#rainbow pyj
asameera · 1 year
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Chasing after Abe is tiring. Everryone needs a good rest!
I drew this after the bot from the discord asked me to! ^^
"Draw something where Mullock is feeling tired, in a rainbow color scheme."
And voilà!
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mamapyjama · 2 years
I’ve been bothered by the river scene for ages. I didn’t find ‘he was scared of Deku’s heroic heart’ to be a satisfying reason for that kind of reaction. Then I thought about the other panels, and his little sycophant friends saying how strong he is.
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Would Kacchan have rejected Deku’s hand if they had been alone? Put another way, how much of his problem was inherently Deku, and how much of it was concern for how he was perceived?
Deku is the only one who sees Katsuki as potentially vulnerable, and (the way his kid brain sees it) if he wasn’t around everyone would think he’s amazing and perfect. Needing to be saved is shameful and embarrassing, and not something that someone with a cool and powerful quirk like him should ever need, right?
He’s over that now though, having been saved multiple times during his time at UA (poor baby). He’s finally reached the point where he understands that it’s okay to let yourself be saved, it doesn’t make you weak, and MY GOD we’re going to get the most amazing, perfect, cool and powerful handhold ever.
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A bit like that one, but better, apparently.
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