paperplainthoughts · 5 years
My brain hurts
Say you were an alien lightyears away. So far away that you’d see dinosaurs while looking upon earth with a telescope. If you as that alien got in a space ship and continually looked at earth while traveling TOWARDS earth at a fast speed. Say 100 LY an hour. Would you be seeing what appears to be a time lapse of the earth?
I think yes? I think I’m thinking about this right? Help?
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paperplainthoughts · 5 years
Shoutout to that little girl from France I met at Niagra falls who said I was really pretty and looked really strong. You give me more self confidence than anyone.
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paperplainthoughts · 5 years
When I was younger this popped up in our town. We were able to go inside too, which was even better. What’s wonderful about the structure is it’s natural light pouring through, and being filtered by the material. Like a stained glass painting you’re inside If you’re searching to feel something this place will take you there. It was truly magical.
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An Immersive Inflatable Labyrinth of Light and Color by Architects of Air
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paperplainthoughts · 5 years
I either wake up a saddie and go to bed a baddie,
Or wake up a baddie and go to bed a saddie. There is no inbetween
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paperplainthoughts · 5 years
You are allowed to drop someone like a hot cake if they show toxic behavior. You are allowed to say goodbye after one date if they give you a backhanded compliment. You don’t have to give anyone a chance they haven’t earned. No you can’t change them. All of us have had that thought, and all of us have been wrong about it before. Again YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STICK AROUND FOR SOMEONE THAT SHOWS CLEAR SIGNS OF ABUSE AND/OR INSENSITIVITY. Get it through your head baby girl, don’t ignore the signs, you don’t need anymore pain.
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paperplainthoughts · 5 years
When characters go “you should fear me, I’ve never lost a battle” well duh, you’re still alive.... if you lost you’d be dead af
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paperplainthoughts · 5 years
Not only that but therapists are CERTIFIED. Your girlfriend (and specifically girlfriend cause straight guys seem to have a problem talking about their problems) is not responsible for your issues, it’s unhealthy. What’s going to end up happening is you blaming your girlfriend for your own fucked up probelms. You will lose her, she will feel guilty, it won’t be good.
Im in therapy and I bet you my boyfriend doesn’t want to be the obsorber of all my problems. Don’t be an idiot, talk about the things that make you uncomfortable.
y’all need therapy. not girlfriends
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paperplainthoughts · 5 years
You right you right. but it certainly isn’t nice, and I think that’s the point
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paperplainthoughts · 5 years
“My cat is an outdoor cat”. No, no it’s not. “He gets depressed inside” so do humans and dogs and plenty of other living things. Walk your cat people walk dogs, give it fenced in roaming like people do for their dogs. Cats get hit by cars, and kill at risk species. It’s not worth it, have a cat porch.
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paperplainthoughts · 6 years
I’m getting a job at my local gym and I decided to pursue firefighting
Does anyone have any good news or exciting stories to share? I really need a distraction… Please?
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paperplainthoughts · 6 years
I find that women just tend to talk less so others can talk more. We know what it’s like to be shut out.
the stereotype that women talk more than men is infinitely amusing to me because men are literally incapable of shutting the fuck up
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paperplainthoughts · 6 years
Actually.... in the origin of witches as far as general lore goes, was that the were seductresses. Whores, and sluts (back when this were sin af). Maybe actual wickens didn’t derive power from men. Let’s just not forget how witches have been portrayed by men.... exactly how other groups have been prior and post.
why DO teenage girls go through a witch/occult phase? I had tarot cards and a spellbook and I knew a group of girls who messed with ouija boards and another who had ghost hunting equipment. “oh yeah Cindy’s just going through that girly phase where she tries to raise the dead.”
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paperplainthoughts · 6 years
Does no one remember PEMDAS???
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paperplainthoughts · 6 years
You see it as punishment, I see it as rewarding myself for the hard work I put in.... it’s all about how you frame it.
If you see it as punishment then sure I agree. If you decide to frame it that way, then the way you think about it is unhealthy.
working out is hardly ever a bad thing unless you couple it with a disorder, or unhealthy thinking/ framing
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paperplainthoughts · 6 years
When you tryna go to a lecture comfy, so you bring your blanket with you
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Dramatically Sweeping Dresses by Pierpaolo Piccioli Resemble Classic Winter Puffer Coats
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paperplainthoughts · 6 years
When I was in high school, (a sophomore) people constantly told me not to get a big head. About everything. Nobody congratulated me on being successful in my sport or in class. The only thing they said was “don’t get a big head about it”.
I’m guessing they did this because they thought it would go to my head or that I was already arrogant as it was. But it left me feeling insecure, and like anything I ever did wasn’t good enough.
So I went and sought out approval, and in doing so, people felt I was shoving my successes in their face and was thereby arrogant. When I was looking for someone to say “good job good for you”.
Success does not automatically make someone a prick.
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paperplainthoughts · 6 years
If that’s preschool.... bro had to be the smartest. That’s like 2-4 that’s YOUNG
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