#ragnar ubbesson
therealvikingstrash · 2 years
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Children of Vikings Week, Day 7: Ragnar Ubbesson
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inmyfxith · 3 years
Imagine being Ragnar's descendant in Canute’s army
Warnings -> None
Words -> 706
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No matter how long you stayed away from Norway, as soon as your feet reached the wooden harbor of Kattegat, you were at home. Many Vikings around you owned your family settlements and other privileges beyond the Northern Sea but not that much knew that you were related to the great Ragnar Lothbrok.
As soon as you received the call, you gathered some of your most trustful men, and together, you sailed to the good old Kattegat. Despite many of your men, you stayed faithful to Odin, and the Gods allowed you to travel the sea in a peaceful journey. Everything around you was just as you had imagined it even if it was a bit different from the stories your father told you about. Stories he learned through his father who knew them through his one.
As the captain of the ship, you gave the orders. Not that numerous compared to the other ships that were accosting, you remained in the shadow, following the troops of another warrior-chief until King Knut’s camp. There, you ordered your men to settle until you had met the king yourself.
In Norway, nobody knew your name and for a good purpose. After the death of Ragnar and after the death of Bjorn Ironside, being a Lothbrok in Kattegat was a dangerous game. Being allowed to enter Knut’s main tent, your hand on the pommel of your sword, you approached before bending the knee as a sign of submission and respect even if he was not your king.
Not recognizing your face, he asked you to introduce yourself and so you did.
“Y/N Y/L/N, King Knut. I and my men originally came from the settlement of Dyflinn and we managed to stay there until now. But when we received your call, it was like a message from the Gods.”
Despite your confidante tone, the king did not seem real to believe you.
“And who are you?” He asked with his deep tone while joined by Harald Sigurdsson who only wanted to know who was ready to fight alongside him. After giving him an annoying glance, you began your speech.
“Just as yours, King Knut, my ancestors were great people. Until now, I did not feel worthy enough to carry their name, their legacy and I want to change that.”
Glancing at you from head to toe, Harald was trying to figure, just as the king, to whom you could be related. After a minute, the young man finally asked.
“And who are you the descendant of?”
“Legendary Ragnar Lothbrok.” The only reaction you receive was a chuckle, of course, they did not believe you. Many people had already come to Norway, claiming they were the new Ivar the Boneless to have a semblance of glory, but it was not your intention. Sighing deeply, you took in your hand the Christian cross that had been hidden behind your shirt for a long time.
“This is the cross of my great-great-grandfather, the one he received from King Alfred the Great himself after being baptized. I am the descendant of the great-grandchild of Ubbe Ragnarsson, grandchild of Ragnar Ubbesson, and child of Y/F/N Ragnarsson. You can disrespect me as much as you want, I don’t care, but you must never insult my family in front of my face.” In only a few minutes, your blood had started to boil in your veins. As you approached the descendant of the first king of all Norway, the hand that held the pommel of your sword had turned white with the tension in your body. Raising his hands above his head to prove he wasn’t a threat for you, Harald glanced at his King, waiting for him to intervene.
Letting out a sigh, Knut still looked suspicious but seeing your reaction, the only thing that came to his mind was that you would make an excellent addition to his army.
"We need good warriors, men and women ready to avenge those who have joined Heaven and Valhalla. If you are who you say you are then you can stay." Relaxing slightly, you nodded in response before leaving his tent.
"I don't know how yet, but I'll prove my point before the Ragnarök takes us all away."
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History for Vikings: Valhalla Lothbrok characters
Thyra, Revna, and Sten Lothbrok are all the great-grandchildren of Ubbe Ragnarsson.
After Ubbe's son Ragnar had grown into a young man, he had a thirst for adventure, and he wanted to know more about where he came from and wanted to be Viking. So as a young man he took a group of his people and set off into the world, set on making a name for himself like his father and his uncles before him. So for five years, Ragnar sailed around the world, exploring and raiding and making a name for himself. He had returned to Norway several times throughout the years and called it his home. After those five years, when he was 25, he met the Princess Halla of Oslo Norway. They fell in love and married. Halla was a fierce shieldmaiden and joined Erik on his ventures. Their exploration and raids made Oslo quite rich, although not as rich as Kattegat. Ragnar and Halla had four children. Their eldest was Erik, then Freja, Aslaug, and Bjorn. When Halla's father died, Halla and Ragnar became king and queen of Oslo. Like Kattegat, the two made Oslo a place open for all people of all faith, although both Halla, Ragnar, and their children believed in the Norse Gods, they had no problems with other faiths.
Erik the eldest son became king of Oslo when he was only 24 after his father fell in battle against an earl who wanted to take Oslo and the crown for himself. But he was quickly defeated, but it cost Ragnar his life. Before Erik had become king, he lived much like his father did exploring and raiding and he made several visits to England to visit his people there peacefully.
After he became king, his mother who was still alive arranged marriage with Sif, the daughter of a wealthy earl. While the two did not choose the match it was a happy marriage. Sif went on raids with Erik soon after their wedding, Erik's mother Halla ruling while her son explored and raided all the more. Both Erik and Sif made names for themselves on the raids. They were great warriors, but they always fought as a team making them fierce and impressive advisories. The two finally settled down permanently in Oslo three years after as King and Queen, although they still often raided for years to come. Erik was also the one to begin calling himself and his family with the last name Lothbrok again.
Erik and Sif have three children, their eldest Thyra who shall inherit the throne, their middle child Sten, and their youngest Revna. All three children are trained in fighting but also in politics and war tactics. While they have had peace in Oslo since Ragnar's death, Erik always wanted his children to be ready for anything. He also often sends them as emissaries and diplomats in his stead.
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lisinfleur · 5 years
Episode 9 - my usual rant
You were warned.
Ok, let us begin.
First of all, Bjorn's marriage was fully a punishment for me. Ingrid seems to be the worst of the sister wives, already trying to put some wood in the fire and spit on the woman who called her inside and freed her by remembering Gunnhild about Harald's proposal. SNAKY BITCH, that's it! But to me, Björn's marriage sounds perfectly as a punishment. Gunnhild forced him to take responsibility over his decision to sleep with another and now he has to deal with bitchy Ingrid! GREAT girl! However, she's suffering a lot and I wish it could end - despite I'm still trying to understand if that golden tear was just a metaphor to make explicit she was crying for a real treasure and her love was real for him... who knows?
Now, for the first time since this season started, I wanted to tell Torvi to shut up. You don't remember your husband about how baptized he was in front of everyone when he just said a Christian man was an enemy and should be killed. By Odin's beard, woman, speak this to your husband INSIDE YOUR CHAMBERS not in front of everyone! And why the fuck did she kept that shit? Old memories from England, dear Torvi? NO! Shush! No no no! Leave my Ubbe (and my precious now canon Ragnar Ubbesson) alone!!!
Yes, my Ubbe. Fuck it. @laketaj24 he's a bitch, but I can't resist. He's too interesting for me to leave it be and the more I hate him for not forgiving Hvitserk and fleeing like shit from Bjorn's fall and all his problems, I'm a sucker for Jordan and I cannot stop thinking Ubbe's plot in Iceland seems to be promising. I just hope Hirst doesn't make me regret it.
Hvitserk. It was senseless and hushed. I wish it had lasted more than a pair of scenes. But I have to say Im messed up and confused about Ivar's meeting with him. I mean... It was so cute! But Hvitserk was scared of him not long ago... But it was so CUTE! But Hvitserk and Ivar were enemies! But IT WAS SO CUTE! But Ivar burned Thora!!! BUT IT WAS SO CUTE!!! I'll call you girls when my mind stops this infinite loop...
Now, let us talk about the elephant in the room? Is it me or Ivar is the only one who sees Freydis' face? It seems Hvitserk is not the only one seeing ghosts and someone didn't need musshies for it...
This episode made me confuse and instigated... I just hope in the gods that the next episode doesn't fuck up everything making me wait a WHOLE YEAR for some answers please...
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Revna Lothbrok (Vikings: Valhalla OC)
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Name: Revna Lothbrok or Revna Eriksdottir
Age: 18
Faceclaim: Ruby Hartley
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Home: Oslo, Norway
Occupation: Princess, shieldmaiden(training)
Great grandfather: Ubbe Ragnarsson
Grandfather: Ragnar Ubbesson
Grandmother: Halla Sunedottir
Father: Erik Lothbrok
Mother: Sif Arnesdottir
Brother: Sten Lothbrok
Sister: Thyra Lothbrok
In battle, she pulls her hair back in a braid and dawns a leather tunic, with chainmail underneath and leather bracers on her arms. When not in battle she usually wears her hair down and wears dresses.
Weapons: She uses a bow and two short swords.
Personality: Being the youngest of Erik and Sif's children, Revna is very eager to prove herself in service to her father and people, but also in battle. While she had trained since she was small to fight, she had seen very little battle and only been raiding a few times. She is very sweet, and people usually underestimate her because of that, but she is smart and a good strategist. She is close to her siblings and is still quite a young girl at heart.
History/Background: Link
Strengths and Weaknesses: Her softness and kindness are usually seen as weakness by others, but she can be fierce in the protection of those she loves, and she often uses people's view of her to her and her family's advantage.
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Thyra Lothbrok (Vikings: Valhalla OC)
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Name: Thyra Lothbrok, or Thyra Eriksdottir
Age: 22
Faceclaim: Millie Brady
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Home: Oslo, Norway
Occupation: Princess, and Shield Maiden
Great grandfather: Ubbe Ragnarsson
Grandfather: Ragnar Ubbesson
Grandmother: Halla Sunedottir
Father: Erik Lothbrok
Mother: Sif Arnesdottir
Brother: Sten Lothbrok
Sister: Revna Lothbrok
In battle, she braids her hair back and wears a leather jerkin over her shirt, although forgoes the chainmail. She wears fitted pants and tall boots. She can either wear a shirt and pants or dresses for her everyday attire, she is comfortable in either. She has a tattoo of a serpent on her thigh. She has a scar on her left shoulder from an arrow and another scar on her torso from a sword.
Weapons: Her primary weapons are two axes, but she also wields a sword.
Personality: Thyra has a quick wit and a sharp tongue. She is not afraid to speak out and she cares for her family deeply. Although Sven gets on her nerves she would defend him with her life. She is fiercely protective of her little sister and often scares off men who come around her. She knows it is an honor to be the blood of one of the sons of Ragnar and wants to live up to that honor. She is eager to prove herself, and honor her people. She was trained by her mother to be a shieldmaiden and often accompanied either her mother or her father on raids. But while she was training to be a shieldmaiden, she was also learning to be a leader, and to one day inherit the crown of Oslo. She shares her parent's values about people and faith and wants to keep her home safe for all.
History/Background: Link
Strengths and Weaknesses: Thyra knows her own mind and while she listens to others' council she will always do what is right for her people and her family. She can be quite stubborn when she sets her mind to something, which is what pushes her to be a skilled warrior. she can be rash at times and has a temper when it comes to defending her family.
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Sten Lothbrok (Vikings: Valhalla OC)
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Name: Sten Lothbrok, or Sten Eriksson
Age: 20
Faceclaim: Arnas Fedaravičius
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Home: Oslo, Norway
Occupation: Prince, warrior.
Great grandfather: Ubbe Ragnarsson
Grandfather: Ragnar Ubbesson
Grandmother: Halla Sunedottir
Father: Erik Lothbrok
Mother: Sif Arnesdottir
Sister: Thyra Lothbrok
Sister: Revna Lothbrok
For battle, he wears light armor usually made from leather so he is able to move about quickly. He keeps his hair short rather than braid it, and he usually wears a loose shirt, with a vest over it and pants tucked into his boots.
Weapons: He uses a sword and bow.
Personality: Sten is very arrogant. While he can be kind and cares for his home and people deeply, the first thing people notice about him is his arrogance. He is honored to be a descendant from Ubbe Ragnarsson and Ragnar himself, but he often thinks that is a reason to act better than everyone else. While he loves his family he struggles with his father, and his older sister because she will inherit the crown of Oslo even though he is the only son.
History/Background: Link
Strengths and Weaknesses: Sten is a good warrior, but he still has much to learn, he does not like being told what to do, and thinks he is often invincible and this lands him in trouble quite a lot. While he does not always see eye to eye with his family, he does love them and is very close to his siblings, and would do anything for them.
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