#queenvixens: katherine
taintedbloodlines · 11 months
are those gray hairs i see? ( katherine to klaus. )
( change meme prompts )
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"Deflecting? You? Oh, Katerina, you have not changed one bit," he pointed out, his tone entirely too droll considering this was a meeting of old enemies. "You only need to remember one thing about my age --- it gives me infinitely more ability to crush you if you do not play nice. So I would play nice."
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stubbornwarlock · 11 months
@queenvixens asked: “Memo to me, memo to me: maim you after my meeting.” ( from katherine. )
"Bring out the claws, kitty Kat! Did I tell you what you wanted to hear yet?" Chris chuckled. "Anyways, I come bearing gifts." He rummaged through his pockets and then pulled out a brand new daylight ring. "Yours was stolen, so I figured you could use another one." He held out the sapphire ring to the Vampire.
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devilsanddarlings · 10 months
What is your place in the royal court?
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The Queen
Dignified in your regality, you are a beacon of reason… the true power behind the throne, you take heed of all, cautious in each move you make. Some may call you callous in your calculation, but they do not know your heart.
Tagged By: @ofblackskies Tagging: @astormymind (For Finn), @angel-the-taciturn-shadowy-guy, @lcveblossomed (For Alice or Jack?), @queenvixens (For Katherine)
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taintedbloodlines · 10 months
"You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure and even a little danger." ( katherine to emery. )
( Vampire Diaries Meme )
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"Actually I would just settle for a whole pizza right now. Extra cheese, extra ham. Maybe even some pineapple even though I realize that is controversial." Emery shrugged her shoulders and then looked back at the other brunette. "But hey, that sounds good too."
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taintedbloodlines · 11 months
i thought you knew. ( katherine to camille. )
( I thought...meme )
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"I knew. I had months of him telling me the whole story," Camille said quietly but then she shrugged her shoulders. "Still hearing it from him and hearing it straight from the source are two very different things --- and for what it is worth..." Probably not much to someone like Katherine. "...I am sorry for what Klaus did to your family."
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