#qml 800 celebration
queenmylovely · 4 years
Congratulations on 800 followers!! 😁 you deserve them all 💕 I just wanted to say I really love All yours and was wondering if you'd like to do a little blurb about the characters in that fic ? 😊 love your blog!
Oh thank you love! I’m so glad you love all yours as it’s one definitely close to my heart, I hope you like this little thing to go with it, I think it’s a fitting next step for these two. 700 words, slight innuendo
All Yours Masterlist
About six months after you and Roger had confessed your love for one another and had started dating, the boys had finally finished and released their first album. You thought it was brilliant and had enjoyed attending different recording sessions whenever you were invited and they fit into your schedule. Roger and you were going strong, still firmly in love.
By this time, the whole band was feeling very cramped in their tiny apartment. Luckily for them, Roger spent most of his evenings and nights at your place, and consequently, most mornings as well. But he hadn’t broached the topic of moving in because he wasn’t sure if the band could afford his money going towards splitting rent with you instead of splitting rent with them.
But the album was starting to gain some traction, and because of that, Queen was getting a more decent stipend from EMI. So Roger decided to bring up the subject with the boys and then you.
He waited for a night where they were all home and sharing a dinner together.
“I wanted to run something by you guys real quick,” Roger started, fiddling with his fork.
“What’s up?” Brian asked through a mouthful of food.
“I was thinking that I might want to move in with y/n…” Roger readied himself for whatever questions or protestations the others might have.
“Um, darling I’m pretty sure you already have,” Fred pointed out.
Brian nodded, “Yeah, you haven’t slept in our room for like a week.”
“Why would we care?” Deaky asked nonchalantly, more focused on stabbing a piece of food with his fork. Brian and Fred snickered off to the side.
Roger scoffed, “Well I was only thinking about the good of the band. Deaky, Mr. Money Guy, do we have the finances to survive if I’m not contributing to rent?”
“Long as you contribute to studio time we’ll be fine,” Deaky answered without even having to think about it.
“That’s fantastic, Rog. So exciting for you two lovebirds. y/n’s excited as well?” Freddie asked, trying to change the subject ‘cause Roger was looking kinda pissed at Deaky.
“Well, I haven’t talked to her yet about it,” Roger admitted.
“Then what are you doing here talking to us, mate? It’s her apartment,” Brian reminded.
“Oh shit, yeah,” Roger realized and jumped up, quickly gathering his things before running out of the apartment. The boys laughed as they waved goodbye to him.
Just finishing your dinner, you were clearing up your dishes and thinking about the bath you planned to run. Then you heard a knock on your door and went to answer it, looking through the peephole to see a very focused looking Roger.
“Rog, why didn’t you just use your key?” you asked as you opened the door.
“I didn’t want to scare you since you weren’t expecting me,” he explained, coming in and then giving you a kiss.
“Oh thanks,” you said with a smile. Then more suggestively, “You know, you’re just in time, I was gonna run a bath.”
Roger’s face unfocused for a second, thinking about the many baths the two of you had shared before. But then he regained his resolve. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Oh?” a tiny bit of worry creeping into your mind.
“Let’s sit down, love,” Roger said and your heartbeat sped up. Once you were sitting down next to each other, Roger turned to face you.
“So I was thinking…” he trailed off and your breath caught. “That we should move in together.”
Letting out the breath you were holding and looked at him in surprise, “Really?”
“Yeah, I mean I talked it over with the boys for the band's financial aspect and they said we’re fine. And I spend practically everyday and night here anyway, and I love you and I want to be with you whenever I can,” Roger explained, a sweet smile on his face and you felt your heart swell. “Whaddya think?”
“Rog, nothing would make me happier,” you told him, bringing him into a kiss that was soft and warm and home. “And I love you too.”
Roger hummed, kissing you again before pulling back, “So now that’s all sorted, how about that bath?”
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queenmylovely · 4 years
another request because i just had dental work so im a little sore. something soft with ben please? i don't even have any specific ideas i just want to read about ben being soft and kind lmao thanks darl 💚💚
I hope you feel better!!! dental work is one evil necessary evil. As such, I decided to write this one first to cheer you up (even though its a day late) of course, this turned into some smut (***), so be forewarned for this 1.2k of fluffy Ben 
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Groaning as you toed off your shoes and hung up your jacket and purse, all you could do was sigh as they fell off the hook. You shuffled into the kitchen to find something good to drink that would hopefully improve your mood. You settled on juice, pouring yourself a glass and taking a sip.
Then you jumped a little as you felt arms wrapping around your waist but relaxed as you realized it was Ben.
He laughed lightly at your reaction, “You okay? Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Yeah, it’s just been a rough day,” you replied, leaning back into him as he kissed your shoulder.
“I’m sorry, babe. Anything I can do to make it better?” he asked into your neck, pressing his lips there as well.
“Just keep doing this, holding me, would be good,” you replied, feeling the warmth of his chest against your back start to melt the tension you felt.
“How about I hold you on the couch while we watch tv?” he said, pulling you back towards the living room.
“Yes, but only sit-coms, no dramas,” you added, laughing as he kept holding you as the two of you walked to the couch.
“Sounds good to me,” he laid on the couch first, using a throw pillow to prop him up. Then you practically collapsed onto him, electing to face him instead of the tv in the hopes of taking a nap. Ben turned your current show on quietly and you let the sound of it and Ben's hand running over your back and through your hair lull you into a nice sleep.
About an hour and a half later, you woke up, blinking your eyes to see Ben looking down at you, a small smile on his face.
“What’re you smiling ‘bout?” you mumbled, shifting so you could nuzzle your face in the skin of his neck instead of waking up fully.
“You. You’re cute when you sleep. Plus I’m happy that I could make you feel at least better enough to be able to fall asleep,” he answered, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“It’s all your muscles. They make great pillows when you’re not flexing,” you half-joked, but it was true.
“You mean when I don’t do this?” Ben asked, suddenly flexing just about every muscle in his body at once, making it feel like you were laying on and being hugged by marble.
Unable to keep from laughing, you still told him, “Stop, you’re supposed to be making me feel better, remember?”
“Oh that’s right,” he replied, relaxing his body and feeling yours relax into his. His hands started to roam over your body with no agenda, just feeling and rubbing over you soothingly. “Well now that we’ve napped and watched tv is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Can we order a--a pizza?” your words caught as Ben’s hands brushed the sides of your breasts softly. But by the look on his face, he hadn’t even noticed.
“Way ahead of you, had one set to be delivered in about… 15 minutes from now,” Ben said, glancing at his phone, his other hand resting on your ass. The casual way he had been feeling you up was definitely affecting you. And you knew he wasn’t doing it for any other reason than to make you feel good, not expecting anything to come from it, but that didn’t change the fact that you wanted something.
“You know what we can do in 15 minutes…?” you trailed off, looking up at him with a cheeky smile before kissing his neck.
“I know what you’re thinking, but since right now is about you, I’m gonna opt for another option,” Ben told you, flipping both of you over so you were on your back and he was above you as you laughed.
He pressed a lingering kiss to your lips, but was aware of his time limit and dropped his lips to your neck sooner than later. Ben sucked on your sweet spot softly and used his hands to feel your breasts through your shirt. Feeling your moan vibrate beneath his lips, he was unable to stop a smile from forming. He kissed his way down as far as your top would allow, then moved further down to lightly bite your hardened nipples through the fabric.
You tangled your hand in his hair as good as you could, and used the other to push on his shoulder, a little impatience lingering from your frustrating day. Ben didn’t mind, happy to get on to the main event, and kissed down your tummy quickly before reaching your waistband. He pushed your trousers and underwear off together, kissing up from above your knees to your inner thighs, switching from side to side.
Groaning as he kissed your outer lips, you tugged his hair and the moan he let out made his lips that had finally found your clit vibrate against it. It was more stimulation than you were expecting and you cried out but held him close to keep going. Ben licked down from your clit to your entrance, pushing his tongue inside repeatedly and letting his nose nudge your clit as you moaned his name.
Unable to help it, you started moving your hips in time with his mouth, and Ben decided you should get more. So he laid an arm across your waist to keep you in place and brought the other hand by his face. He put his index and middle finger in his mouth and got them wet with his spit, the sight alone making you writhe against the arm holding you down.
“Fuck, Ben,” you moaned, eyes wide and dark as you watched him push both fingers inside of you.
“Do you like that, babe? Like my fingers?” he asked, looking for your approval because all he wanted was to make you feel good.
“Yes, Ben, oh. You always make me feel amazing. And fuck, you look so-- look so good doing it,” you replied breathily.
Ben did look good, and somehow looked even better as his lips parted and eyes dilated at the praise, his tongue darting out to wet his lower lip. Then he bent his head and kissed your clit before sucking on it, hard enough to make your eyes roll back.
Then he added the swirl of his tongue and you were gone to the world, rambling out, “Oh you’re so good, you’re gonna fucking make me come. Yes, make me come, Ben. Fuck, fuck, you’re just so good, so good, so good, ah-- ah-- Ben--”
When his fingers pressed against your g-spot one more time, you came and Ben moaned against you at the sight of you tossing your head back and shaking as the pleasure took over. He kept going but gradually slowed down so you could ride out your orgasm without getting overstimulated.
When you opened your eyes and your breathing slowed, you combed through his hair and Ben switched to pressing light kisses to your thighs. You smiled at him and pulled him up to you for a kiss.
Humming into the kiss, you held him close until there was a sharp knock on the door. The two of you split apart and Ben looked a little panicked as he disentangled himself and then stood up, looking down at his hard-on that wasn’t necessarily obvious, but easily noticeable if one looked. As he rushed off to get his wallet and answer the door, all you could think is that you were glad the back of the couch hid you from view.
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Permanent taglist: @riseetothesun​​​ @caborhapch​​​​​ @drowseoftaylor​​​​ @queenlover05​​​​ @johndeaconshands​​​​ @supersonicfreddie​​​​
If you would like to be added to my permanent taglist, just send me a message or ask!
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queenmylovely · 4 years
congratulations on 800 love!! idk if you write for lucy (if you don't you can just write for rog or ben instead, whatever you prefer) but i've had this idea in my mind for weeks now about going on a date with lucy for the first time (i'm thinking dinner? even though it's super cliche lmao) and it's like super romantic and intimate 🥺 maybe you could make this a blurb or hc? 🤭
Oh my gosh, yes I write for Lucy! At least, I do now as this is the first thing I’ve written for her. The concept is not cliche, it’s perfect and this made me so soft, thanks for sending it in 💖 (under the cut cause it’s 1.5k, just fluff)
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Getting out of your uber, you smoothed down your dress and exhaled slowly to calm the nerves you were feeling. The nerves were due to the fact that you were going on your first date with a friend of a friend, Lucy. But the excitement you felt overpowered the nerves. You had already met her once before, at a dinner party at your mutual friend, Gwil’s place. The two of you had instantly caught each other’s eye and made flirty eye contact from either end of the table all night. By the time everyone was leaving, you had worked up the courage to ask for her number and had made plans for the next weekend.
You were walking to the doors of the restaurant, wondering whether Lucy was already inside or if she was still on her way. The latter seemed to be true when you looked around the waiting area and didn’t see her. There was a short line leading to the host station so you went to the end and stood there, glancing at your watch to see that you were exactly two minutes early.
Standing there, you looked around the restaurant and were pleased that you had told Lucy to choose where you went since it looked very nice; the perfect ambience and atmosphere. You were only there for about a minute when you heard your name.
Turning, you saw Lucy walking over to you and smiled brightly to match hers. She came up next to you, scooting past the person in line behind you and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek.
“Have you been waiting long?” she asked, adjusting her purse on her shoulder. Then she looked at you expectantly.
You realized you had just been staring at her, admiring the way her hair framed her face perfectly, the flattering cut of her dress and how she was just a tad taller than you in her heels. Smiling sheepishly you told her, “No, just a minute. You look beautiful by the way.”
Lucy smiled, looking at you happily as her cheeks became a very cute shade of pink, “Thank you, so do you.”
By then, you were at the front of the line and Lucy relayed the reservation information, then the host took you to your table. You sat down across from each other and then started to look at the menu.
“I know we literally just started looking, but do you have an idea of what you want? They have a great red or white if you want to pair it with your meal,” Lucy offered and you grimaced a little. Lucy joked, “What, am I being too controlling?”
“No, not at all. I just don’t like wine,” you said with a laugh.
“Oh, thinking back I do remember you having a G&T instead of Gwil’s rosé,” Lucy replied with a knowing look. “Is that your go-to?”
“Well it’s what most people have stuff for,” you answered. “But I’ll go for a mojito if I can. Like I think I’m gonna go with this peach one.”
“Ooo that looks good,” Lucy said, looking on her menu where you were pointing. “I think I’ll join you.”
A few minutes later, you had your drinks and had ordered your food. The two of you were chatting about work and upcoming projects. Lucy was happy to answer your questions about the films and shows she was working on, but was happier hearing about your job.
“Wow, as someone who’s always just working with someone else’s ideas, it’s wild to me that you actually create everything you do,” she said, her eyes wide.
“Well, we have a group that works on every project, but yeah, a lot of what I do is on my own,” you amended, feeling a rush of pride for what you did based on Lucy’s interest. “But acting definitely takes a bit of creativity, right? Like you have to decide how you’re going to do things.”
“That’s true,” Lucy said with a nod, “You seem to understand a lot of it for someone who said she didn’t ever do any acting.”
“I may have never done any formal acting, nor do I want to,” you shook your head, “However, I’ve been running lines with Gwil since the first year of uni.”
Lucy burst into laughter and you laughed with her but found yourself feeling an inexplicable amount of adoration for her as you did.
“Tell me,” she said with a conspiratorial look and through a few giggles. She leaned closer, her voice getting softer and the scent of her perfume growing stronger, “Has he always been this… pretentious?”
You looked at her in excited shock, reaching over and touching her arm, “Oh my gosh, you think so too?”
She let out a relieved laugh, quickly looking down at your hand, “Yes, but I swear no one else sees it!”
“It’s his ability to charm the shit out of everybody he meets. Never really worked on me though, as much as I love him,” you admitted, lifting your hand to gesture to yourself.
“No, me neither,” Lucy agreed, looking at you so intently that your heartbeat sped up.
“Let’s just say that his 20 minute spiel about the rosé was a repeat performance from one in uni, only then the bottle was worth $8 instead of $35,” you said with a smirk.
Lucy’s face broke into a smile as she laughed, her eyes sparkling. She hit your shoulder lightly, “You’re so bad!” but the look on her face told you she thought anything but.
Half an hour later, the food was eaten and you were looking at the dessert menu together.
“Okay, but the real question is do you like lemons? Because they have an amazing lemon soufflé with a raspberry sauce that is to die for,” Lucy suggested hopefully.
“Sounds perfect,” you told her with a smile.
When the dessert came, you dug into it together, and Lucy tried to ignore the bolt of heat that went through her when you moaned at the taste.
“This is so fucking good,” you said through a half-full mouth and Lucy chuckled. You swallowed your bite and continued, “You know, you have incredible taste. This restaurant, your outfit, this dessert!”
“You,” she added and you felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment, shoving another bite of raspberry covered lemony dessert into your mouth to keep you from saying something dumb.
The two of you continued eating and chatting, playfully using your spoons to fight for the best bites. As she smiled and laughed yet again you felt yourself stumble further down the path of falling in love with her already.
When the check came, you told her that since you were the one that had asked her out you were going to pay and if she wanted to pay then she’d just have to ask you out another time. She looked determined when she said she would.
Since neither of you had driven, you decided to share a car. It allowed for you to sit closer together than any other point in the evening, with your hands resting next to each other’s on the seat and your pinkies brushing together.
You took turns pointing out different things like good restaurants, a hidden shop full of local artist’s work, and eventually just random places you had been as an excuse to lean closer to the other.
The car arrived at your place first since it was closer to the restaurant and Lucy offered to walk you to your door. As you climbed out and fished for your keys, she leaned in the window and told the driver to wait.
She went with you to the entrance of the building and the two of you stood a little to the side to be out of the way.
“I had a really good time tonight,” you said with a soft smile.
“Me too,” Lucy told you. “You’re a great first date. And I’m sure you’ll be an even better second one.”  
Your smile grew, already excited for more.
“And you’re so cute,” Lucy added, unable to help herself when you smiled.
You were about to compliment her as well when she leaned forward and kissed you. Her lips were soft and warm and when you didn’t pull away, she brought her right hand to your waist and her left to your cheek to keep you close. Feeling her tongue slide along your lower lip, you opened your mouth for her and brought your left hand to her shoulder and your right one to hold hers in place.
Sighing into the kiss, you enjoyed what you hoped was the first of many, many kisses to come. After a minute, you pulled back and her lips followed yours so you pressed another quick kiss to them.
“The car’s still waiting,” you pointed out.
Lucy blushed, “Oh right, I should--”
“Tell them to leave and then come in with me,” you said, looking at her suggestively.
Lucy was surprised that you were being so forward, but as surprised as she was, she loved it even more and nodded quickly.
“I’ll go do that. Be right back,” she told you, sneaking another little kiss before she turned and rushed down the path back to the car.
You saw the driver shift into gear and start to drive away as Lucy looked back and smiled at you. She was back next to you in a moment, and she grabbed your hand as you unlocked the door with the other.
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Permanent taglist: @riseetothesun​​​ @caborhapch​​​​​ @drowseoftaylor​​​​ @queenlover05​​​​ @johndeaconshands​​​​ @supersonicfreddie​​​​
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queenmylovely · 4 years
Congrats Lauren! 800 is huge!! ❤ soo instead of a name playlist for me, how about one for Gwil? 🤠
this is honestly galaxy brain wow good idea 💡 so I did gwilym bc then it’s more songs lol and I tried to go for slightly angsty songs that were still ab love and stuff bc I think he’d listen to stuff that’s not all happy all the time
Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon by Urge Overkill
Wonder Woman by Kacey Musgraves
It’s Really Raining by Alison Sudol
Letting Go by Ámbar Lucid
You Go to My Head by Billie Holiday
Memory Motel by The Rolling Stones
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queenmylovely · 4 years
cmt plays the trumpet i believe (so we know he's good with his mouth 😳😂). there have been videos posted on the schools official fb lmao the only problem with getting to know him is because he's in the music department he doesn't really come to the library very often so i don't actually get the chance to talk to him much 😪 and when i do i get really self conscious and guarded. but excuse me ma'am you haven't told me about the uni department guy! bit yikes on his ex having the same name tho
Trumpet! Vienna boy also plays trumpet!!! Mmmm that would be tough if you don’t see him very often. I definitely feel you on the getting self conscious and stuff
Ugh yes he’s a cutie and a sweetie but the theatre department is v small and I’m friends with his ex and they’re still friends too. He’s actually a great actor too like I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to be famous in like ten years
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queenmylovely · 4 years
Thanks so much to everyone following me, especially the last ten or so that tipped me over to 800 💖 it’s currently night for me but I am going to try to put something out tomorrow about the celebration I will be planning! Thanks again xx
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queenmylovely · 4 years
✨¡800 Celebration Results!✨
Thank you everyone who voted, I am happy to announce that the winner of what series I am going to start first is High Infidelity, a Ben x reader fic about infidelity, lies, and pain. The first part will be posted tomorrow, and it will likely be a three part series. I’m gonna tag those on my permanent tag list, but if you would like to be tagged for this series or be added to the permanent one, just send me a message or ask! Thanks again for all the support and I love y’all 💖💖💖
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queenmylovely · 4 years
I’m three away from 70 votes for what series I’m gonna do next, please vote!!! Here’s the link: https://forms.gle/2xVdKftivsEbXjoK6
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queenmylovely · 4 years
sleepover gossip time: i might have done a little fb stalking and found cute music teacher's mum on there and then saw she makes public posts wishing people happy birthday and found out cmt's birthday and also that he's in an official orchestra that like plays proper concerts and stuff and also he's part of a smaller related group that do workshops with kids who are learning instruments to encourage them and give them ideas of music related jobs for when they finish school 1/2
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ooo yes send in all the hot goss. the more I hear about cmt the more I like him lol. that’s so cute that he works with kids even outside of his job and his orchestral participation (?). Do you know what he plays? 
listen passion is good bc you can always work out arguments, but if there’s no inherent spark in the sex, that can’t really be adjusted. 
and even if you can’t necessarily see yourself making a move, you should totally still get to know him a little better, i.e. by asking him what instrument he plays (obvs don’t have to mention his mom’s facebook lol but it’s safe to assume that a music teacher plays an instrument) and then that could lead to him talking about those other things organically. 
honestly you’ve got way more going on in terms of people to yearn about anyway as the only two people I might yearn for are either off limits (too small of a department in uni and his ex has the same name as me) or in fucking Vienna (who I haven’t seen in many years). so basically, enjoy the possibility to yearn for me if not for yourself aaslkdhflasals
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