#quite literally reproducing the neoliberal understanding of racism as simply a lack of racial inclusion in the market
communistkenobi · 8 months
everyone and their dog writes articles now about a totally new intersectional inclusive way to approach knowledge that decolonises the academy, and then the entire article just declares that subaltern voices will be included and indigenous ways of knowing will be respected but they never describe how or what confrontations with western academic thought will be produced or what will get revealed when this new epistemic approach becomes universally applied or what will structurally happen to the academy during this process. it’s like anti-theory, pure description and declaration, no attention paid to how the base units of western thought (such as subject/object), the capitalist logic of the university as a class/race mediator that necessarily reproduces white supremacy, will be problematised or made impossible, just an assertion that spaces will be made for previously marginalised groups. It’s so infantilising, as if the only thing stopping Black or Indigenous scholars from being considered scholars in academia was the lack of an EDI program or land acknowledgements and not like, foundational structural racism that regards all non-western knowledge and intellectual thought as non-knowledge. the academy as we know it would not exist without half a thousand years of pillage and plunder but I’m sure your new HR program will fix that
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