atomiqueen · 4 months
♔ — memes / accepting!
@radiaking said: “What the hell were you thinking?”
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        “I was thinking you might want to hug your daughter again when you finally find her!” It was the only thing she could think of, when that old god offered her a boon for bringing them back from the dead. When she realized that divine intervention might be his only chance. “Why are you mad? Was I wrong?"
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thiefscant · 6 days
↪ memes / accepting!
@radiaking said: “better a short life built on truth than immortality woven of lies.”
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        anais snorts, resisting the urge to roll their eyes. they take care now as they slowly sharpen one of their knives, having nicked a finger doing so the night before. “that's awfully easy for a man who's functionally immortal to say.” 
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eraserisms · 1 month
Send 🌺 and i'll recommend a blog i've followed forever
@itsumoegao sent in a pretty flower from this garden!
I actually have like...4 blogs that I have to recommend actually. I couldn't just do one or wait for someone to send me a flower 3 more times; so you're gettin' all of 'em. I have known all of them for quite some time now, even if I stepped away from the RPC for a long time. When I came back to write again (Shota), they were still here and I was very glad to see that. I met them when I was writing Alastor Moody from HP like, 3 years ago. @dhampiravidi who writes amazing OCs and puts so much thought into the characters that she writes. They're always sending in amazing asks and questions that I haven't even thought about. It actually has really helped me develop Mr. Aizawa even further.
@wiccawcnder is another person that I've known for a long time, and I was so excited that they decided to come back to the RPC around the same time that I did! I'm also very glad that she is back from her vacation and that we get to party and write together again.
@proditeur Also a person who I've known forever! G. has done such a phenomenal job of world building for her OC and Reg is a doll. A shithead but we love him for it. But as far as the world building goes; the lore is deep here lads, and I think has an insane amount of thought put into it. Like y'all, I could never build something like that from the ground up. Good shit.
@faultyconscience / @radiaking is the first person to follow me on my new blog/eraserisms. I actually have been really happy to see her get so deep into playing Coop! Dani is very passionate about him and I love to see it. It's clear to me how much she loves him and even when I don't know exactly what she's posting about; I agree 😂. I can't wait to actually finish Fallout so I can develop a verse for ShoSho. I'm currently waiting on a friend to watch it together and I'm sure it'll be fun to explore.
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vaulttecexec · 4 months
↳ @radiaking → ❝ i know you can be better—i’ve seen you be better than this! ❞
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she's pacing, and it's the only outside expression of her frustration. she wants him to understand, and she's tried explaining it a hundred times. they always end up here. right here in this argument. it's becoming a staple in their house.
"i've told you, i'm not doing this to be the bad guy, cooper. i'm protecting-," she gestures between herself, him, the general ceiling where janey slept, "-it's going to happen anyway. don't you understand that? i'm not in a position to do what you did. if i lose everything we're out."
she returns to pacing, teeth gnawing at her bottom lip. she just needs him to get it. to hear her and actually listen. to take what she says and really consider what she means by it.
"no amount of money can fix this. i can't walk in tomorrow and challenge them. i don't know what else you want me to do in the inevitable. keep us safe? i'm doing my best. for you. for janey." she sighs, turning from him. "so, when it comes to you and our daughter? this is my best. doing what i can with what i have."
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[meme, accepting]
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shevaults · 4 months
@radiaking said : ‘ not that i don’t appreciate the irony of a reverse damsel-in-distress scenario… ’
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nora narrows her eyes. typically, she's excellent at reading people, and the ghoul in front of her seems like he'd stab her in the back as soon as she turned away if she were to help him out of his predicament... not that she'd be so stupid as to do that, but you know, proverbially turn her back. you can never be too careful in the wasteland. and worse? the 236 year old recognises him, but she just can't put her finger on why. vault suit bearing the numbers 111 on the back, nora's fingers are wrapped around the trigger of her pistol as she glances over the predicament he's in. " i recognise you, " nora says, tilting her head. " why? "
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nightmdic · 3 months
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" it isn't mine. "
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"That's great to know. . ." it certainly appears like quite a lot, hands ghosting but not daring to touch him or what appears to be decently fresh crimson ichor adorning him. "Mind I ask. . .just what happened?"
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clawsextended · 14 days
@radiaking asked: “you pompous ass.”
“yoU pOmPouS aSs.”
the cat sneers with an entirely arrogant expression, rolling brown eyes as she breathes out a slow stream of smoke from her nostrils. it’s a jet of marshmallow puff, clouds thick and ropy and pale as they waft away into the irradiated air. she rolls her wrist as if waving his words away physically. leans over the railing of her balcony to peer down at the water filters as they chug and bubble away. she rocks on her heels lazily, rolling palms harshly across sheeted steel until it rubs her skin red.
she’s antsy with his eyes on her. it isn’t a feeling like a threat — she’s been palming the revolver and the whip’s handle at her hip for a few minutes (days) now — and if he wanted to fucking try her, well, he would’ve by now. he’d be dead as ever loving hell before he could blink, besides. she’d say his nasal cavity gives her a direct route to his brain, but in truth he’s outlived her by lifetimes and that’s nothing to scoff at. she won’t underestimate him. she wonders how good he is with that little pew pew he’s carrying. (her best shotgun is a sawed-off double barrel that she can orchestrate like a surgeon.) she keeps him on the right side of her body. she doesn’t think he’ll try to cap her to steal her shit, but she’s not jumping to give him the opportunity.
“water’s out back. twenty caps a night out yonder hotel. pick whatever room you want. there’s irradiated water in the boiler, fresh water in the coolers, and the courtyard has a hot tub and a barbecue next to the game rack. jukebox and instruments are for your use. please try not to get blood in my rug in the nuka room. i busted my fucking ass finding that set and I don’t care if it’s aesthetically functional.
—fresh linens are in the cabinet in the kitchenette. if you want any guns modified or you’re interested, i might be kind enough to do you a favor or two. no promises.
—but you’re right. i am a pompous ass.”
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janeyjhoward · 4 months
@radiaking: Starter call and wheel of Doom
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In a different time, she wouldn't have been allowed in the establishment. Luckily, this was the wasteland, and she wasn't buying, anyway. She just needed information, and whatever homemade brew the bar was slinging got people's lips loose. She started with the group on her right, sitting discretely in the corner to listen.
No one ever mentioned his name unless they were talking about a bounty he'd already done, and even then, the name was common enough she couldn't be sure it was the information she'd been looking for. She just wanted to find a crumb of information on her dad. She ran away from the vaults at ten years old when her pseudo-uncle confirmed her dad wasn't in one.
Best case scenario in a world like this: he died. Worst case? She wasn't sure, but she knew there was a chance he's made it this long. What he could keep of himself, at least. She decided to move back to the bar and hope some more.
Near a group of faceless strangers, she finally opened her mouth. "Excuse me, I'm looking for a bounty hunter. He goes by Howard and is apparently the best in the game. Do you have anything I can use to find him?"
If this wasn't her dad, she'd just keep looking until she knew. She just needed to try.
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florrentine · 1 month
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covered in dust and elbow - deep in scrap metal ( and who knows what else waits for her in the pile of garbage she’s razing ) wasn’t what she would consider an ideal way to be spending her morning, but here she was. the pile of what she’s already deemed salvageable ( smaller by a mile compared to the one she’s yet to sort through, unfortunately for her ) serves as a little partition in between her and where @radiaking‘s got a sizable pile of his own to tackle. “remind me why i thought this was a good idea.” it had been at the time … hadn’t it? pulling scrap and having her take a chance in filly to get some caps out of it?
❝ my moms always said: ‘surround yourself with people smarter than you’. ❞
she finds a dented and heavily rust - encrusted box hidden under a gingerly turned piece of jagged steel, an attempt made to clear off the label with the side of a gloved hand before giving it a little shake. “sounds like you had some smart mums there, that’s good advice.” and there’s a bonus waiting for her once she pries off the lid — three caps come tumbling out into her hand when she turns it over.
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“so is that you trying to butter me up in the hopes i’ll offer to look through your half of shit too, or are you suggesting we need more people?”
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woodcries · 2 months
@radiaking sent: i fucked with forces that our eyes can't see. - for lidia
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' ...is that some kind of new chem? ' personally, she'd weaned off of them some time after getting shot in the head and getting her brain fully removed ( a blessing in disguise, perhaps. ) and it made it a little easier to keep up with her constant trips from coast to coast. she wasn't sure how she'd manage to come face to face with a centaur if she hadn't been sober.
' you can take a seat, man. i've got a nuka-cola or two in my bags. '
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w4stelanders · 3 months
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@radiaking radio transmission found : you seem so paranoid - for Connie
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SHE'S GLAD HE CAN'T REALLY SEE HER BEHIND THE OVERTURNED CAR. even if the smile is a bitter one this man doesn't get to think he's won anything with her until she feels she doesn't need to hold her gun.
❝ paranoid is kinda how we have to live , isn't it ? ❞ she jokes regardless. ❝ i'll be less paranoid if you give me a reason not to be. i can start if it'll make you feel better. ❞
connie , finger still on the trigger guard but hands lowered , slowly steps out from cover. there's not much distance between , enough to leap back if necessary , but still , she's exposed now. it's on him to play ball.
❝ okay , your turn. ❞
hit me hard &. soft.
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atomiqueen · 4 months
♔ — memes / accepting!
@radiaking said: 46. sender  pulls  receiver  out  of  harm’s  way .
        The first shots fire from somewhere neither of them is expecting, so quiet Lucy almost doesn't realize what the sound is. Fwip, fwip. And her whole body jerks like she's a marionette and someone's pulling her strings: First back as a bullet pearls into her shoulder, then doubling over as another finds her hip.
        Then the Ghoul has her before she can hit the ground. There's a rush of air around her ears and the sound of more gunfire. He dumps her behind a pile of stone and steel rubble with a grumbled, “Stay.”
        “Where d'you think I'm gonna go?” she asks in a daze. It doesn't seem to hurt yet. That's not right. She should be in pain...
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thiefscant · 2 months
a random starter for @radiaking :)
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        “I said you could travel with us.” The others coming together made more sense; they're all in the same boat, mostly. Tadpole in their heads, threatening to destroy them. This John, on the other hand, has far less dire reasons for tagging along. At least as far as Anais is concerned. “Just don't make me regret it.” 
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nukaknight · 4 months
@radiaking asked: ❛ are there some aces up your sleeve ? ❜ [x]
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He wasn't intimidated, and he meant what he said. Things had to be fair in this world. He wasn't going to share anything, though. That seemed like a mistake to do that. "I don't know what you're talking about, mr. ghoul."
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vaulttecexec · 4 months
@radiaking ⇒ great leaders are raised in the mud, not around tables. [accepting, if you can find it]
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she probably deserved that. to anyone watching, she was the monster, wasn't she? resignation was a fickle thing. in her defense, she never planned on seeing her ex-husband again, and it wan't like he was blaming her directly, now, was he? what little time they remained together was the time to fight. and now-
well, now, she just wasn't patient enough to fight with him about things she couldn't change. she could, however, get her shit together and follow the lead she had on their wayward child who decided to roll for chaotic destruction across the wasteland.
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"yeah, okay." she snarks, packing what was left of the kit she was ready to sling on her shoulder. "do you know what else is born in the mud? worms."
she swings her pack up with minimal effort, tossing braids over her shoulder. "and cooper, i don't know if you were aware, but worms are fucking gross."
that'll be a +3 on the snarky bitch check in barb's favor. she's going after their kid, not dealing with a lecture and an i told you so.
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wandercr · 2 months
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@radiaking said: ❛ what's your problem?! ❜
❝ do you want a list? ❞ she snarks, resisting a roll of her eyes. everyone and their dog wants a piece of this wilzig guy. it's just her luck that finding -- and keeping -- him proves this goddamn difficult.
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❝ i don't know who you are or what the hell you want, but i'm only your enemy if you make me one. ❞ even this conversation is wasting time for both of them.
❝ you're some sort of bounty hunter, right? how about this, i help you catch this guy, you give me a few hours to question him, then you cash him in for the prize. all yours. ❞
she crosses her arms over her chest, one shoulder shrugging.
❝ if we're after the same thing, why work separately? once he answers my questions, i don't care what you do with him. ❞
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