#ranboo meetup
rockstar-pinkbug · 11 months
I adore the captions for the pictures!
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(Generation Loss)
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(Ordem Paranormal/Paranormal Order)
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the-weeping-harbinger · 11 months
Ranboo: I talked about Generation Loss and I was really interested in Ordem Paranormal so we talked a lot about that too, when I don't have anything to talk about I just default into speaking about our respective projects, hopefully he doesn't think I'm weird or anything
Cellbit: He's so young, but they're so creative, such an amazing person with amazing projects :)
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l3ppa · 11 months
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zombiifyd · 11 months
if ranboo was hanging out with the qsmp members during the las vegas meetup then that means they're gonna be the next new qs— (gets shot) (on extreme amounts of copium) (missing ranboo lore)
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a-xyz-s · 2 years
One hell of a meetup
Characters: human!tubbo and giant!ranboo
Word count: 1350 words
Cw: vore, safe/soft vore, angst, unintentional fearplay, mentions of death (doesn't happen), very light profanity, instincts
Just a short oneshot from almost a year ago I finally got to finishing. Idea, motivation to finish and proofreading provided by the lovely @brick-a-doodle-do am a vore hoe indeed Brick :D
"Ranboo?" Tubbo breathed out in a shaken whisper, a wave of cold sweat washing over his neck when his own voice echoed back through the pitch black cavern.
No response.
For a bit he could swear he was dead and in hell, the heat certainly fit the description. What wasn't quite fitting was the sheer humidity, the gentle winds of cool forest air passing by just out of reach, the deep thunderous rumbling of what could've been recognized as a hum and the ever slightly motioning and twitching wet ground right under his stiff sprawl out body. It wasn't long before the realization hit with full force and Prime had Tubbo wished he was dead right then and there.
The bloodchilling memory of what happened only moments ago fought its way to the front of his mind encasing his already blind eyes with panic filled darkness. Then, as if on cue, was the teen scrambling back to his feet, squirming around as his sporadic movements lead to his limbs slipping and sending him tumbling back down, each soft fall followed by a frightened whine.
Desperate determination left his body momentarily, lying limp on the muscle he now recognized as his 'friend's' tongue, heaving heavily, not getting enough oxygen through his system to think rationally. When it began to shift under his weight, he felt his body slipping off of it, slipping closer to… something, gravitation sending him downwards.
Now that? That forced a horrified scream out of his tightened throat, all the determination and adrenaline from moments ago returned in double the force and successfully pushed him up on his hands and knees.
His eyes have adjusted to the dark by now, but without a sliver of light he simply couldn't see, not even his own trembling hands moving him forward were more than pitch black splotches blending with the surroundings.
It's not like he needed to see, he knew his- 'friends' end goal far too well, he knew he just tried to slowly finish him off, most likely savoring the moment.
It wrecked a choked sob out of him, he never thought meeting up with an online friend, someone he trusted with his life, would cost him his life.
Guiltily he thought back to his parents, all those well-meant warnings and stranger danger talks he's had through the years, Prime, he hated them so much, but what would he give now if he had just listened.
Tubbo growled, he felt rage boiling his insides substituting the previously consuming panic, this wasn't fair. None of this was fair!
All he wanted was his friend, not just the comically deep voice coming through his phone's speaker, nor the half pixelated face smiling back at him. He wanted to hold him in a long tight hug, which he'd make sure was only the first of hundreds more. But he supposes that was too much to ask of life.
Ranboo may have tricked him, but there was no way he was going to give up, going to make it easy for the motherfucker. Oh fuck no!
He's going to reach the front, reach the teeth and then kick with all the force he can muster, if it takes a lost tooth for the bastard to open his jaws, if that's the price for Tubbo's life, then it's one he will be paying.
'Surely just a bit closer', Tubbo reached his arm out trying to feel for the teeth, he felt nothing but void in front and before he could piece together the puzzle his other hand slipped.
This time there was no slimy plush to catch his fall, he felt the upper half of his body slip for considerably longer before stopping at an elongated wall of flesh which wasted no time in doing it's duty. It squeezed around his torso tightly and began pulling down, paying no mind to the protests of Tubbo's hands which tried and failed repeatedly to push him back up.
"RANBOO!!!" the boy screamed in terror. He knew it was stupid, calling out the name of his soon-to-be-murderer, but in the chaos all his mind wanted was his friend.
All at once the tugging stopped and the boy found himself back on unstable ground, he stifled a sob. 'Back on Ranboos tongue', he reminded himself bitterly, but it was a ground no less.
A loud booming vibration came from all around him, startling his tiny-in-comparison form, similar enough to the previous hum, but different in tone to be recognized as something softer. Maybe less of a hum and more of a hush? In any other circumstance it may have even been comforting, weren't it for the burning feeling of betrayal and impending doom.
"Let me go, please," Tubbo broke. "I just- I just wanted to be friends, just to meet you, to have you here with me, to hold you, and- no nO NO NONONO!!!" The boy shrieked, kicking with his boots into darkness which mercilessly drew him in like a magnet. His nails found nothing to dig into, hands nothing to hold onto and feet nothing to push against and so helplessly his body slid back to the very same demise he was spared of moments ago.
This time, as a final nail in the coffin, as the fading light that sealed his fate, the same muscle he found his footing on pushed against his torso. Briefly his back got harshly pressed against the bony roof of the mouth, squeezing all air out of his lungs. Afterwards came a strange sensation, as though he was falling but oh so slowly, like every inch of his fall was slowed by some strange kind of safety measure sliding up his sides, leaving them drenched in increasing layers of slime. His limbs rested there, pinned against his body and rendered useless.
It only lasted ten seconds or so, the longest ten seconds in Tubbos life.
He landed, the soft walls underneath giving in downwards and further softening his ungraceful arrival.
This really was happening, wasn't it?
Ever since he's made eye contact with the giant who had yet to utter more than a hum of uncertain tone and emotion this is where he was bound to end up.
He should've run when he had the chance, should've fought harder and somehow, anyhow, fought off the monster's gluttonous gullet. And he should've begged when he had the slightest sliver of hope his words may be heard. To be frank, he felt an overpowering certainty that nothing he did mattered anymore.
Tubbo let his body fall back, slowly pressing against and sliding down the wall of flesh behind him. His hand, shaking, unable to stay still, traced a soft half circle by his head. More followed suit. Minutes later he finds himself gently rubbing at the stomach walls.
Tears fell silently down his cheeks, everything around, every inch of the plush surrounding him, was Ranboo. His entire world was nothing but his wished-for best friend. And yet, Tubbo felt so alone.
None of this was fair.
Ranboo let out another hum, content with the light weight finally resting securely in his storage. The tangled mess of thoughts his mind had become, blinded by primal instincts which screamed nothing but 'protect him', began clearing up now. If he had to guess, Tubbos first reaction to his sheer size may have been the trigger, he didn't hold it against his friend, meeting a giant, in a literal sense, wasn't quite the everyday occurrence.
It was quite fear inducing, but sadly someone forgot to notify his instincts and deliver the message that his friend wasn't in any real danger.
And in the process Ranboo forgot to notify Tubbo, who now sat there, sobbing and trembling terribly, awaiting what he believed to be approaching death.
When he fully awakes from his instinct flooded trance, Ranboo will have a lot of explaining to do, but for now, he was overflowed with joy to finally hold his best friend close.
Thank you for reading! Lemme know if you liked this shortie :D
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mcyt-correct · 1 year
Ranboo: 'Your America is showing'? Boy do I have something to tell you
Tubbo: Please remove your America it's upsetting
Ranboo: Well if you insist-
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benchtrioupdates · 2 years
Ranboo is in Sneegsnag's tweet!
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salamanderbutccs · 1 year
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tobysm1th · 1 year
I miss summer so bad
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codecicle · 3 months
ashton b swagaythor? more like FAGAYTHOR !!‼️‼️‼️
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thinkingnot · 2 years
bless Ranboo’s spine and knees after twitchcon mans locked in crouch mode 🙏🙏🙏
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rexyvex · 2 years
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the gang✨
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tinogiehd · 2 years
ranboo lost his originality a while back, there’s just a whole different vibe after comparing his first videos with the new stuff
idk if that’s valid or nah
I agree with you- maybe not in terms of originality, but in terms of change and losing something that was enticing. I remember feeling like his content had changed in a way that I didn’t like after I’d stopped watching him a ton but still tuned in every once and a while to check and idk what to pin it on other than the company he began keeping
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sapcanpvp · 2 years
heyyy !! i was formerly @/cyberrkaatie on twt and i’m looking for any moots or just people to be friends with !! i offer art, good memes and just having a good time !! 🫶
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mcyt-correct · 1 year
Ranboo: HEY!
Tubbo: aAH- hoohh-
Ranboo: You know your country?
Tubbo: Yeah?
Ranboo: It SUCKS!
Tubbo: Oh-
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