#queen kristina hate club
wilhelmloverera · 2 years
The fact that Kristina gave Wilhelm the 18 year old talk, asking her son to repress himself and his happiness for two years, and the royal court asking if August is straight before making him second in line will never not hurt me so deeply
Like yes, Kristina said that she and her husband supported Wille and loved him for who he was, but if he knew what August was asked, how could Wille ever believe that? Maybe they do love him the way he is, but that part of him is seen as a blemish for the institution.
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coalmuffin · 7 years
Gonna spam you: 9, 39, 61, 73, 90 and 91.
Feel free to spam me as much as you want! As long as I can spam you back lol
9: I am 5 ft and some where between 1 and 2 inches or roughly 154.94 centimeters
39: I have lots of scars! I’ll admit some are self inflicted but I’m a firm believer that scars are nothing to be ashamed of and there’s always a story to tell. My favorite scar is one I have right next to my left eye from when my brother accidentally hit me in the face with a golf club when I was four
61: I love to sing, but I only do it when I’m alone, usually in the car where I can drown out the sound of my terrible singing voice lol
73: I try to yes, there’s always room for improvement, and I think it’s good to be able learn from mistakes. My friends know I’m pretty straight forward, but I never try to be condescending about anything, I make plenty of make mistakes myself and there’s already enough hate in this world.
90: One of the biggest things that really gets me mad is blatant disrespect for others. Growing up I took the Golden rule of treat others how you want to be treated to heart and it’s suck with me pretty firmly. Disrespect and injustice are the biggest things that get me mad, otherwise I think I’m pretty mild tempered.
91: It’s alright, it’s not that unique (which I’m fine with) but it’s not super common where I live at least. The only “unique” thing about it is it’s spelled with a K instead of a C or Ch. I do enjoy that I share a name with Queen Kristina of Sweden who was a lesbian who consistently rebuked her cousins advances on her for marriage until she eventually declared him her son and heir to the throne before moving to Rome to live and date girls. If that isn’t goals I don’t know what is. There’s a movie about her called the Girl King on Netflix that I enjoyed.
Thanks for the ask, I enjoy doing these, hope it’s okay if I send you some as well :)
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