#réka is desperate
footprintsinthesxnd · 9 months
The Angel of Easy
Mads!! I was so excited when Réka messaged me to be your Secret Santa pinch hitter. So here is a special little Nixon fic for my favourite fellow Lewis fangirl.
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Being one of the few female intelligence officers in the 101st was always going to be a slightly different experience. Despite her training as an SOE and working at Bletchley Circle nothing prepared her to be thrown into a company of men who drank, swore and fought like dogs but formed a group far stronger than any family could ever be. One of the men she warmed most to was Lewis Nixon. His endless sarcasm and witty humour had cemented him in Y/n’s heart and it didn’t take long for them to become firm friends and then something more.
“Do you have to go on that patrol? Can’t you just stay here with me?” Lewis whined, his head still buried under the bed covers as his near-naked frame lay sprawled across the bed.
Y/n laughed, lacing up her lump boots as the grown man rolled over to face her, his blurry eyes and sleepy smile tugging on her heartstrings and if she looked at him any longer she would climb right back into bed with him.
“You know I have to go. This is finally my chance to truly prove myself,” she retorted, this would be her first time on a patrol without Lewis and she intended to gain the respect of her fellow paratroopers.
“You’ve already proven yourself to me in many ways,” Lewis wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Y/n sighed, hitting him with the nearest pillow.
“I have to go, I’ll see you later. I love you,” Y/n called as the door slammed shut behind her.
“Love you too,” Lewis mumbled into the pillow, his mind drifting back into his sleepy state when he sat upright. Had she just said what he thought she had? And had he replied with the same answer?
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“You know Lieutenant, you’re not that bad after all,” Johnny Martin, nodded at her and she smiled in return. Johnny was a hard man to win over so this was the biggest compliment he could have given.
“Yeah, you’re alright Little Lady,” Bull chimed in, patting her on the back with his large hand.
“Well thanks, guys, I knew you’d like me eventually.”
The group continued to laugh as they followed the path back towards their camp when a loud crack from beside them caused them all to hit the deck. “FLASH?” Johnny shouted, his weapon raised. “Flash? Or we fire.” Was followed by a burst of machine gun fire. The firing above Y/n head caused her to freeze, she’d been through basic training just like the rest of them, she’d fired her weapon and she carried her M1 with her now, but something inside her would allow her to move. Her limbs lay frozen against the wet, muddy soil, her head pressed to the ground.
“Y/L/N GET UP!” Johnny grabbed her collar and shoved her against the nearest tree. “Y/l/n, you used that goddamn gun of yours. I don’t care if you are a Lieutenant or a fucking Major. I’m not losing any of my men because of you.” Johnny's voice was harsh, his usual snarl mixed with a desperation for her to follow his instructions.
Y/n nodded quickly, raising her M1 and firing around the edge of the tree. Johnny seemed satisfied with this and continued his way along the line to check in with the rest of his men. Y/n continued to fire, round after round, clip after clip, with only the image of Lewis in her mind to keep her grounded.
“I’m out of ammo,” she called down the line but the others were too preoccupied to hear her above the firing. Y/n did something she never thought she would do, she got up and ran. Time stood still as her legs carried her from behind the cover of her tree to the next tree, bullets whizzing past her.
“You alright Luz?” She asked, sliding down next to George who was trying to call through to Winters on his radio. George nodded to her and she grabbed his ammunition, loaded her weapon and started firing again.
The noise was deafening, nothing like practising on the ranges back at Toccoa.
“Y/L/N!” Johnny called, waving at her from the next tree down. “There’s a whole goddamn Panzer division coming from the south. We’ve gotta get outta here.”
Y/n nodded, motioning for him and the other men to head for cover further back from the line as she continued to fire. Johnny and Bull appeared by her side soon after.
“The others have retreated. I think we’ve hit their line. What’s your orders, Lieutenant? Johnny, Bull and George looked at her expectantly and Y/n felt the weight of the world on her shoulders.
“We hold them off for as long as we can, at least we can give the others a chance to pull back.” The men nodded at her, seemingly approving of her reply.
George continued to keep Winters and the battalion in the loop while the others continued to fire upon the inbound Panzer division. Mortar fire from Malarkey’s mortar squad littered the tree line in front of them and sporadic machine gun fire came in response.
“Winters says to pull back. The air force is bringing in air cover,” George shouted over the firing.
“Cease fire,” Y/n called, motioning for Johnny to head back first while supplying covering fire, then Bull and then George.
“What about you Lieutenant?” George asked, hiking his radio onto his back.
“I’ll be right behind you George, okay?” George nodded, keeping his head down and sprinting towards the cover of the tree line.
Now that she was alone Y/n wondered how she was meant to get herself out of this situation and without covering fire she was a sitting duck. They would have had her firing zeroed by now and mortars would surely start firing soon.
“Well, it’s not or never,” Y/n threw herself out from behind the tree, firing towards the German line as she retreated. Once the clip was empty she slung the weapon onto her back and turned tail, running towards George who was waving frantically at her.
“Y/N COME ON!” He screamed, grabbing her hand as she collapsed into him. “Christ Lieutenant, you’ve got a death wish,” he laughed, helping her up. Johnny nodded at her and Bull gave her his signature smile until their faces fell.
“Hey, what’s all the long faces for?” She laughed, “We just got out of there alive didn’t we?”
“Umm Y/n you might wanna sit down,” George caught her as her knees buckled beneath her. Johnny and Bull quickly moved in to help. Johnny pulled his aid kit out of his pocket, pressing a bandage firmly to the pool of blood at her side, before helping to lift her into Bull’s arms.
“Stay with us Little Lady,” Bull whispered as her heavy eyelids slid closed.
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“You know what they say, Dick,” Lewis sighed, rubbing his hand over his stubbly chin.
“What do they say, Lew?” Dick stretched his arms above his head, as he sat in the armchair beside him.
“Well sometimes, no matter how much you want it, some stories just don’t get a happy ending,” Lewis choked, the tears freely rolling down his cheeks again. He had cried so much in the last twenty-four hours that he wasn’t sure how he had any tears left to cry.
“She’ll pull through, Nix. She’s strong and she knows you are waiting for her. She’ll make it.” Dick patted Lewis on the back, raising from his chair and leaving Lewis to sit in his uncomfortable silence once more.
“Lewis?” Her voice was weak, her breaths shallow but her bright eyes watched him intently as he raised his weary head.
“Y/n? By God you’re awake. Oh thank God,” Lewis flung his arms around her neck, burying his head into her neck and crushing the air from her lungs. “Careful Lew, I’m a little sore,” Y/n whined, pushing Lewis gently to which he jumped away.
“I’m so sorry, Sweetheart. Are you alright?” Lewis sat back down in the armchair, his hand clutching desperately at hers.
“I’m a little sore,” she admitted, wincing as she tried to move.
Lewis jumped up again, “do you need me to get, Roe? Do you need some morphine?” Lewis' eyes were wild, searching her face for the unspoken answer.
“No. No, I'm alright. Just sore,” Y/n reassured him, reaching for his hand which Lewis took instantly.
“I was so worried I’d lost you,” Lewis admitted, his eyes full of tears but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her, too afraid that he’d blink and she’d be gone.
“I’m sorry I worried you, Lew. It was all going so well. I think I proved myself to them.”
Lewis chuckled, leaning forward to brush the hair that had fallen upon her face, “You, my love certainly did prove yourself. You are all the men of Easy can talk about. Hell, you’re the ‘Angel of Easy Company.”
Y/n laughed, “Well that’s something I suppose.”
“Just next time, maybe don’t get yourself killed over it alright? I don’t think I could go through that again,” Lewis looked at her poignantly and Y/n just smiled. Her fingers reached up, brushing her fingers over Lew’s cheek, cupping it gently.
“I promise, Lew. I won’t do it again but if I do at least I know I have you to come back to.”
Dick smiled from his spot in the doorway, he’d had a message from Colonel Sink but he couldn’t bear to interrupt this precious moment. Just for those few minutes, his friends were happy and that was all Dick could ask for.
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Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @msmercury84 @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @sweetxvanixlla @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @whollyjoly @bucky32557038ww2 @panzershrike-pretz @malarkgirlypop @hanniewinnix @inglourious-imagines @l13bg0tt @supervalcsi
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thelittleliars · 1 year
P.S. I Want You | Chapter 3
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: none other than fluff I guess?
Words: 8.5K
AN: It's been so long since I last posted for this story. But here's the long awaited Chapter 3!! I hope y'all like it! P.S. the end is NOT angst. This entire fic is supposed to be pure fluff, I just suck at writing an end for chapters.
P.S. I Want You Masterlist
Natasha currently stood in front of your apartment door with a small bouquet of different colored roses and of course a postcard from Budapest. Her nervousness was through the roof. She never thought that she could feel such an intensity of the emotion, let alone caused by a person. With a heavy sigh she lifted her hand to knock on your door but paused before her skin came into contact with the wooden door. "You got this. You're the Black Widow for christ sake!" She mumbled to herself, trying to encourage herself but her own words didn't hold any weight. The door opened, she came face to face with a beautiful woman not older than you. "Oy, I thought I heard someone foreign here." The girl smiled at Natasha. "How can I help?"
"I.. uhhh.. is-is Y/N here?" The Avenger asked. The confusion was clearly written all over her face. "No. She'll be back soon though. You can come in if you want to?" She offered the other woman. Natasha shock her head. "Oh no, I don't want to intrude." 
"Please come in, I can get you a coffee. Y/N always says I make the best coffee ever." She gestured for the red head to step inside. The words made Natasha jealous. Sending you the postcards made her think that you were hers in a way, though she knew that you two were nothing yet. The thought of you being together with the women in front of her brought up anger and sadness. She needed to get out of here quick. "No thank you. It was supposed to be a quick stop by to say hello anyways."
"Okay" As soon as Nat saw the other girl nod, she walked out and towards the stairs. She was so busy with her thoughts that when she arrived at the bottom she didn't see someone opening the old elevator door. She walked right into it, her head hitting the wood hard. "Fuck.." The person walked back out. It was you. "Nat?" You were stunned to see the red head again, it actually felt like a fever dream but in a good way. Natasha looked up to see you and god damn you looked way more beautiful than the last time she saw you. "Y/N.. h-hi." She stuttered out. "I-it's good to see you. Let's go upstairs." 
"I don't wanna intrude." She told you. "Oh you would never. I only need to talk with Réka for a second and then we can go." You took her arm and dragged her into the elevator. Natasha was confused, where would you two go afterwards? This was your apartment where your most likely girlfriend was too. Were you too ashamed or embarrassed to stay long here? "Ohh you don't know yet.. would have thought Yelena told you." You mumbled still not telling Natasha the news directly. The other girl's heart was already starting to break, the possibility of you not being available anymore hurt her, you weren't even hers yet so why did it that thought hurt so much? "I moved into another district. It's an apartment I've wanted ever since I moved her and I finally had enough money to live there." The red head felt such relief and joy that she could shed a tear or two. "That's great! Where exactly did you move to?" She asked before she realized she still hold the small bouquet of roses and the postcard. "Also these are for you." She handed you the roses but hid the card. She decided to give it to you later. "Aww Nat. You really didn't have to!" You blushed. "But thank you so much. I love it. And I live in the inner city now. Near the metro station Astoria if you might know it?" 
"I heard the name somewhere but I'm not sure. I never had the time to explore Budapest." You nodded in acknowledgment. "For how long are you here?" It wasn't a want to know it, no you desperately needed to know it. "For the next 2 weeks. I took some time off. Maybe you can show me around?" She wasn't sure but was hopeful that you wanted to spend time with her and show her around. You look at her shocked. Two weeks of Natasha?? And she wants you to show her around? What did you do to deserve this heavenly time with her? "I-I uhm yeah sure. I do have to go to work though. Luckily you arrived on a friday evening. We got the whole weekend for us, no interruptions unless Yelena is also joining." You joked before you knocked on the door. "Helló Y/N. Kérlek fáradj be." 
"Helló Réka! Mennyi a posta ma?" (How much mail is it today?" It was Natasha's first time hearing you speak in hungarian and oh boy did that do something to her. "Egy levél és két képeslap." (One letter and two postcards.)
"A levél az én munkámból származik?" (Is the letter from my work?" She nodded and handed you your mail. "Alright well I told them my new address again so you shouldn't get mail for me anymore." You gently laid the roses on the table, opened your letter to see what your work wanted from you, then looked at the two postcards.
Hey Y/N Y/L/N!
You still haven't texted me your new address so I'm still gonna have to send them to your old place. 
Greetings from the "Big Apple." 
~ Yelena 
The other one said:
Hiii Y/N Y/L/N,
it's me again! You have to come visit me whenever your vacation is. I have so much to show you!
Greetings from Ohio.
~ Yelena
P.S. yes I did copy my big sister, don't you dare tell her!
"That tiny little szuka.." (bitch) you muttered. "Thanks again. If there will be more mail just text me?" 
"Will do!" She smiled and nodded you goodbye. You turned to Natasha, who seemed to be in a frozen state. "You good?" She hummed in a higher pitch. She was fine but at the same time not at all since all she could focus on how hot she found you talking another language. While she basically ogled at you, you put the postcards into your backpack, then grabbed the roses with one hand and with your other free hand Natasha's wrist.
Even though it was just her wrist you were holding, she felt all of the sudden super shy. Nat tried so hard not to blush in front of you both but of course you saw the tint of red on her face before you dragged her out of the apartment and down the stairs. 
Right before you went out of the gate, she gathered herself and took her confident front while her insides were all jelly. It was a mask she mastered a long time ago. The mask or the acting was the main reason why she even came as far as she was now. You on the other side had an open and happy look. It sure was something new to you, being close to the girl you liked who also seemed to like you back but having Natasha by your side gave you a huge boost of confidence. And thanks to the boost, the huge urge to hold her hand in front of everyone came along. You were not someone who like pda much, the red head could relate to that. She wasn't used to affection so it made her very nervous when she felt you sliding your hand from her wrist to hold her hand. You notice her sweaty hands almost immediately but didn't comment it, assuming that this must be a lot for her already or simply just a gay panic but even calling that out or teasing was something you knew would be embarrassing for her.
After a couple of minutes you asked her if you guys should take the metro or walk the short distance. "Is your new apartment far?" She wasn't used to walk any kind of distance. Europeans constantly walk a lot and they don't even mind it which is mind boggling for her.  You saw her hesitation. "You get to hold my hand for 20 more minutes love." You proposed to her. "If we take the metro we'd be there in mere minutes. It's your choice though." She was quiet for a minute. Thinking over her options. She'd love to hold your hand on the way home but the thought of 20 more minutes in public scared her. She knew that love wasn't just for children but kinda acting like all love like, triggered the familiar feeling and struggle of the mantra. "Let's take the metro yeah? It's not far from here either and the sooner we get home the more privacy we'll have." With a nod from her you lead the obvious shorter girl to the metro station, no words were exchanged during that time but you didn't mind it. 
After buying tickets you rode down the first escalator, this time you guys stood behind one another since it's normal to leave the left side free for people who want to walk faster. As you turned towards Natasha who was behind you, you noticed the height difference was gone now. "Ohh look you finally don't need to look up to me anymore." You teased her with a slight evil glint in your eyes. "Rude!" She slapped your shoulder lightly. You only chuckle before stopping and giving her a big happy grin. "You're lucky you're cute." Natasha told you. She just didn't know how else tocounter back but you of course knew. "Cute? I'm offended Natasha. Don't you think I'm a lot more than cute?" You turn back around because you knew the escalator was almost done. "What if I told you that you're only cute and nothing more?" She said when you two stood next to each other at the platform. You once again took her hand, looking at her face to see if there's any kind of uncomfortableness, when you didn't see anything you answered her. "I guess I have to accept it then since I don't want to end whatever we have going on right now." 
"Would be a shame if you end it. Especially since I came here for you only." Your assumption of her coming here for you was correct and that did something to you. Not only did her words make you blush, it also gave you a rush of what felt like butterflies. This was the first time you didn't know what to do and say. Instead you silently went into the metro. You were glad that it arrived in the perfect moment. When you guys got out a station later and you still hadn't uttered a word, Natasha was worried that she fucked up. She knew that couldn't have fucked it up that badly since you still held her hands on the way up to the streets. As if you sensed her self doubting you apologized. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I go all quiet when I don't know what to do or say." Nat walked next to you as you softly guided her through some smaller streets towards your apartment. "Thank you for telling me that. It'll definitely help me navigate my way around you." You snorted. "Why does it sound like you're-" "I just.. I don't want to make you uncomfortable by putting you in a situation where you feel like you don't know how yo act. I like our teasing and flirting nature but if it gets too overwhelming at some point I'll slow down." 
"Nat, you honestly can make myself speechless as much as you want. Just promise me you'll pick up the conversation afterwards because I for sure make shit super awkward with my silence and body language." Your heart filled with warmth. Nobody ever was this respectful and thoughtful with you. She halted at a corner, wanting to say these next words directly to you so that she could read your face. "I.. I can't promise you anything but I'll try my best if that's also alright with you?" You nodded and gave her a smile. "Of course. Thank you for trying. I appreciate it." Natasha looked down, feeling a blush rising up that she didn't want anyone to see. She was being very open and soft with you. It's terrifying her but at the same she liked the feeling. You leaned against the wall to give Nat some space after seeing her struggle with things innerly. The blush was noticeable for you too but didn't usher a words about it. She pulled herself together and wanting to continue walking but the place you two were at gave her flashbacks. This was the place where she and Yelena ran to her sister's bike to flee from Taskmaster. A whole ass car flew right down the street but it seemed like there was no damage left. "Oh my god. This is where we were running from-" She stopped herself, realizing you didn't know a thing about what happened last year. She also didn't dare to look at you, fearing a curious look sitting on your face but nothing came from you so she stole a glance at you. You stood there so carefree while taking Natasha's whole form in. The red head looked absolutely fine in that outfit of hers. Black jeans, some tshirt or top which you couldn't tell since she wore a leather jacket over it and of course some sneakers. Nat saw the look you gave her. So she came closer and cornered you, even pressing her body against yours. The two of you were as close as it could get. Breaths were mixed, heartbeats were beating out of your chests and legs were feeling like jello. How either of you were surviving that moment was a question nobody could answer. Your eyes fluttered close as you were about to close the distance of your mouths. "I have to tell you something major." Nat whispered. She desperately wanted to kiss you but the guilt of not telling you about her real job was holding her back. "Is it important?" You opened your eyes while seeing a certain urgency in hers. "Yes." 
"That's alright. Let's go to my apartment then, it's literally right around the corner." She leaned back and nodded. You took her hand once again and lead her to your apartment. 
"I'm an Avenger." You look at her puzzled. The word rang a distant bell in your head but nothing concrete came up so you asked her. "What's an Avenger?" Now she was surprised. "You haven't heard of the Avengers? Iron Man? Thor? The Hulk? Hawkey? Captain America? Black Widow?" Only after hearing the superhero names, you kinda realized what she was talking about. "Ohhh ain't that the group of superheroes or something?" When she nodded you felt your heart sink. Was everything she told you prior just a big lie? It all confused you, at the same time it also made you sad and angry "So you were lying about being an agent." You didn't even ask, you just stated it as it was a fact. Natasha was quick to defend herself. "No. There is some truth behind it." But she didn't explain further. And you swore that if she wouldn't tell you why exactly she lied then it'd be over. Lying and then not laying all your cards open after getting caught is a deal breaker for you. You looked at her and waited patiently for her to explain herself further, hoping desperately that she won't fuck this up. Minute after minute passed by, your hopes were now crushed, even when you saw a hint of a struggle in her eyes but honestly that wasn't enough for you. 
"I value honesty more than anything." You tried again. If she wouldn't take this chance then it'd be over before it even started. When nothing came again you sighed while trying to come up with the best way to break whatever this was off. Natasha stood up and walked towards your window. She looked outside with a grim expression. Both of you were quiet and in your heads, thinking of right words to say to each other. When you opened your mouth to say the words I can't do this any further she beat you. "I was a Shield agent before joining the Avengers." For Natasha it was enough explanation, for you not so much but all you asked of her was honesty and that you got. "Alright. I just don't see why hiding that information was such a huge deal."
"We're huge overseas and I guess I was just very cautious." You nodded and believed her but you also felt like she still hadn't fully told you the whole story. Unsure how to move past this you continue sitting awkwardly in your living room. The other women started to notice the awkwardness and remembered what you said earlier. "Are we still good?" Were we? You honestly didn't know but your heart still craved her so you let this incident slip. "Only if you can explain your postcards to me." You needed answers, ones only she could answer. So the second she nodded and walked back to the seat she was sitting before, you stood up and got the stack of postcards she sent you. "They're in order."
The first one was from London. She started telling you why she hadn't written to you in the months before. "The Avengers were broken up and fought against each other which ended up pretty badly with half of us breaking the law and get arrested. I was hiding in Norway before my sister, Yelena, contacted me and I traveled to Budapest. We had a little undercover side mission here and it lead to London. Where we had to lay low but then I saw a souvenir shop one day and it reminded me of you." At that her face started to get a pint of red. "I uhh quickly wrote the postcard and somehow that was the start of it all." 
"You chose a very unique and pretty card. It ended up immediately in my collection!" You told her. "Since Rome was such a short stay do you have something to say about that or wanna jump right to Norway?" 
"Well all I can say to Rome is that it was really short but beautiful. Norway was once again more of laying low. I still was on the run. Then Toronto came and somehow met another fellow Avenger. Clint or rather Hawkeye. He actually dragged me to a big league hockey game." Nat grunted in annoyance at the memory. You on the other side grinned at her reaction. This is exactly what you imaged her to act like when you read the Toronto postcard. "You don't like hockey?"
Her expression was unreadable but she voice her thoughts before you hurt your brain by trying to read her intensely. "It's alright but watching it was boring. Dragging long, let me tell you that." To get more comfortable you lifted your legs and sat cross legged. Nat followed your example and did the same, though her position was sideways so she could look at you better. This time you copied her, also wanting to get a better view of her. "What if I told you I love watching hockey and american football?" She raised her eyebrows but also looking at your face to see if you were just teasing her or not. "Then I'd say don't you dare to make me watch it with you." 
The biggest shit eating grin was plastered on your face. "One day.. one day I'll definitely dare to make you watch it with me." The read head's heart was suddenly beating wildly at your words and the grin that is still on your beautiful face. She didn't know how you could make it so easy for her to feel like this. Her eyes flickered down for a second. There she saw the Berlin postcard. The horrendous things that happened there flashed in front of her eyes and felt the weight of that trip drowning her again. You reached out for her hand and held it when you saw that her mood changed completely into the opposite direction. "I-I got caught.. they interrogated me for two months before a deal was even brought up. I was allowed to finish my side mission with Yelena. It lead us to Berlin, the authorities weren't keen on having me back in the country since we Avengers made a lot of destruction there. One thing led to another and somehow the person we wanted to save-" Her breath got caught in her throat. The words the wanted to say died. Your heart broke at the sight. Seeing her broken and this distraught gave you an ache in your heart. "I went back to my parents house. I needed change and comfort. In that time I didn't write you and I had hoped that I didn't fuck things up with you." 
"Nat, I'm so sorry that this all happened to you." You scooted closer to her and put your arms around her. She immediately leaned her head against you. Your warmth made her feel safe. "Let's talk about the rest another time, yeah?" Her head brushed against you as she nodded slightly. "I never was much of an open book." She admitted to you in a hush of a whisper. "And that is okay. Nat, I only want you to be honest with me. If there is a situation you feel like you're not ready to share then just say that. I don't ever wanna push." After Natasha agreed, you tried to lighten up the mood by asking her about her superhero stuff. "Sooo.. Do you also have some kind of superhero name?"
At that she smiled and leaned back from you. "I do. It's Black Widow!" The name coming from the hero herself sounded so damn hot and mysterious. Plus you instantly loved the way she said it. "Hot damn, Nat that sound so freaking badass! What about a suit? Or like what else do you wear while fighting the evil?" Your bubbly nature of asking made her feel super warm on the inside. "I have a couple of suits that I wear if the mission is gonna be bigger. Otherwise I wear just normal simple clothes." Your mind immediately jumped to her in a superhero suit. "Oh to see you in action in one of your suits." You almost moaned at the thought of how sexy she'd look. "What kind of in action though?" She wiggled her eyebrows. You let out a gasp before you slapped her arm in a teasing manner. "Natasha Romanoff! Get your head out of the gutter." Then you cleared your throat before admitting that you wouldn't mind what she had in mind too. "Yeah? I can promise you that the suit slips on and off pretty easily." She teased you. Meanwhile you were stunned by the teasing you got back from her. "Oh my goddess. You really need to stop putting more ideas in my head!" You groaned out loud. Nat had a smirk on her face while looking at you like you were prey. She came closer and pushed you on your back easily. Then crawled on top of you, hovering over you but never really touching any part of your body. That action left you breathless. "Care to share those ideas? Would only be fair for me to know right?"
"What? You want me to tell you specific details of how I imagine I get railed by you?" She nodded. "That my dear Widow is something you have to seduce out of me but the only thing I'm willing to tell you right now that it definitely involves a strap on." Even though you felt confident to tell her that, a huge blush crept on your cheeks. Since Nat was so close to you, you felt how her breathing increased. She got turned from what you said. "Ohh who knew that such a pretty mind had all those dirty thoughts?" At that you couldn't bring out a word, you didn't even know what to say to that. She saw that so helped you by asking if you wanted to go on a date with her the next day.
"Yeah sure. Do you have something in mind yet?" You asked since it was her idea. She smirked at you. "Ohh I have plenty in mind but nothing of that is appropriate." You tried so hard not to let it get it to you since you blushed way too much around her already. "I really think you should stop teasing me."
"I know I should but seeing you like this is making me go wild." She confessed. 
"Maybe we need to get this out of our systems before continuing with the romance part?" You said. Natasha pondered for a second. "Do you really think that once I get a taste of you, I'll be able to get it out of my system? "
"Could be since the having sex with me might be so fucking awful." Natasha snorted at your words. "I can't imagine that. You look like someone who knows what she does." You felt honored that she believe that but it was the exact opposite. "First time." You whispered, the word barely got out of your mouth. That shocked Natasha, she did not expect you telling it the information this honest. Some small joy bloomed in her chest, while you probably hinted at your first time ever she herself hasn't had sex with a woman yet, with your confession she didn't feel alone. When you saw her expression you realized it'd be her first time too. "No way." Natasha knew exactly what you were talking about. "Yes way." She got all shy but you still made her feel like she didn't need to be embarrassed in any way. "Had there been someone before or would it be your complete first time too?" 
"There were times I had to for missions but not with any women." 
"What do you mean you had to? Please don't tell me you were giving yourself up for the sake of a mission." When no answer came you felt the heaviness of your heart breaking for her once again. Tears were trying to break free but you held them as good as you could. "Oh Nat, I'm so sorry. You don't ever have to do anything you're not okay with around me and with me okay? You can also always tell me if you changed your mind because that is also an important option."
"Thank you. Truly, thank you so much Y/N." She was extremely grateful for your reassuring words. You nodded, then shifted the conversation a bit. "Soo.. I think we need to figure out the pace for whatever relationship we currently have because I don't think I can handle these mixed paces."
"That's truly going to be a challenge since I wouldn't mind having you in bed already while at the same time I want to get to know you more." Natasha confessed. You were taken aback by her boldness for  a moment before truly realizing how your body reacted in its own way. Your cheeks were warm and red. You really couldn't believe that the goddess that Natasha was, was actually interested in you. "Well you'll get to know me more on the date tomorrow."
"That I will." She too looked shyly away. The new and unfamiliar emotions were getting a bit overwhelming. "I think it's a good time for me to go." You nodded sadly but understood that this day had to come to an end at some point. "Okay.. but don't forget to send me a text so I finally have your number and can send you the details for it then." Natasha looked confused at you since she doesn't know what you were talking about. "What? How am I supposed to text you? I don't have your number." This time it was your turn to be confused. "B-but I gave your sister a postcard with my number on it. She was supposed to give it to you."
"She didn't." Natasha was pissed at her sister. How could she not give her the postcard with your number on it? "Ohh.. well I thought you saw it since the postcards kept coming but hadn't the time to shoot a simple text." It made you sad that Natasha never received your postcard. You knew it was just a piece of paper but you still couldn't shake off the loss of the postcard. "If I had your number I probably would have sent you a photo from each location I was at and tease you with the great postcards I had found for you." 
"That would have been exciting! Not only that but you also did a great job with the photograph you took in Rankin Inlet so I can only imagine what other great pictures I would have gotten then." You complimented her photograph skills. "If you give me your phone number now, that still can happen." She smirked. "I'll also be on Yelena's ass for not giving me that postcard." You held out your phone to Natasha. She took it and texted herself after adding her number to your contacts. "I can't wait for tomorrow." She smiled at you. "I can't wait either." Natasha surprised you by kissing your cheek before walking out.
Today 05:37 AM Brunch picnic date? 
Today 09:21 AM What time is considered 'brunch'?
Today 09:23 AM 9:30-11 AM
Today 09:24 AM Nat I just woke up omg
Today 09:24 AM Just lunch then?
Today 09:26 AM What about a late breakfast date and depending on what we do afterwards either lunch or a picnic?
Today 09:26 AM Multiple dates in one day? 
Is that even acceptable?
Incoming call
"Did you even ever go on dates with your ex-girlfriend?" You greetingly joked as you can not fathom her confusion. 
She felt the need to defend her as the words of her ex lover rang in her head. You only have time for your job! You're basically married to it! "We went on dates! Took her on more dates than she ever deserved." 
"Nat? That was a joke okay? I'm sorry it didn't came across that way. I just can't seem to come to the conclusion why you'd think that it'd be multiple dates." You gently told her. 
"What else could it be??" She asked confused, hoping for clarity from you.
"A long date? Or a never ending one?" She snorted as if that's the most ridiculous idea on earth. "That's stupid." Your heart went down your pants, fearing that this would be the end of planing a date. "So should we cancel it then?" 
"What, no! I didn't mean it like that." Natasha said it fast. She was irritated by your opinion but it never meant that she didn't want the date to get cancelled. You broke out into a wide smile after hearing her being in a bit of distress that you put her in. "Just kidding with you." She groaned super load. "Y/N come one!" You giggled at her antics, liking the way she reacted. "Admit it. You love it." 
"Pff. How can I love it when it's irritating?" She asked. "Well maybe because I challenge you in a different way and you're not used to it?" You pointed out. She hated how right you were. It made her feel vulnerable and that was something she did not want to explore more right that moment. "I'm ending this call."
"Natty noooo. I'm sorry for being so forward with you. I might be super comfortable around you already so I guess I have to hold back a bit." 
"I don't you to hold back for my sake. I don't want to change you. What do you think about breakfast in one hour?" 
"I'd be alright with it even if it were in half an hour." You truthfully told her. Natasha told you she'd be by your door by then before she ended the call abruptly. You didn't know what just happened, what triggered her mood to shift in the middle of the conversation. You needed to ask her about that later. For now you got out of bed and made yourself presentable for the date. And it was not long after you finished putting on a bit makeup when the door bell rang. When you opened the door Natasha stood there in a brownish-red shirt and black pants. "I hope I'm not late?" She asked while being a bit out of breath. You shook your head, then glancing down at the apple watch that you wore. "Why would you be late? You're right on time."
"I honestly didn't know what to wear." She said. "I then realized that I only brought some pants and tops. Also a dress for some reason." At the mention of a dress your eyes almost bulged out. Though you loved everything she wore, you couldn't stop imagining her in a dress. "I'm gonna need that dinner date." You muttered to yourself. Natasha smiled at that, already excited at the thought of your reaction to seeing her dressed up. "Breakfast is casual anyways so you're all good." You gave her a grin before complimenting her how beautiful she looks. The red head wasn't used to compliments and especially not when she wore casual civilian clothes. She didn't know how to feel but she knew how to put on the acting front and so she did, she suppressed her feelings and complimented you back. You two were quickly walking outside after that interaction, going in the direction of your favorite place to get breakfast. It was called Zoska and wasn't even a minute away from your apartment. "How does it feel to be back here?" You asked her. Nat took a second to think how to answer. "It feels weird. I have a lot of negative connections towards the city." 
"Must be hard for you. Is Budapest as bad as you described São Paulo in the postcard?" As soon as the words left your mouth, you wanted to take them back. It was so insensitive of you to ask that. Natasha visibly froze, she regretted ever sending off that postcard but she was too shaken up to care at that time. "Forget that I asked." It was awkward for the rest of the walk and it continued up to the point where she asked you what food you would recommend. You had a hard time to recommend her just one thing since everything on the menu was just amazing so you just told her what you'd get and that were the Rántotta Menu. You'd get scrambled eggs with two toppings and coffee. "That sounds delicious. I think I'm gonna take that and... - wanna share some pancakes?" You looked up from the menu card, her green eyes were already on you patiently waiting for an answer. "Sure." You mumbled as you got lost in her eyes. They were so mesmerizing and calling out for you. "Has anybody ever told you that you have the most stunning eyes in the world?" The redness on her face didn't register in your mind, you were just too hypnotized by how her eyes looked at you. This whole situation was new for Natasha, she usually wasn't fazed by people looking at her but your gaze was something else, it was intense yet so soft and curious. "Well..I guess someone just did." She teased. "Good because that someone definitely wasn't lying. That someone is also sorry to stare at you for so long but they can't seem to get out of the trance those beautiful eyes put them in." 
"Well that someone has one of the most beautiful eyes too." She shot back in the most seducing tone you ever heard. But since you were bad at taking compliments you had to give one back. "My eyes are nothing compared to yours." 
"How would you know? You can't see yours unless - Y/N do you by any chance stare at yourself in the mirror?" She was teasing, you knew that but it still gave you a bit of a nervous-panic rush. "What? No!" Your eyes widened and suddenly you were thrown out of the trance. "I'm quite the opposite if you must know." Natasha lifted her eyebrow."Yeah? Tell me more about who you are." You smiled at the redhead and shook your head. "I'll tell you only after we order and eat the food. That's the main thing we came here for." Natasha simply took the opportunity to flirt more with you. "I definitely came for the pretty girl and not the food." Your body heated up everywhere. You didn't know how or why her words affected you so much. "Are you always such a smooth talker?" 
"Perhaps but honestly just wait until you hear my dirty talk honey." You gulped. "Teasing me like this right now is just plain rude!" Shortly afterwards, a waiter came and took your order, it didn't take long until your food was ready to be devoured. Natasha was in heaven with this food, almost moaned loudly. Praised you for the great spot to eat breakfast. After breakfast you walked back to the little park that was basically right in front of your apartment, you guys strolled through there, you itched to hold her hand again but did no such thing after yesterday. Instead you asked what she'd like to see of Budapest for the rest of her stay. Your favorite places were the first thing she said. She wouldn't mind tourist spots but wanted to avoid crowdish places  in case someone did recognize her. You understood from where she was coming from so you suggested museum's and doing a segway tour through the city. 
After just aimlessly walking through the streets for a while you both decided to go back to your apartment for a quick break from the heat that started to build outside. You offered her something to drink, she chose a coffee while you chose a chamomile herbal tea for yourself. For a while the two of you were simply sitting on the couch with your legs crossed, knees touching each others and the warm drinks of your choices in your hands. "I guess I can see now why you stayed in Budapest. It's beyond beautiful and the atmosphere here is very pleasant." You nodded. "Well there are many other beautiful cities in the world and I've been to a lot already but I guess only Budapest's beauty made itself a home in my heart." 
"That sounds lovely." Natasha said while a sudden longing build up in her to have the exact same feeling of home for a city as you had. She felt a hand on one of her legs, the warmth your radiated gave her a fuzzy feeling. Natasha wasn't used to physical touch and therefore kinda hated it, she forced herself not to shove you away since she had to admit that it felt nice to have you touching her. You saw the slight sad look in her eyes, you knew that longing of wanting to feel home too well. That's why you put your hand on her leg, it was your way of giving a bit of comfort. You were glad that she didn't push your hand away, in fact she even put hers over yours after a couple of minutes. It didn't dawn on you until that moment how touch starved you actually were. The warm feeling with the weight of her slender hand had you craving for more skin contact with her. You wanted to be as close as possible all the time. 
The quietness in the room was comfortable, yet you felt super awkward about it so you had the urge to turn on some music for it to play in the background quietly. "Let me put on some music. I have a great new ambience or instrumental playlist." With that you withdrew your hand from her hold, turned towards the coffee table to put down your mug and reach for the remote of your speaker. Quickly you turned it on while lowering the volume since you knew you had in on max the other day, before connecting it with your phone. After you started shuffling the playlist you turned all your attention back to the red head who was looking down at her hand that you abandoned. You tried your luck again. You gently laid your hand near hers, slowly inching forward, the second you touched her fingers and played with them you heard her let out a small sigh of relief. "Please tell me if this or anything else I do makes you uncomfortable." 
"This-this is.. nice?" She said it in more of a question then a statement. "It feels weird but at the same time good?" You realized that she must not have gotten a lot of physical affection as she grew up and that's why the feeling of any touch is foreign. "When was the last time someone hugged you?" You blurted out. Then being super shocked at your own boldness. "The last vivid memory was from last year with Yelena." You nodded, not sure if she even saw it since her attention still was on your joined fingers. "Would you be alright if I hugged you? Maybe even sitting on my lap while I hug you?" She hesitated but started to crawl on your lap nonetheless, her short legs were resting next to each side of your hips while her arms were hanging stiffly against her own body. You slowly put your arms around her, watching her expressions closely. When there was no sign of discomfort you pushed yourself closer to her and hugged her a tad tighter. Natasha stilled in your embrace, taking in the new feeling of being close and being touched so gently. The second she decided this ain't so bad, she hugged you back and relaxed her head into the crook of you neck. "I read somewhere that we need four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for maintenance and astonishing 12 hugs a day for growth."
"That's insane." She mumbled into your body. You agreed with her. After a few minutes of hugging, you felt it was a long enough hug for her as a start so as you leaned back you were really surprised when she pulled you back in again. "You smell nice." Was all she said as explanation. "Thank you. I actually put on the most expensive perfume I own." She inhaled your scent one last time before she removed herself from you. 
"Your most expensive perfume you say.. and all that just for me? I feel honored." Her teasing made you smile. It all just felt so natural. "You absolutely should." There was a split of a moment where she froze before she looked super nervous. "I want to kiss you so badly right now." She confessed. "Can I kiss you?" You wanted to say 'yes' so badly but you didn't, instead you tried to tease her again. "I don't kiss on first dates." She huffed in hopes that you found her so cute that you change your mind but you didn't budge. "Then we call its quiets on the date. Problem solved." You started to giggle which made Natasha smile widely. She liked hearing you giggling and laughing. "I want it to be special." You looked down to your hands. 
"Oh so this isn't special right now?" Your head shot up fast, seeing her lifting up her eyebrow. "Would you rather it be in public where thousands of eyes can judge our first kiss?" Your eyes widen, the image of your first kiss being public made you very uneasy. You shook your head. "Maybe I make an exception and do kiss on a first date."
"Yeah?" - "Yeah" And with that you both leaned in slowly and kissed each other with such care. After the kiss the both of you had such genuinely smiles on your faces that you wished somebody would have taken a photo of that moment. "How's that for a first kiss on a date?" She teased you. "How about a second kiss right afterwards?" You shot back. She didn't hesitate for a second as she dived into your space for your lips and kissed you a bit more desperate this time. It felt as if she was chasing something, chasing the feeling of belonging and home.
"What have you done to me?" She said in a breathless whisper once she put a bit of space between the two of you. "How is this even possible? We're still strangers." You wanted to answer, reassure her that even though they were still strangers that whatever was between them was right but you couldn't. A loud ringing from a cell phone blared through the room, it interrupted the precious moment between you, basically ripping the both of you out of the bubble Natasha and you had created. Who's phone was it? Yours? No that couldn't have been, you always had your phone on silent since the tone of a single notification of an app irritated you. It was Natasha's phone and it was on the cupboard at the entrance next to your front door. Recognition flashed across Natasha's face, the only ringtone she had for her parents was the sound that was currently coming from she phone. "It's my parents." She told you as she slowly removed herself from your lap and went to get it. "Take the call. I'll be in the bedroom to give you some privacy." 
Natasha was grateful for that but she also didn't mind you being in the same room as she took the call. Alexei's and Melina's faces popped up as soon as she accepted the FaceTime call. "Natasha finally you answered! I was getting worried!" Natasha and her parents talked for a while. You didn't mind her taking the time to talk to them, it was cute but after some time you became thirsty and had to go out of your room to get a bottle of water. So when you quietly walked by her, you were surprised that her dad spotted you immediately. "Is that your girlfriend?" Alexei asked with a huge teasing smile while Natasha wondered where he got that ridiculous idea from. "What?" He repeated himself. "Your girlfriend? Yelena told us about her." Yelena and her big mouth would be the death of the older sibling. "I don't have a girlfriend! I've literally have gone on one date with her." She cleared everything up. "Okay, okay. Just don't forget to use protection!" You heard a slap and then a new voice. "They don't need protection they're women." She scolded the man. "Just test on std's and you should be totally fine."
You looked into Natasha's direction, her face was as fire red as her hair, which was even more of a darkish red than when you first met her. You found it cute too see her all embarrassed. For once in you life you were glad that you never had these moments with your parents. "Why are you guys giving me sex talk?? I'm old enough to know what I'm doing!" She shook her head in disbelief. Alexei answered that they couldn't do it with Yelena. "Just because she's asexual? C'mon we all know that asexuality is little to no sexual attraction, the whole sex thing can still happen." Natasha's embarrassment turned into slight annoyance. 
"That is true but the way she acts whenever we only being up the word sex is telling me enough. You however give off strong playboy vibes-" You tried so hard not to laugh but that ended up with something that sounded like a snort that then turned into a cackle. "Sorry." You whispered. "I'm only getting a bottle of water!"
"Listen I-" Her mom cut her off though. "Enjoy your vacation Natasha. Stay safe and allow yourself to be happy. We love you, bye." The Black Widow couldn't believe it, her own mother just hung up on her like this. And then the audacity to even emphasize the enjoyment she should have on her vacation.. she was just stunned.
You sat on the countertop in the kitchen where you had a great view on the couch where Natasha still sat with hot red cheeks. She seemed to be in deep thoughts too so you spoke up to get her out of that state. "Nice parents." You commented. The answer she gave you was unexpected since it was a question instead of a comeback. "Do I really give off playboy vibes?" She asked with shame. Suddenly she overthought a bunch of memories, especially the ones with past partners. Natasha knew the main reason her ex girlfriend broke up with her was because of her being too busy with her job but she can't help but wonder if the playboy vibes were an additional final straw for her ex to break up. 
"No, you are more intimidating and mysteries. A flirt too but still super respectful." You told her truthfully. "Nat look, the best advice I have is to not hang onto words parents say to your face. They always think they know you best but they don't." She sighed, not sure how to feel. You saw her struggle so you continued. "If you don't believe me then ask Yelena or your Avengers friends. They know you well enough too. And if we're being honest I once saw a viral video of Tony Stark.. now he's the definition of a playboy or rather a playboy. Believe me, you're nothing like him." And with that you went to her and hugged her for a split of a second. 
"Thank you." She said. You asked her if she wanted to watch a movie, which she quickly agreed to. One movie lead to two movies lead to three movies which lead to you both falling asleep on your couch. At some point in the middle of the night Natasha woke up by a sound from outside. She saw you still sleeping peacefully but thought you'd like it more in your own bed so she picked you up and put you to bed, then vanished out of your apartment. The next morning came with no evidence that Natasha was even ever there. 
Yelena was furious, the airline somehow lost her luggage, she didn't care about her clothes since they could be replace but your postcard was in her suitcase too. She was too proud and embarrassed to get in touch with you and tell you about the incident. Unfortunately the tiny blonde ex-assassin had no time to visit Natasha. She couldn't get in touch with anyone for weeks, she only hoped that Natasha took care of herself and went back home to their 'parents'.
Taglist: @dcrogoy , @arcturusseer , @comet-forgot-you , @arualdcg , @kksalexa , @imnatobsessed , @presser24 , @00alycia , @wannabe-fic-reader , @lonewalker17 , @mrsrushman , @ctrlamira , @red1culous
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wndmxmffs · 5 years
8 followers away from 300
@microwaveddrabbles @retrobhaddie @cursivefairytales @ironmandeficiency @softlyyethereal @peachy-parkers @the-art-ofdying @mahvericks
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musicallisto · 4 years
hello! i’d love to request a 🍨 for pb and got if possible. i’m she/her; bi; slytherin; september virgo; infp; 4w5. i’m 5’5”, slim build and fair-skinned with dark brown hair and the same colour eyes. as for my personality, i can be quite cold and reserved when i first meet people (which doesn’t really come out online) and i have a hard time trusting anyone new, but i truly love those closest to me. i use sarcasm 90% of the time and love teasing people but my intentions have nothing to do with hurting anyone. i subconsciously use laughter as a defence mechanism and i hate it. i’m lowkey a rebel which is just a nicer word for family disappointment. i have intense mood swings which i cope with by bottling up my emotions. i’d rather listen to people’s problems than talk about my own. despite the cold exterior, i can be soft and kind, and i believe in freedom and equality. i’m ambitious and love learning but not in the way school is trying to force me to - ew. my hobbies include reading books 24/7, writing (much less of the time, but hey, i still get around to it every once in a while) and watching tv shows. i’m also a cinephile and you can trust me with a list of recommendations for your next movie night.
i do hope this is enough; thank you very much fren xx
here’s your vanilla milkshake, Réka, and thank you for your patience! I think you would be amazing with these two incredible women - sansa stark and ada shelby!
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You had been Sansa’s friend for as long as you could remember.
Social differences didn’t matter in the North as much as they did in the South, especially because the Lords of Winterfell had always been close to their people.
So despite the fact that she was highborn and proudly bore the name of the Starks, and you were a tanner’s daughter from Winterfell, your friendship with Sansa had never been frowned upon.
Especially since Ned clearly saw how much fun his daughter had with you. You were the only person she could be seen getting a little muddy and mischievous with. You weren’t true troublemakers, of course, especially not since Arya was the point of reference... but you had your moments of mindless fun.
Being best friends with Sansa was effortless; you hadn’t had to warm up to her, because you had always been close confidantes to one another. She understood everything about you, even when you didn’t say a word...
... but during your teenage years, when you both came of age and other townsfolk your age started discussing boys and flings, a pang of desire started to blossom inside of you and course through your veins.
Maybe you wanted more than to simply be Sansa’s best friend, after all.
Maybe there was more to the way you found yourself staring into her deep, blue eyes like they were the only color worthy of attention...
When Sansa announces that she is to leave for King’s Landing and marry Joffrey, you get into a pretty heated argument, the first you’ve had in more than ten years of friendship.
Part of you is reasonably upset that she kept a news so important a secret from you for so long; and another part of you is mortified and furious at the idea of her going to the capital and becoming Queen to the arm of a petty little brute as snotty as Joffrey Baratheon...
... when she could have stayed at Winterfell and, perhaps, one day, have made you Lady right alongside her.
You’d been bottling up your feelings for her for quite a while and didn’t know how to deal with them - terrified of rejection, but also of not acting out on them and lose her to another... and when she told you she would be leaving, it was like both nightmares coming true at once. There was no use anymore in snarky side remarks, and you exploded from sheer frustration and fright.
Obviously, she couldn’t possibly comprehend why you were so mad about her not telling you all about her family business - which was more about political affairs, anyway -, so you couldn’t sort out your disagreement,
and gave each other the cold shoulder for a few days.
Until the last night before her departure for the South with her father, where you snuck into the castle courtyard to say your farewells and bid her well - fearing you would not be able to if front of everyone on the following morning
And when she came down to meet you with a frown on her heavenly face, the words escaped your mouth before you could control them; they had been a long time coming, but at least they were out and you would not have to carry your secret to the tomb.
And she wanted to get mad at you for getting on your high horse and blowing up when you could have just as easily told her the truth...
... but she’s so elated that her feelings are reciprocated
... that even if she’s leaving for a place of appearances and to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, at least she knows there exists someone outside of her family who sincerely loves her and will always care for her
... and that there exists a world in which you love her and she loves you and that she just happens to live in this world
... that she just kissed you underneath the moonlight, desperate to get a taste of the last element of realness and familiarity that she’d keep to memory.
Of course, going to the capital and to Court had always been her biggest dream, but when she held you in her arms, she wasn’t so sure anymore it was worth leaving you behind.
“So you’re still going?”
“I have to.”
“I wish I could go with you.”
“I’ll be back. I promise I’ll do what it takes to return to the North and find you again.”
A Stark always followed through with their promises; that much you knew.
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Ada and you are passionate about the same things, namely freedom and equality, which makes it easy for you two to hit it off.
You meet at a communist rally, where you’re instantly impressed by and drawn to her strong voice and stronger convictions. She doesn’t talk excessively, but isn’t unafraid to make her voice heard and opinions known.
From your very first meeting, you get a glimpse of how utterly devoted and dedicated to the cause Ada is, and that is even before recognizing her as a Shelby. Though you should have figured earlier - there aren’t many people, especially not women in Birmingham, who would talk so freely and pit herself against the men.
It makes her all the more attractive to you.
Still, you don’t develop a relationship of any kind until long after you met - but she’s a regular at communist rallies and actions for the party, as are you. You end up crossing paths quite often.
She’s an incredible orator, and is brazen enough not to be intimidated by the stares of every passerby when she must deliver passionate speeches about the progressive radicality of your movement. You realize you make an excellent pair - you’re a skilled writer who can move even the most disbelieving of men with your words, and she can blow life into them like no other.
So you write her speeches and she delivers your ideas to the whole world when you’re too insecure to do it.
And you progressively fall more and more in love with her, with how confident and blunt and daring she is.
She loves how well-read you are, too, and she tells you often the world would be a better place if it were filled with women like you, bright and selfless, not these greedy, idiot men who tear each other apart in pointless wars...
You relate so much to the experience of being perceived as a rebel simply for being a family outcast, it’s another bonding point between the two of you.
You don’t necessarily display a lot of affection when you’re together - partly because your relationship would cause quite the scandal if it came to light, but mostly because it’s just not your type.
You both can be quite swept up by the passion, especially when you're still on the adrenaline high from a chase from the cops or one of those Shelby businesses, which will often culminate in breathless, frenzied kisses in an alleyway...
... but the rest of the time, you’re more about sarcastic comments and a little bit of “tough love”.
Though you are fascinated by the relatively modern invention that is cinema in Birmingham, and on the rare occasion you have time and peace of mind enough to go to the “moving pictures”, Ada will, of course, come with...
... and it will most likely include sneaking into the projectionist’s room, a friend of yours from the party, and making out in there for most of the duration of the film.
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800 follower sleepover CLOSED!
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fallenidol-453 · 4 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line.
Openers under a cut, I don’t want to overwhelm ya’lls dash.
- On top of a large hill overlooking the sea, a bare pinprick in the distance, stood the towering Ravenhearst Manor. (Act I; Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst saga)
- Olympe hears nothing but her own screams as she watches Ronan crumple to the ground. (a life for me, not them; 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille)
- It had been a long time since Réka had dreamed this deeply. (speak to me, do not play the tyrant; István a király)
- They are drawn into the mob almost on accident, lured by the loud noise. (what’s a mob to a queen?; Marie Antoinette das Musical)
- Anne rubbed her eyes tiredly as she stared blankly at the black video screen on her computer. (Golden Tears; Dark Parables)
- It was a pity Takhisis no longer had a physical form since Raistlin defeated her. (like ash, like shadow; The Last Trial [Dragonlance])
- They lay side by side in bed, inside a borrowed palace suite, the fire light reduced to mere embers. (last night, first dawn; Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
- Rosamun watches Caramon thrash and writhe in the depths of his nightmare, a scream ready to tear out of his throat. (heart’s pain; The Last Trial [Dragonlance])
- Something wet hit Byleth's eye. (a little drop; Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
- Dagen been born on a cold autumn night, in a room crowded with women, to an elf who desperately tried to keep her screams of labor to a minimum. (exeunt; Mythica movies)
- There was no greater honor than to die beside his War Prince. (a desperate flight to nowhere; The Dragon Prophecy trilogy)
- The weather had taken a bad turn in the early afternoon, with dark clouds bearing down nastily on everyone as they scrambled to seek shelter from the encroaching blizzard. (a place to shelter; Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
- Raistlin lies cold and still under her hands. (how sweet this burn, how cold this death; The Last Trial [Dragonlance])
- The last those who slither in the dark member was finally cut down by Byleth’s sword. (a close shave; Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
- This was a temporary reprieve, Byleth told himself. (a comfortable spot; Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
- Hubert’s not sure what lands the killing blow first: the lance stabbing through his armor, or the burn of poison that splashes into the wound a heartbeat later. (death is on my side; Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
- The bloodthirsty shouts of the mob echo in his mind no matter how hard he tries to shut them out. (kell még egy szó; István a király)
- The battlefield where Koppány's army was routed is a decaying sea of bodies and jutting weapons. (i walk in the valley of shadow; István a király)
-  Once his duties in the Sanctuary of the Star are completed for the day, Harwing goes straight to his sleeping cell and locks the door. (i am made of memories; The Dragon Prophecy trilogy)
- When the knife plunges down, Idalia is not afraid to die. (aeternum; The Obsidian Mountain trilogy)
Well, I clearly love trying to set the scene with someone’s emotions or just. Trying to set UP the scene.
Personal favorite openers are 16, 18, and 20. I see no patterns //shrug
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wndmxmffs · 5 years
as i’m a very happy girl right now who happens to have reached 200 followers, i thought that maybe we should have some “tea party” where we just talk and share headcanons of our own or the ones we’ve seen once and still can’t forget because they’re just that good. i’m also thinking about having a blurb night! so yeah, i’d really love it if you sent me some asks off/on anon and we’d get to know each other a bit more! 
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fallenidol-453 · 4 years
Top 10 Favorite Ladies
@lehetsz-kiraly  I. I tried. I worked on this for like. five hours.
- Vieliessar Farcarinon, Dragon Prophecy trilogy
Tragically, there’s no fanart or book covers depicting her, so here, have a meme that summarizes her role in the trilogy:
Allies and enemies alike: You’re not going to overturn our entire society on its head and destroy our way of life to prepare us for fighting against an unknown enemy that will kill us all if we don’t unite as one.
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The rest are under a cut. The ones with images/gifs are toward the bottom of the list.
- Idalia Tavadon, The Obsidian Mountain trilogy
The big sister/mentor high school me wanted. Always. I love her pragmatism and ability to keep a calm head when shit hits the fan and she just. has her goddamn shit together. that’s her vibe.
- Herald Talia, Valdemar series
Watching her grow from a terrified preteen rejected by her entire family to Queen Selenay’s most trusted advisor with the love and support (that she desperately needs) from her fellow Heralds is just. So inspiring.
Fuck Hogwarts, the Collegium is my fantasy school of choice.
- Kahlan Amnell, Legend of the Seeker
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One of my gay awakenings in high school, though I didn’t realize it at the time. I was always drawn to her fighting skills and strong sense of duty and justice.
- Shuri, Marvel
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I love her brilliant mind. and sass. Th smartest woman in the franchise.
- Lucina, Fire Emblem franchise
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She’s just... so strong and courageous and I love her to pieces. I would not have the courage to do what she did and sacrificed to prevent the cataclysmic world she grew up in from happening.
- Réka; István, a király
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Born with a heart two sizes too big, just wants some peace in the realm. How absolutely ballsy as fuck for her to walk straight up to Istvan and beg for the return of her dad’s body so she could presumably give him a proper burial. After said father tried to rebel against him.
- Princess Leia, Star Wars
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The OG space mom and queen. There will never be another like her.
- Marek, Mythica film series
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She defeated a goddamn Lich King with a hammer while wearing a crown. Enough said.
Okay, I digress. A preppy nerd and former slave who just so happens to be a necromancer. She is an actual angel of my heart and I love how her character develops over the course of the series’ five movies.
- Ahiru/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu
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Ahiru has a heart that’s full of LOVE and she always tries to solve problems with the episode antagonists nonviolently, usually through ballet dancing. Even when shit gets her down she never gives up, and that’s a stance I respect.
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