#ra satsang
4dkellysworld · 1 year
Do whatever you must to quiet your mind
Robert: You have to use whatever method you need at the time. Whatever you have to do, you have to do. But we share all these different methods so you can do something. Student: As the mind becomes quieter, as we surrender, then we would automatically use the best method. Robert: Yes, to the extent your mind becomes quieter, to that extent does your reality become seen or felt, and it's intuitive. It will tell you what to do. It will guide you and lead you in every direction. But the mind has to be quiet, that's the first requisite. And to quiet the mind use whatever method you have to. I know some people who really get angry with their mind, and it worked for them and they shout at it, they say, "Shut up mind, I don't want to hear a word you say, keep yourself still! I can't stand you anymore. Shut up! I don't believe you, you don't exist." And they had a talk with the mind for about a half hour and the mind quiets down. You have to use whatever method you have to use. But the whole idea is to quiet the mind and everything will happen of its own accord. Believe nothing, just practice and see what happens. Student: Robert, the mind can be quiet but isn't the presence also necessary? Because a lot of the Buddhist texts speak of the person whose mind is quiet but their consciousness is hazy, they're like in a daze or a daydream; they're not present or aware. Robert: The presence is always there. What happens when you quiet the mind is that the presence becomes more dominant. Student: I read in that book that you showed me that said that there was a disciple of Ramana who sat in the hall for long hours and he was able to stop thinking but he wasn't in the correct state and Ramana made him go for walks and everything. (Robert: Oh yes.) What was that all about? His mind was quiet and yet it wasn't the correct state? Robert: Well because fear was coming in. He began to become fearful. He picked up a lot of fear. The way he quieted his mind, whatever method he used caused fears to come in more powerful. Student: But how can you call it a quiet mind if there was fear present? Robert: It wasn't really quiet. It was never quiet. But there was fear, so he made him walk around. Student: Oh, so it was a feeling of fear. Robert: It was a feeling of fear, yes. Student: So that's also a mental construct, fear and emotions are also (that)… Robert: Of course. That's why I say you don't have to use one particular method to quiet your mind. Do whatever you have to do to quiet your mind. And everything will take care of itself. Everybody's different, what's good for you may not be good for somebody else. So that's why I never say, "This is the only method." You have to do whatever is right for yourself; practice, find out. If you read too much you can never find out. Be alone with yourself. Find out what makes you tick and everything will work out.
from Robert Adams satsang
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yogi-1988 · 4 months
अध्यात्म से जुड़े आपके 5 और सवालों के शास्त्रोक्त जवाब (Part 2) | Sant Ra...
अध्यात्म से जुड़े आपके 5 और सवालों के शास्त्रोक्त जवाब (Part 2)
देखिए धार्मिक शास्त्रों से प्रमाणित सत्संग का विशेष कार्यक्रम :-
रविवार 26 मई को सुबह 11 बजे से Live
𒊹︎︎︎• शास्त्रो में छुपे रहस्य को जानने के लिए पढ़े पवित्र पुस्तक 📘"ज्ञान गंगा"।
इस पुस्तक को निःशुल्क मंगवाने तथा सत्संग से सम्बन्धित अनमोल ज्ञान की बातें संत रामपाल जी महाराज द्वारा लि��ित पुस्तक "ज्ञान गंगा" बिल्कुल निःशुल्क प्राप्त करके पढ़ सकते हैँ।
𒊹︎︎︎• लिंक पर जाकर सुरक्षित ऑर्डर करें ⤵️
⚪ नोट :- पुस्तक तथा इसकी डिलीवरी दोनों पूर्णतः निःशुल्क (Free) है।
🎋 अधिक जानकारी के लिए Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Youtube Channel पर Visit करें। 🎋
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diggumanikpuri123 · 7 months
Episode : 06 | हिन्दू भाई धोखे में Part-3 | बड़ी बहस | Sant Rampal Ji Mah...
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surajpraksh · 1 year
केवल मुहर्रम ही अल्लाह की इबादत का महीना नहीं है।
अल्लाह को तो हर घड़ी याद करना चाहिए।
अल्लाह के बनाये बाकी महीने अपवित्र नहीं होते हैं।
🏷️ सम्पूर्ण आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान हेतु "ज्ञान गंगा" पुस्तक निःशुल्क ऑर्डर करे ⤵️
☑️ पुस्तक और डिलीवरी बिल्कुल निःशुल्क (फ्री) है।
अपना नाम ,पूरा पता, पिनकोड ,मोबाइल नंबर हमें Whatsapp करें +91 7496801825
➡️ आध्यात्मिक जानकारी के लिए PlayStore से Install करें App :-
"Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj"
➡️ सुनिए जगतगुरु संत रामपाल जी महाराज के मंगल प्रवचन :-
➜ पापुलर TV 📺 पर शाम 7:30 से 8:30
➜ ईश्वर TV 📺 पर सुबह 6:00 से 7:00
👉🏻अधिक जानकारी के लिए Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Youtube Channel पर Visit करें।
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bharatlals-blog · 1 month
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ashokkumarsworld · 1 month
ऐसा निर्मल ज्ञान है निर्मल करे शरीर और ज्ञान मंडलिक है चकवे ज्ञान कबीर
अधिक जानकारी के लिए अवश्य सुनिए संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के मंगल प्रवचन साधना टीवी चैनल पर शाम 7:30 से 8:30 बजे तक��
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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aaaa132 · 2 months
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The five Naam which are given in the Radha Soami Panth are arbitrary and useless.
Five Naam which are given in Radha Soami Panth are upto Kaal according to Tulsi Das ji of Hath Ras.
Radha Soami disciples can not achieve salvation by recitation of these Names.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.
For more details Visit⤵️ www.jagatgururampalji.org
and download sant rampal ji maharaj app.
Satlok Ashram Youtube Channel,and satsang too
Watch Sadhna TV daily 7.30 p.m.
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4dkellysworld · 1 year
Be at peace with everything
You say you want to become free. You say you wish to awaken, become liberated, why does it take so long? Why do I have to go through this life? And go through all the various things that I go through? Take an honest look at yourself. Do you have humility? Do you have compassion? Do you have love? Or do you have anger, fear, hatred? You have to honestly take a good look at your life. See the kind of life you've been living. What are your beliefs? What do you feel about the world, the universe, your self? You have to reconcile yourself with the universe. Be at peace with every living thing, with every sentient thing. Do not allow your mind to tell you anything. Your mind will always fool you. It will tell you all sorts of stories to make you fear - to make you act in a certain way or make you believe a big catastrophe is going to happen unless this or that happens. The only catastrophe that can come upon you is of your own making. You are the one. Do not let the world show you anything that makes you fear or causes you to react. Rather, begin to act from your own divinity. Know who you are. Always be aware of the Self which is you. There is absolutely nothing in this whole universe that wants to hurt you. You have absolutely nothing to fear. Then where does the fear come from? Where do all these negative thoughts come from? These bad feelings we have sometimes? They come from misidentification. This whole world is like a dream. Everything appears so real. We go through different experiences all of our lives and it appears so real. But I tell you, the day will come when you will awaken. And you will realize that you are I-am-that-I-am. You will realize that you are absolute pure awareness. You are the Self. That there never was a time when you were dreaming the mortal dream. But of course, many of you here still do not believe me. For you feel the experience very strongly. You feel all the things that are happening to you. As long as you feel these things and you do nothing to stop the feeling, the attachment to this earth will become stronger and stronger and stronger. This is why certain people can never be in a class like this. For their ego (their mind) is so strong that after they walk out this door, all of the ugly thoughts come back into their mind - the problems they're having, the things that are going wrong in their life, the things that appear to hurt them, the people who have told them the wrong words. And they become very upset; they begin to feel this world again. One day you will awaken from this dream and you will laugh. The awakening can come faster or slower* - it depends on you. It is up to you to begin doing something to yourself so that you may awaken from this mortal dream. So I ask you, "What are doing with your life? How much effort do you put into your spiritual practice?" The more you become involved with the world, the more the world pulls you down. I'm not saying you should give up everything and go and meditate on top of a mountain or in a cave. I am saying continue what you're doing but mentally give up everything. Mentally do not become attached to things by fearing them or loving them or doing anything to them at all. You observe the world and your affairs. You watch what is happening to you.
from Robert Adams satsang
*But also forget about time and don't compare yourself with others
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yogi-1988 · 6 months
Special Episode : 12 | झूठ का पर्दाफाश | बड़ी बहस | 12-04-2024 | Sant Ra...
संत रामपाल जी महाराज इस विश्व में एकमात्र तत्वदर्शी संत हैं। जिन्होंने श्रीमद्भागवत गीता का यथार्थ अनुवाद “गीता तेरा ज्ञान अमृत, गरिमा गीता की और गहरी नजर गीता में” नामक पुस्तक में किया है। आप सभी से विनम्र निवेदन है गीता के यथार्थ ज्ञान को जानकर संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी से नि:शुल्क नाम दीक्षा लें और अपना जीवन सफल बनाएं।
🏷️ अधिक जानकारी के लिए "ज्ञान गंगा" पुस्तक फ्री में ऑर्डर करे ⤵️
☑️ पुस्तक और डिलीवरी चार्ज बिल्कुल निःशुल्क (फ्री) है।
अपना नाम ,पूरा पता, पिनकोड ,मोबाइल नंबर हमें Whatsapp करें +91 7496801825
➡️ आध्यात्मिक जानकारी के लिए PlayStore से Install करें App :-
"Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj"
➡️ सुनिए जगतगुरु संत रामपाल जी महाराज के मंगल प्रवचन :-
➜ lokशाही TV 📺 सुबह - 5:55 से 6:55
➜ श्रद्धा टीवी 📺 दोपहर - 2:00 से 3:00
अधिक जानकारी के लिए SA True Story Youtube Channel Visit करें।
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vishnulonare · 2 months
अनमोल तत्वज्ञानाला (भक्तीला) गुरुजींनी शून्यातून उभारलं आहे . | Sant Ra...
अवश्य ऐका हा शॉर्ट सत्संग - अनमोल तत्वज्ञानाला (भक्तीला) गुरुजींनी शून्यातून उभारलं आहे? | Sant Rampal Ji Marathi Satsang.
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ganeshmumbai · 3 months
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surajpraksh · 1 year
नास्त्रेदमस ने भविष्यवाणी की है कि "ठहरो राम - राज्य आ रहा है। एक महापुरुष पूरे विश्व में स्वर्ण युग लायेगा। जिसके नेतृत्व में भारत विश्व गुरु बनेगा।"
वह महापुरुष और कोई नहीं संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी ही हैं।
🏷️ अधिक जानकारी के लिए "ज्ञान गंगा" पुस्तक फ्री में ऑर्डर करे ⤵️
☑️ पुस्तक और डिलीवरी चार्ज बिल्कुल निःशुल्क (फ्री) है।
अपना नाम ,पूरा पता, पिनकोड ,मोबाइल नंबर हमें Whatsapp करें +91 7496801825
➡️ आध्यात्मिक जानकारी के लिए PlayStore से Install करें App :-
"Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj"
➡️ सुनिए जगतगुरु संत रामपाल जी महाराज के मंगल प्रवचन :-
➜पापुलर TV 📺 पर रात्रि 7:30 से 8:30
➜ lokशाही TV 📺 सुबह - 5:55 से 6:55
अधिक जानकारी के लिए Satlok Ashram Youtube Channel Visit करें।
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ashishsingh278 · 4 months
अध्यात्म से जुड़े आपके 5 और सवालों के शास्त्रोक्त जवाब (Part 2) | Sant Ra...
• अध्यात्म से जुड़े आपके 5 और सवालों के शास्त्रोक्त जवाब (Part 2)
देखिए धार्मिक शास्त्रों से प्रमाणित सत्संग का विशेष कार्यक्रम :-
रविवार 26 मई को सुबह 11 बजे से Live
𒊹︎︎︎• शास्त्रो में छुपे रहस्य को जानने के लिए पढ़े पवित्र पुस्तक 📘"ज्ञान गंगा"।
इस पुस्तक को निःशुल्क मं��वाने तथा सत्संग से सम्बन्धित अनमोल ज्ञान की बातें संत रामपाल जी महाराज द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक "ज्ञान गंगा" बिल्कुल निःशुल्क प्राप्त करके पढ़ सकते हैँ।
𒊹︎︎︎• लिंक पर जाकर सुरक्षित ऑर्डर करें ⤵️
⚪ नोट :- पुस्तक तथा इसकी डिलीवरी दोनों पूर्णतः निःशुल्क (Free) है।
🎋 अधिक जानकारी के लिए Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Youtube Channel पर Visit करें। 🎋
📺♦️ अधिक जानकारी के लिए ♦️📺
☞ सुदर्शन EWS ☞ साधना
06:00-07:00 AM 07:30 08:30 PM
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08:30-09:30 PM 08:00-09:00 PM
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✨ "Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj" ✨
#SaintRampalJi #Youtubechannel #Satsang #MustListen_Satsang
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kashyap06 · 5 months
कोई नहीं जीत पायेगा आपसे - इस विडियो में छुपे हैं अनगिनत रहस्य🔥😨 Sant Ra...
🌬️ यदि आप शराब की लत नहीं छोड़ पा रहे हैं और नशा मुक्ति केंद्र से भी आपको इस बारे में सफलता नहीं मिली है।
तो निराश न हों संत रामपाल जी महाराज से उपदेश लेकर आप इसे बड़ी आसानी से छोड़ सकते हैं।
इस सत्संग से सम्बन्धित अनमोल ज्ञान की बातें संत रामपाल जी महाराज द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक "जीने की राह " बिल्कुल निःशुल्क प्राप्त करके पढ़ सकते हैँ।
लिंक पर जाकर सुरक्षित ऑर्डर करें ⤵️
🟢 नोट :- पुस्तक तथा इसकी डिलीवरी दोनों पूर्णतः निःशुल्क (Free) है।
👉 अधिक जानकारी के लिए "Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj" Youtube Channel पर Visit करें।
सुनिए जगतगुरु तत्त्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज के मंगल प्रवचन :-
➜ साधना TV 📺 पर शाम 7:30 से 8:30
➜ श्रद्धा Tv 📺 दोपहर - 2:00 से 3:00
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almostseverepaper · 5 months
कोई नहीं जीत पायेगा आपसे - इस विडियो में छुपे हैं अनगिनत रहस्य🔥😨 Sant Ra...
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aaaa132 · 2 months
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The five Naam which are given in the Radha Soami Panth are arbitrary and useless.
Five Naam which are given in Radha Soami Panth are upto Kaal according to Tulsi Das ji of Hath Ras.
Radha Soami Panth exposed by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.
For more details Visit⤵️ www.jagatgururampalji.org
and download sant rampal ji maharaj app.
Satlok Ashram Youtube Channel,and satsang too
Watch Sadhna TV daily 7.30 p.m.
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