#quinn gave us a shot of him on the bench looking away from the camera likeeeee
barzyhughes · 8 months
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all of peteys pics are so artsy looking and quinn’s look like he screenshoted them from the broadcast
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its-kierce-sherman · 4 years
[What happened the day the DTI boys swapped personalities]
((I had 5 hours to do whatever so I did this. Warning it’s kinda longish))
So, Quinn was behind the idea of swaping personalities yesterday and was supported by Callum so it became a thing (this is how anything starts) They all drew names. Kierce got Francis. Francis got Quinn. Quinn got Kierce. Callum got Kent. Kent got Callum.
The rules to the game were simple: - They had to dress up as the person they got - They had to stay in character at all times - Everyone contributes $50 for the prize money - The last person to get eliminated gets the prize money - if there are two or more people standing the eliminated have to vote for who did the best and the winner gets the prize money
Mission 1: Dress the part.
Kierce: - Wore what he normal did around people - stole an eyepatch from Francis' collection - styled his hair to cover one of his eyes - Money spent: $0
Francis: - wore a ball cap - a bright yellow T-Shirt that said, "spreading happy :)" - blue jeans with splashes of different colors of paint - tied his hair back and got rid of the eyepatch - everyone liked that (but mostly Callum)
Quinn: - avoided formal clothes at all costs - raided Kierce's closet - wore a million accessories - shirt with obscure design on it - black jeans - yoiked Kierce's favorite jacket - Kierce did not like that
Callum: - sportswear - looked good - none were surprised - posted so many pictures of himself - his fans liked that
Kent: - Callum had to help him - $80 black dress shirt - $50 white designer pants - $65 grey Oxford boots - $70 ring - Total: $265.46 - Callum paid for all of it (:>) - Kent looked really good tho so it was all worth it
"They're group of good-looking men but something very wrong with all them." - Kierce's grandma 2016
The Tumblr stuff happened while they were waiting for everyone to get ready and start the day. Kierce will never say "Idiot baka, ever again.
So earlier on everyone picked out an activity they all liked doing. So Callum picked first.
Mission 2: Have a fashion show in Callum’s room.
Kierce: - said it was stupid - didn't do it - was a judge - 0's for everyone - took pictures of everyone - and laughed bitterly - enjoyed watching Francis suffer
Francis: - hated every minute of it - wanted to die - was stuck as the dj - fought the urge to play Last Resort - fought the urge to yell at Kent's stupidity
Quinn: - was a judge too - used big words - that he didn't know the meaning to - it was very adorable - "Sir your score is a 5+4." - beams with pride at his cleverness.
Callum: - lived and yet died - had to wear simple or mismatched outfits - oh the horror - still looked good
Kent: - wanted to try wearing high heels - failed - he tripped so badly - and so many times - but he really wanted to master walking in high heels - Kent pls stop you can't
Next thing!
Mission 3: Play at the park with kids. Quinn picked it after bungee jumping was shot down by Francis (who is afraid of heights.)
Kierce: - said it was stupid - did it anyway - Kei loves kids so dang much - he had so much fun telling them stories and helping the small ones on the monkey bars - said the kids made him do it - frowned on the outside - smiled on the inside - a tiny girl hugged him and he nearly hugged her back - he just patted her of the head awkwardly
Francis: - played on the merry-go-round - he spun it so fast and the kids loved him for it - he was smiling and laughing with all of them - fell off once and just laughed it off - everyone recorded it - Francis should act his age more often - he snuck his camera out every couple of minutes to take pictures of everyone - he mostly took pictures of Callum
Quinn: - told kids to stay in school and never do drugs - kept randomly saying things like, "1+1=2" - "Hey kid. Do you want some smarties? It's $20 a piece" - the kids found it funny - Kierce did not - pretended to take a nap on the bench
Callum: - played basketball with some boys - used to play basketball and hadn't done it in forever - everyone appreciated that - "How are you so tall mister?" "I have no idea I just," waves hands around, "grew one day." - his Kent impression was dead on - Kent went :O "I did that too!"
Kent: - played basketball with Callum and kids - he forgot he was Callum and couldn't help it - he was eliminated - but everyone expected that - Kent will and can only be Kent
Mission 4: Play volleyball. Twas Kent’s idea so they went to the gym that the volleyball club use. The club members were there as usual and they played too.
Kierce: - Said it was stupid - Did it anyway - Had fun - Got hit in the face with the ball many times
Francis: - He was not a fan - He did jump around tho - and smiled no matter how fake it was - so he was safe - showed amazing team spirit - Lysander dropped by because he heard there was drama going on within the jock circle - happiness levels went up by millions - and smiled brighter than the sun - Ly was so confused but he liked seeing his bf happy as did everyone
(Side note: Francis is not single.)
Quinn: - You could tell he wanted to jump around and just be an energy ball - because that's what he did - he was eliminated - but he just shrugged it off and laughed - had too much fun missing the ball every time he tried to spike it
Callum: - CEO of getting hit in the face. - usually he'd just dodge them - but he was Kent now - he couldn't afford to break character - His nails suffered and he was in pain but he pushed through - had fun? - got hit in the stomach once - nearly died
Kent: - just an normal day with the bois - kept forgetting that most of the boys has never played volleyball before - he was the one behind all the times Callum and Kierce got hit in the face
Mission 5: Read books. Kierce's activity was originally doing a job one of the teachers had hired him to do, which was clean out one of the storage rooms. No one but Kierce liked that. So he had to pick again. 
Kierce: - complained about such a stupid activity - read, "How to be British 101," and, "The Tea for Me Might Be the Tea for You” - enjoyed it
Francis: - enjoyed the peace and quiet - until he realized he was suppose to be disturbing it - looked over at Kierce - who looked back at him with a smug smile and then went back to his book - the urge to strangle was strong with this one - in the end he just bounced around looking at books - talked loudly about whatever - got kicked out of the library - danced all the way out - wanted to die
Quinn: - knew he was eliminated but was having too much fun to stop - randomly shushed people - found a math book - it was big so he assume it was complicated - it was and he understood nothing but he felt smart - "Quinn what are you reading?" "Advanced Engineering Mathematics; the 7th edition." - when he got tired of it he found a book with math puns - math puns for the rest of the day
Callum: - avoided the fashion magazines - wouldn't even go anywhere near it - instead he just walked around all bored like - bounced a ball off the wall - accidentally hit himself in the face with the ball - blacked out for a minute - when he finally came to - Kent: "Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there." - Callum: "Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been half way to Hammerfell. You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants." - Quinn: "We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief." - Kierce: "Shut up back there!" - Francis recorded the whole thing
Kent: - was bored - kept pulling books off the shelves and putting them back where they didn't belong - danced out with Francis
The last mission: Go to Francis' favorite tea shop.
Kierce: - first thing he did was order Francis' favorite tea - "Hmm, this doesn't taste as good as it usually does." - got assaulted by napkins
Francis: - assaulted Kierce with napkins - tried to run away - Kierce threw a fork at him - he died from shock - eliminated - ordered his favorite tea - proceeded to go on a rant about how stupid the day has been - chewed out Kent for being stupid and told him to never try wearing high heels beacuse he'll only hurt himself - told Quinn that offering candy to kids was a bad idea even if it is a joke because adults can take it the wrong way and that his math puns were the worst - told Callum that he should play basketball more often - glared at Kierce
Quinn: - makes a math pun - but it's not just any math pun - it's the worst math pun - had countless hot chocolates because Callum was paying - tried to make Francis and Kierce apologize to each other - Francis: "No, I'm not apologizing. He said something stupid and deserved everything he got." - Kierce: "I'm not apologizing to someone as stupid as him that's just stupid." - Quinn: :( - Kent: "Could you two get along FOR FIVE MINUTES!"
Callum: - smiled at all the workers and told them they were all doing a great job - gave them all a $50 tip for their hard work - they were so busy dying they didn't notice Kierce and Francis fighting - the DTI boys avoided getting kicked out again - sadly that wasn't a very Kent thing to do - he did got eliminated - ordered an latte - there was a fancy heart in it - Cal took a picture - then he asked for the cafe worker who did it to thank them - "Thank you, you’re really talented with latte art. Next time I visit will you teach me how to do that?"
Kent: - he had a great time - had a smoothie or two - laughed at Quinn's bad math puns when no one else did
To end the day the five friends went to a karaoke and had a great time singing and talking about the events of the day. Francis showed off the pictures he took that day and promised that he'd print copies of the best ones and give them to everyone. Kierce won $250 which is always a good way to end the day. Callum swore to never play volleyball and posted on Instagram about the day. Quinn has a great time and learned many things, like how many math puns there are, something that is always very important to know. Kent was just happy to spend time with his friends and play volleyball. It was a wonderful day.
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misc-oneshots · 8 years
About time
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Request: Can I have a primeval Imagine of Danny you can take it wherever you want can it have at least a little bit of fluff tho? Also I absolutely love your blog keep doing what you’re doing it’s amazing
Thank you so much for that! <3 For Anon Words: 1,951 Danny Quinn x Reader
“Stop glaring at him.” Becker instructed you from his where he was sat cleaning his guns. You turned to glare at him, “Seriously, how did you know that I was glaring at him, you weren’t even looking my way. Have you got access to Lester’s spy cams?” You asked and looked suspiciously over your shoulder looking for cameras.
Becker gave you a chuckle but he didn’t look up from his gun, “I don’t need cameras; I think I know you well enough now. Just remember, you didn’t like me when I first arrived.” “I still don’t like you.” You teased and he smirked down at his gun.
You went back to glaring at Danny Quinn through the window of the lab you and Becker were in. it wasn’t that you didn’t like him, Becker had gotten that wrong, your current problem was that you did like him. A lot. If his insistent flirting with you was anything to go by then he was interested in you too. But it was so hard to be sure, so you settled for frustrated glares sent his way. You’d fallen into an easy friendship of dirty jokes and flirting after getting over your initial dislike of him from when he had arrested both you and Connor.
Since then he’d made several jokes about getting you back into handcuffs that had made your cheeks burn.
As if sensing that he was being watched Danny turned and caught your eye, he gave you a cheeky wink which made you blush and turn away from him to talk to Becker. You didn’t see him glance between you and Becker before furrowing his brow and turning to Connor.
You were all granted a few hours peace before the anomaly alarm sounded and you all rushed out in the vans. Abby shoved Becker into a van with Connor and Danny before she jumped in the other van beside you. You raised a brow at her, “Can I help you?” “I have something to tell you.” She smirked and you sorted your seat belts. “Well come on, spit it out.” You were intrigued. She gave you a coy look and you were wondering if you would regret asking her but you and Abby had been incredibly close since you’d both been pulled into the world of anomaly chasing.
“You know how you have that massive, secret crush on Danny?” She asked with a lot more innocence than you knew that she had. You glanced at the two security guys in the front of the van, “Not so secret now, thanks Abs.” “They won’t tell anyone or I’ll set Becker on them.” Abby smirked before she continued, “Anyway, my news it that your beloved Mr Quinn was asking Connor if there was something going on between you and Becker.” Your eyebrows shot up, “Me and Becker? No, that doesn’t even sound right. How do you even know this?” Abby shrugged, “Connor tells me everything.” Connor may have been another good friend of yours but he did tend to follow Abby around like a love struck child. You bit your lip, “So why was Danny asking?”
“Do you mean: Is Danny insanely jealous?” Abby asked and you felt yourself blush. She continued, “Because from what Connor was saying, it certainly sounds like Danny’s jealous. Though Connor being Connor, he didn’t quite understand it.”
You mused on the information until you got the anomaly in the middle of an abandoned building estate. The other van was already there when you and Abby arrived, you hoped over to where Becker had set up a laptop and was giving people designated zones to check. “How’re we doing?” You asked him. “Alright, I’ve got you with me, so behave yourself.” Becker snapped as he passed you a small tranq gun. You narrowed your eyes at his tone, “What’s a matter with you?” Becker sighed, “Sorry, Quinn’s just being an ass. I thought he’d gotten over his problem with me.”
You were about to answer when Danny stepped up behind you. He gave you both a once over before saying, “C’mon solider boy we don’t have all day.” Becker scowled but you intervened, “You’re exactly right Danny, we so why don’t you get moving.” Danny scowled for a moment before nodded and stalking off to join Abby and Connor.
You followed Becker through the building that you’d been given to check, from what Connor had been able to tell you that, hopefully, you were looking for a herbivore, it would be nice to not get eaten. “So,” Becker started as he advanced with his gun raised, “Abby told me about your thing for Quinn.” You blushed and Becker continued, “Then Connor blabbed that Danny’s practically obsessed with you. So when are you two going to do something about it?” “He said what?!” You practically yelped in answer but you didn’t get to continue your conversation as a velociraptor came around the corner at the end of the hallway, its claws clinking on the floor. You both froze as it turned its head towards you.
It hissed and Becker reacted instantly, he shot at it knocking it backwards. But another appeared behind it and more hissing followed, this time you shot both rounds of tranq ammunition in your gun but missed. “Run!” Becker hissed at you and you were both sprinting down the hall away from the dinosaurs on your heels. Becker was barking orders into his ear piece, calling for backup. You turned right as you came to a junction, you were sprinting still and internally thanking Becker for dragging you to the gym with him all the time. You heard Becker in your earpiece, ~ Y/N where are you? Has anyone seen Y/N?! ~
You dared to look behind you, it was true, somehow you’d been separated from Becker but fortunately you’d been separated from the dinosaur as well. You lost her?! Where?! Danny shouted in your earpiece. You slowed to a stop and let yourself breath and look around at your surroundings before replying, “I’m fine, I just got turned around. I’m not sure where I am exactly; it looks like a factory floor.”
The room and the old machinery where run down and covered in a thick layer of dust that made you want to cough. Claws clicking drew your attention again and you swallowed hard at the velociraptor studying you across the room. The other door into the room flew open as Danny barged in, the movement was enough to distract the dinosaur just long enough for you to rush forwards and push an old machine bench into the velociraptor, ramming it out of the room.
You snatched Danny’s hand and dragged him up the metal stair case at the side of the factory that lead up into the old office. Between you, working in sync without needing to speak, you swept everything off of the old office desk and pushed it up against the door. You both waited for a moment, chests heaving, listening out for the dinosaur. It had left you alone for now.
Danny breathed out a sigh of relief but you glared at him. “Were you trying to get yourself killed?” You asked. “I was actually on my way to come and save you.” He argued back with a grin. “This isn’t funny Danny!” You told him but you felt your lips pulling into a smile. “Then why are you smiling?” He teased. “Shut up.” You told him and gently pushed his chest which made him smirk.
Danny did you find her? Connor asked through your earpiece. Danny answered, Yeah don’t worry, she’s with me. We’re barricaded in an office, neither of us have any ammo left. To punctuate his point he threw down his gun on the empty sofa in the corner of the office.
In that case stay where you are and we’ll let you know when it’s safe. Becker ordered.
You sighed and dropped yourself down next to Danny’s gun on the sofa. Great, if you didn’t know better you would say that the rest of the team had conspired against you to trap you both together. But you knew that weapon less; you and Danny would be no match for a velociraptor. Danny leant back on the desk and pouted playfully, “What’s a matter, Y/N? Don’t you wanna spend time with me?” “It’s precisely the last thing that I want to do.” You told him. He held his hand to his chest in mock hurt, “Ouch, is this still because I arrested you?” “That does play a factor in it.” You teased.
He shook his head and came to sit next to you on the sofa, Danny rested his arm on the back of the sofa and sat sideways so that he could face you. You moved so that you could sit sideways and face him as well, you narrowed your eyes at his mischievous expression. “When are you going to let me take you out?” He asked and your eyebrows shot up in surprise. You hadn’t expected him to say that.
“Well since you take me to such lovely places,” you gestured with your hand around the decrepit room, “Probably never.” His smirk didn’t falter, “What if I take you somewhere nicer than this?” “Like where?” You asked. Danny dug in his pockets and pulled out a folded leaflet and held it out to you, you gave him a suspicious look before taking it from him. It was a leaflet for the natural history museum. “They’re doing a special exhibit this weekend on the nurturing habits of dinosaurs; they’ve got guest speakers, fossils on loan, the whole shebang.” He explained as you looked over the leaflet, “I cleared some free time with Lester so we could go. I thought of you as soon as I saw it advertised.”
Your stomach flipped at the gesture and then once again when you finally glanced up and saw Danny’s nervous, waiting expression. You’d never seen him unsure and that must have been what urged you to throw yourself forwards, practically in his lap and kiss him.
His usual confidence was back instantly, his hands finding your sides to pull you closer to him as you kissed. Remembering yourself, you pulled away from him, “Sorry, maybe we should save this for another time.” He gave you another quick, soft kiss, before winking, “Like this weekend?” “Like this weekend.” You agreed.
Once you got the all clear from Becker the pair of you headed down back to the vans where Connor was finishing up closing the anomaly. Abby turned when she heard you both approaching and on seeing the closeness of you both she elbowed Becker in the arm so that he would turn to watch you both as well. “About time.” Becker said. “Hey, you told us to hide out.” You countered. “That’s not what he’s talking about.” Abby told you and gave you a playful wink and blew you both a kiss. Your face flushed instantly and Danny wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you to him so that he could kiss the side of your head while you playfully tried to push him away. Connor stepped up between Abby and Becker and watch Danny trying to kiss you, “Okay, what did I miss?” He asked. You all laughed at him.
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