selfishsoulstm · 6 years
      “Well, if I’m angry... it’s your fault.”
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dreamchosen-blog · 6 years
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                         catch pam beesly,    ; unengaged  and  attempting  independence  ,   currently stirring a cup of mixed berry yogurt in the dunder mifflin breakroom.   her energy was off  —  she wanted to blame it on the new dynamic of the office after the stamford merger.   truthfully,    it could easily be blamed on the one person returning to scranton.    the day was practically over,    and she honestly couldn’t wait to return to her apartment.    (   one frozen wedding plate was waiting for her in her freezer.   )   she glances up when she hears the door open,    revealing none other than the person she was so excited yet so apprehensive to see.    things were weird now.   unspokenly weird.    and she couldn’t help but blame herself.    nevertheless,   she offers a smile.     ❛hey !    —  i would steer clear of the coffee if i were you.   stanley was desperate and used yesterday’s coffee grounds. ❜   small talk   —   not so bad,   right?
plotted starter  !                 /                    @quaintquandary .
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whatscanon-a · 6 years
@quaintquandary​  sent  this meme for a starter from alex karev
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         [text]     I’m seeing someone else.
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asheartsfade-a · 6 years
@quaintquandary.                          jack & kevin. // open wishlist post.
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          all the condolences in the world couldn’t end the numbness. that was all jack felt at this point           or, rather, all he didn’t feel. the pain had dulled, the pain he hadn’t been letting himself feel for the sake of his children, and out of fear that he might slip into certain old habits that had caused his rebecca so much strife in the first place. he wasn’t going to disappoint her. jack existed through robotic motions and mumbled replies, on three cups of coffee just before he left the house to make up for the sleepless nights, on late night conversations with the sky to keep her updated on the kids but never on how much grief he felt himself           even now, he didn’t want her to worry. and in moments of solitude           before he got out of his car, parked in the driveway, when the kids were out and he couldn’t even distract himself with mindless television           he existed through anguished and agonizing bargaining and challenging and begging, desperate to know why it had to be her.           but for the kids, he was okay. he was always okay. he was okay for them from the minute it happened, and it hadn’t changed. jack assumed some new roles and kept up his old ones, in fact grateful for the distraction it all brought. “i got tickets to a game tomorrow night,” he proposed to his son, seemingly out of the blue one afternoon over the kitchen counter. “only got two           didn’t know if you might wanna go. get some air and have a good time.”
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bubblegumxveil · 6 years
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Alright, so. I didn’t necessarily partake in the RPC Positivity Week, but it was so incredible and inspiring to see so many others building each other up and spreading love instead of hate which I feel like is so needed in this community in particular but in this crazy world right now in general. I’ve been feeling the need to write out a bit of gratitude, because I really feel like I’m not always as vocal as I should be in how much I appreciate the love and support of everyone I’ve come to know here but here goes nothing. @kalxidoscopc: Della is literally always one of the most enthusiastic and optimistic people. You literally light up my day with your endless well of exuberance even after you’ve had a ridiculously long and terrible work day you have this incredible ability of reaching others and making everything a little bit better with just your passion in all things. You’re a serious trooper my fellow service industry friend, but your love of your characters show through with all of your dedication to each and every one of them and all of your tailored verses. I’m forever impressed with you and yes, you’re still forever my squishy. @joneshead: I will try and temper what I say here because I’m not trying to fill my Betty Cooper-size notebook with how amazing I think you are as a writer, person and especially my best friend. You have become my lifemate and even begrudgingly, I’m grateful when you pester me about drinking water and eating foods that won’t kill me in ten years or less. In the overall community, I’ve always felt you’re an incredible inspiration. You’re one of the first blogs I came to idolize (re: intimidated by) way back when in the beginning because you care so much about Jughead and your dedication to head-canon and all the intricacies of your portrayal are truly the stuff of legend. I’m so lucky to have gotten to know you and you are ALWAYS the most open-minded and welcoming presences around this place. Thank you for always remaining so uniquely you, I hope you really understand how special and important that is and when you forget I’ll write you a novel to remind you.  @fifityshadesofplaid: Rachellllll. I’ve really only come to know you a bit in a short time, but I love your honesty in all things and you’re just so incredibly supportive. You have such a good soul and reach out to others and have this wonderful ability to make everyone feel included. I love your portrayal of Stiles and never want anyone to let you second guess or undermine that in any way shape or form. I love when our shy awkward dorks get jealous and fawn over each other and I simply can’t wait to keep writing with you and get to know you better! @quaintquandary: Cassie, my twin, my bae. You always know how to make me smile, by sending me the infamous meat boy song to fabulous Snaps and filters all day erryday. You get me sometimes in feelings and ways even I may not be understanding at the time and our lives have been lived in a lot of parallels and I’m really grateful to have someone in my corner who kind of knows how much life can suck sometimes but we can still help each other see the light at the end of the tunnel. You’re the best cheerleader and I feel like I never get to tell you thank you enough for all the life advice and listening you offer me. Thanks Billy <3 @brassloyalty: No one knows how to make my crappy work day better than Ems sending me Jordan Connor pictures, IG stories and general info updates. This person right here, is someone who has the patience to forever try and explain time zones and daylight savings to me and yet they never seem to tire of my stupidity. We keep the same hours and I can’t even count the number of times I forgo sleep because I’m just so excited talking and plotting with you because we’re always having so much fun and just enjoying one another’s company. We get so excited about plotting SP & Betty and I’m pretty sure that’s never getting old because these two are just far too obsessed and possessive of one another, we’re pretty much done for. @steeledwill: Dulcie. Sometimes I’m not sure if I’ve ever met such a caring and genuine human being before. I feel like though life may pull us apart sometimes, it never really matters how much time passes because we can always pick up right where we left off. I love that no one loves Barchie more than you and it’s such a comfort always to know someone cares so deeply about characters I too really cherish while also always making yourself available as a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen even in weird dead hours of the night? Thank you for captaining this Barchie ship always, you deserve an actual sailor hat! ;) @southsidelover: I try to make a habit of telling Z how much I love and admire her approximately every several weeks, just in case she forgot how amazing she is. I’ve always really looked up to you, both for your writing and personally outside of RP life. You’re such a strong person and I really appreciate how much you make yourself available to not only me, but really anyone down or in need when you already balance and manage so much. I’m pretty sure you’re secretly a superhero but your secret will always be safe with me. Forever in awe of you and live for any and all things we get to write together, even though I know we’re both so unnecessarily intimidated by writing for each other but I think it just forces us more out of our comfort zones and allows us to truly create something out of this world wonderful. You’re the best.  @yourpaljughead: V is my OG. My forever casserole buddy and probably long before I even knew most of you to even know what that means. You were one of the first Jughead’s I wrote and plotted with, and subsequently one of my first tumblr rp friends from here and even though life’s been crazy and drawn us apart, I’m super proud of you for your PhD and know you’re capable of such great and amazing things. We’ve always kind of bonded and I’m forever grateful that we can just hang out and really honestly talk about anything and you’ve always put up with my random silliness as well as be such an inspiration to write alongside. Your love of Jug makes me appreciate my own connection to my Betty that much more and know that I miss sending you pictures of my terrible carb-heavy comfort foods. Miss you! <3 @rxvenhairedprincess: In the nostalgia category, nothing gets me more sappy than how LA was one of the first friends I ever made after creating this blog. You’ve always been so supportive of me, both in my writing and in pretty much every aspect of life and I’m just so blessed and grateful to call you my friend. You always check in on me even when life has us living crazy different schedules and trust me when I say I do always miss you as much as you miss me! I don’t think anyone loves and cherishes Veronica as much as I do Betty as you and I think that’s what made us click so well and so easily from the very beginning. You’re wonderful and beautiful and I just never feel like I get to tell you how much I really appreciate you being a part of my life.  @vanityriot: Rita I’ve always admired from afar. I know we’ve never really interacted much, but I wanted to include you in this little shout out post because I think you’ve been a powerful force in this rp community in the best sense of the word. I’ve always watched you craft Reggie with such commitment, protectiveness and dedication that the character deserves and it’s always truly been an inspiration. Your strong will is admirable and I’ve never seen you be anything but welcoming to other characters and players who are new to the community so just know, even if we don’t know each other well your reach is far and admired! Honestly, this is hardly enough to say to each and every one of you and it’s hardly encompassing even a fraction of all the wonderful people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing in my time here on this blog. Some have come and gone and they are missed and I can only wish them great things & happiness from beyond but truly, I just admire everyone and please never feel like this post isn’t about you because I can guarantee if we’ve interacted at all I feel just as strongly. Everyone is wonderful and in case anyone needed a gentle reminder that you are great, worthy and appreciated for being you & your personal portrayals of any and all characters. Here you go. J <3
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lightexudes-a · 6 years
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          “i’m happy to report that dwight is still on the hunt for the undercover agent in the office.” pam had to suppress a laugh, smiling in amusement at the latest prank on their co-worker, perpetuated by seemingly mysterious & anonymous tips sent to his work email account. “going on hour three of attempts at inconspicuous questioning.”
                     @quaintquandary.       //       starter call.
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marginwrote · 6 years
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     he figured it would be jack or rebecca — not kevin — finding him on the porch, waiting for entry to the pearsons’ house. he was bundled up as best he could be, having fled his house before he could grab much more than his jean jacket, but he still shivered in the snowy cold. the most discernible feature, however, was the bruised and slightly-bloodied cheek. he clambered up from the floor of the porch, intending to slip past kevin and hide out somewhere else.  “i’m leavin’.”  maybe the limp wasn’t as noticeable as the black eye and cut skin.    //    @quaintquandary  /  ♥’d  ;  open 
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southsidelover · 6 years
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (am i too late)
stars for our headcanons meme + @quaintquandary
Won’t be doing ALL 12, but going to clip for the ones I did do!
Let it come down to a game, then, the party still raging, regardless of the fear that trembled within Cheryl Blossom. The warpath she tried to blaze almost a little funny given the drunken company, most of which weren’t in this for the drama, and thus waved it off, despite the fact that she’d asked several of her paramours to retrieve her camera from them. But that was the thing about being the drug dealer to a bunch of college boys, they never quite wanted to piss her off. That and the knife that she kept hidden within her back pocket, but they knew better than to speak of that. All the same, she was left challenged, instead, to a game of beer pong - the winner getting one wish, with Cheryl’s intent clear as day.
Her laugher was loud, clearly loving every moment, even the ones in which she lost and had to take her drinks, her cups refilled without a bat from her. But unfortunately for the other girl, her aim was far better despite what she put down, wanting to make it clear that she had no intention of giving up her camera, which hung in defiance around her neck by it’s strap. Balls left bouncing against the temporary table that they’d set up just for this, ping-pong balls ready by the dozens. Ignoring the world around them as she bounced yet another into the other’s cup, cheering, as she brought down the redhead’s house of cards.
“It’s okay. Maybe next time, huh?” was the only condolence that she dared to offer, fingers slipping along the lens, with a near loving gesture, a shrug affecting her shoulders in the temporary now. “Honestly, you were a good competitor. You tried. So bravo, Blossom, you showed commitment to the cause. But hey, let me make sure you at least find a ride home? That’ll be my wish.” because even if the girl had shown her nothing but insults and flashed cash in her way, as if she were so easily bought and sold, it didn’t mean that she deserved anything bad happening to her just because of a night out with drinks and bad company. Already on her phone, eyes on her for a moment, figuring that she could afford the fare for cab once sized up, chattering into the phone and making sure that there’d be one here, soon, ready to help her into it once it arrived.
There was rarely a chance within which she and Damon Salvatore were ever found alone together. Something about his presence left her feeling uneasy, and it had nothing to do with the ugliness that he allowed to pour from his mouth in a vitriolic state of mind. Instead it was the heaviness within which he sunk into while attempting to forego what truth lay in front of him. Even now, at this party, it felt weird to see him, as she downed another cup of liquor, moving outside to smoke a j on her own. Feeling the pinch of the filter between her fingers, her way of getting away from the noise for just a little bit, having felt she deserved a little distance between the music and the peace outside. Some boujee party at a house of someone she didn’t know, but who cared, as long as it was a good time?
But there he was, following after her. The look he gave her made her stop cold, not quite sure what to make of the look on his face; something remiss, something colder than the chill she usually got around the boy who had a comeback for just about everything and an anger that she could never quite pinpoint, but she’d always came from a privileged white boy’s stance on living. “What?” her voice coiling with mild disgust whenever she was made uncomfortable, trying to place an audible barrier between them even as the high lifted up within her veins, not expecting him to take another step forwards, the words, “Starving,” coming from his lips. 
The pain was sudden and her hand moved to stop him, but remained frozen. A sudden dizziness overcoming her as she felt everything grow a little weaker, a little heavier, a sudden sweep of exhaustion making her want to slip. Did they really drink too much? “No hickey.” her voice sounded like a slur, a sound far removed from herself, as if she were drugged, other than the ones that she ingested herself with a willingness. A sleepiness that she couldn’t explain, trying to speak past a thickened tongue, “I’m too tired for this shit.” like that’d ever work, though he seemed to let her go with a strange light to him, as he laughed at her and said she was a mess, her hand able to move, now, snapping to the railing to keep herself standing, scowling at him as she pressed the joint to her lips and found that it wasn’t there any longer, surprised and confused, left blinking, blankly, on her own.
She came around often, even though it felt as if there were hardly any answers that she was willing to give her. The persistence that she displayed admirable at least, dark eyes flickering her way with amusement for a moment before settling back on her camera, where she was in the middle of sorting through the latest shots that she’d taken on a computer within the lab in the school. Another perk of a school with funding, Toni felt as if there was just so much more she could do with her work, clicking her way through shots, selectively cutting her way through them with a ruthlessness that one wouldn’t have expected from someone who otherwise faced so many things in her life with a certain laissez faire attitude. 
JB hanging around in the seat next to her, as if trying to discern the mystery within her shots, laughing softly, as she flipping to a few. “Here’s your brother.” figuring he was outwards enough by now with his association with the Serpents, hanging around them, his jacket on, for her to know without the air of secrecy hanging around it. The shot showcased him, his face alight and filled with that strange passion, his beanie slightly askew, his fingers pointed as if in the middle of an argument. Head tilting, she’d save that one, clicking onto the next one, and then the next. Her subjects typically Southside residents, within the good, the bad, the ugly of their day to day, including drug deals, addicts, the worst that came out of what they experienced.
“See anything cool yet?” feeling that quiet grow between them, the intensity of the smaller girl unnerving her, somewhat. Glancing her way with a halfway stare, she was so much like her mother and she wondered if she even realized it. Adjusting the camera that sat, plugged in, at the side. “… do you think you might ever wanna come along when I’m doing my shots? You might like it. Get to know your neighbourhood a little better. I know your dad kept you away from it forever but… I figure you’re old enough now to see it for yourself to come to your own conclusions.”
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(for @quaintquandary​, continued from here!)
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Growing up, Peter can remember the countless time he’d watched Aladdin -- hearing those familiar words he asked to Jasmine, outstretching his hand to her from his magic carpet, “Do you trust me?” He’s asking the same thing of Nancy right now, standing in front of her -- the mask off, the rest of his suit on him, revealing who he is, his biggest secret. He half expects her to walk away, to leave him and his suit behind. Peter takes in a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. He doesn’t have a magic carpet, but he does have super human strength and the ability to stick to surfaces, he thinks to himself.  He looks over at Nancy again, unsure and waiting -- wishing he knew what thoughts are cycling through her head right now. You’re great, her words make Peter’s lips turn up into a smile, hating how those mere words from her got such a reaction out of him. She’s handling this... surprisingly calm, all things considered. Peter’s rather impressed. Ground rules. Peter can work with ground rules, he thinks to himself as he listens to Nancy intently. “I promise your brother will never find out,” Peter says, nodding toward her before seeing her lips pulling into a smile. He rolls his eyes, though the act one that is purely with a fondness behind it, shaking his head toward her. “I mean. If it’ll work...” he jokes before holding up his hands and laughing quietly.  “You really think Spider-Man would stoop that low?” Peter asks, pretending to be offended. He’s got a cut on his arm -- can feel the sharp pain of it but he opts out to ignore it, knowing he can fix it up later when he’s back in his room. At her threat to take him down Peter nods, “I would like to see you try to take me down, however. I am Queen’s hero, after all,” he says, very obviously joking by the grin he flashes toward Nancy after he says it.
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officerh-a-blog · 6 years
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                                            ‘ you’ll be IMPRESSED with my forest expertise. ’
                 / @quaintquandary    /     sincerely me.
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selfishsoulstm · 6 years
@quaintquandary liked for a starter
     “I’d love to relax but it’s just not realistic.”
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thewildestdreams · 6 years
@quaintquandary​ sent 💬  for a starter from Jessica Day 
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[text; Miller]: i’m drrnuk and i need yuo
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dreamchosen-blog · 6 years
❝ Here is my advice: Stop. ❞ (Jim to Pam)
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                    SHE COULDN’T JUST STOP.    she’d just been checking her email when an ad for that animal shelter downtown had popped up.    it was like the commercial all over again.    next thing she knew,    she was locked onto her computer screen with watery eyes and shaky shoulders.    she may or may not have begun freely clicking on any and every video that had the power to make her cry.    she hadn’t been this emotional with cece,   right?!    that thought alone brought new tears to her eyes.    COME ONE,   PAM.    GET IT TOGETHER.     her husband’s advice did nothing to set her at ease.    ❛ i can’t.    i’ve tried,    i swear.    do you think cece would like this dog?   look at this dog,   jim. ❜
@quaintquandary .                   /                    mean girls sentence starters. 
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asheartsfade-a · 6 years
@quaintquandary.                          rory & logan. // sc.
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          “have you told anyone yet?” the last word assumed he would be, at some point, terrifyingly. she posed the question with trepidation, anxious hands fidgeting and picking at nails. “i           i mean, there’s still a lot we don’t know, and... i don’t want to make you be involved if that’s not what you want, i’m just           wondering.”
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@quaintquandary  liked this for a starter
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“I wish you’d just figure out if you’re gonna be a dick or not,” Elena said, obviously frustrated. “Like, you do these things that make me think we can actually be friends, really good, close friends. And that you’re a good person and that you’re not entirely horrible. And then, you turn around and act like a jackass. I swear you need help. Can vampires be medicated?”
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kingofbats · 6 years
you’re precious and i love you !!!!!
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