#raaaaaa I finally wrote Yaksha stuff
A Monster in Chains, A Healer in Pain
Courier: Oh, hey there! I've got a notice for you!
Merlyn: Have you? Let's see it, then. What's it for?
Courier: Some shifty man. Said to give this letter to anyone who might be seeking a monster for a bodyguard.
Merlyn: Whyyyyy on earth do I look like I fit that bill?
Courier: *looking at her party behind her* ... Just a hunch.
Merlyn: Right. Well. *digs into her purse and gives him 50 septims* Y'know, you should really stop accepting deliveries from suspicious people, who knows how it could go.
Courier: Duly noted. Have a nice day, ma'am.
Lucien: A monster? How intriguing.
Inigo: What does the letter say?
Merlyn: Let's see. *ahem* 'For Sale: One monster for any adventurer's needs. Can serve as a carrier, a warrior, a healer, or...'
Kaidan: Merlyn?
Merlyn: '... Or as a punching bag, to let put the day's frustrations.' ... Who the hell wrote this?
Caryalind: Whoever they are, they certainly lack the required eloquence to make a good sale.
Merlyn: But even so, this is.. What sort of 'monster' are they talking about anyway? It couldn't be a troll if it can heal... 'If interested, please make your way to the location indicated at the bottom of this letter. The recipient of this letter is sworn to secrecy upon reading and, if we happen to hear of our operations being leaked, will be punished severely. Price to be negotiated upon arrival.' Egh.. That's unnerving.
Kaidan: What do you think? A black market operation?
Merlyn: Something like that.. It doesn't feel like a regular monster they're talking about.
Xelzaz: No, typical monsters cannot act as healers. Unless they've somehow taught Spriggans to use Healing Hands, or something along those lines. There's something odd about this.
Merlyn: Hm. I say we check it out. Play the part of a buyer in order to get information, then shut it down if need be.
Lucien: You're the boss, boss. We're right behind you.
Lucien: What do you mean we can't go with her?!
Slaver: If she's the one buying the product, it needs to only be her to see it. You all can wait out here until the purchase is complete.
Kaidan: That's bullshit! I'm going in there!
Merlyn: Kaidan, stay here with the others.
Kaidan: What?!
Merlyn: I'll only be a moment. Shouldn't take too long.
Kaidan: ... Fine.
Slaver: Ha. You've got your guards well trained already. I must admit I'm surprised. *leads Merlyn inside the cave and shuts the door behind them, locking the others out*
Merlyn: *playing along as a cruel master* I have experience with difficult types.
Slaver: A good skill to have, with this one. He's a recent capture, so he's not very well tamed. Been very eager to meet a new master, though.
Merlyn: Shall we hurry this along? I'd hate for my men to get antsy.
Slaver: Of course, right this way, miss.
Merlyn: *eyeing several guards they pass as they move through the cave* Quite heavy security for one monster.
Slaver: Ah, you know how it is. Can't have the Jarl getting on our asses if they find out about this little operation. We like to keep things under wraps around here. Besides, it can be quite hard to subdue such a beast, as I'm sure you know well enough by now.
Merlyn: Well enough, yes. I apologize for asking so late, but the notice didn't exactly specify what sort of monster you were selling, and I'd like to know what I'm dealing with before I negotiate a.. price.
Slaver: Ha, smart woman. Allow me to introduce you to our monster. Only one of the fiercest beasts in all of Skyrim, hell, probably even all of Tamriel. Wild and barbaric, and especially vicious, but this one seems to have a soft spot for healing. I present to you... *stops in front of a hollowed out cell in the rock, with a figure huddled amongst the growing ferns*
Merlyn: ... An Orc.
Slaver: That's right! Such terrifying beasts, but they can be exceptionally loyal if properly trained. I'm sure for a.. beauty such as yourself, that would hardly be an issue.
Merlyn: 'Train'? *steps away from the cage, eyes wide with shock* Monster- Orsimers are not monsters-! They are an intelligent race! What on earth makes you think you could just sell one?!
Slaver: The same way the Dark Elves would sell Khajiit and Argonians in Morrowind to the Great Houses, I'd assume.
Merlyn: This is not an age of slavery anymore! Nobody deserves this!
Slaver: ... Are you saying you refuse this offer? Even with your own slaves outside? The Khajiit, the Argonians, that big brute and those elves?
Merlyn: They're my friends! My family! I've never once seen them as things for me to control!
Slaver: Hm. That's quite a shame. *draws his sword, pointing it at her* I'm afraid we're going to have to kill you now, pretty miss. You and your 'family' waiting for you outside. See, you're not the first to refuse this offer. And every time somebody tries to escape, they threaten to tell the authorities. At this point, we've simply stopped taking chances.
Merlyn: *gasps, looking around rapidly at the men surrounding her now* Shit..
Slaver: Any last words?
Merlyn: ... Maybe. *raises a hand, electricity flowing from her fingers. Some of it rebounds, and burns her own skin* I'm going to save that man. And kill all of you. *her eyes glow as the lightning grows to surround her*
Slaver: Haha! You really think you can kill all of us?!
Merlyn: I think I'll take my chances.
Yaksha: *looks up to investigate the light flooding the cave, crawling away from the lightning enveloping the iron bars* What..?
Lucien: ... It's been quite a while, hasn't it? How do you think it's going?
Xelzaz: I don't think she's in grave danger. If she was, Roovi would have found us by now.
Kaidan: I don't like this. It's just another den of snakes.
Caryalind: Perhaps, but Merlyn's always been good at acting. Surely she's playing her part in this well enough that they haven't discovered her intentions yet.
Inigo: *ears perking and twitching, angling in several different directions* ... There is fighting in the cave.
Taliesin: So much for playing a part.
Khash: Let's go!! I wanna make sure Lyn's okay!
Xelzaz: Hold on, now. Inigo, how does it sound?
Inigo: Like she is fighting with lightning. Several people run at her, but fall to the ground seconds later.
Kaidan: With lightning? But Destruction magic hurts her..
Lucien: We should go see what's happening. Is the door still locked?
Taliesin: Obviously. That man locked it as soon as he had Merlyn in his grasp.
Kaidan: Don't say it like that, gods- I'm breaking the fuckin' thing down.
Caryalind: I'm not opposed. Shall we?
Khash: Come on! Lyn is going to kill all of them by the time we get there!
Merlyn: *panting, standing in the midst of dozens of dead bodies, magicka completely drained* Shit... *holds her hands to her chest, wincing at the electric burns littering her hands and forearms*
Yaksha: *watching her from behind a plant, frowning nervously*
Merlyn: *sighs* ... Alright. *looks up into the cell* Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?
Yaksha: ...
Merlyn: I'm going to come in, alright? I saw you were injured. *picks up a key from the dead slaver and unlocks the cell door* ... Unless you don't want me to come in? I can just leave it unlocked and leave if you want.
Yaksha: ... Don't.
Merlyn: Oh shit you can speak- Great! Um- *walks into the cell and kneels down near him* My name is Merlyn. What's yours?
Yaksha: ... My name is Yaksha. Are you.. my new master?
Merlyn: What? No! No no no- T-That was all a lie, I promise! When I got the notice from them I thought it was strange they didn't specify what 'monster' they were selling, so I was acting the part of a buyer to investigate.
Yaksha: So you are not here to buy me?
Merlyn: No, the primary goal was kinda to.. save you.. *trails off, staring at him with a worried frown* You really are injured. *reaches out and gently brushes his cheek, careful to avoid the remnants of his black eye* I have some potions, but we'll need to get you out of here before we can take care of you properly.. I can't even begin to imagine what they did to you.
Yaksha: *leans into the gentle touch unconsciously* ... You are injured too.
Merlyn: Hm? What this? *holds up her burned hand* Nothing a bit of Snowberry salve won't fix when we get outta here, don't worry about me. Hm.. speaking of which, it'll be hard to carry you myself. I just learned the Telekinesis spell, but I doubt I can carry a full grown man yet.
Kaidan: *kicking the door of the lair down* MERLYN!
Merlyn: Ah, there's our solution. Over here, Kai!
Kaidan: Gods above woman, you seriously scare me sometimes. Inigo said you were fighting off all of them at once and- who's that?
Merlyn: *shifts so Yaksha is resting his head on her shoulder, falling unconscious* The 'monster' they were selling. His name is Yaksha.
Xelzaz: They were trying to sell you an Orc?!
Merlyn: Evidently. Help me get him up, we've gotta get back to town before his injuries get infected. I can't imagine laying in the dirt in a disgusting cave like this will be any good for him.
Kaidan: Got it. *lifts Yaksha up, carrying him piggyback with Inigo and Lucien's help* Gods, he's heavy. All muscle.
Merlyn: Poor guy, he's exhausted. I bet-
Yaksha: *grips onto Merlyn's sleeve weakly* Don't.. leave...
Khash: He spoke! Is he awake?
Merlyn: ... *reaches up and takes his hand in hers* No, he's asleep. Let's get out of here.
Kaidan: Aye.
Caryalind: You've hurt yourself, dove. *takes her other hand and examines the burns carefully*
Merlyn: I'll be fine. It was worth it if he'll be okay.
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