#idk i just thought of this
spidercoris · 16 days
i need to see aiden get mad at ashlyn. not just slight disappointment i mean straight up yelling and upset because she did something stupid. she already blames herself for everything that’s happened so i wouldn’t be surprised if she makes some rash decision that puts herself in danger so she could protect everyone else. and that makes him snap because it reminds him of himself. him seeing himself in ashlyn scares him because we’ve already seen how much he wants to keep her safe (take that romantically or platonically idc) i need to see them have a huge argument that’s NOT one sided like in episode 31. it could either help build their relationship to understand each other better or cause them to stop talking for like 20 episodes straight until they make up.
and THEN i need to see ashlyn be in absolute shock over this. she’s been confronted by people in the group before but when it comes to aiden it unsettles her. it feels uncanny because he’s never acted like that towards her before and it FREAKS. HER. OUT. having someone close to you suddenly act completely different than normal is such a bad feeling and you would know what i mean if its happened to you. it’s like the happy, joking one finally snaps at you than you know you did something wrong. and that’s exactly how she feels.
and in their heated argument that i mentioned earlier i need ashlyn to mention how hypocritical he is as well. talking about how she keeps taking all these risks when he’s been doing the exact same thing. i need to see them LIVID.
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wish-i-were-heather · 1 month
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nightkit92 · 4 months
"Ugh! Wally darling is so hard to draw!"
Literally Wally:
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wavyinterludee · 11 months
abby, who loves rubbing your back. she just likes doing it for some reason and sometimes doesn't even notice when she's doing it. when the two of you are in a conversation, when you're showing her a recipe that's been in your family, when you've had a bad day and venting your heart out or just when the two of you are relaxing in your shared apartment watching a movie. her hand always rubbing soothingly and softly at your back 🫠
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eucalyptusnomore · 8 months
Mobile - Blows up pancakes with mind
Wallace - My frickin pancak-
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zpxz · 9 months
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flyingpochama948 · 2 months
Thing I really appreciate about Silver's character that I font see people touch on. Usually telekinetic characters are shown as geniuses with high IQs. And very independent, almost perfect beings, whether they be good or evil. But Silver...I wouldn't say dumb but definitely gullible and naive, but still clever. He doesn't have all the answers. And I think that kind of flaw makes him a good character. Nice to see that mind power =/= super smart/best decision making skills.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 7 months
my body and soul? bewitched
my encouraged affections? dancing
my good opinion? lost forever
these boiled potatoes? excellent
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cardboardboxfly · 1 year
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*queue titanic music*
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books-4-life9 · 25 days
ok but imagine a sitcom where a Popular Girl (Girl A) is dating a Popular Guy (Guy A) who is a TERRIBLE boyfriend, and Girl A is constantly complaining about things he doesn’t do, then Guy A breaks up with Girl A. She wants to get revenge, but something unique, and decides to find someone to date him, then break his heart.
None of her friends want to do it, so she decides to get the ‘Nerd Girl’ (Girl B). Girl A explains her plan, she agrees, and eventually starts to date Guy A. But by this time Girl A and B have spent a lot of time together planning and stuff, and then at one point they’re sitting on a roof or smth and Girl A realises Girl B has done EVERYTHING she complained her boyfriend didn’t do. So Girl A kisses Girl B, out of the blue. And then they date and all is happy
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pyropajamapants · 2 years
michigan is the twin fantasy of the us.
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iceeericeee · 1 year
What if someone liked to make little paper stars, but they never had anywhere to put them, or anyone to give them to. And one day they find someone who likes to collect jars and old glass soda bottles, but they never figured out what to put in them. Just like, what if?
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rockintapper · 1 year
dyou guys think they have a McYone's in rhythm heaven
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butter-biskit · 1 year
So, I had an idea.
With Welcome Home becoming extremely popular and tons of aus being made like the opposite au, greyscale, etc. I just wanna pitch an idea I had because i can’t. I can’t really draw. Not good anyways,,
There’s the rainbow factory au, right? Well what if there was a Cupcakes au as well? But instead of our darling Wally, it’s Julie !! I think she’d fit more in pinkies role tbh. They’re both such silly little things. Like, imagine if Julie became self-aware instead of Wally, and the shock of her world being fake and her and their friends being puppets drove her mad. I haven’t thought out all the details for this idea but imagine Julie wearing a dress made of all the felt and stuffing of the cast-
I just thought it’d be interesting considering there’s not many aus featuring the rest of the cast in the spotlight other than Wally. If I get better at drawing maybe I’ll actually draw something for this !! Idk, just a thought 💭
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rainbow-crane · 4 months
Total Drama theory time
What if Wayne is the second son of Dwayne from RR and the baby brother to Junior
the timeline would match up if he were a toddler at the time of RR (15 years pass between TD ending and the reboot, Wayne being 16) and we already know Dwayne named one son after himself
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