eggso · 8 years
so uhm.. i’m starting lose my exo feels and I REALLY DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO TO BRING THEM BACK it’s just the lack of fandom jokes and the lack of funniness? is really bugging me and i just.. *VERY DEEP SIGH* i don’t know what should I do?
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kyung-penguin · 9 years
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~Happy birthday Irena~ Here is my gift to you~ your top baes! I hope you have a super duper awesome birthday!
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eggso · 8 years
if i share everything with you guys, will you come into my inbox and tell me what’s happening with your lives too like in other blogs :-(
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eggso · 8 years
so sorry for not reblogging stuff today, i promise i will tomorrow i just didn't feel well today
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eggso · 8 years
just wanted all of you to know i love you all before i go to sleep wieeee
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eggso · 9 years
I love you even if we don't talk often and I don't want you to ever feel depressed or upset because I know that feeling and you deserve to only be happy so please please don't do anything and come talk to me
i don't deserve happiness but you do, i love you my big spoooon
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eggso · 9 years
Jade unu my sweet little cuddle buddy I'm worried about you and this little countdown. If things are hard for you please talk to me. I know how it feels to be suicidal and depressed but you don't have to resort to suicide...I know things are probably hard and no, I don't know what you're going through but if you're having a hard time I want to be there for you and I don't want you to think or do something so rash. Please, please don't do the if you're thinking about and please come talk to me
please don't worry, the last thing i wanna feel before dying is worrying people?
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eggso · 9 years
Honey, I saw what was wrong last night, but I hit ask limit, I just wanted to say that I love you, please don't take any drastic actions.Write down all the good things that's happened in your life, and look over it and think about how you can make that list longer. I love you xx
i love you more :)
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eggso · 9 years
I'm planning on audition for one of the sk entertainment industries for dancing and when im having an interview, i need you around to say you are my favorite blogger and meet you
i'm sorry i might not be there when you reach fame but i will watch you (pls don't be creeped out lol) and i wish you good luck! ^^
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eggso · 9 years
bby don't go :( Life will get better. I know that sounds all cheesy but just think of how much things can improve in a year or so. Just give it time. Please. You can be alone or broke, but in a year from now that could all change. You don't have to leave this world to become happier. There's so much here you would miss out on. There's so many people who would miss you too. I hope you realize this and all turns out okay In the end.
i doubt one person will miss me
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eggso · 9 years
Deadline? Sweetheart are you okay? If it is what I think it is just know so many people care about you,okay?Love from anonymous
no i'm not but thank you for sending this when i needed them :)
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eggso · 9 years
Jade, please don't do anything to yourself, I'm begging you. I know it's a solution, but it's neither the best nor the right one. I've been at that point, I know it. I don't know how to tell you not to do anything to yourself, since as someone who has felt the same/similar as you do now, I understand why you might think that's the best way to go. I can only repeat that it's NOT. Everyone says it gets better for a reason. At that point I didn't care, but I'm glad I gave it a try.
but it does get better, no more pain right?
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eggso · 9 years
Dear person reading this, You deserve a life full of happiness and positivity. So don’t let others get to you and believe in yourself.
i don't think i do though
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eggso · 9 years
Hi! I know we've never really talked before but I just wanted to say hi! I'm not really good at initiating conversations.. but I can talk about anything really, even if you just need a listener :)
hi! too bad we won't be able to communicate anymore and we haven't even started yet
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eggso · 9 years
Hey :) I just wanted to say I love your blog and I hope you are having a good day♥
i love you more
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eggso · 9 years
wait wait wait what letter has been queued?? deadline for what??? please tell me i am horribly confused and its not what i think it is
suicide letter, don't worry it's over! ^^
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