#queen of graceland verse
elvisabutler · 1 year
I just wanted to start by saying I love your writing! I've read your BDE series, Dove series, and Queen of Graceland series, and I have had feelings I'm not sure I should enjoy while reading all three, even though I am almost 30. 😂🫣 Since your requests are currently open, I was wondering if you would ever be interested in writing something specifically for '60s-era movie Elvis? This is his husband era, and I love it so much. He is a clean, well-dressed, progressive man who is also a girl dad, and you know that he leaves the laundry in the hamper, makes the bed, and wears a tiara at his daughter's tea parties. 😂 If you have the time and inspiration, I would absolutely love your take on some domestic fluff with him, maybe taking care of a pregnant partner or helping set up a new baby's room? Thank you for being so awesome and sweet, and I hope you have a great weekend/week!
we plan a big family
summary: elvis doesn't always get time off to spend with you and his gaggle of children, but when he does he likes to make the most of it. fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: t. pairing: elvis presley x female reader ( nicknamed belle ) word count: 1888 warnings: pregnancy. babies. a bit of innuendo involving oral at the end. kids being kids. minorly gross eating. honestly y'all this is fluffy as all hell. 60s elvis. author’s note: anon!!! my darling, this was originally going to be an entirely different fic but i figured you liked queen of graceland and this slotted weirdly well into it that i went okay we're gonna write it as a queen of graceland verse thing. but you're speaking my language on 60s movie elvis. that is my man just as much as big daddy if not more. my ken doll looking butthead. i'm delighted you enjoy my fics and that they've made you feel things you don't know if you should enjoy lol. also- listen you should know the feelings my 31 year old has felt reading some stuff on here. lawd have mercy. for those of you who don't know this takes place in my queen of graceland verse and can be read as either austin elvis or elvis and happy father's day to those who celebrate and happy sunday to those who don't! also. i live to see the excitement/comments that come from this fic and any fic i write endlessly and will always soak them up like a sponge. i'm also open to requests from this verse.
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Elvis figures there's something about the fact that he grew up without a single living sibling that fueled this strange desire he had to have at least three children. Back with June and back with Anita he had known— he had pictured that little Elvis—the first little Elvis Presley running around with his siblings, laughing and having every bit of fun he's had to enjoy with cousins and neighborhood kids. He's always pictured his girl being a carbon copy of their mother except with his eyes that he can't resist when she pouts. Figures his wife would call him a pushover and that'd be that.
Then he met you and lord almighty and above, he can't help but figure the Lord gifted him the perfect woman to give him all of this. Sure, first set of kids had been conceived and born under less than ideal circumstances with everyone following practically one right after the other but he had made a joke one time when you were pregnant yet again after Jesse that you and him had always planned a big family and he'd be damned if the two of you didn't have it.
Hollywood finds it a little weird, and he knows this, knows that his costars find you to be an absolute delight when you bring the kids on set, a set of ducklings walking behind their waddling mother. Knows that his work schedule isn't always the best but he does try and make time for you and the kids. Truth be told any second he has a break it's spent with you and the kids. It aggravates the Colonel to no end but he remembers what it's like to not have his daddy around and he'd be damned if he did that to his kids.
"Mama!" His ears and mind register the shrill cries of his eldest daughters in the morning as he hears to groan beside him, attempting to move your head to burrow it into the pillow. The latest set of twins inside you had kept you up for far longer than was advised in your state and it showed in the bags under your eyes and the way you blink blearily at Elvis. After a moment you start to try and get out of bed, struggling to shift your weight before Elvis puts his arm across you and pulls you back closer to him.
"Oh no ya don't. I got'em lil mama," he murmurs against your neck earning a shiver from you before he pulls away. "You just rest here with those little hellions."
Your mouth opens in protest before you hear the squeak of the bed springs signaling that Elvis has already stood up. If he's up and it's a rare day off he has from filming or recording you can stay put. A relieved sigh leaves your lips as you sink back into the bed, your hand rubbing your stomach, willing the twins to stay asleep. Elvis leans over to give you a short peck of a kiss before brushing a bit of your hair out of your face.
"I'll tell the cook what to make for breakfast. Should manage a couple hours for ya. Rest up, Mama."
"'member, we gotta put the other crib up. Jus' in case they come early." A yawn overpowers the last few words you try to speak even as Elvis nods.
"That's an after lunch thing, darlin'. Relax and rest or I'll let 'em inside," Elvis threatens playfully as he walks to the door. The second he's outside, he's greeted by his eldest daughters tackling him in a hug.
"Swear y'all are gettin' stronger by the day. Damn near broke my back."
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Elvis isn't necessarily big on routines when it comes to his kids, something about him preferring to be the one who spoils the kids with everything he couldn't have as a child. It's why despite Elizabeth and Loretta being awake, three out of the other four are still asleep, with Rebecca occupying a comfy spot in her father's arms.
What he is big on his making sure they keep their rooms organized and clean for your sake. Loretta and Elizabeth look so much like you that he has to take a moment to not fall for the matching puppy dog looks they give him in an attempt to weasel out of making their bed. After all, hadn't those eyes of yours gotten the pair of you in trouble in the first place?
"Ya know the rules I got for ya. Ain't askin' much, just a made bed and your pjs in the basket. Wanna tell me ya ain't doin' this for ya mama when 'm on set?" Elvis asks, shifting Rebecca on his shoulder. "'Cause ya know the punishment for that."
"No!!! No Daddy. No, we do it. We promise! We just don't wanna— not right now," Elizabeth whines ever the more talkative one out of the two of them. "Can't we make tea first?"
Elvis eyes the table in their room that has not one, but two pillows on it before turning back to look Elizabeth dead in the eye. "And jus' where did ya plan on givin' it to me. Got pillows on the table. Can't make tea without a table, yittle."
Loretta looks up at her daddy and realizes far before Elizabeth that they have lost this battle and moves to grab her pillow from the table, "he's right, Lizzy. Come on— if we hurry we can have the party 'fore pancakes."
Those prove to be the magic words as in a flash Elvis finds himself dragged to a little tiny chair he barely fits in while his oldest daughters rush through getting new clothes on and their beds made— in some kind of way. Once they were done they sat right down in front of him and placed a tiara on his head. "Princess Daddy, would you like some tea?"
He grins and shifts their younger sister yet again as he grabs a cup. "Why yes Princesses Loretta and Elizabeth. I'd love some."
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The smell of bacon is what finally wakes you up, your body stretching as best as it can as you try and figure out just how far away the scent is before realizing it's in the same room as you. Your eyes blink slowly as they focus on your husband and your kids dressed and holding plates filled with food.
"What— What's this?" You ask with a yawn. "Shouldn't you be downstairs?"
Elvis laughs before setting Rebecca down next to you and motioning for the others to join her all while trying to not drop their plates. Without missing a beat you grab Anthony and Aaron's plates as the clamber up and only give them the plates back when they plop themselves down on the bed. "Maybe. But they wanted to eat wit' ya. So did I. Figured ya were still tired so we brought breakfast to ya."
"Ya gonna get crumbs ev'rywhere," you try and argue before Aaron takes that moment to shove a piece of his bacon in your mouth to silence you. "Guess I ain't gotta choice. Pass my plate, daddy."
At your playful tone he lets out another laugh and hands you plate as he climbs onto the bed, scooting in next to you. "Hope it's to ya likin', mama."
"Bacon could be a lil' softer, but it'll do fine." Your answer is clearly a joke as you shove the bacon in your mouth with a speed that startles Elvis. A question comes tumbling out of your mouth with a few bacon crumbs as you chew. "What time isit?"
"Ten AM. Didn't let ya sleep the whole day away," he murmurs with bacon in his own mouth. Watching as the gears turn inside your head as you look at your six children and raise an eyebrow. "Don't ya be sayin' it. They got clothes on. All the pjs are in the hampers. Beds look kinda made, but we ain't running an army base in this house."
A snort leaves your mouth before you have a chance to stop it. "Kinda made, huh? Guess that's the best I can ask for wit' daddy not helpin' the yittle hands."
Your youngest daughter pats Elvis's arm almost in a bit of a slapping motion and you have to bite your lip to try and not giggle even as he picks her up and scrunches up his face. "Now what's yittle Becky Wecky doin' hittin' daddy? Hm? Punishin' me for mama? Gonna make me hope one of yer new siblin' is a girl I can have on m''side. Yittle traitor."
Her answer to him is a simple raspberry filled with spit in his face and you finally start to lose it, accidentally spraying bacon crumbs on the bed and in one of your children's hair.
"Ew!!! Mama!"
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It's another two hours before you manage to get out of bed and the children are off running amuck in the house as you sneak into the nursery. It's Rebecca's room for right now, but when the twins arrive she's going to be in her own room with her older sisters. You're pretty sure these are going to be your last children, if only because if you have many more you're not sure even Elvis's income can take care of them. The thoughts swirl around in your head and distract you to the point where you don't realize Elvis is behind you until you feel his arms wrap around you and feel his chin on your shoulder.
"What's goin' on in that pretty head of yourn?" The question's simple enough but you hum and wave your hand in a sign for him to ignore it.
"Nothin', Elvis. Jus' thinkin' you said this was an after lunch plan— you putting the other crib in here. Figure I can make it an after breakfast one.
Against your shoulder you feel the muscle in his jaw tense before feeling his exhale against your neck. "Drive a hard bargain, Mrs. Presley. What's in it for me? Do I get a reward for doin' it early?"
You turn to face him and shrug, "your wife's love and appreciation. What more could you want?"
You're quite certain Elvis can see the mirth in your eyes and the way you lift up your eyebrows in what you imagine is a questioning and yet innocent look. Thankfully that same mirth is reflected back at you with a trace hint of arousal as he looks you up and down.
"A bit of dessert 'fore my lunch. I'm a grown man, darlin'. I oughta eat so I keep these handles ya like so much," he whispers, leaning in a little closer and lifting your chin up to look directly in your eyes. "I drag it in here, we head to the bedroom when everyone's nappin'?"
"And you get t'eat the sweetest thing this side of the Mississippi, Mr. Presley?" The joke falls from your lips without a second thought as Elvis starts to laugh a full bellied laugh, tears erupting from his eyes the more he laughs.
"Like ya read my damn mind, Mrs. Presley. We gotta a deal? Can we shake on it?"
"Only if ya get that ice cream I like afterward."
taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @araxw, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted y'all know the drill with the taglist by now.
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forestgreenlesbian · 4 years
ook i am just going to dump my thoughts!
think i was like? semi worried because she kept talking about how different this album was going to be from stranger and i love stranger i love her soft acoustic stuff so i was a little nervous it would be so different that i wouldn’t like it but literally i’m a whole idiot because it’s like stranger but with the production turned up to ten.. think i might actually call it a perfect album??? like perfect for me subjectively i really love every single song i’ve been having a breakdown for three days straight... feels sort of like a bon iver esque transition from soft folk to more varied instrumentation and production like the growth between for emma and 22 a million but even better... glad i listened to the leak because i actually have to get shit done today and i would not have been able to hear it for the first time fdkggmn
ok les go love dvd menu as an intro yes i am a sucker for instrumental tracks + that interview where phoebe said she’d love to do a whole instrumental album and have it as a score for a film like portrait of a lady on fire.... christ....and the transition into garden song is like chefs kiss i loved garden song as soon as it was out as a single so moody and beautiful she told me my resentments getting smaller i know i know
kyoto god god i love how she leaned into the pop aspects also stare at the chem trails with my little brother literally any time she mentions jackson i have a stroke older sister complex etc etc and the little woo sound she kept in there i’m? in love with her?
punisher is just. makes me feel a bit like i have a hole in my chest lol such a well balanced and moving tribute to elliott who i’m ngl i was never that into but just the whole concept and the chorus and the feeling like you owe this person something for inspiring you so much but at the same time never wanting to actually meet them
i was a lil eh about halloween at first i think mayb because the verse is not my fave even tho the lyrics are as usual incredible but the chorus is just so sweet like i want to cry lol and the guitar that is mr christain lee lose this number hutchinson at work babey! conor’s feature is nice tho in some ways i’m a bit like did he really add anything to the song love the outro though the way the tune goes off as it fades
CHINESE SATELLITE............ might b my fave currently... it’s the strings fucking hell it is the STRINGS that was the first song i listened to because somehow i just knew it was going to gut me and i was right i can’t stop listening to it. the lyrics are just.. too much.. pretending to be myself... i wish i wrote it but i didn’t so i learn the words.. i look at the sky and i feel nothing... i believe when you’re gone it’s forever... like WHAT am i supposed to do with that????? i know she talked about how this song originally had like a big U2 esque chorus lol and how they pared it back and i’m so glad because the impact of the verses and then the softer chorus is just. a lot it’s a lot i told you this was the scott street of punisher because every second makes me go insane ngfmfng
ok getting onto the songs clearly about c*nor lmao i don’t rlly want to focus on that glad that he was there to provide inspo for such ART but the whole situation makes me feel weird don’t know why but we are not dwelling! i heard her play moon song on one of her livestreams and i was like. already in love but the studio version is so good... the lyrics again she’s just so like unabashed in how she loves and how it can be ugly and hard and beautiful at the same time... and the dig at eric claption just because she hates him.. queen!
god savior complex apparently she wrote the melody in a dream???? jesus christ anyway i feel like it calls back to stranger in such a nice way and also has such a nice sense of place like we are in that car! we are there in that one room apartment! i know she said it’s about loving someone who hates themselves (so [redacted] then, we all know ms phoebe) which is a lot but it also feels a bit like a lullaby to me so soft
i see you.......... one that grew on me until i literally couldn’t think about anything else when i heard it as a single i was like ok yes! fun! great! but the more i listened to it and after i heard the demo i just lost my mind every time i think about “i used to light you up, now i can’t even get you to play the drums” i go insane it’s scott street again god bless marshall vore and his drums! damn! also the way she sings i’ll climb through the window again.. feels like a throat punch
can’t even type graceland too without wanting to cry how is this song so beautiful think it might be my fave after chinese satellite it is just. the most beautiful thing how many times am i gonna use that word a lot apparently but again the sense of place is there and it just feels like? such a healing moment after all the previous songs. especially with lucy and julien on there like! the harmonies!! ladies!!! there’s something almost fleetwood mac about it as well it makes me think of silver springs and obviously the dixie chicks influence basically it’s perfect send post
i know the end is SUCH  a good closer.. the screaming alone.. i knew we were going to be blessed with some yelling thank you ms bridgers also the strings in this one too i love a violin apparently fuck me and god it gives me such sufjan vibes circa illinois era like esp the outro with everyone singing together and the horns and where she takes the melody... think she mentioned suf actually in that stereogum interview i’m really imploding.... and the end with her soft screaming and the cough i’m. i love how it feels like two parts interwoven like a lot of my fave songs do and the way it BUILDS man that whole section makes me want to lie on the ground and wait for the end... when the drums kick in....the sound effect when she sings about lightening.... when everyone joins in on the end is here.... the way the tone changes for the outro with the screaming.... ok this is long i should stop but basically congrats on a perfect album phoebe i’ll never recover! :~)
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elvisabutler · 1 year
queen of graceland verse
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summary: once upon a time a girl fell in love with a boy who her parents didn't approve of. they hatched a plan of mutual baby entrapment to force her parents to let them stay together one summer. what followed is a passel of heirs for a king of rock and roll and his queen of graceland. ( originally this was a fill for only austin butler's version of elvis presley but i've truly kind of expanded it to be read either way. ) to be read in order, technically.
it’s no fun when the sun’s ‘round ( rated m? prequel to queen of graceland work in progress. ) queen of graceland ( rated m, 50s elvis with breeding kink with mutual baby entrapment. ) we plan a big family ( rated t, 60s/hollywood/ken doll elvis. ) children ‘n dogs ( rated t, 60s/hollywood elvis. sequel of sorts to queen of graceland. ) idk maybe more. this is such a weird verse i never know.
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elvisabutler · 1 year
I am SO excited that you have plans to continue the Queen of Graceland universe! I am also excited that it will feature '60s Hollywood Elvis, as he is one of my favorite Elvi. There is literally no point to this ask, I just wanted to let you know that. Please feel free to ignore my rambling ass. 😂
Anon, I'll have you know that Elvi made me laugh far harder than it should have. 😂 But heavens no, I refuse to ignore your rambling ass because as much as I write a plethora of Big Daddy- I am a ride or die woman for 60s Hollywood Elvis. There's a reason I'm writing Quiet on the Set. Like- yeah is it late 60s, yes, but it's still my man.
The point to your ask was to make me feel awesome, alright? I've decided that's what the point was. And all seriousness I'm glad you're excited because I continue to be amazed at how well received the original fic was because oddly wholesome mutual baby entrapment is just not something you see or say ever. But honestly, if nothing else I might kind of treat it as my 60s/Hollywood Elvis playground. Maybe toss a Big Daddy bit if I get some inspiration. And hey, hey, anon, feel free to message me asks like this any time you want. I love reading them!
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elvisabutler · 1 year
little ramble in the tags don't mind me. probably deleting this later.
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elvisabutler · 1 year
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elvis presley x reader
give you my heart ( rated t, big daddy elvis ) come and trim my christmas tree ( rated m, big daddy elvis. the smuttier version of give you my heart. ) sentimental over you ( rated g, big daddy elvis fluff. ) the happiest place on earth is here with you ( rated t, 60s elvis. ) catharsis ( rated m, sub big daddy e. gender neutral reader. ) teddy bear ( rated t, big daddy elvis, plus size reader. ) i got a feeling in my body ( rated m, 60s elvis sugar daddy. work in progress. ) never, no never, a baby, baby like mine ( rated m, 70s/big daddy elvis. sequel to my baby’s sure his love’s secure from kinktober. work in progress. ) make you know it ( big daddy elvis showing female reader how good sex can be. work in progress. ) orpheus ( elvis x priscilla x reader. sequel to gravity. work in progress. ) watch the smoke pour out the doors ( rated m, vampire elvis ) is this a sexual buffet or a comeback special? ( rated m, incubus elvis. co-written with @prompted-wordsmith ) teeth grown sharp and glowing red ( rated me, incubus elvis. sequel to is this a sexual buffet or a comeback special? co-written once again with @prompted-wordsmith. ) queen of graceland verse ( that one breeding kink-ish series ) masterlist professor presley ( big daddy ) masterlist beyond the sea verse ( selkie elvis ) masterlist gunmetal masterlist
elvis presley x original female character
spark masterlist ( never famous big daddy electrician au with war ptsd, elvis the pelvis mentions and tragic married women oh my. rated ) quiet on the set masterlist ( late hollywood elvis gets directed by alfred hitchcock's daughter and falls head over heels in love and shenanigans happen. ft. elvis as stanley from streetcar named desire and as rooster from true grit. )
elvis presley
caught in a trap masterlist
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