#rain worls plushies
lemonrat-artpage · 6 months
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guppiesareamazing · 1 year
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Now the hard part, should I just keep him as Monk or give them a true name
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anothermonikan · 4 hours
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This feels like it's gonna all fall down at a slight breeze but I respect it's not made to be put on display and left really dshdshds
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Pipp silly :D
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afriendofours · 8 months
it’s almost spring which means
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grass-s0fa · 3 years
tiny (unnecessary) update for my story: Lenora has a 11 year old Fannie plush that he still carries around
adding on to that, the Maino franchise was created a little later than it originally was (switching from 2097 to 2089, when Lenora was 5, and Fannie has a little poncho instead of a bow!
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blunder leg low-priority episode 6 -now a vending machine is also a door because lol m'wacky dream lolgic lol so random and swerky but not random and qwerky enough to actually come up with something more interesting than doors being weird -the most obvious le hospital girl archetype with eyepatch ever known to mankind appears. I mean I guess it's good to get the archetype across quickly since she'll be fucking gone within a few minutes (remember in episode 1 when the egg girl and all her angst was actually developed while main was running around trying to save her? even ep 2 where the girl's archetype was spelled out like trying to get a dumb child to remember the alphabet was more than... well, basically nothing) but it just looks so odd, immediately. It doesn't even look like there're any other bandages on her. I dunno, it just seems kinda... lazy? oh are they going to do some thing with her eyepatch and main's eye colors? give me abreak The No-see-ums finally actually do something for the first time in... how am I only just starting on the 6th episode here? It feels like it's dragged on for so long... and yet nothing much has happened except a bunch of action scenes in shitty flashbacks and a bunch of the girls wandering around airing their backstories and talking about food. fuck this show
- these aren't no-see-ums! they're some other shit! oh on so the not-sees still haven't done jack shit then. we learn this after one of the noseeums trips, drops its knife and randomly decides to take off its mask so its face turns into a tennis ball with teeth. what. 'you've done too much to stand out in this worl' why the fuck does that matter? is acco refering to this one dream instance or the dream world at large? Is there ontological inertia between worlds that causes their battles there to have lasting effects? Nothing of the sort was established before this very nanosecond. 'what uh haturr' bitch I don't fucking know, the fuck's any of this shit? what's a seenoevil, what's the main monsters? actually what're the main monsters even called? are they just seenoevils but big? I don't remember if they've been named or anything at this point. but thanks to main just randomly fucking deciding to care about what the fuck a h8r is out of all this other shit, acco can tell us that they're spite created by the not-sees due to the grils' interference... FOR WHAT REASON? Main's barely touched a not-see in the last like two episodes and they're barely done jack shit in the flashbacks either, all the focus has been on the big monsters. oh yeah sure this show's just so super intelligent, you just have to duuuuurr make up shit consantly to fill in the shows own gaping plotholes, that takes some intellegence! also, the fuck you mean "you girls"? Are these four girls who all live in the same real-life area the only eggers in existence? No one else has a sudoku friend they'd like to save? "they don't have the guts to show their faces" ONE OF THEM LITERALLY TOOK OF ITS MASK WHICH PROMPTED YOU TO START SAYING THIS, ACCA-KUN. it's only a minute in and it's already so bad...... oh right the main monsters are called bosses like in muh video games. ok fine.
so anyway, the not-sees and the big bosses jot being after the main girls and just going after the egg-grils who they need to protect while the main girls were impervious "gods" was actually a really interesting dynamic and really made it feel like they were fighting someone else's personally hell. It's not like they lost tension, the girls could still get fucked up while fighting the things, but there was also the sliver of an idea that they could be cowards and just leave with no consequences to themselves, just the egg-girl getting brutalized. Like, you can do Your Part to stop bullying, you just have to muster up the courage/energy to caaaaare. So why not just... throw that out completely and make the not-sees attack the main girls directly. Because the writers ran out of ideas one femtosecond after they started writing this show and are now desperately casting around for ways to rachet up the tension
it's been so long since an actual battle has happened, and so little has been done with the battle setups, that acca has to remind main of the very basic fact that you can't clear the mission just by waiting for the bell. Remember the bell? I bet you'd forgotten about the bell, which hasn't been relevant in... many battles. -she'll regenerate in the egg-- ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME STOP GIVING EVERYONE GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARDS YOU FUCKS. putting the girl back in the egg should be a lose condition for the night and require you to start over the next night, at the very least, not just "oh yeah just go back into the womb it'll heal all consequences" you dumb fucks. Sure, this explains the girl at the beginning acting like she's been through this before, but at what cost? we live in a society and these dumb girls doing dumb stuff have some kind of significant objective. but it's only the four of them in this small area. also we said the name of the show out loud for some reason. it;s only two minutes into the episode and already its fucked up so much fucking show
because things suddenly got hard, the girls just get handed a powerup. nobody has earned this. apparently pomanders are the same as eggs now for some reason aidoru gets really fucking pissy about brownie not wanting to trade with her, even though nobody knows whats in the not-eggs yet regardless of whether they trade or not. I don't care and neither should she
........what the fuck are these weird-ass looking lizard fucks. OH I GET IT, SPECIES HATCH OUT OF EGGS, SO THAT MEANS ITS CLEVER SOMEHOW. EVEN THOUGH YOU'D USUALLY THINK OF BIRDS BEFORE YOU'D THINK OF LIZARDS BEING ASSOCIATED WITH EGGS. EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE ALL TERRIBLY DESIGNED AND THERE'S NO POINT TO THEM EXISTING AT ALL. and then in the dream worl they're giant and... they eat haterz. and the problem is solved just like that. ok, good thing to know i don't have to care about that, either, goodbye mainy flatout asks egg girl why she fucking killed herself and egg girl explains... SHE CAN SEE DEAD PEOPLE. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH EGG PEOPLE? "uguu no un wull beluve me" girl look at what the fuck's going on around you no one's going to believe any of this shit. I lost my suspension of disbelief in the war years ago. then the girls starts freaking out and crying about people having emotions at the hospital and shit, cool story bro can't relate. like i literally can't relate, you're tryng to write this poor girl who nobody could relate to so we feel sorry for her and relate to her, but there's really nothing to lash onto here besides "UHM CUTE GURL UM HAV FEULINGS BOOHOO" .... then it cuts in the middle of the battle to main talking to her teacher. I guess this is what she was upsetti about earlier, which means this random cut-away actually has a determinable place inthe timeline, but it's still really awkward and just shit. main drops some food back into her bowl when she hears the bombshell, but in the next shot her arms are completely at her sides, not over the bowl or even the table. cool putting aside how stupid of mom it was for her to drop this on her fucked-up kid- gendergirl is very specifically excited about becoming family with main, a girl she barely even knows bla bla this whole conversation's forced and stupid
I was going to praise the execution of having an invisible boss only the girl can see because it's made up of the girl seeing ghosts, but then main gets the pen knocked out of her hand and you know she's going to get handed the plushie or some shit and it's going to turn into a weapon that's better against the gost for NO REASON WHATSOEVER oh ok it's not the plushie it's the bracelet she conveniently throws directly in main's direction!!! thats even worse, good job show!!! and then for absolutely no reason main starts flashing over the bits of things her teacher had said and done, to force the appearance that what's happening now is in anyway shape or form connected to or bolstering that plotline... it really isn't. also why the fuck's this thing an elephant
what the hell, the prayer beads carried over from the dream?... and only after the mom notices them, main loses her shit and runs to school in the rain in soaking-wet clothes like she absolutely needed to go there and wasn't just wasting time in the tub seconds earlier. there was absolutely no reason for main to get over her shit and come back to school  absolutely no reason. but because she fixed her hair at the same ime intellectutards will eat it up and say it's deep. fuck off show
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