fredborges98 · 4 months
"Le Espectre de la Rose."
Por: Fred Borges
Esquizofrênicos expressam:
"Nas minhas alucinações, eu ouço vozes, sons, barulhos aleatórios e, frequentemente, vejo insetos, rostos e olhos desencarnados. Minha doença pode ser complicada de lidar, mas eu não saio correndo pelas ruas gritando sobre abduções alienígenas. Isso não quer dizer que não existem pessoas lá fora com alucinações graves — existem, sim. No entanto, também existem pessoas como eu, que ficam em casa, confinadas em seus quartos a maior parte do tempo. A experiência de cada um é única."
"Fui incentivada a voltar a desenhar, e nos desenhos me encontrei. Diferente de antes, não desenho para me distrair, desenho porque na arte consigo encontrar clareza onde tudo é escuridão. O que eu desenho deixa de ser algo que está apenas na minha cabeça. A arte faz parte da minha luta diária, me ajuda a melhorar, me perceber, me orgulhar.
Hoje, apesar de tudo, vivo bons momentos. Tenho amigos que me amam e são igualmente amados, tenho uma família que se esforça para me entender e de me cuidar. Me percebo mais, me cuido mais, me permito mais. A luta é constante, a vitória dela existe a cada golpe de amor próprio, a cada dia que tenho coragem de levantar da cama, sorrir e tentar.
Não vou desistir!"
Foi no ballet "Le Espectre de la Rose" que Nijinsky se consagrou, entre outros detalhes, devido ao seu salto no final onde saía por uma janela... As pessoas achavam que havia um trampolim no palco, mas não havia. Era mesmo a força das pernas do grande bailarino.
Foi Bleuler (1857-1939) criou o termo "esquizofrenia" (esquizo = divisão, phrenia = mente) que substituiu o termo demência precoce na literatura. Bleuler conceitualizou o termo para indicar a presença de um cisma entre pensamento, emoção e comportamento nos pacientes afetados.
Esquizo é um salto no vazio ou vácuo da alma,alma é phrenia sísmica, a esquizofrenia é onde um local imaginário o eu não se encontra com as bases da realidade, delírios, surtos, descontroles, medicamentos controlam a química e a bioquímica do corpo e da mente.
Reticente, reticências na essência tornam cada caso um caso, e o que funciona para um dado paciente pode não funcionar para outro,tratar é preciso, precisão no diagnóstico,experiência, arte e técnica médica,cada evento é único, singular, nunca o espetáculo público ou solitário ocorre da mesma forma, o conteúdo é dado por um misto entre as relações interpessoais, pessoais, solitárias, e os monólogos, vozes, gatilhos, fantasias,dislexias e professias, não há espaço para teologia,theos, Theo praxias, exorcismos ou curanderismos, tudo pura estupidez ou ignorância.
Uma pérola dentro de uma ostra, ostras que são "quadores" ou " depuradores"e limpam águas, águas de rios ou oceanos.
Mas a pérola permanece. E Nijinsky permaneceu e passou sua arte e também sua doença para a filha.
Não herdamos só o lado "B"( Bom) dos nossos pais, mas também o lado "R" (Ruim). Somos côncavos, convexos, complementares, somos convergentes, divergentes, somos seres humanos.
Não há perfeição! O maior bailarino de todos os tempos, o maior matemático, o maior guitarrista, o maior dramaturgo, o maior poeta, todos esquizofrênicos.
O importante é que exista um espaço para respirar, inspirar, expirar, se expressar, criar e que a generosidade, a solidariedade, o amor, abrace à loucura e comece a trilhar um caminho inclusivo, entre os semelhantes não existem iguais,entre os diferentes, existem os complementares, entre os divergentes, existem os convergentes.
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What do Lystone and Quadore think of humans/chaotic players?
Lystone: A nuisance. They're always coming into my territory being loud and obnoxious. A few keep making these carvings in the trees. Words, I think, but I can't read them.
Cameraman: (Whispering) Quadore paid players in scans to write smack talk about Lystone.
Quadore: I don't mind them. They can be quite helpful.
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perimportcourt · 3 years
For that crossover ask thing... Hollow Knight!
The knight
The Knight would be a Spirtlander player.
Since they used items such as charms to enhance their power, like how the Spirtlanders use talazars.They would be drawn to them because it’s familiar to them.
They also would have Dainans and other bug like creatures like Quadore and Kamangareth in their deck.
They’ll prefer to explore Perim and hang out with the creatures than play matches in Chaotic.
They’ll have a secret place to store anything they find interesting in Perim.
If they were challenged to a match, their strategy would have their strongest creatures in the front and supporting creatures like muges or ones with important abilities in the back.
Hornet would be a Overwolder Player.
She pick Overwolders because she’s intrigued with the Overwolder guardians.
Hornet will seek creatures who are skilled in swordsmanship.
Just like The Knight, They also would have Dainans and other bug like creatures her deck.
She would spend most of her time in Chaotic matches than Perim.
If challenged to a match, she’ll have her creatures equipped battlegear that are swords or staffs.
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podium-cycling · 3 years
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Nova TSW Hurry SR-12 2022 ▪️Quador alumínio 6061 Tapered ▪️Cambio Deore 12 velocidades ▪️Suspensão SR Suntour XCM 100mm / ▪️Trava no guidão ▪️Freios hidráulicos ▪️Aro T9000 tubeless ready Diversas cores e tamanhos disponíveis na Podium Cycling. #tswhurry #tswbike #mtb 👊🏼 A Podium Cycling é a sua bike shop de confiança em São José do Rio Preto-SP. 🕕 Abertos de seg. à sexta das 8:30 às 18:00 e aos sábados das 8:30 às 12:30. 📍Av. Constituição 1451, Boa Vista - São José do Rio Preto-SP. ℹ WhatsApp (17) 99725-6170. 💳 Consulte opções adicionais de financiamento parcelado em até 24x no boleto/carnê. 🛡️ Seguro para bikes: faça sua cotação conosco e pedale tranquilo. 🛒 Compre online com segurança em www.podiumcycling.com.br 📦 🇧🇷 Entregamos na sua casa. (em Podium Cycling) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYpAj1CP2aQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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laureninastone02 · 4 years
Idea of magazine names-
When creating a magazine cover I needed to think of a good name that flowed with the cover and my photography. When thinking about this I had various names I could use. My first thought was having a simple name, Daily. At first I thought it was a good idea as the name isn't overwhelming but it wasn't interesting. I did some trial fonts to see what it look like in various fonts-
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From looking at the range of fonts I can tell straight away that the name doesn't fit the style I wanted. the name doesn't fit altogether. The word isn't sleek and looks heavy in certain places. For instance, Quador Display, the first font is too heavy. The weight on the letter ‘d’ brings down the word while ‘y’ has lighter end. From the start of the word to the end there is no balance in the name which is why the name, Daily, cannot be used. Also it represents the idea of a newspaper rather than a magazine. Newspapers are short to the answer and give you straight facts, however a magazine shows opinions and experimental work through creativity and art. Even the meaning behind the word, every day, which isn't even what magazines are made for, they are monthly. Daily doesn't even portray what a magazine is.
Another initial idea for my magazine covers was, Life. The reason why I liked the idea of this name is it relates to my photography of showing daily lives being turned around. A twist on what lives are like, but not what you expect. Again I tried out some style of fonts to see what it will look like-
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By looking at the range of fonts. The word flows nicely as it relates to the photography I want to recreate as it shows what the magazine is in-store for and explains the pictures a bit clearer. However the word does relate more to a blog, again more about everyday opinions than a magazine being monthly, giving us a glimpse into each month rather than every single day, which is what relates to the word Life. Strips back what the main reason is for a magazine. Also it doesn’t grasp onto the consumer I aiming for. The audience is focused on young adults and creative minds. Using the word, Life, makes the magazine quite bland and doesn't bring excitement to the page. It won't make young adults buy the magazine and needs to show that there is more to it inside. Another issue is how the font reacts with the word. The word fits better when it is in capitals but each letters are too similar, there isn't a range of style and excitement to the word. Everything is too sharp and crisp.
Finally my other initial idea is the word, Aura. This name is very different to the other two as I wanted to see what it is like as a more extravagant word. The reason why I liked this name is that it sounds more modern and interesting, a word you wouldn't usually use in day to day basis. Aura means, the distinctive atmosphere and quality is surrounded and generated by a person, thing or place. This shows what my whole idea is about, that clothing is surrounding our daily lives but is it like when we surround it too much. What would it be like if we didn't do the usual routine with our clothes, the opposite. The aura is the clothing that surrounds us. Here are few examples of some fonts-
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These fonts are very varied so I can understand what suits the name the best. the one that stands out the most is the third font, Lust. This really expresses the detail and fragile subtly of the name. It makes the name stand out and actually looks more like a magazine name. It is sleek and smooth, suits the modern day world and is eye catching. the font fits around the letters clearly and doesn't overwhelm the page, as there are lighter areas of the font and heavier it really shows the name clearer and doesn't look too much. Compared to the other fonts, the smoother fonts brings down what the word really means. It doesn't define the reason for the name and the connection to the imagery. 
To conclude my three initial ideas I have chosen to use the word ‘Aura’ for the name of my magazine because it shows there connection between my imagery and the reason for my idea. It makes the magazine stand out, not just for the front cover but also for the audience as the font isn't too boring and simple, which is not what the word stands for. The font and there name need to work together, not to clash. The placement of the name will cover the top part of the magazine cover but as the font has lighter areas it doesn't overwhelm the page.
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lidiasteph · 7 years
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Quadros de artistas homens link para Download 
#thesims4 #sims #ian #taylor #gatos 
Qualquer sujestão entrem em contato facebook:https://www.facebook.com/lidia.stephanie.3720
CRIADO POR  #LilSteph Sims ou lidiasteph
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aquamarine-exe-blog · 8 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. REPOST! Do not reblog. I was tagged by @soundpoco
Nickname: Aqua-mun, Aqua, QuaQua, Quadorable, Sinphony, Sinphomeme
Star sign: Pisces
Height: 5'2″ (I am a smol)
Favorite music artist: I can’t choose between Aviators and Taylor Swift
Last tv show you watched: I dunno??
Why did you create your blog: I created this blog to keep stuff that isn’t relevant to my RP blogs away from there as much as possible
What kind of stuff do you post: Personal (?) posts, school-related stuff, videos I like, art (reblogs only)
Do you have any other blogs: Yeah! I have a side-personal (@aqua-mun), an art blog (@aquamarine-art), three RP blogs (@binariicodice, @binariicodice-aus, @codedumbra), a musing/ask meme blog (@musingsxaskmemes), an art reference blog (@aquamarine-references), and a RP icon blog (@icon-hunter-aqua)
Why did you choose your url: Aqua-mun is derived from Aquamarine, and I really like the Rockman.EXE series, so that’s why I went with aquamarine-exe
Gender: Agender (they/them pronouns are preferred, but I don’t mind any other pronouns either, as long as you don’t call me it/its)
Hogwarts house: ...What?
Pokémon team: N/A (I don’t play any games as of now oop s)
Favorite color: Blue
Lucky numbers: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How many blankets do you sleep with: One
Dream job: Florist 
Following: 132
Followers: 38
Friends I shall tag: Anyone can do this tbh
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yesantonioblog · 4 years
vejo-te pintado em telas de quadros que se afiguram... Como uma defensora de uma vida... onde lutas e encaras os meus problemas sem nunca saber o destino destes... encontro-me nesse quador pintado por ti... vejo-te lá, em tons coloridos... mas na minha vida está desfeito e sem tais cores... que adianta tais quadros desse imaginario... Numa luta sem fim... Pois  se não te vejo fora desses quadors... onde devia ser  real? que adianta uma vida se ela não existe com as cores da tua presença .... Que ausencias são essas? pintadas em telas coloridas se a vida fica negra na real presencia tua em telas coloridas... mas preenchidas de ausencias .... A.B. 24-08-2020
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cooldavidkentposts · 5 years
Insights 2020: Rafael Koenig, Weidmüller Australia
What key trends will have an impact on the growth of your industry in 2020?
From a technological point of view, the ability to securely extract, connect and analyse data in various forms and complexities is a field that has enormous potential for us in the foreseeable future. Digitalisation and data processing are essential parts of Industry 4.0 and Weidmüller has a strategic focus to realise IoT connectivity in industrial scenarios. From sensor to the cloud is a slogan that embraces our goal to provide simple user-friendly connectivity solutions.
Our products and solutions are vital in conventional power generation but also in solar and wind. The main challenges here are the ability to provide front-to-end support for our clients. In the PV segment alone, we have substantial dedicated engineering resources that not only design for our clients but also support commissioning and operation. The booming infrastructure sector demands similar efforts and Weidmüller offers a host of dedicated engineering and assembly services and solutions to meet customers’ expectations.
Last but not least the proximity to our customers is a key differentiator for Weidmüller. To realise a high level of service we continuously focus on the development of our key channel partners. Our collaboration with our national distribution partner APS Industrial (all states) as well as our regional partners Quador (Vic), Pacific Automation (WA), PRTS (NQld), Excell Control (NSW) and Cuthbert Stuart (NZ) is essential to provide the market with our products and solutions when and where they need them.
What is your industry doing to attract, upskill and retain talent?
We are a subsidiary of a German family-owned “Mittelstand” company. Our family character helps us to attract people who fit in while our technology focus demands lifelong learning. Together with our HQ where we operate our internal training organisation, the Weidmüller Academy ensures that our teams are equipped with the knowledge they need in their individual roles. The only effective way in my opinion to retain talent is to provide a work culture that is combining ambition with trust and respect and is challenging for the individual. Ultimately this leads to an enjoyable work environment that is not only fun but also produces high levels of success.
What difficulties has your business faced when implementing advanced manufacturing capabilities?
Helping Australian companies to adopt state-of-the-art technology advanced manufacturing is part of what we do. If you look at Industry 4.0 and digitalisation in general, these fields are growing exponentially in other parts of the globe due to the realisation that they are key to staying competitive. The relative isolation of Australia and the wealth created by its natural resources in the past often did not create the urgency to adopt the latest technologies. As part of a global network of companies within the Weidmüller Group we consistently benchmark our manufacturing operations to our company’s best practices in Germany, Europe and Asia. In addition, we are deeply engaged in collaboration with academia in various countries and disciplines to stay at the forefront of new technology and manufacturing trends. Industry 4.0 is making the production of low quantities (lot size 1) efficient; this in return will not only benefit us but make the local Australian manufacturing industry more attractive and revive the future of our manufacturing sector.
What effect could global economic uncertainty have on your business in 2020?
Being a global company, things that go on around the world certainly will also affect us at Weidmüller. However, we can only worry about things we can influence, and this is where we have decided to get involved in several activities that will hopefully contribute to our business situation here in Australia. We are deeply involved with the German Australian Chamber of commerce and I am a member of the foreign policy advisory committee which currently plays a supporting role in the negotiations for a free trade agreement between the EU and Australia. In addition, we have joined AIG’s Industry 4.0 task force which strives to support the technology adoption process in Australia. With a proud history of almost 50 years in Australia, Weidmüller is a committed member of the Australian electrical engineering community.
Rafael Koenig is the Managing Director of Weidmüller Australia and responsible for all operations, local production, sales and marketing. He has held several senior roles in Australia since migrating from Germany in 1996. In addition to his role at Weidmüller, Rafael is the Chairman of the Profibus and Profinet Association of Australia, the world’s largest association for industrial fieldbus and Ethernet communication networks. With a background in electrical engineering, Rafael Koenig holds a master’s degree in business and technology from the University of NSW, Australia.
source http://sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/sustainability/article/insights-2020-rafael-koenig-weidm-ller-australia-1471811346
from WordPress https://davidkent.home.blog/2020/01/20/insights-2020-rafael-koenig-weidmuller-australia/
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What does Lystone think of Quadore?
Lystone: Oh, I know why I got this. Quadore was talking s***. Well, if you're watching this, Quadore, how about you say that to me in person? (Crossing arms) So as you can see, I don't like her, either.
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ibangmin · 6 years
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aevideo-net-blog · 7 years
Quador font family 12 .OTF | multilingual | cyrillic | prew | 10 MB
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perimparties · 7 years
some thoughts on main 6 creatures below for my chaotic comic -u-(gonna be editing and adding/removing. + means faves)
Tom Majors/MajorTom
   - Maxxor +         - Quadore    - Intress             - Laarina    - Viqtarr              - Crawsectus    - Mezzmar           - Tangath Toborn +    - Arias                     - Bodal  +            
Kaz Kalinkas/KidChaor
   - Chaor    +        - Dractyl    - Takinom  +            - Borth-Majar          - H'earring +          - Drakness              - Rarran              
Sarah Lawrence/ChaotiKween
   - Wamma +     - Ekuud    - Lore  +          - Daj Huun    - Ibiaan           - Lhad    - Bierk                  - Mallash  +          - Faash           
Peyton Touhey/PeytonicMaster
   - Tianne  +                  - Stelgar    - Intress   +                     - Malvadine +                  - Siado                             - Skithia                          - Prince Mudeenu       
   - Nivenna +        - Tasqa    - Vyll  +                  - Kopond                 - Tomugar               - Zalvar  +              - Slufurah           
   - Barath Beyond  +  - Ulmar    - Atrapol                  - Kamangareth    - Bloot   +                - Spyder    - Pyrithion +                 - Narfall                         - Ragetrod               
   - Aivenna +             - Vidav +                  - Dractyl                 - Deenha  +               - Eremia              - Hune Paltanin
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lidiasteph · 7 years
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LINK PARA DOWNLOAD : http://www.mediafire.com/file/maey3cosowsco83/Quadors+Homens.rar
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nauquidditch-blog · 12 years
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Narwhal Love.
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professorbutterscotch · 12 years
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Imma let you finish, but this is the best picture of all of QuidCon. ALL OF QUIDCON.
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