#randall marijuana
pysics · 1 year
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inspired by @idonthaveanyurlideas ‘s wild time loop-zero escape-blaseball precog trio twine masterpiece
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I needed enrichment so i spent my holidays making Precog a zero escape style timeloop twine story. because the real curse is that i am cursed to never stop thinking about these three and this blessing
anyway its 43k have fun
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revivificating · 1 year
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happy 420
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thok-best-piraka · 2 years
Not the only ones but aaaaaaa
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honorary mentions for me is breeze regicide, sebastion (or jessica) telephone, and sutton bishop just to name a few
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artistnamedlg · 7 months
For context, the garages were a band who wrote songs based off a game called blaseball, mainly rock but not confined directly too it. I am assigning some of their songs to fantasy high characters for the very small subset of people who are interested a.k.a mainly me. Most of these are based off season 1 but there is influence from the others. 👍
-Pyschoacoustics: Very loud but also kinda team based! (The bigger the garage/ the better the sound/ we’re just so glad you came around)
- Vanessa tables, the cheesiest love song ever. I can totally imagine fig singing this.
- ALBUMS: either Underground (its heavy metal) or Short circuit (psychoacoustics esque, it’s so loud!!!)
- CHARACTERS THEY WOULD LOVE? Probably Betsy Trombone or Allison Abbot. Or Jaylen HotdogFingers. Big Garages Fan probably.
- so mediocre, it’s about not being good enough and being told your not good enough. Yeouch.
-Sidelined, same album same reason but this one ends happier cause people do believe in them :)
- the entire Kansas City breath mints team failed the bar exam,
- won’t strike out, it’s about a frog kicking ass. For everyone who doesn’t know blaseball google chorby short right now.
- ALBUMS: either unstable (the first two songs are from it) or, while not a album, The Mike Townsend Trilogy because she would one hundred percent understand the looked down on for not being good enough vibe.
- CHARACTERS THEYD LOVE? Mike Townsend, Chorby Short, maybe Sebastion Telephone cause underperforming sibling vibes. I can see her being a big Hawaii Fridays fan or more accurately Yellowstone Magics
- And I mean all gods, the first line is “I need to email god because I have some issues”. Kristen would say that, 100%.
- solar eclipse, this one’s a little bit of everyone but it feels especially Kristen because of the direct callouts to god in it. She’d very much understand this one I think.
- ALBUMS weirdly enough, no clue. She would probably like the garages kill gods cause of the title and maybe pathetic/spineless cause repressed rage.
CHARACTERS THEYD LOVE? Most of the like goofy ones I think. She’d see pitching machine (a player who is an actual honest to god pitching machine) and start cheering. She would actually maybe enjoy the monitor who is a god but is also a pushover and eventually anticapitalist. Shed like Randall Marijuana if only cause he’s called “Randy weed” She’d also be a big Fridays person but I can see her being a Hellmouth Fan.
- operation plasma (swing and a miss) it’s a song by the spies about how they want a spy to bring them stuff, riz core.
- beautiful day, I don’t know why I can very much see riz in this, half of it cause shit canonically hits the fan even harder after beautiful day.
- the unremarkable ballad of Derrick Krueger, I can’t explain this one but I think it does have slight riz vibes of like overlooked underdog at the beginning of season 1
- Albums, be my valentine cause some of the songs are very sweet and a decent amount are not even romantic in like partner partner way or percolate or lofi hip-hop brews to kill siesta/kill gods to.
- Players he’d love? Parker McMillan, he’d love the insane complexity of trying to piece them together and like interrogating their socials. He’d be a big Houston Spies fan as well, no surprise, but he’d also be a data witch or something similar on the side, just digging round in the code.
EDIT: he would also love one of my fav players, Evelton mcblase 2, a trans mad scientist who is evil and also occasionally a eel.
- heart full of love mouth full of blood, it’s a little romantic but also about killing to protect your friends
- Mike Townsend is back, I can see him vibing to this, especially with the goofy “I learned how to solo!!!” Part
- hurt people, it’s about desperately not wanting to hurt those around you but being unable to.
- Albums I don’t know! Maybe encore cause some of those are very hard hitting and he’d like that I think but also maybe lofi as well cause chill out vibes. Potentially Immaterial Shores which is a bunch of like sea shanty’s.
-Characters they’d like? Jaylen hotdogfingers as well, he’d understand the tradgedy. Also Theodore Duende. Definitely Nagomi McDaniel because she’s a buff as hell mother , maybe the dad versions of Lenny Marijuana. Generally the strong ones who have hearts of gold. He’d be a Dallas steaks fan (their joke is that they’re all dads or dad adjacent, they do cookouts)
- Top ten Tillman Henderson moments that actually happened, dude I cannot describe it but he would love Tillman, shitheel player who does the silliest shenanigans.
- Rise, I can’t really explain it but the extreme confidence mixed with the knowledge that Jaylen actually deeply regrets her revival and fame feels very Fabian.
- Betsy trombone (+ r - s version) I can’t explain it but specifically this version has Fabian feels.
- Albums. Uhhh maybe just straight up discipline, it’s super long but he’d like it I feel. Something shorter would be Caught in the Reverb I don’t know why but I think he’d like it a bit.
-Favorite Characters? Tillman Henderson, he’d love how much of a shitheel he is. I can see him also liking Nagomi McDaniel and Jessica Telephone. I can also seeing him being part of the Jaylen resurrection efforts and just supporting her girlbossing murder spree. He’d actually care if they’re good at the game, similarly he’d be a crabs fan since they’re pretty consistently good, if not the crabs then the hades tigers cause they’re sick as hell. I can also see him really really enjoying York silk because it’s a 12 year old with a gunblade who’s unironically super strong.
- Well suck forever
- A horrible Mistake we will make again and again
Gilear (special edition!!)
-on fatherhood, im adding this just cause it reminds me of him. If you didn’t know people died in blaseball! That was a key thing! While figs alive this does give that vibe with how much she gets into.
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offender42085 · 2 years
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Post 0515
Eric Millerberg, Utah inmate 124835, born 1976, incarceration intake in 2015 at age 39, sentenced to 6 years to life, parole consideration date not available
Homicide, Obstructing Justice, Unlawful Sexual Contact, Corpse Abuse
A judge ordered Eric Millerberg to spend five years to life in prison for child abuse homicide, a first-degree felony; one to 15 years for obstructing justice, a second-degree felony; and two terms of zero to five years for both unlawful sexual conduct with a 16- or 17-year-old and abuse or desecration of a human body, third-degree felonies.
The judge ordered the sentences to run consecutive to each other.
"Alexis, the victim, was simply an immature victim that you took advantage of after you injected her with drugs," the judge told Millerberg. "Frankly, the conduct that bothers me the most was the conduct after, that things could have been done to make it less horrendous than it was, but they weren't."
Millerberg was convicted by a jury that took less than 90 minutes to declare his guilt.
Eric Millerberg said he was sorry for the loss to Alexis' family and that he couldn't imagine what this has done to them. Still, he stopped short of taking complete responsibility for her death.
"I'm willing to shoulder the responsibility for the role I played and the things that I have done," he said. "There's no way it's all mine."
(He is appealed the conviction, but the appeals were denied.)
The key testimony in the trial came from Millerberg's wife, Dea, who said it was Eric Millerberg who injected methamphetamine and heroin into the teenager's body. Alexis baby-sat for the couple, but her friend also testified that she and Alexis would go to them for drugs and alcohol.
The Millerbergs prepared drugs for the three of them, and they injected methamphetamine and heroin, smoked marijuana, drank alcohol and engaged in sexual activity the night Alexis died.
After Alexis took a bath at the Millerberg home, Dea Millerberg said the girl reported being really cold and shaking. Millerberg, a former nurse, didn't think much of the girl's symptoms at the time. But when Alexis became unresponsive later in the night, she tried to resuscitate her, but to no avail.
It was then that the Millerbergs "panicked" and decided to hide Alexis' body. The North Ogden girl was last seen the night of Sept. 10, 2011, when she was reportedly baby-sitting the couple's two young daughters. Eric Millerberg told both the girl's mother and a close friend that he didn't know where she was or what happened to her. Her body wasn't found until Oct. 18 in Morgan County.
Millerberg's attorney, Randall Marshall, argued that while the case is tragic, Alexis' death was not an intentional, premeditated murder. He said there was nothing to warrant the request for consecutive sentences.
"We have something that clearly was an accident," he told the judge. "No one intended for there to be a death — no one."
He said Millerberg struggled with drug and alcohol use and also questioned why his client was taking the bulk of the blame, when Dea Millerberg was also present the night the girl died and the decision was made to dispose of her body.
"The circumstances of this case are a bit suspect to begin with," Marshall said. "All the blame now rests on Mr. Millerberg for this death. … He essentially is being saddled with all the burden, all the responsibility for Lexi's death as if he was the only one involved."
Prosecutor Christopher Shaw took issue with the contention that the death was an accident and only involved one victim. He pointed to Alexis' family and said he wasn't about to tell them there was only one victim in the case.
"Intentionally injecting heroin and methamphetamine into a young girl is not an accident," he argued. "This is no accident. This is child abuse homicide. That's clear in the record, it's clear in the facts. That's what happened here."
He said Millerberg has failed to take responsibility for his actions in the teen's death and pointed to his long criminal history, which includes several felonies and failed probation opportunities.
"It's clear he doesn't respect rules and never has," Shaw said. "This defendant has had every opportunity to clean up and he chose not to. He chose to provide those illicit drugs to a 16-year-old. … It isn't by chance that Mr. Millerberg winds up here, it is by choice."
Weber County Attorney Dee Smith said he hopes the sentence sends the message to the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole that Millerberg is a dangerous person who should never be released from prison.
Alexis' mother, Dawn Miera, said the sentencing "went as best as it could go."
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 11 months
pixlriffs for blaseball? and maybe zed and oli if youre so inclined
Just answered a different ask with Zed, but I'll do both Oli and both Pix-s!
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Oli Orionsound is a pitcher for the Seattle Garages. He spends his time not playing Blaseball writing far too much music for the Garages, forgetting to schedule the gigs he's supposed to, and bothering Pixl Rifts.
Oli was an incineration replacement around season 3. He managed to dodge the effects of pretty much every plot event like Neo and instead had his own plot going on in the background. He's one of the many lead singers of the Garages and, for the 6 or so seasons they play together, has a violent rivalry with team captain Scott Riven. Oli is supernaturally terrible at setting up equipment for their gigs and hates doing it, but Scott makes him do it solely because he knows Oli hates it. The rest of the team hates this entire arrangement because they have to deal with the consequences of this and usually have to help Oli untangle himself from the wires he's managed to get himself into.
Oli and Pixl Rifts (season 2 Pix) also have a violent rivalry but it's completely one sided. Pix plays for the Crabs, who are one of the Garages' main rivals, and Oli takes team rivalries way too seriously. Pix couldn't care less about this, but he also doesn't care enough to tell him to stop. They also make out at parties and Oli wrote shutout about him but no one's allowed to know that (LITERALLY EVERYONE KNOWS. IT'S NOT SUBTLE.)
Garages Song Assignment: shutout, as previously stated
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Pixl Riffs is a pitcher for the Kansas City Breath Mints. He spends his time not playing Blaseball volunteering at the Randall Marijuana Memorial Cat Cafe, being the guy you go to if you need to schedule a funeral, and making jewelry.
Pix was a season 1 member of the Breath Mints. I don't know how he picks up Roamin', but he does for the sake of the bit. The bit in question is that in season 14, Pix is an unfortunate casulty and finds himself ghosting in the Hall of Flame. At the end of season 14, Pix resolves that "if it sucks, hit da bricks" and uses Roamin' to simply leave.
Pix doesn't have the Vigil in this universe, but he still feels a deep connection to death, and often helps out other players with their team's respective death rituals. The most important example of this (to me) is that Pearl makes him an official caretaker of the Memorial Bat Forest.
Garages Song Assignment: Song For A Fallen Player
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Pixl Rifts is a third baseman for the Baltimore Crabs, a pitcher for the Yellowstone Magic, and a third baseman again for the Magic. When he's not playing Blaseball, he spends his time grilling the Old One/Lōotcrates for history facts, pretending he's a ~coffee connoisseur~, and doing puzzles.
Pixl Rifts is a season 1 member of the Crabs who takes Blaseball maybe a little less seriously than he should, considering it's a death game, but he's ignoring the reality of it all. In season 9, Pix dies. In season 10, the whims of fate have him at spot 14 on the Hall of Flame memorial board, meaning he and Xornoth get swapped when the Idol Board closes. This means that Pix, technically, has a hand in saving the world, but he doesn't let it get to his head. He spends one season replacing Xornoth as a pitcher for the magic, and though he gets a Party Time boost, he is abysmal and is swapped to batting again as quickly as possible.
Pix isn't an archeologist in this universe, but he's a big history buff and spends most of his time on the Crabs talking to the old god that lives in the Chesapeake and then, when Lōotcrates shows up, the League Historian, trying to grill them for history knowledge. The Old One is much more willing to talk than Lōotcrates, as to be expected.
I already talked about the weirdness he has going on with Oli in this post I just wanted to remind you.
Garages Song Assignment: double play
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chicojimj · 3 months
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🌿 Big News in Maryland! 🌿
Governor Wes Moore has pardoned over 175,000 marijuana convictions in a historic move to right past wrongs and promote racial equity. This sweeping executive order impacts misdemeanor charges for possessing small amounts of cannabis and drug paraphernalia ✍🏾
Governor Moore emphasized the need to reverse the harm caused by outdated cannabis policies, especially those that disproportionately affected communities of color. “This is a really big deal,” he said, highlighting the racial equity undertones of his decision 🗣
Baltimore, heavily impacted by the war on drugs, will see about 25% of these pardons. Mayor Brandon Scott hailed the action as a significant step towards healing the wounds inflicted on the community.
Attorney General Anthony Brown noted this move as a triumphant victory for African Americans and other Marylanders of color who were disproportionately affected by past cannabis laws 🫵🏾
This comes after recreational marijuana was legalized in Maryland in 2022, joining the ranks of the District of Columbia and 24 other states. President Biden’s similar pardons in 2022 set the stage for this monumental change 🗣
How do you think Governor Moore’s sweeping pardons will impact communities in Maryland, especially those historically affected by outdated cannabis laws? 🤔
#CannabisReform #RacialEquity #GovernorWesMoore #Baltimore #JusticeReform
“Deflated,” “Stunning” — a 103 year-long struggle to seek justice for the deadliest attack on a Black community in the history of America dismissed by Oklahoma’s Supreme Court ruling 🗣
Dr. Karlos Hill and Reverend Dr. Robert Turner joined me to unpack the Oklahoma Supreme Court’s unjust dismissal of the reparations lawsuit filed by the remaining survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre: Lessie Benningfield Randall (109 years old), Viola Fletcher (110 years old) and the estate of Hughes Van Ellis. ✍🏾
#ArevaMartin #ArevaMartinInRealTime #TulsaRaceMassacre
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prettyhennytea · 7 months
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The highly anticipated season premiere of Vanderpump Rules kicked off with some intense drama and strained relationships. Let's dive into the key moments and dynamics that unfolded in this episode. One notable absence in the episode was Sandoval Maloney, who was unable to participate due to his involvement in another series he was filming. However, Ariana opens up in her room about the ongoing communication between Sandoval and Rachel, who ultimately decided not to continue on the show. Ariana reveals that she now only communicates with Sandoval through his assistant and shares her struggle with him trying to get her to move out so he can stay. She finds this unfair, especially after he was the one who caused their initial separation. James Kennedy, on the other hand, is excited about his new house that he purchased for himself and Ally Lewbar. he has made positive changes in his life by abstaining from drinking and focusing on meditation, working out, and smoking marijuana instead. During a meeting with Tom Schwartz, Tom brings a plant and candle as a housewarming gift. Tom, as well as his employees at the bar along with Sandoval, have faced harassment and business loss due to the scandal involving Sandoval, have faced harassment and business loss due to the scandal involving Sandoval. Tom feels excluded from the group's activities because of this ordeal and shares an apology he received from Sandoval that essentially acknowledges the damage caused and his use of Tom as a shield for his affair. Tom responds by stating that Sandoval should stick with Rachel, Tom's ex-fiancé, after what he put their business through. Scheana Shay and her husband, Brock Davies, reached out to Sandoval after the loss of one of his close friends but received no response as Sandoval has blocked Scheana, her podcast, and even her daughter. Scheana, who is dealing with her OCD diagnosis, has refrained from smoking and drinking but admits that the scandal has skyrocketed her anxiety. James later has a DJ job at TomTom, and while everyone is excited to attend. Ariana experiences anxiety due to her previous experience at the bar where she discovered her fiancé's infidelity. She calls her new boyfriend, Daniel Wai, to express her concerns, and he provides comfort and encourages her to create new memories. Scheana shows support for Ariana's new relationship. Meanwhile, Tom is feeling ignored by most of the group and seeks solace from the bartender with a hug. He desperately wants to make amends with Ariana, but she remains stubborn, rejecting his apologies and continuing to block him. Lala Kent, who is going through a challenging custody battle with her ex-husband Randall Emmett, confides in Lisa about the similarities she sees between her past relationship with Sandoval and her current situation, Lala reaches out to Rachel, extending support and companionship. During a girls' night out, Ariana, Lala, Katie, and Scheana play 'devil's advocate' while discussing their relationships. Ariana reveals that she had wanted to get closer to Katie for a long time but was warned off by Sandoval, and Lala shares her belief that Tom has also endured mental abuse from Sandoval. Lala then drops the bombshell that she reached out to Rachel, which confuses Ariana. While she wants the best for Rachel as a person, she wants nothing to do with her. The season premiere of Vanderpump Rules certainly set the stage for a season filled with complex relationships, unresolved issues, and plenty of drama. Fans will have to stay tuned to see how these dynamics evolve and if any reconciliation can be achieved.
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jpbjazz · 8 months
“When you hear him play, you can’t sit still—it swings so hard; He can go toe-to-toe with anyone. Even [with players] on other instruments—he swings the hardest.” 
- Regina Carter
Né le 14 août 1909 à  Portsmouth, en Ohio, Hezekiah Leroy Gordon ‘’Stuff’’ Smith a grandi à Cleveland. Smith a étudié le violon avec son père, un barbier qui était également boxeur amateur et musicien.  Même si son père l’avait encouragé à étudier la musique classique, Smith avait décidé de se tourner vers le jazz après avoir entendu Louis Armstrong jouer de la trompete. Même si son père n’était pas particulièrement heureux du choix de son fils, il avait accepté sa décision et l’avait même invité à venir jouer avec son groupe.
Comme Louis Armstrong, qui avait été une de ses principales influences, Smith était chanteur aussi bien qu’instrumentiste. Même si Smith avait obtenu une bourse pour étudier à la Johnson C. Smith University, il avait préféré devenir musicien professionnel. À l’âge de quinze ans, Smith était d’ailleurs parti en tournée avec la Aunt Jemima Revue.
Smith avait amorcé sa carrière professionnelle en 1926 avec le groupe d’Alphonse Trent, une formation basée à Dallas, au Texas, dont il avait fait partie durant quatre ans. Pendant la même décennie, Smith avait également fait une tournée avec Jelly Roll Morton, mais il avait vite quitté le groupe après avoir constaté que son violon, qui n’était pas amplifié, passait pratiquement inaperçu au sein de la formation plutôt dense de Morton. Durant un séjour à Buffalo en 1930, Smith avait formé son propre groupe. L’un des membres de la formation, le trompettiste Jonah Jones, était demeuré ami avec Smith jusqu’à sa mort. Cité dans l’ouvrage The Rough Guide to Jazz, Jones avait éventuellemen surnommé Smith “the cat that took the apron-strings off the fiddle.”
Après s’être installé à New York, Smith avait joué avec Coleman Hawkins, Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, et même, plus tard, avec Sun Ra.
Après avoir signé un contrat avec les disques Vocalion en 1936, Smith avait obtenu un certain succès avec la pièce "I'se a Muggin'" avec son groupe Stuff Smith and His Onyx Club Boys. Après avoir entendu la pièce, le musicien et imprésario Dick Stabile avait engagé Smith avec son groupe qui comprenait également le batteur Cozy Cole. Le groupe, qui avait connu un grand succès au célèbre club Onyx de la 52e rue durant plusieurs années, avait éventuellement été rebaptisé Stuff Smith and His Onyx Club Boys. Si la pièce “I’se a Muggin’” avait été relativement populaire, Smith avait connu davantage de succès avec la pièce “You’re a Viper” qui avait été reprise par Fats Waller en 1943. Redevenue à la mode dans les années 1960 en 1970 en raison de ses références à la consommation de drogues, la chanson avait été enregistrée par le chanseur folk Dave Van Ronk ainsi que par le rocker Wayne Kramer du groupe MC5. Le mot ‘’viper’’ était un terme des années 1930 qui désignait les fumeurs de marijuana. Un extrait particulièrement révélateur de la chanson comprenait les paroles suivantes: “Dreamed about a reefer five feet long/Mighty mezz, but not too strong/You’ll be high but not for long/If you’se a viper.”
Après avoir enregistré avec Vocalion en 1936, Smith avait gravé d’autres pièces pour Decca en 1937, ainsi qu’avec Varsity en 1939–1940. Smith avait aussi participé à plusieurs pièces de l’album ‘’After Midnight’’ de Nat King Cole.
En 1938, Smith s’était également produit dans le cadre de ce qui est considéré comme le premier festival en plein air de l’histoire du jazz. Appelé ‘’Carnival of Swing’’, le festival avait lieu sur l’île de Randall près de New York. Enregistrée pour la radio, la performance de Smith qu’on croyait perdue à jamais, avait refait surface en 2012 lorsque Loren Schoenberg, le directeur exécutif du National Jazz Museum de Harlem avait fait l’acquisition des enregistrements. En 1938, Smith avait aussi fait une apparition dans le film ‘’ Swing Street.’’  Après avoir démantelé son groupe, Smith avait refait surface avec un trio avec lequel il s’étai produit à New York et Chicago dans les années 1940. Après la mort de Fats Waller, Smith avait brièvement pris la direction du groupe du pianiste. Même si Smith avait fait une série d’enregistrements avec son trio en 1943 et 1944, sa carrière était sur la pente descendante.
Auteur de nombreux standards du jazz, Smith était aussi un des compositeurs du standard ‘’It's Wonderful" qui avait été reprise par Louis Armstrong et Ella Fitzgerald. En 1956, Smith avait également interprété un solo avec Ella sur la chanson “Sophisticated Lady”  de Duke Ellington. Smith vivait en Californie lorsque le producteur Norman Granz l’avait contacté en 1957 pour enregistrer avec Dizzy Gillespie et Oscar Peterson pour les disques Verve. Même si Smith avait énormément ralenti à la suite de problèmes de santé consécutifs à son abondante consommation d’alcool, il avait continué d’enregistrer jusqu’à sa mort.
En 1958, Smith avait fait partie des cinquante-sept musiciens de jazz qui avaient été immortalisés sur la légendaire photographie intitulée ‘’A Great Day in Harlem.’’
Après s’être installé à Copenhague au Danemark en 1965, Smith s’était énormément produit en Europe. Il avait également enregistré avec un de ses admirateurs, le violoniste suédois Svend Asmussen.
En 1965, Smith avait aussi enregistré l’album live ‘’Swingin’ Stuff.’’ Tombé malade au cours d’une tournée à Paris, Smith avait le foie et l’estomac en charpie à la suite de ses nombreux abus d’alcool. Ses médecins l’avaient même qualifié de véritable ‘’musée médical.’’ Après s’être rétabli, Smith avait recommencé àse produire sur scène jusqu’à sa mort.
Stu Smith est décédé à Munich en Allemagne le 25 septembre 1967. Smith a été enterré au Klakring Cemetery de Jutland, au Danemark. Bon vivant, Smith adorait raconter des histoires. Il aimait aussi les femmes, le whiskey et Jésus-Christ. Mais la plus grande passion de Smith était assurément la musique. Dans un extrait de ses mémoires malheureusement inachevés, Smith avait déclaré: “Music starts where words leave off. And who tries to talk words about it, is missing the whole point.”
Smith s’est marié à quatre reprises. De quinze ans plus jeune que Smith, Arlene Smith avait été la quatrième et dernière épouse du violoniste. Maintenant âgée de plus de quatre-vingt-treize ans, Arlene avait raconté comment elle avait rencontré Smith en pleine tempête de neige à Chicago à la fin des années 1950. Arlene expliquait:  
“He was offered a job for one night in San Francisco. The people there, they talked all the time. And he was broken-hearted—he was almost in tears. He said to the owner, he said, ‘They’re talking while I’m playing.’ And the owner said, ‘Well, this is San Francisco.’ “And Stuff said, ‘Well, I’ll fix that.’ So he turned the amplifier up as high as it would go. Played so loud they couldn’t talk. Then he brought the [volume] down, down, down, down, down—down to almost a whisper. When he got to that absolute silent place, he started to play. And there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. He could touch your heart so much.”
À l’époque, Arlene était propriétaire d’un magasin de livres. Après avoir entendu Smith jouer à la radio, Arlene avait cru qu’il était un ange. Arlene avait précisé: “The first time I ever saw him, he went around and kissed every woman in the nightclub. They were all with their boyfriends and husbands, and nobody seemed to object.” Arlene se rappelait également qu’à l’époque, Smith était propriétaire de trois violons. Le violon favori de Smith était surnommé ‘’Big Red.’’ Arlene avait ajouté: “It was stolen at one point. He went into a great depression for a whole year, until he got it back.” Big Red était une copie d’un Guarnerius fabriqué au Michigan. Smith avait également eu un Stradivarius, mais celui-ci avait été volé après que Smith se soit endormi dans le métro de New York. Arlene expliquait: “At one time, he had a Stradivarius, given to him by Ann Sothern, the movie star. He was having an affair with her, and she gave him a Stradivarius. And he came home one night in New York, he fell asleep in the subway. When he woke up the violin was gone.” 
Blonde incendiaire, Sothern avait joué le rôle d’une violoniste dans une comédie romantique de MGM en 1943. Au cours de sa carrière, Smith s’était d’ailleurs lié d’amitié avec plusieurs vedettes d’Hollywood. Après avoir entamé une liaison avec Sothern, Smith avait dû se cacher sous le lit après que le mari de cette dernière soit arrivé à l’improviste. Sothern précisait: “Her husband came home unexpectedly, and Stuff spent the night under the bed.”
Smith avait joué avec ‘’Big Red’’ durant environ vingt et un ans. Après la mort de Smith, le violon était demeuré dans son étui pendant les cinquante années suivantes.
Un autre des violons de Smith était un violon électrique de couleur jaune. Le petit-fils de Smith, John, se rappelait d’ailleurs avoir joué de ce violon lorsqu’il était enfant. La soeur de John, Cheryl, était devenue par la suite chanteuse d’opéra. À la fin des années 1960, la maison de Smith avait été la proie des flammes, et deux de ses violons avaient été emportés par le feu. Seul le violon jaune, qui était conservé dans un étui, avait échappé à l’élément destructeur.
Au moment de sa mort, Smith s’était séparé d’Arlene et vivait avec une jeune danoise nommée Eva Løgager. Après le décès de Smith, Løgager avait envoyé ‘’Big Red’’ à Arlene, qui l’avait fait parvenir à son tour avec d’autres effets personnels à un des fils du violoniste, Jack. Ce dernier est mort dans les années 1980.
Smith avait également eu deux enfants de son premier mariage.
Ironiquement, même s’il avait éprouvé de la difficulté à s’adapter au bebop, Smith avait interprété un style de musique qui se situait à mi-chemin entre le swing et le bebop. Smith est également considéré comme le premier violoniste à avoir utilisé des techniques d’amplication au violon. À l’époque, il était particulièrement difficile pour un violoniste de se faire entendre au milieu des trompettes et des saxophones. C’est d’ailleurs pour cette raison que Smith avait quitté le groupe de Jelly Roll Morton dans les années 1930.
C’est en se produisant au club Onyx à la fin des années 1930 que Smih avait commencé à jouer du violon électrique. Un peu comme Charlie Christian à la guitare, Smith n’avait pas tardé à découvrir tout le potentiel de l’amplification pour son instrument. Le premier violon électrique de Smith, un Guarneri d’une valeur de 5000$, était sans doute une des explications de la puissance de son jeu. Le micro incorporé (pick up) avait été conçu en 1948 par le guitariste et inventeur Harry DeArmond. Les violonistes de musique country avaient surnommé le dispositif du nom de “fiddle bug.” Décrivant le travail de Smith au violon électrique, les historiens du jazz Len Lyons et Don Perlo avaient écrit que le violoniste avait développé ‘’a bluesy, speech-inflected style that was quite distinct from the European-influenced approaches of Swing Era violinists Joe Venuti, Stephane Grappelli, and Eddie South.” Commentant à son tour le jeu de Venuti, Smith avait déclaré:   “I got some Venuti records and they were pretty, but they didn’t push me enough. I use my bow the way a horn player uses breath control and I may hit a note the way a drummer hits a cymbal!” 
Smith, qui avait été un des musiciens les plus originaux de l’histoire du jazz, avait inspiré le commentaire suivant à la violoniste Regina Carter:  ’’On the violin, or any other instrument. “When you hear him play, you can’t sit still—it swings so hard; He can go toe-to-toe with anyone. Even [with players] on other instruments—he swings the hardest.” Carter avait ajouté: “The violin, he’s making it talk. It makes you laugh. But then when he strikes it—unh!—when he does that with the bow, he makes everybody listen. It’s just like he’s the drummer at that point. He grabs your attention—and then he says something.”
©-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
SCHULMAN, David. ‘’Chasing the Sound of Stuff Smith.’’ Strings, 16 mai 2018.
‘’Stuff Smith.’’ Wikipedia, 2023.
‘’Stuff Smith.’’ All About Jazz, 2023.
‘’Stuff Smith 1909-1967.’’ Encyclopedia.com, 2023.
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cavenewstimes · 11 months
From the Archives: Mr. Randall Goes to Washington (1980)
Read More Cannabis Culture, Science and Art HighTimes  By Robert Randall Once a week I go to a pharmacy located near my home in Washington, D.C., to pick up 70 prerolled cigarettes containing two and a half ounces of marijuana. The transaction is perfectly legal. My marijuana dealer is the U.S. government. I have glaucoma, a painless, incurable eye disease. Uncontrolled, it results in blindness.…
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small lil belated cover image for my precog trio timeloop twine game aka what happens when two teenagers and a young adult stuck in a death game get left unsupervised with a time travel mechanic they dont understand yee haw
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Tobago Weed Warriors Sentenced to "Pot"entially Long Stay in B'dos Prison
In a highly anticipated courtroom drama, Tobago's very own "ganja enthusiasts," Anton James and Krysten Trim, faced the music in the No 2 Supreme Court in Bridgetown on Tuesday. Their audacious attempt to smuggle marijuana worth a whopping $800,000 into Barbados two years ago has earned them a not-so-lavish vacation of 12 years behind bars.
Represented by the legal dream team of senior counsel Andrew Pilgrim and attorneys Latisha Springer and Rashida Edwards, James and Trim found themselves in a sticky situation. They had previously admitted, during a "Continuous Sittings" session no less, that they were caught red-handed with a mind-boggling stash of 193.65 kilograms (or 426.92 pounds) of marijuana within Barbados' territorial waters on that fateful day—February 15, 2021, to be precise.
As the courtroom drama unfolded, it became clear that their hazy ambitions had come crashing down. Justice Randall Worrell, the no-nonsense judge presiding over the case, declared that a 12-year sentence was a fitting starting point for their "highly traffickable" offenses.
However, Justice Worrell had a slight chuckle at the duo's expense. "I considered imposing a fine, but honestly, it seems you guys couldn't even afford to pay attention," he quipped, emphasizing the dire financial straits that had apparently driven them to embark on this green journey. Their legal team couldn't even conjure up a magic trick to make the fines disappear!
With a theatrical flourish, the judge proclaimed that the severity of their crimes left him with no choice but to sentence them to some quality time behind bars. "Considering the exorbitant amount of drugs involved, a 12-year starting point seems more than reasonable," Justice Worrell solemnly announced.
Acknowledging the pair's somewhat impressive efforts in orchestrating this Caribbean drug odyssey, the judge couldn't help but admire the "planning and sophistication" that had gone into their ill-fated mission. James, in particular, received praise for proudly proclaiming himself the "mastermind" behind the whole operation. Talk about ambition!
Nevertheless, the court took pity on Trim and James, who had seemingly thrown in the towel from the get-go. "From day one, they walked into the magistrates' court with their white flags raised high, pleading guilty and hoping for some mercy," Justice Worrell stated, slightly amused by their sudden burst of pragmatism.
To make up for the seemingly endless delays in their legal proceedings, Trim and James received a "full benefit of a discount." The judge graciously granted them full credit for the 828 days they had already spent in remand, acknowledging their undeniable talent for adapting to prison life.
As the sentencing extravaganza reached its climax, the judge announced their final fate. James was sentenced to serve the remaining 1,182 days (yes, someone did the math) in jail, while Trim would have the pleasure of serving 1,002 more days in the cozy confines of a Bajan cell. Talk about an extended vacation!
In a surprising twist, Justice Worrell took pity on their possession and importation charges, giving the duo a slap on the wrist. He convicted, reprimanded, and discharged both men, essentially telling them, "You've been naughty, but we'll let you go this time. Just promise not to bring any more herbal souvenirs next time!"
As the curtains fell on this theatrical courtroom saga, senior state counsel Rudolph Burnett recounted the events that led to their hilarious capture. Coast Guard sailors stumbled upon their vessel, aptly named Swamp
Dog, 3.8 nautical miles off Needham's Point. Ten bags of marijuana later, Trim and James found themselves on a rather unexciting trip to the Coast Guard base and eventually the Oistins Police Station.
While their journey might have gone up in smoke, one thing is clear—these Tobago residents have secured a place in the annals of Caribbean cannabis capers. The moral of the story? Think twice before embarking on a ganja-filled adventure; it's a journey that can turn into an unexpected bumpy ride.
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thursday-in-theory · 1 year
Happy Randall H. Marijuana Memorial thursday, everyone!
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myrefersofficial · 2 years
Top 25 Feel Good Hollywood Movies To Watch With Friends And Family
Movies are a great way to unwind and relax with friends and family. They offer a chance to escape the stresses of everyday life and delve into a world of entertainment. With so many options, knowing where to start cannot be easy. This article will discuss the top 25 feel-good Hollywood movies to watch with friends and family.
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#1 Coming 2 America (2021)
Its sequel, set in the lush and royal country of Zamunda, follows new fully King Akeem (Murphy) and his close confidante Semmi (Arsenio Hall) on a hilarious all-new voyage across the globe from their vast African nation to the borough of Queens, New York, where it all began.
#2 Barb And Star Go To Vista Del Mar (2021)
The best-friend comedy Barb and Star was written by and starred in by Bridesmaids writers and actors Kristen Wiig (Star) and Annie Mumolo (Barb). See Vista Del Mar, a film about two middle-aged friends who do everything together, including vacation. 
They don’t realize that the criminal Sharon (also played by Wiig), a former Vista Del Mar resident, is plotting vengeance on her community by murdering everyone in it. They’ll save the day—and Star might even fall in love with the extremely passionate Edgar (Jamie Dornan).
#3 The Gentleman (2020)
If you like crazy, action-packed Guy Ritchie films, you’re in for a treat with this movie. Mickey Pearson (McConaughey), an American exile in London, wants to sell his thriving marijuana business, and word spreads. The script is full of plots, conspiracies, bribes, and blackmailing. 
#4 Always Be My Maybe (2019)
This rom-com created by comedians Ali Wong and Randall Park is not just a superb example of a traditional love narrative but also hilarious. Always Be My Maybe follows the rekindling of a friendship between two childhood best friends in their hometown of San Francisco. 
#5 To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018)
Lara Jean Covey, a high school junior, felt confused after her hoard of secret love notes was unintentionally sent to each of her five crushes. As Lara Jean is faced with balancing the aftermath of the objects of her affection, she is handed a curveball.
#6 The Greatest Showman (2017)
This musical biopic tells the story of P.T. Barnum and his journey to creating the famous circus. With an all-star cast, including Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron, and catchy songs that will have you singing along, The Greatest Showman is a perfect movie for the whole family.
#7 La La Land (2016)
This Academy Award-winning romantic musical comedy starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone was inspired by classic Hollywood films such as Singin’ in the Rain. La La Land portrays two young people as they pursue their Hollywood aspirations.
Stone’s character aspires to be an actress, while Gosling aspires to be a respected jazz musician. They struggle to maintain a positive attitude while navigating the highs and lows of pursuing celebrity and juggling careers and relationships.
#8 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
This adventure-comedy starring Ben Stiller tells the story of a man who escapes his mundane life by embarking on a series of wild adventures. With its stunning visuals and inspiring message of living life to the fullest, the movie will refresh your mind. 
#9 Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
This romantic comedy-drama starring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence tells the story of two people with mental health issues who find love and hope in each other. The story will make you feel emotional and happy to see such love and care. 
#10 The Intouchables (2011)
This French film tells the story of a wealthy quadriplegic who hires a young man from the projects to be his caretaker. With its heartwarming message of friendship and the power of human connection, The Intouchables is a movie that will leave you feeling touched and moved.
#11 Just Go With It (2011)
Danny, a divorced plastic surgeon, uses sympathy to get women. When he meets Palmer, a young teacher who may be his soulmate, and she’s appalled by his infidelity, Danny lies again and says he’s divorcing. Danny makes his secretary, Katherine, pose as his wife to win Palmer.
#12 The Proposal (2009)
This romantic comedy starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds tells the story of a boss who forces her assistant to marry her to avoid deportation. With its charming leads and hilarious situations, The Proposal is a movie that will leave you happy and entertained.
#13 Mamma Mia! (2008)
A Greek island, Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfried, and Abba music may be the holy trinity for a terrible day. Whether it’s legendary musical performances, the destination wedding plot, or the stunning scenery, viewing this film will transport you to Cloud-9.
#14 Ratatouille (2007) 
Remy is a humanoid rat who lives in Paris and has a talent for cooking. Linguini is a garbage boy at a French restaurant who is pushed into gourmet dining when a soup he secretly assists Remy in making becomes a success. 
The two collaborate to realize their aspirations, making the restaurant successful while navigating the harsh Parisian food critic and a rat-loathing head chef threatening to undermine their achievement.
#15 The Holiday (2006)
This romantic comedy starring Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet tells the story of two women who swap homes for the holidays and find love in unexpected places. The movie will leave you feeling warm with its charming performances and heartwarming message of love and friendship.
#16 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
This indie comedy-drama follows a dysfunctional family as they embark on a road trip to get their daughter to a beauty pageant. With a heartwarming storyline and a talented cast, including Steve Carell and Abigail Breslin, the movie will leave you feeling uplifted.
#17 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
This comedy-drama starring Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway tells the story of a young woman who lands a job at a high-fashion magazine and must navigate the cutthroat fashion world. The movie’s stunning fashion will let you feel empowered and entertained.
#18 School of Rock (2003)
This comedy starring Jack Black tells the story of a down-on-his-luck musician who poses as a substitute teacher and forms a rock band with his students. With its infectious music and hilarious performances, the movie will have you dancing and laughing along.
#19 Legally Blonde (2001)
This comedy starring Reese Witherspoon, tells the story of a sorority girl who decides to go to law school to win back her ex-boyfriend. With its empowering message of believing in oneself and never giving up, Legally Blonde is a movie that will motivate and inspire you.
#20 Father of the Bride (1991)
In this movie, Dad is a stressed-out Steve Martin dealing with a hurried wedding organized by an eccentric Frenchman (Martin Short). You can witness a precious father-daughter bond in a sequence of confrontations between the bride, Annie, and her father, George. 
#21 Forrest Gump (1994)
This classic movie starring Tom Hanks tells the story of a simple man with a heart of gold who goes on a series of adventures throughout his life. With its timeless message of kindness and perseverance, Forrest Gump is a movie that inspires you.
#22 Sister Act (1992)
This musical comedy starring Whoopi Goldberg tells the story of a lounge singer who goes into hiding as a nun after witnessing a crime. With its catchy songs and hilarious hijinks, Sister Act is a movie that will have you laughing and singing along.
#23 The Princess Bride (1987)
This beloved fantasy-adventure movie tells the story of a young woman and her true love as they battle against an evil prince to be together. With its witty dialogue and memorable characters, The Princess Bride is a movie that will enchant viewers of all ages.
#24 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)
This classic comedy starring Matthew Broderick tells the story of a high school student who decides to skip school and have the adventure of a lifetime. With its iconic scenes and timeless message of living life to the fullest, the movie will inspire you a lot. 
#25 Singin’ in the Rain (1952)
This classic musical starring Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds is a must-watch for any fan of Hollywood’s golden age. With its iconic dance numbers and catchy songs, Singin’ in the Rain is a movie that will have you tapping your feet and singing along.
Watching movies with friends and family is a great way to bond and relax. The above-mentioned movies offer a variety of genres and themes, but all have one thing in common – they will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired. So, grab some popcorn, gather your loved ones, and enjoy these feel-good Hollywood movies.
Also read: Top 10 Mind-Boggling Hollywood Movies for Your Cinema List
Visit Us, https://myrefers.com
Original Source, https://myrefersofficial.blogspot.com/2023/03/top-25-feel-good-hollywood-movies-to.html
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xtruss · 2 years
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US Stocks Finish Worst 2 Weeks Since September as Fears of Recession Mount!
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Five Louisiana Police Officers Charged Over Fatal 2019 Arrest of Motorist Ronald Greene
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Louisiana State Police Under Federal Investigation for ‘Discriminatory Policing’ of Black Residents! Ronald Greene, a 49-year-old unarmed Black man, died in May 2019 after being stunned, wrestled to the ground, punched in the face, and placed in a chokehold by Louisiana state troopers who chased him down in a high-speed chase. The state’s inaction, coupled with a refusal to release body camera footage, prompted recent calls for reform. The US Department of Justice announced Thursday that it has launched a pattern or practice investigation into the Louisiana State Police (LSP) over whether the department engages in “racially discriminatory policing.”
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In this July 16, 2019 image from police dashboard camera video, Louisiana State Trooper Jacob Brown throws motorist Morgan Blake to the ground following a traffic stop in Ouachita Parish, La., during which troopers found 13 pounds marijuana in the car Blake was driving. Brown threw Blake to the ground after he asked for his handcuffs to be adjusted. Trooper Randall "Colby" Dickerson then punched Blake five times and kneed him in the side, the footage shows. © AP Photo / Louisiana State Police
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