kelbunny · 9 months
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Here's my gift to @tumbling_rox on Twitter for the Team Asano Secret Santa! I included both the versions with and without effects because I think they both look really nice!
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[Image id for the two images above: The first image is a scan of the first page of Medina's concept art. There are two versions of Medina's canon portrait, one colored, one uncolored. There is an illustrator's note at the bottom in Japanese. The second image is a translation of that note, which reads, "The face on the bottom of the next page came from the first draft. It didn't look quite right, so I was grumbling to Ikushima about it, and he redrew the whole thing, giving it the look it has now (laughs). Sorry about that, I was pretty busy at the time. In my opinion, she's become the most beautiful woman thanks to you! (Tatsuaki Urushihara)" /End id]
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[Image id for the three images above: The first image is a scan of the second page of Medina's concept art. It has several drawings of Medina, including a full-body portrait that shows some details of the belt and pouch she wears, and has an additional illustrator's note at the bottom. The second image is a translation of the title, which reads, "Buff, Debuff Character," and translations for the captions. One points to a feather decoration on her hat and reads, "Feather ornament that resembles a leaf." Another points to her uniform and reads, "Well-made uniform, since they're provided by a medical institution in a rich country." Another caption points to a version of her without her hat, and says, "No hat version." The third image is a translation of the illustrator's note at the bottom of the second page, which reads, "I put this together based off a concept for an apothecary costume in 'Various Daylife' that I was given. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)." /end id]
Translation notes under the cut.
"I put this together based off a concept for an apothecary costume" might have been making a reference to a specific job class in Various Daylife. I looked it up a little and found one called "Herbalist" that might match, but I'm not super familiar with the game myself, so I wasn't 100% sure about it.
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linderosse · 2 years
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I just want them to be happy, your honor 🥲 (+bonus short comic!)
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getwetdryboy · 10 days
Anna was walking around House Wolffort doing the rounds, making sure nothing was amiss. While doing the daily rounds, she notices Quahaug, who looked quite troubled, mumbling to himself. Anna wasn't sure if it was general worries or if he saw a bleak future.
She slowly walks up to the boy, making not to startled him and simply asks, "What's wrong, Quahaug? You seem quite upset."
Quahaug stares into Anna's eyes, abruptly and coldly uttered one date, "September 11th. Never forget. "
Anna steps back in response, "...what?" September 11th? Never forget? The Norzelia calendar doesn't have a month called "September." She wonders what the boy saw? A possible future where a month like that can exist
While Anna ponders the existence of September, Piccoletta skips her way over to Quahaug and Anna beaming with joy. "Hey! Quahaug and Ms. Anna want to see a new ball trick I came up with?"
Piccoletta's question breaks Anna's and Quahaug's questioning of reality and the universe and this mysterious September 11th.
"Sure Piccoletta I would love to see your new trick!", Quahaug responded happy to stop seeing those awful images.
"Sorry Piccoletta, I have other business to attend to, but next time, I will watch you do your trick,"Anna said. As she said her goodbyes and went to continue her job, she took out her journal and wrote down the date, "September 11th. Never forget."
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Anna: ...Nothing gets by you‚ it seems. I've been looking into the man your mother spoke to. I thought it would give us a clue to her identity.
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kunosoura · 1 year
like Quahaug is still the most ridiculously broken unit if you want to use brainpower to plan ridiculous reverse space time and stop time shenanigans for some reason but Medina snaps the game almost as cleanly in half with 1/10th of the mental energy
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starryjoy · 2 months
okay having actually completed triangle strategy my view of many units has shifted
medina in the first playthrough might be one of the worst characters but just like on the first ng+ onwards (or probably if you chill out w upgrading every unit) shes a beast and makes tp boy completely useless
the hawkshield guy also got much better when he got the self healing ability because i was able to give him the rear guard item and the item that hurts him every turn but boosts all his stats which he desperately needs to be a good special tank
quahaugs ultimate move/weapon skill???
reverse space-time??????
when the FUCK would you be in a situation where it is advantageous to you to lose TWO TURNS (approximately 40-70 individual turns depending on the map) of progress, AND pay 4 tps about it????????????????
how the FUCK are you supposed to use that move no for real what is that. like its not the only move i never used but it is for sure the only move where i could not for the life of me find a single good use for it
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space-spring · 9 months
13, 16, and 23 for the Triangle Strategy ask game?
Thanks for the ask!!! <3
13. Were there any npcs you wish were recruitable?
Yes!!! Honestly I think any of the npcs would have made for really cool recruitable units, but the main one I always think about is Lyla. I think she would have made for a really cool late-game recruit, and I would have loved to learn more about her backstory and how she came to be a minister in the first place. I also think she'd have a really cool moveset/skillset, similar to Quahaug's but more focused on offensive magic, which I would have loved to play around with
16. Any headcanons you enjoy?
I have so many headcanons!!!! One in particular I'm really attached to is the idea that Maxwell has some degree of dissociative identity disorder. Given his whole thing with putting on the mask when his wife dies, and then the way he completely loses his memory after Avlora almost kills him, my theory is that he genuinely felt like a completely different person after both events, with no memory of who he'd been before. He eventually snaps out of it and returns to being "him," but it still messes with his head a fair amount, and he has the occasional relapse if he's particularly tired or stressed. I don't think he necessarily would have a concept of DID, so he probably would understand it more as "I'm unusually forgetful and I'm occasionally told I act strangely at different moments, but I am sure this is something that happens to every veteran and I simply will not think about it further"
23. Any unpopular opinions?
I think shipping Avlora and Maxwell is probably my most unpopular opinion haha. I do actually really love Avlora/Cordelia as a concept (enemy knight and a princess attempting to retake her kingdom??? sign me UP), but I tend to imagine Avlora as significantly older than Cordelia and not really interested in her that way. I also kinda think Cordelia's main focus would be on Glenbrook and its people for a long time after the war, which would prevent her from getting too invested in a romantic relationship. I do think they'd have a super close platonic/familial relationship though, and I really enjoy thinking about what that'd look like.
And as far as Avlora/Maxwell itself, that was definitely one of those "this was supposed to be a crackship but I am 30k into a slowburn and. I'm not sure it's a crackship anymore" type of ships. The thing that actually got me started on them was that I thought it was really really funny that they stand next to each other in the encampment. Like. Do they talk??? Do they ever mention "oh hey yeah uh. sorry about. you know. trying to kill you" when they're passing by each other??????? And then that snowballed into thinking "if they could get past the initial awkwardness I think they might be good friends" and then THAT snowballed into "hm. actually I think they'd be completely obsessed with each other" as I replayed the game and went through that very first tourney duel + their Whiteholm Bridge duel. Like seriously genuinely what is UP with those duels. why do they talk like that. why are they like that!!!!! there is something deeply wrong with both of them and I love them so much
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tristrattournament · 1 year
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Round 1 has officially concluded! Here's an updated bracket with the new match-ups for Round 2. I've put a text summary of the results below the cut as well. I already have a good amount of the new polls drafted up, so Round 2 should probably start tomorrow.
Frederica vs. Kamsell
Medina vs. Geela
Travis vs. Clarus
Trish vs. Tenebris
Jerrom vs. Rosellan Elder
Dragan vs. Erika
Corentin vs. Plinius
Giovanna vs. Ezana
Serenoa vs. the Hierophant
Cats vs. the Scales of Conviction
Jens vs. Author of Marvels of Norzelia
Landroi vs. Julio
Erador vs. Hossabara
Benedict vs. Symon
Queen Glenbrook vs. Destra
Zigmunt vs. Orlaea
Narve vs. Grandante
Piccoletta vs. Quahaug
Decimal vs. Goddess of Salt
Groma vs. Lyla
Lionel vs. Idore
Booker vs. Milo
Rudolph vs. Sycras
Archibald vs. Anna
Gustadoph vs. Sorsley
Patriatte vs. Silvio
Flanagan vs. Hughette
Roland vs. Svarog
Regna vs. Cordelia
Frani vs. Thalas
Maxwell vs. Rufus
Avlora vs. Exharme
New matchups for Round 2:
Frederica vs. Geela
Travis vs. Trish
Jerrom vs. Dragan
Corentin vs. Ezana
Serenoa vs. the Cats
Jens vs. Julio
Erador vs. Benedict
Destra vs. Orlaea
Narve vs. Quahaug
Decimal vs. Lyla
Lionel vs. Milo
Rudolph vs. Anna
Gustadolph vs. Patriatte
Hughette vs. Roland
Cordelia vs. Frani
Maxwell vs. Avlora
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demoiselledefortune · 2 years
Finished playing the Golden Route of Triangle Strategy!
Loved it a lot overall :D I don't have a very strong impression of the ending though, because it felt more typically jrpg ending in term of writing. The reveal about the hierophant didn't feel like a huge surprise because people are always mainly talking about Idore when they talk about Hyzanthe so I always figured he was the figurative puppet master if not quite so literally the one. It was fun though, and I liked everyone having a word to say to him.
Before that I was glad that we left Lyla alive, if only for Quahaug's sake. (There is things to say about female antagonists being allowed to be sympathetic and to survive in a way male antagonists do not, but otoh I find Lyla genuinely interesting and also very complicit and we got characters like Erika (as an antipathetic female antagonist we do kill) and Sycras (as a sympathetic male antagonist we don't kill ourselves) to balance things out IMHO)). It's also good we had someone left to lead Hyzanthe and there was not a lot of choices left.
Gameplay wise the maps were pretty simple. It was fun to use Quahaug's abilities against his mother to prevent Serenoa from s'plode with Turn Back Time. Idore's map felt like total bullshit at first, but we used Quahaug's (again) Distorted Space to bring him to us and just piled on him to kill him very quickly, ignoring the rest of the map.
I also got the rest of the character stories I had left (we grinded some easy mock battles to get them). Picoletta (cute), Avlora (good and *swoon* worthy as usual), Maxwell (interesting), Giovanna (ok), Rudolph (good), Milo (interesting), Decimal (aww) and Quahaug (nice).
And that's it for now. I might g back to play the other endings someday but not right now.
I enjoyed this game a lot. I might even feel ready to play this on my own (perhaps on easier mode) instead of relying on playing with a friend who gives tactical advice lol. The story is really top notch, the writing is impeccable and the translation incredibly good. The characters are overall very interesting and compelling.
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kelbunny · 8 months
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Time for the nightmare yet again.... tomorrow. I've work in the morning and a minor tummy ache, so I'm not in the mood.
Can't wait to protect this twink from dying immediately yet again.
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Jerrom, bestie, I love you, but I'm trying to do hard deathless. I know you want to protect your village, but Rufus's biceps probably weigh as much as you do. Please stay on the roof.
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Quahaug Concept Art
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Quahaug's concept/reference art! Translation notes and image id under the cut.
Translation notes:
"OP sort of powerset" was literally translated as something like "cheat-like." I feel like OP is the more common English term for that sort of thing, so that's what I used, but some of the meaning was probably lost there.
"Older-tween-ish" was specifically a reference to a particular middle school year for children who are about 12-13 years old. Since grades and names of grades vary a lot from country to country, I just went with "older tween."
[Image id: Several images displaying different parts of 2 pages of the Triangle Strategy artbook, with both the original Japanese as well as versions with English translations. There are several disclaimers noting that the translator doesn't speak Japanese, and that there are likely many mistakes.
On one page, there is a large colored version of Quahaug's canon portrait, along with a smaller, uncolored version. There is an illustrator's note at the bottom that translates to read, "'Manipulating time' is an OP sort of powerset, so though he looks like a child, I aimed to create a look for him that conveyed a sense of unknowable power. (Tatsuaki Urushibara)".
On the second page, there are many drawings of Quahaug, including a closer bust-up portrait in which he's compared to Lyla, with an arrow and label reading, "Mother." There's also several notes that explain the construction of his costume. The costume is labeled as a Greek "phelonion" (a priest's outfit with no real sleeves, just draping fabric). There is a small drawing of this version, with an arrow leading to another drawing that does have sleeves, with the note, "If you can't display this in pixels, use this one." There are several notes that explain how this draping cloth should be considered his everyday clothes, while the ceremonial decoration that goes around his neck is placed over it. There is a close up of the ceremonial dressing's fastenings underneath the metal decoration. Some more notes highlight details on his staff, emphasizing the hourglass on top and the small wheel to the side that can be turned to flip the hourglass. A larger piece of text underneath one fullbody drawing reads, "Character Who Manipulates Time."
On the second half of the second page, there are drawings of some beta designs for Quahaug. He looks much more punk-ish. On one bust-up portrait, there are the captions, "The burden of the time demon caused some of his hair to go gray…." and "All-natural highlighted tips." On the same portrait, he is snapping his fingers, and there's a note that reads, "Manipulating time is as easy as snapping your fingers. You just have to want it or whatever." A speech bubble near his head reads, "I don't think of Anna as a mother." A caption pointing to some green markings on his arm reads, "Demonic time seal on body." In a fullbody drawing of his beta design (which is made up mostly of chains that barely cover him as well as a long roughed-up cloak, there is the note, "Almost naked cloak."
At the bottom of the second page, there is another note that reads, "Initially when we hadn't quite figured out the setting, we had an idea for a more older-tween-ish character as displayed here, but after discussing it with the producers and Mr. Ikushima, we went with his current form. As a boy who manipulates time, I placed an hourglass at the tip of his staff, and his face resembles that of his mother, Lyla. (Tatsuaki Irushibara)". /end id]
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whileiamdying · 9 months
Song of Myself (1892 version)
[...] 27
To be in any form, what is that? (Round and round we go, all of us, and ever come back thither,) If nothing lay more develop’d the quahaug in its callous shell were enough. Mine is no callous shell, I have instant conductors all over me whether I pass or stop, They seize every object and lead it harmlessly through me. I merely stir, press, feel with my fingers, and am happy, To touch my person to some one else’s is about as much as I can stand. [...]
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canadianjobbank · 2 years
Apply now: https://canadianjobbank.org/plant-worker-fish/
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Quahaug: Then that means she didn't abandon me out of hate. I was so scared. I thought she'd never come and I'd be alone forever...
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kunosoura · 1 year
i’m sick of every single map recommending I bring along Jens. “oh but he can build ladders!” fuck off. quahaug can teleport someone once a round if he’s got a tp battery pocketing him. he’s so broken you should be recommending him on every single map. unfortunately I am not a free thinker so I have no choice but to obey
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