dopehideoutfart · 1 year
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paneerlajwanti · 3 years
rb with your favourite queue tag i created for me,
because serotonin lies in the tags
i queue the uwu
queue a batata
queue se bolo cutie
queue ki tum hi ho
queue maara iron man ko?
dil queue yeh mera shor kare
queue ki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi
queue se rhyme hota hai ruh productions
queue na hum tum
queue na bole mose mohan queue
elomenop queue
do re mi fa queue la ti do
queue the hue of the sunset view
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lets diss the all-father he definitely knows shit about raising children (esp. melkor, other valar were more okay) xD
Well, he didn’t have any chance to practice, and let’s be fair if I were the first and only being in existence and then suddenly I had to look after other beings that are… kinda similar to me but with a limited range of abilities? I’d be crap at it, too. The Valar who turned out okay also fail to understand the Eruhíni in their turn, with predictably messy results. I guess it’s all just the beta testing process for Arda Remade! XD
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18 Questions Tag Game
I got tagged by @independence1776​ weeks ago but never got around to it. Now I have a bit of a breather, so here goes!
1. Why did you choose your URL? I wanted “uncleftish beholding” but that was already taken in all variants I could think of, and my usual fandom handles felt too short/boring for Tumblr. The description of Ovid as “too fond of his own wit” (nimium amator ingenii sui) came to mind and struck a chord, so I used the feminine form and went with it.
2. Any side blogs? Nope.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? Since 2017, IIRC. I’m a late adopter.
4. Do you have a queue tag? Yes, “queuerated”. Because the queue is curated. Haha. (See note above on “too fond of her own wit”)
5. What did you originally start this blog for? DW felt pretty much dead because all the fun fandom interaction seemed to have moved here, and though I resisted for a long time because I wasn’t so sure about the reblog format, eventually the desire for instant gratification won out. Another reason was that I was already reading a couple of Tumblr blogs of fandom friends individually and it was beginning to be annoying a) to visit them one by one and b) not to be able to reblog or comment except through asks. So yeah. Fandom interaction.
6. Why did you choose your icon? It’s from a little graphic I made for the SWG’s “Revolution” challenge and turned into an icon later. It says “Day shall come again” in Quenya, and though in canon that daybreak turned out to be... hm... very much delayed, it still sums up my basic attitude.
7. Why did you choose your header? I painted Eärendil and the birds taking on Ancalagon for the SWG’s celebration of the 40th anniversary of the publication of the Silmarillion. I’m kind of proud with how that turned out, flaws and all, so I used it for my header.
8. What’s your post with the most notes? The Eruvision Song Contest shitpost. I regret nothing.
9. How many followers do you have? 431. No idea how that happened.
10. How many blogs do you follow? 151. When I started here I followed pretty much everyone who interacted with my posts, but then I could no longer keep up with my dashboard and cooled it down.
11. Have you ever made a sh*tpost? Several. They tend to be more succesful than my “serious” stuff, too...
12. How often do you use Tumblr every day? More often than I should. The rush of “eee! new content! must check!” is too strong for me. On a work day, it might just be once, but if I have a little more time, I check it all the damn time.
13. Have you ever had a fight with another blog? A fight, not really. Heated discussions, on occasion.
14. How do you feel about “you have to reblog this” posts? Not to revert to my native German, but ‘n Scheiß muss ich. That is to say, I ignore them on principle.
15. Opinion on tag games? Fun!
16. Opinion on ask games? Have mostly stopped reblogging them because I rarely get any asks for them anyway, but I like the idea behind them.
17. Which of your mutuals is Tumblr famous? I don’t know if any Tumblr famous people are mutuals with me.
18. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals? Maybe?
I’m tagging @elennare​, @catilinas, @vefanyar​ and/or anyone who reads this and feels like it!
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