#quiz abt blogger
zpxz · 9 months
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heedra · 4 years
I'm saddened by the lack of fingers in his ass sunday in the bastard man quiz.
i figured that was gonna be a disappointment to some ppl. i have a personal dislike for that meme bc while i get that the origin is making fun of a lame thing kanye did, i’m just generally not fond of jokes and memes where the punchline is ‘haha this man likes x thing associated with gay sex’. i feel similarly abt the john green taste of cock thing. so i chose to go with energy sword sunday instead. you can’t go wrong with energy swords in this blogger’s humble opinion.
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1eos · 4 years
ive sent a couple of leo dreams your way and for fun i took your quiz two times with different answers just to see if they were in there and both times i got a dream i had sent you 😭😭😭 you really are always right
that meme abt apollo giving random bloggers the gift of prophesy is my whole existence. i know everything but i can’t control it i just wait for my guardian angel to hit me over the head w clarity
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princessnijireiki · 5 years
what were the details of nk & mepoc? i rmbr smth happening but cant rmbr details
medievalpoc had just gotten a book deal so ppl were basically pointing out how that was ridiculous since she's not a solid researcher + doesn't have enough of a bg in history or art history to accurately describe art in the context of what was actually being communicated, or who its subjects were, or even like a solid understanding of how definitions & delineations of what race IS or how it's depicted change over time & based on setting, esp for art depicting people the artist had never seen before, or for example treating textbook orientalist art as a positive thing when it's meant to dehumanize subjects either as exotic objects or stand-ins for conceptual "foreignness," etc
and on top of that it was suggested that m.poc's work was basically cribbed together from other people's blogs, esp since her own page took (maybe still takes idk) submissions & she was (allegedly) including submissions + reblogs uncredited in her book
and on top of THAT, she was also inconsistent abt her own ethnic bg on her blog, which is a common enough thing (esp for mixed people of color & the fact that it's… a personal blog on tumblr dot com) that it's nbd, EXCEPT that she claimed a position of authority based mostly on being a PERSON OF COLOR due to a lack of academic credentials & like based on "oh I see this bc I'm coming at art history from a lens outside of the white hegemony" or whatever.
so it suddenly made those inconsistent claims BECOME a big deal & an actual issue when "random blogger gets book deal" didn't HAVE to turn into "random blogger gets book deal on sole 'credential' of ethnicity," esp when iirc she alternately claimed mixed romani or mixed native american heritage— neither of which are like uncommon or inherently suspicious things to be or lack 'documentation' for! just that they are also HIGHLY common choices for self exotifying white people to feel ethnically special™️ and as "get out of jail free" cards re: defending against accusations of racism… and so ppl began scrutinizing her to see if she was faking, and if she'd conned her way into a professional opportunity by claiming a diff race.
nk got pulled into it bc she either had just gotten an award or was publishing a new book around the same time, and they were gonna be presenting together on a panel abt authorship as people of color (iirc), and people were like, "damn, they're apparently friends & if nk doesn't address this that just gives tacit approval to everything going on," which is ofc stupid bc nobody weighs in on coworkers like this in real life or needs to judge others in their field, bc like… obviously that's not her job.
m.poc's angle, iirc, was to not address anything but the racefaker claims to be like "damn that's hurtful wtf" (which: fair if true! but also conveniently & deliberately sidesteps every other issue at play), which in turn made it seem like nk was being asked to be the racial arbiter & be like the black woman designated as a race cop and gatekeeper to bully or quiz or reject someone she'd seen as another person of color, and erased ppl's other legitimate complaints into sth like "this person only got their job bc of affirmative action."
which is calculating regardless of m.poc's actual ethnic bg, bc that cherrypicking makes ppl outside the context of this tumblr baggage see her as a victim of racial bullying, and shuts down folks' willingness to listen to anyone's critiques as a result, bc then those people are CLEARLY just looking for ANY kind of way to tear poor medievalpoc down in this moment.
and then basically the public spotlight passed, talk died down on its own, people are still defensive of m.poc bc Mean Ethnic SJWs AND ~racists who don't want to see poc in the arts~ tried to tear her down.
and ppl who were here for the whole thing are left to be like "yeah they're a con artist & frustrating as all hell if you have ANY academic training in the fields they've finagled their way into a professional place in. but mostly m.poc is an annoying crybaby who definitely DID use race (their own or faked) as a stepping stone towards success, but since they will also milk any controversy for attention, there's nothing to be done for it bc she's liable to spin it for another book deal + call on friends to yell back at you & bully you if you do."
that's how I remember it anyway, there were ppl paying closer attention to it all than I was, but it was mainly just a whole fucking mess.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
TweetFest: #Gosnell trends as Twitterers demand end to MSM blackout
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/tweetfest-gosnell-trends-as-twitterers-demand-end-to-msm-blackout/
TweetFest: #Gosnell trends as Twitterers demand end to MSM blackout
Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, James Holmes, Adam Lanza — the list of “local crime” trials the media spend countless hours reporting and politicizing goes on and on. But the soul-crushing testimony about accused baby murderer Kermit Gosnell and his abortion house of horrors is “a local multiple-murder story … nothing more.”
Reserved media seating at the infanticide trial is nearly empty.
@cnn @abc @nbcnightlynews @nbc @msnbc @msnbcrachel @nytimes #gosnellH/T @johnekdahl twitter.com/Nayrue/status/…
— Chic (@Nayrue) April 12, 2013
The Break the Gosnell Media Blackout TweetFest begins at 12:00 p.m. ET on Friday.
#Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell
— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) April 12, 2013
The #Gosnell hashtag is already trending as those who value life hold the absent MSM’s feet to the social media fire.
#Gosnell is trending.Keep it up, twitter!#prochoice #prolife #savethebabies twitter.com/SkiGarmisch/st…
— Michelle Lancaster (@SkiGarmisch) April 12, 2013
#Gosnell is trending
— Kirsten Powers (@kirstenpowers10) April 12, 2013
The media are pro-choice in what they cover, and they choose to abort the truth. #Gosnell
— Whitney Pitcher (@whitneypitcher) April 12, 2013
Why it’s laughable to assert that #Gosnell is just a “local crime story” unworthy of national attention: nationalreview.com/campaign-spot/…
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 12, 2013
If #Gosnell had threatened to abort Big Bird’s taxpayer funding, Politico and WaPo would have him on the front page.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 12, 2013
Not joking: @politico has 13 stories mentioning Kermit the Frog, but not a single one on Kermit #Gosnell. twitter.com/seanmdav/statu…
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 12, 2013
Dear MSM, you covered a false allegation that Romney “let” a man’s wife die but thousands of innocent babies murdered…crickets! #Gosnell
— Sandy(@tnacgal) April 12, 2013
If someone had killed Kermit Gosnell you can BET YOUR LIFE media would cover it. He (allegedly) kills SEVEN and *crickets*.
— John Nolte(@NolteNC) April 12, 2013
Abortion Doc ‘Gosnell’ Is Most Searched Term on Politico, Yields Zero Matches buff.ly/16ROo4K Great find @noltenc
— Duane Lester (@Bodhi1) April 12, 2013
It is a testament to the bias in the media that people (even REPORTERS) don’t know about the #Gosnell baby slaughter.
— RB (@RBPundit) April 12, 2013
National Story Idea for @sarahkliff: “Obama once voted against laws that the Baby Butcher, Kermit #Gosnell, broke.” #freestoryideasforSarah
— RB (@RBPundit) April 12, 2013
I don’t care whether one is pro-abortion or pro-life. This #Gosnell case should horrify anyone with a soul.
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) April 12, 2013
Indeed. But via Cosmocon, the media dare not infuriate soulless agenda-protectors.
The #gosnell trial is worrying the Left and bringing out the most vile ppl to defend murdering babies. cosmoscon.com/2013/04/11/the…
— cosmoscon (@gdthomp01) April 12, 2013
@daveweigel Meh. The story needn’t be nationalized. It’s being used to attack reproductive health care for women.
— mcbyrne (@mcbyrne) April 12, 2013
Abortion providers are still my heroes.
— Mikey Franklin (@mikeyfranklin) April 12, 2013
Number of antis who have told the truth in tweets about Gosnell to me: 0. Their entire argument is built on a lie. Funny how that works.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) April 12, 2013
As Ace points out, the media blackout also keeps the horrifying details from the non-activist public. “After all, if the public hears of it, they may make The Wrong Decisions.” Read the whole thing.
Heaven forfend we have a “national conversation” about infanticide.
Can’t get over description on pg. 101. One baby was so big his legs and feet hung over his shoebox coffin. phila.gov/districtattorn… #Gosnell
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 12, 2013
“When you perform late-term “abortions” by inducing labor, you get babies. Live, breathing, squirming babies.” #Gosnell
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“Gosnell had a simple solution for the unwanted babies he delivered: he killed them.” #Gosnell htl.li/jZXZY
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“He didn’t call it that. He called it “ensuring fetal demise.” The way he ensured fetal demise …” #Gosnell htl.li/jZY5q
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“…was by sticking scissors into the back of the baby’s neck and cutting the spinal cord. He called that “snipping.” #Gosnell…
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“Over the years, there were hundreds of “snippings.” #Gosnell htl.li/jZYsI
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“[I]f Gosnell was unavailable, the “snipping” was done by one of his fake doctors, or even by one of the administrative staff.” #Gosnell
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“We do know… during the rest of the week, Gosnell routinely aborted and killed babies in the 6th and 7th month of pregnancy.” #Gosnell
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
Those details aren’t worthy of national coverage? Do your jobs, media.
#Gosnell, Schmosnell. MT @nycjim: Awful. Dozens of dogs have disappeared in Idaho. 4 have been found beaten & shot to death.
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) April 12, 2013
And what did the #Gosnell staff have to say on the stand? RT @abc: Jodi Arias Tweets From Jail, Jabs atProsecutor abcn.ws/YuirhL
— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) April 12, 2013
@chucktodd Will you get the WH stance on Kermit #Gosnell, since Obama voted against a law in IL senate to stop this type of action?
— Ridge (@jridged) April 12, 2013
. @ginger_zee @joshelliottabc @evargasabc @gstephanopoulos @laraspencer @gma hey “journalists”, why no #Gosnell coverage?
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) April 12, 2013
I would love to RT the “unbiased facts” of the #Gosnell trial.But, NONE OF THE #MSM IS COVERING IT.@abc @abcnews @nbcnews @cbsnews @cnn
— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) April 12, 2013
Tweet and retweet about the #Gosnell trial, post on Facebook and other social media sites and blog about the media blackout. Flood reporters with the hashtag and the uncomfortable truths they don’t want the public to know.
Bloggers, if you write abt #Gosnell on your sites, pls use the hashtag, so when it’s shared it counts towards trending. Let’s make it happen
— Sister Toldjah (@sistertoldjah) April 12, 2013
Findthe phone number, email address or facebook page of your local mediaoutlets. Ask them why they are not covering this case #Gosnell
— Jary (@Jary798) April 12, 2013
The pressure is on.
Silence is the ultimate bias.
— DepressiveBlogger69 (@AceofSpadesHQ) April 11, 2013
What say you, media?
Gosnell Wikipedia entry considered for deletion: ‘A local multiple-murder story … nothing more’
Just a ‘local crime’ story: Floodgates open on demand for Gosnell mass murder trial coverage
Obama ignores Gosnell horrors with media’s aid: Pesky babies didn’t ‘just come out limp and dead’
Telling: NBC’s Luke Russert can’t turn to NBC for Gosnell trial coverage
Kirsten Powers, Michelle Malkin quiz the media: #WhoIsKermitGosnell, where’s the coverage?
Baby screamed, media silent: The MSM blackout on news of Gosnell worker who heard newborn ‘screaming’
Patricia Heaton wonders why no Gosnell trial coverage
He kept severed feet in jars but escaped mainstream media coverage: Gosnell trial continues
Brit Hume tweets on Gosnell horrors: ‘This is where the culture of abortion can lead’
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/04/12/tweetfest-gosnell-trends-as-twitterers-demand-an-end-to-the-media-blackout/
0 notes
kidsviral-blog · 6 years
TweetFest: #Gosnell trends as Twitterers demand end to MSM blackout
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/tweetfest-gosnell-trends-as-twitterers-demand-end-to-msm-blackout/
TweetFest: #Gosnell trends as Twitterers demand end to MSM blackout
Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, James Holmes, Adam Lanza — the list of “local crime” trials the media spend countless hours reporting and politicizing goes on and on. But the soul-crushing testimony about accused baby murderer Kermit Gosnell and his abortion house of horrors is “a local multiple-murder story … nothing more.”
Reserved media seating at the infanticide trial is nearly empty.
@cnn @abc @nbcnightlynews @nbc @msnbc @msnbcrachel @nytimes #gosnellH/T @johnekdahl twitter.com/Nayrue/status/…
— Chic (@Nayrue) April 12, 2013
The Break the Gosnell Media Blackout TweetFest begins at 12:00 p.m. ET on Friday.
#Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell #Gosnell
— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) April 12, 2013
The #Gosnell hashtag is already trending as those who value life hold the absent MSM’s feet to the social media fire.
#Gosnell is trending.Keep it up, twitter!#prochoice #prolife #savethebabies twitter.com/SkiGarmisch/st…
— Michelle Lancaster (@SkiGarmisch) April 12, 2013
#Gosnell is trending
— Kirsten Powers (@kirstenpowers10) April 12, 2013
The media are pro-choice in what they cover, and they choose to abort the truth. #Gosnell
— Whitney Pitcher (@whitneypitcher) April 12, 2013
Why it’s laughable to assert that #Gosnell is just a “local crime story” unworthy of national attention: nationalreview.com/campaign-spot/…
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 12, 2013
If #Gosnell had threatened to abort Big Bird’s taxpayer funding, Politico and WaPo would have him on the front page.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 12, 2013
Not joking: @politico has 13 stories mentioning Kermit the Frog, but not a single one on Kermit #Gosnell. twitter.com/seanmdav/statu…
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 12, 2013
Dear MSM, you covered a false allegation that Romney “let” a man’s wife die but thousands of innocent babies murdered…crickets! #Gosnell
— Sandy(@tnacgal) April 12, 2013
If someone had killed Kermit Gosnell you can BET YOUR LIFE media would cover it. He (allegedly) kills SEVEN and *crickets*.
— John Nolte(@NolteNC) April 12, 2013
Abortion Doc ‘Gosnell’ Is Most Searched Term on Politico, Yields Zero Matches buff.ly/16ROo4K Great find @noltenc
— Duane Lester (@Bodhi1) April 12, 2013
It is a testament to the bias in the media that people (even REPORTERS) don’t know about the #Gosnell baby slaughter.
— RB (@RBPundit) April 12, 2013
National Story Idea for @sarahkliff: “Obama once voted against laws that the Baby Butcher, Kermit #Gosnell, broke.” #freestoryideasforSarah
— RB (@RBPundit) April 12, 2013
I don’t care whether one is pro-abortion or pro-life. This #Gosnell case should horrify anyone with a soul.
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) April 12, 2013
Indeed. But via Cosmocon, the media dare not infuriate soulless agenda-protectors.
The #gosnell trial is worrying the Left and bringing out the most vile ppl to defend murdering babies. cosmoscon.com/2013/04/11/the…
— cosmoscon (@gdthomp01) April 12, 2013
@daveweigel Meh. The story needn’t be nationalized. It’s being used to attack reproductive health care for women.
— mcbyrne (@mcbyrne) April 12, 2013
Abortion providers are still my heroes.
— Mikey Franklin (@mikeyfranklin) April 12, 2013
Number of antis who have told the truth in tweets about Gosnell to me: 0. Their entire argument is built on a lie. Funny how that works.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) April 12, 2013
As Ace points out, the media blackout also keeps the horrifying details from the non-activist public. “After all, if the public hears of it, they may make The Wrong Decisions.” Read the whole thing.
Heaven forfend we have a “national conversation” about infanticide.
Can’t get over description on pg. 101. One baby was so big his legs and feet hung over his shoebox coffin. phila.gov/districtattorn… #Gosnell
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 12, 2013
“When you perform late-term “abortions” by inducing labor, you get babies. Live, breathing, squirming babies.” #Gosnell
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“Gosnell had a simple solution for the unwanted babies he delivered: he killed them.” #Gosnell htl.li/jZXZY
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“He didn’t call it that. He called it “ensuring fetal demise.” The way he ensured fetal demise …” #Gosnell htl.li/jZY5q
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“…was by sticking scissors into the back of the baby’s neck and cutting the spinal cord. He called that “snipping.” #Gosnell…
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“Over the years, there were hundreds of “snippings.” #Gosnell htl.li/jZYsI
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“[I]f Gosnell was unavailable, the “snipping” was done by one of his fake doctors, or even by one of the administrative staff.” #Gosnell
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
“We do know… during the rest of the week, Gosnell routinely aborted and killed babies in the 6th and 7th month of pregnancy.” #Gosnell
— Sirius U. Guise (@vermontaigne) April 12, 2013
Those details aren’t worthy of national coverage? Do your jobs, media.
#Gosnell, Schmosnell. MT @nycjim: Awful. Dozens of dogs have disappeared in Idaho. 4 have been found beaten & shot to death.
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) April 12, 2013
And what did the #Gosnell staff have to say on the stand? RT @abc: Jodi Arias Tweets From Jail, Jabs atProsecutor abcn.ws/YuirhL
— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) April 12, 2013
@chucktodd Will you get the WH stance on Kermit #Gosnell, since Obama voted against a law in IL senate to stop this type of action?
— Ridge (@jridged) April 12, 2013
. @ginger_zee @joshelliottabc @evargasabc @gstephanopoulos @laraspencer @gma hey “journalists”, why no #Gosnell coverage?
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) April 12, 2013
I would love to RT the “unbiased facts” of the #Gosnell trial.But, NONE OF THE #MSM IS COVERING IT.@abc @abcnews @nbcnews @cbsnews @cnn
— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) April 12, 2013
Tweet and retweet about the #Gosnell trial, post on Facebook and other social media sites and blog about the media blackout. Flood reporters with the hashtag and the uncomfortable truths they don’t want the public to know.
Bloggers, if you write abt #Gosnell on your sites, pls use the hashtag, so when it’s shared it counts towards trending. Let’s make it happen
— Sister Toldjah (@sistertoldjah) April 12, 2013
Findthe phone number, email address or facebook page of your local mediaoutlets. Ask them why they are not covering this case #Gosnell
— Jary (@Jary798) April 12, 2013
The pressure is on.
Silence is the ultimate bias.
— DepressiveBlogger69 (@AceofSpadesHQ) April 11, 2013
What say you, media?
Gosnell Wikipedia entry considered for deletion: ‘A local multiple-murder story … nothing more’
Just a ‘local crime’ story: Floodgates open on demand for Gosnell mass murder trial coverage
Obama ignores Gosnell horrors with media’s aid: Pesky babies didn’t ‘just come out limp and dead’
Telling: NBC’s Luke Russert can’t turn to NBC for Gosnell trial coverage
Kirsten Powers, Michelle Malkin quiz the media: #WhoIsKermitGosnell, where’s the coverage?
Baby screamed, media silent: The MSM blackout on news of Gosnell worker who heard newborn ‘screaming’
Patricia Heaton wonders why no Gosnell trial coverage
He kept severed feet in jars but escaped mainstream media coverage: Gosnell trial continues
Brit Hume tweets on Gosnell horrors: ‘This is where the culture of abortion can lead’
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/04/12/tweetfest-gosnell-trends-as-twitterers-demand-an-end-to-the-media-blackout/
0 notes