#queen n'yami
docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Supporting Character Supplemental - Queen Ramonda
Ramonda was born in an unspecific region of South Africa in the midst of the Apartheid rule.  She left her country, roaming the continent in hopes of finding some means to help put an end to the tyranny of her homeland.  During her travels Ramonda encountered a child-aged T’Challa, the Prince of Wakanda.  T’Challa had become separated from his father during an expedition and Ramonda cared for him until he could be discovered and reunited with his father.  
King T'Chaka, offered Ramonda refuge in Wakanda. Despite her desire to return to  South Africa so to continue the fight against Apartheid, Ramonda chose to stay in Wakanda for the sake of T'Challa, who had lost his mother N'Yami.  Ramonda and T'Chaka came to fall in lobe with one another and were eventually married.  Not long afterwards, Ramonda gave birth to their daughter, Princess Shuri.  
Ramonda was widowed when King T’Chaka was killed by the treachery of the villainous Klaw.  T’Calla would soon take the throne as the new king and new Black Panther and Ramonda became one of his most trusted advisors.   
Ramonda utilized her position as a queen of Wakanda to offer much needed support to the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa.  Her success in this regard resulted in her being targeted by the vile white supremacist named Anton Pretorius.  Pretorius’ agents kidnapped Queen Romonda, but The Black Panther was able to rescue her and Pretorius perished.
Later, Ramonda was gravely injured during a terrorist attack on the capital city of Wakanda.  She has since made a recovery and has continued on as a member of the high council of Wakanda.  
Actress Angela Bassett portrays the queen the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Ramonda first appeared in the pages of Marvel Comics Presents #14 (1989).
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wakandaiscoming · 2 years
Today I read "Into the Heartlands" the Scholastic/Marvel graphic novel for kids. I kind of forgot about it, but I did post about it months ago, so I thought I'd share some thoughts.
If you have a kid who really likes Shuri, this would be a good book to get them. It's set when Shuri is a tween and T'Challa looks to be a teenager (he is not yet Black Panther).
I expected it to follow the movie canon, but it it's more closely aligned with the comics canon because it mentions T'Chaka's first wife, N'Yami, who was T'Challa's mother. (See the family tree I posted years ago.)
N'Yami is described as a great genius and Shuri finds a book of hers that might help her save Ramonda from a techno-organic virus.
I liked the blended family aspects of this.
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why-i-love-comics · 5 years
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Black Panther #12 - “The Gathering of My Name” (2019)
written by Ta-Nehisi Coates art by Jen Bartel, Kris Anka, & Triona Farrell
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teehjayy · 6 years
Easier than others
Pairing: T’Challa and his little girl
Summary: T’Challa shares a quiet bittersweet moment with his daughter one morning.
Warnings: Everything I touch turns to angst and tragedy.
A/N: Another depressing T’Challa fic coz why not?
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Wowowowowowowoowowowow my ovaries out here doing backflips
“Baba, can you fix my hair?”
T'Challa looked up from the papers he was signing, a mildly surprised expression gracing his features. It quickly turned to one of amusement, which he tried to hide, as he took in his daughter’s appearance. Her hair was matted and unkempt, the heavy mass ready to spring free from the hair tie that loosely secured it out of her face.
“I thought you wanted to try it for yourself from now on?”
N'Yami scowled, puffing her cheeks out like a frog, before exhaling slowly. “I don’t have time to do it right today… Please?”
Chuckling under his breath, T'Challa gestured for her to take the seat opposite his desk as he moved to stand behind it. N'Yami did so, dropping her book bag by her feet.
T'Challa gently pulled the hair free, running his fingers through the thickness. N'Yami whined quietly, twisting her face in pain, as his fingers found knot after knot in her unruly curls. He worked carefully until the pick comb could run through her hair without getting caught.
He tried not to show it, but T'Challa was happy his daughter asked him for help. It seemed as she grew older she wanted to do more things all by herself. Pretty soon she’d be old enough to not want to spend time with him at all.
Bast willing, it would be a long while before then.
“How’s this?”
N'Yami reached out, touching the two new afro puffs as if to test them out. She looked up, gazing upside down at him, a big toothy grin on her lips. “Good! Thank you, baba!”
“You’re welcome,” T'Challa leaned down and kissed her forehead, causing her to make a face and rub at the area furiously.
“Yuck. Don’t do thaaaat! I’m about to go to school, and Auntie Shuri said boys are peft- peftsi… peftiferos?”
T'Challa merely grinned in reply, nudging her towards the covered plate of food that was her breakfast. She clapped eagerly, proceeding to gobble down everything in sight.
T'Challa took his own seat opposite her, as he did every morning. She always liked to have breakfast with him, even when he was so busy, so they had come up with a solution. She would eat in his office while he worked. But T'Challa cherished every moment with his daughter, so much so that as soon as N'Yami stepped into his office, everything else immediately seized to be important.
He smiled as he watched her, the sight tugging at his heart, and the image before him slowly dissolved into another.
When she was out in public, N'Yami’s mother was the perfect definition of grace. She would engage complete strangers in polite small talk, coming off as reserved but yet warm at the same time. Her words were always gentle, and she’d take small bites out of her food and hold her glass a certain way. People often stated she was born for her role as Queen.
But at home, in the privacy of their four bedroom walls, Y/N would be quite the opposite. Oh, she was still the kind and warm woman he loved. In fact, her real self made T'Challa fall harder for her. She’d tease him, dance and run around the room half naked, telling him to let loose, to have fun. She had a loud and unrestrained snortle, and cussed so much and so often she made Mr Krabs’ thirteen bad words look like child’s play.
She wasn’t the most graceful eater either when she really liked something. She was also quite clumsy when she wasn’t paying attention.
N'Yami was the spitting image of her. Sometimes it hurt, looking at her and remembering that Y/N was gone. Not just for himself, but for N'Yami too, growing up without a mother.
T'Challa had been so lost at first, not knowing how he was going to raise a little girl all by himself. But with the unwavering determination and gentle push from the women in his life, he somehow managed to not totally screw up. It helped that raising N'Yami, as well as ruling an entire country, kept him too distracted from thinking about Y/N for so long.
Of course, she asked about her. What little girl wouldn’t want to know about her mother? Most of the time, T'Challa would answer her questions-
“She was always happiest when it rained.”
“She was secretly scared of the Border Tribe rhinos.”
“… Captain America.”
“She loved you more than anything,”
-But sometimes he couldn’t… He just couldn’t.
He couldn’t talk about the day they met, or the song she sang just for him, or even the last words they shared. Maybe that was selfish of him… but until it stopped hurting, that would be his secret to keep. Their secret.
“Hm?” T'Challa blinked, his world coming into focus again. He looked beside him to see N'Yami on her tip toes, stretching herself as tall as she could. She slapped a hand to her forehead, shaking her head.
“I’m sorry, N'Yami. Did you need something?”
“I gotta go to school now…” she pushed herself back, opening her arms wide out, an expectant look on her face.
T'Challa smiled soflty and pulled her close, hugging her little frame tightly. Thankfully she didn’t feel like she was too old for his hugs yet.
“Love ya, baba,” came her muffled voice against his shoulder. Her kissed her temple, and this time she didn’t complain. She pulled away and smiled at him.
“I love you too, sweetheart… learn something today, alright?” he teased, setting her down.
N'Yami groaned playfully, throwing her book bag over her shoulders. “Baba, that’s why I go to school,”
T'Challa leaned over the desk and pulled her cheeks lightly. “Baba!” she laughed, pulling herself free.
“Love you!” she waved over her shoulder as she sprinted out of his office, disappearing behind the closed door.
T'Challa finally sighed when he heard her retreating steps turn around the corner.
His eyes easily found the large portrait on the wall of him, his wife, and their beautiful baby girl. Frozen in time, smiling at him from somewhere he could never reach. A moment he could never capture again.
Running a hand over his tired eyes, a sob racked his whole body. Some days were easier than others.
He allowed himself a few minutes to grieve, before pushing himself up. His people needed him.
A smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes ghosted over his lips as he noticed the framed photo of N'Yami’s first day of school on his desk.
All he needed in life was his daughter, and everything would be fine. It had to be.
He just hoped he would one day believe it.
Taglist: @brianabreeze, @myrikal324, @cjphoenix135, @raveennn, @aveatquevale-, @stillheregayandweird, @wakanda-4evr
P.S: N’Yami is actually T’Challa’s biological mother’s name :)
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QUEEN MOTHER RAMONDA Queen Ramonda is the second wife of T'Chaka, the Chieftan of the Black Panther Cult preceding T'Challa. T'Challa's mother, N'Yami, died during childbirth. Ramonda is originally from South Africa and is not a native Wakandan. She married T'Chaka and sometime after giving birth to Shuri, Ramonda was captured by the white suprmacist, Anton Pretorius. Initially, T'Challa and the Wakandans thought Ramonda fled Wakanda to be with another man, but years later it was revealed that Pretorius kidnapped her during a white suprmacist march. T'Challa found that for all this time, Ramonda had been a prisoner in Pretorius' Mansion in South Africa. T'Challa infiltrates Apartheid Era South Africa to rescue Ramonda. During her imprisonment she is subjected to several sexual assaults by Pretorius who claims now to love her. As T'Challa frees Ramonda, Pretorius declares his love and Ramonda punches him in the face. Ramonda returns to Wakanda with T'Challa where she is welcomed back with the title, The Queen Mother. Ramonda is played by Angela Bassett in The Black Panther Movie.
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afro-elf · 7 years
Say, Kendra? Can you tell us about a typical dinner at home in the PTAmom!Bucky AU? Daddies T'Challa, Bucky, and babies Monica, Winnie, N'yami, and wittle toddler T'Chaka? :D :D
- everyone except t’chaka helps out with the cooking, they all cook together with music playing, everyone has their own apron. n’yami has to be careful, though, because she’s literally filled with electricity 
- monica’s slightly type a so she likes to set the table just to make sure it’s perfect, but she often butts heads with winnie who wants to spice things up all the time. (monica: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” winnie: “if it ain’t baroque, buy different dining chairs”)
- things burn, often and badly, when bucky and monica are not in the kitchen
- winnie likes making desserts because they’re aesthetically pleasing
- they try to make everything from scratch but it doesn’t always work because things burn, often and badly, when bucky and monica are not in the kitchen
- dinner is fun because they try to talk like a normal family but then one of the girls will be like “hey, pop, i saw you stab that hydra dickhead in the neck on the news earlier, it was A-MA-ZING” or “so, daddy, what’s wakanda’s budget looking like this quarter? any concerns?” because they’re a very not normal family
- bucky and winnie are the king and queen of knowing when it’s time for seconds, they bond over that
- n’yami often has to be told not to invent at the dinner table by her father, t’challa, who is texting the dora group chat under the dinner table
- bucky makes really bad dad jokes..... like really bad dad jokes
- everyone has mastered their kathy sue impersonation except for t’chaka who hasn’t met her yet, bucky envies him
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utt-archived · 5 years
“ Mother can we go water and sing to your garden? “
Radom son and future king / can live in the inbox forever & always / @madeinwakanda
It’s funny a thing, having to lift her gaze as he spoke. Wasn’t it only yesterday that he’d asked the same question with his tiny arms wrapped around her legs?  Even with a smile crinkling the corners of blue hues it feels like no time had passed at all, but no.
“Who’s we, my son?”
So much of it has breezed by her head might have started spinning upon sight of the toddlers bouncing on his hip if not so enchanted by her.
“As the king and protector, I would think you have too much on your plate, unlike N'Yami and myself.”
Oh, how the name is cooed, her hands already reaching to claim the girl, bringing a brown dimpled cheek to her lips and then covering them with soft kisses while N'Yami made an array of cheerful noises.
“As young princess and the queen mother, we can water and sing till our hearts’ content. Though you are most certainly welcome to join us if you can make the time.”
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