#raidou the 40th
cantillat-moved · 5 years
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The Great Cataclysm of Tokyo was the first of a series of global nuclear holocaust, causing the world to become a wasteland populated by demons coming from the Expense. A few decades later, a tectonic plate movement of massive proportions caused the ocean to rush into Tokyo, decimating the area around it. Through political maneuvers, the Messian Church took over the government and converted it to a theocracy, starting the construction of the Center.
Using a huge amount of funding, the Center is built on the former site of the Basilica, to host the future municipal government called “Millenium”.  Outside the self-contained shelters environment, most of the world is rendered uninhabitable thanks to global warming, radioactive contamination and the deterioration of the ozone layer.
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In the world overtaken by demons, the Kuzunoha clan – a clan of devil summoners, long-time protectors of Japan – decided it would be more efficient to pool their resources and assist the Temple Knights from the Order of the Messiah in protecting the population. At first, they started helping with the training but soon they joined their numbers and started commanding elite forces.
One of the many to bear the name of the Four Greats, a very distinguished honor in the clan, Raidou Kuzunoha the Fortieth had a strict upbringing because of that: trained from birth to perform the ritual of passage and inherent the name, he discarded his own name and past to serve the people of Japan and protect them as a devil summoner. Praised by his skills, the 40th reached the rank of a tetra-summoner, an undeniable proof of his power.
However, at one point he found out that much of his life was a lie: the Kuzunoha weren’t what they claimed to be and the Messian Faith wasn’t interested in serving people. In fact, slaves working night and day in the factories and experiments in fusing humans and demons against their will was commonplace. Those unwilling to abide by the Center were prosecuted and cast out, deemed unworthy of being saved.
Disgusted by the corruption he was assisting in reinforcing, the 40th became a renegade and started on working on a plan to try creating a new future or at least creating a divergent timeline.
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Taking a page from the very same events that lead to the Cataclysm, the 40th decided to take an extreme course of action: to destroy Tokyo long before these events. After all, the Yamato Perpetual Reactor connecting the human world to the Expense was located in the city, so instead of pinpointing all the factors that would lead to the construction of the device he would take care of all possibility, it would ever take place. Besides, if a society like that allowed it to happen, perhaps it didn’t deserve salvation.
Casting away his physical body, he traveled throughout the Akarana Corridor to the past where he possessed a young girl to put his plans into motion. Manipulating a Major General for the Japanese Imperial Army, a man called General Munakata who was long possessed by an evil spirit, the 40th used the other’s Super Soldier Project for his own means whilst supplying the scientists with technology from the far future.
His plans put him at odds with the Raidou Kuzunoha of that era, the Fourteenth. Eventually, the two of them had a fateful showdown with his predecessor emerging victorious and dooming him to become a lost soul, forever unable to go back to his original time.
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Raidou Kuzunoha the XL is the real antagonist in Shin Megami Tensei : Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha VS the Soulless Army for the Playstation 2. It is implied throughout the game that he comes from the Shin Megami Tensei / Shin Megami Tensei II / Shin Megami Tensei Imagine time.
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tfmldoujinshi · 9 years
Discount Sales: Part Six
Discount Sales: Part Six A collection of SMT: Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha doujinshi focused on Raidou the 40th. All of these are rare items. Title: Hate no hate (The end of the end) Series: DS:RK Circle: Dennou-Kyotou Artist: Ono Karin Pairing: Raidou#40 Main Rating: Gen Pages: 14 $2 Title: Michiyuki Sekai (The world along the path) Series: DS:RK Circle: Dennou-Kyotou Artist: Ono Karin Pairing: Raidou#40 Rating: Gen Pages: 20 $2 Title: Amaneku sekai (Across the world) Series: DS:RK Circle: Dennou-kyotou, BRAINCHILD, B.P.S!, Satani-K Artist: Ono Karin, Shimonomu, Iwata Kiyohiko, Aikou Satsuko Pairing: Raidou#40 main Rating: Gen Pages: 40 $2 Title: Sakinaki Sekai (Meaningless World) Series: DS:RK Circle: Dennou-Kyotou Artist: Ono Karin Pairing: Raidou#40 main Rating: Gen Pages: 78 $5 Title: Kasokeki sekai Series: DS:RK Circle: Dennou-kyotou Artist: Ono Karin Pairing: Raidou#40 main Rating: Gen Pages: 20 $2 Title: Chouriki yonjuudaime tokuhon (Super Raidou the 40th Reader) Series: DS:RK Circle: Anthology Artist: Various Pairing: Raidou the 40th main, Raidou/Hiroko Rating: Gen Pages: 68 $5 Title: Yotte kudan no gotoshi (Therefore the same as before) Series: DS:RK Circle: Satani-K Artist: Aikou Satsuko Pairing: Raidou/Raidou#40 Rating: Gen Pages: 42 $2 (NOT SHOWN) Title: Yogensho ibun (Strange prophecies) Series: DS:RK Circle: Vivid Memory Artist: Tenryuu Hichou Pairing: Raidou#40 main Rating: Gen Pages: 14 $2 Title: Tokyo Millennium no junjou (Tokyo Millennium's Local Hero) Series: DS:RK/SMT:N Circle: Migitahidarita Artist: Ki Amara Pairing: Raidou 40 main Rating: Gen Pages: 54 $5 Title: Millennium no Kakera (Fragments of Millennium) Series: SMT:II/Devil Summoner Circle: Migitahidarita Artist: Ki Amara Pairing: Raidou 40 main Rating: Gen Pages: 28 $5 Title: Hanayaka na zasetsu (Spectacular Failure) Series: DS:RK/SMT:N Circle: Jugend Artist: Natsumi Pairing: Raidou 40/Hiroko, Aleph/Hiroko Rating: Het Pages: 22 $5 Buy them all for $30
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cantillat-moved · 5 years
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The night when Raidou Kuzunoha the 40th learned the truth about his clan was also when he made love for the first and only time.
He was never been talkative outside the debriefing sessions or when he was instructing his squad on demon summoning techniques, so people barely noticed any change in his behavior. Besides, Raidou didn’t blame Cephas for betraying him: like many knights, the other was an orphan raised by the Order so he was devoted to them just like the devil summoner was to his clan. The young man’s faith was honest, and the only one to blame was the ones at the Center.
The only one that noticed that Raidou had gone quieter and didn’t brush it off as the loss of a brother-in-arms was one of the few women in the squad, Phoebe. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her the truth, through. Of all of them, she was the most compassionate, even towards those who bear arms against them. She believed that it wasn’t up to her to judge their enemies as they too were fighting for their beliefs, and if they are willing to kill or die for that then they must be respected. And it was also their duty to protect all of God’s creation, good or bad, for all have meaning in this world, but mostly keep the innocent safe. Once she even confided to Raidou that she prayed for all souls: those who were already departed, those whom she reaped away, those who are living and for the unborn, hoping that the Messiah would grant them a world without strife and they wouldn’t experience the same suffering that their generation was going through. At the same time, Phoebe was merciless in combat. She wouldn’t let her guard down for a moment on the battlefield, nor took chances. As a Temple Knight and summoner, she knew that many lives were at stake whenever she fought, including her squad.
Raidou adored her, but their relationship would never be approved by the Kuzunoha. After all, he had to follow his clan’s traditions and produce heirs to the bloodline. Appropriate summoners, strong enough to produce large amounts of magnetite and summon using kudas and not COMPs. And people from the old lineages were growing thin, so he had no choice.
But it all changed when he found out that it has been a long time since the Kuzunoha clan stopped working for the Yatagarasu. Raidou couldn’t determinate if it was the Yatagarasu who turned their back on them, or if it was the humans who broke the back but he had a feeling it was the later from the interactions he witnessed and the evidence he found. Even so, the summoners and the branch houses were educated as it has been for centuries as if they still followed the Yatagarasu’s wishes and only the elders and the heads of the main house knew the truth. In fact, they were in cohorts with the Center in order to cement their theocracy, where those of higher ranks would be regarded as nobility and rule not only the Capital, but all of Japan. The clan was corrupted by greed and lust, and no longer honored their ancestors who spilled their blood protecting the nation.
Feeling lost, Raidou retreated to a place that used to bring him peace. However, at that point he couldn’t even trust his own instincts as everything he knew, everything he was taught was a lie. That also meant that all the values that he was taught, all the strict discipline were nothing but ways to brainwash him into an obedient son, who would die for the ambitions of few and not for the sake of those who can’t fight back.
Whist adrift in his own thoughts, Phoebe found him. It wasn’t hard for her, who knew better than the most. She didn’t say a word, just stayed for a while with him and her presence soothed the summoner. In his vulnerability, he confessed his feelings for her, which she reciprocated in the same intensity, but never said aloud because she was aware that his clan would never allow it to happen.
After all that he learned, Raidou turned his back on his clan and sealed his decision by making love with her.
The following day, the young devil summoner disappeared. Having learned about the Underground, he decided to take refuge there as he put his plan together. Raidou couldn’t bring himself to taint her with the things he was about to do so he was aware that it would be the last time he’d see her.
After that, he would have intercourse many times to get what he needed, especially when possessing the bodies of the girls in the past. But love, he only had it once.
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cantillat-moved · 5 years
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40th learned about the Dark Realm when he traveled back in time. In his original time, as the demons roam free, there is no such thing as a dimension for demons separated from humans.
He found out about the lies of the Center (the administration of the Tokyo Millenium) and the Kuzunoha clan when he decided to investigate the death of his predecessor, Raidou Kuzunoha the XXXIX, who was killed by finding out the same truths and was going to revolt. His death was covered up as being the work of the Ring of Gaea, an organization that opposed the center.
Before discarding his name to take up the mantle of Raidou Kuzunoha, his birth name was Burai  (武雷) , which means “fierce thunder”.
As a consequence of being defeated possessing the Soulless God Yasomagatsu, the 40th can’t possess anyone anymore. He may be able to possess small animals or even weak-willed humans but the process leaves him too weakened and vulnerable, being hardly worth it.
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