#quora africa
ooglywooglies · 1 day
talking to my husband about my facial hair growth and im mixed scandinavian and south east asian so we have NO idea how my facial hair is gonna turn out and i was looking into east asian facial hair stuff apparently south east asians are even less hairy than east asians
so yeah genetic combination of the literal hairiest and least hairy groups of people so who knows
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hey stormy,
This is confession time. I know you might get asks like this sometimes but please permit me. Jimin is my ultimate bias in KPOP. I love that man the way I would love my biological sibling and it even surprises up till now. I can’t recall many times I’ve cried , laughed and prayed for him and that even surprises me more…I fell into shipping jikook against my will. There isn’t any way you pay attention to jm without noticing things. At first, I was on YouTube and Quora but I always come across the sentiments that he receives too much hates because of shipping and off I go into investigation mode and here I am today. Jimin taught me a lot of things for which I will forever be grateful.
I’m from a part of Africa where homosexuality is considered a crime ( punishable by the law or Justice by mobbing them to death). It’s a sad situation because 95% of people in my country are grossly homophobic. Coming from such a background, I was firmly a non shipper. Because of my idol, I felt the need to leave my comfort zone so I branched out and learned. Homosexuality was a topic which we weren’t allowed to be curious or ask about but thank God for Technology. Now to the confession part, at first when I suspected jm and jk to be in a relationship, I really prayed for him and held hope in my heart that it wasn’t true especially when I learned how homophobic his country of birth is. I had this irrational fear and need to protect him but it was never about wanting him to conform to my standards. I love him regardless of who he chooses to love. I was mainly concerned for his well being and safety. Lol, after a while when it’s obvious to me that my prayers were null and void I mean look at jm and tell me that man is straight. I began manifesting yoongi because at least to me, yoongi is older and he is more likely to protect jm in case of any privacy breach. Yoongi is the type of guy I would have thoroughly endorsed if given the choice. The more time I spend in the fandom, the more I learn and the more I’m grateful for blogs like yours for putting ignorant people like us through. When I see anti- jikook or the subgroup, I side eye them and think ‘ I don’t want to ship jikook too you know, the heart wants what it wants…left to me yoongi is hot you know ’. I’ve grown to love jk so much and now I won’t trade him for anybody else. Looking back, I think I’ve come a long way… Jk, if at any point jm was showing signs of attraction towards yoongi pls I’m sorry for my fault🤣🤣. Forgive my bias. I won’t wish your partner on someone else again . Jokes aside…I love them both together now and I will continue praying for them and their safety.
I'm glad you find my page a safe place to learn and grow from your learned biases and I hope you continue to try to learn and grow more as well too. 💜 thanks for sharing
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kingdrawcse · 2 years
Arrow Poison to Kill Elephant
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source: National Park (Left), KingDraw (Right)
Strophanthus gratus is a plant in the dogbane family Apocyaceae. Its fragrant flowers feature a white corolla, topped by red or purple colour, with pink corona lobes. The flowers are beautiful but the whole plant is poisonous, especially the seeds, which can even cause death. Indigenous tribes in Africa made venom from its seeds, which they applied to their bows and arrows for hunting. The intense toxicity can even be used to hunt elephants at high enough concentrations.
Ouabain, a plant-derived toxic substance, is a cardiac glycoside, also one of the main sources of toxicity. It is odorless but very bitter and extremely toxic.
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molsons112000 · 1 month
This is why men who get obesed, and do not. Wear proper undergarments that breathe too much.Heat causes sterilization!
https://www.quora.com › How-do...
How does heat affect the production of testosterone in ...
Soaking your testicles in hot water daily will cause short term sterility. Heat based contraception | Natural birth control for men For 
They found that men, and this goes for women as well that work in environments that have extremely hot temperatures, it causes fatality problems... But it also causes hormonal problems. And again, this is why I tell you, in africa, they have violence and the middle east violence, latin america has more violence... So in proportion, they tend to be more violent. And it is because it's causing certain hormonal problems. And this is why certain pigmentation is required, but we don't get the right pigmentation anymore, because we spend too much time indoors. Truly, before you are exposed to the elements more often, and now you habitate, indoors and for people of color they need outdoor exposure. They need to get the right pigmentation. Levels for the environment. So they need the study, pigmentation and hormonal levels. Figuring out for say, black people in Africa, depending on if they're in southern Eastern Western northern, what is the right pigmentation for that environment? It's the same with latin america, those closer to the equator tend to be darker... But now they spend a lot of time indoors and they might not be getting as you see with indigenous people, they tend to be darker. So the point is they have to understand the correlation between heat exposure and skin color. And I think we're getting the wrong pigmentations on people and for their environment because of their amount of time, they spend indoors, and I think don't handle the Sun correctly and are getting hormonal imbalances.... So we need to find the right skin color based on race and ethnicity, and we need to do that for people living in a certain environment. So doctors can say, Hey, you need to get a little bit more sunlight, your pigment is too low. You're spending too much time indoors or you have to supplement in front of A You know mirror there's all kinds of ways to get extra sunlight.. And so I think this is causing issues.. 🤔 😐 And I think the march of dimes, who is against birth defects, would be very interested in doing this research.... 🤔
https://www.sciencedirect.com › pii
Assessment of sexual hormones in foundry workers exposed to heat ...
by H Mohammadi · 2021 · Cited by 11 — No significant relationship was between heat stress and testosterone levels. ... The co-exposure to psychological and heat stress can cause negative testis ...
Defy Medical
https://www.defymedical.com › blog
Testosterone Cypionate Storage Warning
Does Heat Affect Testosterone Cypionate? ... Temperatures above the recommended Testosterone storage temperature range (over
And this is why we have to get thermatic underwear because your testicles should be a couple of degrees cooler. Then your body temperature and this is why the testicles hang from the body truly so they get exposed to airflow, and this is why tidy whitey are not good... They cause too much heat and this affects growth... So as you saw, I was out in the cold and everything else stimulating, and I could have grown bigger if I didn't particularly wear tidy whites. Yes, you have to worry about too much ball movement. But underwear needs to be more properly designed. It is improperly designed and it is causing birth and fatil. The and all kinds of health problems.... The CDC in the World Health Organization need to get into studying this and working with manufacturers of garments, and they need to work with manufacturers of garments, so they can create garments that meet the health code. And I believe the government can get involved with manufacturers. And mandate that their garments meet certain health code requirements because this is f****** b*******!!!! I don't care if they don't wanna change. They have to!!!!! And this is why obesity takes away that natural room and causes the testicles of men and women truly cause too much heat in the vaginal canal destroying the eggs. And this is why David's I'll forgo the rest but my Daughter-in-law was having a problem because she was heavy and they couldn't conceive. But the funny thing is, his son gained sympathy. Weight became heavy too, and it affected his fertility and made it even harder for them to get pregnant because his sperm and her egg were hindered. Because of temperature... And this is a serious issue, so diabetes is causing serious issues. Because obesity has lots more issues. Besides diabetes, it's causing all kinds of structural damage!!!! And then there is this acceptance of fat people where there should be a thing that they have to do special things and schools need to mandate this. It is no longer an option in elementary school to be fat or in high school. You are now put on a certain regimen... 🤔 And we're talking about protecting the health of our country, protecting the health of society... Oh yeah. It does nerve damage as well. It causes vascular damage and nerve damage. Because you don't have the right hormonal. Mix the support. You're nervous and circulatory systems and other tissue structures ... And this is why Ron Santo of the cubs, lost both his legs, they had to amputate them... For some reason, you think depriving me of my wealth is a f****** joking matter!!!!
Sperm production is at its best when the testicles are several degrees cooler than your body temperature. That's why they hang outside the body in the scrotum (the pouch of skin that contains the testicles and a network of blood vessels and nerves).
https://www.healthline.com › health
Cold Testicles: How Cold Is Too Cold and How to Warm Them
Sperm production is at its best when the testicles are several degrees cooler than your body temperature. That's why they hang outside the body in the scrotum (the pouch of skin that contains the testicles and a network of blood vessels and nerves).
https://www.healthline.com › health
Cold Testicles: How Cold Is Too Cold and How to Warm Them
Yes, keeping your testicles cool can be beneficial for sperm production and quality. The ideal temperature for sperm production is around 93.2°F (34°C), which is a few degrees cooler than the normal body temperature of 98.6°F (37°C). Overheating your testicles can damage up to 90% of sperm, leading to low sperm count, poor morphology, low motility, and DNA fragmentation. 
Here are some ways to keep your testicles cool: 
Wear loose-fitting underwear 
Reduce sitting 
Avoid saunas and hot tubs 
Limit exposure to warm objects 
Take breaks outside if you work in a hot environment 
Use cooling underwear: Some brands, like Snowballs, include ice packs to cool your scrotum. You can also try the Underdog, which has a wedge-shaped ice pack to cool your testicles while you sit. 
Use a wearable testicle cooler: Some options include the "CoolMen" gadget, which connects to your smartphone. 
To Improve Fertility, Let Your Sperm Chill Out - SpermCheck
Jul 5, 2021 — To Improve Fertility, Let Your Sperm Chill Out - SpermCheck.
As it says here, you guessed it. High blood glucose levels cause elevated body temperatures, and for pregnant women. Getting diabetes is a very bad thing. It puts the incubation of the child at risk because it elevates their body temperature, and so this causes birth defects and stillbirth. Because they're too warm..... And you think this is a f****** joking matter?God is going to slaughter you all for what you do to me, and one of them is depriving me for my economic resources!!!!! You're f****** stumbs!!!!
Some things that can push your temp upward: sitting in the sun on a sweltering day, battling an infection (in some cases even a mild one, like a cold), and—you guessed it—high blood glucose levels. This problem occurs in people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, as well as anyone with metabolic dysfunction.
https://www.levels.com › blog › gl...
How do blood sugar levels affect body temperature?
And so the march of dimes needs to put a temperature monitor around the belly, making sure I told you pregnant women are not supposed to be exposed to extreme temperatures, whether it's hot or cold, they're very much more temperature sensitive... They need to stay in a tighter range....
Yes, people with diabetes can have higher body temperatures than normal due to a number of factors, including high blood glucose levels, complications from diabetes, and dehydration: 
High blood glucose levels
High blood glucose levels can cause body temperature to rise in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as those with metabolic dysfunction. This can also happen in healthy people who eat too many carbohydrates, which can cause a spike in insulin and glucose. 
Diabetes complications
Damage to blood vessels and nerves can make it harder for people with diabetes to cool down by affecting sweat glands. Diabetes can also impair the body's ability to adjust to heat, which can lead to an impairment of wet heat exchange through sweating and dry heat exchange through the skin. 
People with diabetes can become dehydrated more quickly, which can make it harder to stay cool. 
People with diabetes are also at higher risk for heat exhaustion, which occurs when the body becomes too hot and has difficulty adjusting its temperature. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include: 
Sweating more than usual 
Body temperature of 38°C or higher 
Cramping muscles 
Clammy skin 
Fast heartbeat 
Managing Diabetes in the Heat | Diabetes | CDC
May 15, 2024
One day expose the temperatures above eighty seven degrees, shorten the length of pregnancy by five days.
For example, a one-day exposure to temperatures above 87 degrees Fahrenheit was associated with a decrease in the average length of pregnancy by five days. Fetuses exposed to heat waves while in utero were more likely to suffer from fetal distress and breathing problems at birth.
https://nationalpartnership.org › hi...
Higher Temperatures Hurt Moms and Babies
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc
Temperature during pregnancy influences the fetal growth and ...
by H Rashid · 2017 · Cited by 38 — Another study in Perth, Australia, revealed that higher temperatures constant over pregnancy may adversely affect fetal growth, which was ...
Missing: hurt ‎unborn
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
https://www.hsph.harvard.edu › th...
The dangers of heat during pregnancy - HSPH.Harvard.edu
January 12, 2023 – Higher temperatures were linked to impaired fetal growth, according to a study from Stefania Papatheodorou, lecturer on epidemiology at ...
Again, extreme cold can be a problem as well. Pregnant women need to stay within a certain temperature range... This allows the proper incubation of the baby so it can grow properly... Even a single day in nine months of extremely high temperatures or extremely low temperatures can cause issues!!!! 🙃 But no one's watching this, and you think it's a f****** joke, and this is why we're having so many f****** problems!!!!! And healthcare companies give freely temperature monitors of the womb. That gives a mother an alert that if the temperature gets too high even through exercise that's why certain exercise I preach during pregnancy, other exercise.I don't. I don't want the body overheating.I don't want the body getting dehydrated. That's why sumo exercises are nice. They're easy, they're more static and you won't overheat yourself, you won't get hyperventilated...
Maternal hyperventilation can cause transient reduction in fetal oxygen tension. Fifty women with normal and high-risk pregnancies, between the 32nd and 43rd week, were voluntarily hyperventilated; in 33, fetal heart rate (FHR) acceleration or transient tachycardia were observed (reactive FHR).
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
Fetal response to voluntary maternal hyperventilation. A ...
This is why it's so important important that women are very careful of sexual interaction. And note, when a man is orgasm into them so they can monitor themselves because once Inception happens, it's a whole new life for them and human resource, this needs to understand this and modify Their activity level... Modify their exposure, and that's why women in the military should not get pregnant during assignment... And if they do, they need to rotate off immediately, they cannot be on assignment. Anymore, they must move out of those positions immediate rotation out..... Because you have a duty to protect the unborn child. Whether they wanna go or not, it is no longer their decision.... There is some things as a society.We take the right of people away to make certain decisions.... Protecting them from their own stupidity, especially the unborn child....
Yes, hyperventilation can cause problems during pregnancy, including: 
Reduced fetal oxygen tension
A study found that maternal hyperventilation during the 32nd–43rd week of pregnancy can temporarily reduce fetal oxygen tension. The study also found that a non-reactive fetal heart rate response to hyperventilation was associated with a worse pregnancy outcome. 
Respiratory alkalosis
Hyperventilation can lead to chronic respiratory alkalosis, which can cause acidosis and depression in newborn infants. 
Hypertensive disorders
Hyperventilation combined with anxiety or panic attacks can cause a temporary rise in blood pressure, neurological symptoms, and hyperreflexia, which can be similar to preeclampsia. 
Reduced uterine blood flow
During active labor, hyperventilation can cause tachypnea, which can reduce uterine blood flow and adversely affect fetal oxygenation. 
Hyperventilation is common during pregnancy. Other symptoms that can occur during pregnancy include: Dyspnea, Tingling, Dizziness, and Fainting. 
Common side-effects of pregnancy - Patient.info
The end result is that you can feel panicky, tingly, dizzy and faint. Hyperventilation is quite common in pregnancy. There are some other causes of ...
Maternal hyperventilation can cause transient reduction in fetal oxygen tension. Fifty women with normal and high-risk pregnancies, between the 32nd and 43rd week, were voluntarily hyperventilated; in 33, fetal heart rate (FHR) acceleration or transient tachycardia were observed (reactive FHR).
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
Fetal response to voluntary maternal hyperventilation. A ...
Four out of five black women being obesed is a health crisis, and now two out of five white women moving towards three out of five... We have to reverse these trends. We can't accept obesity anymore!!!!!!
Look at what's happened to the black community. And they think it's just not having a father, it's all the mental instability that has been caused in these children, and it's causing unbelievable harm to our society.F****** irreversible harm!!!!! So if they don't want to change, then we need to force it upon them!!! As the bible says sweetly broken one way or another, you're going to f****** comply!!!!!!
If not, as we've seen, the community suffers ungodly consequences, and it's been a f***** nightmare.....
And I tried to get my sister in law to understand this and not have her children grow up.Obese, my grandparents died because they were overweight.... And I offered to do a lot of things with her to bring down her weight and I did, and I would drive out of my way, I would do whatever and I talked to her son and her son got her treadmill. And her son batter gin shoes and then he said, well, she's still not doing it, then I said, get one for yourself. Another treadmill and put it beside her and do it together... A commitment to her and this is called Commitment groups. Accountability groups. I used to do this with my workout truly before. I always had a workout partner. Why?Because it forced me to go in even when I didn't want to go to the gym. So I would always partner up working out. And it put them into the gym too. When they didn't want to go, because I would be there, emmy new each other would be there, and so we showed up... This is what I did with Jen, we had our own accountability group. I got her in the running and lifting and all kinds of things to take care of her call, love!!!!!
So we have to implement certain things in our society, whether people like them or not and politicians have to be ethical and moral and go against the flow, even if they don't want it... That's why the founding fathers credit electoral college, so just in case society didn't want something a person, because they were just A. Yes, person they wanted a person that was more unethical and could go against society. And put that person in power even if it went against a popular vote. F*** them the family father said!!!! Putting the right person in place is critical... So sometimes you go against a popular vote, and we should have an elector or college in the state of illinois... And if need be the they can go against the popular vote... But they're mandate, and they can be removed is ethical and moral, and if the person doesn't have the ethics and morals. And with that, the bill need to do the job, then they cannot be in office... So it's ethics and morals and ability, they gotta have all three... So it goes with the popular vote, but it goes against the popular vote when they elect somebody who is not right for office.....
See, our founding fathers came up in countries that put the wrong people in office and they didn't want that to happen here in the united states.But the electoral college, instead of doing their job have become putsi's!!!!
In the United States, the Electoral College is the group of presidential electors that is formed every four years during the presidential election for the sole purpose of voting for the president and vice president. The process is described in Article II of the U.S. Constitution.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › U...
United States Electoral College - Wikipedia
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National Archives (.gov)
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What is the Electoral College?
Jul 6, 2023 — The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your State has the
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lunarsilkscreen · 8 months
Soft Power deficiency; there are a few podcasts outlining this idea, but they seem to avoid talking about it entirely. For good reason.
A Soft Power deficiency is what we'd call a "Cultural Export". Ideals, Ideology, Cartoon Characters, Music, Cuisine, etc...
However; China is known for not really honoring parents and copyrights from other countries, and thus allowing their populace to make copy's and immitations.
<aside>this discussion on Quora outlines the assumptions everybody not inside China makes. Including an obvious NPC post about how "China doesn't copy anything!" (Which other people in the thread call out for being an obvious Chinese Culture Police plant)</aside>
While China has plenty of cultural exports, including Sun Tzu, Buddhism, Confuscianism, Herbal Medicine, and other chiropractic-adjacent physical health and spa treatments.
They seem to trip over their own feet when it comes to anything else.
This is because of a few reasons; China doesn't like outside owned media and tech to be released inside of China.
China quotes "Western Influence" but, includes places like Russia and Japan when they say "Western". This is something more. As the U.S. includes all of those things when we say "Eastern".
Does China include their Southern White neighbor countries and Africa when they say "West"?
Video Games were even banned in China until 2014 because of their western influences. And China became the piracy capital of the world due to this.
You can even tell in Chinese Animations that make it outside of the country; that they're virtually identical to already released media. With color or variant changes. Like AI retracing. It wouldn't be very obvious to anybody who doesn't know a lot of media, but it is very obvious to those who do.
What this has strangely done; is watered down China's culture. The drive and demand for outside media, and subsequent prevention of internal media of higher quality has created a situation where China is creating content and media that is built on frameworks and Ideals from other countries.
Which honestly, exactly what we do here in the "West" when we make movies like "Kung Fu Panda". No notes.
Chinese citizens, it seems; have kind of lost their own cultural identity *because* they've been copying and reverse engineering outside media and tech, instead of having the freedom to create their own works.
I say this as an outsider looking in. Most of my information is what I can actually look at. But I do know gaming and media.
There are pathways for Chinese culture to influence the world. And there is a *high demand* for quality Chinese content creators. (Ask Jackie Chan). But what the world keeps on getting from China is lower quality creations that are derivative in nature.
Like China is trying to create a "western type media that westerners would enjoy". And thus failing to make both Chinese and Western media.
For Example; China could make a video gaming company that utilize their country's homogeneity (and thus wouldn't go bankrupt) licence "western(*coughjaoanesecough*) content" for their device, and still make Chinese games that aren't derivative.
Which would then find their way to the west via China's own Western media piracy pipelines.
What China should be doing; is making things they wanna make.
Nobody really wants some "western media" with a Chinese recolor. They want genuine, quality content, that's built from the ground up by people who know what they're doing and talking about.
And isn't just a cash grab with gatcha mechanics ...
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indianvrv · 9 months
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chatlegalza · 1 year
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drip-irrigation · 1 year
Watermelon is a warm-season fruit that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, which also includes cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash. It is native to Africa and grows best in warm, dry regions with long, hot summers.
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nuttysheepstarlight · 2 years
“SolarWinds Brings World-Class SaaS Observability Solution to More Customers Worldwide”
SolarWinds, a leading provider of IT management software, has announced the expansion of its SaaS observability solution's global reach to help customers worldwide accelerate their digital transformation and reduce IT complexity. This move comes as the company aims to bring its world-class SaaS observability solution to organizations around the globe.
With this expansion, SolarWinds is making its SaaS observability solution available in more countries and regions, including Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. The solution offers a comprehensive, integrated set of tools to help IT professionals gain visibility into the performance of their applications and infrastructure.
The solution enables IT professionals to quickly identify and troubleshoot issues before they impact their end-users, delivering better performance and availability of critical business services. The expansion of SolarWinds SaaS observability solution aims to help organizations around the world improve their digital operations, reduce IT complexity, and improve customer experience.
The SolarWinds SaaS observability solution is built on top of the company's Orion Platform, a unified IT monitoring and management platform. The platform delivers an integrated set of tools that enable IT professionals to manage and monitor their entire IT infrastructure from a single location, reducing complexity and increasing efficiency.
You Can Follow me on Quora: https://publiceyeinfinity.quora.com/
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lambdaliberty · 2 years
My Spanish is not good enough to continue a discussion on Quora about why England colonized where they did while Spain colonized where they did.
I brought the consideration of climates into the discussion. England is cold so they went into Canada and the north of the USA. Holland is cold so they invaded South Africa
Spain is generally warm, so Central America was a better fit.
There are other considerations of course. Spain was stealing gold for the Church, while the Rothschilds looked for addictive substances like tobacco, rum and opium to use as a lever for control.
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hilarydinma · 4 years
3 Habits to make a shy person charming and confident
Top stories for you!!! QUORA DIGEST: What 3 habits can make shy people charming and confident? Written by: Michael Bosman, October 14, 2018 1.Develop a `zero fucks given` attitude by remembering that you have ONE LIFE This is going to be a hard sell for the shy ones out there. The introverted among us have higher sensitivity to the word, thoughts, and opinions of others. However, you`ve got…
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trollingquora · 5 years
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Everyone’s from Africa.
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tractorspk · 2 years
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mikerickson · 4 years
That’s a more contentious question than it may seem, and I would argue that there are four contenders, each with a solid argument for being considered the world’s tallest mountain.
Text-based though our conversation may be right now, I can see your look of confusion. Everyone knows the world’s tallest mountain, right? This ought to be a one-word answer, no?
Well fret not, dear reader, for I am about to explain myself. I might as well begin with the answer that everyone knows.
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Reaching an elevation of 8848 meters above sea level, the peak of Everest is traditionally held to be the highest point on Earth. This is because our traditional measure of height is elevation above sea level, and no other mountain can match Everest in that regard. By traditional metrics, Everest stands supreme.
So why do I claim that there are other contenders? The answer has to do with the bases of these mountains.
As you can see in the picture above, Everest doesn’t exactly stand alone in its neighborhood. It is in fact merely the tallest pointy bit of the Tibetan Plateau, which is the highest-elevation region in the world. The whole plateau, which spans more than two-and-a-half-million square kilometers, has an average elevation of 4500m already, so a great deal of Everest’s elevation comes from its position in the surrounding environment.
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So let me ask you this: who is taller, a six-and-a-half foot man on four-foot stilts or a seven-foot man in normal shoes? That metaphor brings me to my next claimant.
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(Image source: How to prepare for Kilimanjaro)
While the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro is nearly three-thousand meters below Everest’s in terms of total elevation, the tallest mountain in Africa is remarkable for not being part of any mountain range. Everest is merely the longest tooth of the Nepalese Himalayas, but Kilimanjaro rises directly out of the East-African plains. Measured from its base, Kilimanjaro rises about 5600 meters, while Everest’s rise from base is only about 5200. The argument is a shaky one at best, but I still feel it gives Kilimanjaro a claim to being the tallest mountain on Earth by at least one very specific measure.
But if we are going to measure from the base, we can actually go much deeper than the African savanna, which brings us to our next claimant.
Mauna Kea
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The peak of Hawaii’s Mauna Kea stands below even the base of Everest, which might make it seem an odd choice for this list. The base of the mountain, however (as of its sister-peak Mauna Loa), lies at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean’s abyssal plain, giving it a rise that dwarfs all of the above. Measured from its deep-sea base, Mauna Kea rises over 10000 meters, nearly doubling both Everest and Kilimanjaro, though only a tiny portion of the mountain is above sea level. Nonetheless, it is another claimant.
So to recap, here is a visual representation of the mountains we have looked at so far:
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(Image source: Why is Everest the world's highest mountain?)
But I said that there were four contenders. What is the last one?
Our final claimant is one you’ve likely never heard of, but its summit holds a very serious claim to being the highest point on Earth.
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The summit of Chimborazo, in Ecuador, holds the interesting distinction of being the farthest point from the center of the Earth. If you are confused, I understand. After all, shouldn’t that be the same as the highest elevation since the Earth is a sphere?
As it happens, the Earth is not actually spherical. The centrifugal force of its spin gives it a significant bulge around the equator. In other words, if you shrunk the Earth down to the size of a desktop globe and measured its circumference, you would find that if you stretched your measuring tape around the equator, it would be noticably larger than if you wrapped it from pole to pole. Chimborazo stands at only a single degree of latitude below the Equator, making its peak very slightly (about 2 km) further from the center of the Earth than Everest’s. Here is a super-duper scientific image to demonstrate the difference:
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(Image source: Ecuador volcanoes)
So in conclusion, while Everest is certainly the tallest mountain by the traditional measuring system, one can certainly build an argument for other peaks being even taller.
Thanks for reading, and don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
(All images not otherwise sourced are from Wikimedia Commons)
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101now · 2 years
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