#quietduna does art
quietduna · 11 months
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A redraw of a very old drawing, here you can see the comparison. My backgrounds are still terrible lol
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gurakruor · 8 years
I was tagged by @drkstars-art​! thanks and sorry for the delay >x<
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better.
How old are you? 26 but people always think for some reason that I’m younger.
Current Job/Dream Job? This month I became kind of a NEET (first and last time in my life ever, I swear!) ‘cause school is finally over for good/Videogame creator and book writer.
What are you talented at? Learning languages via movies and guessing from where is people from listening to how they speak, probably whistling, eating sometimes bad food and not getting sick over it, never sensing the mood at all like probably people gets awkward with me but I’m bad at sensing that until someone points it out to me and procrastinating. 
What is a big goal you are working towards(or have already achieved)? After eight long years, at last, I’m finished with university; my plan is to get a boring office job to have enough money for my family and projects.
What are your aesthetics? I still don’t grasp the idea of aesthetics completely, but I is always think “practicality over looks” *person with no sense of fashion*.
Do you collect anything? Back in the day (2003-2007) I collected manga magazines from my country, Conexión Manga was the name and it’s still being published but I no longer have need or interest on buying them since having a computer with internet at home.
What is a topic you are always up for talking about? My niece, random useless trivia, escaflowne & jojo’s, anime I watched during highschool, random mangas out there.
What’s a pet peeve of yours? People that doesn’t share food (loner eaters? idk lil’bro does that a lot, brings food and doesn’t share with people at home but is totally angry if you do the same to him),  People I’m not familiar with touching me, people that’s not family saying hello or good bye with a kiss on the cheek.
Good advice to give? Being selfish is not bad, society usually goes by “the selfless the better”, but if you give and give it all to everyone it’s possible that you’ll end up empty; I’m not saying you have to be a soulless jerk, but something in between, not an asshole and neither a saint. *food advice ‘cause if not it feels so deep* if you eat spicy food and your tongue starts to die put some salt on it... it only works with chilly peppers tho.
Recommend three songs: Sound of the blade by Dark Moor, Second Rendez-vous by Jean Michael Jarre and Zydrate anathomy from Repo! The Genetic Opera movie.
Anyone can do this, tag me if you feel to but I’m looking at you @konstantya​, @fayrinferno​, @quietduna​, @dracandnau​, @santinabobina​, @nyxweeps​
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radical-rad1986 · 8 years
Rules: Give 11 facts, tag 11 people. 
@drkstars-art tagged me, thanks!
These are some that are sad/negative so if it affects you I won’t be hurt that you didn’t read them.
1) I hate open-ended questions.
2) I’ve eaten an entire batch of raw cookie dough at least four times in the last three years (eggs included). Two of them were on purpose. It bothers my stomach but not me mentally. I used to eat raw roll dough at my previous job.
3) I had salmonella when I was two. Got it at the babysitter’s when their child picked up my pacifier with raw chicken on their fingers.
4) I LOVE sugar and starch! I am tempted easily and it’s very hard for me to say no.
5) I’ve been trying, not very hard, to lose weight for a few years now.
6) I am a very good driver - I follow the rules and signs and use my blinkers etc.
7) Bad drivers make me very mad and bitter. Yeah, it’s not as bad a law-breaking thing as a lot of other stuff... I guess what gets me is that I’m not rewarded and the handful of times I did something wrong I got punished for it while other people get away with it all the time.
8) Both of our cats were named for Firefly, the first indirectly and the second directly. Dyce was the first, Kaylee is the second and current. I miss that writer... and Aerika. I wonder what happened to them. :(
9) I too like to make jewelry! And yeah, now that drk said something untangling things is therapeutic. Never saw it that way.
10) drkstars and I were born in the same month in the same year. We also share a time zone, which as far as I’m aware no one else does with me!
11) I envy you artists.
.... I didn’t think I was going to make it to 11. XD
@konstantya @pethics @loopy777 @quietduna @floating-khoshek-floats if you want to.
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quietduna · 3 years
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Did I ever showed you this? I'm not good at writing but sometimes I try!
Escaflowne ficlet: Marlene x Allen: Unfair passion
Allen couldn’t tear his eyes away from her, captivated by her ethereal beauty. The way she leaned against the veranda, the gentle sway of her golden locks in the spring breeze, drove him to the brink of madness. In that moment, the entire palace garden faded into insignificance, for all he could see was her.
With every fiber of his being, Allen stared at her, his longing so palpable it seemed to echo through the garden. He found himself lost in speculation, pondering the thoughts that consumed her. Could she possibly think of him? But such a thought was audacious, absurd.
A heavy sigh escaped his lips, laden with desire and despair.
The resemblance to Marlene was uncanny, as if fate was playing some cruel trick on him. Allen had loved and lost, and now the princess, Millerna, rekindled every dormant emotion, stirring his heart and soul.
Unable to resist the pull of their connection, Allen’s body instinctively propelled him toward her, step by step. His desires were laid bare, and he yearned for her touch.
Suddenly, Millerna sensed his gaze upon her and turned to face him. Their eyes locked in a moment that felt suspended in time, electrified with unspoken words. Allen’s heart threatened to burst from his chest as he witnessed a blush creeping upon her cheeks, accompanied by a shy, but enchanting smile. He could no longer suppress the overwhelming emotions that coursed through him.
A fleeting thought of Marlene flitted through his mind, but it was Millerna who filled his vision now. She consumed him, body and soul.
“Allen,” she said in a voice that seemed to caress his very being, “What a beautiful day, isn’t it?”
His mind scarcely registered her words, for his senses were solely devoted to studying her features—the curve of her lips, the depths of her eyes, the softness of her skin. The memory of Marlene whispered in his ear, her velvety voice echoing in his heart.
How long had it been since he last felt such a connection?
“Marlene, I love you,” he murmured, as if reaching out to a ghost. And with that declaration lingering in the air, Allen closed the distance between them, succumbing to a passionate and consuming kiss, uniting his desires with the ecstatic princess.
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quietduna · 11 months
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quietduna · 9 months
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When I got pregnant in 2022, I created a draenei mage called Achicoria with my WoW free account (as my suscription ended and didn’t renew it), with whom I began wandering every day for some minutes around Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, just doing (again) the quests I found around. I found it so relaxing that, eventually, I got involved into doing (again) the classic Loremaster with that character.
Achicoria, my little draenei mage, is forever level 20. I enjoy every minute of playing with her. I’m an old WoW gamer, I’ve been there since 2004, and this game is my comfort place.
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quietduna · 2 years
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I think I never actually posted this. I did it for a @hanodefanart Twitter challenge some months ago :) I still like it <3
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quietduna · 1 year
Escaflowne 'Letters to another world': Analysis of chapter 4
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Hello! Following my post about sharing content from my Patreon, here I have my collection of notes about my (now on hiatus) doujinshi ‘Letters to another world’ that you can read here.
Chapter 4: ‘The eye of the seeress’ comments
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The royal family has their own private matters to attend to, and Merle is well aware of it. This is something that is obvious not only in this fantasy setting, but in any context where power and politics are involved. However, I want to make it clear that this doesn’t mean the royal court in Fanelia is corrupt. They hold honor in high regard. I just want to emphasize that there’s more to their ruling system beyond the public palace audiences. In the comic, I won’t focus too much on this aspect, but it adds background to Merle and Van’s efforts in rebuilding Fanelia and their relationships with other countries and guilds.
Hitomi, on the other hand, sees politics and politicians in a similar way to how we perceive them in our society: there’s corruption and disappointment involved. She disagrees with Merle because she doesn’t fully understand the system yet. Although Hitomi has a general idea after her experiences in Gaea and the information Van has shared with her, she still needs to deepen her understanding before she can become a ruler.
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In the first scene of the following page, Merle suggests that Hitomi should marry Van and live a royal life. “Just say the word” she says. However, Hitomi is not interested in being a queen and prefers a quiet life. Hitomi needs time to adjust to her new surroundings since she has only recently woken up from a long sleep. She was crying over Van just a few hours ago, so it’s quite a leap to expect her to marry him already. This is a scene I wanted to add since the beginning! I always intend to show that Hitomi is not a reckless young girl following love. She has very clear priorities, and first of all is her well-being.
As you will see in the video of the progress of creation of this page, I was struggling with the backgrounds. I was learning how to improve backgrounds using Clip Studio Paint.
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We all realize the immense happiness that Merle derives from being alongside Van and aiding the people of Fanelia. This aspect holds great significance in her persona and personal history. In my perspective, I envision adult Merle as possessing remarkable social and diplomatic skills, while Van embodies charisma and leadership. Together, they form an outstanding team in terms of governance and administration (you could already see more of this Merle in my previous comic “Second Chance“). Consequently, Merle’s unwavering dedication to Fanelia is understandable, even though she has been blushing more frequently as of late, specially around Hitomi. In my headcanon, Merle and Van seldom engage with individuals their own age and instead interact mostly with older individuals. However, Hitomi is an exception to this, being a close companion of similar age. Despite their dissimilar backgrounds, they both make sincere efforts to comprehend one another. (Initially, I employed the term “cultural gap” instead of “backgrounds,” but considering Fanelia’s culturally blended nature with Japanese-Western influences, Hitomi finds many familiar aspects within it.)
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The transformation of Hitomi is truly remarkable. She has grown wiser, more experienced, but it seems as though her bright spirit has dimmed a little. The passing of three years can undoubtedly change a person’s perspective on life. She had a broken heart, believing that Van had forsaken her. Such an experience must have deeply affected her.
However, deep within, Hitomi possesses unwavering convictions, which, in my own interpretation, may have been the catalyst for the pendant’s mysterious energy. Though she claims to have lost her powers, it is possible that her connection to the pendant is necessary for her inner eye to awaken.
The final panel of the story shows a sorrowful and angry Yukari, standing beside a smiling Amano. We are left wondering about the nature of their relationship and what has transpired between them. Hitomi briefly mentioned that Yukari had moved away, leading to a loss of contact. It seems that Hitomi was enduring a difficult time on Earth, and her sudden arrival in Fanelia offers her a chance to start afresh. It is truly admirable how she possesses the strength and determination to leave behind any burden of guilt or despondency, embracing this new beginning with open arms.
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In this page, and going back to my headcanon about Fanelia’s governance, I imagine that Fanelia’s monarchy maintains a system where the king possesses the authority to make managerial decisions. The king would typically have one or two trusted advisors who provide guidance on matters of governance. Additionally, there exists a Council consisting of representatives from the citizens and various guilds, which the king oversees and listens to. The Council is empowered to operate independently, but for certain decisions, they require the approval of the king. This setup is akin to the internal governance structure of an association, where there is an executive authority overseen by a board of directors led by a president.
Regarding my headcanon (aligned with the canonical storyline), Van has no aspirations of becoming a warrior. Following the War, Van continues his training but as time goes on and the prospect of peace emerges, he begins to explore new areas of interest. The specific topics he pursues remain unknown. It seems as though Van is gradually becoming more akin to his brother
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I really enjoyed portraying them as two young adults having a playful moment. It was fascinating to explore their relationship as they’ve grown into confident individuals who are deeply in love with each other.
They have spent a lot of time together in Gaea and on Earth, building a strong bond and sharing intimate moments. They’ve likely had not just kisses, but also deeper emotional experiences. Their level of comfort with each other shows that they’ve reached a point where flirting feels natural and right.
Despite their deep love, they often struggle with miscommunication. It’s something they need to work on to truly understand and connect with each other. Van’s reserved nature adds complexity, requiring both of them to be patient and understanding.
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In regards to this particular page, I tried different designs. I used my own photographs instead of relying on stock imagery.
This is a milestone for this story: there's a book in Gaea written by none other than Hitomi…on Earth. The recurring theme of letters has always resonated with me when contemplating Hitomi Kanzaki. I firmly believe that she would find solace expressing herself through written words. This concept was first explored in my story “Second Chance” back in 2013, and I have reimagined it here. In “Second Chance,” Hitomi writes heartfelt letters to Millerna, detailing her experiences and emotions concerning Van and her stay in Fanelia. In this instance, Hitomi delves into her own emotional journey and transforms it into a bestseller. It is worth noting that there are more letters yet to be unveiled.
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quietduna · 1 year
Escaflowne ‘Letters to another world’: Analysis of chapters 1-3
As I promised in my last post about Patreon, I’m sharing here some of my headcanons and notes for my Escaflowne doujinshi ‘Letters to another world’. All these notes were already shared on Patreon more than 1 year ago. You can also read the analysis for chapters 4 and 5. These are ideas and comments that can be updated.
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The prologue was first draw in Photoshop, but just at that time I changed software and began learning Clip Studio Paint Ex. That’s the reason I have two versions of the first pages. The final ones were done in CSP and I can’t be happier, I really enjoyed the software and from that moment I began using it regularly. I redid the pages because I wasn’t happy with the art and the emotion it showed.
I understand that the emotions depicted in the content may seem sad and heavy. Please know that I intentionally crafted this narrative to capture the resilience and struggles of Hitomi. In her world, she has chosen to be alone, facing depression, isolation, and physical weakness. Through this portrayal, I wanted to highlight the connection between mental and physical health, illustrating that one can significantly impact the other. It is my belief that Hitomi’s journey includes a period of sadness and self-neglect, conveying the challenges she faces. Additionally, I often pondered the intense emotions she would experience when returning to Earth. While the series presents her blossoming and choosing her life on Earth, I imagine she would undergo a difficult phase of grief that could potentially last for years.
See: left picture is done in Clip Studio Paint. Right one is the previous version done in Photoshop.
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The concept of Van traveling to Earth was something that really struck a chord with me. I couldn’t help but feel that it’s often expected for Hitomi to leave everything behind to be with him in Escaflowne fanfictions. But when I thought about it, I realized that Hitomi had her own world and people who deeply cared about her. It just seemed unfair to ask her to make such a big sacrifice. That’s why I decided to have Van be the one to undertake the journey instead. Throughout the story, we’ll delve into how this choice profoundly impacts him.
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I personally find the idea of Van and Hitomi experiencing Earth together quite delightful. Just picturing them going on a date to the cinema, sipping Starbucks, or simply enjoying anime together brings a smile to my face. However, the reality is that Van faces several challenges on Earth because he cannot read or understand Japanese or any language from Mystic Moon (not that he is interested, to be honest). While Hitomi’s pendant provides some assistance by facilitating their communication, its magic doesn’t work the same way in this foreign setting. Thus, Hitomi is the only one able to communicate with Van, thanks to her powers.
Now, you may wonder how Van manages to interact with Hitomi’s family and friends. Well, Hitomi came up with a fictional tale about meeting an exchange student from a distant land. Of course, Yukari and Hitomi’s mother were aware of the truth and supported this narrative to make the situation more comprehensible and easier to navigate for the young couple.
In this story, Yukari and Amano didn’t interact with the Van as we can see in episode 1 of the anime series, so that’s why they don’t recognize him.
Chapter 1
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I’m genuinely thrilled with the outcome of Chapter 1! I believe I was able to effectively show the profound emotions that Hitomi experienced upon awakening in Gaea. I can only imagine the immense confusion she must have felt, considering she was just shedding tears for Van a few moments prior!
The encounter between Merle and Hitomi made me very happy. I must admit, Merle was never one of my personal favorite characters when I was young, but I’m genuinely pleased with how I’ve portrayed the cat girl in this context. In my doujinshis and in this scenario, Merle has blossomed into a young royal advisor, honing her skills with a sword. I wanted her to embody strength and agility, much like Nariya and Eriya. Merle, in my interpretation, serves as a steady support and mediator for both Van and Hitomi. She is a pillar of wisdom and resilience, their family and guardian. Moreover, she adds a touch of levity to the story with her sense of humor. The constant banter with Hitomi always, always makes me smile.
In this narrative, Merle finds herself pleasantly surprised by the growth and transformation Hitomi has undergone since they last met, something that makes us think that maybe she has moved on her childhood crush on Van Fanel.
Hitomi fondly recalls a special memory of sharing a heartfelt coffee with Van on Earth. This touching moment reveals the depth of their connection, as they engaged in meaningful conversations about Van’s personal interests and the responsibilities that come with his royal duties. It is evident that Hitomi played a pivotal role in supporting Van as he navigated his position, even amidst the challenges he faced. One such challenge was his reluctance to open Fanelia’s borders to individuals from other countries, a complex decision considering the devastated state of the city and the urgent need to rebuild and forge alliances. Their relationship exemplifies the strength found in companionship and mutual support.
The closing page of this chapter depicts Hitomi gazing up at the sky, resolved to embrace a fresh start and let go of the pains she endured on Earth. I hold a deep appreciation for this version of Hitomi: a resilient young woman who prioritizes her well-being and mental health, acutely aware of the challenges she faced in the past. She is decided to start over, despite everyone she left behind on Earth…
Chapter 2
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As a creative, it can be exciting to explore different versions of your story and characters. In my initial drafts of ‘Letters to another world’, I envisioned a different path for Hitomi and Van. In that different path, instead of accepting Van’s hospitality, Hitomi chose to forge her own path in Fanelia, starting a small store and becoming quickly part of the local community with her charm and her resourceful demeanor. This alternative storyline allowed for a unique dynamic between the characters, as Van would visit Hitomi daily to regain her favor, sharing meals and building their connection once again, rekindling their love. The situation was quite angsty, as Hitomi is really keen on thrive for herself despite Van’s efforts to help her. This last point is key in this story, and it’s something I wanted to keep: Hitomi is an independent woman, and wants to get a better life, with or without Van by her side.
However, upon further reflection, I decided to make adjustments to the script to explore other aspects of the story. I wanted to delve deeper into the narrative and explore different themes. So, I made the choice to go with the current version, which allows for a different set of details and character development.
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The encounter between Van and Hitomi in these pages holds a special place in my heart. I tried to capture the authenticity and depth of their emotions in that particular scene. Hitomi’s feelings for Van are extremely profound, as we have already glimpsed in the earlier pages and will continue to explore in forthcoming chapters. Van is undeniably the source of her happiness, a situation which she is determined to alter to forge her own future, far from any sadness and dependance (that’s why she shuts herself after showing her feelings to Van in the scene below). Despite her attempts to move forward, her resolve wavers the moment she lays eyes on him, and she finds solace in his arms. It is evident that Van is equally affected by their reunion, but he appears to carry a sense of serenity amidst the turmoil of emotions.
“Do you trust me?” He told her. “With my life” is her quick answer. That’s another proof that she is, undeniably, still so in love with him, and that just let herself feel that love in that specific moment together.
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Creating Fanelia’s skyview was truly an exhausting task. And to make matters worse, I had to redo it after it was already published because a reader pointed out the incorrect perspective. I’ve put in a tremendous amount of effort and dedication into the backgrounds of this story.
Chapter 3
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The concept of “time flowing differently in Gaea” was a crucial aspect of the initial script. However, I made an error in the way I incorporated it into the story. Originally, the idea was that time passed slower in Fanelia, which would have allowed for the exploration of the discrepancy between Hitomi aging faster than Van and Merle. In this narrative, Hitomi would have arrived in Gaea when Fanelia was still under reconstruction, while Van would have only felt that a few months had passed since her departure. Unfortunately, I miscommunicated this idea in the dialogue, stating instead that time passed faster on Gaea. By the time I realized the mistake, it was too late to rectify it.
In the final story, a significant amount of time has elapsed on Gaea, around five to six years, while on Earth it has been merely three years. The concept of time holds great importance in this narrative, not just for the sake of science fiction or fantasy elements, but to highlight Hitomi’s deep contemplation and study of its nature. Thus, when she exclaims, “So it’s true; time does flow differently between the two planets,” it signifies the profound reflections she has engaged in throughout these years. Rest assured, this intriguing aspect will be further explored and unveiled within the storyline.
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I understand that Hitomi’s situation can be quite difficult and filled with uncertainty. In the prologue, she makes a promise to herself – a promise to leave behind the pain that she has been experiencing. However, in order to truly move forward, she recognizes the importance of understanding that pain. Hitomi longs for answers, as she wishes to rebuild herself and discover a new path in life. It’s important to acknowledge that she is grappling with the knowledge that Van, with whom she had a romantic relationship, suddenly disappeared from her life without any means of contact. This has led to a great deal of speculation and insecurity, making it even more challenging for her.
It comes as a surprise to her that Van’s response isn’t quite what she expected. Van, too, has his own questions, albeit of a different nature. He wonders why Fate keeps entwining their destinies, and it seems that he may be harboring some hurt feelings. Deep down, all he desires is to win her heart back and create the life they had always wished for together. Van appears to be keeping his thoughts and emotions to himself at the moment, choosing to support Hitomi’s desire for some space and the opportunity to start anew. As time passes, we will uncover more about Van and his inner world.
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quietduna · 2 years
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Such a pretty boy
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quietduna · 2 years
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My 2022 Summary of Art
This year has been a very busy one in personal terms. A long trip I took at the beginning of the year and then my pregnancy had my motivation and energy totally drained. But I managed to stay productive somehow, trying to create about My Hero Academia and doing commissions for my job. For the first time I have a lot of drafts in my folders, some of them that I never posted anywhere.
This year I had to close my Patreon due to all these personal issues, something that really made me sad, as I had a wonderful group of followers that kept me active. Also, my Etsy store has been permanently suspended due to copyright issues. Two milestones this year that were not that good…
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quietduna · 5 years
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As every end of the year, it’s time to review my work. It’s been a very unsteady year, a rollercoaster of emotions in my life, and I spent several months with almost no new art. On the professional side I had two big projects that were quite successful.
January: nothing.
February: Finished a short three pages story about loss.
March: nothing
April: one of my most appreciated Ahsoka designs “I am no Jedi”
May: I highlight this design that is not popular but I really like it: “City Pop” From May until Summer I also worked on this commission: Cifuentes Late.
June: Somehow things were beginning to work for me in real life. This Hitomi is quite a declaration of intents
July: I tried to resume my life in the Escaflowne communities. This is sadly my only contribution this year: Eries x Folken
August: My only picture of them this year: Van x Hitomi
September: I really tried to go into the WoW fanart this year, but the results were more or less mediocre. This design is one of the best: Jaina Proudmoore x Never forget Theramore
October – November: My creativity has been very affected so when I’m art-blocked I redraw old stuff. This time I’ve remade an old 2012 comic: Hitomi’s Dream
December: My Happy Holidays comic, a promise everything will be better this year 2020
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quietduna · 4 years
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I love certain Internet traditions, and art summaries are one of them. Let’s go with this year’s summary!
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quietduna · 3 years
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This year has been so productive for me. In January I resumed reading fanfictions. The first I read was ‘Soulmates’, an Escaflowne fic that sparked again my creativity with such a force…I actually haven’t stopped drawing since then, and the creation of my Patreon confirmed it.
Personal life issues and the fact that I stopped playing World of Warcraft pushed me hard into old hobbies, so I began watching anime and reading manga again to cope with the world when it was too overwhelming: The Adventures of Fly, Psycho Mob 100, A Silent Voice, Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers, Dr Stone, My Hero Academia, etc.
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quietduna · 9 months
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Quietduna’s art summary 2023
My three drawings for this year were an InuYasha redraw, my draenei mage (World of Warcraft) and my short BKDK comic (My Hero Academia). My most recent sketch, about my FFXIV Viera.
No, I haven’t forget about my Escaflowne doujinshi “Letters to another world“, and I haven’t forget about my DrStone content (currently my most popular content). I’ll just come back to them…when life allows me to.
Enjoy and take care, my dear friends.
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quietduna · 1 year
Escaflowne ‘Letters to another world’: Analysis of chapter 5
Let’s continue with the analysis after Chapter 4! Remember that you can read the whole story (currently unfinished) here.
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The notion of Gaean intellectuals crafting theories about the book, which is described as “A novel for teenagers,” as Hitomi mentioned, never fails to bring a smile to my face. It’s intriguing how, without knowledge of the Mystic Moon languages, they rely solely on the illustrations and Hitomi’s photograph on the back cover. Consequently, it’s not unreasonable for them to consider it a book of prophecies in a world teeming with ancient magic.
I toyed with the idea of Van reading the book while wearing the pendant, but ultimately decided to keep him blissfully unaware of its contents. The pendant appears to hold no significance for him, as it has only reacted in Hitomi’s presence. It could be that the pendant solely responds to her, or perhaps Van neglected his “inner eye” training, causing him to lose his connection with it.
Van and Merle didn’t mean to offend Hitomi with their surprise; they were simply caught off guard. After months of speculating about the enigmatic book, they discover that it was written by none other than Hitomi Kanzaki, the seeress of the Mystic Moon—an insecure girl they once knew. They remember her as someone who didn’t display much interest in books, and that perception lingers. Even Van, who has journeyed to Earth twice, never witnessed Hitomi engaging with books beyond what was necessary. Thus, their astonishment is understandable. It’s quite amusing, really.
In the final panel, Hitomi’s bitter emotions seep through her façade. She has endured years of heartache over Van, only to find herself abruptly whisked away to Gaea, where she discovers him safe and sound.
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In past pages, Van told that the book appeared “aprox 2 years ago” and penetrated quickly amongst the population. To be honest, Gaea is a big world, so 2 years for me is a small time to actually had such a big influence in a mostly medieval world with no communications technology. In a world like this, letters, rumours and speculations are the main ways of spreading the news. When Van says “it has been reproduced and distributed through Gaea”, maybe it’s not like that, and it’s been having an impact only in Fanelia…What I’m trying to say is, the book has an impact, but I’m not dwelling on the reality of it. We only need to know that it’s been well-known in Fanelia and Asturia.
“People put a face to the Seeress from the Mystic Moon”: My headcanon is that, after the Gaean War and the vision of the White Dragon in the sky as the end of the War, rumours about the strange girl that was always around King Van Fanel and her visions spread like fire amongst the population, that needed new legends and war heroes. Hitomi never left Gaea, indeed, as Van said in previous pages. She was always there, as some sort of legendary seeress of luck. How was Van ever going to move on her when she had become such an icon for his people? How was any other women compete over her? The book, or better said, its illustrations, helped the population to complete their idealization of the Seeress of the Mystic Moon.
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One of the intriguing aspects that crossed my mind when pondering over Escaflowne was the fortunate circumstance that befell Hitomi. She found herself in immediate proximity to the King, granting her access to a plethora of confidential information concerning the kingdom. It is astonishing to think that regular citizens have no inkling about how Van trains, the fate of Folken Fanel, or even the intricate process of awakening Escaflowne. Equally intriguing is the fact that Hitomi forged a friendship with the future queen of Asturia, affording her the opportunity to overhear the queen’s doubts about her impending marriage and gain insight into the affairs of the Aston sisters. Contemplating all of this, one cannot help but imagine the magnitude of the secrets contained within a book that was freely distributed without any form of control. The ramifications could be profound, potentially even sparking conflicts of war in a medieval setting. As Van stated, “Luckily, no one can read it.”
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Picture it: a book like the Esca novels, replete with illustrations that accompanied the text. These illustrations caused quite a commotion among certain sectors of society, as Van states. The elite of traditional Asturian society viewed Millerna with disdain upon learning of her affair with Allen Schezar, who himself was entangled with the late Queen of Freid, Marlene Aston. One can only fathom the scandalous nature of these revelations. Seems like Freid has remained unscathed by this news. Perhaps there was a notable absence of an illustration depicting Allen and his secret offspring.
Pages 4,5
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I understand that Hitomi’s reaction may feel natural to me, but it’s important to acknowledge that this may be more of a personal trait rather than a reflection of her character. It seems she perceived the feedback as an attack on her work. It’s understandable that she didn’t want to apologize for the problems she indirectly caused, but at the same time, she wanted to emphasize that the situation might not be as bad as initially thought.
Unfortunately, Van didn’t seem to fully grasp Hitomi’s response. The book held significant importance to him, and he seemed to have a more complex interpretation of its contents. This difference in understanding led to a bit of a misunderstanding between the two. It’s remarkable how countless stories can be born from just a single illustration in a book. Imagination can truly run wild, and people may have created various narratives involving Van, Hitomi, and Escaflowne. One can only imagine how this affected Van, especially considering the assumption that the book’s cover hinted at a clear depiction of Van and Hitomi’s relationship. The rumors and stories may have caused Van considerable emotional distress. Additionally, it’s possible that these tales impacted his relationships with other kingdoms, as he is at an age where marriage and alliances are important considerations, although this aspect has yet to be explored. Moreover, it’s quite likely that people would have sought to find Escaflowne’s resting place and transform it into a sacred location, adding further complications to Van’s life. Thus, it’s clear that the book brought about significant challenges for Van, both personally and politically.
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At the same time, and thanks to the book and the Gaean War, Van’s reputation increased significantly as the pilot of the White Dragon, the Atlantean hero, the old-blood King. The book triggered a multitude of changes, as we witness in Allen and Millerna’s stories. BUT Van’s also been “effected” by these changes, although he doesn’t appear to perceive it just yet: He made the bold decision to unveil his wings to the public!
Asturia is now ruled by Eries! Could this be another one of those “fateful” changes? Is it truly what she desired? Personally, I’ve always believed that she is the perfect ruler for Asturia. She has the necessary training and will undoubtedly excel in her duty. I have absolutely no doubts about it!
And what about Hitomi? Time truly does flow mysteriously, doesn’t it? Somehow, the timeline has been altered, and everything felt like a surreal dream… At least she no longer feels under attack and has decided to share her story with Van and Merle.
Pages 6,7
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I understand that returning home after a challenging and intense period can be difficult. This is especially true for someone like Hitomi, who had to leave behind a life-changing experience at such a young age. It’s actually quite common to explore this theme in fanfictions, as it is natural for her to struggle with readjustment. This is one of my most common headcanons about this story.
When it comes to Hitomi’s feelings, I’ve had the opportunity to interact with individuals who have gone through similar experiences. Working in a large NGO, I’ve met colleagues who have spent months in countries where our help is needed. Upon returning to their homes, they often find it challenging to reintegrate into their previous lives. They describe feeling a stark contrast between their intense and meaningful experiences abroad and the sometimes mundane routines and social traditions back home.
I recall a colleague who worked in an African country and experienced a profound shift in perspective. She found it difficult to find meaning in the rituals and customs that once seemed so important to her. Her family and friends struggled to understand her desire to return to the field, leading to feelings of frustration and loneliness. It’s not uncommon for individuals in similar situations to question the value of their previous way of life.
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Regarding this page, it is plausible to imagine that, deep down, Yukari and Hitomi’s mother do believe and support her. However, for Hitomi, simply knowing this might not be enough. She craves a tangible sense of their support, a feeling of belonging that seems distant now that she no longer fits into the same old system.
Van raises a valid question that even Merle’s comment cannot dismiss: “Why couldn’t he sense her distress?” Speculating, we could surmise that Hitomi devoted herself to maintaining the façade of her promised life, concealing her true emotions from Van to spare him any concern. Furthermore, it is plausible to imagine that their connection was primarily initiated by Van, as evidenced by his possession of the pendant. Therefore, if Van was preoccupied with rebuilding Fanelia, their connections may have become infrequent.
One thing we can infer about Hitomi is her remarkable ability to conceal her genuine feelings. This is illustrated in the “A girl in Gaea” movie, where she struggled with depression that went unnoticed by those around her, including Yukari, until it became “too late.” In the movie, Hitomi only found solace and a genuine smile when she discovered her reflection in Van. It is quite different from the Hitomi we know in the series, but it highlights her adeptness at masking her true emotions.
Pages 8,9
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I completely understand the importance of expressing one’s emotions through a traditional diary rather than a blog. I already explored this in my previous work Second Chance, as I’ve explained before. By choosing this method, it becomes much easier for the story to unfold naturally. Also, I think it perfectly aligns with Hitomi being a 90s girl.
It’s truly remarkable how having a supportive network on Earth can make a significant difference. In the case of my doujinshi Second Chance, I explored the absence of such a network for Hitomi. Her family didn’t believe her, and her friends Yukari and Amano had left Japan, leading her to fall into a state of depression. However, in this scenario, things take a different turn. Hitomi now has the presence of her mother and Yukari, who genuinely believe in her. This stark contrast can be seen in her initial words on page 1, where she expresses a preference for solitude. Someone – be it a professional or a confidante – encouraged her to express her feelings through writing. Regardless, her support system was there for her, guiding her progress.
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