#qsmpblr event idea
thegreenishhues · 5 months
Screw it. I've had an idea for a while but I would like to get some opinions on it before spending tons of time working on making it real. So, what would you guys think of a blog or event forcused on sharing recipes from our different cultures or just our favorite child hood ones? like one big community potluck! People could also choose or get assigned partners and make each other's recipes? For the moment this is just an idea but if people are interested it could be a great community event
(other languages under cut)
Scheiß drauf. Ich habe schon seit einer Weile eine Idee, aber ich würde gerne ein paar Meinungen dazu einholen, bevor ich viel Zeit in die Umsetzung investiere. Was haltet ihr also von einem Blog oder einer Veranstaltung, bei der wir Rezepte aus unseren verschiedenen Kulturen oder einfach nur unsere Lieblingsrezepte austauschen? wie ein großes Gemeinschaftsessen! Die Leute könnten sich auch Partner aussuchen oder zugewiesen bekommen und die Rezepte der anderen kochen? Im Moment ist das nur eine Idee, aber wenn die Leute daran interessiert sind, könnte es ein großartiges Gemeinschaftsereignis werden.
Que le den. Hace tiempo que tengo una idea, pero me gustaría conocer algunas opiniones antes de dedicar mucho tiempo a hacerla realidad. ¿Qué os parecería un blog o un evento en el que compartiéramos recetas de nuestras diferentes culturas o simplemente nuestras favoritas? La gente también podría elegir o asignarse compañeros y hacer las recetas de los demás. De momento es sólo una idea, pero si la gente está interesada, podría ser un gran evento comunitario.
Que se dane. Tive uma ideia há algum tempo, mas gostaria de receber algumas opiniões sobre ela antes de passar muito tempo trabalhando para torná-la realidade. Então, o que vocês acham de um blog ou evento voltado para o compartilhamento de receitas de nossas diferentes culturas ou apenas das nossas favoritas? como um grande potluck comunitário! As pessoas também poderiam escolher ou receber parceiros e fazer as receitas umas das outras? No momento, isso é apenas uma ideia, mas se as pessoas estiverem interessadas, pode ser um grande evento comunitário
Je m'en fous. J'ai une idée depuis un moment mais j'aimerais avoir quelques avis avant de passer des tonnes de temps à la concrétiser. Alors, que penseriez-vous d'un blog ou d'un événement axé sur le partage de recettes de nos différentes cultures ou simplement de nos recettes préférées ? comme un grand potluck communautaire ! Les gens pourraient aussi choisir ou se voir attribuer des partenaires et réaliser les recettes des autres ? Pour l'instant, ce n'est qu'une idée, mais si les gens sont intéressés, cela pourrait être un grand événement communautaire.
됐어요. 한동안 아이디어가 떠올랐지만 현실화하기 위해 많은 시간을 투자하기 전에 여러분의 의견을 듣고 싶어요. 여러분은 서로 다른 문화권의 레시피나 좋아하는 레시피만 공유하는 블로그나 이벤트에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 하나의 큰 커뮤니티 포트럭처럼요! 사람들이 파트너를 선택하거나 배정받아 서로의 레시피를 만들 수도 있지 않을까요? 지금은 아이디어일 뿐이지만 사람들이 관심을 보인다면 멋진 커뮤니티 이벤트가 될 수 있을 것 같습니다.
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scraemoo · 4 months
yk what, I absolutely love our language day and can't wait for the next one! Plus I miss the ARGs of QSMP. So I just had an idea: wouldn't it be cool to make little games, ARGs, enigmas, etc. within our community for each other?
But what will be the answer at the end? Maybe something that connects to various cultures! May it recipes, popular lullabies, cartoons, memes, mythology, sayings, holidays, animals, gestures etc etc the possibilities are endless!
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q-nihachu · 11 months
Phil just announced he is the driver of the bus!
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luminouslotuses · 11 months
so i’m kinda loving this idea of everyone on qsmpblr packing for the event tomorrow and when i saw this post + saw the playlist idea, it made me love it even more lmao.
SO i’m asking everyone who wants to: give me some song recs/songs you like and i’ll throw it into a spotify playlist & post it! i’ll add some songs of my own that i like as well :]
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dnalt-d2 · 4 months
Recent Egg Developments, How I Feel About It, and What I'm Doing After
Alright I'm gonna stop being sad for like two minutes, or at least long enough to explain what exactly happened for those who missed it
So we had the Murder Mystery Event today, and a lot of people showed up. It was really fun, and we really enjoyed it
And then, after it was over, Richarlyson informed us that he was leaving QSMP. He did not give a reason as far as I know, and I don't think it's smart or fair to speculate. I have my own ideas as to why, but I know that sharing them wouldn't be productive
Not long after, over on Phil's stream, Chayanne and Lullah informed us that they were leaving as well. They did talk pretty vaguely about "The next time they wake up," but this could have likely been some flowery language and not literal. There's a strong chance they will not wake up in QSMP again
As of now, Pepito and Leo are the only Eggs confirmed to still be part of the project, but I'm not really sure what the future will hold for them
Like I said before, I am personally hoping this is a sort of indefinite hiatus. Like they're leaving and there's a strong chance they won't come back, but there could be a non-zero chance sometime in the future. I would not get my hopes up for this though, because the chances of that happening are most likely very slim
I am honestly really sad about this development, but we all knew this couldn't last forever. I wish we had a better resolution, but this is how things are for now. I don't know if this is related to the Admin Situation or not, but again, since that hasn't been confirmed, we shouldn't speculate. It's just as possible that they felt they were done with this chapter of their life, which is entirely fair. I will never hold this decision against them, and I really hope others don't either. I wish them the best, and I wish you all the best as well, QSMPblr
Because I'm honestly not sure where I'm gonna go from here. Chayanne and Lullah were a huge reason I was so invested with QSMP, and the same goes for all the other Eggs. And while I'd love to say that I'll definitely stick around 100%, I'm just not sure I'll do that. I guess we'll see, but if I start petering out after this, know that I had a hell of a time over here
I've never been part of a fandom to this capacity before, and I had a hell of a time. Theorizing, ranting, sharing my thoughts, it was all a blast. And I wanna say that I might not have interacted with others due to anxiety, but I was always so happy to see that people liked what I had to say, and seeing that some people were coming back for it, or going through my blog and liking everything. I may have never said anything, but I saw you, and I appreciate you all so much
I might start talking about more non-QSMP Stuff here too, so if anyone who followed me JUST for QSMP, sorry. But I don't want this blog to die out, because it's been such a fun chapter for me. It might be a new chapter now, but I'm still gonna be here for it
Thanks again everyone. Thanks Egg Admins, Non-Egg Admins, QSMP Creators, QSMPblr, and Everyone else in-between
And of course, Thanks Quackity, for making such an incredible experience
It's been a wild ride
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codecurucho · 4 months
Man something about today felt so final. I hope it’s not, but it feels like the natural conclusion to the story.
This is gonna be a long thank you to the ccs, the fandom, and most importantly, the admins
I was here from day 1. I watched the walls at spawn come down due to a shared hive-mind disobedience moment, and thought, “dude, this seems like it’s going to be special”
I watched as Spanish and English speakers struggled to communicate, but still found comedy in their shared moments.
I watched the Brazilians and the French join, dying of laughter as the events turned into pure chaos and sound.
I watched the ccs form friendships and meet up with each other, I heard them speak about the impact and importance of qsmp to them specifically.
I watched as members of the community formed friendships, as we shared cultures and exchanged some of the most beautiful artwork and fanfics I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. I made this account because my main got so qsmp-centric that I needed a space to go full-autism and just talk into the void about my cubitos.
My first day of having this account, I mentioned a fic idea I had. So many people replied, encouraging me to write and engage with the community. When I posted it two hours later on pure adrenaline, the same people praised it, reblogged it—it’s a memory I’ll probably never forget because it made me feel so welcomed into qsmpblr.
Lastly, I remember first meeting the egg admins. I remember how hyperfixated the ccs became on keeping them alive, how attached we all became to them. For me, the egg admins proved that this wasn’t just a silly minecraft server, but a team of workers dedicated to the storyline and lore of the QSMP.
The QSMP, to me, felt less like a Minecraft server, and more like a story being told with the help of Minecraft. That team behind it was invaluable to its success, and built their characters in ways that were so convincingly authentic that they sealed QSMPs place, for me, as a story being told.
The QSMP would not be what it was today without the ccs, the fandom, and most importantly, the admins. So thank you to everyone for doing your part in making this community what it is—pretty fuckin special <3
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etoilesbienne · 6 months
A small question about your qsmpblr survey. Are you still planning to release the results or have you decided to scrap that idea?
i think im deciding to scrap it. every time ive tried to get prepared to release the results something new comes out or a life event happens to me and i just do not know how to deal with it any longer.
i might rerun the survey one day, with a comparison to old data if so. probably over summer when i have more time
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