mcbutt3r · 7 years
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Chapter 5 is slowly becoming my favorite each time I reread it. There’s at least five different scenes I just love. This being one of them. Read the story!
They made their way over to the collapsed pipe and Roger immediately went to work, severing the jagged edges with a band saw he pulled from his bag. He'd quizzed her during their trek here on the different tools he carried with him, seeming satisfied upon learning that she knew what most of them were and how to use them. He had her stand beside him, asking her to fetch different instruments from the bag as he needed them, cutting out damaged wiring to be replaced by sections cut from a roll of spare line that sat moldering in one corner of the room, cautioning her to watch what he did closely. She did make sure to study what he was doing in case he questioned her about it later, though she also took some time to peer around into the darkness, noting the locations of the smattering of doorways now that her eyes had gotten used to the dark. Could she make a run for one of them quickly enough to escape his reach before he realized what she was up to? She glanced at his long gangly arms, bending this way and that, sometimes in more than once place, knowing he could easily snag her before she could dart even a few feet towards one of them. Knock him off balance perhaps before dashing away? No, that wouldn't work either. He was far too strong and he'd catch her without much trouble then too and she'd promised herself she wouldn't hurt him. And besides, she had no idea where any of those doorways led to. They could be broom closets for all she knew. Better to wait until she'd been allowed to see more of the Maw and learn her way around it more thoroughly.    She realized that Roger had stopped working, his hands stilled above his head from twisting the exposed guts of one of the newly mended lines together, and had his head cocked to one side.    “Your breathing is speeding up,” he said quietly. She felt the blood drain from her face, knowing she'd been found out. “Not having inappropriate thoughts, are we?”    She swallowed and forced her lungs to slow down. “No,” she muttered, hoping he couldn't hear the lie in her voice. “It's cold and dark in here. I'm nervous, that's all.”
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mcbutt3r · 7 years
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This is one of my favorite parts of the story The Sounds She Makes. This scene is from chapter 2, which like I’ve stated is one of my favorite of the story.
“Why won't you say anything?” she said, unable to keep a note of tense unease from her voice. “Can't you speak?”    His hands tightened on his mug before placing it carefully down onto the table, his mouth twisting into a displeased frown and then splitting into a silent snarl. He suddenly leaned forward menacingly, bumping into the table and causing the dishes scattered on its surface to rattle harshly. She pushed herself into the back of the chair, her brief sense of boldness shifting to shocked fright in an instant. He jerked his head to the side in a small, sharp way, his neck cracking dully, and his lips pulled back into a sneer.    “I...don't...like to,” he said, so quietly that she had to strain her ears to make out the words. His voice was only slightly deeper than that of most men, just shy of average in tone but...very rough, harsh almost, a hissing, grating, creaking sound as if rusty from disuse. She swallowed and the click of her throat seemed to echo very loudly throughout the room. He sneered at her again before suddenly grasping the edge of the table with one hand, the other swooping down to brace against the floor, and he lowered himself smoothly from the chair. Without turning back to regard her further he made his way over to the door, reaching out to grasp the knob to open it. Aside from a single burning light bulb dangling over the front step there were nothing but inky shadows beyond. He paused in the doorway for a brief moment before turning his head slightly back in her direction and raising a hand to point, first at her and then down sharply at the floor. His meaning was clear. Stay here.
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mcbutt3r · 7 years
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This is the first of many illustrations I have done/working on for the story The Sounds She Makes from Ragdollstiches on Deviantart: http://ragdollstiches.deviantart.com/
Link to the first chapter: http://kamajii-the-mog.deviantart.com/art/The-Sounds-She-Makes-Chapter-1-694862765
This is an illustration for the second chapter, which is my favorite.
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