#rafael averio fanfiction
openheartfanfics · 1 month
Newly Added Fics
Aug 10 - 16, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Ethan x F!MC
A Night at the Opera - @coffeeheartaddict2 ♥
It is their first date night after getting engaged and they attend the Opera and the opera that is playing is the one that they saw when they first went to the Opera together. [Public Places]
I Thee Wed... - @liaromancewriter ☁
Ethan and Cassie are ready to say, ‘I do,’ but they forget one important step. [Wedding]
The Next Chapter - @liaromancewriter 🦚
Ethan looks back at the man he was through the lens of his apartment. [Ethan POV]
Multiple Pairings
Mono~poly - @jerzwriter 📚
[extended: wip] What happens when something that was supposed to be just fun turns into something real? Ethan Ramsey x MC, Tobias Carrick x MC
CH 5: Beautiful Days
Rafael x F!MC
Going To Visit Daddy - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey takes Isabelle to visit Raf’s grave like she promised.
Home Sweet Home - @rafasgirl23415 📸
After a few days in hospital recovering, Casey is discharged and finally brings Isabelle home.
My Precious Miracle - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey struggles to comprehend how close she came to losing Isabelle.
Please Keep Our Girl Safe - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey can’t sleep due to flashbacks from the nightmare she had during the last weeks of her pregnancy.
Sienna x M!OC
Ready To Go Home - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Sienna is finally discharged five days after her caesarean & takes Ava & Rafa home to meet their big sister.
Tobias x F!MC
A Favor - @tveitertotwrites 📱
,When Adelaide finds out Landry moved next door to her and they share a wall, she has an idea.
Searching - @alj4890 🎭
Rewriting Book 1's Chapter Four but with Tobias as the attending instead of Ethan. [1.4]
To Love & Protect - @jerzwriter ☁
The chemical attack was over six months ago, and Casey is trying to adjust to her new normal with her new boyfriend at her side.
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crystalwillow · 4 years
Baby Fever
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
I would like to apologise in advance for this being the most lacklustre thing I’ve ever written. I lost my spark midway and it kept coming back in fits and starts. I might write a part two in the future just to bring this idea some justice. But, the fact I promised myself that I would post this before the end of 2020 and was not following through on that has been eating away at me. Again. I apologise for the lacklustre quality but I hope you can find some joy with in it 🙂
Casey sighed as she looked up and noticed her boyfriend of 2 years, Rafael, zoned out as he leant on the side of the ambulance bay.
"Are you ok?" She asked, aware of what he was trying to do.
Rafael nodded as he stood up straight. "Yeah, I'm good. What did you want to talk about?"
"We’re at the hospital. Can you stop thinking about him for a second? I’ve told you, our relationship outside of work goes no deeper than a friendship. I would never cheat Rafael."
"Fine...I'm still wondering how a hospital gets a full-time groundskeeper, when it’s basically on its last leg." he replied, jotting something down on the clipboard in his hands.
Rafael was a longtime paramedic at Edenbrook. He had already been there 3 years when Casey started her residency 2 years ago. But he was also a family man at heart, unlike Casey, who looked to every other point of contact in her life for fulfillment.
“Look, am I going to miss working in this field without Bryce to turn to when I’m stressed and can’t find you? Yes, he always made me feel like he had my back no matter what. Just like you do. But... maybe this place closing down is some kind of sign for us.” Casey said.
She then zoned out herself as she thought of the living arrangements they had put in place with the closing of the hospital, and both of their worlds having been turned upside down. The plan was to move in with Casey’s family until they got back on their feet, and could afford a place of their own.
“I’m going to miss my job and this place terribly, I’m going to miss the people that I’ve worked with pretty much every day for the last five years.” said Rafael as he nodded to the building.
“Yeah. Me too.” Casey sighed, snuggling into his side with a smile. Rafael wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly, kissing the crown of her head as she buried her face closer into his chest. Their moment of silence was interrupted as Rafael’s radio crackled to life, informing him of an accident and they pulled apart with a sigh as another paramedic came crashing out of the bay doors.
“I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you after work.” He hurried and pressed a quick kiss to Casey’s lips before opening the driver’s side door and hopping into the ambulance. Casey stood back as the engine of the ambulance came to life, and waved as Rafael sped off towards the accident.
--- a few hours later ---
Casey was at Rafael’s apartment watching TV when she heard the door open and close again, followed by a long and weary sigh. But she was tired and didn’t feel like calling out to him, especially after their almost mini fight earlier. The air was still tense around the pair as Rafael entered the room.
“Oh. You did decided to stay the night.” he snarked and he entered the kitchen.
“Mmmm.” she hummed tiredly.
“Nice. You can’t even afford me the courtesy of saying a simple ‘yes’ in reply to that.” he snapped further.
Casey rolled her eyes and just refocused her attention to the television as Rafael rifled through his cupboards and fridge looking for something to put together for his dinner. As he opened the fridge his heart stopped temporarily. There on the shelf with his name and a sticky bow on the carton was something from his favourite take out. He closed the fridge and went back into the living area.
“Case?” he said, but she didn’t answer. “Casey. Did you order food for me?”
“What would you care?” she snapped back, eyes completely trained on the screen in front of her. The only thing on her mind bringing her joy was the bond she witnessed form immediately between a mother and her newborn baby, that she helped deliver towards the end of her shift.
Rafael sighed deeply from where he leant on the door frame, realizing he was being a total douchebag. He pushed himself upright and walked over to the couch taking a seat next to Casey, but she slid away from him.
“Casey babe, come on. Don’t be that way.” He pleaded.
“Be what way? Rafael.”
Rafael inwardly winced as he visibly cringed at the use of his full name in that harsh tone.
“Look. I’m sorry, okay? I’ve been completely unreasonable with you pretty much all day. I’ve been a shit boyfriend today. How can I make it up to you?”
Casey glanced sidewards before reluctantly turning the TV off and turning her body to face him. “Well for starters, you can tell me why you suddenly seem to feel so threatened by Bryce.” she said.
“I don’t know.” he sighed. “I guess I just feel like you have more fun with him than you do with me. Your own boyfriend.”
“I do have fun with Bryce. You’re not wrong there. But I don’t have more fun with him than I do with you. Yes we have loads of drinks together. Play darts and pool and tons of high school games like truth or dare. But that’s exactly why we’ve stayed friends. Because we enjoy doing that stuff together, but we hate being vulnerable and sappy with each other. I couldn’t cuddle by the fire with Bryce and talk about how dorky I used to be as I think about a future with him like I do with you. I’m with you for more than just having someone to have as a drinking buddy or, excuse my use of this term, a fuck buddy. I’m with you for the long haul because I want to be, and I enjoy all of the dorky things we do together. I couldn’t do those with him.” Casey explained as she took Rafael’s hand in her and idly played with his fingers as she spoke and kissed his knuckles when she finished.
“Really?” Rafael sniffled after a while.
“Really.” she confirmed with a smile.
Rafael nodded as he swallowed his tears. “Okay. What else could I do?”
“Smile. Come back to the old you who wasn’t so nervous. I get that the fact we’re getting ready to move in with my parents isn’t exactly the most calming thing. But... we’ll be okay.” Casey reassured, pulling herself closer and kissing Rafael on the cheek sweetly.
They sat in a comfortable silence for a little while longer, cuddled up and staring out the window over the city below as people entered and left the establishments outside, until Rafael left out a sigh.
“How was the rest of your shift?” he asked.
“You mean apart from this frustratingly hot paramedic avoiding me all 4 times I tried to approach him?” They chuckled softly together. “It went pretty well. I helped deliver a baby, and the moment was so magical. The bond that was created almost immediately, as soon as I placed the beautiful baby girl on her mother’s chest.” She explained with a faraway tone in her voice as she stared into the night wistfully.
Rafael smiled. “being there for a delivery of another life is magical. It’s a feeling you can’t describe.” he agreed with a nod.
“Yeah. It’s the same every time and I’ve only helped out with about 20 in my career so far.”
“I’ve had more than that.” Rafael teased.
Casey chuckled softly. “Do you want children?” she asked curiously, tearing her gaze away from outside and pointed it up to Rafael’s face.
“Uh..” he said, with a surprise look on his face. “I suppose I’ve never thought about it in a serious way.”
“Oh. Okay.” Casey smiled, a sadness in her eyes as she looked away.
“But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t think about or talk about it with you. If you wanted to maybe start a family one day?” he added quickly.
“Truthfully?” Casey asked hopefully.
“Of course. I’d love to talk about starting a family with you.” he smiled.
Him lovingly before giving a sweet smile and hiding a yawn behind her hand.
“Come on.” He chuckled lightly, gently shaking her by the shoulders. “Let’s go to bed.”
“Yeah.” Casey smiled clinging onto Rafael’s shoulders as he stood up with her in his arms, carrying her to his bedroom.
--- Two Weeks Later ---
Rafael and Casey sat out in the med bay eating lunch together, the topic of their conversation being their future.
“So what would you name a child if it was a boy?” Casey quizzed.
“Easy. Batman.” Rafael grinned.
Casey rolled her eyes playfully as she took another bite of her sandwich. “Be serious.”
Rafael pouted. “Well you’re no fun are you?”
“I’m plenty fun, thank you.”
“You sure about that babe?”
Casey raised an eyebrow as she sipped her water.
“Okay! Okay! You’re fun.” Rafael surrendered with a light chuckle.
They basked in the comfortable silence for a moment as they stared out at their surroundings.
“I’d call him Leonardo Lucas Aveiro. That is.. if his last name being Aveiro would be okay with you.” Rafael spoke softly, breaking the silence as his gaze landed on Casey.
“Well I’m hoping it could maybe be my name someday. When you’re ready of course.”
“I... hadn’t thou-” he started to stutter but Casey cut him off with a kiss.
“I said when you’re ready.”
“I... O-okay.” Rafael smiled and pulled her close.
--- 2 months later ---
“Is that the last one?” Rafael asked Casey as she carried a box out of his apartment.
“Yep. That’s the last of them.” she confirmed.
Rafael closed the car door as Casey got into the driver's seat of her car and started the engine waiting as Rafael settled beside her in the passenger seat. Then they were on their way to Casey’s parents house. The start of the drive was quiet and calm, the two of them too tired to talk. The night before they had stayed out late with their friends to celebrate their last night together before they moved to separate parts of the country and it was harder to meet up. The night was fun but it went on longer than expected and left them very tired for this journey. Halfway there they made a stop at a diner for lunch and to stretch their legs.
As they entered the diner, Rafael excused himself to the bathroom whilst Casey got them a table. When he came back Casey had ordered them drinks and was now looking at the menu.
“How are you today?” Rafael asked as he took a set next to Casey in the booth.
“I’m okay. You?” she asked back.
“Well, I fell asleep so I feel better. Let’ swap for the last part of the trip so you can get some more sleep too.”
“That’s… thanks.”
Rafael smiled and pecked the tip of Casey’s nose before picking up the second menu on the table and looking it over.
“How about we go all in with Mac’s Mighty All Day Brunch?” he asked.
“You know I’ll literally explode…. Right?” Casey questioned with a quirked brow.
“I mean if it’s on the menu…and you need something to put you to sleep...”
“So you’re planning my assissination right to my face?” she joked and Rafael chuckled richly.
“If you want to call it that.”
“I do tend to call it what I want to..”
Rafael rolled his eyes playfully with an exasperated sigh. “You and your Taylor Swift references…”
“Hey hey hey. Don’t be getting down and out now. I’m not a liar or a dirty dirty cheat of the world.”
“You’re just getting down to this sick beat. I know.” Rafael said as he jabbed her side with tickles.
After the spontaneous tickle attack, they ordered food and large milkshakes, talking happily as they slowly emptied their plates of food before paying and waddling out of the diner, back to the car. “So. I’m driving right?” Rafael grinned.
“Yes, Rafael. You’re driving.” Casey sighed as she tossed him the keys.
The rest of the drive to Casey’s parents was peaceful as she slept in the passenger seat whilst Rafale drove them. When they arrived, Casey wouldn’t wake up so when she did it was dark and her surroundings had changed from where Rafael had carried her in and laid her in bed. She sat up disoriented and yawned, blinking a few times and letting her eyes adjust before stumbling out of her room and down the stairs following the sound of two deep voices. When she found them, the two men stopped their conversation and looked up at her.
“There she is! My little fire starter.” her dad beamed, getting up to hug her.
“Hey babe. Feel better now?” Rafael asked, wrapping his arm around her waist as she took a seat next to him as she sat down after hugging her dad.
“Yeah.” she yawned.
“I heard from Rafael here, that you stopped and had quite the feast on the way here..”
“I did. It was lovely. Where’s mom?”
“She went out to the shops. Needed a few ingredients to finish dinner. We’re having her famous beef and chicken stew, with potatoes and all your favourite vegetables.”
“I hope it’s not another mountain on my plate. I don’t know how long it would take me to tackle it.”
The three sat in a comfortable silence watching movies until Casey’s mom called them to the table for dinner.
“I’m so glad to finally be able to meet you Rafael. Casey’s told us so much about you. Hasn't she Tim?”
“She has.” Tim nodded as he added pepper to his food.
“All good I hope.” Rafael smiled.
“Oh no. it was mostly how you’re such a bad man and frustrate me with leaving your pens and paper in a mess.” Casey teased.
“Casey, don't tease him so. He seems like a nice boy.” Her mom warned.
“He doesn’t mind it. Do you babe?”
Rafael swallowed his bite of food. “I don’t mind it in moderation.”
“That means don’t do it anymore at this table tonight.” Tim said.
“So… what’s new with you guys. It’s been a while since we spoke.”
“Well, your father’s stall at the market is doing well, and my business is really picking up.”
“Aw that’s amazing! I’m so proud of you guys.” Casey smiled.
“You have a business, Mrs. Valentine?” Rafael asked.
“I do. Started it a couple of months ago in fact.”
“What do you sell or offer?”
“Homemade handcrafted soaps.”
“Ah, that’s lovely.” Rafael smiled in reply.
The rest of dinner passed by in a comfortable quiet chatter before they all retired to the living room and watched TV and played a couple of board games before they all headed to bed. The next few months passed in a flurry of activity, Casey helped her mother with her business and bringing in custom, whilst Rafael helped her father with his market stall and bringing in groceries. There were rare moments stolen where Rafael and Casey would go on dates that would usually end up with them cooing over a mother with a newborn in a stroller and they would look at each other with longing, silently communicating that they both could wait for that day in their own future.
By the time they had found new jobs and saved up enough to move out and into their own apartment, two and a half years had passed which made leaving all that much harder for them.
“Remember. Call me if you need anything Casey.” Mrs. Valentine told her.
“I will mom. I promise.” Casey smiled.
“Is that surprise ready?” Tim muttered under his breath to Rafael, who nodded in response. “Good. You take good care of my daughter now, young man.” He smiled, clapping Rafael on the back.
“Yes sir. I always will.” Rafael replied earnestly.
After a few more tearful goodbyes, Casey and Rafael were on their way to their new apartment, singing along to the radio and stopping at a Taco Bell drive thru on the way.
“I’ve got a surprise for you at the apartment.”
“You have?”
“Yeah. I um… I’m not sure if you’ll like it though.”
“You’re the king of surprises. If I don’t like it, I’ll be shocked.”
They chuckled together and a short while later were parking in the garage of the apartment complex then heading upstairs. Rafael got nervous with each step closer to the front door and Casey stopped them in their tracks.
“Babe. You’re more nervous than I’ve ever seen you. Are you alright? You’re surprise isn’t that you’ve painted our room a horrible colour is it?”
“What! No..! I wouldn’t do that, ever.”
“Then you’ve got nothing to worry about. Come on! I’ve not seen this place yet, you’ve been super secretive about it.”
Casey grinned and pulled him towards the door, practically bouncing as she waited to be let in. Hesitantly, Rafael opened the door and Casey gasped as she stepped inside.
“It’s so spacious! …. Oh and look at the view!”
Rafael smiled as he closed the door behind them, watching as Casey padded over to the window and marvelled at the view. After tearing her from the window Rafael showed her around every room with a door open until he stopped in front of one with the door closed.
“Is your surprise behind here?” Casey asked.
“It is. But I want to know that you won’t get mad or upset. Or… think that I’m wanting to move too fast, what with us only just starting our new jobs recently and all.”
“Okay. … colour me intrigued. Open the door.”
Taking a deep breath, Rafael opened the door and stepped inside and Casey followed him into what appeared to be a nursery, complete with a crib, draws for toys, a mini bookshelf, a playmat and several other baby toys and gadgets. She gasped as she took it all in, blown away by the effort that had clearly gone into making this room. After she hadn’t spoken for a while, Rafael cleared his throat to gain Casey’s attention.
“Is … it too much? Are you not ready yet? It’s totally fine if you aren’t. We can just keep this room locked unt-”
“No. It’s… it’s perfect. I… I don’t know what to say.. um.” Casey choked on her words as she struggled to hold back tears. “We’ve had baby fever for a while now huh?”
Rafael blushed bashfully. His voice coming out barely above a whisper as he answered, “yeah..” with a slight chuckle.
The next evening, Casey and Rafael were snuggled on the couch when Casey moved to look Rafael in the eye.
“If we had a boy, what would you name him?”
“Our baby. If they turned out to be a boy, what would you want to name him?”
“Leonard Rafael Averio.”
“What about a girl?”
“Isabella Casey Aveiro.”
“How long have you been sitting on those?”
“Since our 3rd date.”
Casey sat and stared at him in stunned silence. “Our 3rd… that was…”
“5 years ago? I know.” He gave a smile and grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together. “Hey! Don’t cry!” He chuckled.
“Sorry. It’s just…” she chuckled too and grabbed a tissue with her free hand and dabbed away the tears before wiping her nose. “That’s heartwarming. I mean… did you know...?”
“That I wanted a family with you back then? Yeah. I started thinking about it after our second date, but it became a more serious thought after our 3rd.”
“Oh… Raf…” Casey gasped and pressed a kiss to his lips. It was soft and innocent at first, but picked up passion the longer it went on. After a few minutes, the reluctantly pulled apart and sighed happily as they rested their foreheads together.
“I love you, Rafael.”
“I love you too, Casey.”
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day six: first (whatever?)
Tumblr media
October Prompt List||October Daily Masterlist
🍂Open Heart🍁
Kissing Superman art [Rafael Aveiro x MC] by @aarisa-frost
October Eyes [Ethan Ramsey x MC] by @drethanramslay
🍋Anonymous🍋 (NSFW) [Ethan Ramsey x MC] by @starrystarrytrouble​
A First [Ethan Ramsey x MC] by @ethanramseysrookiexox​
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Be My Superman?
Open Heart/ Rafael x MC (Amber Rosenberg) 
Summary: Amber has a hard time telling a boy that she likes him more then he thinks. Hopefully tonight she steals her chance. 
Authors Note: for a Rafael x MC request! It took awhile to come out and it’s still short but I guess that’s what I get for over thinking everything. Next will be some unfinished stuff I have in my documents including some Ramsey, D&D, TE, and TRR stuff. Requests will be open for awhile if you have anything. 
It was another late night with Doctor Banerji as Ethan walked back to his office. Amber next to him and quickly sent a text to her friends telling them that she’d be home soon. She had been on call for the last forty-eight hours and now that was over for the next day or two she had off.
“Thank you doctor Ramsey,” she said as he nodded at her.
Just about content with her day Amber Rosenberg started heading toward the main hospital doors. It would have been better if she was able to go to the ER and see… Her thoughts jerked from that space in her brain as she saw a face watching her. That was Rafael as a brighter smile lite up on her face. She was hoping to go down the ER today and see him. Looks like she got her wish.
“Rafael,” she called heading toward him as he watched her a small smile on her face. “What are you doing here? Did you just get off?”
He seemed to hesitate before flushing. “I did, but I didn’t know that you were still here though. Was that Doctor Ramsey?” Rafael pointed in his direction as she nodded.
“Yea, he’s my attending physician. Even when I try to avoid him he finds me anyway.” Amber laughed before tossing her brown hair over her shoulders. “He’s been like a mentor, a very prickly mentor, but a mentor all the same. So, what are doing now that your off?”
Amber twisted a piece of her hair coyly hoping that he’d want to spend some time with her. She blinked her hazel eyes up at him. Maybe? Rafael glanced at her as he laughed himself.
“If you want we can go to this Caribbean place I know that’s still open. It’ll be a late dinner.”
Enthusiastic, she nodded and confidently took his hand. They started to walk away from the hospital in a comfortable silence. She bit her lip wondering what she could say to him. Normally she was so good at conversation but with him it was hard. It was hard because she didn’t want to seem like an idiot. However, she did like the way his hand fit with hers.
“So where is this place?” she asked breaking the silence. “I mean I still don’t know Boston very well.”
“It’s not too far from the hospital actually. Are you okay, you seem a little more, I dunno, happier than normal?”
Okay that was all she needed to hear before she awkwardly rubbed her cheek. “I had a really good day because I wanted to run into you and I did. I was thinking about the last day we had and I was wondering if we could do it again. Does this count as a date?”
“We can if you want to. Although I have to admit that I don’t have flowers or anything.”
Grinning they started down the path away from the hospital. Perfect, she thought, gosh he was such a nice guy and she was so bad at flirting. Then another thing escaped her mouth before cringing.  “It’s okay, maybe you could share your jacket or something?” Now that sounded stupid before he stopped and pulled off his jacket. “I was just…”
“No, I want to and you do look a little cold.”
She looked down at her plain white tee shirt and jeans. The weather was dipping slightly causing her to shiver. Rafael slipped it over her shoulders feeling warmer than ever. A flush rising on her cheeks turning back to him.
“Thanks. Listen I’m not very good at flirting or anything so I’m just letting you know that I really like you and I hope we can keep going out. I decided if I saw you tonight it would be a good time to ask. Take that leap of faith sort to speak and maybe be my superman?” It sounded like a question as she remembered what Dolores called him. “I want us to go steady if that’s something you want too.”  
Rafael took her hand and squeezed it. “I hope we can continue seeing each other steadily too. I think your special and I’d like to be your superman.”
“Perfect.” An even wider smile if it was possible on her face as they found the restaurant. She had an hour to be home at this rate before they settled into conversation. It was the start of a beautiful relationship.
Tag list: @queen-among-writers @flyawayboo @fluffy-cat-whisper @adrianadmirer @radlovedreamer @symonde @brightpinkpeppercorn @itsbrindleybinch @universallypizzataco @mfackenthal @darley1101 @mariamulroney @elainew13 @paisleylovergirl @melodyofgraves @am-i-invisible777 
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openheartfanfics · 1 month
Newly Added Fics
Aug 17 - 23, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Aurora x M!OC
When Sparks Fly - @liaromancewriter ☁
Aurora Emery was no stranger to breakups, but what happened next was unexpected. Feat. F!MC
Ethan x F!MC
Relief - @cariantha ☁
In your HC, does Sawyer have any long-term effects from the chemical attack or its treatment? [Hurt/Comfort]
Summer Hideaway - @jerzwriter ☁
Kaycee has had an exceptionally rough week. That's when her secret boyfriend, Ethan, comes up with a plan to help them both recoup. [Hurt/Comfort; Vacation]
2 Weeks - @genevievemd 📸📱
Baby Lizzie is two weeks old today!
Open Heart MC
High - @liaromancewriter 📸
Cassie takes great pleasure in trolling Max after he and Sienna become official.
Rafael x F!MC
My Light In The Darkness - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey is surprised when she finds Luana has taken a photo of her cradling Isabelle.
Sienna x F!MC
Coffee & Chat - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Sienna meets Casey after Ava & Rafa’s 5 day old check up. [Platonic]
Pancakes, Coffee & Baby Snuggles - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey waits for Sienna after they both attended the babies’ 5 day check ups. [Platonic]
Sienna x M!OC
My Loves - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Sienna posts a photo of Ava & Rafa napping together in matching outfits the day after she is discharged from hospital.
Summer Getaway - @liaromancewriter 📸📱
Sienna spends a relaxing weekend with her sister.
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openheartfanfics · 7 months
Newly Added Fics
Feb 24 - Mar 1, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Ethan x F!MC
Big Dreams - @potionsprefect ☁
Luke and Lily have big ambitions for when they are older. [Domestic; Family]
No Barriers - @liaromancewriter ♥
It’s finally time to expand their family, but will nerves take over?
The Tortured Men’s Department - @genevievemd 📱
Ethan shares his frustrations about a certain Swifty. Feat. Tobias Carrick
Open Heart MC
Positive Reaction - @jerzwriter ☁🏳‍🌈
When the couple step out to celebrate Jessica's achievement, Casey gives her a gift that money could never buy. Feat. F!OC
Rafael x F!MC
Moving In - @rafasgirl23415 📚​
[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future. Feat. Sienna Trinh x M!OC
CH 22: I Can’t Do This Without You
CH23: Sunshine After The Storm (TW: mentions of childbirth)
The Gang
Kitty & The Elf - @liaromancewriter 📷
Cassie is not a fan of elves.
Tobias x F!MC
Careful What You Wish For... - @jerzwriter 📱
They've been together too long.
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openheartfanfics · 5 months
Newly Added Fics
April 6 - 12, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Ethan x F!MC
A Chance Encounter - @cariantha 📚
[mini: complete] Ten years prior to meeting at Edenbrook, Ethan and Sawyer have a chance encounter during spring break. [Young Ethan]
Part 3: The Realization
Eclipsing - @cariantha 📱Ⓜ
The eclipse is viewable in Boston. How do your characters feel about it? Are they excited? Uninterested?
When life has other plans - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚🛸
[extended: complete] A competition has commenced for the interns at Edenbrook hospital. A horrid first day leads to an unexpected test of a new machine but what is Dr. Ethan Ramsey hiding?
CH 16: All's well that ends well ♥
Ethan x Tobias
The Taco Constant - @thosehallowedhalls ☁
Ethan is struggling after almost losing Casey. And Tobias, well, he didn't save her life just to have Ethan keel over instead. [Platonic]
Open Heart MC
It Is Time - @snoopdogcone ☁
It's her first day at Edenbrook.
Rafael x F!MC
Moving In - @rafasgirl23415 📚​
[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future. Feat. Sienna Trinh x M!OC
CH 31: Sienna’s Weekend In Paris
CH 32: Mama’s Big Night Out 
Tobias x F!MC
It's Delicate… - @jerzwriter 📱
When her mother-in-law Vivian realizes this is the day before her precious grandbaby's first birthday (and party), she needs to have a few words with her son.
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openheartfanfics · 2 years
Newly Added Fics
Feb 25 - Mar 3, 2023
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Power to Overcome - @coffeeheartaddict2 ☁
Aurora and Casey receive news that the book they want to write together has been approved for publishing. [Platonic]
Open Heart Drabble - @lilyoffandoms ☁
Olivia sings at karaoke night at Donahue’s. [Donahue’s]
Texting Gone Wrong - @storyofmychoices 📱
Olivia accidentally sends a picture meant for Bryce to Tobias. Feat. Tobias Carrick x F!MC
A Moulin Rouge Birthday - @tveitertotwrites  ☁
It's Claire's 30th birthday and the gang has a Moulin Rouge Broadway themed party. [Birthday]
Because - @jamespotterthefirst 🦚
Ethan seeks her out to clear the air, but he finds her getting ready for a date. [Jealous]
Expert Advice - @potionsprefect ☁
As they prepare to sit their exams, Luke and Lily go to their parents for advice. [Domestic; Family]
Mamma Mia - @jerzwriter ☁
Kaycee's parents are moving out of their home, and while she's there helping pack up, she makes an unsettling discovery. [Domestic; Extended Family]
Mornings After - @coffeeheartaddict2 🦚
Ethan pov of some of the key points in their relationship. TW: Mentions of pregnancy loss
Something To Talk About - @liaromancewriter ☁
Cassie is all about keeping up with Edenbrook’s rumor mill, much to Ethan’s dismay.
The Final Days - @genevievemd 📷
Gen shares moments from her pregnancy on social media. [Domestic; Pregnancy]
Part 1 | Part 2
With A Side of Mustard - @txemrn ☁Ⓜ
Was there an item Tatum and Ethan bought for their baby that became special because the other parent chose it? [Domestic; Pregnancy]
An Unexpected Valentine - @jerzwriter ☁💘
It's Raf and Carrie's first Valentine's Day together, and he has planned a perfect day for them, but nothing ever goes according to plan.
A Modern Friendship - @liaromancewriter 🛸📱📷
Max and Sienna give friendship a chance, but it’s not as easy as they thought.
A Couple of Drinks - @alj4890 ☁
Did Chris go to her HS prom? What about Tobias?
Things Unsaid - @jerzwriter 📚🛸🎭
[mini:wip] Three days. That's all that stands between Tobias and Casey Carrick and the end of their marriage.
Part 1 | Part 2
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openheartfanfics · 10 months
Newly Added Fics
Nov 18 - 24, 2023  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Bryce x F!MC
Thanksgiving's Little Miracle - @storyofmychoices ☁
Olivia and Bryce welcome their baby girl, Malia. [Domestic; Family]
61 Days to Go - @genevievemd 📷
Nat and Bryce post a milestone.
Ethan x F!MC
Dancing In A Snowglobe… - @genevievemd 📷
Ethan and Gen attend the annual hospital gala.
Giving Thanks - @liaromancewriter 📷🦃
Two Picta moments from this year's Thanksgiving.
Monthly Dump - @zealouscanonindeer 📷
Aspen's monthly Picta memories.
Thanksgiving 2023 - @genevievemd 📷🦃
Thanksgiving memory from Ethan and Gen.
When life has other plans - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚🛸
[extended: wip] A competition has commenced for the interns at Edenbrook hospital. A horrid first day leads to an unexpected test of a new machine but what is Dr. Ethan Ramsey hiding?
CH 2: Deal With the Devil ♥
Rafael x F!MC
We Belong Together - @rafasgirl23415 📚
[extended: wip] It’s the end of intern year. Casey and Rafael are ready to start the next phase of their relationship.
CH 18: Bringing Our Babies Home
CH 19: Our First Days At Home
CH 20: A Visit From Aunt Sophia
Sienna x M!OC
Giving Thanks - @liaromancewriter 📷🦃
Two Picta moments from this year's Thanksgiving.
Tobias x F!MC
Blindfold - @tveitertotwrites ♥
After an "innocent" game of Never Have I Ever, Tobias and Adelaide try something new.
Caught in the Act - @jerzwriter ♥
A ride to a charity function is just a ride to a charity function, right? Not when the couple in question is the insatiable Carricks.
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openheartfanfics · 2 years
Newly Added Fics
Aug 13 - 19, 2022  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Locked In - @peonierose  ☁
Bryce and Luna get locked in the medical supply closet. How will they spend their time? [Supply Closet]
Daylight - @mydemonsdrivealimo ☁
Bryce is sick but of course he couldn't bother Jensen with that, right? [Illness/Injury]
So I’ll Just Paint It Chrome - @mydemonsdrivealimo ☁
Bryce knows 3 years is a long time to wait for a relationship. But, he also knows there's another reason he hasn't quite found yet, something just out of reach but has been there longer than he may have realized.
Happy Birthday Oliver - @openheartfanfiction 📷
It's Oliver's birthday, so Claire makes a Picta post.
Honestly I Love You - @coffeeheartaddict2  🦚
Post Softball game and pre heist from Casey’s perspective. [Pining; 2.8]
Memory Lane - @potionsprefect ☁
Victoria and Ethan take a trip to New York with their kids. [Domestic; Family]
Not Over It - @liaromancewriter 🦚
When Cassie decides to date other people, Ethan has to pretend he's not affected. [Jealousy]
Open Heart/Sherlock Holmes AU Prequel Series 2 - @takeharryandgo 📚 🛸
[extended: wip] Ethan’s mother reenters his life and soon becomes coincidentally tied to their latest case.
Part 2: An Interrupted Reunion
Post Sickness - @potionsprefect  ☁
She had a radiance like no other. [Pregnancy]
Rapture - @jerzwriter ♥
When Ethan spends a night at Kaycee’s apartment several weeks after the attack, she sets out to convince him that she’s not as fragile as he thinks.
So Over It - @liaromancewriter 🦚
Cassie meets Ethan’s plus one and makes a long overdue decision. [With Someone Else]
Times Are Changing - @jerzwriter ☁
It’s 2:00 AM, and Ethan’s turn to tend to baby Emma. When things don’t go well, it’s Kaycee to the rescue in more ways than one. [Domestic; Family]
Too Much To Ask - @jamespotterthefirst 🎭
Drunk and hurt, she leaves him a voicemail while he’s in the Amazon. [Amazon]
102 Days of Smiles - @genevievemd  📚 📷
[extended: wip] One post a day, for 102 days, with something that made our new bride smile.
Madness Everywhere - @inlocusmads  ☁
Rafael is left with questions about his own worth. Jane reminds him that his madness and courage are wholly appreciated. [Platonic; 1.9]
Midnight Snack - @liaromancewriter ☁
Sienna shares a midnight rendezvous with an unlikely companion.
It's all relative... - @jerzwriter  ☁
Casey and Tobias are starting their fall weekend with lunch at their favorite café. Tobias insists the younger waitress is flirting with him, but Casey bets that he’s wrong.
Still The Same - @jerzwriter 📱
When Casey worries that having a baby will change them too much, Tobias reassures her. But in the end, she reassures herself.
50 Days of Love - @openheartfanfiction 📚 📷
[extended: completed] Just 50 Days of Adelaide showing love to many different things.
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
OHFFs Advent Calendar: Day 12
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Cosy Christmas
Submitted by: @inacrowdofchoices
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Rafael x f!MC (Dr Grace Sullivan) Rating: T. (light flirting and mentions of suggestive moments off page) Category: fluff Word count: 1137
Summary: One December morning, a new Christmas tradition starts for Grace & Rafael’s when they receive presents from Grace’s sister.
Grace and Rafael’s masterlist ♡
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The sound of the doorbell almost startled Grace off the chair she was standing on, in front of the massive tree Rafael had brought home for their first Christmas living together. They had begun decorating it an hour before, and Grace had very quickly given up trying to reach the top from her height and had instead decided standing on a kitchen chair was the solution. 
She looked down at Rafael, who had his hands on her hips to keep her in place, and smiled. 
“Can you go get it please? I’m almost done with decorating the top.” 
“Only if you swear you won’t fall off this chair while I’m gone.” Rafael replied. 
“Raf, I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” Grace chuckled. 
“You forget that I know you, miss clumsy. Need I remind you of two nights ago when you missed a step in the stairs and almost fell down?” 
“Fine,” Grace rolled her eyes good-naturedly, “I swear I’ll be careful and won’t fall. I’ll barely move.”
Rafael’s hands left her hips, and she busied herself putting the finishing touches on the tree. She could hear the front door open and close, and the sound of a package being dropped on their coffee table. Grace still did not look down; she may say she wasn’t clumsy, but the truth was, there was indeed a high probability of her falling off the chair she was standing on. Rafael knew her too well.
“It’s from your sister”. Rafael said.
“Oh? Let me see.” 
Grace reached down with her hand for Rafael to help her get down, but instead he simply lifted her by her waist and set her down on their wooden floor, kissing the top of her head on the way. Rafael had always liked to carry her around or lift her and Grace loved it. 
The package that was waiting for her was decorated with all kinds of Christmas stickers and drawings, some of which she suspected were from her nieces and nephews; she thought it was adorable, and she very carefully opened it so as to not damage them. At the top was a small card, also Christmas themed, just as she knew her sister liked. She opened it and read it out loud to Rafael.
“Okay so it says,” she started, “Dear Gracie and Rafael, Merry early Christmas! You’ll find our very new Christmas family tradition, made with love by yours truly, wrapped in this package. I expect many pictures and Kate does too since we won’t get to see you on Christmas day. We love you both so much, signed Anna.” 
“That’s adorable.” Rafael smiled. 
“You know how my sister is about the holidays.”
“Oh I remember. I could never forget the massive box of chocolates and all the little handmade tree ornaments she sent me on Christmas after I met her. Like I said, it’s adorable.” Rafael replied with a chuckle.
“That’s Anna in a nutshell, I’d expect nothing less. I wonder what she means by new tradition, though.” 
“Well, let’s find out.” 
Rafael reached for the first present, which had Gracie and a heart written on it, and gave it to her. The second one was written to Rafael with an even bigger heart drawn on it. They both opened their presents at the same time, and lifted two knitted jumpers at each other. 
“Oh my god.” 
“I-” Rafael was left speechless.
The jumper Rafael was holding was dark green, with little christmas ornaments knitted onto it; and in the front was a big teddy bear holding a present and wearing a red santa hat. The end of the sleeves were white with a single present designed on them. In Grace’s hands was a dark red jumper, with an overly decorated christmas tree knitted on its front.  All around the tree were snowflakes and little presents; and the sleeves had the same design as Rafael’s.
“These are the ugliest and also the most adorable Christmas jumpers I’ve seen in my life.” Grace said.
“I can’t help but love them?” 
“I know! Should we try them on?”
“Your sister did say she wanted pictures so we definitely should.” 
The both of them took off their current, normal, jumpers, and set them on their couch. Grace couldn’t help but wink at Rafael while he was shirtless which got a sly smile out of him; she also didn’t miss the way his eyes didn’t leave her as she stood with just her bra on before getting the new jumper on. 
They stared at each other, wearing their very own Christmas jumpers, for a few seconds before they started laughing. 
“You look absolutely perfect.” Rafael said.
“For Christmas? I absolutely do, and so do you. I love it. Anna did ask me your size like two months ago, but I had no idea that’s what she had in mind.”
“I can’t say I’m upset about this turn of events.”
“Me neither.”
Grace grabbed her phone, which she’d left on the couch when she’d started decorating the tree, and unlocked it to the camera app. Taking Rafael’s hand in hers, she took them to stand in front of the tree and smiled at him. 
“How about a Christmas jumper selfie?”
“Only if you send it to me once it’s taken.” 
Grace handed Rafael her phone; their height difference always made it much easier if he was the one taking the picture instead of her. She set her head on his shoulder, smiling bright; Rafael looked at her, smiling with the same adoration he always had when looking at Grace, and took a picture. Then, both looking at the camera, they took another photo. And another one when Grace stood high on her tiptoes and kissed Rafael’s cheek. 
By the end, they probably had a dozen pictures of each other in their ugly sweaters; the love they had for each other truly shined through every photo. Grace sent a couple to her sister, and sent them all to Rafael. Then, she threw her phone on the couch, with practiced ease, and turned to Rafael.
“Now, how about we take these jumpers off?” Grace asked Rafael, a hand on his wrist.
“Alright, I like where this is going …” 
“And I thought having the rest of our clothes follow was a good idea.” She said, slowly starting to take her jumper off. “Thoughts?” 
Rafael helped her with the jumper, and in one move, took his own off.
“My thought is I’m going to carry you to our bedroom right now where we can appreciate your idea even more.” 
Within seconds, Grace had her legs wrapped around Rafael’s waist, and he was walking towards their room with her laughing in his arms, all thoughts about decorating the tree forgotten.
And that morning, they celebrated Christmas a little bit early.
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
When did Rafael mention that he had a cousin? Does anyone know? Help.
Isn’t it his cousin that lives in Brazil and who he was going to sleep on his couch?
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
Behind his shy guy attitude, Rafael had a kinky side we never got to know/appreciate and you can't convince me otherwise... that's the only explanation I can find for the sex scene he had in book 1, chapter 16, when he still was recovering from his surgery at the hospital! 😂
I don't know how's the saying in English but in my country (and I think in Latin America in general) we say "los calladitos son los peores" like "the quiet/shy ones are the worst", like they (we) all look super quiet but they have all these hidden depths and preferences and kinks no one could imagine 👀 just like Raf sjdbdis
So yeah, so bad we couldn't get to know that shade of Raf 😞
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
WEEK 6: Sexting, Phone Sex, Cyber Fun
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Ethan x F!MC
For The Love of Texting - @takeharryandgo​  He hates texting, but he doesn’t hate it quite so much when he’s texting her. Return of the sexting.
Lazy Afternoon Fun @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie's missing Ethan on her day off and decides to shake things up -- via text.
Lazy Afternoon Fun - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie’s missing Ethan on her day off and decides to shake things up – via text.
Long Distance - @bex-la-get​  Natalie struggles with the distance when Ethan leaves town for a business trip.
MC texts Ethan back a little later - @writer-ish​ ♥📱
Midnight Delight - @takemyopenheart Ethan and Luz enjoy a little midnight cyber fun.
Seven Days Without You - @lawyerlies​  Ethan leaves Anj for a week and she misses him dearly.
That Messy Vegas Threesome - @utterlyinevitable 🍘 Later on the balcony after Jackie’s asleep on the couch, Dr. Love Lao finds herself in another sort of threesome with Bryce and Ethan.
Touch - @drethanramslay Kinktober: phone sex
Two Weeks - @lsvdw-blog A short exchange of dirty talk between them from.
You Make Me Feel - @usuallyamazinglyaverage Ethan and Anna talk - and do some other things too.
Rafael x F!MC
Not Keeping it Clean - @jerzwriter 📱 How to stay awake during a double shift?
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
Upcoming: Smut Tropes 🎉
We’ve been getting a bunch of specific asks lately and as a result we’ll be launching Smut Tropes! 
Have a look at the Ethan tropes that will be rolling out next week: 
Dom/Sub Stuff
Gettin’ Kinky Wit It
In Water
Oral Happenings
Phone Sex, Sexting & Cyber Fun
Porking in Public Places
Ripping Clothes
Satisfying Fingers
With Food
If you have a trope idea or know of fics that fit these categories, please submit them! ♥
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
Trope Challenge
I’m putting together the weekly prompts I’ve noticed we have 57 weeks of unique tropes! 
Do you think it would make sense to do the smut prompts as their own weeks, or pair them with another open-ended prompt? Kind of like a general list and a kinktober list?
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