#quick disclaimer this is about no one in particular and instead just a general trend i see
hey I know it can be disappointing when a character doesn't look how you expect, but please remember that real people with real features like big chins see what you say about characters' appearances and internalize it
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drferox · 7 years
20 Questions with Dr Ferox #8
My gosh, there’s just so much stuff you vetlings want to know, isn’t there? Well, knowledge is good, so here we go with yet another info dump as I try to answer a big slew of your questions in one hit.
Anonymous said: I sometimes get your patreon emails or an update on your blog while I'm studying/struggling in the wee-hours of the morning (vetmed). I'm in WA, so where-ever you are it's also late/early. What are you doing up in the witching hours?
First of all, I am an AdultTM and as such I am permitted to set by own Bed Time. There are many reasons why you might receive notifications from me so ‘early’.
I have a blog post on queue every morning between 5am and 6am my time (so probably 3am and 4am your time). It goes up automatically, so I can see initial responses before I go to work.
I think Patreon sends its emails at the same time each day, regardless of when I post. I certainly don’t type there early in the morning.
Sometimes I’m on nightshift and can get kinda bored at 3am sometimes.
Sometimes I just can’t sleep, especially with the changing day/night cycles.
Most of the blog runs on queue, honestly. At least three posts a day do.
@banesidhe said: Just happened to discover your blog. Thank you so much for posting like you do (even the snark. I'm a 911 dispatcher, I appreciate the snark ;) ), and sharing your experiences. No vet question, but if you could only ever re/read five books for the rest of your life, which five titles would make your cut?
Ah, I have found many similar people to myself among emergency personnel. There’s a particular combination of gallows humor and wishing people would get to the point that unites us.
For fiction books:
Feral, Kerry Greenwood
The Shepherd’s Crown, Terry Pratchett
Monstrous Regiment, Terry Pratchett
Watership Down, Richard Adam
Good Omens, Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Hmm, bit of a trend there.
But the work books I couldn’t live without are:
Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook
The 5 minute veterinary consult, Dog and Cat Edition
Ettinger’s Textbook of Internal Medicine, Expert Consult
BSAVA Rabbit Medicine & Surgery Handbook
Small Animal Surgery, Fossum.
Anonymous asked: what was the most exotic/rare patient youve ever had?
This fat meerkat.
Anonymous said: My dog is a shelter dog and we suspect she was abused before we got her (afraid of E V E R Y T H I N G) and weve been slowly working on getting her to at least ignore people we walk past or that enter the house and thats been making progress. But she hates the vet. Hates it. Gets in my lap and refuses to leave. New dogs people and smells. So her normal vet takes the approach of having one of us hold/console her while they do all the poking and listening and whatnot and muzzling her if they need to and just getting it done as quickly as possible. But this last time she saw a new vet and this vet took the approach of hand-feeding her almost an entire bag of treats and called it "stress-eating" and tbh you should have seen the look on my dogs face. She was so weirded out. Shes highly food motivated so it was like heaven to her but she was simultaneously very suspicious. Her face was like"i love this but idk if i trust it" it was great.Have a greatday!
If you an reinforce the behaviour by arranging frequent, short visits to the vet clinic where nothing happens but lots of treats, she may start to associate the vet clinic with positive things (food) ad no scary things. This might make the rest ofher life easier.
Anonymous said: I own fancy rats and just want to put out there to people, that while they are THE MOST amazing tiny friends, in my experience most vets are completely lost when it comes to their care & several I've seen refused to even touch my exceptionally friendly females. They often get respiratory infections requiring antibiotics. One of my friend's females passed away bc nobody would perform a simple surgery on her. So please be cautious when buying them. 
I would like to suggest that any surgery on a rat is likely to be not simple, because they do have particular anesthetic requirements that can make their recovery difficult. Also that a lot of traditional rat medicine hinges on using post mortem examination as a diagnostic tool, which is not useful at all with pet rats.
In dog and cat medicine most of our equipment and even medications are not suitable for rats, or very difficult to adapt. We simply have fewer options, and generally less experience with these species Most vets I know will attempt to treat them, but with a great big disclaimer saying I don’t do this often, and a quick question as to whether you’d prefer to go to a nearby clinic that does see rats more often.
Anonymous said: Hello, I recently took in 3 abandoned kittens and they're covered in fleas. They appear to be 6 weeks old and can't use meds or wash for them. I clean them with vinegar and dish soap and I was wondering if you knew of any other ways to help them since they hate getting wet. I also use a comb but they dislike that as well.
You can use capstar on kittens from 4 weeks of age, and Revolution from 6, probably earlier. Talk to your vet.
Anonymous asked: Strange question but do you know if that rage syndrome thing can happen in cats also? I know a cat who does that and also acts strangely in general at the same time?
It is not documented in cats, however Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome may present in a similar way.
Anonymous said: Hey doc! I plan on getting my cat fixed soon and I'm worried about how it'll affect her. She's really skittish and prefers to stay in one room, could getting her fixed make it worse?? I guess like what are the possible behavioral effects is what I'm askin? For the qt: ive been here a while i just dont like or reblog stuff but i came for the vet knowledge and stayed for it too, especially the mythical creatures and dog breed info
She is probably not going to have any long term personality changes from being desexed, though might be out of sorts for a few days after the anaesthetic. If anything they tend to be less stressed because they’re not attracting Toms.
Another Anonymous said: My kitten was neutered yesterday and he's doing great, healing well, playing nonstop, remarkably agile despite the e-collar (navigating small spaces, jumping to high places), eating & drinking well. The vet didn't give us any aftercare instructions but I googled it -- and wish I'd done so before the surgery because I could've prepared better. A lot of it seemed obvious in hindsight but nothing I'd have thought of on my own. Do you have a flier or anything for your patients' humans? 
We send our patients home with aftercare instructions. We have a default one that we print for routine surgery like desexing, and a customized one for non-routine procedures.
We also read it out to our clients when they pick up their pet, and point out that all these instructions are written down, because it’s easy to forget details when you’re worried.
Anonymous asked: I have a question! I saw your desexing cats post and thought I might send it to you. I neutered my male cat but he still sprays and tries to roam the neighborhood. I try to keep him inside best I can. Is there a reason this happens?
It may be stress, but you should consult your vet to rule out any underlying urinary tract issue before assuming so. Your vet should be able to discus the various stress reducing techniques, changes and treatments that are available.
Anonymous asked: Whenever my roommate wakes up before me, she makes bacon for breakfast while the coffee is brewing. If she hasn't slept well, her coherence is sometimes a bit... lacking. If our cat happens to demand food, about half the time she ends up giving him a slice of bacon instead of cat food. We only recently figured out that she's been doing this. He's not getting fat, and gets actual cat food later, so is this OK, or do we need to try to figure out how to keep this from happening?
While bacon is certainly digestible, it is not a balanced diet. It would be ideal if you could minimize his bacon habit.
@nowgovanish said: Hello! I have a question about my 13 and 4 year old cats. They seem to have some pretty bad skin reactions to certain foods, and I've tried a lot of different food brands that my vet reccommended. The one that seems to work best is a grain free/ non chicken variant, but I see that you aren't a huge fan of grain free. Is there anything I should change or try sticking with what works?
I have said many times before that if it’s working, keep feeding it.
Novel protein diets, and ideally single proteins source diets, are more use for allergies than just going ‘grain free’.
‘Grain Free’ labelling on food particularly vexes me because it’s not regulated. You can find ‘grain free’ food that really mean ‘corn free’ and either use grain byproducts or straight up use rice. Last time I checked, rice was a grain.
It’s like ‘Hollistic’ - it means nothing on a pet food label. Neither does ‘Organic’, pet food companies do not have to use all organic products in pet food to label the food as organic. These are marketing ploys like ‘all natural’ which are targeting your emotions and don’t mean anything when it comes to the food.
If you’ve come across a novel protein diet, or a minimum ingredient diet, that is beneficial for your cats then stick with it. But recognise what’s marketing and what’s useful.
Anonymous said: I love my dog but he is a complete and total moron. He has strangled himself so often that his bark is now raspy. He even found a way to do it with a harness! We've resorted to jogging when walking him to try and keep up but is there some way to make it better? We've tried letting him learn on his own, pausing when he pulls, and getting a longer leash. If he was much smarter I'd accuse him of being into asphyxiation.
I would suggest that you potentially need to figure out what motivates your dog most. Consider using positive reinforcement to encourage him to heel on the lead, instead of wandering and pulling.
You might also want to consider something like a halti collar, which pulls the dog’s nose downwards to their chest when they pull, instead of something that goes around the neck.
Anonymous: Would you consider it a good generalization that dogs more closely resembling/related to wolves (like huskies) have less health problems? I am aware that no dogs are completely lacking in health problems.  Tax: came for good hard factual analysis.
No. And here’s the thing- all modern dog breeds are equally distant from their wolf-like ancestor, unless they have been recently mixed with wolves again.
Their health problems are different to those dogs with more extreme anatomy, but dogs that look like wolves are not inherently healthier.
@justslowdown said: a book i have discusses the man who created the GSD breed (aka isolated traits from a diverse population) pairing dogs with their daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters and onwards til more than 1/2 of the pups had to be culled. due you think this could be partially responsible for the health issues remaining more than a century later? "Very drastic inbreeding was espoused during the formation of the breed [...] to quickly form specific type" - The German Shepherd Dog by Ernest H Hart
This is called line breeding, where the offspring of a ‘perfect’ individual are repeatedly bred back to the same individual generation upon generation to try to recreate it. All you really do is lose genetic diversity very quickly and allow recessive deleterious genes to proliferate in the population.
This is why just about everywhere else that’s not the purebred pet world, this is considered a bad thing to do.
@eyestumblin said: Do you think horses would look significantly different if their wonky anatomy were more logical?
They would no longer be a horse.
@cirque-du-spoon said: I saw you mention sheep on the horse thread and I spent a fair bit of time on a sheep farm in Wales. The head shepherd once told me "sheep are born, they spend the rest of their life trying to die". Then he opened his landrover door, and the passenger footwell was maybe 6 lambs snuggled up to one of his old motherly collies.
The common phrase down here was “The aim in life of a Merino ewe is to die and take fifty of her friends with her.” It’s not really much of an exaggeration.
Anonymous said: I'm intrigued to hear the faults of sheep, lay it on me!
Oh I will. It’s on my list for a big write up.
@queenalia said: Hi! I love the post about why horses make no sense, and I was wondering if you would do a similar one for sheep (one of the most suicidal animals on earth in my opinion)?
It will definitely be done sometime in the next few weeks. As you understand, it’s not  quick answer.
@vulturegeorge said: Hey Dr.F, after reeding your "horses-are-spindily-legged-disasters" post and your comment about how sheep are worse, I was wondering if you wished to elaborate? I am currently working on a heard of 50 random sheep my uni bought with a ton of lung issues ... so it'd be super interesting to me. Question tax: came for the Lucifer story, stayed for all of your amazing advice & opinions. I hope you are finding balance between vetting and living. cheers!
I promise I will elaborate. I can’t leave a cliff hanger like that and not explain... eventually.
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
TOP 5 ALTCOINS ON ETHEREUM READY TO EXPLODE IN 2020 – (Best Crypto Investments?)
Today in Krypto, what are some of the most important tokens being built on a theorem in 2020 that could be ready to explode? Well, this video is going to outline the five theorem based tokens that you need to know about and why you should be paying attention to these hot cryptos. The crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for all of the hottest. And all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of Krypto. Also, if you are new to cryptocurrencies and you still need help figuring out all of the basics, like how to buy, how to send, how to mine, how to store Bitcoin and a theorem, as well as the top tips for success and all of the resources that you need to get started investing with confidence. Then check out my beginner’s course, cryptocurrency explained. There is a link down below where you can learn more. So before we begin the list of the top five tokens on a theory am a quick disclaimer. Investing in old coins can be a risky business and good risk management strategies should always be applied to your investments. You are the only person responsible for your investing decisions. This video also only covers these tokens in very, very brief detail and it should not serve as a replacement for doing your own diligence. Also, no portion of this video is sponsored. Just free information for you to use and enjoy. Also, I own some, but not all of the cryptos I’ll be discussing here today. So this video is not intended to pump my bags, but just to provide you with valuable information that you might find useful in your investing journey. So that being said, let’s get this guy’s number one chain link. If data is the new oil and if crypto is the new Internet economy, then chain link is the oil pipeline of that future economy. Chain Link provides trusted tamper-proof data to power smart contracts on any blockchain links. Oracle’s Liow for real-world off-chain data to power a range of smart contracts on-chain because, without accurate data smart contracts, they’re not actually very smart. They use cases for trust. The data feed for on-chain contract execution to be applied to a lot of major industries like the securities markets, global trade, supply chains, insurance and of course, the trading markets. Chain Link has created an industry-leading web of partners across many different blockchains, and it is a major player in the Theorem Enterprise Alliance, particularly when we talk about the ethereal Enterprise Alliance Eminent Task Force. And it is also working with accounting giant Ernst and Young on the bass line protocol. Both of these initiatives are aimed at bringing more enterprises into crypto and to build on open public networks. In addition, Chainlink is now working with many of the major decentralized finance applications built on a theorem. DFI, of course, is considered by many analysts to be the next defining trend in the crypto economy. And, of course, Chain Link is right smack in the middle of that trend with its data feeds. And the other trend that chain link is perfectly positioned to take advantage of is inter-chain operability, with chain link now providing its trusted oracles to chains such as harmony and hash graph. And when the chain, among others, currently chain link has a market cap of over a billion dollars, which means that it does have a lot less room for gains compared to some of the other coins that I’ll be discussing here today. But regardless, Chain Link has without a doubt established itself as a key piece of infrastructure for not just the theory M economy, but for the entire crypto economy. Number two on our list today is Kibre Network. Kibre allows for wildly easy, decentralized swaps of a theorem based assets, no weighting, no KYC, just connect, swap and go. Kiba achieves this with liquidity pools across many different assets that allow for swaps to happen with minimum slippage and also allows for merchants feel to get paid, for example, in USD C, but for you to be able to pay using a token like a chain link chainlink. So Kiva will swap your link over and then the merchant will get USD C on the other end and Kibre swapping in the. Quiddity solutions have proven to be so popular that it has now built a very large list and a growing list, by the way, of very impressive partners from across the crypto space. And Kibre has just passed a huge milestone of having processed over one billion dollars worth of transactions, all on-chain. We have also seen a massive increase in transaction volumes on Kibre network over the last few months. The Khyber Tolkan. It is a deflationary token which is burned over time, based proportionally on transaction fees on the network. And what has got a lot of people incredibly excited about Kibre recently is the upcoming network upgrade called Catalyst, which will bring in staking rewards for token holders, meaning that Kibre will be a deflationary token which pays out dividends on a regular basis to token holders. Now, the exact rates of the dividend payment have not been determined yet, as they will, of course, be determined by stakeholders. When we see that upgrade, go live later this year. Now, there are a few other decentralized protocols out there for exchanging and liquidity solutions and cryptocurrency. So we have things like bancor or zero acts, which are also interesting. And then, of course, there’s Yuni swap, which allows anyone to provide liquidity into the market. But in my opinion, with the upcoming Catalyst upgrade for Kibre, it is the one which I am definitely most bullish on and the one that I think is going to capture a lot of people’s interest as 2020 progresses. And considering that the market cap of Kiba is only around 100 million dollars currently, it leaves a lot of room for growth in the future, especially considering that the token will be steadily burned over time. And if staking awards are strong enough incentives for people to go out and get these tokens, then demand to hold the tokens will go up as well. So as to be seeing supply dropping and demand rising. Number three on our list today is the engine. This is a gaming token aimed at bringing unique digital assets to the block. Chain Engine offers true ownership of in-game items since each asset is issued on-chain and its authenticity and its rarity can be easily verified. Now, to create an item, developers must actually melt engine tokens into it. So, for example, if we want to create a sword, I could melt 100 engine tokens into that particular item. Then you win it in a game that I’ve created and then you have that that’s uniquely yours. And if you want to sell that at a time for cash or for crypto, well, you can do that. Or you can decide to melt the sword and unlock lock the engine tokens stored therein. What is even more interesting for gamers is that the engine multiverse is rapidly growing thanks to the close cooperation of engine with unity. One of the largest game development platforms in the world. This means that your sword can actually travel from one game to the next to the next throughout your gaming life. Bring your whole new ability for your assets to live on and on and on. In games like Age of Rust that are using engine based assets, they look absolutely fantastic. Meaning that gamers will actually want to play these games and thus the assets in those games will actually be desired by people. And recent moves by major browsers like opera in major phone companies like HTC and Samsung, as well as major social media platform Reddit, which are all rolling out support for theory and wallets, make catering to the future generation of gamers even easier. The current market cap of the engine is around 150 million dollars mean that that does actually remain a lot of room for growth, for engine moving into the next market cycle. And the more that we see developers actually implementing engine based items into their games, the rare the token will become since we will see a greater demand to lock up tokens, especially as these tokens in these games become more popular. And then, of course, you might have gamers holding onto these items for years and years at a time, creating a situation of rarity. Of course. Of course. Good for a limited supply token on the market. Number four is Yuni Bright. Yuni Bright is perhaps one of the most important theorem tokens in terms of helping to bring more enterprise customers into the blockchain world. It offers businesses all of the tools. They need to fully integrate a blockchain-based business life cycle into their organization, essentially is working to make it just super, super easy to On-Board businesses, too. In theory, m making processes like invoicing and asset lifecycle supply chain management, all that stuff possible on-chain and just the click of a few buttons with Unibank providing all of the easy to use templates to get set up, meaning that no smart contract knowledge or blockchain coding knowledge is actually going to be needed to be able to leverage the power of open public networks. This will allow for custom blockchain workflows to be built in minutes by organizations. The U.B. token is used to gain access to the platform. The initial period covers 30 days. Now these tokens, they must be bought out on the open market. And then at the end of that 30 day period, the customers actually have the option to be able to rebuy the tokens directly from Yuni Bright, but at a lower price compared to the open market price. Also, some spent you IBT tokens will be given off to nonprofits like universities and charities. Instead of being sold back on the open market, tokens collected by the team will not be resold on to the market, meaning that any tokens that are deposited into the system are in essence removed from the circulating supply on the open market. Now, the net effect of this is that the more customers that onboard to uni bright, the more enterprises we see adopting blockchain technology. It means the more tokens that become locked by these companies that, of course, then continue to renew their memberships. Keeping it all with uni bright, which is good for the market health of the tokens since it diminishes the circulating supply in the open market over time. Now Uni Bright, along with chain link is also part of the Theory and Enterprise Alliance’s eminent task force and the Ernst and Young Bass Line Protocol. Both of these initiatives, again, are aimed at bringing more and more enterprises into the world of public open networks. Uni Bright’s current market cap is only around 50 million dollars, meaning again, there is significant potential for uni bright to grow moving forward, especially considering, of course, the close relationships that we do see with Uni Bright and the ethereal Enterprise Alliance, as well as with Ernst and Young. And of course, with the huge projected growth for the enterprise block change space overall in the coming decade, it could be massive. And finally, number five is Mattick. Nomadic is a layer to scaling solution for a theorem that will bring a massive increase in throughput to a theorem via its proof of stake based side chains. Layer two scaling is useful for applications that need near-instant and super, super cheap transactions, which is key for creating applications that will actually build an onboard huge amounts of new users into the crypto ecosystem. So with Mattick, we’re talking about potentially millions of transactions at layer two becoming a theoretical possibility. MATTICK has already lined up a lot of great partners like maker Dow USD C D Central Land. The use cases for Mattick range from payments to decentralized, exchanging of assets to gaining to micro-lending to virtual reality. And on and on and on. Matics May Net has also just gone live and will be rolled out in three phases over the coming months. And with the main net comes staking. We have already seen the market effect that staking has brought to networks like Tasos. I would expect a similar effect from Mattick moving forward of people piling in to get those staking rewards. Now, staking rewards will base on a different percentage of how much Mattick is actually staked, so will draw depending on how many people actually decide to stake, dramatic or not. But if we assume that 30 percent of the supply is a stake, then the rewards will be 20 percent during the first year. Now, if a strong list of partners alive may net and a potentially very lucrative staking reward system, it would seem that the current market cap of 50 million dollars actually leaves a lot of room for Mattick to grow. Moving into the future anyway. Those are just my two sets to her’s. What do you think of my list? Do you agree that these are the five most important tokens? On top of it theorem, do you think that I missed something that may be really, really should have been on this list? Let me know your opinion down below in the comments section. As always, thank you so much for tuning in to watch this episode. Hope you have a frickin fantastic weekend. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing makes your hit that like button on your way out the door and subscribe to channel if your new round here. Long live the blockchain and piece out the next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/top-altcoins-on-ethereum-ready-to-explode/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/618550891621040128
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Today in Krypto, what are some of the most important tokens being built on a theorem in 2020 that could be ready to explode? Well, this video is going to outline the five theorem based tokens that you need to know about and why you should be paying attention to these hot cryptos. The crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for all of the hottest. And all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of Krypto. Also, if you are new to cryptocurrencies and you still need help figuring out all of the basics, like how to buy, how to send, how to mine, how to store Bitcoin and a theorem, as well as the top tips for success and all of the resources that you need to get started investing with confidence. Then check out my beginner’s course, cryptocurrency explained. There is a link down below where you can learn more. So before we begin the list of the top five tokens on a theory am a quick disclaimer. Investing in old coins can be a risky business and good risk management strategies should always be applied to your investments. You are the only person responsible for your investing decisions. This video also only covers these tokens in very, very brief detail and it should not serve as a replacement for doing your own diligence. Also, no portion of this video is sponsored. Just free information for you to use and enjoy. Also, I own some, but not all of the cryptos I’ll be discussing here today. So this video is not intended to pump my bags, but just to provide you with valuable information that you might find useful in your investing journey. So that being said, let’s get this guy’s number one chain link. If data is the new oil and if crypto is the new Internet economy, then chain link is the oil pipeline of that future economy. Chain Link provides trusted tamper-proof data to power smart contracts on any blockchain links. Oracle’s Liow for real-world off-chain data to power a range of smart contracts on-chain because, without accurate data smart contracts, they’re not actually very smart. They use cases for trust. The data feed for on-chain contract execution to be applied to a lot of major industries like the securities markets, global trade, supply chains, insurance and of course, the trading markets. Chain Link has created an industry-leading web of partners across many different blockchains, and it is a major player in the Theorem Enterprise Alliance, particularly when we talk about the ethereal Enterprise Alliance Eminent Task Force. And it is also working with accounting giant Ernst and Young on the bass line protocol. Both of these initiatives are aimed at bringing more enterprises into crypto and to build on open public networks. In addition, Chainlink is now working with many of the major decentralized finance applications built on a theorem. DFI, of course, is considered by many analysts to be the next defining trend in the crypto economy. And, of course, Chain Link is right smack in the middle of that trend with its data feeds. And the other trend that chain link is perfectly positioned to take advantage of is inter-chain operability, with chain link now providing its trusted oracles to chains such as harmony and hash graph. And when the chain, among others, currently chain link has a market cap of over a billion dollars, which means that it does have a lot less room for gains compared to some of the other coins that I’ll be discussing here today. But regardless, Chain Link has without a doubt established itself as a key piece of infrastructure for not just the theory M economy, but for the entire crypto economy. Number two on our list today is Kibre Network. Kibre allows for wildly easy, decentralized swaps of a theorem based assets, no weighting, no KYC, just connect, swap and go. Kiba achieves this with liquidity pools across many different assets that allow for swaps to happen with minimum slippage and also allows for merchants feel to get paid, for example, in USD C, but for you to be able to pay using a token like a chain link chainlink. So Kiva will swap your link over and then the merchant will get USD C on the other end and Kibre swapping in the. Quiddity solutions have proven to be so popular that it has now built a very large list and a growing list, by the way, of very impressive partners from across the crypto space. And Kibre has just passed a huge milestone of having processed over one billion dollars worth of transactions, all on-chain. We have also seen a massive increase in transaction volumes on Kibre network over the last few months. The Khyber Tolkan. It is a deflationary token which is burned over time, based proportionally on transaction fees on the network. And what has got a lot of people incredibly excited about Kibre recently is the upcoming network upgrade called Catalyst, which will bring in staking rewards for token holders, meaning that Kibre will be a deflationary token which pays out dividends on a regular basis to token holders. Now, the exact rates of the dividend payment have not been determined yet, as they will, of course, be determined by stakeholders. When we see that upgrade, go live later this year. Now, there are a few other decentralized protocols out there for exchanging and liquidity solutions and cryptocurrency. So we have things like bancor or zero acts, which are also interesting. And then, of course, there’s Yuni swap, which allows anyone to provide liquidity into the market. But in my opinion, with the upcoming Catalyst upgrade for Kibre, it is the one which I am definitely most bullish on and the one that I think is going to capture a lot of people’s interest as 2020 progresses. And considering that the market cap of Kiba is only around 100 million dollars currently, it leaves a lot of room for growth in the future, especially considering that the token will be steadily burned over time. And if staking awards are strong enough incentives for people to go out and get these tokens, then demand to hold the tokens will go up as well. So as to be seeing supply dropping and demand rising. Number three on our list today is the engine. This is a gaming token aimed at bringing unique digital assets to the block. Chain Engine offers true ownership of in-game items since each asset is issued on-chain and its authenticity and its rarity can be easily verified. Now, to create an item, developers must actually melt engine tokens into it. So, for example, if we want to create a sword, I could melt 100 engine tokens into that particular item. Then you win it in a game that I’ve created and then you have that that’s uniquely yours. And if you want to sell that at a time for cash or for crypto, well, you can do that. Or you can decide to melt the sword and unlock lock the engine tokens stored therein. What is even more interesting for gamers is that the engine multiverse is rapidly growing thanks to the close cooperation of engine with unity. One of the largest game development platforms in the world. This means that your sword can actually travel from one game to the next to the next throughout your gaming life. Bring your whole new ability for your assets to live on and on and on. In games like Age of Rust that are using engine based assets, they look absolutely fantastic. Meaning that gamers will actually want to play these games and thus the assets in those games will actually be desired by people. And recent moves by major browsers like opera in major phone companies like HTC and Samsung, as well as major social media platform Reddit, which are all rolling out support for theory and wallets, make catering to the future generation of gamers even easier. The current market cap of the engine is around 150 million dollars mean that that does actually remain a lot of room for growth, for engine moving into the next market cycle. And the more that we see developers actually implementing engine based items into their games, the rare the token will become since we will see a greater demand to lock up tokens, especially as these tokens in these games become more popular. And then, of course, you might have gamers holding onto these items for years and years at a time, creating a situation of rarity. Of course. Of course. Good for a limited supply token on the market. Number four is Yuni Bright. Yuni Bright is perhaps one of the most important theorem tokens in terms of helping to bring more enterprise customers into the blockchain world. It offers businesses all of the tools. They need to fully integrate a blockchain-based business life cycle into their organization, essentially is working to make it just super, super easy to On-Board businesses, too. In theory, m making processes like invoicing and asset lifecycle supply chain management, all that stuff possible on-chain and just the click of a few buttons with Unibank providing all of the easy to use templates to get set up, meaning that no smart contract knowledge or blockchain coding knowledge is actually going to be needed to be able to leverage the power of open public networks. This will allow for custom blockchain workflows to be built in minutes by organizations. The U.B. token is used to gain access to the platform. The initial period covers 30 days. Now these tokens, they must be bought out on the open market. And then at the end of that 30 day period, the customers actually have the option to be able to rebuy the tokens directly from Yuni Bright, but at a lower price compared to the open market price. Also, some spent you IBT tokens will be given off to nonprofits like universities and charities. Instead of being sold back on the open market, tokens collected by the team will not be resold on to the market, meaning that any tokens that are deposited into the system are in essence removed from the circulating supply on the open market. Now, the net effect of this is that the more customers that onboard to uni bright, the more enterprises we see adopting blockchain technology. It means the more tokens that become locked by these companies that, of course, then continue to renew their memberships. Keeping it all with uni bright, which is good for the market health of the tokens since it diminishes the circulating supply in the open market over time. Now Uni Bright, along with chain link is also part of the Theory and Enterprise Alliance’s eminent task force and the Ernst and Young Bass Line Protocol. Both of these initiatives, again, are aimed at bringing more and more enterprises into the world of public open networks. Uni Bright’s current market cap is only around 50 million dollars, meaning again, there is significant potential for uni bright to grow moving forward, especially considering, of course, the close relationships that we do see with Uni Bright and the ethereal Enterprise Alliance, as well as with Ernst and Young. And of course, with the huge projected growth for the enterprise block change space overall in the coming decade, it could be massive. And finally, number five is Mattick. Nomadic is a layer to scaling solution for a theorem that will bring a massive increase in throughput to a theorem via its proof of stake based side chains. Layer two scaling is useful for applications that need near-instant and super, super cheap transactions, which is key for creating applications that will actually build an onboard huge amounts of new users into the crypto ecosystem. So with Mattick, we’re talking about potentially millions of transactions at layer two becoming a theoretical possibility. MATTICK has already lined up a lot of great partners like maker Dow USD C D Central Land. The use cases for Mattick range from payments to decentralized, exchanging of assets to gaining to micro-lending to virtual reality. And on and on and on. Matics May Net has also just gone live and will be rolled out in three phases over the coming months. And with the main net comes staking. We have already seen the market effect that staking has brought to networks like Tasos. I would expect a similar effect from Mattick moving forward of people piling in to get those staking rewards. Now, staking rewards will base on a different percentage of how much Mattick is actually staked, so will draw depending on how many people actually decide to stake, dramatic or not. But if we assume that 30 percent of the supply is a stake, then the rewards will be 20 percent during the first year. Now, if a strong list of partners alive may net and a potentially very lucrative staking reward system, it would seem that the current market cap of 50 million dollars actually leaves a lot of room for Mattick to grow. Moving into the future anyway. Those are just my two sets to her’s. What do you think of my list? Do you agree that these are the five most important tokens? On top of it theorem, do you think that I missed something that may be really, really should have been on this list? Let me know your opinion down below in the comments section. As always, thank you so much for tuning in to watch this episode. Hope you have a frickin fantastic weekend. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing makes your hit that like button on your way out the door and subscribe to channel if your new round here. Long live the blockchain and piece out the next time.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/top-altcoins-on-ethereum-ready-to-explode/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/top-5-altcoins-on-ethereum-ready-to-explode-in-2020-best-crypto-investments
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
TOP 5 ALTCOINS ON ETHEREUM READY TO EXPLODE IN 2020 – (Best Crypto Investments?)
Today in Krypto, what are some of the most important tokens being built on a theorem in 2020 that could be ready to explode? Well, this video is going to outline the five theorem based tokens that you need to know about and why you should be paying attention to these hot cryptos. The crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for all of the hottest. And all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of Krypto. Also, if you are new to cryptocurrencies and you still need help figuring out all of the basics, like how to buy, how to send, how to mine, how to store Bitcoin and a theorem, as well as the top tips for success and all of the resources that you need to get started investing with confidence. Then check out my beginner’s course, cryptocurrency explained. There is a link down below where you can learn more. So before we begin the list of the top five tokens on a theory am a quick disclaimer. Investing in old coins can be a risky business and good risk management strategies should always be applied to your investments. You are the only person responsible for your investing decisions. This video also only covers these tokens in very, very brief detail and it should not serve as a replacement for doing your own diligence. Also, no portion of this video is sponsored. Just free information for you to use and enjoy. Also, I own some, but not all of the cryptos I’ll be discussing here today. So this video is not intended to pump my bags, but just to provide you with valuable information that you might find useful in your investing journey. So that being said, let’s get this guy’s number one chain link. If data is the new oil and if crypto is the new Internet economy, then chain link is the oil pipeline of that future economy. Chain Link provides trusted tamper-proof data to power smart contracts on any blockchain links. Oracle’s Liow for real-world off-chain data to power a range of smart contracts on-chain because, without accurate data smart contracts, they’re not actually very smart. They use cases for trust. The data feed for on-chain contract execution to be applied to a lot of major industries like the securities markets, global trade, supply chains, insurance and of course, the trading markets. Chain Link has created an industry-leading web of partners across many different blockchains, and it is a major player in the Theorem Enterprise Alliance, particularly when we talk about the ethereal Enterprise Alliance Eminent Task Force. And it is also working with accounting giant Ernst and Young on the bass line protocol. Both of these initiatives are aimed at bringing more enterprises into crypto and to build on open public networks. In addition, Chainlink is now working with many of the major decentralized finance applications built on a theorem. DFI, of course, is considered by many analysts to be the next defining trend in the crypto economy. And, of course, Chain Link is right smack in the middle of that trend with its data feeds. And the other trend that chain link is perfectly positioned to take advantage of is inter-chain operability, with chain link now providing its trusted oracles to chains such as harmony and hash graph. And when the chain, among others, currently chain link has a market cap of over a billion dollars, which means that it does have a lot less room for gains compared to some of the other coins that I’ll be discussing here today. But regardless, Chain Link has without a doubt established itself as a key piece of infrastructure for not just the theory M economy, but for the entire crypto economy. Number two on our list today is Kibre Network. Kibre allows for wildly easy, decentralized swaps of a theorem based assets, no weighting, no KYC, just connect, swap and go. Kiba achieves this with liquidity pools across many different assets that allow for swaps to happen with minimum slippage and also allows for merchants feel to get paid, for example, in USD C, but for you to be able to pay using a token like a chain link chainlink. So Kiva will swap your link over and then the merchant will get USD C on the other end and Kibre swapping in the. Quiddity solutions have proven to be so popular that it has now built a very large list and a growing list, by the way, of very impressive partners from across the crypto space. And Kibre has just passed a huge milestone of having processed over one billion dollars worth of transactions, all on-chain. We have also seen a massive increase in transaction volumes on Kibre network over the last few months. The Khyber Tolkan. It is a deflationary token which is burned over time, based proportionally on transaction fees on the network. And what has got a lot of people incredibly excited about Kibre recently is the upcoming network upgrade called Catalyst, which will bring in staking rewards for token holders, meaning that Kibre will be a deflationary token which pays out dividends on a regular basis to token holders. Now, the exact rates of the dividend payment have not been determined yet, as they will, of course, be determined by stakeholders. When we see that upgrade, go live later this year. Now, there are a few other decentralized protocols out there for exchanging and liquidity solutions and cryptocurrency. So we have things like bancor or zero acts, which are also interesting. And then, of course, there’s Yuni swap, which allows anyone to provide liquidity into the market. But in my opinion, with the upcoming Catalyst upgrade for Kibre, it is the one which I am definitely most bullish on and the one that I think is going to capture a lot of people’s interest as 2020 progresses. And considering that the market cap of Kiba is only around 100 million dollars currently, it leaves a lot of room for growth in the future, especially considering that the token will be steadily burned over time. And if staking awards are strong enough incentives for people to go out and get these tokens, then demand to hold the tokens will go up as well. So as to be seeing supply dropping and demand rising. Number three on our list today is the engine. This is a gaming token aimed at bringing unique digital assets to the block. Chain Engine offers true ownership of in-game items since each asset is issued on-chain and its authenticity and its rarity can be easily verified. Now, to create an item, developers must actually melt engine tokens into it. So, for example, if we want to create a sword, I could melt 100 engine tokens into that particular item. Then you win it in a game that I’ve created and then you have that that’s uniquely yours. And if you want to sell that at a time for cash or for crypto, well, you can do that. Or you can decide to melt the sword and unlock lock the engine tokens stored therein. What is even more interesting for gamers is that the engine multiverse is rapidly growing thanks to the close cooperation of engine with unity. One of the largest game development platforms in the world. This means that your sword can actually travel from one game to the next to the next throughout your gaming life. Bring your whole new ability for your assets to live on and on and on. In games like Age of Rust that are using engine based assets, they look absolutely fantastic. Meaning that gamers will actually want to play these games and thus the assets in those games will actually be desired by people. And recent moves by major browsers like opera in major phone companies like HTC and Samsung, as well as major social media platform Reddit, which are all rolling out support for theory and wallets, make catering to the future generation of gamers even easier. The current market cap of the engine is around 150 million dollars mean that that does actually remain a lot of room for growth, for engine moving into the next market cycle. And the more that we see developers actually implementing engine based items into their games, the rare the token will become since we will see a greater demand to lock up tokens, especially as these tokens in these games become more popular. And then, of course, you might have gamers holding onto these items for years and years at a time, creating a situation of rarity. Of course. Of course. Good for a limited supply token on the market. Number four is Yuni Bright. Yuni Bright is perhaps one of the most important theorem tokens in terms of helping to bring more enterprise customers into the blockchain world. It offers businesses all of the tools. They need to fully integrate a blockchain-based business life cycle into their organization, essentially is working to make it just super, super easy to On-Board businesses, too. In theory, m making processes like invoicing and asset lifecycle supply chain management, all that stuff possible on-chain and just the click of a few buttons with Unibank providing all of the easy to use templates to get set up, meaning that no smart contract knowledge or blockchain coding knowledge is actually going to be needed to be able to leverage the power of open public networks. This will allow for custom blockchain workflows to be built in minutes by organizations. The U.B. token is used to gain access to the platform. The initial period covers 30 days. Now these tokens, they must be bought out on the open market. And then at the end of that 30 day period, the customers actually have the option to be able to rebuy the tokens directly from Yuni Bright, but at a lower price compared to the open market price. Also, some spent you IBT tokens will be given off to nonprofits like universities and charities. Instead of being sold back on the open market, tokens collected by the team will not be resold on to the market, meaning that any tokens that are deposited into the system are in essence removed from the circulating supply on the open market. Now, the net effect of this is that the more customers that onboard to uni bright, the more enterprises we see adopting blockchain technology. It means the more tokens that become locked by these companies that, of course, then continue to renew their memberships. Keeping it all with uni bright, which is good for the market health of the tokens since it diminishes the circulating supply in the open market over time. Now Uni Bright, along with chain link is also part of the Theory and Enterprise Alliance’s eminent task force and the Ernst and Young Bass Line Protocol. Both of these initiatives, again, are aimed at bringing more and more enterprises into the world of public open networks. Uni Bright’s current market cap is only around 50 million dollars, meaning again, there is significant potential for uni bright to grow moving forward, especially considering, of course, the close relationships that we do see with Uni Bright and the ethereal Enterprise Alliance, as well as with Ernst and Young. And of course, with the huge projected growth for the enterprise block change space overall in the coming decade, it could be massive. And finally, number five is Mattick. Nomadic is a layer to scaling solution for a theorem that will bring a massive increase in throughput to a theorem via its proof of stake based side chains. Layer two scaling is useful for applications that need near-instant and super, super cheap transactions, which is key for creating applications that will actually build an onboard huge amounts of new users into the crypto ecosystem. So with Mattick, we’re talking about potentially millions of transactions at layer two becoming a theoretical possibility. MATTICK has already lined up a lot of great partners like maker Dow USD C D Central Land. The use cases for Mattick range from payments to decentralized, exchanging of assets to gaining to micro-lending to virtual reality. And on and on and on. Matics May Net has also just gone live and will be rolled out in three phases over the coming months. And with the main net comes staking. We have already seen the market effect that staking has brought to networks like Tasos. I would expect a similar effect from Mattick moving forward of people piling in to get those staking rewards. Now, staking rewards will base on a different percentage of how much Mattick is actually staked, so will draw depending on how many people actually decide to stake, dramatic or not. But if we assume that 30 percent of the supply is a stake, then the rewards will be 20 percent during the first year. Now, if a strong list of partners alive may net and a potentially very lucrative staking reward system, it would seem that the current market cap of 50 million dollars actually leaves a lot of room for Mattick to grow. Moving into the future anyway. Those are just my two sets to her’s. What do you think of my list? Do you agree that these are the five most important tokens? On top of it theorem, do you think that I missed something that may be really, really should have been on this list? Let me know your opinion down below in the comments section. As always, thank you so much for tuning in to watch this episode. Hope you have a frickin fantastic weekend. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing makes your hit that like button on your way out the door and subscribe to channel if your new round here. Long live the blockchain and piece out the next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/top-altcoins-on-ethereum-ready-to-explode/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/top-5-altcoins-on-ethereum-ready-to.html
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
TOP 5 ALTCOINS ON ETHEREUM READY TO EXPLODE IN 2020 – (Best Crypto Investments?)
Today in Krypto, what are some of the most important tokens being built on a theorem in 2020 that could be ready to explode? Well, this video is going to outline the five theorem based tokens that you need to know about and why you should be paying attention to these hot cryptos. The crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for all of the hottest. And all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of Krypto. Also, if you are new to cryptocurrencies and you still need help figuring out all of the basics, like how to buy, how to send, how to mine, how to store Bitcoin and a theorem, as well as the top tips for success and all of the resources that you need to get started investing with confidence. Then check out my beginner’s course, cryptocurrency explained. There is a link down below where you can learn more. So before we begin the list of the top five tokens on a theory am a quick disclaimer. Investing in old coins can be a risky business and good risk management strategies should always be applied to your investments. You are the only person responsible for your investing decisions. This video also only covers these tokens in very, very brief detail and it should not serve as a replacement for doing your own diligence. Also, no portion of this video is sponsored. Just free information for you to use and enjoy. Also, I own some, but not all of the cryptos I’ll be discussing here today. So this video is not intended to pump my bags, but just to provide you with valuable information that you might find useful in your investing journey. So that being said, let’s get this guy’s number one chain link. If data is the new oil and if crypto is the new Internet economy, then chain link is the oil pipeline of that future economy. Chain Link provides trusted tamper-proof data to power smart contracts on any blockchain links. Oracle’s Liow for real-world off-chain data to power a range of smart contracts on-chain because, without accurate data smart contracts, they’re not actually very smart. They use cases for trust. The data feed for on-chain contract execution to be applied to a lot of major industries like the securities markets, global trade, supply chains, insurance and of course, the trading markets. Chain Link has created an industry-leading web of partners across many different blockchains, and it is a major player in the Theorem Enterprise Alliance, particularly when we talk about the ethereal Enterprise Alliance Eminent Task Force. And it is also working with accounting giant Ernst and Young on the bass line protocol. Both of these initiatives are aimed at bringing more enterprises into crypto and to build on open public networks. In addition, Chainlink is now working with many of the major decentralized finance applications built on a theorem. DFI, of course, is considered by many analysts to be the next defining trend in the crypto economy. And, of course, Chain Link is right smack in the middle of that trend with its data feeds. And the other trend that chain link is perfectly positioned to take advantage of is inter-chain operability, with chain link now providing its trusted oracles to chains such as harmony and hash graph. And when the chain, among others, currently chain link has a market cap of over a billion dollars, which means that it does have a lot less room for gains compared to some of the other coins that I’ll be discussing here today. But regardless, Chain Link has without a doubt established itself as a key piece of infrastructure for not just the theory M economy, but for the entire crypto economy. Number two on our list today is Kibre Network. Kibre allows for wildly easy, decentralized swaps of a theorem based assets, no weighting, no KYC, just connect, swap and go. Kiba achieves this with liquidity pools across many different assets that allow for swaps to happen with minimum slippage and also allows for merchants feel to get paid, for example, in USD C, but for you to be able to pay using a token like a chain link chainlink. So Kiva will swap your link over and then the merchant will get USD C on the other end and Kibre swapping in the. Quiddity solutions have proven to be so popular that it has now built a very large list and a growing list, by the way, of very impressive partners from across the crypto space. And Kibre has just passed a huge milestone of having processed over one billion dollars worth of transactions, all on-chain. We have also seen a massive increase in transaction volumes on Kibre network over the last few months. The Khyber Tolkan. It is a deflationary token which is burned over time, based proportionally on transaction fees on the network. And what has got a lot of people incredibly excited about Kibre recently is the upcoming network upgrade called Catalyst, which will bring in staking rewards for token holders, meaning that Kibre will be a deflationary token which pays out dividends on a regular basis to token holders. Now, the exact rates of the dividend payment have not been determined yet, as they will, of course, be determined by stakeholders. When we see that upgrade, go live later this year. Now, there are a few other decentralized protocols out there for exchanging and liquidity solutions and cryptocurrency. So we have things like bancor or zero acts, which are also interesting. And then, of course, there’s Yuni swap, which allows anyone to provide liquidity into the market. But in my opinion, with the upcoming Catalyst upgrade for Kibre, it is the one which I am definitely most bullish on and the one that I think is going to capture a lot of people’s interest as 2020 progresses. And considering that the market cap of Kiba is only around 100 million dollars currently, it leaves a lot of room for growth in the future, especially considering that the token will be steadily burned over time. And if staking awards are strong enough incentives for people to go out and get these tokens, then demand to hold the tokens will go up as well. So as to be seeing supply dropping and demand rising. Number three on our list today is the engine. This is a gaming token aimed at bringing unique digital assets to the block. Chain Engine offers true ownership of in-game items since each asset is issued on-chain and its authenticity and its rarity can be easily verified. Now, to create an item, developers must actually melt engine tokens into it. So, for example, if we want to create a sword, I could melt 100 engine tokens into that particular item. Then you win it in a game that I’ve created and then you have that that’s uniquely yours. And if you want to sell that at a time for cash or for crypto, well, you can do that. Or you can decide to melt the sword and unlock lock the engine tokens stored therein. What is even more interesting for gamers is that the engine multiverse is rapidly growing thanks to the close cooperation of engine with unity. One of the largest game development platforms in the world. This means that your sword can actually travel from one game to the next to the next throughout your gaming life. Bring your whole new ability for your assets to live on and on and on. In games like Age of Rust that are using engine based assets, they look absolutely fantastic. Meaning that gamers will actually want to play these games and thus the assets in those games will actually be desired by people. And recent moves by major browsers like opera in major phone companies like HTC and Samsung, as well as major social media platform Reddit, which are all rolling out support for theory and wallets, make catering to the future generation of gamers even easier. The current market cap of the engine is around 150 million dollars mean that that does actually remain a lot of room for growth, for engine moving into the next market cycle. And the more that we see developers actually implementing engine based items into their games, the rare the token will become since we will see a greater demand to lock up tokens, especially as these tokens in these games become more popular. And then, of course, you might have gamers holding onto these items for years and years at a time, creating a situation of rarity. Of course. Of course. Good for a limited supply token on the market. Number four is Yuni Bright. Yuni Bright is perhaps one of the most important theorem tokens in terms of helping to bring more enterprise customers into the blockchain world. It offers businesses all of the tools. They need to fully integrate a blockchain-based business life cycle into their organization, essentially is working to make it just super, super easy to On-Board businesses, too. In theory, m making processes like invoicing and asset lifecycle supply chain management, all that stuff possible on-chain and just the click of a few buttons with Unibank providing all of the easy to use templates to get set up, meaning that no smart contract knowledge or blockchain coding knowledge is actually going to be needed to be able to leverage the power of open public networks. This will allow for custom blockchain workflows to be built in minutes by organizations. The U.B. token is used to gain access to the platform. The initial period covers 30 days. Now these tokens, they must be bought out on the open market. And then at the end of that 30 day period, the customers actually have the option to be able to rebuy the tokens directly from Yuni Bright, but at a lower price compared to the open market price. Also, some spent you IBT tokens will be given off to nonprofits like universities and charities. Instead of being sold back on the open market, tokens collected by the team will not be resold on to the market, meaning that any tokens that are deposited into the system are in essence removed from the circulating supply on the open market. Now, the net effect of this is that the more customers that onboard to uni bright, the more enterprises we see adopting blockchain technology. It means the more tokens that become locked by these companies that, of course, then continue to renew their memberships. Keeping it all with uni bright, which is good for the market health of the tokens since it diminishes the circulating supply in the open market over time. Now Uni Bright, along with chain link is also part of the Theory and Enterprise Alliance’s eminent task force and the Ernst and Young Bass Line Protocol. Both of these initiatives, again, are aimed at bringing more and more enterprises into the world of public open networks. Uni Bright’s current market cap is only around 50 million dollars, meaning again, there is significant potential for uni bright to grow moving forward, especially considering, of course, the close relationships that we do see with Uni Bright and the ethereal Enterprise Alliance, as well as with Ernst and Young. And of course, with the huge projected growth for the enterprise block change space overall in the coming decade, it could be massive. And finally, number five is Mattick. Nomadic is a layer to scaling solution for a theorem that will bring a massive increase in throughput to a theorem via its proof of stake based side chains. Layer two scaling is useful for applications that need near-instant and super, super cheap transactions, which is key for creating applications that will actually build an onboard huge amounts of new users into the crypto ecosystem. So with Mattick, we’re talking about potentially millions of transactions at layer two becoming a theoretical possibility. MATTICK has already lined up a lot of great partners like maker Dow USD C D Central Land. The use cases for Mattick range from payments to decentralized, exchanging of assets to gaining to micro-lending to virtual reality. And on and on and on. Matics May Net has also just gone live and will be rolled out in three phases over the coming months. And with the main net comes staking. We have already seen the market effect that staking has brought to networks like Tasos. I would expect a similar effect from Mattick moving forward of people piling in to get those staking rewards. Now, staking rewards will base on a different percentage of how much Mattick is actually staked, so will draw depending on how many people actually decide to stake, dramatic or not. But if we assume that 30 percent of the supply is a stake, then the rewards will be 20 percent during the first year. Now, if a strong list of partners alive may net and a potentially very lucrative staking reward system, it would seem that the current market cap of 50 million dollars actually leaves a lot of room for Mattick to grow. Moving into the future anyway. Those are just my two sets to her’s. What do you think of my list? Do you agree that these are the five most important tokens? On top of it theorem, do you think that I missed something that may be really, really should have been on this list? Let me know your opinion down below in the comments section. As always, thank you so much for tuning in to watch this episode. Hope you have a frickin fantastic weekend. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing makes your hit that like button on your way out the door and subscribe to channel if your new round here. Long live the blockchain and piece out the next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/top-altcoins-on-ethereum-ready-to-explode/
0 notes
conniecogeie · 6 years
What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019
Unlike content marketing (which is centuries old), SEO is a very new discipline. It has been around for just a couple decades, and it quickly became the primary digital focus for many marketers.
Yet, SEO cannot exist without content, and I am happy to report that the search industry has reached maturity when it goes back to basics: recognizing that content is the most important and fundamental part of the marketing puzzle. Now, with SEO maturing so quickly, there are still many misconceptions and misunderstandings around it. Those misconceptions may impact the content marketing process in a not-so-positive way.
Let’s clear things up a bit:
1. SEO Has Become Much More Integrated and Diverse
SEO used to be standalone: no one had any idea what SEOs were doing and how they got pages ranked. Many SEOs would ignore very important digital marketing aspects, including user experience, brand building, etc. The only purpose was to get a page ranked.
These days it’s finally different: SEO is just one element of success. It’s next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, or without ensuring users are going to have a good experience using the site.
#SEO is just one element of digital success. It's next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, and delivering a great user experience Click To Tweet
Google has taken all of that in the account: they monitor how users interact with a website, how satisfied they are, and how quickly they find answers when landing on a page from search results. Google has made trust and authority important ranking signals.
As a result, there are fewer and fewer companies that focus on a single component of SEO (like link building) or even just SEO. Most companies are offering full-package internet marketing services that include video production, social media marketing and usability. Some companies even go beyond that by offering “integrated marketing services”. talkingAds, a company that oversees the entire marketing plan for its clients, describes the benefits of this approach in much detail and why it’s crucial for businesses:
The important elements in marketing communication are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations, website communication, sponsorship and social media presence. A disjointed approach isolates these functions that lead to non-consistency of brand value to the end-user.
Lonely Brand offers a few examples of integrated marketing and defines it as follows:
Integration means mapping your strategy to the reality of the customer.
Do you see where keyword research and data analytics fits in here? Exactly: like any other marketing channel, SEO goes back to the customer. If the customer is pleased, Google will catch on that.
2. SEO Is No Longer Focused on Exact-Match Strings
As an SEO, with a huge passion for writing, I think this is the most welcome development as far as I am concerned.
Remember the days when writers were given one phase and forced to use it a certain number of times within a copy?
Well, those days are happily over.
Search engines have moved beyond so-called “keyword strings”. They can now understand concepts, entities and topics. You can see the trend all over Google search results pages.
Try searching for something specific, like [good hiking spots], now scroll through those results. A few years ago, Google would focus on the exact match [good hiking spots] and show you results that have the exact phrase in their title tags. Now they’re much smarter than this. You’ll see a good mix of phrases that express the same thing, i.e. places nearby that are great places to hike.
Google understands all kinds of phrases that can satisfy the initial query and focuses on the quality of the results rather than matching to the query wording verbatim. Quality and depth of content have become much more important than the exact keyword you put on the page.
Action item: Use keyword tools that don’t focus on exact-match and give you a variety of phrases that can inspire more content angles. Ubersuggest is a great option. It’s open, completely free and offers a good selection of filters as well as a quick analysis of current search results for each query. But the best part is: it generates all kinds of keywords that relate to the term you type in.
Try it yourself: type in your term to see all kinds of synonymous phrases and varied angles.
For another example of how search engines have advanced, look at how Google clusters topics by entities (i.e. “brands”) they know about. If you type something generic, like [how to set up call forwarding], Google would know that the query may be multi-faceted, so it will allow you to quickly browse through a more specific answer right within the featured snippet:
Action item: When working on content, make sure you understand related subtopics and subcategories that need to be included in your article.
Use Serpstat to cluster your keyword lists by topics. They use Google results for each keyword in a list to identify how closely queries are related based on how many overlapping URLs there are ranking for each set of keywords. The fact that Serpstat isn’t using a traditional clustering technique (i.e. the one that groups phrases based on a common core term in each phrase) makes it a much smart and more up-to-date option to use nowadays:
[Read more about Serpstat’s clustering feature here.]
3. Search Gives Us Lots of Cues
Search has evolved. Google has become smarter at identifying search intent and giving their users exactly what they want. They have become better at identifying peoples’ struggles and serving the best answer within search results. They have learned to find questions behind queries and show their users more options for researching a topic.
The fact that all of that comes up in search results makes it possible for writers to learn more about any topic they are writing about. The key is to learn to see and interpret those cues to create more valuable and better-optimized content.
Let’s try to see that in action:
1. When searching, look at all kinds of “blended” search results that come up.
Is there a video carousel? That means Google has found users engage with videos more for this particular query, so maybe you need to put one together too,
Are there image results? That means Google has seen its users look for visual content when searching. Think about which parts of your article you can visualize to make it more appealing and engaging.
Are there shopping results? This signals of high commercial intent, so your article may not do so well here. How about finding a more informative angle? A product comparison may be a good angle to find, so research more angles.
2. When searching, look at “People Also Ask” results.
Google’s “People Also Ask” boxes show popular questions based on your query. These provide a goldmine of content inspiration. Click on some of those questions to see more questions show up underneath.
Featured Snippets Tool [Disclaimer: This tool has been developed by Internet Marketing Ninjas, the company I work for] will help you streamline the process. Simply put your domain or the URL of the article that covers a topic you are researching, and it will generate the list of all kinds of questions Google shows for a variety of queries this domain or URL shows up in Google for. You’ll see all kinds of related questions to expand and enrich your content.
3. When searching, pay attention to Google’s Featured Snippets.
Google has gone a long way at learning to understand any web copy and extracting useful information. Look at those featured snippets to learn to better structure your copy to make it easier for Google to understand as well as more useful for your users:
Define concepts
Focus on facts and numbers (e.g. if you are describing a tool, explain its pricing)
Use subheads (especially if you are using questions from the step above)
What prompted Google to feature this page instead of their own guide that ranks #1?
These days, instead of forcing artificial copy, Google makes your content better by teaching you to research more, structure better and use a more varied vocabulary.
The post What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019 appeared first on Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting.
0 notes
mercedessharonwo1 · 6 years
What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019
Unlike content marketing (which is centuries old), SEO is a very new discipline. It has been around for just a couple decades, and it quickly became the primary digital focus for many marketers.
Yet, SEO cannot exist without content, and I am happy to report that the search industry has reached maturity when it goes back to basics: recognizing that content is the most important and fundamental part of the marketing puzzle. Now, with SEO maturing so quickly, there are still many misconceptions and misunderstandings around it. Those misconceptions may impact the content marketing process in a not-so-positive way.
Let’s clear things up a bit:
1. SEO Has Become Much More Integrated and Diverse
SEO used to be standalone: no one had any idea what SEOs were doing and how they got pages ranked. Many SEOs would ignore very important digital marketing aspects, including user experience, brand building, etc. The only purpose was to get a page ranked.
These days it’s finally different: SEO is just one element of success. It’s next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, or without ensuring users are going to have a good experience using the site.
#SEO is just one element of digital success. It's next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, and delivering a great user experience Click To Tweet
Google has taken all of that in the account: they monitor how users interact with a website, how satisfied they are, and how quickly they find answers when landing on a page from search results. Google has made trust and authority important ranking signals.
As a result, there are fewer and fewer companies that focus on a single component of SEO (like link building) or even just SEO. Most companies are offering full-package internet marketing services that include video production, social media marketing and usability. Some companies even go beyond that by offering “integrated marketing services”. talkingAds, a company that oversees the entire marketing plan for its clients, describes the benefits of this approach in much detail and why it’s crucial for businesses:
The important elements in marketing communication are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations, website communication, sponsorship and social media presence. A disjointed approach isolates these functions that lead to non-consistency of brand value to the end-user.
Lonely Brand offers a few examples of integrated marketing and defines it as follows:
Integration means mapping your strategy to the reality of the customer.
Do you see where keyword research and data analytics fits in here? Exactly: like any other marketing channel, SEO goes back to the customer. If the customer is pleased, Google will catch on that.
2. SEO Is No Longer Focused on Exact-Match Strings
As an SEO, with a huge passion for writing, I think this is the most welcome development as far as I am concerned.
Remember the days when writers were given one phase and forced to use it a certain number of times within a copy?
Well, those days are happily over.
Search engines have moved beyond so-called “keyword strings”. They can now understand concepts, entities and topics. You can see the trend all over Google search results pages.
Try searching for something specific, like [good hiking spots], now scroll through those results. A few years ago, Google would focus on the exact match [good hiking spots] and show you results that have the exact phrase in their title tags. Now they’re much smarter than this. You’ll see a good mix of phrases that express the same thing, i.e. places nearby that are great places to hike.
Google understands all kinds of phrases that can satisfy the initial query and focuses on the quality of the results rather than matching to the query wording verbatim. Quality and depth of content have become much more important than the exact keyword you put on the page.
Action item: Use keyword tools that don’t focus on exact-match and give you a variety of phrases that can inspire more content angles. Ubersuggest is a great option. It’s open, completely free and offers a good selection of filters as well as a quick analysis of current search results for each query. But the best part is: it generates all kinds of keywords that relate to the term you type in.
Try it yourself: type in your term to see all kinds of synonymous phrases and varied angles.
For another example of how search engines have advanced, look at how Google clusters topics by entities (i.e. “brands”) they know about. If you type something generic, like [how to set up call forwarding], Google would know that the query may be multi-faceted, so it will allow you to quickly browse through a more specific answer right within the featured snippet:
Action item: When working on content, make sure you understand related subtopics and subcategories that need to be included in your article.
Use Serpstat to cluster your keyword lists by topics. They use Google results for each keyword in a list to identify how closely queries are related based on how many overlapping URLs there are ranking for each set of keywords. The fact that Serpstat isn’t using a traditional clustering technique (i.e. the one that groups phrases based on a common core term in each phrase) makes it a much smart and more up-to-date option to use nowadays:
[Read more about Serpstat’s clustering feature here.]
3. Search Gives Us Lots of Cues
Search has evolved. Google has become smarter at identifying search intent and giving their users exactly what they want. They have become better at identifying peoples’ struggles and serving the best answer within search results. They have learned to find questions behind queries and show their users more options for researching a topic.
The fact that all of that comes up in search results makes it possible for writers to learn more about any topic they are writing about. The key is to learn to see and interpret those cues to create more valuable and better-optimized content.
Let’s try to see that in action:
1. When searching, look at all kinds of “blended” search results that come up.
Is there a video carousel? That means Google has found users engage with videos more for this particular query, so maybe you need to put one together too,
Are there image results? That means Google has seen its users look for visual content when searching. Think about which parts of your article you can visualize to make it more appealing and engaging.
Are there shopping results? This signals of high commercial intent, so your article may not do so well here. How about finding a more informative angle? A product comparison may be a good angle to find, so research more angles.
2. When searching, look at “People Also Ask” results.
Google’s “People Also Ask” boxes show popular questions based on your query. These provide a goldmine of content inspiration. Click on some of those questions to see more questions show up underneath.
Featured Snippets Tool [Disclaimer: This tool has been developed by Internet Marketing Ninjas, the company I work for] will help you streamline the process. Simply put your domain or the URL of the article that covers a topic you are researching, and it will generate the list of all kinds of questions Google shows for a variety of queries this domain or URL shows up in Google for. You’ll see all kinds of related questions to expand and enrich your content.
3. When searching, pay attention to Google’s Featured Snippets.
Google has gone a long way at learning to understand any web copy and extracting useful information. Look at those featured snippets to learn to better structure your copy to make it easier for Google to understand as well as more useful for your users:
Define concepts
Focus on facts and numbers (e.g. if you are describing a tool, explain its pricing)
Use subheads (especially if you are using questions from the step above)
What prompted Google to feature this page instead of their own guide that ranks #1?
These days, instead of forcing artificial copy, Google makes your content better by teaching you to research more, structure better and use a more varied vocabulary.
The post What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019 appeared first on Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting.
0 notes
fairchildlingpo1 · 6 years
What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019
Unlike content marketing (which is centuries old), SEO is a very new discipline. It has been around for just a couple decades, and it quickly became the primary digital focus for many marketers.
Yet, SEO cannot exist without content, and I am happy to report that the search industry has reached maturity when it goes back to basics: recognizing that content is the most important and fundamental part of the marketing puzzle. Now, with SEO maturing so quickly, there are still many misconceptions and misunderstandings around it. Those misconceptions may impact the content marketing process in a not-so-positive way.
Let’s clear things up a bit:
1. SEO Has Become Much More Integrated and Diverse
SEO used to be standalone: no one had any idea what SEOs were doing and how they got pages ranked. Many SEOs would ignore very important digital marketing aspects, including user experience, brand building, etc. The only purpose was to get a page ranked.
These days it’s finally different: SEO is just one element of success. It’s next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, or without ensuring users are going to have a good experience using the site.
#SEO is just one element of digital success. It's next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, and delivering a great user experience Click To Tweet
Google has taken all of that in the account: they monitor how users interact with a website, how satisfied they are, and how quickly they find answers when landing on a page from search results. Google has made trust and authority important ranking signals.
As a result, there are fewer and fewer companies that focus on a single component of SEO (like link building) or even just SEO. Most companies are offering full-package internet marketing services that include video production, social media marketing and usability. Some companies even go beyond that by offering “integrated marketing services”. talkingAds, a company that oversees the entire marketing plan for its clients, describes the benefits of this approach in much detail and why it’s crucial for businesses:
The important elements in marketing communication are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations, website communication, sponsorship and social media presence. A disjointed approach isolates these functions that lead to non-consistency of brand value to the end-user.
Lonely Brand offers a few examples of integrated marketing and defines it as follows:
Integration means mapping your strategy to the reality of the customer.
Do you see where keyword research and data analytics fits in here? Exactly: like any other marketing channel, SEO goes back to the customer. If the customer is pleased, Google will catch on that.
2. SEO Is No Longer Focused on Exact-Match Strings
As an SEO, with a huge passion for writing, I think this is the most welcome development as far as I am concerned.
Remember the days when writers were given one phase and forced to use it a certain number of times within a copy?
Well, those days are happily over.
Search engines have moved beyond so-called “keyword strings”. They can now understand concepts, entities and topics. You can see the trend all over Google search results pages.
Try searching for something specific, like [good hiking spots], now scroll through those results. A few years ago, Google would focus on the exact match [good hiking spots] and show you results that have the exact phrase in their title tags. Now they’re much smarter than this. You’ll see a good mix of phrases that express the same thing, i.e. places nearby that are great places to hike.
Google understands all kinds of phrases that can satisfy the initial query and focuses on the quality of the results rather than matching to the query wording verbatim. Quality and depth of content have become much more important than the exact keyword you put on the page.
Action item: Use keyword tools that don’t focus on exact-match and give you a variety of phrases that can inspire more content angles. Ubersuggest is a great option. It’s open, completely free and offers a good selection of filters as well as a quick analysis of current search results for each query. But the best part is: it generates all kinds of keywords that relate to the term you type in.
Try it yourself: type in your term to see all kinds of synonymous phrases and varied angles.
For another example of how search engines have advanced, look at how Google clusters topics by entities (i.e. “brands”) they know about. If you type something generic, like [how to set up call forwarding], Google would know that the query may be multi-faceted, so it will allow you to quickly browse through a more specific answer right within the featured snippet:
Action item: When working on content, make sure you understand related subtopics and subcategories that need to be included in your article.
Use Serpstat to cluster your keyword lists by topics. They use Google results for each keyword in a list to identify how closely queries are related based on how many overlapping URLs there are ranking for each set of keywords. The fact that Serpstat isn’t using a traditional clustering technique (i.e. the one that groups phrases based on a common core term in each phrase) makes it a much smart and more up-to-date option to use nowadays:
[Read more about Serpstat’s clustering feature here.]
3. Search Gives Us Lots of Cues
Search has evolved. Google has become smarter at identifying search intent and giving their users exactly what they want. They have become better at identifying peoples’ struggles and serving the best answer within search results. They have learned to find questions behind queries and show their users more options for researching a topic.
The fact that all of that comes up in search results makes it possible for writers to learn more about any topic they are writing about. The key is to learn to see and interpret those cues to create more valuable and better-optimized content.
Let’s try to see that in action:
1. When searching, look at all kinds of “blended” search results that come up.
Is there a video carousel? That means Google has found users engage with videos more for this particular query, so maybe you need to put one together too,
Are there image results? That means Google has seen its users look for visual content when searching. Think about which parts of your article you can visualize to make it more appealing and engaging.
Are there shopping results? This signals of high commercial intent, so your article may not do so well here. How about finding a more informative angle? A product comparison may be a good angle to find, so research more angles.
2. When searching, look at “People Also Ask” results.
Google’s “People Also Ask” boxes show popular questions based on your query. These provide a goldmine of content inspiration. Click on some of those questions to see more questions show up underneath.
Featured Snippets Tool [Disclaimer: This tool has been developed by Internet Marketing Ninjas, the company I work for] will help you streamline the process. Simply put your domain or the URL of the article that covers a topic you are researching, and it will generate the list of all kinds of questions Google shows for a variety of queries this domain or URL shows up in Google for. You’ll see all kinds of related questions to expand and enrich your content.
3. When searching, pay attention to Google’s Featured Snippets.
Google has gone a long way at learning to understand any web copy and extracting useful information. Look at those featured snippets to learn to better structure your copy to make it easier for Google to understand as well as more useful for your users:
Define concepts
Focus on facts and numbers (e.g. if you are describing a tool, explain its pricing)
Use subheads (especially if you are using questions from the step above)
What prompted Google to feature this page instead of their own guide that ranks #1?
These days, instead of forcing artificial copy, Google makes your content better by teaching you to research more, structure better and use a more varied vocabulary.
The post What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019 appeared first on Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting.
0 notes
mariasolemarionqi · 6 years
What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019
Unlike content marketing (which is centuries old), SEO is a very new discipline. It has been around for just a couple decades, and it quickly became the primary digital focus for many marketers.
Yet, SEO cannot exist without content, and I am happy to report that the search industry has reached maturity when it goes back to basics: recognizing that content is the most important and fundamental part of the marketing puzzle. Now, with SEO maturing so quickly, there are still many misconceptions and misunderstandings around it. Those misconceptions may impact the content marketing process in a not-so-positive way.
Let’s clear things up a bit:
1. SEO Has Become Much More Integrated and Diverse
SEO used to be standalone: no one had any idea what SEOs were doing and how they got pages ranked. Many SEOs would ignore very important digital marketing aspects, including user experience, brand building, etc. The only purpose was to get a page ranked.
These days it’s finally different: SEO is just one element of success. It’s next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, or without ensuring users are going to have a good experience using the site.
#SEO is just one element of digital success. It's next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, and delivering a great user experience Click To Tweet
Google has taken all of that in the account: they monitor how users interact with a website, how satisfied they are, and how quickly they find answers when landing on a page from search results. Google has made trust and authority important ranking signals.
As a result, there are fewer and fewer companies that focus on a single component of SEO (like link building) or even just SEO. Most companies are offering full-package internet marketing services that include video production, social media marketing and usability. Some companies even go beyond that by offering “integrated marketing services”. talkingAds, a company that oversees the entire marketing plan for its clients, describes the benefits of this approach in much detail and why it’s crucial for businesses:
The important elements in marketing communication are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations, website communication, sponsorship and social media presence. A disjointed approach isolates these functions that lead to non-consistency of brand value to the end-user.
Lonely Brand offers a few examples of integrated marketing and defines it as follows:
Integration means mapping your strategy to the reality of the customer.
Do you see where keyword research and data analytics fits in here? Exactly: like any other marketing channel, SEO goes back to the customer. If the customer is pleased, Google will catch on that.
2. SEO Is No Longer Focused on Exact-Match Strings
As an SEO, with a huge passion for writing, I think this is the most welcome development as far as I am concerned.
Remember the days when writers were given one phase and forced to use it a certain number of times within a copy?
Well, those days are happily over.
Search engines have moved beyond so-called “keyword strings”. They can now understand concepts, entities and topics. You can see the trend all over Google search results pages.
Try searching for something specific, like [good hiking spots], now scroll through those results. A few years ago, Google would focus on the exact match [good hiking spots] and show you results that have the exact phrase in their title tags. Now they’re much smarter than this. You’ll see a good mix of phrases that express the same thing, i.e. places nearby that are great places to hike.
Google understands all kinds of phrases that can satisfy the initial query and focuses on the quality of the results rather than matching to the query wording verbatim. Quality and depth of content have become much more important than the exact keyword you put on the page.
Action item: Use keyword tools that don’t focus on exact-match and give you a variety of phrases that can inspire more content angles. Ubersuggest is a great option. It’s open, completely free and offers a good selection of filters as well as a quick analysis of current search results for each query. But the best part is: it generates all kinds of keywords that relate to the term you type in.
Try it yourself: type in your term to see all kinds of synonymous phrases and varied angles.
For another example of how search engines have advanced, look at how Google clusters topics by entities (i.e. “brands”) they know about. If you type something generic, like [how to set up call forwarding], Google would know that the query may be multi-faceted, so it will allow you to quickly browse through a more specific answer right within the featured snippet:
Action item: When working on content, make sure you understand related subtopics and subcategories that need to be included in your article.
Use Serpstat to cluster your keyword lists by topics. They use Google results for each keyword in a list to identify how closely queries are related based on how many overlapping URLs there are ranking for each set of keywords. The fact that Serpstat isn’t using a traditional clustering technique (i.e. the one that groups phrases based on a common core term in each phrase) makes it a much smart and more up-to-date option to use nowadays:
[Read more about Serpstat’s clustering feature here.]
3. Search Gives Us Lots of Cues
Search has evolved. Google has become smarter at identifying search intent and giving their users exactly what they want. They have become better at identifying peoples’ struggles and serving the best answer within search results. They have learned to find questions behind queries and show their users more options for researching a topic.
The fact that all of that comes up in search results makes it possible for writers to learn more about any topic they are writing about. The key is to learn to see and interpret those cues to create more valuable and better-optimized content.
Let’s try to see that in action:
1. When searching, look at all kinds of “blended” search results that come up.
Is there a video carousel? That means Google has found users engage with videos more for this particular query, so maybe you need to put one together too,
Are there image results? That means Google has seen its users look for visual content when searching. Think about which parts of your article you can visualize to make it more appealing and engaging.
Are there shopping results? This signals of high commercial intent, so your article may not do so well here. How about finding a more informative angle? A product comparison may be a good angle to find, so research more angles.
2. When searching, look at “People Also Ask” results.
Google’s “People Also Ask” boxes show popular questions based on your query. These provide a goldmine of content inspiration. Click on some of those questions to see more questions show up underneath.
Featured Snippets Tool [Disclaimer: This tool has been developed by Internet Marketing Ninjas, the company I work for] will help you streamline the process. Simply put your domain or the URL of the article that covers a topic you are researching, and it will generate the list of all kinds of questions Google shows for a variety of queries this domain or URL shows up in Google for. You’ll see all kinds of related questions to expand and enrich your content.
3. When searching, pay attention to Google’s Featured Snippets.
Google has gone a long way at learning to understand any web copy and extracting useful information. Look at those featured snippets to learn to better structure your copy to make it easier for Google to understand as well as more useful for your users:
Define concepts
Focus on facts and numbers (e.g. if you are describing a tool, explain its pricing)
Use subheads (especially if you are using questions from the step above)
What prompted Google to feature this page instead of their own guide that ranks #1?
These days, instead of forcing artificial copy, Google makes your content better by teaching you to research more, structure better and use a more varied vocabulary.
The post What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019 appeared first on Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting.
0 notes
byronheeutgm · 6 years
What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019
Unlike content marketing (which is centuries old), SEO is a very new discipline. It has been around for just a couple decades, and it quickly became the primary digital focus for many marketers.
Yet, SEO cannot exist without content, and I am happy to report that the search industry has reached maturity when it goes back to basics: recognizing that content is the most important and fundamental part of the marketing puzzle. Now, with SEO maturing so quickly, there are still many misconceptions and misunderstandings around it. Those misconceptions may impact the content marketing process in a not-so-positive way.
Let’s clear things up a bit:
1. SEO Has Become Much More Integrated and Diverse
SEO used to be standalone: no one had any idea what SEOs were doing and how they got pages ranked. Many SEOs would ignore very important digital marketing aspects, including user experience, brand building, etc. The only purpose was to get a page ranked.
These days it’s finally different: SEO is just one element of success. It’s next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, or without ensuring users are going to have a good experience using the site.
#SEO is just one element of digital success. It's next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, and delivering a great user experience Click To Tweet
Google has taken all of that in the account: they monitor how users interact with a website, how satisfied they are, and how quickly they find answers when landing on a page from search results. Google has made trust and authority important ranking signals.
As a result, there are fewer and fewer companies that focus on a single component of SEO (like link building) or even just SEO. Most companies are offering full-package internet marketing services that include video production, social media marketing and usability. Some companies even go beyond that by offering “integrated marketing services”. talkingAds, a company that oversees the entire marketing plan for its clients, describes the benefits of this approach in much detail and why it’s crucial for businesses:
The important elements in marketing communication are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations, website communication, sponsorship and social media presence. A disjointed approach isolates these functions that lead to non-consistency of brand value to the end-user.
Lonely Brand offers a few examples of integrated marketing and defines it as follows:
Integration means mapping your strategy to the reality of the customer.
Do you see where keyword research and data analytics fits in here? Exactly: like any other marketing channel, SEO goes back to the customer. If the customer is pleased, Google will catch on that.
2. SEO Is No Longer Focused on Exact-Match Strings
As an SEO, with a huge passion for writing, I think this is the most welcome development as far as I am concerned.
Remember the days when writers were given one phase and forced to use it a certain number of times within a copy?
Well, those days are happily over.
Search engines have moved beyond so-called “keyword strings”. They can now understand concepts, entities and topics. You can see the trend all over Google search results pages.
Try searching for something specific, like [good hiking spots], now scroll through those results. A few years ago, Google would focus on the exact match [good hiking spots] and show you results that have the exact phrase in their title tags. Now they’re much smarter than this. You’ll see a good mix of phrases that express the same thing, i.e. places nearby that are great places to hike.
Google understands all kinds of phrases that can satisfy the initial query and focuses on the quality of the results rather than matching to the query wording verbatim. Quality and depth of content have become much more important than the exact keyword you put on the page.
Action item: Use keyword tools that don’t focus on exact-match and give you a variety of phrases that can inspire more content angles. Ubersuggest is a great option. It’s open, completely free and offers a good selection of filters as well as a quick analysis of current search results for each query. But the best part is: it generates all kinds of keywords that relate to the term you type in.
Try it yourself: type in your term to see all kinds of synonymous phrases and varied angles.
For another example of how search engines have advanced, look at how Google clusters topics by entities (i.e. “brands”) they know about. If you type something generic, like [how to set up call forwarding], Google would know that the query may be multi-faceted, so it will allow you to quickly browse through a more specific answer right within the featured snippet:
Action item: When working on content, make sure you understand related subtopics and subcategories that need to be included in your article.
Use Serpstat to cluster your keyword lists by topics. They use Google results for each keyword in a list to identify how closely queries are related based on how many overlapping URLs there are ranking for each set of keywords. The fact that Serpstat isn’t using a traditional clustering technique (i.e. the one that groups phrases based on a common core term in each phrase) makes it a much smart and more up-to-date option to use nowadays:
[Read more about Serpstat’s clustering feature here.]
3. Search Gives Us Lots of Cues
Search has evolved. Google has become smarter at identifying search intent and giving their users exactly what they want. They have become better at identifying peoples’ struggles and serving the best answer within search results. They have learned to find questions behind queries and show their users more options for researching a topic.
The fact that all of that comes up in search results makes it possible for writers to learn more about any topic they are writing about. The key is to learn to see and interpret those cues to create more valuable and better-optimized content.
Let’s try to see that in action:
1. When searching, look at all kinds of “blended” search results that come up.
Is there a video carousel? That means Google has found users engage with videos more for this particular query, so maybe you need to put one together too,
Are there image results? That means Google has seen its users look for visual content when searching. Think about which parts of your article you can visualize to make it more appealing and engaging.
Are there shopping results? This signals of high commercial intent, so your article may not do so well here. How about finding a more informative angle? A product comparison may be a good angle to find, so research more angles.
2. When searching, look at “People Also Ask” results.
Google’s “People Also Ask” boxes show popular questions based on your query. These provide a goldmine of content inspiration. Click on some of those questions to see more questions show up underneath.
Featured Snippets Tool [Disclaimer: This tool has been developed by Internet Marketing Ninjas, the company I work for] will help you streamline the process. Simply put your domain or the URL of the article that covers a topic you are researching, and it will generate the list of all kinds of questions Google shows for a variety of queries this domain or URL shows up in Google for. You’ll see all kinds of related questions to expand and enrich your content.
3. When searching, pay attention to Google’s Featured Snippets.
Google has gone a long way at learning to understand any web copy and extracting useful information. Look at those featured snippets to learn to better structure your copy to make it easier for Google to understand as well as more useful for your users:
Define concepts
Focus on facts and numbers (e.g. if you are describing a tool, explain its pricing)
Use subheads (especially if you are using questions from the step above)
What prompted Google to feature this page instead of their own guide that ranks #1?
These days, instead of forcing artificial copy, Google makes your content better by teaching you to research more, structure better and use a more varied vocabulary.
The post What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019 appeared first on Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting.
0 notes
kraussoutene · 6 years
What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019
Unlike content marketing (which is centuries old), SEO is a very new discipline. It has been around for just a couple decades, and it quickly became the primary digital focus for many marketers.
Yet, SEO cannot exist without content, and I am happy to report that the search industry has reached maturity when it goes back to basics: recognizing that content is the most important and fundamental part of the marketing puzzle. Now, with SEO maturing so quickly, there are still many misconceptions and misunderstandings around it. Those misconceptions may impact the content marketing process in a not-so-positive way.
Let’s clear things up a bit:
1. SEO Has Become Much More Integrated and Diverse
SEO used to be standalone: no one had any idea what SEOs were doing and how they got pages ranked. Many SEOs would ignore very important digital marketing aspects, including user experience, brand building, etc. The only purpose was to get a page ranked.
These days it’s finally different: SEO is just one element of success. It’s next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, or without ensuring users are going to have a good experience using the site.
#SEO is just one element of digital success. It's next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, and delivering a great user experience Click To Tweet
Google has taken all of that in the account: they monitor how users interact with a website, how satisfied they are, and how quickly they find answers when landing on a page from search results. Google has made trust and authority important ranking signals.
As a result, there are fewer and fewer companies that focus on a single component of SEO (like link building) or even just SEO. Most companies are offering full-package internet marketing services that include video production, social media marketing and usability. Some companies even go beyond that by offering “integrated marketing services”. talkingAds, a company that oversees the entire marketing plan for its clients, describes the benefits of this approach in much detail and why it’s crucial for businesses:
The important elements in marketing communication are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations, website communication, sponsorship and social media presence. A disjointed approach isolates these functions that lead to non-consistency of brand value to the end-user.
Lonely Brand offers a few examples of integrated marketing and defines it as follows:
Integration means mapping your strategy to the reality of the customer.
Do you see where keyword research and data analytics fits in here? Exactly: like any other marketing channel, SEO goes back to the customer. If the customer is pleased, Google will catch on that.
2. SEO Is No Longer Focused on Exact-Match Strings
As an SEO, with a huge passion for writing, I think this is the most welcome development as far as I am concerned.
Remember the days when writers were given one phase and forced to use it a certain number of times within a copy?
Well, those days are happily over.
Search engines have moved beyond so-called “keyword strings”. They can now understand concepts, entities and topics. You can see the trend all over Google search results pages.
Try searching for something specific, like [good hiking spots], now scroll through those results. A few years ago, Google would focus on the exact match [good hiking spots] and show you results that have the exact phrase in their title tags. Now they’re much smarter than this. You’ll see a good mix of phrases that express the same thing, i.e. places nearby that are great places to hike.
Google understands all kinds of phrases that can satisfy the initial query and focuses on the quality of the results rather than matching to the query wording verbatim. Quality and depth of content have become much more important than the exact keyword you put on the page.
Action item: Use keyword tools that don’t focus on exact-match and give you a variety of phrases that can inspire more content angles. Ubersuggest is a great option. It’s open, completely free and offers a good selection of filters as well as a quick analysis of current search results for each query. But the best part is: it generates all kinds of keywords that relate to the term you type in.
Try it yourself: type in your term to see all kinds of synonymous phrases and varied angles.
For another example of how search engines have advanced, look at how Google clusters topics by entities (i.e. “brands”) they know about. If you type something generic, like [how to set up call forwarding], Google would know that the query may be multi-faceted, so it will allow you to quickly browse through a more specific answer right within the featured snippet:
Action item: When working on content, make sure you understand related subtopics and subcategories that need to be included in your article.
Use Serpstat to cluster your keyword lists by topics. They use Google results for each keyword in a list to identify how closely queries are related based on how many overlapping URLs there are ranking for each set of keywords. The fact that Serpstat isn’t using a traditional clustering technique (i.e. the one that groups phrases based on a common core term in each phrase) makes it a much smart and more up-to-date option to use nowadays:
[Read more about Serpstat’s clustering feature here.]
3. Search Gives Us Lots of Cues
Search has evolved. Google has become smarter at identifying search intent and giving their users exactly what they want. They have become better at identifying peoples’ struggles and serving the best answer within search results. They have learned to find questions behind queries and show their users more options for researching a topic.
The fact that all of that comes up in search results makes it possible for writers to learn more about any topic they are writing about. The key is to learn to see and interpret those cues to create more valuable and better-optimized content.
Let’s try to see that in action:
1. When searching, look at all kinds of “blended” search results that come up.
Is there a video carousel? That means Google has found users engage with videos more for this particular query, so maybe you need to put one together too,
Are there image results? That means Google has seen its users look for visual content when searching. Think about which parts of your article you can visualize to make it more appealing and engaging.
Are there shopping results? This signals of high commercial intent, so your article may not do so well here. How about finding a more informative angle? A product comparison may be a good angle to find, so research more angles.
2. When searching, look at “People Also Ask” results.
Google’s “People Also Ask” boxes show popular questions based on your query. These provide a goldmine of content inspiration. Click on some of those questions to see more questions show up underneath.
Featured Snippets Tool [Disclaimer: This tool has been developed by Internet Marketing Ninjas, the company I work for] will help you streamline the process. Simply put your domain or the URL of the article that covers a topic you are researching, and it will generate the list of all kinds of questions Google shows for a variety of queries this domain or URL shows up in Google for. You’ll see all kinds of related questions to expand and enrich your content.
3. When searching, pay attention to Google’s Featured Snippets.
Google has gone a long way at learning to understand any web copy and extracting useful information. Look at those featured snippets to learn to better structure your copy to make it easier for Google to understand as well as more useful for your users:
Define concepts
Focus on facts and numbers (e.g. if you are describing a tool, explain its pricing)
Use subheads (especially if you are using questions from the step above)
What prompted Google to feature this page instead of their own guide that ranks #1?
These days, instead of forcing artificial copy, Google makes your content better by teaching you to research more, structure better and use a more varied vocabulary.
The post What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019 appeared first on Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting.
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christinesumpmg · 6 years
What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019
Unlike content marketing (which is centuries old), SEO is a very new discipline. It has been around for just a couple decades, and it quickly became the primary digital focus for many marketers.
Yet, SEO cannot exist without content, and I am happy to report that the search industry has reached maturity when it goes back to basics: recognizing that content is the most important and fundamental part of the marketing puzzle. Now, with SEO maturing so quickly, there are still many misconceptions and misunderstandings around it. Those misconceptions may impact the content marketing process in a not-so-positive way.
Let’s clear things up a bit:
1. SEO Has Become Much More Integrated and Diverse
SEO used to be standalone: no one had any idea what SEOs were doing and how they got pages ranked. Many SEOs would ignore very important digital marketing aspects, including user experience, brand building, etc. The only purpose was to get a page ranked.
These days it’s finally different: SEO is just one element of success. It’s next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, or without ensuring users are going to have a good experience using the site.
#SEO is just one element of digital success. It's next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, and delivering a great user experience Click To Tweet
Google has taken all of that in the account: they monitor how users interact with a website, how satisfied they are, and how quickly they find answers when landing on a page from search results. Google has made trust and authority important ranking signals.
As a result, there are fewer and fewer companies that focus on a single component of SEO (like link building) or even just SEO. Most companies are offering full-package internet marketing services that include video production, social media marketing and usability. Some companies even go beyond that by offering “integrated marketing services”. talkingAds, a company that oversees the entire marketing plan for its clients, describes the benefits of this approach in much detail and why it’s crucial for businesses:
The important elements in marketing communication are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations, website communication, sponsorship and social media presence. A disjointed approach isolates these functions that lead to non-consistency of brand value to the end-user.
Lonely Brand offers a few examples of integrated marketing and defines it as follows:
Integration means mapping your strategy to the reality of the customer.
Do you see where keyword research and data analytics fits in here? Exactly: like any other marketing channel, SEO goes back to the customer. If the customer is pleased, Google will catch on that.
2. SEO Is No Longer Focused on Exact-Match Strings
As an SEO, with a huge passion for writing, I think this is the most welcome development as far as I am concerned.
Remember the days when writers were given one phase and forced to use it a certain number of times within a copy?
Well, those days are happily over.
Search engines have moved beyond so-called “keyword strings”. They can now understand concepts, entities and topics. You can see the trend all over Google search results pages.
Try searching for something specific, like [good hiking spots], now scroll through those results. A few years ago, Google would focus on the exact match [good hiking spots] and show you results that have the exact phrase in their title tags. Now they’re much smarter than this. You’ll see a good mix of phrases that express the same thing, i.e. places nearby that are great places to hike.
Google understands all kinds of phrases that can satisfy the initial query and focuses on the quality of the results rather than matching to the query wording verbatim. Quality and depth of content have become much more important than the exact keyword you put on the page.
Action item: Use keyword tools that don’t focus on exact-match and give you a variety of phrases that can inspire more content angles. Ubersuggest is a great option. It’s open, completely free and offers a good selection of filters as well as a quick analysis of current search results for each query. But the best part is: it generates all kinds of keywords that relate to the term you type in.
Try it yourself: type in your term to see all kinds of synonymous phrases and varied angles.
For another example of how search engines have advanced, look at how Google clusters topics by entities (i.e. “brands”) they know about. If you type something generic, like [how to set up call forwarding], Google would know that the query may be multi-faceted, so it will allow you to quickly browse through a more specific answer right within the featured snippet:
Action item: When working on content, make sure you understand related subtopics and subcategories that need to be included in your article.
Use Serpstat to cluster your keyword lists by topics. They use Google results for each keyword in a list to identify how closely queries are related based on how many overlapping URLs there are ranking for each set of keywords. The fact that Serpstat isn’t using a traditional clustering technique (i.e. the one that groups phrases based on a common core term in each phrase) makes it a much smart and more up-to-date option to use nowadays:
[Read more about Serpstat’s clustering feature here.]
3. Search Gives Us Lots of Cues
Search has evolved. Google has become smarter at identifying search intent and giving their users exactly what they want. They have become better at identifying peoples’ struggles and serving the best answer within search results. They have learned to find questions behind queries and show their users more options for researching a topic.
The fact that all of that comes up in search results makes it possible for writers to learn more about any topic they are writing about. The key is to learn to see and interpret those cues to create more valuable and better-optimized content.
Let’s try to see that in action:
1. When searching, look at all kinds of “blended” search results that come up.
Is there a video carousel? That means Google has found users engage with videos more for this particular query, so maybe you need to put one together too,
Are there image results? That means Google has seen its users look for visual content when searching. Think about which parts of your article you can visualize to make it more appealing and engaging.
Are there shopping results? This signals of high commercial intent, so your article may not do so well here. How about finding a more informative angle? A product comparison may be a good angle to find, so research more angles.
2. When searching, look at “People Also Ask” results.
Google’s “People Also Ask” boxes show popular questions based on your query. These provide a goldmine of content inspiration. Click on some of those questions to see more questions show up underneath.
Featured Snippets Tool [Disclaimer: This tool has been developed by Internet Marketing Ninjas, the company I work for] will help you streamline the process. Simply put your domain or the URL of the article that covers a topic you are researching, and it will generate the list of all kinds of questions Google shows for a variety of queries this domain or URL shows up in Google for. You’ll see all kinds of related questions to expand and enrich your content.
3. When searching, pay attention to Google’s Featured Snippets.
Google has gone a long way at learning to understand any web copy and extracting useful information. Look at those featured snippets to learn to better structure your copy to make it easier for Google to understand as well as more useful for your users:
Define concepts
Focus on facts and numbers (e.g. if you are describing a tool, explain its pricing)
Use subheads (especially if you are using questions from the step above)
What prompted Google to feature this page instead of their own guide that ranks #1?
These days, instead of forcing artificial copy, Google makes your content better by teaching you to research more, structure better and use a more varied vocabulary.
The post What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019 appeared first on Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting.
0 notes
christinesumpmg1 · 6 years
What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019
Unlike content marketing (which is centuries old), SEO is a very new discipline. It has been around for just a couple decades, and it quickly became the primary digital focus for many marketers.
Yet, SEO cannot exist without content, and I am happy to report that the search industry has reached maturity when it goes back to basics: recognizing that content is the most important and fundamental part of the marketing puzzle. Now, with SEO maturing so quickly, there are still many misconceptions and misunderstandings around it. Those misconceptions may impact the content marketing process in a not-so-positive way.
Let’s clear things up a bit:
1. SEO Has Become Much More Integrated and Diverse
SEO used to be standalone: no one had any idea what SEOs were doing and how they got pages ranked. Many SEOs would ignore very important digital marketing aspects, including user experience, brand building, etc. The only purpose was to get a page ranked.
These days it’s finally different: SEO is just one element of success. It’s next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, or without ensuring users are going to have a good experience using the site.
#SEO is just one element of digital success. It's next to impossible to achieve high rankings without building authority and brand awareness, and delivering a great user experience Click To Tweet
Google has taken all of that in the account: they monitor how users interact with a website, how satisfied they are, and how quickly they find answers when landing on a page from search results. Google has made trust and authority important ranking signals.
As a result, there are fewer and fewer companies that focus on a single component of SEO (like link building) or even just SEO. Most companies are offering full-package internet marketing services that include video production, social media marketing and usability. Some companies even go beyond that by offering “integrated marketing services”. talkingAds, a company that oversees the entire marketing plan for its clients, describes the benefits of this approach in much detail and why it’s crucial for businesses:
The important elements in marketing communication are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations, website communication, sponsorship and social media presence. A disjointed approach isolates these functions that lead to non-consistency of brand value to the end-user.
Lonely Brand offers a few examples of integrated marketing and defines it as follows:
Integration means mapping your strategy to the reality of the customer.
Do you see where keyword research and data analytics fits in here? Exactly: like any other marketing channel, SEO goes back to the customer. If the customer is pleased, Google will catch on that.
2. SEO Is No Longer Focused on Exact-Match Strings
As an SEO, with a huge passion for writing, I think this is the most welcome development as far as I am concerned.
Remember the days when writers were given one phase and forced to use it a certain number of times within a copy?
Well, those days are happily over.
Search engines have moved beyond so-called “keyword strings”. They can now understand concepts, entities and topics. You can see the trend all over Google search results pages.
Try searching for something specific, like [good hiking spots], now scroll through those results. A few years ago, Google would focus on the exact match [good hiking spots] and show you results that have the exact phrase in their title tags. Now they’re much smarter than this. You’ll see a good mix of phrases that express the same thing, i.e. places nearby that are great places to hike.
Google understands all kinds of phrases that can satisfy the initial query and focuses on the quality of the results rather than matching to the query wording verbatim. Quality and depth of content have become much more important than the exact keyword you put on the page.
Action item: Use keyword tools that don’t focus on exact-match and give you a variety of phrases that can inspire more content angles. Ubersuggest is a great option. It’s open, completely free and offers a good selection of filters as well as a quick analysis of current search results for each query. But the best part is: it generates all kinds of keywords that relate to the term you type in.
Try it yourself: type in your term to see all kinds of synonymous phrases and varied angles.
For another example of how search engines have advanced, look at how Google clusters topics by entities (i.e. “brands”) they know about. If you type something generic, like [how to set up call forwarding], Google would know that the query may be multi-faceted, so it will allow you to quickly browse through a more specific answer right within the featured snippet:
Action item: When working on content, make sure you understand related subtopics and subcategories that need to be included in your article.
Use Serpstat to cluster your keyword lists by topics. They use Google results for each keyword in a list to identify how closely queries are related based on how many overlapping URLs there are ranking for each set of keywords. The fact that Serpstat isn’t using a traditional clustering technique (i.e. the one that groups phrases based on a common core term in each phrase) makes it a much smart and more up-to-date option to use nowadays:
[Read more about Serpstat’s clustering feature here.]
3. Search Gives Us Lots of Cues
Search has evolved. Google has become smarter at identifying search intent and giving their users exactly what they want. They have become better at identifying peoples’ struggles and serving the best answer within search results. They have learned to find questions behind queries and show their users more options for researching a topic.
The fact that all of that comes up in search results makes it possible for writers to learn more about any topic they are writing about. The key is to learn to see and interpret those cues to create more valuable and better-optimized content.
Let’s try to see that in action:
1. When searching, look at all kinds of “blended” search results that come up.
Is there a video carousel? That means Google has found users engage with videos more for this particular query, so maybe you need to put one together too,
Are there image results? That means Google has seen its users look for visual content when searching. Think about which parts of your article you can visualize to make it more appealing and engaging.
Are there shopping results? This signals of high commercial intent, so your article may not do so well here. How about finding a more informative angle? A product comparison may be a good angle to find, so research more angles.
2. When searching, look at “People Also Ask” results.
Google’s “People Also Ask” boxes show popular questions based on your query. These provide a goldmine of content inspiration. Click on some of those questions to see more questions show up underneath.
Featured Snippets Tool [Disclaimer: This tool has been developed by Internet Marketing Ninjas, the company I work for] will help you streamline the process. Simply put your domain or the URL of the article that covers a topic you are researching, and it will generate the list of all kinds of questions Google shows for a variety of queries this domain or URL shows up in Google for. You’ll see all kinds of related questions to expand and enrich your content.
3. When searching, pay attention to Google’s Featured Snippets.
Google has gone a long way at learning to understand any web copy and extracting useful information. Look at those featured snippets to learn to better structure your copy to make it easier for Google to understand as well as more useful for your users:
Define concepts
Focus on facts and numbers (e.g. if you are describing a tool, explain its pricing)
Use subheads (especially if you are using questions from the step above)
What prompted Google to feature this page instead of their own guide that ranks #1?
These days, instead of forcing artificial copy, Google makes your content better by teaching you to research more, structure better and use a more varied vocabulary.
The post What Content Marketers Need to Know about Search in 2019 appeared first on Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting.
0 notes
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