#quicksilver vs meleys
witchthewriter · 6 months
who do u think is faster? meleys or quicksilver?
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Oooh I love these types of questions!
Before fulling answering (because even I don't know straight off the bat) -
Neither were forced into the Dragonpit; meaning they had freedom, fresh air, room to grow and food to hunt when they pleased. If one had been in the dragonpit longer than the other, then the scales definitely wouldn't be balanced.
Although Quicksilver was always a bit of a small dragon, her size gave her great benefits. Sometimes being quicker is better as you're a smaller target.
However, Meleys does hold the title of fastest dragon (in her prime) in Westeros.
Ultimately, I think it comes down to the rider. Who is the most skilled? Who is bonded with their dragon so well that they can maneuver as one?
The answer has to be Meleys. Her riders were always fierce and committed.
With a rider who upheld the title of dragon rider with ferocious responsibility, Quicksilver would easily be my answer. But she never got the chance to be with someone for a long time.
If anyone has other opinions, I'd be happy to hear them!
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gojuo · 2 years
Hi!!Please,I need your knowledge to verify something.Reading F&B I realised a Dance>>>>>>>>>> fighting armies and castles, way more brutal and destructive. Most of dragons died on their first Dance:Vermithor,Seasmoke,Tessarion,Caraxes.It seems only three dragons on Westeros were able to survive a Dance: Balerion,Vhagar and Sunfyre.That's so impressive. Please,let me know if I am right.
With Dance do you mean dragon facing dragon? Then yes I believe you're right. The only time in Westerosi history dragons fought each other was during the Dance of the Dragons civil war and Maegor vs. Aegon the Uncrowned. Most dragons died in their first battle against other dragons with only 3 exceptions:
Arrax > died facing Vhagar for the very first time
Balerion > killed Quicksilver, first account of a dragon vs. dragon battle in Westeros history. Died due to old age
Cannibal > apparently ate young newborn dragons, but never faced any of his own size. Vanished after the Dance
Caraxes > died in battle to Vhagar, the first dragon he faced
Dreamfyre > never faced another dragon. Died during the Storming of the Dragonpit
Grey Ghost > died to Sunfyre, first dragon he faced
Meleys > died to Vhagar and Sunfyre, the first dragons she ever faced
Meraxes > never faced any other dragon. Died to the Dornish
Moondancer > died to Sunfyre, the very first dragon she faced
Morghul > never faced another dragon. Died during the Storming of the Dragonpit
Morning > no idea what happened to her. She was born during the war and died somehow in the future, but we'll have to see it in F&B vol. 2. Never faced another dragon
Quicksilver > died to Balerion, the first dragon she ever faced
Seasmoke > died to Vermithor and Tessarion, the first dragons he ever faced
Sheepstealer > never faced another dragon in battle. Disappeared alongside Nettles after the Dance
Shrykos > never faced another dragon. Died during the Storming of the Dragonpit
Silverwing > an arrow hit her during the Second Battle of Tumbleton, so she didn't take part in the Vermithor vs. Seasmoke vs. Tessarion battle, meaning she never faced another dragon. She became wild after the Dance and lived unclaimed and alone for the rest of her life
Stormcloud > never faced another dragon. Died to arrows
Sunfyre > faced Meleys, Grey Ghost and Moondancer. He killed and outlived them all. Died because of his wounds :(((((
Syrax > fucking loser. Never faced another dragon. Died during the Storming of the Dragonpit
Tessarion > faced Vermithor and Seasmoke, her first dragonbattle :( Was gravely wounded and had to be mercy killed after Vermithor and Seasmoke had died to each other prior :(((((
Tyraxes > never faced another dragon. Died during the Storming of the Dragonpit
Vermax > never faced another dragon. Died to arrows/crashing into the sea
Vermithor > faced Seasmoke and Tessarion. He managed to kill Seasmoke, but he himself was wounded too badly and died moments after
Vhagar > faced Meleys and Caraxes and killed both of them. She fought to the death with Caraxes and killed him when she crashed into the God's Eye
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lagosbratzdoll · 1 year
The way your speaking about Laena is also as much of an issue including what your referenced in your post. You want her character to serve as a plot device still but just not to benefit Alicent but Rhaenyra instead. Laena does not need a friendship with Rhaenyra to be a character. She's a dragonrider, Rhaenys' daughter, Daemon's wife, and the mother of Baela and Rhaena. Almost everything you stated seems to double as something to be given to Rhaenyra, Daemon, or Rhaenyra's sons. Daemon ignoring Rhaena is not illogical, it just makes him a hypocrite that he didn't have a dragon hatching like Rhaena but he makes her suffer and have to face consequences he didn't. It does make sense in this story that he has a reaction his own parents wouldn't. Baela being with Rhaenys, especially with the lack of concern shown by Daemon and Rhaenyra, benefits Baela but you don't like that. Instead you want a boy who is not Laena's child to live with Rhaenys. I think it goes without saying she lost both of her kids and wants one of her actual grandchildren with her and since Baela is the oldest and will actually live there after the dance, of course she's there. Laena is isolated from her Velaryon family and Baela & Rhaena are isolated from their cousins because Daemon isolated them. It just seems like your attempting to use the topic of Laena and race to insert defenses of team black characters being portrayed by white actors. Laena is not the black best friend that's a sidekick to Rhaenyra, she is her own character. There's actual inconsistencies that you haven't pointed out such as why Baela and Rhaena would support Daemon and Rhaenyra when their mother got disrespecte and mistreated and Daemon as a father leaves a lot to be desired. You mentioned the fandoms treatment of them and it kinda proves what I'm saying. Why there are so many people who want to see Daemon as a father to Rhaenyra's sons but not to his daughters. Seeing Laena as someone in the way of Daemyra is a team black issue that obviously has tainted how many have viewed and treated Laena, Baela, and Rhaena including racism. Because of the tag you have, i'll bring up at least one team black stan correctly pointed out you all love to use Baela as an arguement tool about her fight with Aegon but beyond trying to use her very similar to attempting to use Laena here, you don't care about her after that.
Laena and her friendship with Rhaenyra was a big part of both their stories, you might not like it, but that’s literally what the text says. They loved each other so much that they betrothed their children to each other when the boys were three and four and the girls two. They flew back and forth between Driftmark and Dragonstone to visit each other. Not only that, but they flew together and when Laena was pregnant for the second time, Rhaenyra flew to Driftmark to attend the birth. After Laena’s death, Rhaenyra and Daemon sat vigil at her bedside. 
Why does Daemon’s reaction to Rhaena’s lack of dragon yet in this story make sense? I’m genuinely curious, most dragons in his family are claimed at a later age, including his own. Why would anyone, including Daemon, care? 
Visenya claimed Vhagar, then Baelon after her, then Laena after him and Aemond after her. Balerion has had four riders that we know of, Aegon the Conqueror, Maegor the Cruel, Aerea Targaryen and Viserys I. Aegon the Uncrowned claimed Quicksilver after his father Aenys I died and Alyssa claimed Meleys and Rhaenys claimed her after Alyssa Targaryen passed. It doesn't make sense that Daemon would ignore Rhaena for her lack of dragon when you hold up history like this. 
I actually said Luke and Rhaena, you might not like it, but Luke was set to inherit Driftmark, and it makes the most narrative sense for him to learn from the current Lord/Lady. Luke and Rhaena get to learn how to rule and Rhaenys gets to be with her granddaughter Rhaena. 
How am I using race to defend “Team Black”? I’m talking about the source material vs. HoTD. Laena lives in Pentos isolated from her family because the writers needed to make her Daemon’s second choice. She’s erased from the lives of the people who loved her and the people who the text says she loved because how else will we have Rhaenyra’s annoying childhood friendship with Alicent that she’s still not got over despite all the years that have passed and all the harm Alicent has caused her. Daemon isn’t real, and he cannot make choices for himself, but the writers are. 
They shouldn’t support their betrothed/family because Daemon is a shitty father? They were going to marry the Velaryon boys’ and Aegon III and Viserys II are their half-brothers. They shouldn’t want to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and Lady of Driftmark because Daemon is not a good dad. They should instead help the people who are usurping Rhaenyra and by extension Jace and Baela because Daemon sucks as a father? They should go over to the side of people who tried to murder Jace when they were children, the side that told Rhaena that riding a pig would suit her, the side that makes vulgar "jokes" towards Baela, and the side that murdered Luke, Rhaena’s betrothed. They should abandon their family for the side that caused Rhaenyra’s miscarriage, resulting in yet another lost sibling. That’s the side they should be on, okay. 
You don’t know me, one Tumblr post about Laena with mostly joke tags isn’t indicative of my full and exhaustive thoughts about Baela and Rhaena. I also don’t care about Daemyra on the show, I don’t hate the ship, but I also don’t love it. I’m largely indifferent, I’m just sharing my own thoughts about show!Laena and how she makes me feel.
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