vashtisims · 7 years
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The sun rises hot over the Secunda Mensa, the beautiful desert valley home of the Quindeus tribe. Today is a day of celebration. The Druid priestess, Moba, has passed into the myst. Her daughter, Io, spent the night in solitude, her first initiation into communion with the five Divinus. For generations, when the Druid Priestess passed on, the Divinus passed their gifts onto her daughter. Never did more than one Druid possess the ability to commune with the Gods. Terrus, the Earth mother, guides the clan in matters of health and fertility and leads the druid to food sources and healing herbs. Caeli, God of air, watches over the warriors and provides them with strength and courage. Ignis, lord of the sun and fire, keeps the clan fires burning, so the people will always have light, warmth, and full bellies. Aquala leads the druid priestess to sources of clean water and keeps the heart of the druid pure so she may lead her people with wisdom. Spiritus is the guide of the myst, rarely seen or heard, until a clansman passes on. Their subtle whispers are sometimes felt and seen in signs and symbols, but other times the words they speak are as clear as the blue sky and as loud as thunder.
As Io emerged from her cave, her maidens took her to the pond to bathe. She was given fresh water and fish and then drugged with ancient herbs. She lay in the shade for hours while the women tattooed her skin. Io drifted in and out of consciousness, hearing the voices of the Divinus for the first time, calling to her from across the planes. They gave her glimpses of the local wildebeest herd, the secret wells, and underground rivers, rare healing plants, and views of green lands beyond the Secunda Mensa - lands she’d only heard whispers about. Tomorrow, she and the clan’s strongest young warrior Jo, would undertake a symbolic journey to those lands as a test of their ability to rule and guide the people. They must travel through the dangerous green lands for three days, returning with gifts for the clan and new foods and herbs to share. Jo would protect Io during the journey, while she used her new gifts to commune with the Divinus. As his reward, Jo would mate with Io on their return, and his daughter would grow to become the next Druid Priestess.
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vashtisims · 7 years
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They traveled for two more days, always keeping to Jo’s visions for their path. They found fish, medicinal herbs, and many other treasures to bring back to the people. Jo danced as she gave thanks to the Divinus for the bounty they lead to her.
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vashtisims · 7 years
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In the morning, Jo and Io set out to the West. It was a quiet journey. Jo warily followed behind, spear grasped in both hands, ready for the slightest danger. Io moved with grace and speed, having been given a clear vision of their path the day before. She had seen a beautiful clearing near a river. It was fixed in her mind’s eye in such a way that she could feel the soft grass under her feet, smell the sweet scent of flowers and feel the rush of the cool water over her toes. The further they traveled, the more her heart quickened at the thought of entering the green lands. As a child, traveling out of the safety of the village had been forbidden to all but the hunting warriors. Io had trained as an herbalist and worked with the gatherers for most of her life. She was given rudimentary combat lessons, but they were mostly ceremonial. The tribe had been at peace with other local clans for eons, and there was little need for the Druid Priestess to spend time training as a warrior. She only barely knew Jo and was looking forward to learning more about him on their journey.
Io attempted to start a conversation several times throughout the day. Jo grunted and told her to be quiet, claiming that they needed to conserve water. Knowing that they would reach the river in the afternoon, Io was surprised by his strict attitude. Surely it was only his warrior training that made him so distant. As they crested a small ridge, The two travelers stopped, looking down at the green that spread out before them like a blanket. Io looked at Jo and was surprised to see not wonder or excitement in his eyes, but caution and fear. He turned to look at her and for the first time, she saw him properly. Jo was handsome, but dark and brooding. She gave him a coy smile and then turned and ran down the hill. He caught up with her quickly, and they entered the green glade at a gallop together.
It was quiet and peaceful, just as Io had visualized. They spent the day fishing and then built a small camp. It was then that Jo finally broke his silence.
Jo: “What were you thinking, running down here like that?! You need to be more cautious. We have no idea what we’re up against here!”
Io: “I knew what to expect ahead of time. The Divinus showed me everything. We have nothing to worry about.”
Jo: “I don’t believe that.”
Io: “What…that the Divinus showed me, or that we have nothing to worry about?”
Jo: “Either. Take your pick. The Divinus are just silly superstition, everyone knows that.”
Io: “You’re wrong, Jo. I don’t know how you can say that. You’re only talking that way because we’re away from the clan right now. You wouldn’t say things like this in camp.”
Jo: “You know the Magicae live in these woods. They could be watching us right now.”
Io: “We’re perfectly safe, Jo. Even if they are here…they are only ghosts to us. The Divinus assured me we would be safe.”
Jo: “Go to bed. I’ll keep watch.”
Io: “But…”
Jo: “Just go!”
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