#questions for the crown prince! 🪶
gege-of-xianle · 1 month
xie lian! Important question! Would you still love hua cheng if he was a worm?
Oh! Of course I would.
I would feed him steamed buns and make him a little nest in Puqi Shrine. I'd carry him around on my bamboo hat and let him rest in the palm of my hand!
I'm sure he'd be just as charming-- just think of how cute he would be!
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gege-of-xianle · 1 month
guoshi! I’ve heard that you and crimson rain sought flower are in a relationship!? Is that true!?
"Ahem... well... about that..."
*The crown prince blinks hard. Once, twice, before clearing his throat and giving the other a sheepish smile.*
"Well... nobody's ever said that we are not not in a relationship, right..?" *Ah... Not a very convincing answer.*
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gege-of-xianle · 2 months
Gege, can we talk for a moment? - @hua-cheng-ghost-king
San Lang!
*Xie Lian gives the other man a bright smile, hiking up the fabric of his robes a bit to draw closer.*
Of course we can! Is something the matter? *His expression quickly morphs to one of mild concern as he looks Hua Cheng up and down for a moment, searching for anything out of sorts.*
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gege-of-xianle · 2 months
Have you at least kissed
Of- of course we’ve kissed! Why wouldn’t we have?
*The prince glances away, rosy blush spreading across his cheeks. What a forward question, indeed.*
San Lang’s a very good kisser…
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gege-of-xianle · 2 months
So do you and San Lang really only sleep in that bed?
It’s… it’s a bed. Is it not made for the purpose of sleep?
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gege-of-xianle · 2 months
In the ideal world, how many San Langs would there be? - 🪴
Oh, that’s an interesting question, actually!
I’ve never really considered what it would be like to put up with several San Langs… it’s hard enough dealing with one…
If there were more of him, I think they’d end up having to put up with me instead, though!
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gege-of-xianle · 1 month
Gege, how mad at me would you be if I hypothetically broke into where your cousin currently is and tote his body to shreds? - @hua-cheng-ghost-king
(// mod: Insert "to shreds you say" meme here.)
...Well. I'd be quite upset, actually, seeing as it isn't his body... the children would be traumatized! They don't deserve such things.
...But I have nothing against you doing so when we can get his spirit out of this poor villager...
(Ooc: No!!! Not fair I was just going to say that!!! kgasdksa ~ Mod Minie)
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gege-of-xianle · 2 months
Talk some sense into him
Oh, my...
I'll give it my best attempt, but, ah-- San Lang can be incredibly difficult to persuade certain times.
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gege-of-xianle · 2 months
Insert haha funny joke about San Lang being old and technology not working
- @hua-cheng-ghost-king
(Ooc: Oh I would insert one… if only I could think of one djfjfnjf
Mmm I don’t think so? It’s showing up normally for me…
Why, is something weird happening again? What’s it doing this time?! ~ Mod Minie)
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gege-of-xianle · 2 months
Body in the abyss, heart in paradise~
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“If you do not know the meaning of your life… then make me that meaning, and use me as your reason to live.”
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The Crown Prince of Xianle is known by many names: The prince who pleased the gods, the thrice-ascended god, the god of misfortune… but none fit him better than simply Xie Lian.
Really, sometimes he wishes others would just drop the honorifics. The weight of the crown is a heavy burden on one’s head, and all those extravagant titles simply weigh him down by his shoulders. It isn’t too much to bear just yet, but nearly so.
In the meantime… call him Gege.
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Notes from the moderator:
Mod also runs several Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail rp accounts (ex. @aventurine-official), so the format is her own and is not plagiarized :)
~ Keep the asks sfw if you please, suggestive is okay!
~ No random links in asks unless they are links to other Tumblr posts (if they are there, please specify what they are)
~ Be kind, please. Any hateful comments related  but not limited to racisms, sexism, homophobia, ableism, ageism and transphobia will not be tolerated here and you may be blocked.
~ Although I’d like to stick to Hualian as much as possible, all ships (age-appropriate) are welcome. (Xie Lian is gay as hell, so he will have a noticeable interest in men versus women).
~ Try to avoid sending DMs to the mod unless you are another mod (in which case, feel free!)
~ Anons are more than welcome here! You may have a personalized tag and everything :)
List of current anon signoffs here
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#the prince who pleased the gods 🌸 : Art reblogs
#but a humble cultivator 🍃 : Random thoughts and calm moments
#questions for the crown prince! 🪶 : Asks from anons and others
#have a steamed bun! 🍲 : Interactions with other TGCF blogs
#communication array ✨ : Interactions with other Heavenly Officials
#san lang! 🥀 : Interactions with / mentions of Hua Cheng
#lord wind master 🪭 : Interactions with / mentions of Shi Qingxuan
#dearest cousin🕯️: Interactions with / mentions of Qi Rong
Masterlist of other TGCF/MXTX roleplay blogs linked here!
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