#ragggedy ann and Andy
dangerouscloudrebel · 5 months
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You can never tell, when he'll show up, He gives you plenty of trouble. I guess he's just a no 'count pup, But I wish that he were double
He's a tramp, He's a rover! And there's nothing more to say. If he's a tramp, he's a good one
And I whish that I could travel his way..
What a Dog!
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the-great-lucario · 3 years
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Pride sketch of my raggedy/Neopets oc Thunder! Because Thunder is a toy he was made genderless, he has no gender identity what's so ever, because of this I feel like he would think whatever his gender is its unimportant and doesn't matter, which would also makes him cassgender. The reason why he uses he/him pronouns is because that's just what others have decided to label him, they could be using she/her/they/them/it/its and Thunder wouldn't care at all, it's all the same to him. Link to Thunder’s fanfic (Thank y’all so much for over 400 reads!)
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dangerouscloudrebel · 4 months
"You're the only friend that I let get under my skin, as if we live in the same skeleton."
"Sometimes I want to cut you, but I know I'll always love you, 'cus you are my twin, La-la-la you are my twin.."
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dangerouscloudrebel · 5 months
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Is this Paris?
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dangerouscloudrebel · 6 months
Andy: "You don't know how good I'm feeling after you told me to write a letter of what I feel about them, and let it burn."
Teddy: "Yeah that's good to hear! So how it was the feeling when you burn the letter?"
Andy: "The Letter?"
Teddy: "yeah The letter, that you burn it."
Andy: "No you said to me to 'write a letter about how you feel about them and Burn'"
Teddy: "burn what you wrote!"
Andy: "...The letter?"
Teddy: "The Letter!!!"
Andy 'pulls out a letter': "This one?"
Teddy: "...."
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