#quarantine feels a little bit like exile...hence my mind wanders lol
ambrosiallkiss · 2 years
ikevamp quarantine headcanons (with a sick MC):
(With MC having contracted the dreadful pestilence of the year 2022 AD, here are some of the guys reactions to that (with the stipulation that MC was fully vaxxed before time skip)).
Leonardo: Of course he hates to see his cara mia bedridden and is reminded how frail humans really are, especially considering the history of plagues he had read about and experienced in his long-lived existence (he puts those of Florence out of his mind...). But he is heartened to know that your symptoms are not as horrible in those of times past and admires your resilience. Though you petition him to refrain from visiting you often, he can't help but try anything he might to pamper you or aid in your recovery as careful as he is around others, assuring you with his familiar smile that a pure-blood's constitution is nothing to laugh at.
Faust: Privately, he is in shambles to see his Versuchskaninchen laid low in bed, weak but still battling this modern day disease. He can't help but try to take some isolated samples from you, in the hope he can determine a solution of his own. At the same time, he moves like clockwork (even waking up early!) to compound medicines that will reduce your fever or aid in that stubborn cough because he really does hate to see anything that makes you suffer even the tiniest amount. Being a doctor, he is familiar with treating diseases, but no matter this new challenge, he is at your beck and call, even carrying you princess-style to the bathroom and helping you out of your clothes when settling you into a warm bath.
Mozart: As someone well-known in the mansion for his diligence to being clean and orderly (stubbornly so, as you gently tease him from time to time) the famous musician is beside himself with the knowledge that there is little he can do to help you, his liebling, to feel even a modicum better. Of course, he understands that precautions have to be taken to reduce exposure, but still, he hates not being able to see your face as often as he used to or having you near. Jean is beside him giving him assurances that even doing small things are just as important. So he buries himself with bringing you whatever you may need or want, and at night he leaves the music room door open as he composes soft melodies to lull you to peaceful dreams. He tries to keep the faith that all these things will surely help in bringing you back to his side happy and healthy than you've ever been.♡
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