#raimi Harryflash
bluecrowanxiety · 2 years
Raimi! HarryFlash time
Did these doodles for the twin prompts: Unwelcome Interruption and Welcome Interruption
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Labelled them because the poses are quite saucy. Didn't get too uncomfy drawing them thankfully.
Doing some doodle prompts to calm my perfectionist attitude towards lineart, seeing as that is often what takes the longest to do and I've started dreading it. If I spread these doodle prompts out with my higher effort stuff then I won't run my motivation into the ground nearly as much. Hopefully. They still look good, despite lower efforts though maybe it's the colouring and lighting bringing it together, idk.
Leaning into some sort of alternative fashion for Flash. What happens when creative freedom is left up to me. It's fun :D and scary D:
Will probably reblog later with a Raimi!HarryFlash fic attached.
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kitausuret · 1 year
Harry Osborn/Flash Thompson Fic Recs
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(Harry and Flash at Flash's birthday, Amazing Spider-Man #789; Slott & Immonen)
After writing my own HarryFlash fic, and also at the request of a friend, I realized it might be a good idea to recommend a few of my favorites I've come across! It's a small ship but one I've become very fond of. Full disclosure, I haven't read everything out there, and if anyone has any recommendations, feel free to add them on! But here's what I've found on Ao3 and am happy to pass on.
As always, heed the tags and summaries, and have fun! Remember to kudos and comment!
Got to Believe It's Worth It - by turnofthesentry (1k, T+) - 616
Short, sweet, a little sad, a little smutty (mostly vague/suggestive). Set right before Flash ships off for active duty. I love this one even though it hurts my heart a lot. Bonus, there's a comic adaptation by @oliveroctavius which you can find right here!
Not a Math but a Science - by turnofthesentry (1k, Gen) - 616
So this one isn't solely HarryFlash, it's more like Harry pining for everyone, but it's a beautiful 4+1 fic (4 kisses Harry wanted, and 1 he got) and the bit for Flash is very sweet. I'm feelings.
phone calls - by kingdavidbowie (~2k, T+) - TASM
I think this might be a sequel to hallway by the same author, but I liked this one in particular because of its blending with some things from comics canon, especially for Flash. It's a little sad but they are sweet boys...
had they not been interrupted - by softgrungeprophet (1k, Explicit) - 616-esque-ish
trans!Flash? trans!Flash! Nadia wrote this wonderful little fic as part of their series..es..? where Flash is a trans girl. This one is a personal favorite, Harry is very good and very sweet to her.
better there than perfect - by blue_bees (2.5k, Gen) - 616
I really like this one because it's from the roommates era!! (oh my god, they were roommates) It's sweet and a little bit sad in parts but what good Coffee Bean ship isn't.
"The ladies dig a man in uniform." - by blue_bees (4k, T+) - 616
My favorite thing about this fic is how definitively it is set in the silver age of comics - Oli talks a lot on his blog about the importance of historical context with comics, and I love the way he uses that in this fic. It also makes it a little sad, of course (queer men in the sixties, and all) but god, it's so good. Also, getting frisky in a car is fun.
I hear the soft sigh of his inhale - by softgrungeprophet (9k, T+) - 616
This one's just plain fun. And look at that word count! It's inspired by the Spidey newspaper strip, which had a little B plot (or maybe more like a C plot) about Harry and Flash running a roller disco. This tick-marks a lot of my favorite things to see in fics, like the whole supporting cast. There are so many characters in this one!! It's fun! There's a scene that takes place during Halloween! It's got DAD!HARRY! There's also a lovely drawing by Oli at the bottom.
Cover Me In Bruises - by BlueCrowAnxiety (12k, Explicit, Incomplete [currently at ch. 10]) - Raimiverse
Let me preface this by saying I am not that into Raimi!Spider-Man, but I know there are a lot of Raimi fans out there and this is from what I've seen the only fic that falls into that category. I know from their other fics that Blue has a good knowledge of comics canon and that shines through here and there in this fic. I'd never considered HarryFlash in that universe before this one! It's neat!
Learn to Let it Show - by Kitausuret (2k, Gen) - 616
Not to toot my own horn, but I did just publish my very own HarryFlash fic last night. It's set after Venom: Space Knight because I like Flash as Venom and dad!Harry.
I hope you have fun with these suggestions! If anyone knows of any outside ao3 or that I missed, for sure feel free to add them.
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