomba a cabeça para o lado. Se você pudesse… 
— Hoje tá meio corrido, mas normal. — responde baixinho. — Falta pouco pra acabar. 
— Topa um vinho hoje? — sugere, mesmo incerta de que ele aceite.
Kun ainda insiste na ideia de não beber durante a semana. 
— A gente pede uma coisinha pra comer, abre um vinho e petisca enquanto espera chegar. — escorrega as mãos pelo torso, envolvendo-o num abraço, até que sua boca chegue mais perto do ouvido para tentar convencê-lo.
— É uma boa ideia, não vou negar que tô precisando. — ouve-o responder e comemora de leve, fazendo-o sorrir. — Não se acostuma não. 
— Tarde demais. 
Você comenta e se levanta, recolhendo seus papéis e saindo da sala. O dia tinha acabado de ficar melhor. 
Ao chegar em casa, corre para tomar um banho relaxante antes de receber Kun, que foi fazer o mesmo no próprio apartamento. Assim que termina de se arrumar, inicia o preparo dos petiscos numa tábua: queijos, mais alguns frios, amendoins… tudo que tinha. 
O vizinho chega quando você deposita as taças na mesa de centro, entra sem bater e sem tocar a campainha porque você o havia avisado que a porta estaria destrancada. 
— Já fiz o pedido naquele italiano que a gente gosta, tudo bem? — ele pergunta enquanto você o entrega a bebida. 
— Perfeito, vai demorar muito? — se senta com as pernas sobre as dele, disfarçando um sorriso quando sente as mãos fortes deslizarem pela sua canela. 
Kun passou a te tocar muito mais nas últimas semanas, seu objetivo está se aproximando aos poucos. 
A conversa flui muito bem como sempre, sem nem precisar de televisão ligada para entretê-los. Quando a comida chega, continuam conversando e bebendo o vinho perfeitamente harmonizado. Tudo parece se encaixar bem, mesmo faltando uma coisa. 
Num brevíssimo segundo de coragem, você apoia uma das mãos no braço do sofá, passando o tronco por cima das pernas de Kun, e abandona a taça vazia na cômoda ali. Ficou levemente surpresa ao sentir os dedos na sua lombar te guiando de volta. Senta-se sobre os calcanhares, fitando o vizinho que discorre sobre uma das perguntas que tinha feito. 
— Você sempre foi tão… — começa a falar quando ele termina, tomando o vinho restante da própria taça. — Nada, deixa. 
— Agora fala, né. — o sorriso charmoso deixa claro que ele está mais leve. 
— Vou reformular, então. — você diz e ele balança a cabeça para que prosseguisse. — Você é tão… bonito. — porque não está muito atrás de Kun, uma de suas mãos brinca com o ombro definido, a outra está apoiada perto do joelho. 
— Você só reparou isso agora? — com a confiança de um homem alegrinho, ele alfineta sua investida. — Eu já reparei tanta coisa há tanto tempo. 
Agora sim isso está ficando interessante. 
— Tipo o quê? — morde os lábios ao encurtar um pouco a distância, inclinando-se um pouco mais na direção dele. 
Kun não responde, põe as mãos atrás das suas coxas e te traz para o colo, fazendo-a envolver o quadril com as pernas. Ele te lança um olhar para checar se está tudo bem, e você assente devagar. 
— Tipo que você quer tanto me beijar, mas tá me esperando tomar uma atitude. 
Ele ri, negando as próprias palavras. 
— Não, você tá me fazendo querer tomar uma atitude. — declara, por fim, os pensamentos que importunavam a mente nos dias anteriores. 
— E funcionou? — sussurra sobre os lábios quase colados nos seus. 
Outra pergunta que não precisa de resposta. 
Exasperado, ele inicia um beijo com toda força que tem. Na bagunça entre os lábios desejosos, sua língua pede permissão e Kun cede sem nem pestanejar, aprofundando o beijo enquanto te guia pela nuca. 
Seus dedos causam a bagunça que tanto imaginaram nos fios do homem, sem resistir puxá-los com mais vontade quando ele aperta seu quadril contra o dele. Não dá tempo de se recuperar porque as mãos fortes viajam pelas coxas, pela cintura, pelas costas. 
Sem fôlego, separa o beijo intenso, mas não perde tempo. Beija cada parte do pescoço de Kun, arranhando o peitoral por cima da camisa quando ele inclina a cabeça para te dar mais acesso. 
Ao passo que sua língua encontra o ponto fraco vez após vez, fica difícil disfarçar os suspiros mais altos que se derramam nos lábios. A visão é tão deliciosa, você não resiste a beijá-lo outra vez, desabotoando os botões da camisa marcada pelo seu batom.
Suas mãos sentem o torso exposto de Kun, provocando com as unhas ao alcançar o cós da calça. Os músculos tensionam sob seus dedos, e você sorri entre o beijo ao arrancar mais um suspiro dele. 
A vontade que umedece sua calcinha te faz rebolar sobre o volume que você deseja, então quem geme é você, partindo o beijo ao fazê-lo. Kun aperta a carne da sua bunda e repete o movimento, querendo ouvir o som outra vez. Enquanto vocês encontram o ritmo perfeito, ele marca o seu colo e o seu pescoço com beijos molhados, vez ou outra gemendo bem perto do seu ouvido. 
— Se você continuar rebolando assim, eu vou ter que arrancar esse vestido. — as palavras percorrem seu corpo e param bem onde você precisa dele. 
— Eu só comprei esse vestido pra você tirar ele de mim. — confessa sem interromper o contato que só te incendeia mais. 
Num movimento rápido, Kun abaixa o zíper lateral e remove a peça, se desfazendo dela de qualquer jeito. Hipnotizado pelo seu corpo, ele não desvia o olhar nenhum segundo sequer de cada parte sua. Por toda a noite, Kun te marca como dele. O segredo compartilhado em quatro paredes é intenso, delicioso e tão eletrizante que é difícil parar.
Ofegantes, mas completamente satisfeitos, se abraçam deitadinhos. Você é a primeira a rir, e Kun se deixa contagiar. 
— Pra quem se fez de difícil… 
Ele aperta o abraço na sua cintura, te repreendendo, mas não refuta. Permitem os corpos se acalmarem antes de tomar outro banho, juntos desta vez. 
Agora Kun te conhece por inteiro, e não dá para saber aonde isso vai ou no que vai dar. No entanto, tudo que importa agora é essa eletricidade inescapável. 
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hugs2doie · 11 months
kun texts pls😭😭
sure !!
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random kun bf texts !
pairing: bf!kun x gn!reader
genre: fluff/comedy
warnings: none (ten is mentioned)
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dr-qian · 4 months
backburner // q.k
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kun x reader
"hey, i want that"
i told him while pointing at the lonely chips bag lying flat in the shelf on front of me.
it seems like people did not bother to buy it today, i don't know if it's because they don't like the flavor or it's just gonna expire soon.
either way, i'll take it home 'cause I pity it. like how i should be for myself.
"take it if you want it, i'll pay for it anyway" he mumbled the last part, and I chuckled.
and then suddenly i jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"you serious?" i asked as I squished my cheek onto his.
"get off me" he said while quietly laughing, pushing me off his back, conscious that the few customers there could see us like that.
so I granted his wish and hopped down. i'm still smiling.
"yeah, i'm serious, just take what you want..." he said while continuing to roam around the aisles.
and so i got what i want...
"how about you? are you going to get something?"
"i'm good with this" he lifted the coca-cola can in his right hand.
We walked towards the sleepy cashier near the exit, suddenly jolting up when he heard the sound of the can landing on the marbled counter.
then i started staring at his face while he fishes for his brown wallet in his jeans' pocket.
and i stared.
and i stared.
and i stared.
"hey, let's leave now" kun snapped his fingers on front me, stopping me from staring at him too much.
he's used to it. i'm used to it. so it doesn't really matter i guess...
he was about to lead me out of the store, carrying the paper bag, when suddenly raindrops started pouring.
"shit, let's just stay here for a while..." he told me, pushing me gently back inside the store.
i said nothing as I went back to looking at his face.
"you know, your staring won't change anything between us..." he finally looked at me, then looked out the glass window walls to see if the rain finally stops.
"i'm sorry i can't help it, it just gets worse everytime i'm with you..." i mumbled the last part.
suddenly, the floor is so pretty to look at.
i felt that he looked at me again, taking a long pause before saying the next brutal words for me.
"you know i'll never be in love with you, right?"
shit. uhh, that hurts. like really fucking hurts.
i nodded in agreement.
"i hate that you keep torturing yourself for this..." he said to me. pitying me for what i am to him
"no, don't be...I...I'm just hoping that we w-would continue being friends like, this..I" a tear accidentally came out of my eye as I tried to explain it to him.
he stood there in silence.
"I just still want to be someone you can lean on to, even if you don't really like me back or anything, no, I...just want to be your friend..."
now i can't stop my tears from coming out. i'm glad that the cashier finally gave in and slept so he wouldn't hear me sobbing at the corner because of the man right beside me.
i can't really look at him straight in the eyes because he's going to hurt me more, so my eyes just wandered everywhere around the store, avoiding his..face.
i know that kun doesn't really know how to react to this, to me.
so he just pulled me by the hand to keep me close to him, my left cheek on his chest as he rubbed up and down my back to calm me down from crying.
my hands gave in to him, and weakly held onto the hem of his shirt to keep him close to me even more.
and it helped me calm down, but the pain of it was still lingering inside me...
and i'm already okay with that.
now playing: backburner by niki
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meiideryz · 4 months
oh i'm looking for affection.
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pairing: qian kun x reader
length: 1.07k words
synopsis: kun is just hopelessly in love with you.
tags: alternative universe, one-sided pining au, road trip, friend!kun, implied rejection, one-sided attraction, fluff
warnings: none.
the sound of the car engine is now blowing up kun's ears, completely remembering that he was at the backseat while ten was at the front, driving his car.
of course, he recalled losing in a bet with ten that resulted in lending his car to ten for the rest of the week. he wasn't afraid because of the thought of ten crashing his car, ten knew the consequences after all.
for ten's last day of borrowing kun's one and only car, he suggested that kun should come to the road trip together with their other friends. kun asked if you were coming the night before the day of the plan as you responded happily during your call with him.
on the day of the road trip, everybody packed their essentials and valuable stuff in their bags as kun placed each of the heavy objects inside the truck, keeping it neat and tidy. you and yangyang were obviously inside the car, playing with your phones to buy time while kun talked to ten outside, setting up the map and destination of the place you were all going.
kun sneaked a good amount of glances towards your direction through the tinted windows of the car, silently watching you scrolling through your phone feeling bored. then his eyes fixed back at ten, who kind of knew what was going on.
“oh? am i smelling love in the air?” a hint of tease displayed in his voice while he tried nudging the older’s elbow. kun was used to this, and he wasn't gonna show reaction and give in.
“i have no idea what you're talking about.”
“oh, come on.” he dramatically sighed, tired of kun trying to act like nothing's going on. ten could read him like an open book and there was no way he could escape him when he knew something.
eventually, both of them get inside the car. since yangyang was in the passenger's seat, he had no choice but to walk around and get in the backseat with you. it got a bit awkward when he was finally seated next to you, so he tried to lift up the mood, waving at you.
“you’re here!” you beamed, taking one of your earphones off.
kun was taken aback when you reached the other piece of the earphones to him, he was about to reject the offer but the bud was already in his ear as the sound of classical music burst into his ear.
kun knew that you knew about his love for classical music, remembering back in the day where he played a lot of pieces on the piano for his performance at some event during his time in university. but he loved playing tchaikovsky's swan lake to you when you were alone together, and that made you love classical music more.
“it's gonna be a long ride,” ten broke the silence before the engine of the car started. “so you might need to sleep for a while, me and kun will be looking out for possible stops for us to eat, ‘kay?”
“aye aye!”
the sky was soon painted into a gradient of blue-orange while the gleaming sun set into the horizon. kun couldn’t seem to sleep after taking a short nap, and he had been helping ten at their directions to get to a nearby stop where they could fill their stomachs.
just as he was about to lean forward to take the phone in his hands to check the GPS, he was halted by a thud and a heavy weight on his shoulder. turning his head to the side, he found your sleeping figure leaning on him. 
in the rearview, he could see the smirk of ten, following the sound of the never-ending teasing. kun tried his best to ignore him and his dumb words, but the words seemed to weigh over his mind. it's been a long time since he had feelings for you and he could still recall the night he took you to the rooftop of his apartment to look up at the stars. 
he recalled that night when he expressed his fondness over you. although you didn’t give him the answer he expected, he never stopped being friends with you. usually friendships last when one gets rejected by the other. to kun, it was dumb and stupid if he would be immature about the rejection, so he didn’t try to distance himself away from you. 
kun was still that caring friend whenever you got to be with him.
he looked at you with that same fondness in his eyes as you leaned more, thinking that he was a pillow. “after all these years, you’re still in love with the same person.” ten broke the silence again. his words were more of a whisper to prevent disrupting you and yangyang’s sleep.
“i can’t help it, how could i not like such a lovely and wonderful person?” kun admitted, his hands ghostly extending over yours, then immediately retracted.
when they realized that it was already dark and they could see a nearby stop to get down to, ten finally pulled over to slowly park the car along with the other parked cars. “wake up everyone, we’re here to stop by and eat dinner.” ten loudly began, his fingers reaching over to yangyang as he shook him by the shoulder. 
kun on the other hand, does his best in waking you up with his soft grip around your hands, gently shaking it. “hey, sleepyhead.” 
his voice filled your ears while you tried fluttering your eyes open. when you realized that you were inches away from his face from all the leaning, you shifted in your seat to fix your position. “oh god, i’m so sorry. was i squishing you?” only a laugh left kun’s lips before shaking his head. “no, but i think you mistook me for a pillow when you were sleeping.” 
he could already see hues of red and pink emerging from your cheeks, burning up at the words. your flushed face made him smile even more, “did i drool?” 
“don’t worry, you didn’t.” rest assured, a sigh left your lips in relief.  
“we stopped by to eat, you coming?” kun added, moving to the side to open the door of the car. he looked back, waiting for you before you set a smile on your face, moving towards him. “yeah, i'm coming.”
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yongislong · 1 year
tiktok prank + wayv.
genre: fluff, crack, glued jar prank on wayv
note: first wayv post!! hehe v excited tyty anon
kun... he's so strong IDC IDCC. would be the perfect boyfriend so much to the point that whenever you needed something he was so willing to help, so you asking to open a jar was nothing out of the ordinary. would take a minute but would pop it open. would slip past you with a kiss on your temple and a squeeze on your hip. once you tell him he never believes it, he's like "ur so silly babe haha love you" and you have to convince him you gorilla glued that shit shut. is so shocked
ten... listen, he has a dancer bod and is v lean but i really don't think he'd open it LMAOOO is honestly so over it. would try once and be like "idk ask johnny or sum," i feel like you'd play so many pranks on him that he would start to catch on so soon. and i ALSO feel like he's on the internet a lot so he would be on guard 24/7. gets annoying whenever you genuinely want to prank him though ugh...
winwin... the smile he shoots you when you ask him if he could open the jar slowly fades the more and more he struggles. pouts and inspects the jar with curiosity, lol. would smack it with a spoon a couple times and it'd pop open! you tell him you glued it shut to prank him and he turns into an old man, "why though? did you have fun? did i give a good reaction? we can try again if you want... i wanna see if i can open it for real..." pouty
xiaojun... yall remember that video of him "cooking"... yeah.... he's a pretty clumsy but strong guy so him opening it wouldn't be a problem. but i think he would do it on accident? like wouldn't be trying, he's just a lucky type of clumsy if that makes sense LMAO. he pops it open so easily but would probably like... drop it, or spill some in the process of popping it open PFT. that or breaks?? the lid?? without even trying??? and you're sat there all shocked while his eyes get all doey and big and sparkly. insufferable pretty boy
hendery... so many faces. struggling an insane amount. don't believe he would ever pop it open BUT if he were to, it would 1000% spill all over his face and hands. is so upset LMAOO. "wha- wh... help.... me..." jokingly claims its your fault ugh. you're far too embarrassed to tell him the jar was glued shut, he's had enough embarrassment for one night. night ends in cuddles because he feels bad he spilled your pasta sauce so... success??
yangyang... oh my god so much screaming. squealing. struggling. he has his bangs tied up in that little apple hairstyle and he looks so silly trying his hardest to open the jar. will not let it go. i feel like he would pretend to smash it on the counter as a joke while he's laughing but it slips through his fingers and shatters OOP. wayv is full of clumsy boys jeez. unpopular opinion but i think he could open it with his mind or something that mf is insane. love him. you tell him you glued the jar shut and he thinks its the funniest thing in the world. prank couple muahaha
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 year
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[10:31 am]
Your day had been off to a rocky start. Having husband!Kun home was throwing you off your usual routine. While he was busy being the best husband ever by making you breakfast, lunch, and coffee, even having dinner ready by the time you got ready for work, you were taking your time getting ready and sleeping in.
This morning you had just been so lost in the comfort of having him home with you and relaxing that you lost track of time, rushing out the door with one shoe untied and grabbing your bag as Kun held the door open for you. He had barely kissed you goodbye as you rushed down the hall.
Now, you were seated at your desk with your eyes burning, failing to keep your yawns from escaping since you had only had half a cup of coffee before you ran out the door. There was no way you’d make yourself coffee from the break room since whoever usually made it clearly had no taste buds or liked coffee with the grounds- disgusting. 
You heard someone clear their throat behind you, probably someone further away in the office. Your eyes were still on the computer screen in front of you, clicking around and highlighting random words. God, how was your brain even still working right now?
“This is the last time I bring you your lunch if you’re just going to ignore me and pretend to work,” a familiar voice said.
You jumped, turning in your desk chair to catch sight of your husband. He stood leaning against the entryway of your cubicle, with a travel mug and your lunch bag. He caught your line of sight, “You forgot your lunch and I noticed you didn’t finish your coffee while I was washing the dishes.”
“I am so in love with you! Ugh! I love you so much!” You exclaimed grabbing the cup of coffee. It was just the way you liked it.
Kun chuckled as he sat in the extra chair next to your desk, “I can’t tell if you’re talking to me or the coffee, but I love you too.”
“Qian, do you have the reports that are due today?” One of your coworkers asked, eyes stuck on the file in her hands. 
Your eyes were wide, you had been working on the reports last night, going in and making corrections. You had even printed them out at home right before you showered, but where had you left the stack of papers? 
“It’s in the green folder in your bag, love.” Kun whispered.
You let out a relieved breath, reaching into your bag to retrieve the papers. You passed them over, slumping back into your chair after she walked away with a quiet “thanks” under her breath.
“You are the best husband ever, you saved my life just now.”
“I know, so hot pot tonight? I might have to stop by the store for some vegetables on the way home,” Kun wondered out loud.
You waltzed over to where he sat, taking a seat on his lap, “I’m so happy I married you.”
He placed a kiss on your lips, short but passionate, slightly inappropriate for the work place but quick enough that no one saw. “How about I drop you off tomorrow, so I can make sure you don’t forget anything.”
You hummed in agreement absentmindedly playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, “Can you wear the pink apron with the frills while you make dinner tonight?”
He threw his head back as he laughed, “I think that was a gag gift, my love.”
“But you just look so sexy when you wear it,” you shrugged.
When Kun had schedules, you were up earlier than you needed to be to make sure his bags were packed and had plenty of water and food for the long day that awaited him, always with a cute love note stuck to his backpack. You were always so helpful when his days had him dragging his feet, wearing a frilly, pink apron while he cooked was the least he could do. Even if it made him feel like a fool, he’d do anything for you.
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ronjunnie · 18 days
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romance is dead (19.4) sequel (10.3k)
sleepless cinderella: kun (12.9k)
one hundredth page (10.8k)
crayons (5.4k)
promise (4k)
subscribe! i want a baby now (2.4k)
finding gilberth (1.2k) 2.0 (1.7k)
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honeymark · 9 months
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〔 𝟎𝟖:𝟎𝟑𝐩𝐦 〕 “it’s okay, y/n, we’ll figure it out together!”
tutor!kun gives you an encouraging pat on the back before he starts re-explaining differential equations for the third time, but the only thing you’re able to focus on is how full your heart is from spending so much time with him.
there’s a part of you that feels guilty for not paying attention, but it’s alright. you’ve understood the material since the day it was taught. you just needed a reason to see your crush.
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jaelvr · 3 months
Serenity ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Prompt list one !
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Home | Prompt collection
I’m taking requests!
Respond to this with a member and number(s) and I’ll write an imagine for it!!
Fluff : 
1.  “Hey–what’re you hiding behind your back?” 
2.  “All I care about is you.”
3.  “Let’s just stay here–I don’t ever want to move.”  ( used here )
4.  “I had a nightmare … can I stay with you tonight?” 
5.  God, I’m so glad you’re alright.” 
6.  “Oh my god, I’m in love with an adult man-child.” 
7.  “Hold my hand.” 
8.  “I heard you say my name in your sleep.” 
9.  “Here, lay down. I’ll stay until you feel safe enough for me to go.”  ( used here )
10.  “You’re too sweet for me.”  ( used here )
11.  “Hey–it’s okay. I’m here; I’m safe. And fine–see? Everything’s alright now.”  ( used here )
12.  “Ow! What did I do this time?!” ( used here )
13.  “You may be a jerk, but you’re my jerk.” 
14.  “I love you and all, but you’re really stretching your luck right now.”  ( used here )
15. “Why do you have to look at me like that? It’s making me weak, please stop.” 
16. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
17. “Look at me. I love you.”  ( used here )
18. “What took you so long? I missed you…”  ( used here )
19. “I never thought I’d be so lucky, especially not in this lifetime.” 
20. “I’m asking because I’ve seen the way you look at me.” 
21. “I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do.”  ( used here )
22. “I fell for you without even knowing it and, jesus, does it hurt that you can’t see it.” 
23. “You are more than you think of yourself. You’re everything to me.”  ( used here )
24. “You’re the best thing that has, and ever will, happen to me.”  
25. “I think you need to tell me the truth about how you feel towards me.”
26. “You keep saying that we’re friends but you look at me for a moment too long for that to be true.” ( used here )
27. “I would honestly die before I let anything happen to you.” 
28. “You’re the only person I’ve ever actually wanted to spent the rest of my life with.” 
29. “Please come home, this doesn’t feel right.”
30. “Are you awake? Oh my god I was so worried, holy shit I thought I was going to lose you.” 
31. “Don’t think about anything. Just tell me that you love me and hold me tighter.” 
32. “I know you think we aren’t right for each other, but we’ve run into each other too many times for you to tell me that this isn’t fate.”  ( used here )
33. “Don’t blame it on the alcohol, you tasted like you wanted me.” 
34. “You keep that photo of us in your wallet?” ( used here )
35. “If anything happens to me, remember that I’ll always love you.” ( used here )
36. “Don’t pretend that you don’t feel the same way.” 
37. “They told me that you’d break my heart but, holy shit, they never said it’d feel like this.”
38. “Don’t act innocent, you had me pinned underneath you 5 minutes ago.”  ( used here )
39. “I just want you to be happy, even if your happiness doesn’t include me, I just want you happy.” 
40. “You don’t know half of the things you do to me.”  ( used here )
41. “I love how you look in my shirt.”
42. “You’re unbelievable cute when you’re tired.” 
43. “I am so proud of you.” 
44. “Are you jealous? That’s cute."
45. “Oh, God. We’re one of those couples, aren’t we? Ugh–I hate us!”
46.  “Shut up and kiss me, you idiot.” 
47.  “Dance with me! C’mon, it’ll be fun!” 
48.  “Did you seriously just climb through my window?” 
49. “I’ll catch you–trust me! … So I dropped you one time–we don’t have the time to argue about this!” 
50.  “I love you. Never forget that, okay?” ( used here )
Angst ;
51. “Please, just stay a little longer.”  ( used here )
52. “Am I going to die?” 
53. “Why won’t you admit it!” 
54. “Please don’t cry.” ( used here )
55. “I would’ve died for you.” 
56. “You almost died! And for what?” 
57. “I’m just tired of this. I’m tired of it all.” ( used here )
58. “Don’t look at me like that, I don’t want pity.” 
59. “I wish I could fix this.” 
60. “You hurt me and I still trusted you.” 
61. “Don’t be sorry, it was no ones fault.” 
62. “I’ve spent all this time wondering and worrying about you. You didn’t think of me once?” 
63. “You’re angry with me, I know.” 
64. “I know, but you didn’t have to use her like that!” 
65. “You know I wouldn’t call unless I was in pain.”  ( used here )
66. “We can start over. I’ll do anything, everything can be perfect. Just please don’t leave me.” 
67. “You could’ve told me, or helped me! Anything other than what you actually did!” 
68. “The only thing I can do is love you!” 
69. “There hasn’t been a day I didn’t think of you and it’s starting to hurt.”
70.  “I don’t want anyone besides you.” ( used here )
71. “I haven’t stopped crying since Thursday. It’s pathetic.” 
72. “It was a mistake and I know I can never fix this.” 
73. “I hope it hurts to think of me.” 
74. “Don’t make me fall in love again.” 
75. “I thought I didn’t miss you, but then I saw your photo.” 
76.  “I don’t know how to love someone without hurting them.”
77.  “I just wanted to see you one last time.”
78.  “Hold me. Don’t ever let go.” ( used here )
79.  “I came here to apologize.” 
80.  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
81.  “Please don’t abandon me–not like everyone else.”
82.  “Why would you do something like this?!” 
83.  “Why do you do this to yourself?” 
84.  “It’s always been you. It will always be you.” 
85.  “I’ve seen how much you really care–don’t pretend like you don’t.”  ( used here )
86.  “You could have died! I could have lost you!” 
87.  “I don’t know if you’ll ever be able to understand just how much I love you.” 
88.  “Do you ever think about me?” 
89.  “I’m sorry. None of this should have ever happened–this is all my fault.” 
90. “It was always you. No matter how many times I disagreed, it was always you.”
91.  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” 
92.  “This is all your fault.” 
93.  “If you walk away right now, don’t ever come back. And I mean it–ever.” 
94.  “I need you more than I need air.”
95.  “Just hold on–you hear me? You’re not dying like this. Not here; not now!” ( used here )
96.  “I’m not worthy of you. I’ll never be. You’re too good for me.”
97.  “Do you think of them when you kiss me?”
98.  “Just because you’re a jackass doesn’t mean I hate you." ( used here )
99.  “I would die for you and not regret a thing."
100.  “I love you–can’t you see that?” 
Acts of love ;
101.  Always giving a bite of their food
102.  Gently resting their head on their shoulder when taking a picture / peeking at something. ( used here )
103.  Kisses on the nose / cheek / forehead
104.  Zipping / buttoning their jacket for them ( used here )
105.  sidewalk rule
106.  Waiting until they get to the door / get inside before driving off ( used here )
107.  “Did you eat today?” 
108.  Softly cleaning the others face after they've eaten
109.  “Wear a jacket, it's cold out." ( used here )
110.  Watching a movie / playing a game the others interested in
111.  Doing their makeup for them
112.  “I bought you flowers." "for what?" "there has to be a reason?” 
113.  Keeping their favourite snacks in the house for them
114.  Opening the door for them
115.  Pulling their seat out for them
116.  Lifting the shorter one up so they can be seen in photos.
117.  Playing with their hair
 118.  Fixing their clothes when something is off.
enjoy! :D
- Mars <3
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jungwnies · 2 years
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↬ prompt ;; how nct is with public display of affection (pda) ↬ part one ;; ◦ taeil ◦ johnny ◦ taeyong ◦ yuta ◦ kun ◦ doyoung ◦ ten ◦ jaehyun ◦ jeno
↬ part two ;; here ↬ part three ;; here
↬ warning ;; teeth rotting fluff & slightly suggestive content (not really though) ↬ requested ;; yes!! ↬ author's note ;; this is a series with the other groups on my masterlist found: here. i will be starting from oldest to youngest with the NCT version, so please be patient with me as this might develop into three parts since there's a whopping 23 members ☃︎
↬ please remember to like, comment, & reblog as the love is always appreciated ↬ also keep in mind that these are simply MY opinions! enjoy :)
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⊱ taeil
○ moon taeil? he does not care an ounce ○ he will kiss you in public, hug you, he will show affection to you whenever wherever ○ BUT ○ taeil prefers privacy, just cause he will show you off to the public and press doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy alone time ○ this man LOVES being alone with you because he just feels safer, but he also feels safe knowing that everyone surrounding you guys knows you two are in love... ○ taeil doesn't get jealous ○ even if he DOES get a little jealous it doesn't bother him at all because he's confident in your relationship ○ nothing really bothers taeil because he trusts you 110% ○ like i said, pda for taeil? he doesn't care ○ but on the contrary, he prefers the alone time, private intimacy, all that jazz ○ taeil is a lover boy in the public eye and alone idc what anyone else has to say
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⊱ johnny
○ like taeil, he doesn't care ○ tbh i feel like everyone in this age range is not gonna care but idk yet ○ johnny WANTS to show you off but his fan base is gonna go crazy (e.g. chloe kim) ○ management def. tells johnny to lay low because they don't want fans attacking you two ○ johnny wants to kiss you though, and hug you, and all that rotten fluffy shit ○ johnny gets jealous and he is NOT afraid to show it ○ he doesn't SAY it but his actions??? ○ boy starts feeling up on you, whispering in your ear, kissing your neck, IN PUBLIC ○ johnny suh? he's unstoppable when he sees another guy looking at what is HIS ○ anyways LOL ○ johnny is also a lover, but i feel like his love is just a strong mix of lust and passion because he thinks with his heart and dick ○ his ego is just huge too so he wants everyone to know what belongs to him
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⊱ taeyong
○ again, HE DOES NOT CAREEE ○ especially since mister man is the leader ○ tbh everyone assumed one day he was gonna pop out with some red velvet member but then you guys got leaked ○ let's say those were some scandalous leaked pictures ○ taeyong def. makes out with you in public, hugs you, kisses your neck, this mf looks like he wants to get into your pants in front of dispatch istg... 😭 ○ tyong definitely got in trouble with management a few times because HE'S SUPERRR TOUCHY IN PUBLIC ○ tyong doesn't even get jealous because he knows what he does to you ○ he gets a lil cray cray in the bedroom though sometimes saying shit like, "i'll fuck you better than anyone other guy who lays their eyes on you" HDSKCVDUJ ○ okay let me stop... ○ taeyong is super loving and cute sometimes but he's also super stubborn and dominant because he just wants the best for y'all ○ he loves being alone with you ○ BUTTT he will not change how he treats you based on if there are cameras around or not :')
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⊱ yuta
○ kinda cares, but also kinda doesn't ○ unlike the previous three.. he isn't super touchy in public ○ he prefers to keep a low profile in front of dispatch but when y'all are having a private dinner or something ○ yea, he's all up on you ○ he doesn't do too much in front of the cameras, but if there's no cameras he will kiss you, make out with you, etc... ○ there can be hella people and no cameras and he'll still do it ○ like johnny, he doesn't want fans to go crazy and potentially hurt you so he tries not to be too sexual in public or lusty ○ yuta gets jealous, for sure ○ but he's pretty calm about it, but in the bedroom like tyong? ○ this mf GOES CRAZYYY ○ he brings it up before seggsy time, but then during seggsy time he's bringing it up while making you scream his name out ○ ANYWAYS LMFAO... pda for yuta is a yes and no kinda of situation, just depends on whose around
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⊱ kun
○ kun cares ○ kun prefers privacy, he doesn't do much in front of the cameras ○ he's a little more mature and likes to keep it it lowkey with you in front of a lot of people ○ he will hold your hand and stuff but he won't kiss you, or make out with you, or anything of that sort ○ kun doesn't get jealous either but if he's feeling sus of someone nearby he will tell you ○ prob will whisper it to you so no one else hears ○ like i said, he prefers privacy so he's more loving and affectionate in private DO NOT WORRY ○ kun loves you and he's sure to show it, but in public he just doesn't like the cameras ○ or the people to be honest ○ he doesn't like people staring at him, he doesn't like cameras catching him ○ he thinks it weird that people care so much so he just wants to keep you ○ ALL TO HIMSELF
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⊱ doyoung
○ mixed feelings about this one ○ i think doyoung cares but like, doesn't care at the same time, idkkk ○ he will give you small kisses here and there, but he's also just always holding your hand ○ he gets a little nervy in front of cameras, or when he's surrounded by a lot of people especially when they're tryna get pics of the two of you ○ so he doesn't really involve himself in pda for the sake of, he's gonna get flustered.. ○ you can bet that his gonna do his little uncomfortable smile, when people are capturing the small kisses he shares with you ○ doyoung gets jealous, but like some of the others, he doesn't show it ○ he doesn't even bring it up ○ sometimes if it's really bothering him he'll tell you, or he starts subconsciously holding your hand a little tighter ○ because he's kinda iffy about pda sometimes he's more comfortable with it than other times ○ he 100% prefers just privacy with you and being alone with you because he knows that no one is judging him ○ and he knows that he doesn't have to worry about some crazy ass fans getting mad because he has a s/o
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⊱ ten
○ mf does not fucking care ○ at all, literally does not give a shit ○ he WILL show you off, don't even get me started fr ○ he doesn't care about the people around, the cameras, literally NOTHINGGG ○ he doesn't even care if the people around him are uncomfortable tbh 😭 ○ sometimes he gets flustered and gets a little shy, but still he is unstoppable ○ if he gets jealous he just says it, and tells you that he's jealous ○ sometimes he's a bit reluctant to tell you but most of the time you can probably just tell because his whole ENERGY shifts ○ dont get me wrong, ten loves being private with you, and he's way more prurient with you ○ in public he's a little more extroverted and he's kinda just a ball of energy who doesn't care what's going on around him ○ in private, he's a bit more passionate, sensual, the vibe just shifts completely when you guys are in private ○ he might not care, but he cherishes the privacy with you
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⊱ jaehyun
○ he prefers privacy 100% ○ he's a little more clam in front of the cameras, not really a big ball of energy as some people ○ he will hold your hand, kiss you, he'll do it all with you in front of cameras and stuff, but mainly just hand holding ○ here and there dispatch catches y'all kissing in front of some coffee shop because mans cannot live without his iced coffee ○ but he just prefers doing all the lovey, affection shit behind scenes ○ his energy shifts in front of cameras, lowkey gets a little boring in front of cameras because they never catch anything of him LMFAO ○ but when he's off camera, just around you or the members his energy is something else, he's a little more wild ○ he'll do PDA with you in front of staff or the members, but never really IN public ○ he doesn't get jealous either, like he knows his worth and knows that no one can compare to him as he should... ○ so he doesn't worry or care if someone is looking at you but if they look a little to hard and long he kinda pulls you away, he doesn't even realize he does that though ○ jae is a simple guy, he just wants to cherish you and worship you in private ○ so def privacy >>> pda
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© 2022 junthusiast
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moonlezn · 7 months
The Story Of Us V
— Isso é amor? Kun Qian Segundo Ato: Getaway Car
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nada bom começa num carro de fuga.
notas: oficialmente acabamos o penúltimo capítulo de the story of us. ai, tô nervosa! o final deste ato vai dar o que falar... hahahah.
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A chuva cai sem perdão agora, justo porque você esqueceu o guarda-chuva uma vez no ano. Reclamar não é uma opção, a noite foi tão divertida pelo reencontro de alguns colegas de turma da faculdade, uma chuvinha torrencial que encharca suas roupas é pequena demais para te fazer ficar estressada. 
Mas não dá para conter os xingamentos quando absolutamente todos os táxis ignoram seus sinais. Já era de se imaginar, né, todos os ocupados. 
E se eu der uma voltinha no quarteirão? 
A rua cheia de bares e restaurantes não facilitaria sua busca, mas talvez algumas ruas adiante consiga. Além do mais, já está toda molhada mesmo. 
Apesar de ser um bairro diferente do seu, atravessar pelas esquinas não é tão difícil. O problema é que, mesmo olhando para todos os lados, não há um carro amarelo sequer, e para piorar, o movimento de pessoas também é menor. 
Apressa os passos, virando à esquerda e quase comemora ao ver um táxi parado. Assim, de bobeira. Corre os poucos metros que os separam e entra com tudo no banco de trás, assustando o motorista é claro. 
— Boa noite, moço. — sacode os cabelos. — Caramba, tá muito difícil achar carro hoje. 
— Dona, o táxi tá ocupado. — o senhorzinho avisa, com pena nos olhos. Você vasculha o carro e não vê ninguém. Como se a entendesse, ele continua. — Tô esperando o rapaz que agendou com a cooperativa, mas confesso que ele tá um tantinho atrasado. 
Uma luz de esperança surge no seu corpo tenso. 
— Qual a tolerância de atraso? 
— Ele tem mais 2 minutos. 
— Tem problema eu esperar aqui, então? Não, né? 
O senhor balança a cabeça negativamente, e você suspira já cantando vitória. Em poucos minutos estaria em casa. 
Quando um elevador sobe rápido demais, também cai facilmente.
A porta do táxi abre de repente, e um homem alto e forte entra, fugindo dos pingos grossos que ainda não deram trégua. O motorista te olha pelo espelho retrovisor com dó, mas também engole seco. Como iria explicar? Você revira os olhos e bufa, finalmente sendo notada pelo outro.
— Boa noite, senhor. Nós vamos para o… Quem é você? — ele pergunta ao reparar sua presença e passar os olhos pela sua figura. 
— Eu já vou sair, me perdoa, eu…
O rosto é familiar. Familiar demais. Mas é impossível. Ele ainda está na… 
Não consegue terminar de raciocinar porque o estranho sorri para você, também te reconhece, agora que realmente se veem. E esse sorriso é impossível ser de outro alguém. 
Suas mãos tremem um pouco, e o coração bate mais rápido. Definitivamente ele está diferente, porém alguns traços são exatamente os mesmos. Delicados, perfeitinhos. 
— Jaemin? — sai como uma pergunta trêmula. — Que coincidência! 
— Nossa! Sim! Eu… nem sei o que te dizer. Quanto tempo! — ele ri de verdade, preenchendo o ambiente apertado com o som que não ouvia há anos. 
— Pois é! — você o segue, envergonhada. — Não sabia que você tinha voltado pra cá, achei que estivesse na Alemanha ainda. 
— Ninguém sabe, é recente. — confessa num sussurro. Parecia lhe contar um segredo, e você nota pela expressão brincalhona que o carisma ainda é uma de suas qualidades. — Cheguei tem pouco tempo, tô num projeto novo. Mas e você? 
É então que se dá conta da situação em que está. Completamente tomada pela chuva e ainda por cima roubando o transporte alheio. 
— Tô bem, melhor do que eu mereço. — desconversa, querendo adiantar o pedido de desculpas. — Olha, foi mal por isso. — gesticula para o carro. — Eu já tô indo, vou deixar você ir pra casa. Foi um prazer te ver de novo! 
Cedendo à vontade de fugir, segura firme na bolsa e abre a porta; Jaemin, todavia, impede que saia do carro antes mesmo que coloque as pernas para fora. 
— Não, tá maior chuva. — ele passa os olhos pelo seu rosto, parece pensar em algo. — Teria problema a gente alterar a rota? — pergunta ao motorista. 
— Não, problema nenhum, senhor. — teria sim, só que não deixaria uma moça na rua essa hora da noite. Para tudo tem um jeitinho. 
— Então tá resolvido. Te levo em casa e depois vou pra minha, não aceito não como resposta. 
A cada palavra que ele diz, sua mente te leva de volta aos seus quinze, dezesseis anos. Você assente devagar, ainda um pouco estatelada, e então ouve o ronco leve do motor. Vê-lo pelo instagram muito raramente é completamente diferente de agora. Incomparável. 
Foi uma grata surpresa, porque, além de ser o seu primeiro amor, Jaemin também te ajudou demais com a proposta de dividirem o táxi. Outra coisa sobre ele que não mudou foi a facilidade para conversar, ouviu-o tagarelar sobre assuntos aleatórios, rindo das expressões exageradas que fazia ao enfatizar uma ideia. Parecia que os anos sem se ver não eram nada para ele.
Chegando no seu endereço, você se despediu com um abraço fajuto e entregou o dinheiro da corrida para o motorista sem que o menino visse. 
— Obrigada, Nana. Foi muito legal te ver! Até… 
Jaemin sorri grande ao ouvir o apelido antigo. Há tempos ninguém o chamava assim. 
— Eu te mando uma mensagem pra gente botar a conversa em dia direito. — espera alguma aprovação sua, que vem em forma de um sorriso tímido. — Boa noite. 
Ele te observa sair do carro e disparar até o lobby, onde é recebida pelo porteiro preocupado e sua bronca paternal. 
O motorista limpa a garganta. 
— Podemos ir? 
— Uhm, sim, sim. Claro. 
Aquilo definitivamente foi um sonho. Mas Jaemin?
Grogue e irritada pelo despertador, se senta na cama e repassa os eventos da noite anterior. 
Amigos, faculdade, chuva… Jaemin. Que loucura. 
Começa a cumprir a rotina no modo automático, pensando em como ele está diferente, e se você também tinha deixado a mesma impressão. E se ele também acha que te ver de novo foi muito esquisito. Esquisito bom. 
Já com a bolsa toda pronta, a campainha irritante te assusta. 
— Bom dia, chatinho. 
— Já fui mais amado, hein? — Kun deixa um selinho nos seus lábios depois que você fecha a porta. — Bom dia, linda. 
Você sorri empática, sentindo a mesma ardência na barriga de sempre. Desde que dormiram juntos, Kun se aproximou mais: mãos dadas no carro, selinhos de cumprimento, expectativas… Tudo que você não estava procurando quando deu em cima dele. A cada dia que deixa ele pensar que tinham algo além de casual, a culpa dentro de você cresce. 
Não têm absolutamente nada rolando, mas por alguma razão você não consegue deixar claro. E, como se fosse óbvio, não acha que dê para terminar algo que não existe. 
No carro, por fim, tem tempo para checar o celular. Algumas notificações aparecem na tela: Yang, mãe, os amigos de ontem e Jaemin. Ignora todas as outras mensagens e, vencida pela curiosidade, abre o instagram e espera o aplicativo carregar com muita agonia. 
Jaemin: não te perdoei por ter pago a corrida sem eu ver
Jaemin: agora eu tô te devendo uma
Jaemin: amanhã cê tá livre na hora do almoço? 
A sua expressão chocada chama atenção de Kun. Preocupado, repousa a mão na sua coxa por um instante e deixa dois apertos ali. 
— Tá tudo bem?
— Hã? 
— Sua cara… aconteceu alguma coisa? 
— Não, é… um amigo que não vejo há anos me mandou mensagem. 
Kun repara suas respostas curtas, sua distância, repara quando tenta evitá-lo no trabalho… Ele só não quer admitir para si mesmo que sabe o que isso significa. Na verdade, já reconhece, mas não vai permitir que sua chance se perca assim. 
— Hoje eu vou ter umas reuniões, mas amanhã a gente pode almoçar? — ele pergunta, já no elevador. 
— Amanhã eu tenho um compromisso. Acho que não vai dar. Outro dia? — sorri e avança pelo corredor quando as portas abrem. 
O dia será longo, e Kun não tem tempo para pensar nisso agora. Entre os encontros com representantes, gerentes, líderes de equipe, ele te espia pela janela. Força um sorriso aqui e ali, encontra as soluções para as pendências dos contratos, mas o pensamento não desfoca de você, principalmente quando te ver sorrir para o celular várias e várias vezes. 
Amigo? Compromisso? 
Não gosta nada disso. No entanto, sabe que não tem o direito de ter ciúmes e muito menos de questionar algo. 
No dia seguinte, a mesma coisa se repete. A única diferença é que o beijo que ele tenta te dar vai para a bochecha, você desvia. Conversam sobre qualquer coisa no carro, mas Kun percebe que está se forçando a criar assuntos, não é natural. 
Os sorrisos ao usar o celular escondido são maiores, as risadinhas causam nele pequenas pontadas de desânimo. Talvez se ele tentar conversar… 
Kun se levanta para ir em direção à sua mesa, porém bem quando abre a porta da própria sala, você pega suas coisas e deixa o escritório. Horário do almoço, é claro. Não contém um suspiro frustrado, voltando para a posição anterior. 
Num dos restaurantes executivos perto do prédio, você encontra Jaemin Na já te esperando numa das mesas do recinto agitado. Ele acena para que o veja, então caminha até ele, animada. 
— Você gosta de peixe, né? — faz a pergunta que estava ensaiando nos minutos passados, não conseguia lembrar disso. 
— O quê? — finge estar magoada pela falta de memória do homem. — Gosto sim, claro. — relaxa a expressão rígida e ri, fazendo com que ele relaxasse. 
— Pô, que bom! Porque eu pedi isso pra gente dividir. 
— Hmmm, gostei. — belisca um dos pães como aperitivo. — Bom, me conta tudo, né. Cê disse que queria colocar conversa em dia. 
Jaemin começa a, novamente, tagarelar sobre como veio parar aqui. Ele abriu uma empresa de consultoria na Alemanha que começou a fazer sucesso, mas ele sempre teve interesse nas áreas de publicidade e propaganda. Acabou que, há um ano atrás, conheceu um cara que estava no país estudando exatamente sobre isso. 
O encontro foi engraçado, se conheceram em uma festa da amiga da amiga de Jaemin, que estudava na mesma turma do tal amigo. Foram apresentados e clicaram na hora, foram os chatos que conversaram a noite toda sobre carreira. Honestamente, achou que não ia dar em nada, só que dali floresceu uma amizade. E, aos poucos, a ideia de abrir uma agência de publicidade juntos surgiu. Jaemin entraria para administrar, e ele com a mão de obra.
Quando o cara precisou voltar ao próprio país, eles já tinham todo um esquema pronto. Por que não tentar? Alguns investidores toparam o compromisso, e eles agora estão trabalhando juntos para erguer um nome. 
— Você precisa conhecer ele, mas a agenda tá complicada. — Jaemin checa o celular. — Ah, não, calma. Sexta a gente se deu folga, bora num pub ou jantar? Acho que vocês vão se dar bem. 
Às sextas, você normalmente passa um tempo com Kun. Hesita um instante, então resolve aceitar o convite. Não faria mal. 
— Eu tô livre sim. — beberica o pouco que falta do suco. — Mas tem certeza? 
— Quê? Claro! Vai ser legal, vai. 
— Tá bom, então. Tudo bem.
Terminam de almoçar entre algumas piadas e as expectativas para a próxima saída. Depois, Jaemin te acompanhou até a editora a pé, disse que seria bom conhecer a área melhor, ainda estava perdido. Despediram-se com um abraço mais digno hoje, a vergonha foi deixada um pouco de lado. Ainda é estranho interagir com ele, mas é tão engraçado. 
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Kun: qual filme você escolheu pra amanhã?
Seu aparelho vibra sobre a mesa no meio do expediente. 
A reação definitivamente não foi a que ele esperava. Você o olha através do vidro, culpada. 
você: esqueci de te avisar, mas vou encontrar um amigo amanhã. me desculpa?
Ele toma o lábio inferior nos dentes, força um sorriso e balança a cabeça. Você se sente aliviada e murmura um obrigada de longe. 
Ainda valeria a pena tentar esclarecer as coisas ou será que deve deixar tudo como está? Não aprecia a ideia de perder você, especialmente sua amizade. Afinal de contas, são amigos antes de tudo. Talvez só não insistir mais na ideia de vocês dois juntos fosse o suficiente. 
Por isso, resolve abrir outra mensagem, uma que ainda não tinha respondido porque tinha esperança. Ainda tem, na verdade. Possivelmente isso seja uma oportunidade de espairecer. 
Kun: te pego às oito, pode ser?
Rachel: perfeito
Enquanto você se arruma, pensa na pasta rosa bebê que está dentro da caixa que está na prateleira mais alta da sua estante, te encarando de cima. Lembra pouco dos detalhes do primeiro namoro, e se sente feliz por ter guardado aquilo. Algum dia, não hoje, tomaria coragem para abrir. No momento só quer se divertir com um velho amigo. 
Jaemin: já chegamos aqui
Jaemin: mandei um carro te buscar, deve estar chegando aí 
Você penteia o cabelo mais rápido e põe o perfume antes de sair apressada, toda atrapalhada. Ao trancar a porta, dá de cara com Kun e uma mulher, chegando de algum lugar.
A situação é um pouco constrangedora, o clima pesa e Kun sente o pescoço esquentar. A menina apenas olha de um para o outro, confusa. Seu sorriso, entretanto, não se desfaz em nenhum centímetro. 
— Boa noite. — ela cumprimenta para quebrar o gelo do silêncio tenso que havia se instaurado. 
— Boa noite! — Kun e você dizem juntos, ele se sente um idiota por não saber como agir agora. 
— Essa aqui é a Rachel, e essa é a minha vizinha e companheira lá na editora. 
Rachel? A ex dele? Kun foi noivo dela por alguns meses, segundo a história que ele havia lhe contado. Terminaram mal, se reconciliaram, brigaram de novo e, pelo visto, estão se falando de novo. Bom pra ele, então, apesar da situação ser delicada. 
— Oi, Rachel, prazer, viu? — deveria complementar com um o Kun fala muito de você? ou seria mais estranho ainda? 
Você olha para o vizinho, e nota seu semblante assustado, ansioso. Decide, portanto, ir embora logo. 
— Eu tenho que ir, gente. Boa sexta! 
Não espera ouvir a resposta e aperta os passos para aproveitar que o elevador está parado no andar. Respira fundo para aliviar a tensão e tenta não deixar que os pensamentos sobre Kun com a ex te atormentem, ele sabe se cuidar bem. 
É normal ficar nervosa para ver o seu primeiro ex-namorado? Com certeza é. Né?
O pub está cheio, a música é agradável e não muito alta. Caminhar entre os grupos é mais fácil do que parece, mas achar Jaemin entre os rostos demora um pouco. Reconhece-o pelo sorriso outra vez, ele mexe no celular numa das mesas mais reservadas e está sozinho. 
— Ahh, finalmente! — Jaemin levanta para te abraçar rapidamente, puxando uma das cadeiras para que se sentasse.
— Cadê seu amigo? — pergunta e olha para os lados, ansiosa para conhecê-lo.
— Foi no banheiro rapidinho, deve estar voltando já. — ele bloqueia o celular e guarda na bolsa. — Quer alguma coisa pra beber? 
— Pode ser uma cerveja. 
Jaemin sinaliza para alguém no bar, e você acompanha a direção com o olhar. Aproveita, então, para reparar tudo com mais calma. Estranho nunca ter ido ali, é aconchegante e o ambiente é super leve. As pessoas falam alto, assistem o jogo que passa na TV e comemoram ou desaprovam o desenrolar da partida como se fossem amigos de longa data. 
Um homem traz sua bebida, você o vê atravessar o balcão e vir até a mesa onde estão. Assim que ele deposita a caneca enorme na sua frente, você dá uma golada. Estava precisando.
— Vai com calma, hein. — Jaemin provoca, a risada te deixa sem graça. 
Antes de rebater, o ranger da cadeira vazia interrompe a conversa. O olhar do menino que voltou do banheiro encontra o seu, e perceptivelmente vocês congelam. 
Quais são as chances? 
Demorou poucos segundos para que se reconhecessem, é claro. Óbvio. O ar para na sua garganta fechada, se tentasse disfarçar com a cerveja não funcionaria. Quando se trata dele, é difícil o seu mundo não parar. 
Não esperava rever Jaemin tão cedo, mas ele, nada teria te preparado, nem se fosse avisada com antecedência. Pois ele é… ele. 
A ferida no seu coração lateja um breve segundo enquanto analisa os traços tão surpresos quanto os seus. Os cabelos lisos agora caindo sobre as bochechas, um quê de maturidade na expressão outrora mais jovial, os lábios cheinhos que não sabem como proferir um cumprimento… continua lindo. 
— Eu, é… você… — ele é o primeiro a falar. 
Jaemin analisa a cena com as sobrancelhas unidas, claramente existe algo aí. 
— Vocês se conhecem? — o outro questiona, mesmo sabendo a resposta. 
Você desenha círculos na superfície de madeira com as unhas, olhando de um para o outro.
— Sim.
— Não. — mente sem nem saber o motivo. — Quer dizer, sim. — se corrige antes que ele pudesse te interpretar mal. 
— Que coincidência, né. — Jaemin está desconfiado, mas também muito perdido. — Vocês vão ficar se olhando como se fossem fantasmas a noite toda ou vão me contar como se conhecem? 
Você solta uma risada super forçada, ele ainda não diz nada. Não sabia que te ver de novo causaria uma comoção dessas nele, o interior está completamente bagunçado. 
O que resta saber é se é bom ou ruim. 
Para você, um reencontro assim só pode significar uma coisa.
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nctpromptmeme · 9 months
POST #3 - AUG 8/23
in deep need of a fic with asshole jaemin, enemies to lovers, angsty but also fluffy, arranged marriage/marriage of convenience and it's kinda forced proximity?? it's kind of a lot sorry 😭😭
kun angsty orchestra au, like they can be rivals, or he can be that unattainable love
yangyang dom multiple cum and big d creampie smut [admin note: i received two similar ones back to back, so i combined them - if they should be separate, please let me know]
will update this post with links and reblogs if there are works completed for the prompts.
if you are a writer who wishes to complete any of these, please mention this blog and link this post in your fic!
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butterflybam · 1 month
Kun x fem reader
Word count: 717
Warnings: angst and mentions of self hate
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All of your friends teased you for having the perfect boyfriend. It seemed like he knew you like the back of his hand. 
You loved him. 
He was the reason you were able to pull yourself back together. After your ex completely shattered you into a million little pieces, Kun was the one there to help you. He showed you a life that was even more beautiful than you could ever imagine. 
If someone were to time travel a few days ago and told you what would happen, you wouldn't believe them. 
You had imagined a life with Kun. But your dreams were now turning into nightmares. 
It was a question. One that most people waited their whole lives to get asked. 
But once that question slipped from his lips, you felt your blood run cold.
You weren't exactly sure why or how, but that was the answer you gave him. Once you said it, you couldn't take it back. 
The look of heartbreak would haunt you for the rest of your life, and in that moment, you felt like you deserved to be tortured by it.
Reaching down, you turned the water off. Standing for a moment, you grabbed the towel and began to dry yourself off. You tried to take as much time as humanely possible. You didn't think you could face him again.
Once you stepped out of the bathroom, you saw him. His back was toward you as he worked. You saw him lift up his clothes, and in that moment, you were certain he was packing. 
The sight of him preparing to leave broke you. 
By clearing your throat, you made him glance back at you. Even if it was for a brief moment, you could see he had been crying. His eyes were red and puffy. 
He must've waited to cry when you were in the shower. Because on the way back home, he was composed and silent. 
To see him in this state made you want to break down again. You really hated yourself for hurting him. 
Was it really a hard thing to do? To say yes to him? 
When you thought about it too much, it hurt. Your head began to throb. 
"I'll be out of your way in a second." 
Kun had turned back to continue packing up. Tears stung your eyes, but you forced yourself to look away from him. 
"You're okay." You said it in a way that was comforting to him. Though you weren't exactly sure how to do that in that moment.
The silence returned as he finished, and you stood there, staring at the wall. 
There were so many memories in this room. This whole house had a whole story to tell. So many late talks and kisses were shared. How you held each other as the other cried, or how you shared the happiness of the other. 
Now there was so much uncertainty. 
The zipper sound brought you out of your swirling thoughts. You focused back on him and watched as he lifted the suitcase up from the bed. 
Kun began to walk to the door to let you lay down and sleep, but he froze. Hesitatingly, he turned to look at you. "Would there have been a time you would have said yes?" He asked. 
His question made you pause. You let it sink in before you responded. "I'm not sure." You said it with a shrug. 
It was obvious that was not the answer he wanted. There was no clear path to that. You knew he didn't like to leave things undone, but you couldn't give him a perfect answer. 
Nodding his head, he turned to continue on. He must've made arrangements to stay the night somewhere. 
"I do know that I love you."
This made him stop in his tracks. You saw him take in a deep breath before glancing over his shoulder. "And I love you." With that, he took his leave. 
As you heard his footsteps, you felt tears fall from your eyes and down your cheeks. A sob rang through you as you let yourself sink to the floor. 
You wished you could go back and fix this all, but it was all ready to be done. There was nothing you could do but wait. 
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smolsicheng · 1 year
─ ੈ♡˳ [𝟐𝟑:𝟐𝟐]
Kun rests his head on your shoulder, his eyes fluttering sleepily as you turn the page of the book you're reading. His arms wrap around your own and a tired smile tugs at his lips as he turns his gaze towards your face; you had a look of concentration in your eyes and your nose scrunched every now and then in an attempt to stiffle a yawn.
"you're cute when you're half asleep" Kun would mutter just before yawning quietly, turning his head away from you slightly as he did so. You'd mumble something about the compliment to yourself, your ears turning a deepening shade of pink. Your right hand fumbles with the top corner of the page you're on while you raise your left hand to your eyes, rubbing away the feeling of sleep.
Noticing this, Kun sits up from his slump against your side, positioning himself differently and taking the book from your hand gestures for you to lean closer to him. After a second yawn, he reads the final page of the book, smoothing out the crease in the corner you had just created, his voice seeming to lull you gently into sleep.
"and how she would gather about her other little children, and make their eyes bright and eager with many a strange tale, perhaps even with the dream of Wonderland of long ago; and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple joys, remembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days..."
requested by anon, Kun + #9
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