radicalit · 2 years
It is insane to know your father watches porn.
Your brother watches porn. Your teacher, your professor, your cousin, your friend. Every man in your life, whether you have a positive or negative relationship with, is actively choosing to watch women get hurt, abused, degraded, endanger their life for his sexual pleasure. Every man you know grew up on the notion that you are lesser than him. Does the seller in the grocery store search for people like you on his favorite human trafficking site? Did your guidance counselor search for teen girls before or after you went into his office? Or late at night, at his home computer, under a protected network, because those children are different than you, come from a worse background, are abused by others, so it's ok? You are a child. She, who is the same age as you, is a #sexworker. Or maybe she just turned 18 but has pigtails and pretends to color in a book before she gets abused. When you performed better in class than a male student, in work than your male coworker, did he go watch people like you get degraded in the most base, awful ways? Did he do it to punish you? To get revenge? When you broke up with your ex, did he think, even for a moment, to post intimate pictures of you so strangers online could get off on humiliating you? Did he decide against it, because he is #OneOfTheGoodOnes? Does he #StandWithHer? Did he instead go watch other woke feminist porn? Does he understand that if your photos being used for jacking off by others is humiliating and a punishment, so are the photos of that feminist, inspiring, empowered woman he pays every month to act out his fantasies?
Does your father know abusing other women is part of abusing all women? That you and that woman on his screen have more in common than you and him will ever have?
Words can't explain the horror of living under this constant, ever-present shadow. Porn rots our society. Porn is terror.
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radicalit · 1 year
'Classic radblr authors' and not just 'radfem authors' because not all of them are/were radfems, but they are feminist authors popular here :) If you've read feminist literature before reading any of the authors mentioned, pick the first radfem reading. If not, pick the first 'general' / second wave feminist reading!
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radicalit · 3 months
I worked at a few rich (real rich) families' homes. The wives, who have more money than I will ever see in my life, still have a useless husband almost 100% of the time. On a normal basis, the wife will make more than my entire family's income combined, and her husband still won't know where they keep the garbage bags.
Being rich doesn't save you from patriarchy or gender roles.
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radicalit · 9 months
I have so many side blogs, and it's so funny when i get interactions from people with "terfs dni" in their description. Girl... youre never gonna believe this,
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radicalit · 1 year
Tumblr media
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radicalit · 1 year
Here's the thing. Even if you're against radical feminism, you can do so without comparing this political ideology to a fully different political ideology that you also don't like? Like, I am against republican ideology and conservatism. I also don't agree with communism. That doesn't mean they're in any way similar, just that I believe they're both flawed in different ways.
The whole "radfems are actually conservatives because i don't like them!" is such a shallow argument. "Both ideologies sometimes agree on some things!!!" Fundamentalist mormons and liberal leftists also agree on polygamy, but no one in their right mind would call fundies left wing, or say in good faith that they're lgb. Both anarchists and conservatives are against big government (to various extents). That doesn't mean they're the same ideology.
Radical feminists are pro women's reproductive rights and against restriction of abortions. So do (most) left trans activists. That doesn't make the ideologies identical. If you want to criticize radical feminism, do it - but once you claim radfems are conservatives, you only show you don't truly know what you're saying.
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radicalit · 1 year
March 8, International Women's Day: we should use it as a day to donate to a feminist cause, whether financially or with our own service.
Find a place, organization, community, etc, that is by women for women and support it however you can! Let's make actual tangible effects in women's lives.
Feel free to add in the reblogs any place you want to support and bring attention to, so more gyns could support it :)
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radicalit · 1 year
Apologies from my tongue Never yours Busy lapping from flowing cup And stabbing with your fork I know you’re a smart man And weaponise The false incompetence It’s dominance under guise If we had a daughter I’d watch and could not save her The emotional torture From the head of your high table She’d do what you taught her She’d meet the same cruel fate So now I’ve gotta run So I can undo this mistake At least I’ve gotta try
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radicalit · 1 year
I wrote 'classic radblr authors' and not just 'radfem authors' because not all of them are/were radfems, but they are feminist authors popular here :)
If you've read feminist literature before reading any of the authors mentioned, pick the first radfem reading. If not, pick the first 'general' / second wave feminist reading.
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radicalit · 3 months
Genuinely enjoyed and liked Drive Away Dolls (2024). Yes, it was very penis-centric, but what can you expect from Ethan Coen. At least they were very clear about lesbians being interested in dildos, not actual penises.
Overall, I thought it was a charming little lesbian movie with very good acting and great humor. Definitely recommend watching it, just not with family lol.
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radicalit · 3 months
My cousin gave birth to a baby girl 🥰🥰 she's such a sweet little thing and I even got to hold her, which makes her the youngest baby I ever held (two days old!) and now I kinda just wanna talk about her all the time
I can't wait for her to grow up a little so we will see her personality!
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radicalit · 4 months
I'm watching dimension 20 and the casuality they are throwing the slur "b*tch" around to refer to women, especially women they don't like, is so disgusting
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radicalit · 5 months
Gyns, do you have any recommendations for female country singers? Modern or classic, doesn't matter.
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radicalit · 1 year
btw whether 20something year olds end up deciding that engaging eith the harry potter franchise is harmless or it means you have blood of the oppressed is on your hands, in the real world kids are still reading it and are still absolutely obsessed with it
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radicalit · 1 year
The barbie movie is gonna usher in a new wave of "actually conforming to patriarchy rules is good if i choose to" posts and ""bimbofication"" crowd, i can already guarantee
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radicalit · 1 year
Mafalda would be the BIGGEST radfem
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