#quilge taught her very well .
biskael · 4 months
kubo confirming that quilge enacts as a combat instructor to some of the younger quincies is VERY important to me . this man is old as hell , he is also one of the strongest quincies . pls let him be a teacher . i mean ------ if you can survive it .
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reiiishii · 3 months
@biskael replied to your post “good to know the feeling is mutual, Quilge.”:
it's more like -- he doesn't know what he sees in her because it's all ... surface level , from a distance . he doesn't understand . he don't know what's going on , & he surely doesn't know the lore . the grandmaster & this ... sad little quincy woman ???
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ooooooh you've opened pandora's box now. (Grabs Reb at the same time bc this is their jugo i speak of) @hxbiris bECAUSE LIKE- MAN I TOTALLY GET WHERE HE'S COMING FROM TOO CAUSE OFC, YOU HAVE THEIR LEADER OF THE STERNRITTERS, THE GRANDMASTER. And then she's basically nothing in comparison, granted she's a rather strong quincy & her extended family is practically nobles in quincy society. (i need to write about the Gringoire family ngl but anyway MMMOVING ON.)
They're both on the opposite sides of the spectrum, it works for a while...until you get down to them as people. Because when it comes down to it, Jugram's been LONG gone, he's been given power and he doesn't want to let it go. Whereas NOAH is someone who just wants to see him happy, but her own goals are aligned with freedom and Yhwach's downfall. The so-called deal breaker of things, granted her disdain for Yhwach is VERY present and evident in how she addresses the quincy king... Noah's always been somewhat of a free spirit, whereas Jugram has only ever known what others have taught him or he has experienced and been told.
With Reb's Jugram, SHE was his choice, they have have polar opposite personalities but SHE has treated him like a human being, not a weapon or the grandmaster, just *Jugram.* She's never once referred to him as anything or anyone else. Kindness from the past onward really paid off, and while it's...super SUPER odd surface level wise it really does boil down to their past together & how well they know each other as well as a nUMBER of other things.
I would also like to mention that Noah is VERY well aware of how far gone Jugram is, she's just blindly hopeful of the fact that SOMEWHERE in there she knows is the person she knew in the past but she is painfully aware he is gone. And it's nice to live in a state of denial for a certain timeframe, she knows full well near the end of TYBW it has to come to an end because they're both on opposite sides of the war, that one of them is going to have to come out alive or they might both die. (Reb and I have both written Noah and Jugram actually battling near the end of tybw and it is as heartbreaking as one may expect.) And of course, we know the outcome of this. Jugram dies, Noah Survives.
It's a cruel cycle of 'doomed by the narrative to die' and 'doomed by the narrative to stay alive', 'what could eurydice complain of that she had been loved?', WHATEVER you want to label them. Surface level- you don't get it, it's complicated and downright odd how someone so powerful could offer his hand to someone so pathetic (At times), but when you know the details and just get down to brass tacks it makes sense.....
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