righthandedleftturn · 6 months
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Women of Farscape
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mippippippis · 1 year
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FARSCAPE S04E03 - What Was Lost: Part 2 - Resurrection
part two // part one
"We saw them not kill you. Why didn't they?" "They think I know some sort of secret survivor code." "What did you say to them?" "Skernak."
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fabthememesatan · 7 months
anyway oc art jumpscare
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severalforraelee · 1 year
The Girls Part 14: Charles Leclerc x Reader
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Photo credit to Team Scuderia Ferrari
Word count: 4,410
Written by raelee / Posted Oct 10
Formula 1 Masterlist
The Girls Masterlist
“I heard you were in Monaco and didn’t come see me,” Lando accuses as soon as I answer his FaceTime call.
“You were already in Mexico,” I answer defensively.
“Yeah, but asking me would’ve still been nice.”
“Why would I ask if I already knew that you weren’t there?” I question.
He opens his mouth to respond but stops, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I watch his eyes flicker on the screen, and as I’m about to ask him about the sudden movement, he answers my unasked question.
“Where are you right now?”
“Oh, uh,” I laugh nervously, causing Lando to squint at me. “I’m actually in my new flat.”
“Your new flat?” Lando raises his eyebrows at me.
“Yeah, Charles and I actually moved in together.” I wince, waiting for the earful that I’m about to receive.
If Lando doesn’t like Charles even staying at my flat, he’s going to hate that we live together now. Even if I told him that Charles is gone half of the year and we stay in different bedrooms he still wouldn’t be happy about it.
Lando opens his mouth, about to speak again, when his doorbell suddenly rings. I thank whatever God is listening in on our conversation for that. 
“Hold on,” he tells me like I have another option, heading towards his door so that I’m left staring at his ceiling. I hear muffled voices before he returns.
“Who was that?” I ask, hoping that the question will distract him from our previous topic.
“The delivery man,” he answers.
“Oh, what’d you get?”
“It’s not for me.”
I give him a questioning look at the response.
“They’re birthday presents for Ada and Lucy.”
Ada and Lucy's second birthday is coming up. They’re so excited to have a day that’s just dedicated to celebrating them. They’re especially looking forward to being able to eat cake and junk food all day, and open presents.
Unfortunately, it also falls on the day of the grand prix in Brazil. So Lando and Charles, two of their favorite people, won’t be able to celebrate their birthday with them on their actual birthday.
It’s going to be extremely difficult to explain to the girls why we’re celebrating, but why we’re not celebrating with the ones that they love.
“You didn’t have to buy them anything, Lando,” I insist.
“They’re my nieces, they’re going to get spoiled.”
“Well, thank you. We appreciate it. Were you going to come to London soon to celebrate with us?” I question.
It’s at a weird point in the season right now. There’s only a few races left until the season ends and winter break starts, so the atmosphere is weird. There’s a lot of testing and media duties for the drivers to do, so they’re at one of their busiest points, but everyone is ready for the season to just be done so they can get a little break.
“Well I was actually thinking that I could give them the presents in Brazil.”
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. “Like… you give them to Charles and Charles gives them to Ada and Lucy?”
“No, like you, Ada, and Lucy come to Brazil to watch the grand prix and McClaren will throw a birthday party for them, and I can give them their gifts then,” he suggests.
“Oh,” I’m taken by surprise. It’s honestly something that I hadn’t considered. “Lando, the grand prix is in like two weeks, that’s very short notice.”
“Yeah, but you already said that you don’t have classes on Fridays. And I think you said you work every other Friday and if I did my math correctly, you would have off that Friday,” he explains.
“I have a class on Monday in the afternoon, so if we flew back Sunday night or Monday morning I would still be able to make it…” I shake my head.
I can’t believe I’m considering this.
Going to a grand prix would bring the opposite of what I want for the girls. It would draw attention to them, especially if McClaren hosts a birthday party for them. After all of the drama on social media and people spotting us as a family of four out in public and posting about it, it makes me worried to go to Lando and Charles’ home away from home.
But… the girls have been showing more and more interest while watching the races lately. And I would love for them to be at a race to see their father and their uncle in their element. Plus meeting the people that Charles and Lando surround themselves with the majority of the weekend would be nice.
“I’ll have to think about it, Lando,” I sigh. “It just might be too hard and too soon after going to Monaco.”
“I get it, you don’t want to see your brother,” he jokes.
I roll my eyes. “Oh no, you caught me.”
“Let me know what you decide, alright? I can fly back and help you fly out with the girls, and I can pay for your flights and hotels and everything,” he offers.
I take a deep breath, gearing up to tell him that he doesn’t need to worry about that and I could figure it out myself. Then, I stop. “Okay, Lando.”
“You know what would be great?” Charles asks.
“What?” My eyes shift from the textbook in front of me to my laptop screen that has the problem pulled up, working through it in my head while also trying to carry a conversation with Charles.
“If you came to the Brazil grand prix with Ada and Lucy so that we could celebrate their birthday as a family.”
My head snaps towards where he’s set up on a FaceTime call on my phone leaned up against my water bottle.
“What?” I repeat my earlier question, although this time with surprise. My heart flutters when I catch that he referred to the four of us as a family. I know that I do it, but it’s nice to know that he does it too.
“Yeah, you know. We could celebrate their second birthday on their actual birthday, they could have a little party at Ferrari,” he suggests. “It’d be fun.”
“Have-”I pause at the question that I’m about to ask, already not believing the words that are about to leave my mouth, but Charles urges me on. “Have you been talking to my brother at all?”
“What? Why would you ask that?”
He’s a terrible actor.
“Because he said the exact same thing,” I deadpan.
“Great minds think alike.”
I sigh. “I’ll tell you the same thing that I told him. I’ll think about it.”
“If you’re worried about traveling with Ada and Lucy, I can fly back and fly out to Brazil with you three,” he offers.
“God, you really did talk to Lando,” I murmur. “You know what? Fine. If you and Lando can come out and help me fly out to Brazil with two toddlers and all of our luggage, we can spend their birthday at the grand prix in Brazil. I’m sure they would love that.”
“You’re not going to regret it, mon amour,” he grins enthusiastically. “I’m going to call Lando now to figure out all of the details.”
“Okay, have-”The phone call ends before I can finish my sentence. “Fun.”
I roll my eyes at the clear excitement on Charles’ face, but can’t hide the smile that’s growing on my lips.
“Lando, can you grab a bag, please?”
It’s like deja vu, except this time Lando is the one holding Ada and Lucy’s hands while I walk alongside Charles who struggles with the bags once again.
“No, I’m escorting Ada and Lucy right now,” Lando denies. Charles gives him a look of disbelief. “Uncle privileges.”
“Charles, just let me grab-””Not you, mon amour,” he declines, heaving a bag higher onto his shoulder.
I roll my eyes at his stubbornness but don’t persist any further.
I’m just surprised that I’m in the airport for the second time this month, jetting off on yet another international trip. I’m shocked that I’m doing this at this point in my life, nonetheless with two toddlers by my side.
Of course I have help from Lando and Charles (although, is Lando really help?) but after trying so hard to keep my daughters out of the public eye, taking them to a place where people from all walks of life attend is crazy to me. I can’t help but feel weirdly proud of myself for how far I’ve come.
“Are you okay?” Lando’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I return his gaze. “You just kind of zoned out there.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I smile at him and he smiles back.
And they’re genuine smiles. I really am fine.
Charles gets us in on Friday without having to deal with any of the media. I’m secretly relieved- as much as I’ve tried to reassure him that I don’t mind the media and fans, we’ll just have to hide the girls’ faces as best as we can, he’s taking all precautions to protect their privacy as best as we can.
“What are my nieces wearing?” A voice snaps me out of my quiet bickering with a whining Ada.
“Shirts and jeans,” I answer, picking her up and into my arms.
“Ferrari shirts,” Charles smirks at Lando.
“Ugh,” Lando wrinkles his nose in disgust. “That won’t do.” He glares at Ada’s gray Ferrari T-shirt and Lucy’s red one. “I’ll find something else for you.”
He disappears before Charles and I can say anything else.
I roll my eyes, a point for Charles not to comment on it, before we make our way into the Ferrari garage.
“Y/N!” I’m pulled into a pair of arms as soon as I enter. I don’t recognize the arms- he’s gotten much more muscular over time- but I do recognize the cologne.
He still needs to use less of it.
“Oh, Carlos,” I wrap my free arm around him.
When I was Lando’s assistant and Carlos still drove at McClaren, we became close because of their close friendship. I didn’t tag along on all of their outings, I hate golf, but we would go out to dinner and for walks together.
We became close fast.
And it was difficult when I had to end that friendship.
I pull back, wiping at the light tears in my eyes at the sudden rush of emotions hitting me. Luckily, Carlos doesn’t comment on it, leaning in closer to brush his thumb against the little girl in my arm’s cheek.
“And this must be Ada, I see you in all of your mother’s stories.”
“Is everyone on your private story’s list but me?” Charles whines.
“Step it up, Charles,” Carlos grins at his teammate, brushing a strand of Lucy’s hair behind her ear. Her cheeks blush as she stares at him.
“Oh no, no boys,” Charles scolds gently, turning away so that Lucy could no longer face Carlos.
To my surprise, Ada’s staring back at Carlos. Not in a bashful way like her sister, but in a curious way.
“I heard it’s your birthday,” Carlos says to Ada and Lucy.
“On Sunday they turn two,” I explain.
“Well I got you birthday presents that you need to open today.” He grabs two nearby bags.
“Carlos, they don't need anything. Especially not today, it’s not their birthday yet,” Charles tells his teammate.
“They’re opening them anyway.”
Carlos’ tone leaves no room for argument and the girls have already focused on the bags, so Carlos hands them over to open.
They’re toddler sized Ferrari hats, but on the brim there’s a 55 and they’re both signed by Carlos.
“Really? You signed it too?” Charles looks unimpressed. I can’t help but laugh, which earns a grin for Carlos and a glare from Charles.
“They could make a nice buck off of it one day.”
I try to subtly walk through the paddock back to the Ferrari garage to meet Charles after showing the girls the cars on the track for qualifying, but it’s not easy with a tired toddler on each hip while trying to look out for any phones recording or taking pictures of us.
An arm suddenly pushes on my back, guiding me towards a different garage.
“These are my nieces,” Lando’s familiar voice announces proudly to the group of mechanics and engineers.
“Ew, Lando, get your arm off of me, you’re all sweaty,” I whine.
He rolls his eyes but removes his arm, reaching out to forcibly take the exhausted girls from my arms into his.
“No, you must be tired from the race, I can hold them,” I reassure them.
“Let me spend time with my girls,” he disagrees.
“And who might you be?” One of the mechanics raises an eyebrow at me flirtatiously.
Before I can handle it (in other words, embarrass myself) Lando speaks up, glaring at the mechanic. “She’s my sister.”
One of the other mechanics nudges the guy and mumbles something. All I can manage to hear is ‘Leclerc.’
Speak of the devil and he may appear.
“What are you doing here?” Charles asks in confusion, resting a hand on my waist gently and stepping around me to wave at his daughters.
“Lando pulled me in here,” I explain.
“Did you come to spy on the enemy, Leclerc?” A man I’ve only seen in photos approaches. Well, he’s really just a boy.
“Oscar Piastri,” my face lights up at the sight of him and I step forward to shake his hand. “It’s so great to finally meet you. You know, I loved your overtake in F2 in Bahrain-””Now hold on,” Lando interrupts me. “Are you telling me that my sister is actually an Oscar Piastri fan?”
“Yes, I really am,” I admit, watching as Charles wrestles Ada out of Lando’s arms.
“I can’t believe this, my own sister likes my teammate more than she likes me,” my brother says in mock disbelief.
“Why wouldn’t she? I’m the one decorating the cake for her daughters’ birthday party on Sunday,” Oscar grins smugly.
“Birthday party? On Sunday? Here?” Charles repeats parts of the sentence, raising his eyebrows.
“Yes, that’s what he just said. Do you need your ears checked or something?” Lando questions jokingly.
“You can’t have a birthday party for the girls here on Sunday. We’re having a birthday party for them in the Ferrari motorhome,” Charles says.
“Well I’m their uncle that they rarely see, so they really should be spending more time here with me, and that includes having their birthday party here,” Lando responds.
“And I’m their dad, so they should have their birthday party in a familiar environment. And that’s surrounded by red,” Charles narrows his eyes at his competitor.
As if they both suddenly remember that I’m there, they turn to look at me with expectant gazes. As soon as I recognize the expressions, I laugh.
“Oh hell no, you’re not dragging me into this. Figure it out yourselves.”
They turn back to each other in defeat, narrowing their eyes at each other once again. This is going to be a long weekend.
“Oh my god,” I gape at the screen, hugging the girls tight to me as Charles crosses the line for a second place finish. “Dad came in second place, girls.”
The girls, despite not knowing what I’m saying, clap their hands in excitement, causing the engineers and mechanics around me to laugh.
“Are you going to the podium?” One of them asks.
“Oh, I don’t know,” I frown, fighting myself internally.
On one hand, it would be a great opportunity to remind Charles that I care about his career and success. Having his daughters at a race with him to watch him for the first time and then to get a podium, I know he’d be a little disappointed if we weren’t to go to the podium celebrations.
But on the other hand, I’m still worried about Ada and Lucy’s privacy. I know that pictures of their faces are already out there, but I want to do all that I can to prevent more of them from getting out. I want them to be able to have that privacy to decide what they want to do in the future instead of always being known as Charles Leclerc’s daughters. And a grand prix with cameras and strangers everywhere… they’re bound to constantly be on camera, especially with the controversy surrounding their existence and sudden appearance.
“Are you worried about their faces being seen?” Another mechanic asks. “Because I have a solution.”
I give him a curious look and he grabs two nearby helmets used for decoration, putting them over the girls heads. They squeal in excitement and I laugh.
“That’s genius.”
Together we make our way to the podium, crowding together behind the fence for Charles, Max, and Sergio to drive up. Everyone around me is polite, making sure to leave me plenty of room with a toddler on each hip.
When Charles pulls up and sees us, an expression that I’ve never seen before appears on his face. It lights up and it’s full of adoration, and he practically runs over to us.
He rips his helmet off, throwing it haphazardly on the ground behind him before leaning forward, lifting the visor of Ada’s helmet and placing a kiss on her nose. He does the same to Lucy and I smile at the gesture, expecting him to move on to the guys beside me to celebrate with them.
To my surprise, he pulls me into a hug, Ada and Lucy squished between us.
“Happy for you,” I confess to him, choking back the sobs that want to escape. He gives me a soft smile, able to tell that I’m seconds away from crying.
Thankfully he moves on to the guys before I start bawling my eyes out. I don’t know why I feel like crying. Maybe because this feels so… natural. Being at grand prixs again, surrounded by all of the drivers and mechanics and engineers. Taking my daughters to grand prixs, showing them the world that their uncle and dad were raised in and now are dominating.
Maybe it’s the pride that I feel for Charles, who’s having such a great season.
When Charles is up on the podium, I do let a tear slip.
“Good, I was just looking for you. They’re setting up the birthday party at the McClaren motorhome right now,” Lando catches up to the four of us as we walk back to the Ferrari motorhome.
“Lando, the Ferrari motorhome is already getting their birthday party ready,” Charles informs him slowly.
“Well, I already told you that McClaren’s going to host their birthday party.”
“And I already told you that Ferrari’s going to host their birthday party.”
Once again, the two stare each other down.
God I’m really getting sick of this.
“Guys, I have something to show you,” Alex suddenly appears, breaking the tension.
“Oh thank god,” I mumble, following behind him as he begins to make his way down the paddock.
“Is it in the Williams motorhome? That’s such a far walk,” Lando whines. I hear a thump, then another thump as Lando hits Charles back.
Alex holds the door open for us and Ada and Lucy enter ahead of everyone else. All of the sudden, a bunch of people jump out from behind the furniture in the room, shouting “Surprise!” and blowing party blowers.
Ada looks around shyly, clinging to my leg, while Lucy takes a step forward with a wide grin, loving the attention. There’s people from all the teams here, from employees in the communication departments to mechanics, engineers, and drivers.
I recognize a lot of the faces even years later, but there’s some new ones as well.
“Thank you for this,” I murmur to Alex as Lance Stroll and Esteban Ocon manage to pry Ada off my leg to dance and Lucy watches in a trance as Fernando Alonso and Sergio Perez engage in a conversion in Spanish.
“Of course,” he grins at me, knowing how much easier it is to have this party at a neutral location. Not only to stop the fighting, but also to hopefully mend the relationship between Lando and Charles.
It’s only when Ada and Lucy blow out the candles on their cake that it hits me. I have two two year olds.
Of course I know that they’re not the small babies that I once cradled in my arms or fed bottles to, but it’s so much harder actually realizing it. They’ll never be as little as they are now.
And right now… they’re not even that little. Right now they’re holding their own forks, feeding themselves cake while trying to keep it off of themselves as best as they can. They’re real people with thoughts and emotions, and they no longer need me as much as they once did.
It makes my heart hurt.
I glance over at Charles, thinking of his reaction when we found out that I wasn’t pregnant. If anyone’s the father of my girls, I’m glad that it’s him. It makes me curious about my future children… what their dad will be like. If it’ll be Charles.
“Why is she staring at him like that?” Alex’s question snaps me out of my thoughts.
My cheeks blush, thinking that I’ve been caught, but once I follow his sightline I see Lucy staring at Carlos, batting her eyelashes at him.
“She’s trying to flirt with him,” I inform him.
“That’s flirting with him?” Esteban raises his eyebrows in disbelief. It’s literally just staring creepily at Carlos and blinking quickly. She needs to work on it.
“I wonder where she learned that from,” Lily giggles, nudging me.
“That’s a classic Y/N move,” Charles chimes in.
“What? No it’s not,” I deny, reaching over to push his shoulder teasingly.
“Please, do you not remember?”
“Remember what?”
He grins at me and it’s like we’re the only two people in the room. “Remember when we would lay in bed at night on a race weekend and you would bat those pretty little eyelashes at me, ‘Oh Charles, can you please go get me a chocolate bar from the vending machine?’”
“I never did that,” I exclaim.
“Yes you did, on multiple occasions. I’m surprised we were never caught with how often I would have to buy you damn chocolate bars,” he teases.
I laugh and he joins in softly.
Someone clearing their throat snaps us out of the moment and I suddenly remember there’s people around us.
“Um, let’s move on to presents,” I announce awkwardly.
Ada and Lucy get so much stuff. Esteban gets them a book on how to learn French- I guess he doesn't know much about two year olds, Pierre gets them mini purses from Louis Vuitton, Lando had two toddler sized play cars sent to our new apartment but gives the girls practically the whole Barbie aisle for the party, and Max gets them a baby shark toy (something about how good the song is).
Slowly, everyone begins to leave, and Lando and George keep the girls entertained while Charles and I begin to clean up.
“Well I’d say the party was a success,” I say to Charles, bending down to pick wrapping paper off of the ground.
“Yeah, Albon did a great job hosting. Ada and Lucy had a lot of fun,” he glances over to where they’re playing with their new toys.
“So did the drivers,” I chuckle.
I begin to rise at an angle, hands full of wrapping paper as Charles bends down at an angle to grab some more wrapping paper. I turn my head at the same time he ducks his down, his lips landing on my own.
We kiss for a split second, lips moving against each other in sync before I remember where we are and pull away with a quiet gasp.
My eyes look over at the group of four, seeing them still playing. They didn’t notice the accidental kiss at all.
The damage is done as I look over at Charles, who’s staring back at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. I stare back with blushing cheeks.
“Are you guys almost done?” Lando calls out, breaking our staring competition.
“Yeah, just a little bit longer,” I agree, not breaking the gaze with Charles.
We don't have the chance to talk about it.
As soon as we get back to the hotel, both girls are sent into meltdowns from the sugar high and a long, exhausting day. Then, since they’re both throwing a fit, once one begins to calm down the other one begins to overreact which sends the other one into a fit again.
Finally Charles and I manage to bathe them, change them into their pajamas, and get them to bed.
If I’m exhausted, I don’t know how Charles feels.
I can feel his eyes on me as I anxiously fold one of Lucy’s dirty shirts.
I look up, meeting those hazel eyes that I’ve become so accustomed to seeing. Now I don’t know what I would do without them.
“So…” I start awkwardly.
He just looks so good like this. Hair messy from a long day, in just a casual T-shirt and gym shorts. It’s his dad look. The dim light from the hotel lamp casts a warm glow on him, making me want to just reach over and pull him into my arms.
Before I can even react, he takes two steps forward, hands gently placed on my biceps as he turns me towards him. He leans down and my hands reach up to grab the back of his biceps as our lips meet.
It’s an anticipated kiss, and god, was it worth the wait.
His lips are warm and comforting, like pulling on a sweatshirt straight out of the dryer. Like it’s meant to be, and although you know it can’t last forever, you’ll savor it while it’s happening.
His hands slide down to my waist and my arms wind around his neck, pulling him as close to me as I can.
It’s Ada and Lucy’s second birthday. And it’s also the day that Charles and I kissed twice- once on accident and once on purpose.
This may be one of the happiest days of my life.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Farscape: The Complete Series will be released on Blu-ray on November 21 via Shout Studios. The 22-disc box set contains all 88 episodes of the science fiction series along with the miniseries Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars.
Created by Rockne S. O'Bannon (SeaQuest DSV, Alien Nation), the show was produced by The Jim Henson Company and Hallmark Entertainment. It ran for four seasons between 1999 and 2003.
Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Virginia Hey, Anthony Simcoe, Gigi Edgley, Paul Goddard, Lani Tupu, Wayne Pygram, Jonathan Hardy, Tammy MacIntosh, Raelee Hill, Melissa Jaffer, David Franklin, and Rebecca Riggs star.
Special features are in progress and will be announced at a later date, but Shout promises hours of extras.
John Crichton. Astronaut. Flung through a wormhole and lost in a galaxy far from home. He finds himself in the middle of a prison break, surrounded by hostile aliens, soaring through space inside a glorious living spaceship called Moya. Hunted by the relentless Peacekeepers, he allies himself with his unimaginably alien fellow refugees and searches for a way home. So begins the epic sci-fi classic Farscape.
Pre-order Farscape: The Complete Series.
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lilactyme · 10 months
A novel packed with action, drama, mystery, suspense and romance.
Click here: Raelee Scattering
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scorpsik · 1 year
9 people you'd like to get to know better ♡
Thank you @hancydrewfan
last song: Everywhere - the opening track from The Cranes 'Forever' album. Great goth album from the early 90's. Just takes me someplace magical.
favourite colour: Purple. Raelee Hill knitted me a purple scarf once!!!
currently watching: The Shield (again) - the show is absolute perfection in my opinion - and groundbreaking for its use of direction and editing. Also rewatch Breaking Bad and The Leftovers pretty regularly too!!
last movie: God, don't expect anything modern or mainstream!! The Disappearance Of Alice Creed (twisty turny twisty twisty thriller). And I'm going to watch the horror flick 'Triangle' (the Melissa George one) tonight on DVD.
currently reading: I just finished Masters of Make Up Effects by Howard Berger. But I am engrossed in a couple fanfictions.
sweet/spicy/savoury: Sweet, for my sins.
relationship status: Single
current obsession: Paget Brewster/Emily Prentiss... art... fanfic.. models.
last thing i googled: Plant fertiliser
currently working on: Three fanfic requests and a Prentiss painting.
ahhh, to tag or not to tag, the anxiety-inducing question. please feel no pressure to do these, but i tag @tedwinisconfused @leftoverenvy @introverted-author @lex13cm @grandhike @aliprentiss77 @velvetblackness @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @imahealer-but and anyone who sees this and wants to answer them (tag me so i can read them if you do!)
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1booyah · 1 year
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righthandedleftturn · 6 months
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Chiana and Sikozu
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mippippippis · 1 year
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FARSCAPE S04E03 - What Was Lost: Part 2 - Resurrection
part one // part two
"I am bluffing for all I am worth just to get myself in here. Now, D'Argo has a plan." "You're lying."
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joseanzombie2674 · 1 year
Black Mandala presenta la película de acción y ciencia ficción, “CONTAGIO DEL MIEDO” dirigida por Enzo Tedeschi . El caos y un virus mortal se propagan en esta historia donde el brote se encuentra con el contagio. Protagonizada por Andy Rodoreda ( Cargo , Agua Negra ); Ash Ricardo ( Thor: Ragnarok ); Nicolás Esperanza ( Scooby-Doo ); Raelee Hill ( El regreso de Superman ); y Paul Michael Ayre (…
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fabthememesatan · 11 months
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im tired and losing my mind
original under the read more
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severalforraelee · 11 months
The Girls Part 15: Charles Leclerc x Reader
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Photo credit to Mario Renzi / Formula 1 / Getty Images
Word count: 3,167
Written by raelee / Posted Nov 3
Formula 1 Masterlist
The Girls Masterlist
“That lady at table seven is being a downright bitch,” I mumble to Kylie while putting a pile of dirty dishes in the sink.
“What has gotten into you today?” She questions.
“What do you mean?”
“You said that the man at table two’s rude behavior is a defense mechanism for his micropenis. You’re never this negative, Y/N, what’s going on?” 
I take a deep breath, mentally debating whether I want to tell her or not. But the urge to tell someone how I’m feeling outweighs my desire for privacy.
“Okay, you can’t tell anyone,” I begin.
She leans in closer at the words, an inquisitive look on her face.
“Charles and I sort of kissed this weekend.”
She gasps and I pause, thinking. “Well, kissed twice.”
She gasps louder this time, causing a nearby chef to look at us. I smile at him and he smiles back, returning to his current task.
“Tell me everything,” she grabs my hands in excitement.
“The first kiss was at the girls’ birthday party when we were cleaning up and it was totally an accident. And then the second kiss was in the hotel room after putting the girls to bed, and that one was on purpose,” I explain.
“And then?” She grins.
“And then what?”
“Are you guys dating now?”
“Uh… no? Yes? I don’t know,” I admit.
“How do you not know?”
“We didn’t exactly get the chance to talk about it.” She gives me a look and I immediately go into defense mode. “Lucy woke up crying as we were kissing, so I comforted her while Charles took a shower and then when he was done I was already asleep!”
“What about in the morning?” She asks.
“He had to go to Italy immediately and we had to catch our flight home,” I share, “And he’s been so busy at work he hasn’t been able to text me and I don’t want to text him first because I have no clue what’s going on. Plus, he’s much better at this emotion stuff than I am.”
I run a hand through my hair and Kylie’s face drops at the obvious stress that I’m feeling.
“I’m sure that he’s just busy,” she tries to reassure me.
“I know, I just don’t want it to be like when we slept together after he came back into our lives and it turned into a big argument,” I sigh.
“I��m sorry, what?” Her eyes widen. “When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me?”
I grin, realizing that I never told Kylie about that. Truthfully, I didn’t tell anyone because I was so embarrassed and confused of how it all went down.
“It happened a while ago. Forget that I said anything.”
“Um, after admitting that you slept with your daughters’ father again? I will not forget that.”
I roll my eyes, grabbing the tray of food that was just completed for my table before leaving the kitchen.
“Where are you going? I need to hear everything,” she calls after me.
“Thank you for staying late, Cheyenne,” I say to the young girl as I pull off my coat and hang it on the coat rack.
“Oh, it’s no problem, Y/N. By the way, this package came in the mail for you,” she points to the big cardboard box sitting on the kitchen table.
“Thank you. Have a nice night, text me when you get home.” She smiles, closing the door behind her and I lock it.
The scissors cut open the top of the cardboard box and I open the flaps, finding several items inside. I pull out a small, heart-shaped red box, opening it to find red roses neatly packed inside. A smile appears on my face as I set it off to the side, grabbing three, fuzzy red robes, my name, Ada’s name, and Lucy’s name embroidered on separate ones. Three chocolate bars are the next items to exit the box.
A small note is the last thing to come out of the box. I open it, immediately recognizing Charles’ handwriting.
Mon amour,
I’m sorry that we couldn’t talk about what happened before we both had to leave. I sent you some beautiful roses, chocolate, and robes so that you and the girls could pamper yourselves together. See you soon.
I clutch the note close to my chest, a smile pulling at my lips. He’s so sweet.
“Both Frozens?” Ada asks curiously as I load up the TV with the first Frozen movie.
I look at the clock, debating whether we have enough time tonight to watch both Frozen 1 and 2 and get the girls to bed at a decent enough hour where they won’t be cranky tomorrow.
“Let’s see what time it is when we’re done with the first movie,” I suggest. There’s the sound of the key in the front door and I look over, initially in worry then in excitement once I realize who it has to be.
It’s been a while since I’ve lived with another adult. I’m not used to having another person come and go whenever they want- but to be honest, I don’t really have to worry about that with Charles because he likes to spend as much time with the girls as possible and usually where they are, I am too.
“Why don’t you pick out your nail polish color, girls?” I say, pointing towards the box in front of them as I step closer to the front door.
The front door opens to reveal Charles, glasses on his face and a matching sweatsuit on his body. Once he looks up from his suitcase and closes the door, spotting me directly in front of him, his face breaks out into a smile.
“I didn’t know that you would be coming back so soon,” I admit to him, a smile of my own on my face.
“I couldn’t be away for a second longer.” He steps closer, leaving the suitcase behind and pulling me into an embrace. My arms raise up to press against his back as his hands slide down to my lower back, pushing against the plush fabric to press me as close to him as possible.
I step out of the hug, watching as he looks my figure up and down, swallowing at the sight of the red robe.
“What?” I ask, confused and nervous by his reaction.
I can’t tell if it’s a turned on swallow or a realization of a mistake swallow.
“Nothing. I just didn’t realize that these robes were going to be so short,” he confesses, eyes stuck on my legs.
I smile slyly at the comment, turning around and walking back towards the living room. “Come say hi to the girls.”
“Daddy, I’m painting my nails pink,” Ada shoves the nail polish bottle in his face after jumping all over him.
“I’m doing blue,” Lucy shoves her bottle in his face now.
“What? No Ferrari red?” He teases, grabbing their little hands and placing kisses on the back of them.
“Sorry, daddy.” Ada gives him an apologetic look while Lucy just shrugs.
He laughs at that, taking the bottles from their hands and shaking them.
“Can you put your hands on the table for me? I’ll paint your nails,” he says.
I sit back on the couch, watching the scene silently. Charles paints Ada’s nails with the pink polish, then Lucy’s with the blue. He goes back to do another coat, the three chatting quietly while half-heartedly watching Frozen.
I can’t believe I ever doubted that this man would be a good father. It makes me embarrassed that I ever thought that way. Seeing him now, his gentleness with the girls, and the ability to do things that they like with them, matching their excitement, shows me that he was a man that was made to be a father.
No, he was made to be a dad. And a damn good one at that.
“Oh no, mommy,” Lucy looks over at me with wide eyes, then expectantly looking back at the screen.
Frozen has ended.
“Second movie? Please?” Ada begs.
I’m a sucker for my girls when they pout, which they already know, but with Charles joining in it’s hard to deny them much of anything.
“Yes, we can watch Frozen 2,” I agree, grabbing the remote to turn it on. Secretly, I’m excited to watch it as well, and I already know that with the busy day they’ve had at daycare they’re going to fall asleep soon anyways.
“It gives me time to do mommy’s nails,” Charles smiles at me, which I return. I slide onto the floor, selecting a red nail polish bottle out of the box and passing it to Charles.
“Ferrari red, for you.”
By the time he’s done painting my nails, the girls are asleep on the couch, slumped against one another.
“Sorry that you didn’t win the championship,” I apologize quietly as Olaf breaks into a song.
“That’s okay. I have everything that I need already.”
I give him a questioning look.
“All that I need are my girls.”
I can’t hold myself responsible for my actions after that. That is one of the sweetest- if not, the sweetest- things that I’ve ever heard in my life.
I launch myself around the table at him, straddling his hips with my legs as my hands grip his cheeks, pulling his lips to mine. His hands immediately attach to my lower back.
It’s a kiss filled with passion and anticipation, both of us waiting for the other to make a move since he showed up here a couple of hours ago. Now with the girls asleep, we show each other just how much we were missing one another, and express words that were left unspoken from last weekend.
At the sound of shuffling on the couch, I pull back, whipping my head around to make sure that the girls didn’t wake up. They didn’t, just adjusting their position.
I turn back to Charles, resting my forehead against his. His hands run up and down my back.
“You’re so sweet,” I whisper to him.
“Anything for you, mon amour.”
Charles and I sit on the bench in the park, watching as the girls use their buckets and shovels to build snow sculptures.
“Lucy, don’t throw snow at her, please,” Charles calls out to the toddler.
“Okay, daddy,” she calls back. When she thinks that neither of us are looking, she throws a little bit of snow at Ada again.
I can’t help but chuckle and Charles shakes his head, a small smile slipping onto his face.
“She is so your daughter,” I comment.
“My daughter? Lando’s told me quite a few stories about you as a child,” he nudges my shoulder.
“Hey,” I giggle, “So are you and Lando okay now?”
“Yeah, I would say our relationship is almost back to normal.” I see him swallow out of the corner of my eye, looking at me nervously. “Actually, I know one thing that would probably get us back to normal.”
“What’s that?”
“So don’t kill me,” he starts, “But how would you feel going to visit your family for Christmas this year? We can rent a house, we can just go for a couple of hours, whatever you’re comfortable with. But Lando was telling me just how much your family regrets treating you the way that they have and how they really want to see the girls-””Stop,” I interrupt him. “You’ll be there?”
“Of course, I won’t leave your side,” he nods in agreement.
“You’d ditch Christmas with your mom and your brothers to be with my dysfunctional family?” I raise my eyebrows at him.
“Yes,” he responds instantly, “I’d do that for you, the girls, and Lando.”
“Fine. But if I want to leave, we have to leave as soon as we can,” I warn.
“I’ll go by your rules, mon amour.” He raises my hand connected to his up to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of it.
“Mommy, daddy, come play,” Lucy calls out.
Charles lets go of my hand, reaching down to pack the snow into a tight ball, throwing it lightly at Lucy. She squeals when it explodes on her.
“Snowball fight,” he announces, getting up to run over to the girls. I follow his lead, beaming at the squeals and laughter coming from my daughters as Charles and I play with them.
This is the moment that I’ve been dreaming about from the second that I found out that I was pregnant. Family time with just the four of us, playing together, laughing together, and just enjoying each other’s company. I’ve dreamed of just being able to spend time with all of us together, no tension or question marks getting in the way of our family bond.
And now I’m getting it.
Charles squeezes my hand as we stand on the front step of my parents’ house. My gaze remains focused on the white, wooden door, remembering all of the times I ran through it.
To the car of my boyfriend at the time. To the street to go on my daily jog. To the waiting arms of Lando, just returning from a race.
  To never return.
“Anytime you want to leave,” he reassures me quietly.
I nod, taking a deep breath and knocking. There’s no going back now.
Flo opens the door, pausing with wide eyes when she sees me.
“Am I not invited?” I ask with a slightly joking tone.
“No, of course you are,” she stutters, taking a step to the side. “We just weren’t expecting you to knock. Please, come in.”
I take a step inside, my heart skipping a beat at her words. We just weren’t expecting you to knock.
“You remember Charles,” I awkwardly gesture towards the man standing next to me.
“Nice to see you again, Charles,” she pulls him into a hug, obviously distracted by the two toddlers standing behind his legs.
“And you remember our daughters, Ada and Lucy,” I introduce the two. I hold my hand out and Lucy steps out from behind her father’s legs, gripping my hand in her own. Shy little Ada remains behind Charles.
“Hi girls, I’m Aunty Flo. I haven’t seen you two in forever,” she coos. Lucy gives her a toothy smile while Ada sucks on her thumb.
It’s true. I haven’t been out to the house, and no one in the family besides Lando, has been out to visit me since the girls were three months old. That was over a year ago. Kids grow fast, but when they’re babies they seem to grow even faster. They went from newborns that you could cradle in your arms to toddlers that can run.
“Come on, everyone else is in the dining room.”
We follow her to the dining room.
“Now remember to just behave yourselves and be kind. It took a lot to convince her to come here, so don’t do anything to scare her off,” the familiar voice of my brother says before we enter the room.
At our entrance, everyone turns to look at us.
“Uh, hi,” I give an uncomfortable wave. Lucky for me, the girls break the tense atmosphere.
“Uncle Lando,” Lucy cheers, running towards one of her favorite people. At her sister’s words, Ada darts from behind Charles’ legs, joining Lucy in jumping on Lando.
“Present?” Ada asks with wide eyes. Lando’s trained them that everytime they see each other, they get a toy or a treat from him.
“Ada, don’t ask Uncle Lando for presents,” I scold.
“It’s okay, I got you girls these,” Lando grins, reaching past them to grab new stacking cups off of the table, handing a stack to each girl.
I roll my eyes. Typical Uncle Lando.
“They’re so big,” a familiar voice whispers. I turn to see my mom standing beside the dining room table, a shocked expression on her face as she watches the girls play.
“Hi darling,” another voice whispers in front of me. My dad pulls me into his arms, and it’s surprisingly not uncomfortable.
I thought since the last two or three years have been so full of tension and avoidance of one another, this would be a much more anxious and strained meeting. But I can’t help but melt into my dad’s arms. Maybe it’s from seeing the father-daughter relationship that Charles has with Ada and Lucy that makes me want to better my relationship with my own father.
I can’t forget everything that he’s said to me. But I can forgive and hope for improvement.
“Hi, Charles.” My dad pulls Charles into a hug next. The driver seems taken aback, but accepts the embrace.
My mom pulls me into a wordless hug. It’s not as comfortable as the one with my dad, I can still hear her shouting ‘whore’ at me in the back of my mind, but I still wrap my arms around her. I greet my siblings before taking a seat next to Lando, Charles sitting in the chair next to me.
“Hi Ada, hi Lucy,” my mom greets my daughters, reaching out to brush her finger along Lucy’s arm. Lucy doesn't react. “I’m your nana.”
Charles and I exchange glances at her word choice. We didn’t discuss how we want Ada and Lucy to refer to my family going into this, but we both know that we aren’t comfortable with my parents being referred to as nana and grandpa after the way they treated me and the girls when they were infants.
“Let’s just stick to Cisca for now, mom,” I state firmly.
She opens her mouth, about to respond, before Oliver nudges her. He nods towards Ada and Lucy, as if to remind her that this is about improving the relationship with her and her granddaughters and her and me. And that starts with respecting my boundaries.
“Thank you for having us over,” I tell my mom as we stand in the front entrance.
“Oh, anytime. It was great to see you two and the girls again,” she smiles between me and Charles. “I’ll go check on the girls, Cisca and Oliver will help bring them down.”
Charles and I wait for our daughters to be brought down from their naps, tired out from playing with their family members and new presents. I zip up my winter coat in the meantime and Charles finishes pulling on his shoes.
“Hey look, mistletoe,” he points up at the plant.
I giggle, leaning in to give him a peck on his lips.
“Come on, you have to give me more than that.”
A loud laugh escapes me, and I lean forward to give him a much more passionate, longer kiss.
“You know what would be the only thing that would make this Christmas better?” He murmurs against my lips.
“If you became my girlfriend.”
“I’d love to be your girlfriend, Charles.”
Story completed.
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apwmagazine · 2 years
Raeleerudolph22 leaked onlyf on reddit and twitter videos raelee rudolph
Raeleerudolph22 leaked onlyf on reddit and twitter videos raelee rudolph
OnlyFans creator Astrid Wett took to social media to ask KSI to join them in their New Year’s Eve celebration. However, fans were less convinced he would show up after the pair last met. In October, the grown-up entertainer faced nemesis Keeley Colebrand in her first fight. Although the match was really nothing more than a ‘white-collar’ match, the duo’s huge following gave them the chance to…
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lilactyme · 1 year
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😍If you're looking for awesome AMBW mystery suspense novel check out Sydney Arrison's new release Raelee Scattering. Packed with action, drama, romance and an ending you will never see coming. It's a hell of a ride.
Gina Rae, a tenacious defense investigator, is trying to find evidence that will vindicate her client, Darren Lewis. Her boyfriend, Detective Tae Lee, still grappling with the aftermath of a devastating tragedy, sets out to prove Darren’s guilt. Their quest propels them into a world where the wealthy and powerful play... by their own set of rules. As Gina and Tae get closer to discovering the truth, they soon find themselves on a collision course with a methodical, ruthless killer.
🔥This book is intended for mature audiences.
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humanmadenet · 8 months
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