#quoted in misaeng
bareums · 2 years
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"You have all the attributes that the other interns like... Lack of confidence, working experience, knowledge, and skills."
"Then why do they want me?"
"It'd be great if both members of a team got good results, but if that's impossible then it's smart to pair up with a loser.... He would make the other member look good in comparison. That's why they want you."
Misaeng: Incomplete Life (2014) || Ep 2
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rusquared · 1 year
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Im Si-Wan's character from Misaeng is so kim dokja,,,,,,, the only actor i would let do a live-action of orv <333
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absolutely lost in the sauce of misaeng quotes
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k-stills · 3 years
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“Forgetting your dream doesn’t make the dream vanish. Not seeing the road doesn’t make the road vanish.” — Lee Sung Min as Oh Sang Sik, Misaeng (2014)
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y8ns · 5 years
I think that it's not a matter of success or failures. I think we live our lives by opening new doors until we die. Then what about success? I think it might be what you think of that moment of your life.
Misaeng episode 9
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i-remember-yyou · 6 years
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meshxia · 6 years
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musicismyweapon · 6 years
“Two roads diverged in a yellow path. I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference. So I thought about it in my head, that even if you forgot your dream, your dream still remains there. Even if you don’t see the road, the road still remains there.”
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aquarianunicorn · 6 years
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lozza-rella · 4 years
If you don't have the basics you can't climb the stairs. Achieving something without the basics is not climbing, but falling right back after the achievement.
Jung Yoon-Jung, Misaeng.
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drivingsideways · 3 years
Tagged by the lovely and super talented @avauntus
I don’t have so many active WIPs, and I discovered thanks to this meme that most of my fics usually start with dialogue! And I don’t even like them! 
Anyways, in no particular order from current WIPs,
Opening lines: 
- From untitled WIP for JTBC’s Life: 
"I never want to see your dick again, you rat bastard!! This is all your fault!!"
No-eul has heard Choi Seo-hyun speak in many tones, over the course of the seven years they've known each other, in person and on tv, but she'd have never suspected the slim young woman's lungs of being able to produce quite that level of screeching.
- From untitled WIP for Misaeng: 
It's his birthday next week. A quarter century on this planet, and what, precisely did he have to show for it? Whatever it was, it was probably not be found at the bottom of the teacup he's staring into. His grandmother had like to read tea-leaves, he recalls. Swirling them and watching them settle into patterns of fate.
- From untitled fic that’s a fanfic for Rainhat’s tumblr fic, for TKEM
It'd been a perfectly ordinary night until it wasn't.
She'd done her usual thing of jumping over the wall of the CNPU campus via a convenient tree—trainee cadets weren't allowed week nights off and actually had a curfew, like they were fourteen or something— had proceeded to meet up with Kim Areum, Jang Michael and Lee Ha-neul, and spent the evening dancing and drinking and dancing some more, until they ended up, as they always did at Uncle Joon's, just two streets away from the little flat above the fish shop where Kim Seong-ae slept the  peaceful sleep of the righteous, while her not so righteous younger daughter stole plastic straws from a dirty brown holder to stick behind her friends' ears.
Favourite opener? Of the above, it’s definitely the one for Life. :)
Common threads? It’s not very obvious from the quotes above, but I think 99% of my fics start with some kind of dialogue, mostly because I’ve been ruined as a writer by cinema/tv. :p
I think avauntus already tagged all my usual suspects :) so not tagging anyone! Feel free to tag me if you want to do this! Love to see it!
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perqedel · 3 years
misaeng (2014) / ★★★✩✩
i didn’t realize this drama was out in 2014 if it weren’t for the phones.
so, yes, one of my favorite categories: slice of life. it was all... good. except one thing: i get sleepy a lot watching this. god maybe i am Just tired??? this happened too during the other drama i was watching. well, to add some other reason, there are too many business terms that i don’t understand. so, my business/trading major friends, this could suit your palate. 
the storyline, just like how most slice of life dramas, are... warm. and complicated in a simplified way. (like, you know, it is complicated, but it’s nothing compared to yours and my problems)
i decided to watch because of kim dae myung actually, but got kind of hooked on kang sora and im si wan. the man pulled his character so well in this drama. jang geurae is this, annoyingly (i could think of a korean adj but i don’t know what the equivalent in eng: 답답하게 ) quiet kid that you just want to shake so he could wake up and get some senses knocked. 
and kang haneul, God, have i ever told you how he has this looks of a crush you know you always have but it’s so subtle that you will never, not even in another lifetime, confess to him? he still has that look in this drama. in addition to being a closed asshole, his character was fine.
byun yo han, oof, he was one of my favorites in mr. sunshine (i literally like everyone in mr. sunshine, who are we kidding?). i get the sense why he was casted in mr. sunshine, it was probably because of his role here. he’s witty, bright, smart, knows how to speak, knows how to position himself. his character could be ridiculously annoying at times but it’s still funny that i just can’t hate him.
kang sora, though. i Love that this drama blatantly shows how women are treated in a workplace dominated by men. God. there’s this scene where the superior says, and i quote (not word-to-word), “this is why women shouldn’t be given this job”. do you know how often that word got out of ugly men mouths???? way too often. why do men say women are incapable because we are women???? i mean i’ve never really thought men are stupid because they are men??????? you’re not stupid because you’re a man, you’re stupid because maybe you knocked your head while you were getting born (i just angry-typed this paragraph).
all in all, though i don’t enjoy this as much as i had expected, i still think this is a better slice of life business topic drama than start up. 
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teekaywhy · 7 years
Hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. It is just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass one way, a road is made. 希望本是无所谓有,无所谓无的。这正如地上的路;其实地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。
鲁迅 Quoted in Misaeng episode 20
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latuphi · 7 years
Meskipun sempat berpikir untuk mundur, berjuanglah hingga akhir. Dalam hidup, banyak hal yang kau mulai tanpa tau akhirnya.
Oh Sang Sik, dalam Misaeng.
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mothsilverwand · 7 years
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