#ramuda’s mic has a chain on it binding him to his name
akkivee · 22 days
i'm actually very fond of the idea of ramuda having a soft spot for kuko after the events of the when six colors drama track. Like not only did kuko accept his apology after he broke him and ichiro up, saying his genuine apology has value, but also upon seeing how honobono treated the ramuda clones after they 'broke', he was the /only/ one to react to that and call her disgusting, must've mean a lot to ramuda! And if we treat ARB recent events as semi-canon(?) Kuko seems to have genuinely forgave ramuda and easily gets along with him which i think is sweet! :') it did get me thinking if ramuda would still try to make it up to him in some way by trying to gift him clothes or treat him to food but kuko sees right through that and tells him to stop it since what's done is done and that only makes ramuda feel guiltier lol
sorry i just really wanna see more ramudakuko interactions in the future!!
kuukou forgiving ramuda instantly had to have been very healing for him 🥺🥺🥺 like i still think it's very cute how gentaro and dice were on sasara and kuukou's teams for the mixed up track, and those were the two who forgave ramuda without fuss 😭😭😭😭
kuukou and ramuda have a lot of little things that idk are meant to narratively connect them since they’ve only had like 1.5 canon interactions and a handful of arb interactions lol
like ramuda inherited empty candy, kuukou’s set to inherit kuugen temple, and one of the kanji in kuugen reads as ‘empty’. ramuda has always wanted a real posse and kuukou stresses real friends who you can call family. ramuda fears ghosts and kuukou can communicate with them, ramuda struggles with having a true self, kuukou is always working on becoming his ideal self THERES A LOT LOL it'd be great if they could be a leader duo too 😭😭😭
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